25581383,25589112 25588151,25588270 25588142,25586520 暉¬が,tノ Fax:080-25586321 Jセ に わetチ /E‐ ma‖ :ho@kspCb govin kspcb goⅥ ln 3attF嗜 F"ノ Webste:ht「 〃 0`゛ じ 渤 38∞ 亀鵡 〇砲詢¨。 も "翡 Board 「 State Pollution Control Karnataka バ輛 ● ‐560001,`い 8じ ,中 03 ,お o.49,“ PrFAJer,ぉ 。 “ 酬 0り S",10o● 5Se● 「 `a8● “ “ "Parisara Bhavana", 1st to Sth Floor, # 49, Church Street, Bengaluru - 560 001 , Kamataka, INDIA KARNA・「 AKA STATE POLLUT10N CONTROL BOARD No 49,Parisara Bhavan,Church Strcct,Bangalorc-560001 PH No 080‐ 25581383/25589112 No. PCB/ 67 /BLDt2o13-t4t b +l q Dated: l2FEB 201{ INVITATION FOR TENDER (SHORT TERM TENDER) (Through GOK e-procurement platform ggry4@g@f3,9!g) The Karnataka State Pollution control Board (KSPCB) invites tenders from eligible by The tenderers through GOK e-procurement platform @@4!gBegig Member Secretary for the following work: Name of the work: Interior works for 2nd Floor, at No. 49, Parisara Bhavan, Church Stree! Bangalore (Laminate/Veneer partition, False ceiling works, grid false ceiling, Offrce fumiture und loor. furniture's and chairs). Approx Value of the work: Rs.22.80 Lakhs. All payments such as tender cost, EMD etc., shall be made in e-payment mode only' For more details, please refer e-procurement web site: http:// www.eproc.kamataka.eov.in. Sd/‐ DIEMBER SECRETARY KSPCB C° Woi靴 器:出 鶴 。 n ::誦露 需鳥 鷺ぷ習:I‰ h 土 ° n“ and b製 団 H [害 1鷺 蔦爆罰∬F“ 5 Sparc RO ヅ qtd odd sge' dodd ao dqe- AVOID USE C)F PLAS nC'BE'E00'FR:ENDLY CER‐ 2
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