【2014 年 10 月期および 2015 年 4 月期 佐藤陽国際奨学財団奨学生 概要】 ≪English ver.≫ Notice: Please make sure to read not only this outline but also “募集要項(memorandum) ” which written by Sato Yo Foundation. ●Qualifications● To apply this scholarship, applicants must fulfill all the following qualifications: (1)Students from the following countries are eligible to apply: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, East Timor and Viet Nam.(18 Countries) (2)Private Student who is enrolled or will be in graduate or undergraduate of Iwate University at October 2014 are eligible. Also, student who already passed the exam and will be enrolled at April 2015 can apply. (3) Student who does not receive any sort of scholarship or funding at the beginning of this scholarship supply. (4) Student who holds legal residence status as a “college student”. (5) Student who doesn’t have a parent employed in Japan. (6) Student who doesn’t hold a doctoral degree. (7) Students who will be registered in the University for more than one year from the beginning of this scholarship supply. (8) Student who has a command of Japanese for research. (9) Student who is interested in International understanding and friendship and can participate in International exchange sponsored by Sato Yo Foundation. ●Details of the Scholarship● ・ Duration: Maximum 2 years. ・ Amount : Undergraduates… \120,000 per month/Graduates… \180,000 per month ・ Number of scholar: About 15 ●Required documents and submission deadline● Applicants have to submit all documents below to the office in charge of constituent university. Submission Deadline: ・For student who is currently enrolled in Iwate Univ. … July 23th, 2014 ・For student who will be enrolled in Iwate Univ. on October 2014/April 2015 … August 22th, 2014 except “Photocopy of Notification of Admittance”. “Photocopy of Notification of Admittance” should be submitted as soon as you receive it. We will remove your apply if you cannot submit it by August 22th, 2014. Note: Applicants have to apply this scholarship through the international office of the University which they are belonging to as of October 2014. If you are in other university at that time, please ask current school’s office in charge. ●Required documents and submission deadline● Applicants have to submit all documents below to International Office, Iwate University. (1)奨学生申込書 Application (Form No.1, handwritten in Japanese by yourself.) (2)履歴書 1・2 Curriculum vitae 1・2(Form No.2, handwritten in Japanese by yourself.) (3)推薦状(別紙③、指導教員により厳封) A letter of recommendation ( Form No.3, written and sealed in an envelope by your supervisor) (4)評価書(別紙④、指導教員により厳封、博士課程の学生のみ) A letter of academic evaluation (Form No.4, written and sealed by your supervisor. Only students in doctoral course should submit this.) (5)エッセイ(別紙⑤、所定用紙で 2 枚、日本語、自筆) Essay (Form No.5, handwritten in Japanese by yourself. Fill 2 pages) (6)在学証明書(新入・新編入の場合は「合格証明書」もしくは「合格通知書」) Proof of Enrollment Certificate * If you are a prospective student from October 2014 or April 2015, you should submit photocopy of “Notification of Admittance”. (7)学業成績表 Academic record (Refer “資料Ⅰ” for details) Undergraduates in 1st or 2nd year: ①All transcript from 1st year in undergraduate to present, ②transcript of last year in high school, ③(if you have )certificate of EJU Undergraduates in 3rd or 4th year and Graduates: All record from undergraduate to present. *If you submit a transcript which issued by your home country’s institute, you have to attach Japanese or English translation. (8)研究実績(大学院学生のみ、資料Ⅱ参照、A4 サイズ、日本語、ワープロ可) Research record (Only for graduates, handwritten or typed in Japanese, A4-sized paper. For more details, see “資 料Ⅱ”) (9)研究計画書(大学院学生のみ、資料Ⅱ参照、A4 サイズ 1 枚、日本語、ワープロ可)Research Plan (Only for graduates, handwritten or typed in Japanese, A4-sized paper. For more details, see “資料Ⅱ”) (10)パスポートのコピー(顔写真があるページ)Photocopy of passport (the page with your photo) (11)在留カード(又は外国人登録証明書)のコピー Photocopy of residence card Submission Deadline: ・For student who is currently enrolled in Iwate Univ. … July 23th, 2014 ・For student who will be enrolled in Iwate Univ. on October 2014/April 2015 … August 22th, 2014 except “Photocopy of Notification of Admittance”. “Photocopy of Notification of Admittance” should be submitted as soon as you receive it. We will remove your apply if you cannot submit it by August 22th, 2014. Note: Applicants have to apply this scholarship through the international office of the University which they are belonging to as of October 2014. If you are in other university at that time, please ask current school’s office in charge.料Ⅰ Submission of Academic record □Applicants should submit the academic records which fill the regulation as follows: ・***** ・Original and the most recent record should be submitted. Do not submit photocopy. ・If you are now an undergraduate student, and will be graduate student at the beginning of this scholarship supply, you should submit the record of graduate. ・Photocopy would be allowed if you have to get it from home country. If it is written in a language other than English or Japanese, please attach a Japanese or English translation. Number each document, corresponding the numbers on curriculum vitae 1(Form No.2). 資料Ⅱ How to write Research record and Research plan □Research record ・Write in Japanese, either handwritten or typed, use A4-sized paper. ・You may write on it as much as you would, but the 3 points below should be included: ①Published thesis which refereed Title/name of author(s)/name of journal/publisher/published year/number of /presented page number ②Academic conference presentation in Japan Title/name of speaker(s)/name of conference/place/poster or oral presentation/date of presentation ③Academic conference presentation out of Japan Title/name of speaker(s)/name of conference/place/poster or oral presentation/date of presentation ・If you have not achieve any records because you are in 1st grade of master’s course, you may write about your thesis for undergraduate. If you have nothing to represent, you should only circle “無” in application(Form No. 1). □Research plan ・Give an overview of your research. ・You must summarize it in 1 page of A4-sized paper. ・Write in Japanese, either handwritten or typed. Any graphs and diagrams can be presented on it. ・Explain your research theme in easy way so that people who doesn’t know the research area well can understand what you would study.
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