大宮高1学年末模擬テスト(The Green Door 範囲)No.1 個別指導 W)alk 作成 other cards were lying in the street. People had thrown them away. He looked at them. 1 Everyone had the doctor’s name on it. In the big city of New York,adventure is always waiting. At every corner, eyes look around us, Rudolf ⑤(where / to / at / received / back / went / up / and / he / the card / had / looked ) the or fingers are pointed at us. Adventure is there. But few of us ever see it. building. He believed that adventure was calling him. There was a small restaurant on the first Rudolf Steiner was a true adventurer. There were ①(go out / few evenings / something / he did not / different / looking for / when ). He was always interested in what might be waiting around floor. ⑥On the second floor were rooms where people lived. ⑦Above that was the doctor’s office. the next corner. One evening Rudolf was walking slowly along a street in the older part of the city. Many people (1)下線部①に関して空欄にもっとも適切な語句を次のア~エから選べ。 were walking along the street that night. (②)were going home. (③) were going to have dinner ア others at some restaurant. (2)下線部②を和訳せよ。 He passed a busy restaurant and saw next to it an open door. ④Above the door was a sign for a doctor's office. A very large man stood at the door. He ⑤(who / offering / passed / was / to / by / イ the others ウ another エ other オ the other ( ) ② (3)下線部③、⑤を次の日本語の意味になるようにならびかえよ。 those / cards ). Rudolf had seen such people before. ⑥カードには 3 階の診療所にいる医者の名前 これはルドルフが自分のカードに書かれていることを期待していたものだった。 が示されていた。 Rudolf took it quickly without looking at it. ③ ルドルフは彼がカードを受け取った場所に戻り、建物を見上げた。 (1) 下線部①、⑤を意味が通る英文になるようにならびかえよ。 ⑤ ① (3)④にあてはまる語句を2語で書け。( ⑤ (4) 下線部⑥、⑦の英文を次の形からはじめて、同じ意味になるように書き換えなさい。 ) ( ) Rooms (2)②、③に適切な語を入れよ。 (② ) (③ The doctor’s ) 3 (3)下線部④の英文を次の形からはじめて、同じ意味になるように書き換えなさい。 A sign Rudolf entered the building and walked up to the second floor. He looked around and saw a green door. He walked straight to the green door and knocked loudly. He heard a soft sound and then the door opened slowly. A girl not yet twenty stood there. Her face was very white, and she (4)下線部⑥を英訳せよ。 was very weak. She ( ① )one hand and started to fall. ②Rudolf caught her and carried her ⑥ inside and put her down on a bed. He closed the door and looked around. The room was very poor but very clean. ③その少女は目を閉じて横たわっていた。 But now she opened them, and the young man 2 When he had walked on further, he looked at the card. He was surprised. He turned it over and looked again with interest. ①On one side there was nothing. On ( ) side were three words: “The Green Door." ②Three steps beyond, another man threw down the card he had received. Rudolf picked it up. looked at her face. Her eyes were gray, her nose was small, her hair was brown. ④(make / it / a wonderful adventure / this / was / a face / to ). But her face was thin and pale. The girl looked at Rudolf and smiled. “I fell, didn't I ?" she said. “⑤誰だって(あなたも含めて) 3日間何も食べなかったら、こうなるものよ。" There was the doctor’s name, with the street and number. ③(find / was / his / Rudolf / had / this (1) ①にあてはまる語句を2語で書け。 ( / what / own / expected / to / card / on ). Rudolf turned around and walked past the doctor's office (2) 下線部②を和訳せよ。 again. The man handed him another card. (④) the card read,“The Green Door." Three or four ② )( ) 大宮高1学年末模擬テスト(The Green Door 範囲)No.2 (4) 下線部④を英訳せよ。 個別指導 W)alk 作成 ④ (3) 下線部③、⑤を英訳せよ。 (5) 下線部⑦を和訳せよ。 ③ ⑦ ⑤ (2) (4) 下線部④を意味が通る英文になるようにならびかえよ。 5 Very suddenly her eyes closed. It was not easy for her to open them again. “I’m falling asleep," ④ she said. “And I feel good." Rudolf rose and took his hat. “Then I'll say good night. ①(night’s / a / will / sleep / for / long / be / you / fine ).” 4 “What !" cried Rudolf. “Wait (①) I come back.” He held out his hand and she took it and said, “Good night." But her eyes asked a question. He ran out of the green door and down the street. In twenty minutes he returned. Both arms (②) things from the food shop ― bread and butter, cold meats, cakes, fish, milk,and more. “Only little fools," Rudolf said,“stop eating. You must not do things like that. Dinner is He answered with words. “②I'm coming tomorrow to see how you are.” Then, when he was at the door, she asked, “How did you (③) come to my door?” He looked at her for a moment, and felt a sudden pain. ④What if that piece of paper had been ready." He helped her (③) to a chair at the table. He moved another chair to the table and sat placed in another man's hand? Quickly he decided that she must never know the truth. ⑤He down. must never let her know that he knew that she had taken such a strange way to call for help. The girl started to eat like ④長い間食べ物のない状態であった、ある種の野生の小動物 Slowly, (1)下線部①を意味が通る英文になるようにならびかえよ。 as her strength returned, she began to tell Rudolf her little story. There are a thousand stories ① like hers in the city every day. It was a shop girl's story― not enough pay, being sick, a lost job, (2)下線部②、④、⑤を和訳せよ。 lost hope. And then the adventurer at the green door. ② But to Rudolf it was not a little story. It was a big story. ④ “And you (⑤) all of that!" he said. “And you have no family or friends in the city?" ⑤ “None.” “I am (⑥) in the world, too," said Rudolf. (3)③にあてはまる語句を2語で書け。( ) ( ) “I am glad of that," said the girl. ⑦It pleased the young man to hear that she was glad he was alone. (1)①に適切な語を入れよ。( ) 6 (2) 次の日本語に合うように②にあてはまる語句を 3 語で、⑤、⑥にあてはまる語句を 2 語で書け。 “I was (①) someone else," he said. ②両腕は食料品で手に入れたものでいっぱいだった。 The last thing he saw was her smile. ( ) ( ) ( Outside the door he stopped and looked around the hall. Every door in the house was painted ) green. ⑤君がそんなことすべてを経験したのか! ( ) ( He went down to the street. ②大男ははまだ(カードを配りながら)そこにいた。 Rudolf showed ) him the paper with the words “The Green Door." ⑥僕もこの世界でひとりぼっちなんだよ。 ( ) ( “Why did you give this to me ?" he asked. ) “I give some of these and some with the doctor's name," the man said. “③They pay me to give (3)③に不適切なものを次から一つ選べ。 ア move イ moving ウ to move ( ) these away.” 大宮高1学年末模擬テスト(The Green Door 範囲)No.3 個別指導 W)alk 作成 “But what do they mean ?" The man smiled. “There it is," he said and pointed down the street. Rudolf looked down the street. There he saw a theater, and ④over the theater was a big sign, in electric lights. It said, “ The Green Door." In the shop on the corner, Rudolf ⑤stopped to buy a newspaper. ⑥As he went outside again, he said to himself, “I know that ⑦it was planned that I should meet her this way. I know it!” ⑧For Rudolf was a true adventurer. (1) ①にあてはまる語句を2語で書け。 ( ) ( ) (2) 下線部②を英訳せよ。 ② (3)下線部③を和訳せよ。 ③ (4)下線部④の英文を次の形からはじめて、同じ意味になるように書き換えなさい。 A big sign (5)下線部⑤に関して、次の2つの英文を意味の違いがわかるようにそれぞれ和訳しなさい。 ⅰ) He stopped to smoke. ⅱ) He stopped smoking. (6)下線部⑥に関してこの as と同じ用法で使われている語を含む文を次から選べ。 ア Please tell me when he comes here. ( ) イ If he comes, she will tell him the truth. ウ When he comes again, I’ll complain to him about this rule. (7)下線部⑦が示す内容を英語で抜き出せ。(7語) (8)下線部⑧に関して、この for と同じ用法で用いられているものを含む英文を次から選べ。 またその英文を和訳せよ。 ア Are you for or against the sales tax? イ It is impossible for me to live all alone. ウ We called for help then. エ I trusted him, for he had been my friend for over twenty years. ( )
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