243 Flow in a Narrow Gap Along an Enclosed Rotating Disk with Through-Flow* Junichi KUROKAWA** and Masato SAKUMA** Flow in a narrow gap along an enclosed rotating disk superimposed with through- i flow is studied theoretically and experimentally. When the axial gap is narrow, or a large outward through-flow is imposed, the boundary layers on the rotating and the stationary walls interfere with each other. The present study proposes an analytical model for such interference of gap flow and gives a theoretical analysis which is easily applicable to various boundary conditions. For non-interference of gap fiow, a theory giving better results than conventional theories is also presented and the critical gap between these two flow patterns is determined theoretically. It is shown that the radial pressure distribution is dependent mainly upon wall shear stress and radial expansion of the sectional area in the case of gap interference, and on the centrifugal force of the core flow in the case of gap non-interference. The coefficient of the disk friction moment is shown to be proportional to Re 1/4 in the case of gap interference, and to be Re 1/5 in the case of gap non-interference. Key Words : Boundary Layer, Enclosed Rotating Disk, Through-flow, Narrow Gap, Disk Friction Moment, Pressure Distribution, Critical Gap 1. Introduction and the flow model adopted in the theory is no longer applicable to real flow conditions. i In the previous report(1), one of the present The analyses of disk flow in a narrow gap so far authors determined the flow characteristics in a gap reported are the laminar flow analysis(4) and the turbu- along an enclosed rotating disk superimposed with through-flow, theoretically and experimentally, and established that the distributions of pressure and velocity in the gap are influenced siguificantly by lent flow analysis(5) based on the finite difference radial through-flow. The theoretical method was further applied to radial flow turbomachinery, and was shown to give good predictions of axial thrust, Ieakage loss and disk friction torque with sufiicient accuracy(2) However, with a decrease in the width of an axial gap (narrow gap) or with an increase in the volume of method of the equations of motion in the case of radially outward through-flow ; however, the case of inward through-flow has not been treated yet. In addition, these theoretical studies do not properly consider the boundary conditions which give the initial value of the calculation, so that it is still difflcult to apply these methods to actual turbomachinery. In turbomachinery there are various cases of both the direction of leakage and the boundary conditions of narrow gap flow, and accordingly, a theoretical radially outward through-flow, an agreement of the calculated results with the measured ones diminishes and in some special cases the numerical calculation method easily applicable to various boundary condi- diverges(3). In such cases, the flow pattern must change narrow gap and determines a theoretical method * ** Received 22nd September, 1987. Paper No. 86-0942 A Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National Univer- sity, 156 Tokiwadai, Hodogaya, Yokohama, 240, . apan JSME Ir terr ati01 al Jourual tions is still in strong demand. The present study proposes a new flow model in a easily applicable to various boundary conditions and directions of through-flow. 2. Theoretical Analysis The flow model shown in Fig.1 has been widely Series II, Vol. 31, No. 2, 1988 244 adopted for the analysis of an enclosed rotating disk flow(1)(6). It is supposed that there exists a core region in which the radial velocity v is equal to O, and the peripheral velocity is constant in the axial direction between the boundary layers on the rotating disk and the stationary wall. A more detailed flow model has also been proposed(7). However, with a decrease in the denotes kinematic viscosity. 2. I Theory of the interference gap fiow In the interference gap, the boundary layers on both walls interfere and no longer grow in the radial direction, while the radial velocity changes largely with r. A Iarge difference between interference and non-interference gap lies in the fact that the pressure axial gap or with an increase in the through-flow rate, in interference gap is largely influenced by wall shear the core region diminishes and the boundary layers on stress and radial expansion of the gap sectional area, both walls interfere with each other. Such a narrow gap flow is encountered, for example, in axial thrust mainly by the centrifugal force of the core. balancing equipment or in the cooling mechanisms of gas turbine rotors. In the following chapter, we call such a narrow gap the 'interference gap', and a wide gap with a core reglon the 'non-interference gap'. The present study treats mainly the interference gap flow, and also re-examines the conventional theory of the non-interference gap flow in order to obtain a general method of analyzing gap flow. The equations of momentum and the continuity equation in the cylindrical coordinates r and z are expressed as follows in the axially symmetrical flow field showri in Figs. I and 2 : aar {Jfr r2uvdz} p2 r ( rR. HL rs,) (1) r }- f'u2dz= a {f r 'v2dz aps-Ji(zl .+ r*.) (2) 2lcr fo 'vdz= Q ( 3 ) where u , v and p denote the velocity components in the tangential and radial directions and the pressure, respectively, and p is fiuid density. Q is the through- flow rate and is positive for the radially outward direction and negative for the inward one. Subscripts r and 6 show the radial and tangential components, respectively. The wall shear stress rR on the rotating disk, and z:s On the stationary wall are expressed as follows, referring to Daily and Nece(8). TR = cp[ U2rel( v/U.etz') l/4].,_o, while that in non-interference gap is determined Now we consider the flow model in the interference gap as follows : ( a ) the boundary layer thickness on both walls is the same and is equal to half of the gap width. ( b ) radial velocity v is expressed as a linear combination of through-flow component vl and the circulatory flow component which is induced even in the case of zero through-flow. The velocity distribution in the gap is assumed as follows (Fig. 2) using the tangential velocity Kra; at the gap centre : velocity in the disk boundary layer [O where c'=0.025 6(1), Urel and U are the fluid velocities E u'=rco{1-(1-K) l/7}, v'={vl+v2(1- } ln (5) velocity in the stationary wall boundary layer [O V 1, Ez/(s/2)] : u=Kra) 1/7, v={vl v2(1- )}V1/7 ( 6 ) Here, vl is determined from the continuity equation ( 3 ) and v2 can be expressed in the same manner as in the non-interference gap case(1) . vl=4Q/7lrrs, v2=arw ( 7 ) Introducing Eqs. ( 4 ) -( 7 ) into Eqs. ( I ) -( 3 ) leads to the ordinary differential equations for the tangential velocity ratio K and the non-dimensional pressure P as a function of the radius ratio R : 8 C; RdK_ 1+16K C T R2S dR 9 R2S ( dR)+c( e RSida )1/4[(1 1449 40 4a+R 5 _ K) T*= cp[ U2( //Uz)1/4]._o ( 4 ) ielative to the rotating and the stationary wall, and Ll 1, z'/(s/2)] : x{(1_ K)2+Fj K(K2+F2)3/8] ( 8 ) * 3/8 _ s ;!a(3a+2R d drRa) 1 dP _ 56K2+7K+1 36 Cas i ng va I l Control volume Rotating disk Fig. 1 Flow model of non-interference gap Series II. Vol. 31, No. 2, 1988 45 Rotating disk Fig. 2 Flow model of interference gap JSME 11 tematior al Journal )2 245 +16238(RC 2c- (2R35)ll4 lowing boundary equation : ReS 1+16K2C .+ 49 a2S+ C 18 q 1440 x[F {(1 K) +F2}3/8+F(K +F2)3/8] ( 9 ) -cK2( 2 )1/4(K; +F.2,)3/8(E+S)=0 (15) where ReS FR=8C /7R2S+a, Fs=8C;/7R2S-a (10) p 2p/pr22w2. Re = r22col /, C sQl2lcr23a,, R r/r2, S :s/r2 (11) where the subscript 2 indicates the value at r = r2 and E = e/r: . C is the angular momentum coefficient of and r2 and (o denote the disk radius and the angular through-flow and is given as follows using the pre- velocity. rotational velocity K.r2(v of the through-flow : The parameter a in Eq. ( 7 ) represents the circulatory flow rate and is closely related to the limiting streamline angle in the vicinity of the wall. The tan- C E AM/2 frpr25(v2= - K.C ( C < O) ( 16) In the case of outward through-fiow, the calculated results have shown that the radial pressure gent of the limiting streamline angle a on the station- distribution changes little, even if the inner boundary ary wall can be calculated from Eq.( 6 ) , as K 0.5 value is varied to some extent, so that it is enough to over the whole radii in a narrow gap with zero give a small boundary value at the inner edge, such as through-flow : K=0.1 at R =0.1 and to advance the numerical calculation from the inner edge to the outer radii. This a =.-oIim( - v/u).= cv/K= 2a ( 12) According to the flow visualization measurements shown later, a is expressed as a function of the local In the case of zero through-flow ( C =0), Eq. ( 8 ) a=ao(ReR2/105+2)"', a0=0.064 6S- , o . 693 0.028 5S-0.693 influenced by the centrifugal force in the interference ga p. Reynolds number Rel= r2a,/v = ReR2 : al = implies that the pressure distribution is hardly (13) 2. 2 Numerical calculation of the interference gap flow Equations ( 8 ) and ( 9 ) can be calculated numeri- cally, if the gap ratio S and the through-flow rate coefiicient Cq' are given and the boundary values K2 and P2 are properly determined. In turbomachines there are various boundary conditions of configuration and through-fiow direction, so that it is important to establish a general method of determining the boundary values. In the theoretical studies thus far performed(4)(5), a very small but non-zero value is given to the boundary value at the inner boundary for the outward throughflow case, but this method is not adequate for the inward through-flow case because the boundary value at the inner boundary becomes very large. In order to determine the boundary value correctly, it is neces- sary to consider the angular momentum balance at the boundary at which through-flow comes into the gap. In the case of radial inward through-flow, the f 2 angular momentum balance in the control volume is not needed. The boundary value of pressure is, in general, dependent upon the operation conditions of turbomachines, and here the differential pressure coef :cient is defined as follows : Cp = P - P2= 2( p - p2) Ipr2za,2 o .. + (r2+ e)2 IC'r.,dzf + AM (14) J, ) p (17) 2. 3 Theory of the non-interference gap flow For the case of a relatively large gap between a rotating disk and a stationary wall, the theory developed in the previous report(1) is applicable. However, the application of this theory for the prediction of axial thrust of many types of actual turbomachines has revealed that the prediction becomes less satisfac- tory in the case of a large outward through-fiow rate. This is mainly due to the change in flow pattern from the non-interference of gap flow to the interference, and also to the accuracy of the velocity assumption. Here, we improve upon the previous theory by introducing more accurate assumptions in regard to the velocity profile and boundary layer thickness. The radial velocity assumption in the boundary layers on the disk and the stationary wall is v'=a*(1-K)r(v(1- ) In, v=-aKra,(1-V)Vl/7 ( 18) p shown in Fig. 2 can be expressed as [27rr2f uvdzJ = 27r f.."+'r r.,dr becomes an algebraic one and the boundary equation where =z'/ , = z/ and and 8 denote the bound- ary layer thickness on the rotating and the stationary where rb denotes shear stress on the outer cylindrical wall, respectively, and are expressed as follows, refer- surface, AM denotes the angular momentum which ring to Daily et al.(8). through-flow takes into the fiow field at the outer boundary and (; is the radial gap around the disk tip. Introducing the velocity and wall shear stress assumptions of Eqs.( 4 ) ; ( 7 ) into Eq. (14) Ieads to the fol- JSME International Journal 8=b(1-K) r/(a;r2/2/)1/5, 8=fr/(a,r2/v)l/5 b=0.54, m=2.5 (19) Here, f is determined from the equation of continuity ( 3) as Series II, Vol. 31, No. 2 1988 / , 246 f={a*b(1-K)"+1 120 Cq aK - 49 R13/5 3. Experimental Apparatus and Procedure Cq (Q/27rr23a')Rel/5 (20) The measured results shown later have revealed that the velocity factors a and a* in Eq. (18) change largely with the local Reynolds number Rel' and the following empirical equations are obtained : a = I .03(ReR2/ 105 + 2) -0.387 gap at the disk tip is e=0.5 mm. The axial gap between the disk and the stationary wall can be varied from O to 8.5 mm. The rotational speed of the disk is a* = I .18(ReR2/ 105 + 2) -0.490 (21) For the tangential velocity, the same profiles are assumed as in Eqs. ( 5 ) and ( 6 ) using the non-dimen- sional distances The rotating disk apparatus enclosed in a cylindrical casing is the same as that used in the previous study(rs). The disk radius is r:z=150 mm and the radial and v. n= 750 rpm, corresponding to the Reynolds number of Re = r22w/1/ = 1.73 x 106. The setting accuracy of the axial gap is 0.1 mm. The measurement of velocity in a narrow gap is difficult, so only the radial pressure distributions were measured in order to confirm the validity of the the- {- - } Introducing these equations into Eq. ( I ) results in the following ordinary differential equation for the velocity ratio K of the core as a function of nondimensional radius R : (m+1)a*bll-Kl 56 Rrs/5 C 49 720 =T - R dK dR 5 Cql51127a*b(1-K)"+1 R13 K- 3 600 4290 b(1 -K)"+1R ddaR* ory. The axial thrust coefficient CT and the disk friction torque coefficient C defined as follows are also used to compare the theory with the measured results. CT=f3CpRdR, C =2M/pr25w2 (26) The momentum theory requires a velocity { (1 + a*2)3/8 (7_ )/4 + c (1 - K) b u4 f K3 1/4 (1+a2)3/8K( ) } (22) assumption, so that it is important to determine the velocity factors a and a* in Eqs. (12) and (18) as correctly as possible. The flow visualization technique using an oil-film method was used to obtain these In the above equation, the signs of the terms (1 factors, as they are closely related to the tangent of K) +1 and (1 K)(7- )/4 are to be IF, depending upon the limiting streamline in the vicinity of the wall in the K<> 1. In the large outward through-flow case, the calculation gives a negative K-value in the inner radii, so that the K-value should be treated as O if it case of zero through-flow. 4. Results and Discussions becomes negative. The pressure distribution is to be determined 4. I Strealnline visualization measurements One of the big problems associated with the oil- from Eq. ( 2 ) , but in the non-interference gap it can be film method lies in the fact that the limiting stream- simply calculated by means of the following equation, as the radial pressure gradient mainly balances with line indicated by the oil-film streak does not give the the centrifugal force of the core fluid. correct streamline on a rotating wall because of the density difference between the fiuid and the oil-film. The boundary value equation is obtained from Eq. (14) in the same manner as that in the interference Here, we propose a method for correcting the limiting streamline by using a known velocity profile under the assumption of uniform oil-film density and thickness. gap case : 74290 a* b(1 - K2)"+1 + CqK2 + C. the tangent of the correct fiow angle y and that of the dP/dR = 2RK2 (23) ( 2) 2- -c(1+E)2(S+E)(a2+1)3/8 K_f2 3 l/4J ; -O (24) In the non-interference gap, the difference between measured oil-film streak angle 7 is nearly equal to AF.lFeoc Cf/roc(wr2/v)1/5/r, as shown in Fig. 3, where AF. and Fe are the difference of centrifugal force and where Can is the inlet angular momenturn coefficient wall shear force, respectively, and Cf is friction given by : coefficient. The proportionality constant can be determined from a known velocity profile(1), and finally the C = (AM/ 2 ;Tpr25 a'2)Re 1/5 = -(5K2+1)Cq/6 (Cq >0) In the non-interference gap case, the basic equa- AFC=FC( oi I )-Fc (vater) tions (22) and (23) can be numerically calculated from the outer edge to the inner radii using the bound- ary value K2 given from Eq. (24) at the outer edge for both the inward and the outward through-flow cases. Sene 11 Vol. 31, No. 2, 1988 Flg. 3 Correction of the limiting streamline on the rotating wall JSME Irtternatior al Journal 24 7 of S ; correct angle is given by tan r=tan 7 - 0.006 25(Re/R3)1/5 In the interference gap case, the correction is unnecessary, as the present analysis assumes the same velocity profiles in both boundary layers for the case of zero through-flow, that is, a=a*. 4. 2 Radial pressure distribution The radial pressure distributions in three different gaps are shown in Figs. 6 ( a ) - ( c ) for the case of ihward through-flow, and in Figs. 7 ( a ) - ( c ) for the case of outward through-flow. Figure ( a ) The measured and corrected results of a and a* are shown in Figs. 4 (in the case of S 0.013 to the interference gap. The empirical equations of a and a* are given in Eqs. (13) and (21) . (27) shows the case of a relatively large gap, Fig. ( b ) an 0.026) and 5 (S 0.013)for the varlation of the local Reynolds number Rel' The values are seen to change largely with S in the range of S 0.013, but little in the range of S; 0.026, which indicates that the range of S 0.026 corresponds to the non- interference gap and the range intermediate gap and Fig. ( c ) a narrow gap. The theoretical results are also compared. Radially inward through-flow takes larger angular momentum of the outer radii to the inner radii and considerably increases the tangential velocity in the inner radii, so that the pressure decreases siguificantly toward the disk centre. On the contrary, the outward through-flow decreases the tangential velocity of the whole region and the pressure distribution becomes relatively uniform over the whole disk, as seen in the 1 .O ,, O 0.5 figures. A comparison of the theory with the measurements reveals that the theory of non-interference gap O. 1 1 Os I oe Ret l07 ( a ) on the rotating wall, a*=tan rR 1.0 o. 5 1.0 o o O. 5 o. 3 0.1 0.05 0.1 1 Os 1 Oc Re[ 1 07 0.02 1 Os I Oc Re 1 1 O ( b ) on the stationary wall, a=tan 7s Fig. 4 Velocity factors of non-interference gap flow R -O . 1 -o . 2 -o . 2 -o. 3 -o. 3 -o . 4 -0.4 -O . 5 -O . 5 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 1.0 oo 0.2 0.4 0.6 8 oo R o O 0.2 0.4 O 6 R -o . l Fig. 5 Velocity factor of interference gap flow o. 1.0 -O . 1 -o . 2 -o . 3 -0.4 -O . S a ua u -0.6 -O . 6 -o. 7 -o. 7 -0.8 ( a ) S=0.0556. Fig. 6 JSME Ir terTtattonal Jourl al a u -O . 6 -o . 7 -o . 8 ( b ) S=0.0113 ( c ) S=0.0050 Radial pressure distribution in the inward through-flow case Series II, Vol. 31, No 2 1988 248 R R o 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 .O i ir - O 6 R 0.8 1.0 l 1 l ld , I I v v v ,: / i -o . 1 0.4 / d ,_._lJ 'I /" -o . l 0.2 r I ・L.--I o o o o 0.2 / -O. 1 L Theory Interf. Noo-iot. O -0.2 -o . 2 ,, u o. y L o OO S - 0.0113 (a) S=0.0556 Cq 0146 ・c , u ,, u 0.0063 -o . 2 (c) ( b ) S=0.0113 Fig. S=0.0050 7 Radial pressure distribution in the outward through-flow case shows good agreement with the measurements in the 60 case of a relatively large gap (Figs. 6 ( a ) and 7 ( a ) ) . However, in the case of an intermediate gap, good agreement with the non-interference gap theory is only seen in the inward through-flow case (Fig. 6 ( b ) ) ; in the outward through-flow case, the theory gap theory gives good agreement (Figs. 6 ( c ) and x N:L 40 ¥ L Q CL 1 of the interference gap gives much better results (Fig. 7 ( b ) ) . In the case of a narrow gap, the interference o c 20 7 ( c ) ) except for the extremely large inward through- flow case, for which the non-interference gap theory .4 0.6 pressure distribution 0.2 (a) 8 o ior is recoguized in the measured data and agreement is not good. This is because of a deformation of the chamber caused by too high a pressure in the case of large inward through-fiow. Though the original gap o gives better agreement. In Fig. 7 ( c ) , irregular behav- O. ・R 1,0 2'o was set to 0.7mm over the disk, the gap width was 1.5 mm at the centre after the measurements. For the case of a narrow gap with large outward l:) ¥ :) through-flow, Bayley et al.(5) performed theoretical analyses and measurements, with which the present 1.0 theory is compared in Fig. 8 ( a ) . The present theory 3 is seen to give better results, though agreement is not good in the inner radii because of the large diameter L ¥s suction pipe connected to the inner radii of their apparatus . From the above-mentioned, it is suggested that for the case of large inward through-fiow, the noninterference gap theory should be applied even if the gap is very narrow, and for the case of large outward through-flow, the interference gap theory should be 05 z/s 1.0 ( b ) velocity distribution Fig. 8 Comparison of theory with the results by Bayley et al.(5) applied even if the gap is relatively large. This is also Such remarkable influences of through-flow as verified from the velocity data measured by Bayley et described above are essentially due to the fact that the al. shown in Fig. 8 ( b ) , in which the present theory is inward through-flow is an accelerated- flow and the also compared. The gap ratio of S = 0.03 is relatively outward one a decelerated flow. Ito et al.(9) established large, but the direction of radial velocity is seen to be by experiment that the disk boundary layer is much more stable than the stationary wall boundary layer for the case of zero through-flow. If radial inward outward in the whole section, so that the gap is obviously the interference one. Series II, Vol. 31, No. 2, 1988 JSME Ir tematiortal Journal 249 through-flow is superimposed on it, the stationary Cq than the points shown as A V in Fig. lO, the non- wall boundary layer becomes thinner due to a interference gap theory fails to give solutions, so that significant increase in the tangential velocity ; and in this range is to be treated as the interference gap. this thin layer, a large volume of through-flow comes inward as an accelerated flow, which makes the stationary boundary layer very stable. Accordingly, in the case of inward through-flow, both boundary layers become stable, and being very thin, they realize noninterference gap flow. On the contrary, in the outward 4. 3 Disk friction torque In this section, the theoretical resutls are compar- ed with the measured data by others to confirm the validity of the theory. Figure 11 shows a comparison with the data obtained by Yamada et al.(ro) and Bayley et al.(5) for through-flow case, both boundary layers develop rapidly to generate interference gap, because the tangential velocity decreases in the whole region and the the case of zero through-flow. The present theory is seen to be in good agreement both in the interference gap and the non-interference one. In the zero through- through-fiow comes outward as decelerated fiow in flow case it is also recognized that the C the disk boundary layer. The above-described pressure distribution is integrated to give the axial thrust coefiicient CT, defined interference gap is proportional to Re 1/4, and that of of the in Eq.(26) , and its variation is shown in Fig. 9 for the the non-interference gap to Re 1/5, which agrees with the well-known results by Soo(11), Schultz-Grunow(12) and Daily et al.(6) In the case of outward through-flow variation of S. If the inward through-flow rate is not too high, the variation of CT is very small and the non- illustrated by the thick line, good agreement is also seen. For comparison, the variation of C is shown in interference gap theory gives good agreement over the outward and the inward through-fiow cases. the wide range of S, but over the range of small gap ratio S, the interference gap theory is seen to give better agreement. Application of the present theory to actual tur- 24 Non-interference e- 20 bomachines requires the boundary between the noninterference gap theory and the interference one. 9a p lyf'l :A" -' -'A-' / / ! ;LL ,, / 6 'l Taking the intersection point of CT-curves of the noninterference and the interference gap as the boundary, the solid line is obtained in Fig. 9. We call this point / L u v' l. / 12 1 O Re = 1.73xl06 l l the <'critical gap", for which variation is shown in Fig. 10 with the variation of Cq. The curves are different for different Re numbers, and the range above this 5.0xl06 107 I 8 'T7' 'v ' _ "'/ 4 ': _ r l-- f A V ll Interference curve is to be treated as the non-interference gap, and gap below as the interference gap. In the range of larger Cq . I = 12 Flg. 10 Critical gap ratio as a function of Cq Thoory h u Neasurements O S=0.004 c t_O E cq ' =0 ' 005 u O . 005 _ 'I-* I! I ' -I,,.I l¥ : o . 06 ¥ ¥' o . 002 '¥ '¥ ¥ ,¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ,¥ S=0 . 08 Cq I Re=1 590 t s ) ' = j ,= O . 04 Cq O 04 i o . 04 _ .¥1 5c '¥ o . ool Cq ' =-O . 005 o . 02 o . ooos cl o) e S=0.04 q - 0.01 O . 08 } 0.02 0.10 Il * .¥ ¥ ¥¥ 5xl,Os 10e 2xloe 5xl06 107 2xl07 ¥ Sxl07 Re 002 o . 005 o . ol o . 02 o.05 s 0.1 Fig. 9 Axial thrust coefficient as a function of S JSME htternational Jourr al Fig. 11 Comparison of theory with measurements of disk friction moment coefiicient C Series II. Vol. 31, No. 2, 1988 250 0.01 E u O . 005 o . 002 0.001 O. Fig. 12 002 o.005 o.ol o 02 o.05 s 0'1 o 2 Disk friction moment coeff. as a function of S -2 -1 o 1 C xl03 2 Fig. 13 Disk friction moment coeff. as a function of Cq that the experimental data vary smoothly from the theoretical curve of a non-interference gap (shown by solid lines) to that of an interference gap (dotted is easily applicable to various boundary conditions. For the case of non-interference gap flow, the theoret- lines) with a decrease in S. This transition gap ratio ical analysis was also presented, giving better results agrees well with the critical gap in Fig. lO. These than the conventional theories. tendencies are similar for different Reynolds numbers, ( 2 ) The critical gap which gives the boundary but as indicated in Fig. 12, the present theory gives the between the interference and the non-interference gap optimum gap ratio at which the disk friction torque takes the minimum value, and this value is nearly equal to the critical gap ratio. The reason why there was clarified. It becomes very small in the case of exists an optimum gap is as follows. The disk friction torque of a non-interference gap is proportional to (1 disk fiow tends to be an interference gap flow. It was case of outward through-flow. In the latter case, the also shown that such fiow behavior is partly due to the decreases in proportion to fact that the outward through-flow is a decelerated S-1/5 in the range of a very small gap because K is nearly constant. In a larger S range, however, the C value increases with S, because the decrease in K fiow and the inward one an accelerated flow, and partly because the tangential velocity change is - )/(r2a,s/v)1/5, so that C radially inward through-fiow, but is very large in the becomes larger than the S-1/5 effect. Lastly, the influence of Cq' upon C is shown in Fig. 13 for the case of a relatively wide gap (S=0.04) significant, depending on the through-fiow direction. ( 3 ) The radial pressure distribution is dependent mainly on the centrifugal force acting on the core fiuid changes little at C <0, but in the non-interference gap, while it is dependent mainly on the radial expansion of the sectional area and the wall shear stress in the interference gap. increases largely with C at C > o, For the case of S =0.04, both the interference (shown by solid line) and ( 4 ) The theory of interference gap shows that there exists an optimum gap in which disk friction the non-interference gap theory (dotted line) are compared. As the disk flow tends to be interference torque takes a minimum value, and that it is close to the critical gap. It also shows that the disk friction fiow in the outward through-flow case, the real phenomena is considered to move along the dotted line torque coefiicient is proportional to Re 1/4 in the inter- at C <0 and changes smoothly to the solid line at gap flow. ( 5 ) In the flow visualization technique using oil and a narrow gap (S=0.004). It is recoguized that in the case of S=0.004, C C > o. 5. Conclusions The flow along an enclosed rotating disk superimposed with through-flow was studied theoretically ference gap flow and Re 1/5 in the non-interference film, a method of eliminating the influence of wall rotation was proposed from the measured flow angle obtained by the oil-film streak lines, and the empirical equations of the correct flow angle were presented. and experimentally in order to determine the influence of an axial gap and radial through-flow. The conclusions are sammarized as follows. 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