Fisheries management for BH: case of Japan Mitsutaku MAKINO (Fisheries Research Agency) Ryotaro Okazaki (Hokkaido University) My talk today 1. Fishing balance inside the Japanese EEZ, and the management towards BH (National). 2. Fishing balance at the Shiretoko World Natural Heritage, and the management towards BH (Local). 3. Conclusions Catch composition of the Japanese EEZ fisheries today (by TL) 600,000 500,000 Flatfish, atka mackerel and octopus Anchovy Scallop Amberjack 100,000 Pacific Saury Sardine Chub mackerel Walleye pollock and jack mackerel 200,000 0 Tons 300,000 Salmons and flying squid 400,000 Sea weeds and kelp 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.1 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 Catch data: MAFF Fisheries Statistics (2009-2012), TL data: “Sea Around Us” webpage (Japanese EEZ) 700,000 Method to see the “Balance” • We calculated the P/B using the biological information from the official stock assessment report (35 stocks, about 70% of the total EEZ production volume). Then, the production and catch are compared. • The stock level are also summarized based on the official stock assessment report. • The Trophic Level (TL) information are collected from “Sea Around Us” webpage and FISHBASE. • Also, the catch ratio of each species by gear types are summarized based on the annual fisheries statistics. Japanese official stock assessment (Japanese only) • 85 stocks , 44 species are assessed. • Of which, 35 stocks, 20 species has the biomass estimates. So we used this data. They cover about 70% of the total catch inside the EEZ Harvest balance of the Japanese capture fisheries today (by TL) 14,000.00 0.7 12,000.00 0.6 10,000.00 0.5 8,000.00 0.4 Squid (wrong parameter ?) C P 6,000.00 0.3 C/P fitted curve 4,000.00 0.2 2,000.00 0.1 0 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 0.00 • Based of the official stock assessment report (FY2009-2012) Harvest balance of the Japanese capture fisheries today (by species, squid excluded) 1,600.00 0.7 1,400.00 0.6 Over-utilized species 1,200.00 0.5 1,000.00 0.4 800.00 0.3 600.00 C 0.2 400.00 P C/P 0.1 200.00 Japanese Spanish mackerel Amberjacks Bastard halibut Japanese flying squid spotted mackerel Pacific cod Pacific saury Shortspine thornyhead Round herring Walleye Pollock Sailfin sandfish Japanese jack mackerel red seabream Souhachi flounder Round nose flounder Willowy flounder Chub mackerel anchovy Japanese pilchard Under -utilized species 0 Snow crab 0.00 2.3 2.4 2.5 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.9 4.3 4.3 4.4 4.4 4.5 Note: only the species with biomass estimates are included in this graph (about 70% of the Japanese catch within EEZ). Linear (C) Linear (P) Poly. (C/P) Species at low stock level • High TL: Spanish mackerel (TL4.5), amberjack (TL4.3) are over-utilized. Especially, Spanish mackerel stock is now at the low level, and their recovery should be prioritized. On the other hand, squid (TL4.2) should be utilized more intensively (C/P = 3%(?mistake?)). • Low TL: Sardine (TL2.4), anchovy (TL2.5), and Chub mackerel (TL3.0) are under-utilized. However, sardine and chub mackerel stocks are highly fluctuating and now at the low level. So, their stock should be recovered and then harvested more intensively. Then we can regain a good balance. How to regain the Balance? (1) • Gear types: The large/medium-scale purse seiner is the main fishing gear for sardine (90% of the total catch), chub mackerel (85% of the total catch). So, their fishing effort should go to anchovy (now 60% of the total catch). Also, pelagic trawlers can catch more juvenile anchovy (now 20% of the total catch), • For squid, bottom trawlers and Large-scale purse seiners can catch more (now 19% and 6%). • At the same time, human consumption of anchovy should be more promoted . Gear composition of 3 low-TL species Sardine Anchovy Pelagic trawl Pelagic trawl Large-scale purse seiner Medium-scale purse seiner Set-net Large-scale purse seiner Medium-scale purse seiner Set-net Other gears Other gears Chub mackerel Pelagic trawl Large-scale purse seiner Medium-scale purse seiner Set-net Other gears • Mngmt: It is very difficult to create new gear license to catch more anchovy, but easy to change the ratio. オリーブオイルヅケ フライ たづくり l-id=foot_reco_ashiato_0-ashiato_1390001286 生シラス 甘露煮 薩摩揚げ つみれと里芋の鍋 SURIMI harubiyori24.blog48.fc... イワシハンバーグ つみれ いわしのつみれ汁 But, human consumptions of anchovy or sardine cannot be more than 100 thousand tons. Other uses, i.e., fish meal processing, is important Species alternation (sardine, anchovy, chub mackerel) • It has been known the relationship between climate regime shift and the fish species alternation. SST anomaly in Feb (Noto & Yasuda 1999) In the north western Pacific, sardine, anchovy and chub mackerels have shown the species alternation phenomena of c.a. 50 years cycle. Now is the time for chub mackerel! 500 400 80 Sardine Sardine マイワシ Mackerels サバ類 Anchovy カタクチイワシ 60 300 40 200 20 100 0 1905 0 1915 1925 1935 1945 1955 13 1965 1975 Changes in Japanese catch (MAFF) 1985 1995 2000 in anchovy (ten Catchカタクチイワシ漁獲量(万t) thousand tones) マイワシ、サバ類漁獲量(万t) Catch in sardine and mackerels (ten thousand tones) How to regain the Balance ? (2) • Fisheries infrastructure: Sardine and anchovy can be used for fishmeal. However, the number of fishmeal plants has been dramatically declined since the decline of sardine catch in the early 1990s. So, we need investment. • The species alternation: chub mackerel recovery should come first because it is much more profitable. The profit accumulated by the processing sector should then be invested to build the fishmeal plants, just as they did in 50 years ago (the late 1960s). • Rigid mngmt of chub mackerel: TAC is set by the national gov. In addition, in order to make sure the recovery, Largescale Purse Seiners federation introduced IQ for chub mackerel. Presumably as the result, it is now recovering! 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Thousand tons Stock level of Chub Mackerel (Pacific stock) 1200 1000 800 6+歳 5歳 600 4歳 3歳 400 2歳 1歳 200 0歳 0 15 My talk today 1. Fishing balance inside the Japanese EEZ, and the management towards BH (National). 2. Fishing balance at the Shiretoko World Natural Heritage, and the management towards BH (Local). 3. Conclusions Method to make the “Food-web” • The EwE software(version 6.4) was used to describe the Shiretoko food-web. • This food-web model includes 18 functional groups with trophic components from primary producers to top predators. • The production rate(P/B), consumption rate(Q/B), die composition were provided for all functional groups. • The stock level and the bycatch in Shiretoko are used based on the official stock assessment report. • The Mixed Trophic Index was used to determine trophic impacts among groups. Flow diagram (Shiretoko) Production (red), Catch (blue), and C/P (green) for fisheries resources 500 1.2 450 1 400 0.8 350 300 0.6 250 0.4 200 150 0.2 100 0 50 0 -0.2 1 2.1 Rausu kelp Benthos 2.5 3.03 Pelagic fish Small bottom fish 3.266 3.268 3.3498 3.35 Righteye founder Walleye pollock Okhotsk atka mackerel Squids 3.535 3.6184 Broadbanded Pacific cod thornyhead 3.699 Rock trout How to regain the Balance? (3) 500 1.2 450 1 400 0.8 350 300 0.6 250 0.4 200 150 0.2 100 0 50 0 -0.2 1 2.1 Rausu kelp Benthos 2.5 3.03 Pelagic fish Small bottom fish Bottom gillnet efforts for flounder, pollock, cod, etc., should go to Squid. 3.266 3.268 3.3498 3.35 Righteye founder Walleye pollock Okhotsk atka mackerel Squids 3.535 3.6184 Broadbanded Pacific cod thornyhead 3.699 Rock trout Squid fisheries in Shiretoko • Main gears: Large-scale squid jigging (governor’s license) and set net (fishing right). • Most of the large-scale squid jigging fishers are outsiders, i.e., they are the traveling fishers and not the local fishers. • Governor’s license system is very inflexible. New gears for small-scale squid jigging was developed for local coastal fishers • Small-scale fisheries management is under the coastal fishers’ org. and very flexible. Last year, an old fisherman, who is a kelp fisher usually operating at the very coastal area, installed this kind of new gears to his 5 GT vessel, and earned JPY9 million for one months! • This year, many fishers are following him. How to regain the Balance? (4) 500 1.2 450 1 400 0.8 350 300 0.6 250 0.4 200 150 0.2 100 0 50 0 -0.2 1 2.1 Rausu kelp Benthos Low TL Pelagic fish should be utilized more, but how? 2.5 3.03 Pelagic fish Small bottom fish 3.266 3.268 3.3498 3.35 Righteye founder Walleye pollock Okhotsk atka mackerel Squids 3.535 3.6184 Broadbanded Pacific cod thornyhead 3.699 Rock trout Pelagic fish in Shiretoko • Species: Sardine (Sardinops melanostictus), anchovy (Engraulis japonicus), Pacific saury (Cololabis saira), sandeel (Ammodytes personatus ), smelts (Hypomesus japonicus, Osmerus mordax dentex), etc. • Mngmt: Iissuing a completely new license, such as pelagic trawling, is difficult. But, pelagic fish can be caught by the existing gillnet license (floating gillnet) • Price: the price of pelagic fish is generally lower than the bottom fishes (pollock, atka mackerels, flounder, etc.), which are currently over-utilized by the bottom How to achieve higher prices? • One option is, again, fish meal processing of sardine and anchovy. Hokkaido area was the largest fishmeal processing area in the 1970s and 80s (25 factories). Now, it is only 3. • We need investments. In order to make it happen, a steady stock recovery of chub mackerel, and then sardine, are the prerequisite, as mentioned earlier. Another option is to facilitate human consumptions (food culture) イカナゴの天ぷら In the Western part of Japan, sandeel is a very popular fish for human consumption. Creating a new food culture in Hokkaido is required. For saury, new processing technology has just invented this year! Traditional (grill or sasimi) New tech. for juvenile saury consumption Stellers sealion Number of Stellers sealion is increasing in the Far East Russia • As the consequence, the number of seasonal migration to the Shiretoko area is increasing. • The fisheries damages (esp. setnet damage) is also increasing. Sealion eat fish inside the set-net, and break it. The total damage reported in the Hokkaido area is more than JPY 1.5 billion/year If the number of sea lion doubled……. (Ecopath Mixed Trophic Impact analysis) Sealion should be Balanced as well • In 2012, MoE of Japan downlisted Stellers Sealion from VU to NT. • In June 2014, Fisheries Agency revised sealion management plan. It was the basic shift of the management strategy from “Endangered Species Protection” to “Population Size Management”. • The cull limit of sealion, set by the national gov., will be increased in the near future. Note: Sealion is a fisheries resource for local people Summary 1/2 • Generally, the high-TL species are over-utilized and the low-TL species are under-utilized in Japan. • In order to balance, the recovery of the over-utilized and depleted species such as Spanish mackerel should be prioritized. On the other hand, squid and anchovy should be utilized more. • Low-TL pelagic species with low stock levels, such as Chub mackerel and sardine, should also be recovered. TAC and IQ are important mngmt tools. Taking the fisheries infrastructure accumulation (i.e., fish meal plants) into account, chub mackerel recovery should come first. Then, sardine and anchovy can be fully utilized in the society. Summary 2/2 • Human consumption, including the creation on new food culture and new processing technologies, should be facilitated to fully utilize the low-TL species (such as anchovy, sandeel and saury). • Fisheries managements by the local fishers’ org. for the coastal small-scale gears are more easy and flexible than that of the offshore large-scale fisheries by the government. Esp. New fishing gear development for small-scale fishers’ flexible switching of target species is important • The population of the top predator, such as Stellers sealion, should be properly managed and balanced. Conclusion: The diversity of the measures is required トド資源量現存量 トド資源量3倍 種グループ Pelagic fish Righteye flownder 標準和名 英名 学名 マイワシ カタクチイワシ サンマ マアジ サバ類 ニシン キュウリウオ チカ イカナゴ Japanese sardin Japanese anchovy Pacific saury Japanese horse mackerel Mackerels Pacific herring Rainbow smelt Japanese smelt Japanese sand lance Sardinops melanostictus Engraulis japonicus Cololabis saira Trachurus japonicus Scomber Clupea pallasii pallasii Osmerus mordax dentex Hypomesus japonicus Ammodytes personatus カレイ ソウハチ マガレイ スナガレイ ヤナギガレイ マツカワ(アブラガレイ) サメガレイ イシガレイ ババガレイ アカガレイ アサバガレイ Pointhead flounder Brown sole Sand flounder Willowy founder Barfin founder Roughscale sole stone flounder Slime founder Flathead flounder Rock flatfish Hippoglossoides pinetorum Pleuronectes herzensteini Pleuronectes punctatissimus Tanakius kitaharai Verasper moseri Clidoderma asperrimum Kareius bicoloratus Microstomus achne Hippoglossoides dubius Lepidopsetta mochiagarei Smoll bottom fish ナガヅカ カジカ類 スケトウダラ幼魚 マダラ幼魚 ホッケ幼魚 カレイ幼魚 Long shanny Sculpin Stichaeus grigorjewi Cottus spp Benthos ウニ ナマコ(マナマコ) ホタテガイ カラスガイ ツブ エビ類 カニ類 Sea urchin Sea cucumber Scallop cockscomb pearl mussel Whelk Shrimps Crabs - Apostichopus japonicus Mizuhopecten yessoensis Cristaria plicata Buccinidae - 発酵料理 かぶら寿司(かぶらとブリやサバ) スクガラス(アイゴの稚魚 を丸ごと塩漬けにした沖 縄の保存食。 鮒寿司 鮎のなれ鮨 30年もののなれ鮨 カタクチイワシの味噌チョリム コマイのヤンニョムチョリム(煮付け) ミッパンチャン(長期保存でき手軽に食べられる常備菜)に利用される 味噌とコチジャン、ニンニクでカタクチイワシを煮付ける。 ご飯に包んで食べるので味は濃いめです。 ミョルチポックム(カタクチイワシの炒め物 イワシのエキス(エクジョ・ヒシコ) *特徴 カタクチイワシの塩漬けから作る魚醤油のうちの一つで、カタクチイワシを使ってい るため、「鰯醤油」と呼ばれることもあります。キムチ以外の料理にも調味料として 頻繁に使われるので、市場やスーパー等でも色々と販売されています。キムチに 市販のイワシエキスを使う場合には、一度煮たててから使うとよりキムチの味に深 みを出すことが出来ます。しかし、このイワシエキスは温めている時に臭いがかなり 強く、服や髪にもしっかりしみこんでしまいなかなか取れません。臭いをつけたくな い物はしまってから作りましょう。 イワシエキスレシピ 日本ではしょっつると呼ばれている魚醤油と同じような方法で作ります。熟成期間 を長くすると真っ黒で旨み成分のたっぷり詰まった鰯エキスが出来上がります。作 り初めから使えるようになるまでには、約1年熟成させる必要があります。 *材料 イワシの塩辛 カタクチイワシ 10kg・自然塩 4kg *作り方 1.カタクチイワシはよく水洗いして、ふきんなどで水気を拭き取ります。 2.内臓をつけたままのカタクチイワシに塩をまぶしながら樽に入れ、一番上に鰯が 見えなくなるくらいの塩を敷き詰めてふたをします。 3.蓋の上から重石をして、週に1回くらいのペースでひっくり返すようにかき混ぜます。 4.一年から3年ほど熟成させたら、上澄み液をすくい取り、一度煮立ててからふきん で Mesolithic age in Japan (16,500-3,000years ago) • Archeological researchers found many remains of fishing communities all along the coastline of Japan. • People catch fish using bone fishhook, wood boat, grass net, stone harpoon, etc. • They ate whale, orca, dolphin, tuna, skipjack, mackerel, sardine, anchovy, sea bream, sea bass, puffer fish, crab, prawn, salmon, oyster, clam, abalone, etc. (Morikawa 1998) Sea bream were filleted into 3 pieces Consumptions Inland process Retailing Import/ export On the sea process Under the sea Process Processing Transport Landing Business management Catch Environmental fluctuations Spawning Juvenile Reproduction Matured
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