ATAC2004, March 5 KEK Masahito Tomizawa 1. MR scheme for 181MeV Linac 2. Tunnel and Buildings 3. Beam Transport from RCS to MR 4. Main Magnet and Power Supply 5. RF 6. Vacuum 7. Injection and 3GeV Dump 8. Slow Extraction 9. Fast Extraction and 50GeV Abort 10. Neutrino Facility 11. MR Schedule 181MeV linac 400MeV linac Injection time 540ms à 120ms RF frequency 3.34-3.44 à 1.67-1.72 MHz Pulse bending magnet flat top 600ms à 120ms :pattern change Injection kicker rise time 170ns à <300ns :no change Injection kicker flat top 130ns à 900ns :longer PFN cable Acceleration Pattern and Beam Intensity 180MeV Linac case 15batches/15bunches slow extraction 30GeV fast extraction 40GeV 0.7s 0.61s 1.9s 1.9s 0.87s 0.87s 0.61s total 4.08s beam current: f × 24µA beam power: f × 0.73MW total 3.38s beam current: f × 29µA beam power: f × 1.17MW f: RCS beam intensity ratio between 181MeV/400MeV beam loss caused by long injection time? Beam Transport from RCS to MR Pulse Bending Magnet and power supply --> ready rise/flat: 30ms/600ms, rep. rate: 3.6s L=1.5m, B=1.21T DC magnets and power supply -->ready 3 horizontal bend, 2 vertical bend 38 quadrupole 14 steering pulse bending magnet Collimator section 4.3m Down slope Vacuum chambers -->ready titanium 500W Collimators 6 horizontal, 6 vertical L=1m, every 60o MR injection point Magnets Bending Magnets (BM) Quadrupole Magnets (QM) Sextupole Magnets (SX) Steering Magnets (ST) 60/97 60/216 24/72 124/186 •Flip-Flop coil for BM and data taking system Harmonic coil for short QM and data taking system have been made and tested by measuring BM and QM fields •Mass measurements for BM and QM will soon start Power Supply Bending Quadrupole Sextupole Steering 6/6 0/11 (completed next year) 3/3 186/186 Test of BM power supply (1-unit) by load of an R&D magnet •Ripples (spec. ? 1×10-6 p-p) DC 201A (flat bottom) DC 2186A (40GeV flat top) ? 1×10-6@all components (50Hz -higher) 2.5×10-6@1200Hz ? 1×10-6@other components (50Hz-higher) •Tracking error (spec. ?1×10-4) 40GeV pattern operation ? 0.9×10-4 --> More tuning will be performed for real condition 22kV/2kV transformer RF number of unit 6 Cavity frequency double OK cooling: direct water (gap 10mm) core coating: epoxy resin #1 ready #2 constructing (including cores) #3 constructing (without cores) Anode Power Supply #1 ready #2 constructing Final Amplifier #1 ready #2, #3 constructing Driver Amplifier design based on CERN type Vacuum Outline •Chambers: SUS316L electrolytic polish (E-P), baking---> outgassing rate 1×10-8 Pa•m/s vacuum pressure < 1×10-6 Pa •Gasket:HELICOFLEX delta type /quick clamp chains •Bellows: titanium with rf shield •Ceramic break to cut current induced: connected to bellows/pump ports Status •BM chambers(96): 15 finish and 25 in process of welding-assemble (transition and flanges) •QM+SX+ST chambers(~430): 132 E-P, 42 baking, 98 ready •bellows: 300/~420 ready •Clamps: 290/~1700 ready, •gate valves: 18/18 •seals: 10/~2200, •ion pumps 20/~130, •pump port : under design Test effect of stray field of BM and QM on pumps •Ion pump: slight decrease of pumping speed --> usable •TMP: serious heating by eddy current of rotating fins --> can not be pumped when BM and QM are operated Injection kickers (distributed type) #: 7 rise/fall time 150ns/900ns flat top 150ns (900ns) 60kV/6kA power supply: almost completed magnets: design finished Septum magnets SEPH normal type pattern rise/flat 0.5s/0.64s t/H/W/L(mm) B(T)/I(A)/turn 57/98/900×2 1.5/2.9k/40 SEPL opposite field type cores:out vacuum half sine operation 2.5ms width t/H/W/L(mm) B(T)/I(A)/turn 8/120/700 0.56/53.5k/1 power supply: under construction magnets : under construction 3GeV Dump System Extraction timing must be scheduled in advance purpose: study of injection beam kickers (lamped) # 3 rise/top 1000ns/6000ns <-- 1000ns B=0.1T, L=0.8m magnets: soon completed w/o vacuum chambers power supply: utilize existing one Septum magnets •SEPL normal type, cores: out vacuum (ready) t/H/W/L(mm) B(T)/I(A)/turn 14/101/180/726 0.54/3.35k/14 •SEPH (ready) normal type, cores: out vacuum t/H/W/L(mm) B(T)/I(A)/turn 39/93/220/900×2 1.5/3.35k/36 •power supply series excitation (ready) rise/top/fall(s) 0.5/0.16/0.5 àunder excitation test to 3kW dump SEPH Slow Extraction Bumps ESS Septum magnets 30GeV extraction @T=0 one more year to fix the design bumps smaller beam loss thinner septum wire lower tension-->large shift by electric field week for damage by electric discharge -----difficult! ribbon high tension --> small shift by electric field (AGS) strong for damage by electric discharge large average mass--> large radiation “Rutherford Scatterer” with low average mass density and w/o electric field ・hit particles are mainly scattered out, nuclear reaction (radiation) rate is small ・makes low beam density area downstream ・wires with large spacing are available wires bend (due to electric field) free stray electric field free feasibility check ----> MARS, GIANT simulation, R&D of ribbon ESS scatterer ribbon ESS Fast Extraction and Abort 750W dump •Fast extraction beam is bent inward Abort beam is bent outward anytime during acceleration àBipolar kickers and septum magnets àSeptum magnets are pattern-operated àKicker voltage over 30% of maximum can be pattern-operated Lower energy, the voltage is set to 30%, a number of fired kickers are adjusted • Capacity of abort dump is 750W à Abort frequency is limited by MPS/PPS • For abort at low energy, extraction efficiency is ~2/3 à Abort frequency at low energy is limited Kickers for fast extraction and Abort (will be constructed in FY2004) Symmetric Blumlein PFN Circuit Magnet (distributed type) Number 6 Magnetic Field 1 kG Rise-up Time < 1.1 µs Flat-top Time > 4.3 µs Core Material Ferrite Aperture 100 x 100 mm2 Power Supply Type Symmetric Blumlein PFN bipolar operation PFN Voltage 40 kV PFN Current 8000 A Switching Element IGBT IGBT switching module •Small-scaled model test for experimental proof of bipolar kicker shows it works as expected. •Test of IGBT switching module will start soon. (Turn-on rise time/voltage/current 160ns/40kV/8kA) Series # in module Parallel # 48 3 Septum magnets for fast extraction and Abort (will be constructed in FY2004) t/H/W/L(mm) SM11-22 7/71/80/875 SM30 30/98/120/1225 SM31 43/93/110/1660 SM32A,33A 62/101/140/1900 SM32E,33E 62/61/140/1900 Va cuu m Cha mb er for Ab ort Be am Va cuum C ham ber for Circu latin g Be am B(T)/I(A)/turn 0.43/6031/4 1.38/4484/48 1.66/4095/30 1.66/4447/30 1.66/4477/18 Vacuu m C ham ber for Extra cted Beam Curre nt fl ow di rectio n SM11-22 SM30 SM32A Preparation section PQ1 PQ2A PQ2B PQ3B PQ4A P Q 5 PV2 P H 3 PQ3A P D 1 1.92 deg. bend PH2 PH1 PD2 1.92 deg. bend PV1 PQ4B A ル サブトンネ 室 電 気 ヤード 制御 電気 室 Neutrino Facility Arc section WC 出入管 理 UQ1 SM1 UQ2 UD2 電源棟 ST1 ST2 コンプレ ッサー 室 タンク 冷凍 液体窒素 UD1 UQ3 機室 B ル サブトンネ UV2 低温棟 UQ4 SM2 UH1 UQ5 保安林伐 採 エリア UH2 ND1 UH3 輸送道 路 土盛 レベ T P り上 面は ル + 9 .3 m ニュー T + 10 へ。 トリノ建屋P . 8m保 離れ る を 輸送道 存するた 路側 め法面発生 ( 方 へ5 0202 向 m移 動 へ3 。 07小 林 ) 。 m、8間 道 隆 路から 建屋 壁面 伐採 よ 5m離 面積 り れたと 計:0. ころま 286 で 保安林 a h 伐採 。 ST3 ST4 機械 ヤー バッフ ァタン ク カードル 置場 UV1 ド NM1 5,800 l/ 980 min (低 温 設備 l /min ( 磁石電源 ) ) Cさ W当な広 適 Proton beam transport •Preparation section (normal conducting magnets) with collimators (750W) • Arc section (combined function type superconducting magnets ) • Final focusing (FF) section (normal conducting magnets) FF section 37 .5m 4%slop e 4%slop e C ネル トン サブ 電気室 電 源 ヤード ND2 DQ2 DD1 DD2 DSH DQ3 D Q 4 シ ャ ッ タ ー DSV DQ1 電源室 サブトンネル D Horn1 DD3 Horn2 ~4, 500l/ min( 磁石汚染 ) トンネル 空調 T 換 S 気 NM2 ヤード 冷却棟 放射化物保管室 Target Station 130.0 20.0 130m 60.0 3.0 6.6 6.6 decay pipe 3.0 5.6 5.6 30.0 2.50 1.50 μピット1 2.50 3.50 3.50 1.50 3.00 4.00 1.50 3.5 7 . 0 2.00 02. 8.00 4.5 5.0 5.0 μピット 測定室 15.0 5.0 μピット2 280m 3.0 3.6 2 . 4 2.4 3.6 μ ピット 1 鉄置場 3.0 4.6 4.6 13.5 Construction group organization • 3rd Phys. Div. IPNS,KEK • Cryo. G., IPNS, KEK • Cryo. Sci. C., KEK • Rad. Sci. C., ARL, KEK • Mech., Eng., C., ARL, KEK • JAERI • U.Tokyo • Kyoto U. 25,000 µ-pit Near detector Neutrino Facility Technical Advisory Committee (ν-TAC) Dec. 12-13, 2003 Final_NuTAC_Report.pdf ν-TAC recommends better interaction between the 50 GeV ring group and the neutrino facility design group MR Schedule FY2004 Tunnel/Buildings/Utility Field measurement Installation Machine commissioning Beam commissioning Injection/acceleration Slow extraction Fast extraction FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008
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