our portfolio TOKYO / headquarters Shibuta Propaty Tower 13F, 1-32-12, Higashi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0001, Japan artless Inc. is a branding and design consultancy that uses an art & design-based approach. our activities are art, design, architecture, digital applications and other forms of communication. we are based in tokyo, but always operating globally. artless Inc. www.artless.co.jp [email protected] about us “artless” is a branding and design consulting firm that uses We made up of a creative team in accordance with each project. Our an art & design-based approach. our activities are art, de- collective brings a new perspective to all projects from our global sign, architecture, digital applications and other forms of network, includes creative director, art director, film director, graphic communication. we are based in tokyo, but always operat- designer, interactive designer, programmer, architect, interior and ing globally. product designer, photographer, stylist, hair and make up artist, musician, painter, calligrapher, flower designer and various artists. “artless” was founded in 2001 by Shun Kawakami. Our activities are services in the visual communication and the language of design; Art & de- We perceive design as a “Visual Language”, and work in the realm sign consulting, branding, corporate and visual identity, architecture, “between art & design”. A diverse challenge extends across differ- signage, graphic, web, Apps, UI, film, video, motion graphics, installa- ent disciplines providing us with an experience that broadens our tion, exhibition and artist curation… point of view. Design Consulting Film / Motion Graphic Branding U.I. Art Direction Architecture & Signage Advertising Interior Curation Installation Corporate Identity Visual Identity Graphic Design Interactive / Web Design Packaging Design members The Art Directors Club New York, US ADC Young Guns ® New York, US D&AD London, UK Japan Graphic Designers Association / JAGDA Tokyo, Japan contact artless Inc. TOKYO / headquarters TAIPEI LONDON FIRENZE Shibuta Propaty Tower 13F, JL Design, 11F, 50-89, ADM Ltd, 24-28 Hatton Cailoghi S.R.L., Via 1-32-12, Higashi, Shibuya-ku, Renai Rd. Sec. 4 Wall, London EC1N 8JH, de Bardi 36, 50125 Tokyo 150-0001, Japan Taipei 106, Taiwan United Kingdom Firenze, Italia KYOTO NEW YORK PARIS HELSINKI Imura Art Gallery 3F, 2130 First Avenue 2403 Manmaru, 193 Rue du Musuta Ltd., Iso 31 Kawabata Higashi New York, 10029 USA FBG St. Antoine 75011 Roobertinkatu 36-40, Paris, France LH M5, 00120 Marutamachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8395, Japan www.artless.co.jp [email protected] Helsinki, Finland about us “artless”は、東京を拠点に世界7都市のブランチと連携し、 award、 DFAA (Hong Kong)、 Tokyo TDC、 グッドデザイン グローバルに活動するブランドデザイン・コンサルタンシーです。 賞、 Tokyo Interactive Ad Awardの受賞等、国際的評価を受け ています。 アートとデザインを基軸に、ブランディング、デザインコンサルテ ィング、インタラクティブデザイン、映像、建築、インテリアなど幅 また、 “artless”は、独自の国際的ネットワークを築き、このグロ 広い分野で、多様な専門知識や経験を持つスペシャリストと共 ーバル・コレクティブ(artless に、ジャンルやカテゴリーに縛られない活動を続けています。 ブ/アート/デザイン/映像等のディレクター。建築家やグラフィ collective™)には、クリエイティ ック/インタラクティブ/インテリア/プロダクト等のデザイナー。ウ 活動領域は、多岐にわたり、ブランディングを中心に、デザイン・ ェブ/プログラミング/インスタレーション等のテクノロジスト。フォ コンサルティング、企業やブランドロゴ、広告キャンペーン、グラフ トグラファー、スタイリスト、メイク。そして、音楽家、画家、書家、 ィック、ウェブ、モバイル、UI、フィルム、モーショングラフィック、イ 華道家、料理家等のアーティストまで、ジャンルやカテゴリーを跨 ンスタレーション、ディスプレイ、ショーウィンドウ、ホテルやブテ いだメンバーがリストアップされています。 ィック、ミュージアム等の建築、インテリア、サインデザイン、そし て、エキシビションやイベントの企画プロデュースやアーティス “artless”は、アートやデザインを「ヴィジュアル・ランゲージ」と ト・キュレーションまで。 捉え、国境や言語を越え、思考や理念といった目に見えない概念 を表現する「ビジュアル・コミュニケーション」の姿勢を軸に活動し 東京を拠点としていますが、日本だけでなく、グローバルに活動 ています。 し、クライアントワークのみならず、エキシビションの主催や参 加、アートワークの出品、アーティスト・キュレーション等といった アート活動も精力的に行っています。 そのジャンルに縛られない横断的な活動は、カンヌ国際広告祭 (金賞)、 NY ADC : Young Guns、 NY TDC、 The One Show、D&AD、 London International Award iF design members The Art Directors Club services New York, US Design Consulting Architecture & Signage Branding Interior Installation ADC Young Guns ® Art Direction New York, US Advertising D&AD Curation London, UK Corporate Identity Visual Identity Japan Graphic Designers Association / JAGDA Graphic Design Tokyo, Japan Interactive / Web Design Packaging Design Film / Motion Graphic U.I. contact artless Inc. TOKYO / headquarters TAIPEI LONDON FIRENZE Shibuta Propaty Tower 13F, JL Design, 11F, 50-89, ADM Ltd, 24-28 Hatton Cailoghi S.R.L., Via 1-32-12, Higashi, Shibuya-ku, Renai Rd. Sec. 4 Wall, London EC1N 8JH, de Bardi 36, 50125 Tokyo 150-0001, Japan Taipei 106, Taiwan United Kingdom Firenze, Italia KYOTO NEW YORK PARIS HELSINKI Imura Art Gallery 3F, 2130 First Avenue 2403 Manmaru, 193 Rue du Musuta Ltd., Iso 31 Kawabata Higashi New York, 10029 USA FBG St. Antoine 75011 Roobertinkatu 36-40, Paris, France LH M5, 00120 Marutamachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8395, Japan www.artless.co.jp [email protected] Helsinki, Finland awards 2013 2012 2011 2010 DFAA – Design For iF: International Good Design Award 2011 Cannes Lions International Asia Award Forum Design Hotel Anteroom Kyoto Advertising Festival Hong Kong, China Hannover Hannover, Germany Installation work/original print Cannes, France [DFA Silver Award] “huug – balance of light and NANAMIYA shadow -” Brand Design and The 2011 elections to the or Brand Identity Brand Logo and Product Design D&AD Executive Committee Broadcast Design London, UK and Graphics Package Design [GOLD PRIZE] Corporate Creativity International D&AD Executive Elections are The One Show Awards: 41st annual now underway with 16 D&AD New York, US Print & Packaging candidates standing this year, The Best Advertising [GOLD PRIZE] design and Competition wanting to support D&AD’s And Design In The World paper engineering Brand ISETAN | The stage and show mission and vision and lead Awards 2010 Design and Package Design window “boku-sho” new year the organisation forward. [BRONZE PRIZE] TV and 2011. 1/2, 3, 4 Cinema Communications, The Tokyo Typo The Tokyo Typo Directors TV Promotions, Stings and Directors Club Club Annual Award 2011 Programme Junctions Annual Award 2013 Tokyo, Japan [Nomination] Tokyo, Japan Issey Miyake Inc./ELTTOBTEP ED Awards – European [Nomination] design and paper Package Design Design Awards engineering Brand Design and Package Design [BRONZE PRIZE] DDA – Japan Display Design Award Good Design Award 2013 [Nomination] ISETAN (Honkan 10 TEN – Brand Logo and & Men’s): Show Window Package Design “boku-sho” 2011 SDA Awards 2013 [First Prize] OBI/Installation by AODJ [Jun Aoki Prize] Monoco Ginza Gallery DSA – Japan Design Space Association Award OBI/Installation by AODJ artless Inc. www.artless.co.jp [email protected] awards 2009 2008 2000-2007 NY ADC ADC Young Guns 6 The ADC 86th Annual Young Gun 7/Judge Award-winning The final 50. Awards New York, US New York, US TDC55 [MERIT] Graphic Design The Type Directors Club London International New York, US Awards [SHORTLIST] Print London, UK Tokyo Interactive AD Award and Packaging Company Identity [FINALIST] The Tokyo Typo The One Show Adobe Motion Award Directors Club New York, US [GRAND PRIZE] [SHORTLIST] [FINALIST] Book Design Interactive design JAGDA Graphic Design in Tokyo Interactive AD Award Japan Good Design Award Japan 2009 [FINALIST] Applied Japan Typography Poster Design/Promotional Web Design Annual Japan [SHORTLIST] JCD Design Award 2008 BEST 100 FWA – Favorite Dual City Sessions 2007, Website Awards The Japanese Society of London, UK Commercial Space Designers [SHORTLIST] Display Design Awards 2008 Dual City Sessions 2007, The Japanese Society of Commercial Space Designers Exhibition Design by upsetters architects artless Inc. www.artless.co.jp [email protected] client list ADC (NewYork/USA) Kuala Lumpur Design Week Adobe Japan Levi Strauss Japan K.K. Aichi Triennale Organizing L’eclaireur Tokyo Committe Mackintosh Japan Art Award Tokyo Marunouchi Mccann Erickson Japan Inc. Audi Japan Microsoft Avex Trax Mitsubishi Estate Co.,Ltd. Beacon Comunication Inc. Musuta Ltd. Barneys Japan New World Records Bridgestone Corporation Nike Japan Corp. Bulgari Japan Nikon Corporation Cailoghi S.r.l NTT Communications Cartier Orange and Partners Co. Ltd Cosmo Communications Inc. OPENERS DDB Japan Restir Dentsu Inc. RICH magazine DesignTide Tokyo Sony Docomo Sony Music Fast Retailing Co.,Ltd Shift Japan Ford Japan Shinkenchiku FTC Skateboarding Taro Horiuchi GT Inc. TEDx Tokyo Guiliano Fujiwara Tycoon Graphics Herman Miller Inc. Uniqlo Honda Motor Co., Ltd. Volkswagen Japan H.P.France W+k Tokyo IdN magazine Waterford Wedgwood Japan Issey Miyake Inc. WOW Inc. JAGDA: Japan Graphic YCAM : Yamaguchi Center Designer Assosiation for Arts and Media JVC Entertaiment Networks +81 Magazine JWT Japan artless Inc. www.artless.co.jp [email protected] branding Making full use of our global network, we conduct research of po- hance brand value of existing brands, but offer our expertise to new tential markets, both in and out of the country, and start by building and upcoming brands that are preparing to launch into the market a vision/direction of the brand. as well. We offer corporate consulting through design. Enhancement of corporate value is carried out by recreating the current vis- Then, by creating a visual image that includes design tone, logo, ty- ual image which includes design of corporate logo, selection/pro- pography and image color, we develop a core philosophy for the duction of typography, design formats and color selection. Our brand. We also refine the totality of the brand image, seeing to experts will give advice/support to the designing of office building, specific items and issues such as stationery, printed material, film its interior, website and various printed material to forming a com- production, website and other digital media, a comprehensive PR prehensive corporate identity. consultation that includes advertising, design of boutiques and shops, as well as interior and signage designs. We not only en- artless Inc. www.artless.co.jp [email protected] 2014 antina branding creative direction artless Inc. art direction and design shun kawakami, artless photo styling miho yokozuka photograph kyohei matsuda, mash creative client yamato co., ltd. 2013 nanamiya branding creative direction artless, Inc. art direction and design shun kawakami, artless design taiichiro takeo, artless photo yuu kawakami, artless collective client yamato co., ltd. DFAA – Design For Asia Award 2013 Hong Kong, DFA Silver Award 2013 le pain boule branding creative direction artless Inc. art direction and logo design shun kawakami, artless design artless tokyo photo direction and food styling mizo yokozuka photographer lyie nitta client yamato co., ltd 2013 design and paper engineerings and artless gold branding creative direction artless Inc. art direction and concept design shun kawakami, artless design assistant ryo sugi, koki takahasi, tachiro takeo, hikaru mugita - artless photography yuu kawakami, artless client yoshimori, Inc. url www.d-pe.jp 2013 One Show Design (NYC) / GOLD PENCIL TDC 2013 - The Tokyo Type Directors Club 2013, Award Nomination 2013 botanite by dr. saito branding creative direction artless, Inc. art direction and design shun kawakami, artless photography yuu kawakami, artless collective client dr. saito 2013 10ten mihan/ehime branding creative direction and interior design upsetters architects art direction and total design artless Inc. botanical direction ren photo masahiro sanbe client ehime mikan url www.10-mikan.com GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2013 10 TEN – brand Logo & Package Design 2013 monoco branding art direction and logo design shun kawakami, artless Inc. client flutterscape, Inc. SDA AWARDS 2013 / Jun Aoki Prize 2013 adm branding art direction and design shun kawakami, artless client adm ltd., london, uk url www.adm.uk 2012 huug branding creative direction artless Inc., upsetters architects, tycoon graphics, poant art direction and logo design shun kawakami, artless product design shuzo okabe, upsetters architects web design artless Inc. copy writting poant client led enterprise co., ltd. url www.huug.jp 2012 bilcom Inc. branding creative direction artless Inc. art direction shun kawakami, artless design ryo sugi, artless calligraphy gen miyamura client bilcom Inc. 2012 zerone branding watch design and artwork shun kawakami, artless production z laboratory limited + en one tokyo 2012 upsetters architects branding art direction and design shun kawakami, artless client upsetters architects 2012 creative research organization branding art direction and design shun kawakami, artless client creative research organization url www.creative-research.org 2011 kioku ni nokoru website branding interview, planning, art direction and design shun kawakami, artless editor yosuke kurita, keita fukasawa photographer taisuke koyama 2011 heiwa paper deep-mat branding art direction and design artless, Inc. client heiwa paper co., ltd. 2011 3.141593 inc. branding art direction and design shun kawakami, artless client 3.141593 inc. 2011 issey miyake branding art direction and design shun kawakami, artless NY TDC55 – The Type Directors Club Print - Packaging (NY) / Tokyo TDC 2009 (Japan) JAGDA : Graphic Design in Japan 2009 (Japan) 2011 kawakami black offset ink of deep black branding produced by shun kawakami, artless design and copy writing artless, Inc. calligraphy gen miyamura manufacture kuboi co., ltd. 2011 investors co., ltd. branding creative and art direction artless design koki takahashi, artless logo design and photography shun kawakami, artless client investors co., ltd. 2011 gerald genta/ daniel roth branding creative direction tokyo design lab art direction and design artless tokyo 2010 bridgestone potenza branding art direction shun kawakami, artless design artless tokyo calligraphy gen miyamura url www.bridgeston-potenza.com 2010 tokyo design lab branding art direction and design shun kawakami interactive design jkaleidoszope sound noiselessly, artless records url www.tokyodesignlab.com print Our talented staff creates advertisements with eloquent and powerful Operating in a realm that embraces both art and design, we are capa- messages that clearly set our clients apart from their competitors. ble of producing a wide variety of graphic designs and engage in the Unique advertisements applying our wealth of knowledge and experi- total direction from editing to publishing. ence, together with the most advanced digital technology and innovative ideas, are key to success in any market. Our strength lies in our ability to link up with other media that open doors to cross-media promotions and communication with clients. Our creative work addresses such details as typography, motion graphics and sound, resulting in advertisements that will make a lasting impression. We have experience in design of both corporate and product advertisements and in such industries as fashion, automobile, electronic appliances, cosmetics, food, and mobile phones. artless Inc. www.artless.co.jp [email protected] Our printing skills range from traditional printing techniques, such as letterpress printing and silk screens, to designs using state-of-the-art printing techniques. We also work with handwritten designs and manual binding that give a one-of-a-kind tone and texture, as well as with innovative designs that overturn common conception of bookbinding. 2013 restaurant-i print creative direction artless, Inc. art direction shun kawakami, artless and keisuke matsushima design nao nozawa, artless client restaurant-i url www.restaurant-i.jp 2013 urban research rosso 2013-2014 a|w print creative, art and photo direction shun kawakami, artless design nao nozawa, artless photography kohei matsuda, mash creative hair and make-up mika furukawa, mash creative client urban research 2013 sonny label 2013-2014 a|w print art and photo direction shun kawakami, artless design nao nozawa, artless film and photography satomi yamauchi hair takako yanoh make-up nao yoshida video edit glmv model jaco (image), kriste (satoru) client urban research 2013 ftc skateboarding print creative direction A4A design shun kawakami, artless production ftc skateboardings satellite image daichi, jaxa client jaxa 2013 urban research rosso 2013 s|s print creative direction artless Inc. art and photo direction shun kawakami, artless design koki takahashi, artless photography kohei matsuda, mash creative hair and make-up mika furukawa, mash creative client urban research 2013 urban research rosso 2012-13 a|w print creative direction artless Inc. art and photo direction shun kawakami, artless design koki takahashi, artless photography kyohei matsuda, mash creative hair makiko endo, takahashi office model daniel d. (bravo), cristiane (satorujapan) printing direction daisuke kitagawa, kraan inc. client urban research 2013 open reel ensemble print art direction and design shun kawakami, artless director ryouichi kiyomiya, vinylsoyuz management yoji takaishi, sony music artists sales and promotion commons produced by open reel ensemble music ei wada (reel, concept), kimitoshi sato (reel, dj), takumi namba (reel, violin), haruka yoshida (reel, percussion), masaru yoshida (bass) 2013 honda insight print artwork shun kawakami calligraphy gen miyamura client honda motor co., ltd. 2013 ma: artbook print artwork, art direction and design shun kawakami, artless printing direction adopia Inc. client jetro, japan external trade organization 2013 « Le Viognier du Pesquié » is produced in a limited amount on about a 4 hectares vineyard. 100% Viognier. The harvest is crushed then placed into a stainless steel tank. It is kept at a low temperature for about 12 hours, for the skin maceration phase. Pressing and must settling at a low temperature and the alcoholic fermentation ends at a 16 to 18°C average temperature. Malolactic fermentation is blocked. No oak barrel ageing. Bottled at Château Pesquié. chateau pesquie viognier print art and design shun kawakami, artless production keisuke matsushima client chateau pesquie, france 2012 wow inc. portfolio vip box print art direction and design artless inc. printing direction daisuke kitagawa, kraan inc. client wow inc. 2012 exhibition of art and design, shun kawakami and artless inc. print art direction and artwork shun kawakami, artless ikebana nobuaki kawahara, ren kamon design shoryu hatoba, kyo-gen photo yuu kawakami, artless sponsor eye of gyre 2012 control bear 10 art-t project print art direction shun kawakami, artless design taichiro takeo, artless sponsor spiral cute client graniph url www.controlbear.com 2012 sound print sound noiselessly sound production shun kawakami, artless composition leo sato art direction and design artless artwork shun kawakami flower art nobuaki kawahara, ren balloon art daisy balloon photo yuu kawakami, artless calligraphy gen miyamura 2012 hokke saburo print art direction shun kawakami, artless photography ichigo sugawara design kouji abe, insense 2012 boycott rythm machine versus live 2012 print artwork and art direction shun kawakami design artless Inc. production vinylsoyuz url www.vinylsoyuz.net 2012 wow visual design print creative direction kosuke oho and mamoru kano, wow inc. publisher and producer hiroshi takahashi, wow inc. art direction and design shun kawakami, artless design ryo sugi, artless photograph ichigo sugawara interview and edit keita fukasawa and mika iwasaka project management mika shinya translation yoko kasai printing direction adpia Inc. 2012 studio apartment print art direction and design shun kawakami, artless client new world records url www.studioapartment.jp 2012 james clar print art direction and design shun kawakami, artless client traffic (dubai, uae) url www.jamesclar.com 2011 noiselessly sound: 1 print art work and design shun kawakami, artless design sugi ryo, artless calligraphy gen miyamura sound noiselessly by leo sato 2011 wow inc. christmas card print art direction and design shun kawakami, artless printed by adpia inc. photo yuu kawakami, artless client wow inc. 2011 soothe print art direction and design artless Inc. calligraphy gen miyamura photo sanbe graphic work raku-gaki 2011 tokyo graphic passport at centre pompidou print artwork, design and photography shun kawakami calligraphy gen miyamura photography ichigo sugawara print graph offset print 4c paper moderation url www.grapass.net/2011/eng/paris/exhibition.html 2011 handkerchiefs for tohoku children print design shun kawakami, artless url www. handkerchiefs.jagda.org 2011 composition of knowledge and feeling print artwork and design shun kawakami (artless) and takashi kawada (kotenhits) balloon daisy balloon calligraphy gen miyama photography yuu kawakami, artless 2011 kenichi takemoto print art direction and design artless Inc. memo kenichi takemoto 2011 tokyo graphic passport world tour issue, +81 magazine print 2010 rich magazine artwork and photo direction shun kawakami print photography shoji uchida url www.richmagazine.jp 2010 blanc. + ark inc. print art direction and design shun kawakami, artless flash development hitsme photography nam sound blanc. url www.musiqueblanc.com www.arkinc.net 2010 studio apartment brand new start print art direction and artwork shun kawakami, artless design ryo sugi, artless client new world records 2010 keisuke matsumisha and printemps print production keisuke matsushima and diglee art direction and design artless Inc. client printemps ginza 2010 synapse, the university of tokyo print creative direction keiichiro shibuya, atak art direction and design shun kawakami, artless coordination synapse 2008 edo - anseo '6 print client hitspaper 2007 ikebana numbers artwork shun kawakami print illustration, suibokuga, drawing tadashi ura photography taisuke koyama 2007 null by artless with giuliano fujiwara print artwork shun kawakami url www.nullartless.com 2006 null in osaka print Poster for Exhibition Nagoya & Osaka, Japan Offset Print on Original wood paper art direction and design shun kawakami, artless NY ADC: New York Art Directors Club, Nomination web artless Inc. www.artless.co.jp [email protected] We develop all kinds of websites using avant-garde interface and As well as providing websites of refined creative expressions, we interactive designs. Websites as corporate and brand statures play focus on usability, contents, operation, support for on-line PR/com- an increasing vital role in the current marketplace. At artless Inc., munication and direction. Our website designs, which have fully using advanced programming techniques, we promote networking spoken for national institutions, industries and brands, have received to create an interactive website that enables client communication. numerous awards, earning global recognition for artless Inc. 2013 toto technology neorest web art direction shun kawakami, artless design and programming artless collective photography masanori sanbe music noiselessly by leo sato, artless records client toto ltd. 2013 toto shower 5 technology web art direction shun kawakami, artless design and programming artless interactive client toto ltd. 2013 urban research rosso web creative, art and photo direction shun kawakami, artless design artless and artless collective photography kohei matsuda, mash creative hair and make-up mika furukawa, mash creative client urban research 2013 d. brain co., ltd. web creative direction and planing artless Inc. art direction and design shun kawakami, artless design ryo sugi, artless collective scenery of design music leo sato, artless records) technical direction semiserif interactive design programing add thermal client d.brain co.,ltd. 2013 kawatana grand hotel web art direction and design artless Inc. development artless interactive illustration kei horokawa production cream inc. client kawatana grand hotel 2013 sakakura associates, inc. web creative direction artless Inc. art direction and design shun kawakami, artless design hikaru mugita, artless tokyo development junichi okamoto, artless interactive client sakakura associates, inc. url www.sakakura.co.jp 2013 shinkenchiku architecture firm web creative, art direction and design artless Inc. development adrien dufond, artless/ paris, manmaru client shunkenchiku url www.shinkenchiku.jp 2013 mccann worldgroup japan web creative direction artless Inc. art direction and design shun kawakami, artless design taichiro takeo, artless development shunsuke ishii (husma), yoshiya oki (ceroan) client mccann worldgroup japan url www.mccannwg.co.jp 2013 uniqlo: ut tabloid web art direction and design artless Inc. art direction shun kawakami, artless design ryo sugi (artless), hikaru mugita (artless) flash development junichi okamoto (artless) html development hisayoshi hayashi (hys design) motion graphics yu maruno (glmv, inc.) sound sunao gonno client uniqlo co., ltd. url www.uniqlo.com/jp/ut_tabloid 2013 prime minister of japan and his cabinet web creative and art direction shun kawakami, artless Inc. design artless Inc. develop iij client office of global communications prime minister’s office url www.kantei.go.jp/foreign/index-e.html 2013 vogue japan web creative direction paragraph co., ltd. client condé nast digital art direction shun kawakami, artless design artless development nagi co., ltd., livedoor co., ltd., cre-d co., ltd. url www. 2013 open reel ensemble: digital liner notes web art direction shun kawakami, artless design hikaru mugita, artless illustration open reel ensemble development yoshiaki fujimori (grandbase inc.), syoh yoshida (artless) client commons url www.commmons.com/openreelensemble_reverse 2013 the bolan group web art direction and design shun kawakami, artless assistant design tachiro takeo, artless development adrien dufond/manmaru, artless agency cailoghi ltd. client the bolan group ltd. url www.bolangroup.com 2013 aodj | alliance of designers, japan web art direction and design shun kawakami, artless visuals shun kawakami (artless), masashi kawamura (party), eisuke tachikawa (nosigner) development artless interactive client aodj | alliance of designers, japan url www.aodj.org 2013 a4a Inc. web creative, art direction and design artless Inc. art direction shun kawakami, artless design ryo sugi and taichiro takeo, artless html development husma client a4a Inc. url www.a4a.jp 2012 design spirits co., ltd. web art direction shun kawakami, artless design hikaru mugita, artless development motoshi goto, straightline client design spirits co., ltd. url www.ds2003.com 2012 mizunoi believe web art direction and design artless Inc. art direction shun kawakami, artless design ryo sugi and hikaru mugita, artless development junichi okamoto, artless client mizuno url www.mizuno.jp/2012japan/voice 2012 joan group web creative direction jl design Inc. (taipei, taiwan) art direction and design artless Inc. art direction shun kawakami, artless design ryo sugi, artless flash development mitsuaki ushuijima, attarctors html development syoh yoshida, artless and jl design Inc. agency jl design Inc. (taipei, taiwan) client jo-an garment co., ltd. (taipei, taiwan) url www.jo-an.com.tw 2012 hokke saburo web art direction and design shun kawakami, artless photography ichigo sugawara design assistant kouji abe, insense development karappo url www.hokkesaburo.com 2012 giuliano fujiwara web art direction shun kawakami, artless design ryo sugi, artless development yoshiaki fujimori, grandbase client breeze giuliano fujiwara Inc. url www.giulianofujiwara.com 2012 bilcom, Inc. web creative direction artless Inc. art direction and design shun kawakami, artless design sugi ryo, artless development renz motion graphics junichi okamoto, artless photography syuu kawakami, artless client bilcom Inc. url www.bil.jp 2012 edp graphic works web art direction and design shun kawakami, artless assistant design sho yoshida, artless html development motoshi goto, straightline client edp graphic works url www.edp.jp 2011 taro horiuchi web concept taro horiuchi creative direction/total production shun kawakami, artless interactive design yusuke oshima photography ichigo sugawara hair and make up sada ito styling akiko murata url www. tarohoriuchi.com 2011 shoji uchida web art direction and design artless tokyo development mitsuaki ushijima, attractor sound leo sato + noiselessly, artless records client shoji uchida photo office ltd. url www. shojiuchida.com 2011 k-system masayuki kurokawa web art direction and design shun kawakami design ryo sugi, artless development junich okamoto, artless client k-system, masayuki kurokawa url www. k-system.net 2011 the earth news web creative direction artless Inc. art direction and design shun kawakami, artless design ryo sugi and syoh yoshida, artless html development renz logo design shun kawakami client the earth news url www.theearthnews.jp 2011 onuki taeko web agency, creative direction gt inc. art direction, design and video artless Inc. interactive design yusuke oshima interactive design wildcart Inc. sound taeko onuki url www.onukitaeko.jp 2011 jtq inc. web art direction and design artless Inc. development grandbase inc. client jtq inc. 2011 rich magazine issue 2 beautiful moment web creative direction tads, tokyo art directors miyashi (tycoon graphics) and umezawa (glam beast) art direction and design shun kawakami, artless design and development artless Inc. url www.richmagazine.jp 2011 issey miyake inc. web art direction and design shun kawakami, artless project management syoh yoshida, artless design artless tokyo and artless kyoto interactive design keigo anan (tngrm), jun masuda and naoki ogawa (artcode) url www.isseymiyake.com 2011 manmaru ltd. web art direction and design artless Inc. interactive design adrien dufond artwork shun kawakami client manmaru ltd., paris url www.manmaru.fr 2011 nikon next web creative direction paragraph art direction, design and html developement artless project management haute couture artist curation +81 magazine, hitspaper logo design shun kawakami, artless 2011 t.lipop web creative, art direction and design shun kawakami, artless assistant design syoh yoshida, artless interactive design junich okamoto, artless client t.lipop, london url www.tlipop.com 2010 ibuki kougei sha web creative and art direction artless Inc. design kotenhits flash development attractors url www.ibuki-w.com 2010 giuliano fujiwara web art direction and design shun kawakami, artless sound design gaku sato flash development kenshi nishizuka, rhythn url www.giulianofujiwara.com 2010 mckintosh web art direction shun kawakami, artless project management, flash development and programming artcode inc. design kotenhits and ryo sugi, artless agency openers client yagitsusho limited. url www.giulianofujiwara.com 2010 uniqlo shanghai 88 colors web art direction artless Inc. design hitsme production nanayo co., ltd. client barneys japan 2010 barneys new york web production and planning kentaro katsube and yoshihisa watanabe, uniqlo creative direction shun kawakami, artless art direction and design yu-ki sakurai, metamosphere inc. flash development minoru sako, minsak and junya kojima, panoptes sound shuta hasunuma project management yuichiro ide, no.18 and takeyoshi fukuda, sonicjam inc. url www.onlinestore.barneys.co.jp/ 2010 openers web magazine web art direction and design artless Inc. logo design shun kawakami url www.openers.jp 2010 gyre omotesando web creative direction w+k tokyo, (suit)men interactive art tha ltd. art direction and interface design shun kawakami, artless flash hiraku koike html design kei kawakami, asobi development grandbase inc. url www.gyre-omotesando.com 2010 shinkenchiku web art direction and design artless Inc. interactive design kouishi wakame, rinnel photo shun kawakami url www.shinkenchiku.jp installation artless Inc. www.artless.co.jp [email protected] We design and engage in artistic direction for offices, boutiques, signage, etc., integrating our creative direction to achieve a total and displays and all types of exterior and interior space. At artless Inc., feasible image. We have rendered our services in creating original we collaborate with architects and interior designers to create a space for hotels, art museums, galleries, shops and other commer- comprehensive design that covers building structures to details of cial facilities as well as for events and exhibitions. 2013 monoco installation art direction and logo design shun kawakami, artless Inc. interior design shuzo okabe, upsetters architects client flutterscape, Inc. SDA AWARDS 2013 / Jun Aoki Prize 2013 ycam yamaguchi center for arts and media installation creative direction shuzo okabe and shun kawakami interior design upsetters architects ui, sign, programming artless Inc. client ycam, yamaguchi center for arts and media 2012 saw - social apartment wako installation creative and art direction artless Inc. design taichiro takeo, artless interior design dewt work studio client global agents co., ltd. 2012 mandarin oriental hotel tokyo installation creative direction artless Inc. art direction and design shun kawakami, artless design assistant taichiro takeo, artless preparation trnk client mandarin oriental hotel, tokyo url www.mandarinoriental.com/tokyo 2012 exhibition of artless, portfolio view installation art direction and design artless Inc. exhibition preparation tatsuhiko yamaguchi, trnk supported by a4a, wow photography yuu kawakami, artless 2012 the common at eye of gyre installation total design artless Inc. art direction and design shun kawakami, artless curator arata sasaki, hitspaper producer leo sato, etude llp exhibition preparation trnk music i-dep artists hideki owa (tha ltd.), shun kawakami (artless), kenshu shintsubo, mayumi hosokura, namiko kitaura, shingo wakagi, edp graphic works, tymote 2011 hotel anteroom tokyo installation art and photo direction shun kawakami, artless design nao nozawa, artless film and photography satomi yamauchi hair takako yanoh make-up nao yoshida video edit glmv model jaco (image), kriste (satoru) client urban research 2011 t/m: wafft at milano salone satellite 2011 installation art direction and design artless Inc. product design t/m url www.tani-matsumura.jp 2011 isetan, the stage new year 2011 installation art direction and artwork shun kawakami, artless stage design t/m calligraphy gen miyamura production pranks clothes maison martin margiela client isetan co., ltd. creativity international awards: 41st annual international design competition dda award – japan display design awards 2010, nomination 2011 arnk, solo exhibition of shun kawakami installation artwork, art direction and design shun kawakami, artless exhibition preparation tatsuhiko yamaguchi, trnk photography yuu kawakami, artless 2011 seoul design festival 2010 installation art direction and design artless Inc. motion graphics shun kawakami and edp graphic works client design house (seoul design festival) url www.designfestival.co.kr 2010 time and style, tokyo midtown installation artwork shun kawakami, artless calligraphy gen miyamura size 590 x 1680 mm printed on gold leaf/silver leaf + top coat + dosa (a liquid made of weak mikawa and myoban that preps the water) and wood panel 2010 elttobtep issey miyake installation art direction shun kawakami, artless Inc. interactive design tngrm + unouplus led light and sound system shuzo okabe, tokyo design lab sound leo sato pm shirofuchi 2010 art award tokyo marunouchi installation art direction artless Inc. logo design shun kawakami creative direction shigeo goto sponsor shu uemara client mitsubichi estate, co., ltd. url www.artawardtokyo.jp 2010 steve paxton phantom exhibition installation organizer yamaguchi city foundation for cultural promotion support yamaguchi city, yamaguchi city board of education co-organizer dance documents japan committe, ddjc co-sponsor japan-united states friendship commission, asian cultural council, the saison foundation production yamaguchi center for arts and media technical support ycam interlab curator kazunao abe, ycam design direction shun kawakami, artless video artless Inc. www.artless.co.jp [email protected] We produce videos with striking and innovative images that are ar- cell phones. The number of awards including the Cannes Interna- tistic in nature. The most effective and suitable voice and image is tional Advertising Award proves that our visual images are globally chosen for each respective media including broadband, TV, Internet, understood beyond language barriers. 2013 a salon dinner for visionary video founder shun kawakami and hegwan kim flower art nobuaki kawahara, ren film kyohei matsuda, mash creative photography said kalsson food miho yokozuka service staff artless members / nao, mio, leonie 2013 sense of place video creative direction artless Inc. production rock ‘n roll japan direction shun kawakami, artless music toku video muga miyahara hair mika furukawa, mash creative model toku, lena sukhoveeva, nat olive, minami, cazuma mori, nayo roby, oliver, inge murata client urban research 2013 urban research rosso 2013 s|s video creative design and direction artless Inc. art direction shun kawakami, artless music amelsub/cycle (from atak017 sacrifice soundtrack for seiji “fish on land) video glmv photography kyohei matsuda hair make mika furukawa, mash management client urban research url www.rosso.me.uk/ss2013 2013 uniqlo ut tabloid video creative and art direction artless Inc. motion graphics glmv music sunao gonno client uniqlo co., ltd. 2012 urban research rosso 2012-13 a|w video creative direction artless Inc. art direction and photo direction shun kawakami, artless photography kyohei matsuda making movie yu maruno, glmv inc. and artless hair make makiko endo, takahashi office model daniel d., bravo and cristiane, satorujapan client urban research 2012 channel 4 video creative direction jopsu ramu, musuta ltd. art director jopsu ramu and shun kawakami cover artowork shun kawakami, artless sound chikao maruyama producer timo huhtala, musuta ltd. director mitsumoto maeda and masaru ikeda project management masaji kinoshita, shirofuchi Inc. created by jopsu ramu and timo huhtala, masuta ltd. 2012 wow tenspace video creative direction and motion graphica wow Inc. music shun masato hatanaka artwork shun kawakami, artless illustration tadashi ura photography taisuke koyama award youtube play biennial guggenheim finalist 2012 projection mapping on toyota auris video art direction and artwork shun kawakami, artless motion graphics and projection mapping yuu maruno, glmv client daikanyama art street sponsor toyota url www.d-art-street.org 2012 jeju premium water video art direction and artwork shun kawakami, artless motion graphics edp graphic works music noiselessly by chikao maruyama, artless project managemente crosspoint (korea) 2011 taro houriuchi 2011 s|s video concept taro houriuchi creative direction/total production shun kawakami, artless movie edp graphic works art direction jun furuuchi direction mitsutomo maeda production naoki kumamoto music leo sato url www.tarohouriuchi.com thank you artless Inc. www.artless.co.jp [email protected]
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