The Japan Foundation London | Factsheet Resources for AS & A2 Japanese The Japan Foundation has no proprietary interest in any of the publications mentioned and inclusion on the list does not constitute a recommendation, nor does the list claim to be comprehensive. For specifications, please check Edexcel’s website: Flyer last updated: December 2014 For more information and guidance about Japanese language resources, please contact: Japan Foundation London Lion Court, 25 Proctor Street, London. WC1V 6NY Tel: 020 3102 5021 Fax: 020 3102 5022 Web: Email: [email protected] Facebook: JapanFoundationLondon Twitter: @jpflondon Course Books th 1. Obento Supreme [4 edition] (810.783-KU) ISBN: 9780170198271 Author(s): Kyoko Kusumoto, Ayako Lyons, Jacqueline Brown Anne fisher, Jean Swinyard Publisher: Nelson Cengage learning 2013 2. できる日本語 初中級 (810.78 –DE) ISBN: 9784757420847 Author:できる日本語教材開発プロジェクト Publisher:アルク, 2011 3. レベル別日本語多読ライブラリー : にほんご よむよむ文 庫 レベル3 & 4 (817.7-NI) (810.77) Author(s): NPO houjin nihongo tadoku kenkyuukai Publisher: ASK Press, 20064. みんなの日本語初級Ⅱ 初級で読めるトピック25(810.7MI) ISBN:4883191850 Authors: Akiko Makino, Sachiko Sawada, Akemi Shigekawa, Yone Tanaka, Mariko Mizuno Publisher:3A, 2001 3. 学ぼう!にほんご初級2・初中級(810.78-NI) ISBN: 9784883244010, 9784883244140 Author:日本語教育開発委員会 Publisher:専門教育出版, 2009-10 5. 読解をはじめるあなたへ 初級から中級への橋渡しシリーズ④ ISBN: 9784893588135 Author(s):日本語教育研究所 Publisher:凡人社,2004 4. Genki 2 [2nd edition] (810.7-BA-2) ISBN: 9784789014434 Author(s): Eri Banno, Yutaka Ohno, Yoko Ikeda, 他 Publisher: The Japan Times, 2011 6. 読むトレーニング 基礎編 改訂版 (817.5-MI) ISBN:9784883195435 Author(s):三上京子・和栗雅子・山形美保子・青木俊憲 Publisher: 3A Network, 2010 5. Mirai 5 & 6 [2nd edition] (810.7-MI) ISBN: 0733970664 (MIRAI 5), 0733969011 (MIRAI 6) Author(s): Meg Evans, Yoko Masano, Ikuo Kawakami, Setsuko Taniguchi Publisher: Pearson Education, 2006 7. 留学生のための読解トレーニング (817.5-IS) ISBN:9784893587800 Author(s):石黒圭・熊田道子・筒井千絵・Olga Pokrovska Publisher: 凡人社,2011 6. みんなの日本語 初級Ⅱ第二版 (810.7-MI-2) ISBN: 9784883196463 Author(s): 3A Network Publisher: 3A Network, 2013 8. テーマ別 中級までに学ぶ日本語 初中級ブリッジ教材 (810.781-MA) ISBN:9784327384579 Author(s):松田浩志・亀田美保 Publisher:研究社, 2011 rd 7. Japanese for Busy People 2 & 3 [3 edition] (810.7-AS3) ISBN: 9784770030108 (Vol. 2), 9784770030115 (Vol. 3) Author(s): Association for Japanese-Language Teaching Publisher: Kodansha International, 2007 Reading Resources (817.5-NI) 9. たのしい読み物55 初級&初中級 CD2枚付(817.5DE) ISBN:9784757422773 Author(s):できる日本語教材開発プロジェクト 1. More Chikara for Reading –もっと 読む力– (817.7-KA) Author(s): Michiyo Kato, Shoko Middleton, Sachiko Yamaguchi 2012 10. 日本文化を読む 初・中級学習者向け日本語教材 (8107.5) ISBN:9784757422988 Author(s): 京都日本語教育センター, 2013 2. Let’s Read Japanese ブルックス文庫 Vol. 1 & 2 (817.7) ISBN:9780992639303, 9780992639310 Author(s): Irene Hill, Suzuko Anai Publisher: Oxford Brookes University, 2013 11. 中上級のにほんご (Monthly magazine) Publisher: Sousaku shuudan nihongo Resources for AS & A2 Japanese (cont. from overleaf) Reading Resources (cont.) Skill Based Activities 12. 斉藤孝のイッキによめる!名作選 小学5年生 (817.7-SA) ISBN:4062130076, 4062130084 Author : 斉藤孝編 Publisher: 講談社, 2012 小学4年生 & 2. 毎日の聞きとり50日(下) : 初級日本語聴解練習 (810.7-OT-2) ISBN: 9784893587534 Skills: Listening Author(s): Yukie Miyagi et al Publisher: Bonjinsha, 2010 13. マンガ「坊ちゃん」 (817.7-NA) ISBN:9784843335260 Authors: Soseki Natsume, Joan E Ericson Publisherゆまに書房 14. Hir@gana Times (日英バイリンガルmonthly magazine ) 15. 月刊 ニュースがわかる(monthly magazine ) Publisher:毎日新聞 16. 月刊 ジュニアエラ(monthly magazine ) Publisher:朝日新聞 17. にぽにか (Japanese version) (Seasonal magazine) Publisher:日本国外務省 Niponica (English version) 18. 日本を知る 日本語で学ぶ日本事情 (302.1-SA) ISBN:4883192628 Author:板坂元 Publisher: 3A, 2003 1. 楽しく聞こう2 (810.7-TA-2) Skills: Listening Author(s): Bunka Institute of Language Publisher: Bonjinsha, 2004 新訂版 Dictionaries 1. A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar (815-MA) ISBN: 4789004546 Author: Seiichi Makino et al Publisher: The Japan Times, 1989 2. Oxford Beginner’s Japanese Dictionary (833-OX) ISBN: 9780199298525 Author(s): Jonathan Bunt (Ed) with Gillian Hall Publisher: Oxford University Press, 2006 3. Kodansha’s Romanized Japanese-English Dictionary (833-KO) ISBN: 4770016034 Author(s): Timothy J. Vance Publisher: Kodansha International, 1993 4. Kodansha’s furigana Japanese-English Dictionary (833-KO) ISBN: 4770019831 Author(s): Masatoshi Yoshida, Yoshikatsu Nakamura Publisher: Kodansha International, 1995 5. Kodansha’s furigana English-Japanese Dictionary (833-FU) ISBN: 4770020554 Author(s): Masatoshi Yoshida, Yoshikatsu Nakamura Publisher: Kodansha International, 1996 3. 中級へ行こう 日本語の文型と表現59 CD付 (815-HI) Skills: listening , Reading, Writing ISBN:9784883193271 Author(s):平井悦子,三輪さち子 Publisher: 3A, 2004 4. 日本語で挑戦!スピーチ&ディスカッション 中級/もっと中級 (809.6) Skills: Speaking , Reading, Writing ISBN: 9784893588449, 9784893588449 Author(s): 黒崎典子編著, 石塚久与 Publisher: 凡人社, 2012-13 5. 日本を話そう : 15のテーマで学ぶ日本事情 [第3版] (810.7NI) Skills: Speaking, Reading, Writing ISBN: 4789010635 Author(s): Nippon Steel Human Resources Development and Japan College of Foreign Languages Publisher: The Japan Times, 2001 6. 中級からの日本語プロフィシェンシー ライティング Skills: Reading, Writing ISBN: 9784893588425 Author:由比紀久子大谷つかさ荻田朋子北川幸子 Publisher: 凡人社, 2012 7. にほんご日記ノート (816-HA) Skills: Writing, Reading ISBN: 9784757415553 Author: 長谷川頼子 Publisher: ARK, 2010 8. 日本語表現の教室 中級 (810.781-KU) Skills: Writing, Reading ISBN: 4772260234 Author:倉八順子 Publisher:古今書院,2005 9. にほんご作文の方法 (改訂版) (816-SA) Skills: Writing, Reading ISBN:4808606526 Author(s):佐藤政光、田中幸子、戸村佳代ほか Publisher:第三書房, 2004 10. 作文とスピーチのレッスン 初級から中級へ UZ) Skills: Writing, Speaking ISBN: 9784757415553 Author: 長谷川頼子 Publisher: ARK, 1998 (816- Resources for AS & A2 Japanese (cont. from overleaf) Kanji A level further resources 1. Basic Kanji Book Volume 1 & 2 (811.2-KA) ISBN: 4893580914 (Vol.1), 4893581198 (Vol.2) Author: Chieko Kano et al Publisher: Bonjinsha, 1990-1991 1. 必読報道写真でわかるニュース ISBN: 9784900050662 Publisher:朝日新聞2013 2. The Key to Kanji: a visual history of 1100 Characters (811.2-WI) ISBN: 9780887277368 Author: Noriko Kurosawa Williams Publisher: Cheng & Tsui, 2010 3. 漢字たまご 初中級 (811.2-AR) ISBN: 9784893588326 Author: 嶋田和子監修 有山優樹他 Publisher: 凡人社2013 4. ストーリーで覚える漢字Ⅰ, Ⅱ ISBN: 9784893588326, 9784874244029 Authors:ボイクマン総子 渡辺洋子 Publisher: くろしお出版2010 5. KANJI LOOK AND LEARN ISBN: 9784789013499 Authors:坂野永理、池田庸子ほか Publisher: The Japan Times A2 level set texts 1. どんどん読めるいろいろな話 (817.7-AK) ISBN: 4838603681 芥川龍之介「鼻」(minimum requirement) Author(s): Miharu Akimoto et al Publisher: Musashino Shoin, 1991 2. ボッコちゃん (913-HO) ISBN: 4591009068 「特許の品」 (minimum requirement) Author(s): Shinichi Hoshi Publisher: Shinchosha, 1987 3. つめたいよるに (913.6-EK) ISBN: 4101339139 「デューク」(minimum requirement) Author(s): Kaori Ekuni Publisher: Shinchosha, 1996 2. やさしく読める小学生の時事問題 ISBN:9784840304382 Author(s):日能研, 2011 (改訂新版) (307-NI) 3. 新聞で学ぶ日本語「改訂版」(817.5-MI)CD付 ISBN: 9784789012829 Authors: Osamu Mizutani, Nobuko Mizutani Publisher: The Japan Times, 2011. 4. 季節で学ぶ日本語 新装版 (810.7-IS) ISBN: 9784757413559 Author(s):石塚京子・市瀬俊介・寺田和子・堀越和男 Publisher: ALC 2008 他 5. 英語対訳で読む日本史の有名人 (281.04-NA) ISBN: 9784408107677 Authors :中西康裕, Gregory Patton監修 Publisher実業之日本社, 2009 6. Read Real Japanese (Essays) with CD ISBN: 9784770030573 Edited by Janet Ashby Publisher: Kodansha Int’l, 2008 7. Breaking into Japanese Literature (913-MU) ISBN: 4770028997 Author: Giles Murray Publisher: Kodansha Int’l, 2003 8. 日本タテヨコ : 和英対訳 = Japan as it is : a bilingual guide (302.1-NI) ISBN: 9784053012807 Publisher: Gakken, 2004 9. DVDで学ぶ日本語 : エリンが挑戦! にほんごできます Vol.2 & 3 (810.725-KO) ISBN: 9784893586254 (Vol. 2), 9784893586261 (Vol. 3) Author(s): The Japan Foundation Publisher: Bonjinsha, 2007 10. 星新一ショートショート Short Hoshi Shinichi 1926-1997 [DVD] (775-HO) ASIN: B001TITK3U *This box set can’t be borrowed but may be viewed inside the library. Publisher: NHK Enterprises, 2009
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