Example 様式1 個 人 調 書 (Resume) 履 歴 ふりがな 氏 名 Name 生年月日 Birthdate Osaka Jo Gakuin 男/女 male / female Osaka Jo Gakuin 年齢 Age 1964 年 1 月 1 日 -40 Address 2-26-54 Tamatsukuri, Chuo-ku, Osaka, 540-0004 写真貼付欄 (3ケ月以内) Attach photograph (taken in last 3 months) (4 cm x 3 cm) (color or B/W) Telephone 学 歴 Year/Month (Education) 事 項 (Details including Degree) 1980/6 AAAAAA High School, Graduated 1980/9 OOOOO University, entered, Department of Education (Part-time student) 1984/6 OOOOO University, Department of Education, Graduated, B.A., Education XXXXXX University, Collge of Education, Graduate School, Masters of Education, TESL, entered XXXXXX University, Collge of Education, Graduate School, Masters of Education, TESL, Graduated ZZZZZZZ University, College of Education, Graduate School, Doctor of Education, Applied Linguistics, entered ZZZZZZZ University, College of Education, Graduate School, Doctor of Education, Applied Linguistics, graduated, Ed.D., Applied Linguistics. Title of Dissertation: "Aaaaaa Bbbbbbbb Ccccccc or Dddddd" 1990/9 1993/12 1999/9 2005/6 職 歴 (Work Experience) Year/Month 事 項 (Details) 1984/9 OOOOOO Elementary School, classroom teacher, 5th and 6th grade (to 1988/6) 1988/9 XXXXXX University Attached Elementary School, classroom teacher, 5th grade (to 2000/6) 2000/9 ZZZZZZZ University, teaching assistant (part-time), College of Education (to 2003/6) 2003/4 YYYYYYY University, instructor, Department of Something (to 2008/3) 2008/4 WWWWW University, assistant professor, Department of Something (to 2012/4) 2012/4 WWWWW University, associate professor, Department of Something (to present) 学 会 及 び 社 会 に お け る 活 動 等 Roles at Academic Associations and activities in the society Year/Month 2000/9 事 項 (Details) Some Association, Official role in the organization (to ending date) Note: List only organiza1ons in which you had an official posi1on, either elected or appointed. This could be a local chapter officer, a conference volunteer, or a role in one of the organiza1ons publica1ons. 1 Example 賞 罰 (Awards) Year/Month 事 項 (Details) Note: List licenses, grants, awards, or honors given to you by professional or governmental organiza1ons. List cer1ficates earned in languages (English, Japanese, other languages) and cer1ficates in educa1on related skills. 職務の状況 大学等における授業の担当状況(今年度のみ) Roles at universities or colleges (present employment only) WWWWWW University WWWWWW University WWWWWW University WWWWWW University WWWWWW University 学部、学科等 担当授業科目 職名 / (所属部署名)/ / Courses Position Full Department Taught Time Associa te Profess Associa te Profess Associa te Profess Associa te Profess Associa te Profess Part Time Total 勤務先 / University or College 兼担 Secondary appointment Number of the hours per week in the Subject Term of course Full year / 1 semester Dept. of Something Course A 3 3 Full year Dept. of Something Course B 3 3 Full year Dept. of Something Course C 3 3 Full year Dept. of Something Course D 3 3 Spring semeseter Dept. of Something Course E 3 3 Fall semester Sign or affix your stamp (hanko) Do NOT forget to do this! 上記のとおり相違ありません。 2014年 7月 9日 month day 氏 名 Osaka Jo Gakuin name 印 hanko/sign Notes * Insert additional rows as needed. Increase row height as needed. (Merge cells in added rows as appropriate.) * Enter information from oldest to most recent (Japanese resume order). * Complete the "Educational Research Documents" ("様式 / Forms 2-1 & 2-2"). * Forms may be completed in English or Japanese 2 Form 2-1 様式2-1 教 育 研 究 業 績 書 (Record of Educational Research) 2014 年 月 日 year / month / day Osaka Jo Gakuin 氏名 Name 教育上の能力に関する事項 年月 Educational Competence Year/Month 概 要 Details (within 15-20 lines) 1. 教育方法の実践例 Educational methods / teaching techniques developed Note: List any courses that you have developed. List any techniques you have developed for any ins8tu8on that you have worked. Provide brief descrip8ons of these in the Details sec8on. You may need to make the rows wider. 2. 作成した教科書、教材 Textbooks or teaching materials Note: List any texts or teaching materials that you have created. Provide brief descrip8ons of these in the Details sec8on. You may need to make the rows wider. 3.当該教員の教育上の能力に関する大学等の評価 Assessment / achievement of your educational ability and contributions Note: List any educa8onal achievements or contribu8ons that you have made, either at your ins8tu8ons or to the field. Provide brief descrip8ons of these in the Details sec8on. You may need to make the rows wider. 4. 実務家教員についての特記事項 Special activities 5. その他 Others 職務上の実績に関する事項 年月 概 要 Other Achievements Year/Month Details 1. 資格、免許 Qualifications, Licenses Note: List Licenses or cer8ficates (including language cer8ficates) 2. 特許等 Patents, etc. 3. 実務家教員についての特記事項 Special Activities 1 Form 2-1 Note: List special ac8vi8es you have done, such as volunteer work at an NPO, religious, or other group. 4. その他 Other Note: List anything else you have done that you wish to share. 2 Form 2-2 様式2-2 研究業績等 に 関 す る 事 項 Educational Research Achievements 著書、学術論文等の名称 Title of the work, Academic paper, etc. 単著・共著の別 Single or joint work 氏名 Name (著書) Books & Monographs 1 Some book's title Solo 発行又は発表 の年月日 Date of Publication (Year, month, day) 19XX/OO Osaka Jo Gakuin 発行所、発表雑誌又 は発表学会等の名称 Publisher, Journal name, Academic 著作又は論文の要約 society name, etc. Short summary (within 15 - 20 lines) OOOOOOOO Press. This is a summary of the book you wrote or edited. Be brief. (pages OOO) Include the total pages of the book. 2 Another book's title Joint 20XX/OO OOOOOOOO Press. This is a summary of the book you wrote or edited. Be brief. (pages OOO) 3 "Chapter title" in Book Sole 201X/OO OOOOOOOO Press. This is a summary of the chapter you wrote in a book. Be brief. (pp. OO-OO) title Include the pages of the chapter you wrote. (学術論文) Academic papers Solo 19XX/XX example 1 This is an article title 2 This is an article title Joint 20XX/XX example AAAAA Journal, OO(X), 12-34 This is an article you wrote about something related to language teaching. Be brief. BBBBBBBB Journal, OO(X), 12-34 This is an article you wrote about something related to language teaching. Be brief. Include the Volume, Issue, and page numbers of the article. (訳書) Translations 1 Translation you did Joint 19OO/OO CCCCCCCC Press. Provide a brief description of the translation you did. (pages OO-OO) (その他) 研究ノート、記事等 Others, research notes, newspaper or magazine articles 2 Form 2-2 1 Delete unused rows after Row 1 (leave at least one row in a section. (学会発表)Presentations at academic socieites Solo 19XX/XX OOOOOOO presentation made in Include the Association for English at an academic site of the XXXXXXXXXX conference conference here 1 This is the title of a 2 This is the title of a presentation made in English at an academic conference Joint 2000/1 Osaka, Japan OOOOOOO Association for XXXXXXXXXX This is a summary of the research you presented. Be brief. This is a summary of the research you presented. Be brief. Notes: * Insert additional rows as needed. Widen the rows as needed for all information to print. * Enter information from oldest to most recent (Japanese resume order). * Delete extra rows after row 1 in a section. 3
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