ACCU Asia-Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO ユネスコ・アジア文化センター Asia-Pacific Experts Workshop on NFE-FE Partnership for Promotion of ESD アジア太平洋国際ワークショップ ESD推進のためのノンフォーマル教育・学校教育の連携 Okayama, 2-4 October 2013 Asia-Pacific Experts Workshop on NFE-FE Partnership for Promotion of ESD アジア太平洋国際ワークショップ ESD推進のためのノンフォーマル教育・学校教育の連携 Workshop Orientation ワークショップ オリエンテーション SHIBAO Tomoko, ACCU & Robbie Guevara, RMIT 柴尾智子(ACCU) & ロビー・ゲバラ(オーストラリアRMIT) Expected Outcomes 期待される成果 4. Expected outcomes (1)~(4) (1) To share case studies of ESD practice through NFE-FE partnership in the Asia-Pacific including Japan; (2) To discuss elements of and effective strategies for NFE-FE collaboration that may be utilized towards ESD practice; ESD Framework of HOPE will be utilized in discussions and significance of “Learning in context” will be examined. 期待される成果 (1)~(4) (1)日本を含むアジア太平洋の諸地域の公民館・CLCなどコミュニティの学びを促 進する組織・団体と学校との連携によって行われるESD実践事例が共有される 。 (2)上記事例に関する議論によりノンフォーマル教育と学校教育がESD実践と促 進のために連携するための要素が議論される。ESD「HOPE」枠組みを議論に 活用する。 Expected Outcomes (Continued) 4. Expected outcomes (1)~(4) (3) To produce print and electronic resources (descriptions of case studies discussed during the Workshop) that will promote NFE-FE partnerships in ESD context; (4) To contribute to the discussion of ESD World Conference 2014, including the ESD Kominkan-CLC Conference, October 2014, in Okayama City. 期待される成果 (3) ESD実践普及におけるノンフォーマル教育と学校教育の連携を促進するた めの資料(ウェブおよび事例集)が作成される。 (4) 2014年ESD世界会合(10月のESD 公民館‐CLC会議を含む)での議論に 貢献する。 Program History (and the development of HOPE) 2005 UN Decade for ESD starts 国連持続可能な開発のための教育の10年開始 2006 “Tales of Hope” 『Tales of Hope 未来へのまなざし』発行 by ACCU 2008 Discussion for ESD Monitoring &Evaluation methodology ESD モニタリング評価方法の検討 HOPE HOPE mission to 7 countries HOPE評価チーム(7カ国) 2009 UNESCO World Conference on ESD (Bonn, Germany) UNESCO ESD世界会議(3月‐4月、ボン、DESD中間年) “Tales of Hope II” 発行 by ACCU Asia-Pacific Forum for ESD Educators & Facilitators (Aug, Tokyo) アジア太平洋教育者フォーラム(8月、東京) Tokyo Declaration of HOPE 2009 東京HOPE宣言2009 2011 Asia-Pacific Forum on Educational Cooperation: Synergies EFAESD-ASPnet (Feb, Tokyo) 「アジア太平洋教育協力フォーラム サステイナブルな未来へ: EFA、ESD、ユネスコスクールの 新たな協働関係の創出に向けて」 (2月、東京) Program History (and the development of HOPE) 2012 Second HOPE Evaluation mission to 3 countries 第二次HOPE評価 チーム(3か国)ミッション Experts Workshop for Promoting EFA-ESD Synergy in Asia –Pacific (December, Chiang Rai, Thailand) EFAとESDの連携国際ワークショップ(12月、タイ、チェンライ) “Tales of Hope III” 発行by ACCU 2013 NFE-FE workshop for ESD NOW OKAYAMA 2014 Kominkan-CLC Conference on ESD (October, Okayama, Japan) UNESCO World Conference on ESD (November, Aichi-Nagoya, Japan) Tales of HOPE or search “accu esd” EVOLUTION OF THE HOPE FRAMEWORK CONTEXT ESD Partnerships HOPE Stories from the Village of Mendrelgang, Tsirang District, Bhutan ESD Partnerships CONTEXT of the stories from the Village of Mendrelgang, Tsirang District, Bhutan • Six-hours (but only 162 km) from the capital. • History of relocation linked to land distribution. • But land is not ideal for farming. • Need: Women literacy about what to plant? HOPE ESD FRAMEWORK HOLISTIC y Recognizes and embeds the social, economic, environmental, and y y y y cultural aspects of the issue Utilizes and develops 3H (head, heart & hands) to acknowledge the wholeness of a person. Demonstrated in learning knowledge, skills, values and behavior. Facilitates intergenerational learning Uses multiple methods for teaching & learning HOLISTIC ホリスティックであること y y y y y 課題の経済、環境、社会、文化の側面を意識 3つのHを使い、全人的な発達をめざす。(head, heart & hands) 知識、スキル、価値観、行動の学び 異なる世代間の学び 多様な教授法・学びの方法 ESD Partnerships Holistic elements Economic A poverty alleviation project to reform the farming process Environmental through developing the thinking skills as part of literacy education of women. Social HOPE ESD FRAMEWORK OWNERSHIP-BASED – y shared commitment and responsibility for y the identifying and understanding the nature of the problem, y identification and generation of the required resources (human, local and financial) and y development of proposed solution together with the participants OWNERSHIP-BASED 主体性にもとづいて いること y 課題の特定、必要な「資源」の調達、解決法の提案に、参加者が主体的に関 わり責任を共有している。 ESD Partnerships Ownership elements (process and outcomes) 1. The women wrote the names of the crops. 2. They learned about of each of the crops. 3. They assigned a score based on their own criteria (situational analysis process) 4. They tabulated the scores to compare and select the most appropriate one for them. “When I was first asked what crop to grow, I said maize. Maize is commonly grown here. But after the situational analysis, I decided to go for passion fruit. Because maize requires lots of labour but passion fruit is easy to take care of.” HOPE ESD FRAMEWORK PARTICIPATORY – values and facilitates engagement of the relevant stakeholders in designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the ESD initiative In PARTNERSHIP based on partnership between/among different stakeholders PARTICIPATORY 参加型であること y ESDの取り組みにふさわしいステークホルダーが、企画、実施、モニタリ ング、評価に関わることを大切にし、かつそのような機会をつくっている。 In PARTNERSHIP 連携がおこっていること y ステークホルダー間に連携の関係がある。 ESD Partnerships Participation and Partnership Elements “They share agricultural knowledge with me and I share that of literacy – it is a both-ways learning.” y A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Education y HOPE ESD FRAMEWORK EMPOWERING – y contributes to relevant individual and collective learning and greater confidence to act towards achieving the goals of the ESD initiative EMPOWERING – エンパワーメントにつなが ること y 個人の学び、集団としての学びに貢献する。個人、集団に、ESDの取り組み の目的達成のために行動するに必要な自信が深まる。 ESD Partnerships Empowerment: Learning, confidence and identity outcomes “Before joining the literacy class, my life was like that of a cow. I just did farming and ate whatever available grain blindly. Now I am with confidence. I know what I am planting and why I am doing this.”- Woman Villager “They used to grow crops, but through this project, they became good decisionmakers. This impact will remain for new generations.” - Literacy class instructor Ministry of Agriculture Staff Member al c Lo w en om tor lita Fa ci rac y ES C OF und er Lite ESD Partnerships ion cat du f E fficer yo istr ct O Min Proje UN Evaluation Consultant HOPE Elements E P HO s er rm fa nt e m n r e ov Local G cials Offi W om e nL ea rne rs Applying the HOPE ESD FRAMEWORK HOLISTIC OWNERSHIP-BASED PARTICIPATORY/ in PARTNERSHIP EMPOWERING ESD HOPE 枠組を事例に使ってみると… Case Story 事例 □Australia オーストラリア □India インド □Indonesia インドネシア □Thailand タイ □Viet Nam ベトナム □Japan- Okayama日本(岡山) □Japan - Kesennuma日本(気仙沼) □Japan – Kokawa 日本(和歌山・粉河) What are the elements of HOPE from each case story? Any suggestions? それぞれの事例のお話にみられるHOPEの要素の例は?もっとよくするアイデアは? H Examples 要素の例 Suggestions アイデア O P E SHARE REFLECT DEEPEN FE-NFE PARTNERSHIP ESD CASE STORY TELLER 1. Okayama 2. Thailand 3. Vietnam HOPE REPORTER* (Critical Friend) Thailand Team Australia Team Kokawa, Japan Team 4. Australia 5. Kesannuma 6. Kokawa 7. Indonesia India Team Vietnam Team Indonesia Team Okayama, Japan Team 8. India Kesennuma, Japan Team HOPE Reporter will use the PINK SHEET AND SUBMIT TO ROBBIE to help with the Synthesis of the Workshop. Applying the HOPE ESD FRAMEWORK HOLISTIC OWNERSHIP-BASED PARTICIPATORY/ in PARTNERSHIP EMPOWERING ESD HOPE 枠組を事例に使ってみると… Case Story 事例 □Australia オーストラリア □India インド □Indonesia インドネシア □Thailand タイ □Viet Nam ベトナム □Japan- Okayama日本(岡山) □Japan - Kesennuma日本(気仙沼) □Japan – Kokawa 日本(和歌山・粉河) What are the elements of HOPE from each case story? Any suggestions? それぞれの事例のお話にみられるHOPEの要素の例は?もっとよくするアイデアは? H Examples 要素の例 Suggestions アイデア O P E ONE INTERESTING Example ONE Suggestion for Improvement SHARE REFLECT DEEPEN FE-NFE PARTNERSHIP ESD
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