計測システム研究会 @J-PARC J-PARC/MLFにおける 2次元ガス検出器及び シンチレータ検出器の開発 J-PARCセンター 物質生命科学ディビジョン 坂佐井 馨 MLFビームラインにおける検出器の現状 He-3 detectors (commercially available) Scintillator detectors He-3 PSD 2-d compact scintillator detector using WLSF BL01, BL02, BL08, BL09, BL11, BL12 BL14, BL15, BL16, BL17, BL20, BL21 Effective area: 128 x 128 mm2 1-d large area scintillator detector 35 cm Optical fiber BL03 BL19 35 cm MWPC BL17 Multi-wire proportional counter BL16, BL17 RPMT 2-d large area scintillator detector using WLSF BL18 Outline シンチレーション検出器の開発 - 1次元シンチレーション検出器 - 2次元シンチレーション検出器 2次元ガス検出器の開発 - マルチワイヤ型検出器 MLFにおけるシンチレーション検出器 BL19(Takumi) Residual stress diffractometer (2007 – 2009) Linear scintillation detector BL18(Senju) Single crystal diffractometer (2010 - 2013) BL03(iBIX) Bio-single crystal diffractometer ( 2007 – 2008, 2011 - ) 2-D detector using WLSF 2-D detector using WLSF Outline シンチレーション検出器の開発 - 1次元シンチレーション検出器 - 2次元シンチレーション検出器 2次元ガス検出器の開発 - マルチワイヤ型検出器 BL19における1次元シンチレーション検出器 Developed under collaboration with ISIS, RAL Neutron Sample Number of detectors: 10 Specifications of Detectors Detectors The detector should have Sensitive area: 1000 mm x 200 mm Position resolution: 3mm 360 pixels / detector Detection efficiency: >50%@1Å Gamma sensitivity: <[email protected] (each 5 installed at 2q=90 degree position) TAKUMI: Engineering Materials Diffractometer for Residual Stress Analysis BL19における1次元シンチレーション検出器 Scintillation Detector using ZnS/LiF 805mm 1370mm 217mm Neutrons Senstive Area (1m×20cm) Detector size without PMT:805×1370×217mm Detector size with PMT: 805×~2000×217mm Sensitive area:1m×20cm Radius curvature:R=2m weight:~120kg(without PMT) weight:~180kg(with PMT) Number of PMT:48/detector Number of Pixels: 360 Resolution:3mm BL19検出器のヘッドの構造 Scintillator & grids Venetian Head Detection of scintillation light from both sides of scintillator Increase of detection efficiency using scintillators tilted to neutron direction(Effective thickness increased) Scintillators (ZnS/6LiF) Neutrons Reflectors resolution : 3mm Neutron Scintillators (ZnS/6LiF) Reflectors Fibers Scintillators B4C Block PMT & DAQ 6Li + n→3H + a+ 4.8 MeV The scintillation light was collected with optical fibers and sent to PMT and Data acquisition system BL19検出器の性能 Gamma sensitivity Uniformity measured with PE rod No.3 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 -4 10 5.5%@std.dev 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Counts/100s No.4 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Gamma sensitivity Detector 1 Detector 2 -5 10 -6 10 -7 10 -8 10 50 100 150 200 channel number 250 300 150 200 250 300 350 Threshold level (-mV) 4.7%@std.dev 0 100 350 Gamma sensitivity <10-6 with a 60Co source (at discri. level of 250mV) BL19TAKUMI検出器 • 3mm position resolution • Detection efficiency: >50%@1Å • Gamma sensitivity: <[email protected] • 3×196mm detector element • 360ch/detector • Total 10 detector • Total 3600 elements • 2.0m2 active area • 75°<2q<105° Total 10 detectors were installed and have been in service for several years Outline シンチレーション検出器の開発 - 1次元シンチレーション検出器 - 2次元シンチレーション検出器 2次元ガス検出器の開発 - マルチワイヤ型検出器 BL03における2次元シンチレーション検出器 • iBIX : Single crystal diffractometer for bio-molecular crystallography • A first WLS-fiber-based scintillator detector developed at the J-PARC. Specifications required to detector Detection efficiency : > 50% (1.8Å) Spatial resolution : < 1 mm Gamma sensitivity : < 10-6 Packing density : ~70% Compact Prototype detector (in 2008) 256 x 256 ch imaging detector with WLS readout Signal processing module with FPGAs High speed amplifier discriminator module iBIX検出器のヘッド構造 iBIX structure Conventional structure neutron WLS fibres neutrons Y X Neutron-sensitive scintillator Single Scintillator screen (1) Developed a ZnS/10B2O3 scintillator and double the number of screens Double scintillator screens High detection efficiency (2) Packed ½-mm diameter WLS fiber ribbons High spatial resolution iBIX検出器の位置分解能 Edge Spread function: 1.4 exprimental data fitted cumulative distribution function Relative intensity 1.2 without Gd mask 1 Fitting parameters A = 0.5 → 0.4483 B = 0.1 → 0.09343 μ = 50 → 50.41 σ = 0.5 → 0.5082 0.8 255 0.6 Y 0.4 Gd mask with Gd mask 0.2 0 0 X 0 0 20 40 60 Spatial resolution (FWHM) Position (x axis) [mm] = SQRT(2log2) σ ~ 2.3548 σ = 1.19 [mm], including beam divergence 80 255 100 BL18(Senju)の2次元シンチレータ検出器 * SENJU : A time-of-flight Laue single crystal diffractometer * A large area position-sensitive scintillator detector using WLS fiber technology Specifications required to detector Spatial resolution : ~4 mm Detection area : ~30 x 30 cm2 Detection efficiency : >40%@1.8Å Gamma-ray sensitivity : < 10-6 Detector head Signal processing & Encoder electronics DAQ electronics T. Nakamura, et al. NIMA686(2012)64. BL18検出器のヘッド構造 In the design, to increase a detector coverage at an affordable cost the WLS fibers are placed at a regular pitch of 4 mm. ③ Clear fibers ① WLS fibers neutron ②ZnS/10B2O3 scintillators Key Designs Scintillator (front) (1) WLS fiber placed at a 4-mm pitch Large area (2) Two scintillator screens Detection efficiency (3) Bend clear fiber backward Minimize dead area BL18検出器の性能 Collimator Collimator Count stability over time Det12-01(SCDD01_DS-01) 1.2 Image plate 1 1.2 SCD detector relative counts 0.6 0.4 Spatial resolution : 4 mm 1.0 0.9 0.8 Detectors were stable after >400 days Earthquake 0.7 0.6 0.2 0.5 0 0 20 25 30 35 100 40 200 300 elapsed time, days 400 500 position. mm Detector efficiency of 37+2 detectors Gamma sensitivity vs Detection efficiency of 30 detectors 60 production date: 2010.10 2013.1 50 Detection efficiency ~40%@1.8Å Gamma-ray sensitivity ~[email protected] detection efficiency, % intensity, a.u. 1.1 Pencil beam ( ~3 mm in width, 4 Å) 0.8 40 30 20 Mass production technique is acceptable. 10 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 detector number 波長シフトファイバを用いたシンチレーション検出器 BL03(iBIX) BL18(SENJU ) 300 x 300 mm 信号処理& データ収集系 High spatial resolution detector pixel size : 0.5 x 0.5 mm detective area : 133 x 133 mm2 detector efficiency: ~50% for 1.8Å gamma sensitivity: ~1 x 10-6 Total 30 detectors were installed and in service now Large area detector pixel size : 4 x 4 mm detective area : 256 x 256 mm2 detector efficiency: ~40% for 1.8 Å gamma sensitivity: ~ 3 x 10-6 Total 37 detectors were installed and in service now Outline シンチレーション検出器の開発 - 1次元シンチレーション検出器 - 2次元シンチレーション検出器 2次元ガス検出器の開発 - マルチワイヤ型検出器 BL17におけるマルチワイヤ型検出器 Sharaku: Polarized Neutron Reflectometer 35 cm Optical fiber 35 cm MWPC system Installed in MLF/BL17 Pressure vessel withstanding up to 8 atm Multi-wire type detector element Wire pitch: 1 mm Sensitive area: 128 x 128 mm2 ASD-ASIC for multi-channel signal processing Individual line readout Optical signal transmission Effective area: 128 x 128 mm2 開発したMWPCの性能評価 Irradiation experiments were performed using Cf-252 at KUR/CN3 at J-PARC/MLF BL17 MWPC MWPC Performances of MWPC Counting uniformity Position resolution 103 Output Linearity 102 Measured by developed detector ■ Reactor monitor ● With Cf-252 1.2x10 X projection 1.8 mm FWHM 100 100 10-1 10-1 10-2 10-2 10-3 10-3 10-4 104 4 1D uniformity X: 3.5% Y: 4.6% 200 4 2x10 20 25 30 Position (mm) 35 40 Counts (cps) Standard deviation 1st. cathode: 3.8% 2nd. cathode: 4.6% 4 6x10 4 15 10-6 1000 500 Elapsed time (s) Good linearity 103 4x10 0 10 10-5 105 8x10 600 0 5 5 400 At KUR 10-4 1x10 Counts Measured signal (counts) 800 101 10-5 -500 beam size: 0.3 x 0.3 mm2 1000 101 101 20 40 60 80 Position (mm) 100 > 5 decades! 100 0 0 102 120 10-1 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 Reactor Power (MW) 100 101 Reactor power (MW) Measured counts (kcps) 102 Summary 計測システム研究会 @J-PARC まとめ 中性子検出器は中性子散乱実験等において、非常に重要な役 割を果たしており、このため、我々はJ-PARC/MLFにおいて、様々 な中性子検出器を開発してきた。 シンチレーション検出器に関しては, BL19に対しては、大型の1次元検出器を開発した。BL03及び BL18に対しては波長シフトファイバを用いた2次元検出器を開発 した。これらの検出器は共用開始後順調に稼働している。 ガス検出器に関しては、 BL17において、マルチワイヤ型検出器(MWPC)を開発した。位 置分解能や一様性等のMWPCの性能をKUR等で確認した。
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