Ferris University bulletin 2014 Department of Japanese Language and Literature Introduction There is an increasing interest worldwide in the history, forms and essence of Japanese literature. The rich and long history of its great literary traditions, including fiction, drama and poetry, has responded to both the continuity and fluidity inherent in historical and cultural trends. Literature is the epitome of life, representing each age. It is a mark of our times that the understanding and appreciation of Japanese literature and culture has come to the world stage. In the Japanese Language and Literature Department students learn to prize a sense of flexibility and sensitivity. Allowing each student to develop her own thought and ways of expression is central to the goals of this department. Graduation Requirements Requirements Basic and General Studies Japanese Language and Literature Course *1 2 Basic Studies 2 General Studies 10 or 22 Foreign Languages Up to 32 credits are counted for graduating requirements. 6 Graduation Thesis 36 Elective Required Courses 68 or 56 Elective Courses TOTAL 124 *1 Must earn a total of 124 from Basic and General Studies and Japanese Language and Literature Courses to graduate. (Including open courses in other departments.) English Title Cultural Studies Classics and Cultural Representation Text Creation and Criticism Popular Culture Oral Culture and Written Culture Gender and Feminist Criticism Studies in Children's Literature Christianity and Literature Introductory Seminar in the Culture of Japanese Linguistics Introduction to the Study of Japanese Linguistics History of Japanese Language History of Classical Japanese Literature History of Modern Japanese Literature Introduction to the Study of Kambun Outlines of Linguistics Basic Composition Practice Basics of Bibliography and Cursive Script Basic Reading of Classics Basic kanbun Reading Basic Literary Theory Basic Japanese History (Pre-Modern to Modern Times) Basic Japanese History (Modern and Contemporary) Reading of Japanese Materials Reading in Japanese Education Literature Reading of Classical Literature Reading of Modern and Contemporary Literature Reading of Chinese Literature Researching Japanese Grammar Research Methodology of Japanese Vocabulary Research Methodology of Japanese Pronunciation Researching Dialect Japanese Title カルチュラルスタディーズ 古典と表象文化 テクスト生成と批評 ポピュラーカルチャー 声の文化と文字の文化 ジェンダー・フェミニズム批評 児童文学論 キリスト教と文学 日本言語文化基礎ゼミ 日本語学概論 日本語の歴史 日本古典文学史 日本近代文学史 漢文学概説 言語学概説 基礎論文演習(文章表現) 書誌学・くずし字の基礎 古典読解の基礎 漢文読解の基礎 文学理論の基礎 日本史の基礎(古代~近世) 日本史の基礎(近現代) 日本語資料を読む 日本語教育資料を読む 古典文学を読む 近現代文学を読む 中国文学を読む 日本語文法研究の方法 日本語語彙研究の方法 日本語音声研究の方法 方言研究の方法 21 Credits 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 Ferris University bulletin 2014 English Title Researching Ancient Japanese Literature Researching Pre-Modern Literature Researching Medieval Literature Researching Modern Literature Researching Modern and Contemporary Literature Christianity in Japanese Literature Syntax and Form of Japanese Language Studies of Japanese Vocabulary and Meaning Japanese Phonology Japanese Style and Usage Japanese kanji and Dictionaries Japanese Terms of Respect World of Mythology World of Fable World of Ancient waka Lecture on Japanese Narrative World of the Diary World of Essays World of Medieval waka World of War Chronicles Lecture on Haiku Lecture on Edo Japanese Novel World of the Modern Novel World of the Contemporary Novel World of Modern and Contemporary Poetry World of Literary Contemporaries World of noh and kyogen World Of Kabuki World of joruri World of Modern and Contemporary Theatre World of kanji World of kanbun and kanshi Comparative Linguistics / Literature between Japanese and Chinese World of the Art of Calligraphy Linguistics and Culture Dialect and Social Linguistics Computers and Linguistics Literature and Children Script and Literature Literature and City Atmosphere Understanding Regional Culture Understanding Folk Customs and Culture Deciphering Ancient Picture Scrolls and drawings Reading and Interpreting Manga and Animation Criticism of Japanese Film and Imagery Studying Traditional Japanese Culture Study of International Research on Japanese Literature Learning o Create Fiction Learning to Create tanka Learning to Create Modern Poetry Learning to Make Haiku Study of News Writing Learning to Edit Study of Recitation and Announcing Introduction to the Study of Japanese Language Teaching Analysis of Japanese Language Education Course Design for Studying Japanese Evaluating Japanese Language Education Study of Second-Language Acquisition Understanding Other Cultures for J Language Education Teaching Methods in Japanese Language Education Teaching Practice of Japanese Language Seminars in Japanese Language Culture Seminar on Graduation Thesis in Japanese Language Culture Calligraphy 22 Japanese Title 上代文学研究の方法 中古文学研究の方法 中世文学研究の方法 近世文学研究の方法 近現代文学研究の方法 キリスト教と日本文学 日本語の形態と構文 日本語の意味と語彙 日本語の音声とアクセント 日本語の文体と語法 日本の漢字と国語辞書 日本語の敬語 神話の世界 説話の世界 古代和歌の世界 物語の世界 日記の世界 随筆の世界 中世和歌の世界 軍記の世界 俳諧の世界 近世小説の世界 近代小説の世界 現代小説の世界 近現代詩歌の世界 同時代文学の世界 能・狂言の世界 歌舞伎の世界 浄瑠璃の世界 近現代演劇の世界 漢字の世界 漢詩漢文の世界 日中比較言語・文学の世界 書道芸術の世界 言語と文化 方言と社会言語学 コンピュータと言語学 文学と子ども 文字と文学 文学と都市空間 地域文化を読み解く 民俗文化を読み解く 絵巻・絵図を読み解く マンガ・アニメ文化を読み解く 映画・映像を読み解く 日本伝統文化を学ぶ 国際日本文学研究を学ぶ 小説創作を学ぶ 短歌創作を学ぶ 現代詩創作を学ぶ 俳句創作を学ぶ 報道文を学ぶ 編集を学ぶ 朗読・アナウンスを学ぶ 日本語教育学概論 日本語教育の教材分析 日本語学習のコースデザイン 日本語教育評価法 第二言語習得論 日本語教育のための異文化理解 日本語教授法 日本語教育実習 日本言語文化専門ゼミ 日本言語文化卒論ゼミ 書道 Credits 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
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