Founded in 1819, ESCP(Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris)Europe is the oldest business school in the world and has formed generations of leaders. In 1973, campuses in Germany (Berlin) and the UK (London) were created, and the pioneering model of the first multi-campus, management school was born. Campuses in Spain (Madrid) and Italy (Torino) followed in 1988 and 2004 respectively. Today, over 100 partnerships with schools both in Europe and worldwide complete this European calling in the context of an evermore globalized world. Only 1% of all business schools worldwide are “triple-accredited” (EQUIS, AACSB, AMBA), ESCP Europe is one of them. Students who successively complete Master Year 1 of the Waseda MBA program and Master Year 2 of the ESCP Master in Management program, and who meet the requirements set up for both programs will be awarded the following degrees. Master of Business Administration, Waseda University Master in Management Grande Ecole, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris ◆◇Selection~Enrollment~Completion/Degree Award (Model for the case of prospective students) Year 1 (before enrolment) September Application 1st Semester Selection Year 2 April WBS ESCP (Enrollment) September April 2nd Semester Waseda Completion obtain 2 degrees move to France (Enrollment) 3rd Semester 4th Semester ESCP Registration for WBS & ESCP *For the curriculum requirements, please refer to the appendix. (Subject to change.) ◆◇Selection Process WBS will select candidates from prospective students to be enrolled in September, who wish to join the DD program. Both schools will create a joint selection committee, and make final decision by interviewing the candidates. Regular students who have already enrolled in WBS can also apply for the program. In this case, the enrollment period would be extended for one semester or more. ◆◇Financial considerations Students participating in this DD program shall pay tuition and fees at WBS, and shall be exempted from paying such fees at ESCP. Travel expenses, accommodation, health insurance and healthcare fees, living expenses and other necessary expenses shall be the responsibility of the DD students. Further, 150,000yen for Waseda Double Degree participation fee and 1,230 euro for registration fee at ESCP for 2 years of enrollment shall be the responsibility of the DD students. 1 ESCP ヨーロッパ・ビジネススクール(Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris)は、1819 年に創立 された旧パリ高等商業学校を母体とする世界で最も古い歴史を持つビジネス スクールです。HEC、ESSEC と並ぶ、フランスの商業系グランゼコール・ トップ 3 のひとつであり、マルチキャンパス・ビジネススクールの最初のモ デルとしてヨーロッパ 5 都市(パリ・ロンドン・ベルリン・トリノ・マドリ ード)にキャンパスを開校しています(ダブルディグリー学生はパリ・キャ ンパスのみ)。 約 4,000 人の学生の出身国は 90 カ国に渡り、提携校も世界 44 カ国 100 大学に及び、留学生比率が 40%と非常に高いのも特長です。また海外の著名 なビジネススクール約 30 校とダブルディグリー協定を締結し、EQUIS、AACSB、AMBA の3つの国際認 証を受けている、数少ない学校の一つです。 早稲田大学ビジネススクールで 1 年間の学びを終えた後、パリの中心地に位置するキャンパスでさらに 1 年 間学び、所定の修了要件を満たした学生には以下の二つの学位が授与されます。 早稲田大学 経営管理修士(専門職)Master of Business Administration, Waseda University Master in Management Grande Ecole, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris ◆◇選考から修了・学位取得までの流れ(モデルケース:入学予定者の場合) 1年目 (入学前) 9月 早稲田 1学期目 出願・選考 2年目 9月 4月 早稲田大学 ESCP (学籍登録) 4月 2学期目 修了 2つの学位を取得 フランスへ (学籍登録) 3学期目 4学期目 ESCP 早稲田大学・ESCPに登録 *履修要件は別紙参照(変更になる可能性があります。 ) ◆◇選考について 早稲田大学ビジネススクール 9 月入学予定者の中から、学内選考を経て ESCP への推薦者が決まります。 その後、両校から選出された委員で構成される選考委員会により、英語によるインタビューの評点等に基 づいて選考が行われます。なお、在学生(一年制総合を除く)も出願できますが、その場合は 1 学期以上 の延長が前提となります。 ◆◇費用について 参加学生は早稲田大学に正規学費を支払うことで、ESCP での授業料は免除されます。留学先での生活費 や住居費、渡航にかかる費用、保険料、学籍登録料等(早稲田大学ダブルディグリー登録料 15 万円およ び ESCP 学籍登録料 2 年分計 1,230 ユーロ)は、参加学生の自己負担となります。 ESCP Europe / Waseda University Master in Management Grande Ecole / Master of Business Administration Appendix to the dual degree agreement ESCP Europe – Graduate School of Commerce, Waseda University APPENDIX 1 1. To be granted the ESCP Europe Master Grande Ecole degree, GSC Waseda students must: Hold a Bachelor degree and have successfully completed the admission tests described in the partnership agreement. Have successfully completed a minimum of 50 ECTS credits during the1st year of their GSC Waseda and complied with all the requirements of MBA degree at GSC Waseda. Credits will be granted by the host institution for approved work successfully completed at the home institution. Have successfully completed a minimum of 10 30-hour courses of the Master in Management programme (equivalent to 50 ECTS credits) and have complied with all the requirements of the Master in Management Grande Ecole degree (see below). Have successfully completed 2 seminars of the Master in Management programme and 2 language courses, including one in French. Have completed 39 weeks of work experience. Have completed and defended a Master’s thesis according to ESCP Europe’s requirements. 2. To be granted the MBA degree of Waseda University, ESCP Europe students must: Have successfully completed the admission tests described in the partnership agreement. Have successfully completed a minimum of 50 ECTS credits during the 1st year of their Master in Management at ESCP Europe and complied with all the requirements of the Master in Management Grande Ecole degree at ESCP Europe. Credits will be granted by the host institution for approved work successfully completed at the home institution. Have successfully completed a minimum of 12 22.5-hour courses (270 hours in total which is equivalent to 24 credits) at GSC Waseda and complied with all the requirements of the MBA degree of Waseda University programme. Have successfully completed 2 seminars and Research Guidance of the MBA degree of Waseda University programme. Have completed and defended a Project Research Thesis according to Waseda University’s requirements. (see below). 1 ESCP Europe / Waseda University Master in Management Grande Ecole / Master of Business Administration Master in Management Grande Ecole ESCP Europe Requirements ECTS credits 5 pre-requisites : Financial Accounting, Costs and Decisions, Information Tools & Skills, Corporate Law I, Quantitative methods No credit 12 Core courses : Principles of marketing, Fundamentals of finance, Corporate finance, Economics I & II, Psychology and management, Management control, Human resources management, Organisation and management, Operations management, Strategy, Corporate law II. 55 Students who have previously completed some of the above courses will not have to repeat them and will be offered additional elective courses. Elective courses: 270 h 45 Languages: French and English 2 4 seminars: Start@Europe, Business game, Research methods, Business in Europe 2 Work experience: 39 weeks No credit 16 Thesis TOTAL 120 ECTS Master of Business Administration of Waseda University Requirements credits 9-10 Core Courses out of 10 Core Courses: 18-20 Management Game, Marketing, Business Data Analysis, Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Finance, Economics for Business Administration, Management of People and Organization, Entrepreneurship, Corporate and Business Strategy 12-13 Elective Courses (minimum) 24-26 Seminars 4 Research Guidance No credit Project Research Thesis : DMBA students are required to finish a Project Research Thesis after the completion of all courses. The Project Research Thesis can be written in English or Japanese. TOTAL 2 2 50 ESCP Europe / Waseda University Master in Management Grande Cole / Master of Business Administration,Waseda University APPENDIX 2 Credits will be granted by ESCP Europe for approved work successfully completed at Graduate School of Commerce, Waseda University. Equivalence of ESCP Europe Master in Management core courses with Waseda MBA core courses: MiM courses Waseda MBA courses Fundamentals of Finance & Corporate Finance Finance Fundamentals of Marketing Marketing Economics I Economics II Economics for Business Administration Psychology & Management Human Behavior in Organizations Strategy Corporate and Business Strategy Organisation & management Organisational Design Human resources management Management of People and Organization Operations management Management and Methodology of New Product Development Management control (New course will be offered in AY2015.) Corporate law II xxx xxx Entrepreneurship Equivalence of ESCP Europe MiM Prerequisite courses with Waseda MBA courses: MiM prerequisite courses Waseda MBA courses Quantitative methods Business Data Analysis Financial accounting Financial Accounting Costs and decisions Managerial Accounting Corporate law I xxx Information Tools & Skills (ITS) Strategic IT Management 1
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