Digital Modules AS-I, IP20, 22.5mm 電圧入力 (センサー供 給) 電圧出力 (アクチュエーター供 給) AS-I 接続 AS-I アドレス 型式 4 x electronic out of AS-i out of AS-i clamps 1 AB Slave BWU2783 4 - out of AUX - clamps 1 AB Slave BWU2723 IP20 4 4 x electronic out of AUX out of AUX clamps 1 AB Slave BWU1938 IP20, 22,5 mm x 114 mm, 4 x COMBICON 4 x COMBICON IP20 4 4 x electronic out of AUX out of AUX clamps 1 Single Slave BWU2759 IP20, 22,5 mm x 114 mm, 4 x COMBICON 4 x COMBICON IP20 8 - out of AUX - clamps 2 AB Slaves BWU2721 IP20, 22,5 mm x 114 mm, 6 x COMBICON 6 x COMBICON IP20 8 8 x electronic out of AUX out of AUX clamps 2 AB Slaves BWU2490 IP20, 22,5 mm x 114 mm, 6 x COMBICON 6 x COMBICON IP20 8 8 x electronic out of AUX out of AUX clamps 2 Single Slaves BWU2800 電圧出力 (アクチュエーター供 給) out of AS-i out of AS-i out of AUX out of AUX out of AUX AS-I 接続 AS-I アドレス 型式 clamps clamps clamps clamps clamps clamps 1 Single Slave 1 AB Slave 1 AB Slave 1 Single Slave 2 AB Slaves 2 AB Slaves BW1926 BW1808 BW1907 BW2565 BW2077 BW2078 製品写真 タイプ ハウジング IP等級 デジタル入力 デジタル出力 IP20, 22,5 mm x 50 mm, 4 x COMBICON 4 x COMBICON IP20 4 IP20, 22,5 mm x 114 mm, 4 x COMBICON 4 x COMBICON IP20 IP20, 22,5 mm x 114 mm, 4 x COMBICON 4 x COMBICON Digital Modules AS-I in Stainless steel, IP20 mm mm mm mm mm mm IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 4 4 4 4 8 - 4 x relay 3 x relay 4 x electronic 4 x electronic 8 x electronic 電圧入力 (センサー供 給) out of AS-i out of AS-i out of AUX out of AUX out of AUX - Stainless Steel in IP20, height: 90mm height: 90 mm IP20 4 4 x relay out of AS-i out of AS-i clamps 1 Single Slave BW2555 Stainless Steel in IP20, height: 90mm height: 90 mm IP20 8 - out of AUX - clamps 2 AB Slaves BW2556 タイプ ハウジング IP等級 アナログ入力 M12配線 電圧入力 (センサー供 給) 電圧出力 (アクチュエーター供給) AS-I 接続 IP67, 4 x M12 4 x M12 IP67 4 - - Y out of AS-i - IP67, 4 x M12 4 x M12 IP67 4 - - single out of AS-i - IP67, 4 x M12 4 x M12 IP67 4 - - single out of AUX - IP67, 4 x M12 4 x M12 IP67 4 2 x electronic - Mixed out of AUX out of AUX IP67, 4 x M12 4 x M12 IP67 4 4 x electronic - Y out of AS-i out of AUX IP67, 4 x M12 4 x M12 IP67 4 4 x electronic - Y out of AUX out of AUX IP67 4 x M12 IP67, 4 x M12 IP67 4 4 x electronic - Mixed out of AUX out of AUX IP67, 4 x M12 4 x M12 IP67 - 4 x electronic - Y - out of AUX IP67, 4 x M12 4 x M12 IP67 - 4 x electronic - Y - out of AUX IP67, 4 x M12 4 x M12 IP67 - 4 x electronic - Y - out of AUX, 2A per output 製品写真 タイプ Stainless Stainless Stainless Stainless Stainless Stainless Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel in in in in in in IP20, IP20, IP20, IP20, IP20, IP20, ハウジング height: height: height: height: height: height: 45mm 45mm 45mm 45mm 45mm 45mm height: height: height: height: height: height: 45 45 45 45 45 45 IP等級 デジタル入力 デジタル出力 Digital Modules AS-I IP67, M12 製品写真 デジタル入力 デジタル出力 AS-I アドレス AS-i profile 1 AB Slave cable AS-i profile 1 AB Slave cable AS-i profile 1 AB Slave cable AS-i profile 1 AB Slave cable AS-i profile 1 AB Slave cable AS-i profile 1 AB Slave cable AS-i profile 1 AB Slave cable AS-i profile 1 Single Slave cable AS-i profile 1 AB Slave cable AS-i profile 1 AB Slave cable 型式 BWU2552 BWU2620 BWU2725 BWU2767 BWU2487 BWU3032 BWU2547 BWU2713 BWU2594 BWU2728 AS-i profile 1 AB Slave cable AS-i profile 1 AB Slave cable AS-i profile 1 Single Slave cable AS-i profile 1 AB Slave cable AS-i using 1 AB Slave M12 AS-i profile 2 Single cable Slaves AS-i profile 2 AB Slaves cable AS-i profile 2 AB Slaves cable AS-i profile 2 AB Slave cable AS-i profile 2 AB Slaves cable AS-i profile 2 AB Slaves cable AS-i profile 2 AB Slaves cable IP67, 8 x M12 8 x M12 IP67 4 4 x electronic - Y out of AS-i out of AUX IP67, 8 x M12 8 x M12 IP67 4 4 x electronic - single out of AS-i out of AUX IP67, 8 x M12 8 x M12 IP67 4 4 x electronic - single out of AS-i out of AUX IP67, 8 x M12 8 x M12 IP67 4 4 x electronic - single out of AUX out of AUX IP67, 8 x M12 8 x M12 IP67 4 4 x electronic - single out of AUX out of AUX IP67, 8 x M12 8 x M12 IP67 4 x IO-Link Port + 4 x 4 x IO-Link Port - IO-Link Port Class A out of AUX out of AUX IP67, 8 x M12 8 x M12 IP67 8 - - Y out of AUX - IP67, 8 x M12 8 x M12 IP67 8 - - Y out of AS-i - IP67, 8 x M12 8 x M12 IP67 8 - - single out of AS-i - IP67, 8 x M12 8 x M12 IP67 8 8 x electronic - Y out of AS-i out of AUX IP67, 8 x M12 8 x M12 IP67 - 8 x electronic - Y - out of AUX IP67, 8 x M12 8 x M12 IP67 4 4 x electronic 2 x Pt100 - out of AUX out of AUX タイプ ハウジング IP等級 電圧出力 (アクチュエーター供 給) AS-I 接続 AS-I アドレス 型式 IP20, 22,5 mm x 92 mm 4 x COMBICON IP20 - clamps 1 AB Slave BWU1897 IP20, 22,5 mm x 92 mm 4 x COMBICON IP20 電圧入力 (センサー供 給) arbitrary, out of AS-i or out of AUX, Default out of arbitrary, out of AS-i or out of AUX, Default out of - clamps 1 Single Slave BWU1345 IP20, 22,5 mm x 92 mm 4 x COMBICON IP20 - - arbitrary, out of AS-i or out of AUX, Default out of AS-i clamps 1 Single Slave BWU1412 IP20, 22,5 mm x 92 mm 4 x COMBICON IP20 - - arbitrary, out of AS-i or out of AUX, Default out of AUX clamps 1 Single Slave BWU1727 IP20, 22,5 mm x 92 mm 4 x COMBICON IP20 - - out of AUX clamps 1 Single Slave BWU2224 Analog Modules AS-I, IP20, 22.5mm 製品写真 アナログ入力 アナログ出力 2 x 4 ... 20mA/2 x 0 … 2 x 4 ... 20mA/2 x 0 … 2x0… 20mA/2 x 0 …10V 2x0… 20mA/2 x 0 …10V 2 x +-10V BWU2626 BWU2617 BWU2684 BWU2810 BWU2645 BWU2853 BWU2770 BWU2651 BWU2983 BWU2619 BWU2652 BW2313 IP20, 22,5 mm x 105 mm 6 x COMBICON IP20 4 x 4 … 20mA - IP20, 22,5 mm x 105 mm 6 x COMBICON IP20 4 x 0 ... 10V - IP20, 22,5 mm x 105 mm 6 x COMBICON IP20 - IP20, 22,5 mm x 105 mm 6 x COMBICON IP20 - IP20, 22,5 mm x 105 mm 6 x COMBICON IP20 4 x Pt100 4x thermocouple 4x thermocouple arbitrary, out of AS-i or out of AUX, auto arbitrary, out of AS-i or out of AUX, auto out of AS-i IP20, 22,5 mm x 105 mm 6 x COMBICON IP20 IP20, 22,5 mm x 105 mm 6 x COMBICON IP20 タイプ ハウジング IP等級 IP65, 3 x PG 3 x PG IP65 2 x 4 … 20mA - IP65, 3 x PG 3 x PG IP65 2 x 0 … 10V - IP65, 3 x PG 3 x PG IP65 Load cell IP65 3 x PG IP65, 3 x PG IP65 IP65, 3 x PG 3 x PG IP65, 8 x PG IP65, 8 x PG - clamps 1 Single Slave BWU1364 - clamps 1 Single Slave BWU1365 - clamps 1 Single Slave BWU1368 out of AS-i - clamps 1 Single Slave BWU1933 - out of AS-i - clamps 1 Single Slave BWU2243 - 4 x 0 … 20mA - clamps 1 Single Slave BWU1366 - 4 x 0 ... 10V - clamps 1 Single Slave BWU1367 arbitrary, out of AS-i or out of AUX, auto switching arbitrary, out of AS-i or out of AUX, auto switching Analog Modules AS-I, IP65, PG 電圧入力 (センサー供 給) arbitrary, out of AS-i or out of AUX, Default out of AS-i arbitrary, out of AS-i or out of AUX, Default out of AS-i 電圧出力 (アクチュエーター供 給) AS-I 接続 AS-I アドレス 型式 - AS-i profile cable 1 Single Slave BWU1232 - AS-i profile cable 1 Single Slave BWU1233 - out of AS-i - AS-i profile cable 1 Single Slave BWU2240 - A 2 x 0 ... 20 20mA - arbitrary, out of AS-i AS i or out of AUX, Default out of AS-i AS i profile fil cable bl AS-i l Sl 1 Si Single Slave BWU1234 IP65 - 2 x 0 … 10V - arbitrary, out of AS-i or out of AUX, Default out of AS-i AS-i profile cable 1 Single Slave BWU1235 8 x PG IP65 4 x Pt100 - out of AS-i - AS-i profile cable 1 Single Slave BWU1254 8 x PG IP65 4 x Pt1000 - out of AS-i - AS-i profile cable 1 Single Slave BWU1509 ハウジング IP等級 アナログ入力 アナログ出力 AS-I アドレス 型式 width: 45 mm width: 45 mm width: 45 mm width: 45 mm width: 45 mm IP65 IP65 IP65 IP65 IP65 AS-i profile cable AS-i profile cable AS-i profile cable AS-i profile cable AS-i profile cable 1 AB Slave 1 Single Slave 1 AB Slave 1 Single Slave 1 AB Slave BWU1893 BWU1894 BWU1963 BWU1964 BWU1895 IP65, M12, width: 90 mm width: 90 mm IP65 out of AS-i out of AS-i AS-i profile cable 2-4 Single Slaves BWU1917 IP65, M12, width: 90 mm width: 90 mm IP65 2 x 4 … 20mA 2 x 4 … 20mA 2 x 0 … 10V 2 x 0 … 10V 2 x Pt100 1x4… 1x 0 … 20mA 20mA/0 … 1x4… 1x 0 … 10V 20mA/0 … 電圧出力 (アクチュエーター供 給) - AS-I 接続 M12, width: 45 mm M12, width: 45 mm M12, width: 45 mm M12, width: 45 mm M12, width: 45 mm 電圧入力 (センサー供 給) out of AS-i out of AS-i out of AS-i out of AS-i out of AS-i out of AUX out of AUX AS-i profile cable 2-4 Single Slaves BWU1853 IP65, M12, width: 90 mm width: 90 mm IP65 4 x 4 … 20mA - - AS-i profile cable 1 Single Slave BWU1359 IP65, M12, width: 90 mm width: 90 mm IP65 4 x 0 ... 10V - - AS-i profile cable 1 Single Slave BWU1360 IP65, M12, width: 90 mm width: 90 mm IP65 out of AS-i - AS-i profile cable 1 Single Slave BWU1363 IP65, M12, width: 90 mm width: 90 mm IP65 out of AS-i - AS-i profile cable 1 Single Slave BWU2532 IP65, M12, width: 90 mm width: 90 mm IP65 - AS AS-ii profile cable 1 Single Slave BWU1722 IP65, M12, width: 90 mm width: 90 mm IP65 - 4 x 0 … 20mA - AS-i profile cable 1 Single Slave BWU1361 IP65, M12, width: 90 mm width: 90 mm IP65 - 4 x 0 ... 10V - out of AUX arbitrary, out of AS-i or out of AUX, auto switching arbitrary, out of AS-i or out of AUX, auto switching AS-i profile cable 1 Single Slave BWU1362 製品写真 アナログ入力 アナログ出力 Analog Modules AS-I, IP65, M12 製品写真 タイプ IP65, IP65, IP65, IP65, IP65, 4 x Pt100, 2/4 wire mode 4 x Pt100, 2/3 wire mode 4 x 0 … 20mA arbitrary, out of AS-i or out of AUX, auto arbitrary, out of AS-i or out of AUX, auto Analog Modules AS-I, IP67, M12 製品写真 タイプ ハウジング IP等級 IP67, 8 x M12 8 x M12 IP67 日本総販売店 デジタル入力 デジタル出力 4 4 x electronic アナログ入力 電圧入力 (センサー供給) 電圧出力 (アクチュエー ター供給) AS-I 接続 AS-I アドレ ス 型式 2 x Pt100 out of AUX out of AUX AS-i profile cable 2 AB Slaves BW2313
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