ホテルサンルート梅田 ホテル阪急 インターナショナル 南蛮文化館 Lucua 大阪ステーションシティ e JR京都線 Shin-Midosuji St. 阪神高速守口線 御堂筋 土佐堀通 中之島図書館 Osaka Public Hall 中央公会堂 Yodoy 淀屋橋abashi Sta . 駅 大阪水上バスアクアライナー (淀屋橋港)P.9 天満警察署 The Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka P.4 大阪市立東洋陶磁美術館 P.4 03 Nan iwa Nakanoshima Park なに bashi わ橋 駅 Keihan Mai 京阪本線 中之島公園 Sta. n Line K itaham a Sta. Kitahama Sta. Osaka Suijyo Bus Aqua-Liner (Yodoyabashi Pier) P.9 Temma Police Station 北浜駅 Yodoyabashi Sta. Tosabori St. a St. Nakanoshima Library 28 土佐堀川 APA Hotel (Osaka-Higobashi-Ekimae) Tenjimbashisuji 6-chome Area Map pon pon Ja pon 新大阪店 pon pon Ja pon Shin-Osaka Store Natural Hot Spring Naniwa no Yu P.4 05 ☎ 0120-36-1854 MAP P4 Shin-Osaka Area Shirokita-Koen St. ▲ Tenjimbashi 8 城北公園通 天神橋8 Tenjimbashisuji St.天神橋筋 50m 市立北斎場 enri yu S Line open year round Show the pass for a 10% discount on your total purchase 0 Municipal funeral home Hank 9am to 9:30 pm N 天然温泉 なにわの湯 P.4 阪急 千里 線 Japanese Sweets/ Okoshi (puffed rice cake) Located in front of Chuo Exit at shinkansen ShinOsaka sta. Sweets new in texture, made by craftsmen based on the material/method of the traditional “Okoshi”. 12 kinds total, pop and cute packaging are popular among women. from 380yen(without tax) Tosa 淀屋橋駅 Show the pass to get a 10% discount on food and drink. 堂島関電ビル 大阪市役所 ver bori gawa Ri 大阪市立科学館 P.4 Dojima Kanden Bldg. Osaka City Hall Nakanosima Festival Tower 肥 Show the pass to get a 10% discount from your total purchase. 04 25 of Japan Italian Consulate General Bank日本銀行 イタリア総領事館 中之島フェスティバルタワー Osaka Science Museum P.4 大阪高等・地方・簡易裁判所 中之島通 e 京阪中之島線 Ke アパホテル〈大阪肥後橋駅前〉 Osaka High • Districth • Summary Court Nakanoshim 大江橋駅 堂島川 shi Sta. Higo後ba 橋駅 11am to 10:30pm(last order 10pm) (Sat, Sun, National holidays open from 10:30am) No regular closing days (same as Hankyu Sanbangai) 中 Oebashi Sta. Dojim 国立国際美術館 P.4 30 Illumination at Osaka City Central Public Hall / From Nambabashi bridge on the south side of Tosaborigawa river Hanshin Expre ssway 阪神高速 ima Lin ihan Nakanosh National Museum of Art, Osaka P.4 新御堂筋 n e nC o nti ve . Con Staonal 場) a im ti 議 sh na 会 no ter 際 ka In 阪国 Na saka 駅(大 (O 之島 ) ter Consulate General of the United States, Osaka アメリカ総領事館 Midosuji St. 渡辺橋駅 朝日新聞社 Sundays & national holidays, Jan 1-3 ☎ 06-6311-8260 MAP P5 A-2 ANAクラウンプラザホテル大阪 Asahi Shimbun Company from 980 yen 焼やきたてチーズタルト専門店 PABLO梅田店 Sta. ine ashi Watanabeb Sonezaki St. uji L Asahi Broadcasting Corporation 朝日放送 南森町 Line 曽根崎通 ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel Osaka r a gawa Rive 読売新聞社 1 ホテルエルセラーン大阪 hi Line 堂島クロスウォーク Pork cutlets A pork cutlet specialty restaurant ser ving dishes such as roasted cutlets made from Kagoshima special black pork. Second helpings of rice, misosoup and cabbage are free. Baked Cheese Tartlet Specialty Store PABLO Umeda Store 堂島アバンザ サントリー DOJIMA CROSSWALK 地下鉄谷町線 Dojima Avanza Suntory 扇町出口 The Yomiuri Shimbun Company 露天神社(お初天神) Hotel Elsereine Osaka Yotsubas NTT ホテル関西 クラブ大阪 Subway Tanimachi idos 近鉄堂島ビル Ohatsutenjin St. Kintetsu Dojima Bldg. 丸一ホテル y M線 bw御a堂筋 Su鉄 地下 J ji St. 福 島 区 R東 太融寺 Tsuyunoten Shrine (Ohatsutenjin) 大阪駅前 第3ビル 大阪駅前 第2ビル a Toz西線 NTT Fukushima Ward 300 yen discount on Passport/Joy Set 5, 30% additional medal tokens JR bashisu 駅( 福島 176 扇町通 Maruichi Hotel Umeda OS Hotel ホテル法華 . 阪神 大阪駅前 第1ビル Subway つ橋線 地下鉄四 him ) ukus 阪神 F ine 2 第4ビル ホテル 扇町入口 Taiyuji Temple Hotel Hokke Club Osaka Hotel Kansai 梅田OSホテル Kitashinchi Sta. Yotsu 筋 四つ橋 ) shin (Han Osaka Ekimae Osaka Bldg. Dai-ichi Hotel No.4 大阪駅前 e i Lin way press in Ex about 5 min walk east from subway Midosuji LineUmeda Station, about 5 min walk north from thesubway Tanimachi Line Higashi-Umeda Station, about 3 min walk east from Hankyu Line Umeda Station, about 5 min walk north from Hanshin Line Umeda Station HEP FIVE 8th & 9th floor 5-15 Kakuda-cho, Kita-ku 11am to 11pm (last entrance at 10:40pm) no regular closing days . a Sta da Sta Hotel Hanshin ホテル阪神 セカンド・イン梅田 ain L hin M Hans 本線 i Ume JR福島駅 田駅 東梅 JR Fukushima Sta. イーマ Osaka Maru Bldg. 曽根崎警察署 北新地駅 Second Inn Umeda sh速 an高 H神 阪 ☎ 06-6131-0840 MAP P5 A-3 大 JR Hanshin Department Store Umeda Main Store Hilton Osaka 大阪第一 ブリーゼブリーゼ 毎日新聞社 Sonezaki Police Station 阪神梅田本店 ヒルトン大阪 焼きたてチーズタルト専門店PABLO梅田店 P.4 ホワイティうめだ (地下) 大阪マルビル Breeze Breeze The Mainichi Newspapers Co., Ltd . i St suj 日本一の串かつ 横綱 梅田堂山店 Nihonichi no Kushikatsu Yokozuna Umeda Doyama Store J oo aL sak環状線 O R 阪 ☎ 06-6372-5580 MAP P5 A-2 Japanese sweets awaokoshi An old shop selling Iwaokoshi rice crackers from the Edo period. They sell a wide range of sweets including goodie bags for children and gift products. Great for souvenirs. from 259 yen 8:30am to 7pm (may vary) e in pL 筋a niw aわ なNに group-discount rate for collection exhibit, special exhibit or planned exhibit.(as for cosponsored exhibit, determined each time.) JR 神戸線 ▲ ▲ about 10 min walk west from subway Yotsubashi Line Higobashi Station exit #3,about 5 min walk southwest from Keihan Line Watanabebashi Station exit #2 4-2-55 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku 10am to 5pm (until 7pm on Fri, last entrance: 30min before close) Mon (following day if a national holiday except for Apr 28, May 5), during changing of exhibits, year-end and New Year holiday ☎ 06-6366-3647 MAP P5 A-2 ザ・リッツ・カールトン大阪 梅 ) 神 阪 セミナーハウス クロス・ウェーブ梅田 Baked Cheese Tartlet Specialty Store Osaka Tokyu Inn PABLO Umeda Store P.4 大阪東急イン Ogimachi St. Osaka Ekimae Osaka Ekimae Osaka Ekimae No.3 Bldg. No.1 Bldg. No.2 Bldg. Herbis OSAKA ハービスOSAKA Ritz-Carlton Osaka とんかつKYK 阪急三番街店 ▲ This extremely rare, completely underground museum has more than a collection of approx. 7,000 modern artpieces from Japan and abroad, also has many unique events and exhibits of important artists’ work. ハービスENT ホテルモントレ大阪 St 駅( 田 イースト Herbis ENT Tonkatsu KYK Hankyu Sanbangai Store ☎ 06-6372-1098 MAP P5 A-2 大阪中央郵便局 ヒルトンプラザ ウエスト Line JR Kobe Um a a. (H 扇町公園 opping St. ashidori Sh Seminar House X-Wave Umeda 街 Hankyu Hig 通り商店 阪急東 Whity Umeda (Underground) in) nsh Hilton Plaza East Diamor Osaka (Underground) ヒルトンプラザ ディアモール大阪(地下) E-ma Osaka Central Post Office Hotel Monterey Osaka eda Hotel Granvia Osaka ホテルグランヴィア大阪 Hilton Plaza West ▲ ▲ ▲ ☎ 06-6447-4680 MAP P5 C-1 エキマルシェ大阪 大阪市ビジターズ インフォメーションセンター・梅田 梅田ジョイポリス 梅仙堂 阪急うめだ本店 大丸梅田店 Eki Marché Osaka Osaka Visitor’s Information Center, Umeda 400m southwest from Keihan Line Watanabebashi Station exit #2, 500m west from subway Yotsubashi Line Higobashi Station exit #3 4-2-1 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku 9:30am to 5pm (exhibit entrance closes at 4:30pm, last planetarium show starts at 4pm) Mon (the following day if holiday), Dec 29 – Jan 4, and temporary closure Baisendo 阪 大 JR キッズプラザ大 Nihon Ichi No Kushikatsu Yokozuna Umeda Doyama Store P.4 阪急メンズ大阪 Hankyu Department Store Umeda Main Store 下 地 日本一の串かつ横綱 梅田堂山店 P.4 Hankyu Men’s Hall 阪急グランドビル 北区役 HEP FIVE Ferris Wheel P.4 HEP FIVE観覧車 P.4 Umeda Joypolis P.4 梅田ジョイポリス P.4 お初天神通り A View from the Floating Garden Observatory An indoor amusement theme park with a variety of attractions, such as a virtual whitewater ride. * For safety reasons, each attraction has restrictions for use, such as height, etc. For questions regarding each attraction, please check through the website or by telephone. 国立国際美術館 駅 Daimaru Osaka Umeda Store The 1 st museum in Japan themed with “homes and daily life” in Osaka. You get to travel back in time to the late Edo period in Osaka. You can actually walk through the town lined with merchant’s houses, a meeting place, and a bath house, etc. 30 National Museum of Art, Osaka J JR大阪三越伊勢丹 This natural hot spring known as the Beauty’s hot spring. You can enjoy the feeling of being at a resort right in the city with the open-air bath where you can bathe while watching stars or planes, a bedrock bath and relaxation area. *Additional fees are required for bedrock bathing and the relaxation area. about 8 min walk nor th from Hank yu & subway Lines at Tenjimbashisuji 6-chome Station exit #5 1-7-31 Nagara, Kita-ku Mon-Fri 10am to 1am next day (last entrance at midnight), Sat-Sun from 8am open year round (except for some maintenance days) right outside of Hankyu & subway Lines at Tenjimbashisuji 6-chome Station exit #3 6-4-20 Tenjinbashi, Kita-ku 10am to 5pm (last entrance: 30min before closeing) Tue (the following day if a holiday), days following a holiday (except Sun, Mon), the 3rd Mon (following Wed if a holiday), (inquiry required for year-end and New Year holiday, also there are other temporary closings) *For Permanent exhibit only aka s RO JR Osaka Mitsukoshi Isetan Department Store . Sta S 通 島 都 HEP FIVE Hankyu Grand Bldg. h Higas A Science museum where handson exhibits and a science show let you enjoy learning about science and space. The world largest dome-type screen planetarium is very popular. *Additional fee is required for the planetarium. 29 Umeda Joypolis ☎ 06-6242-1170 MAP P5 Tenjimbashisuji 6-chome Area ルクア Osaka Station City Miy HEP FIVE ヨドバシ梅田 ☎ 06-6444-5656 MAP P5 C-1 06 Osaka Museum of Housing and Living ☎ 06-6882-4126 MAP P5 Tenjimbashisuji 6-chome Area Yodobashi Umeda 田駅 大阪くらしの今昔館(住まいのミュージアム) とんかつKYK 阪急三番街店 P.4 04 Osaka Science Museum 05 Natural Hot Spring Naniwa no Yu 02 29 Tonkatsu KYK Hankyu Sanbangai Store P.4 西梅田駅 Free: Special planned exhibit Apr 12-Jul 27 (Just show your transportation pass!) Benefits: Special exhibit Aug 16-Nov 30 admission at a group discount rate TOKU×2 大阪新阪急ホテル Nishiumeda Sta. 天然温泉 なにわの湯 1-1-26 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku 9:30am to 5pm(last entry at 4:30pm) Mon (following weekday if holiday), Dec 1-Mar 31 (due to renovation), exhibits-change periods ウェスティンホテル大阪 im an yT 線 wa 谷町 ub 鉄 t. aS jim ako EST Hotel New Hankyu i Sauna & Spa Capsule Hotel Daitoyo Hankyu Sanbangai (Underground) EST 阪急三番街(地下) ホテルランドマーク梅田 空中庭園展望台 P.4 The Westin Osaka ▲ Close to Keihan Line Naniwabashi Sta. exit #1, 400 meters northeast from Exit #1 at Yodoyabashi Station on the Osaka Municipal Subway Midosuji Line or Keihan Railway. approximately 400m walk northwest from the subway Sakaisuji Line or Keihan Line Kitahama Sta. exit #26. ▲ ▲ about 5 min walk east from the subway Midosuji Line Umeda Station, about 5 min walk north from the subway Tanimachi Line Higashi-Umeda Station or Hanshin Line Umeda Station, about 3 min walk east from Hankyu Line Umeda Station. HEP FIVE 7th floor 5-15 Kakuda-cho, Kita-kufrom 11am to 9 pm (shopping)10:30pm (dining) 11pm (amusement area), Ferris wheel open from 11am to 11pm (last boarding at 10:45pm) No regular closing days Hotel Landmark Umeda Pedestrian underground passage 歩行者専用地下道 Na ine JR大阪環状線 L h ac サウナ&スパ カプセルホテル大東洋 梅田駅 (阪急) 梅 a. It houses 6,000 items including Ataka Collection famous for collection of ceramics from China and Korea, 2 national treasures and 13 important cultural properties. The Ferris wheel, which is located in “HEP FIVE”, has about 170 fashion and gourmet dining shops. Enjoy a 15-minute sky walk. 大阪市立科学館 グランフロント大阪 Floating Garden Observatory P.4 Umeda Sta. (Hankyu) 梅仙堂 P.4 GRAND FRONT Osaka 01 梅田スカイビル ホテルグリーンプラザ大阪 Umeda Center Bldg. a St ☎ 06-6223-0055 MAP P5 C-3 ドイツ総領事館 Umeda Sky Bldg. ta. oS ich za ak JR Osaka Loop Line k Hotel Green Plaza Osaka 423 d Ume ☎ 06-6366-3634 MAP P5 A-2 03 The Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka about 10 min walk northwest from Hankyu & subway Midosuji Lines Umeda Station Umeda Sky Building 1-1-88 Kita-ku Oyodonaka 10am to 10:30pm (last entrance will be 30min before closeing, depending on the season) open year round NU _ chayamachi Baisendo P.4 大阪弥生会館 German Consulate General Chaska Chayamachi NU_ Chayamachi 梅田センタービル Osaka Yayoi Kaikan 新梅田シティ Umeda Loft 梅田ロフト チャスカ茶屋町 Takarazuka Line 02 HEP FIVE Ferris Wheel 大阪市立東洋陶磁美術館 インターコンチネンタル ホテル大阪 Shin Umeda City Chayamachi Applause a. Nakatsu St HEP FIVE観覧車 To 至中津駅 You can get a free admission at each facility only once on the day trains/buses are used. JR西日本本社 InterContinental Hotel Osaka 200m Naniwasuji St. TOKU×2 Stores which offer discounts, etc. by showing the pass and submitting the “TOKU×2”coupons. JR West Headquarters 0 なにわ筋 Facilities which offer discounts, etc. by showing the pass. (some places require “TOKU x 2” coupons.) 紀州鉄道大阪梅田ホテル N ▲ Facilities available for free admission by showing the pass ↑ A connected pair of skyscrapers of 173m high. One of the Japan’s foremost 360° completely open rooftop obser vator y let you overlook the cityscape of Osaka. It is filled with a feeling of release during the day, and at night it turns into a romantic mood. 毎日放送 ちゃやまちアプローズ Kishu Railway Osaka Umeda Hotel Recommended photo spot .→ Sta me 目駅 o Kita Ward h -c 丁 北 区 ji 6 六 isu 筋 ash 神橋 b jim 天 Ten 至 町駅 To 崎 中 Mainichi Broadcasting System JR Kyoto Lin ☎ 06-6440-3855 MAP P5 A-1 Kita Area 阪 Hank 急 y K i t a A r e a M a176 p , 線 ine塚 be・L宝 , Ko線 ine戸 to L神 Kyo線・ u都 京 01 Floating Garden Observatory Kita Area 空中庭園展望台 Have fun! Art and amusement, enjoy the cutting edge Kansai University Tenroku Campus 関西大学 天六キャンパス Tenjimbashi 7 天神橋7 Shin-Osaka Area Map 大阪回生病院 Sh 加納総合病院 Hankyu Family Store aido 幹線 Tok Hotel Laforet Shin-Osaka n tatio ka S 駅 -OsaR新大阪 阪急ファミリーストア 新 道 東海 ホテルラフォーレ 新大阪 佛照寺 pon pon Ja pon 新大阪店 P.4 Address Hours h kic za ka 駅 N 0 200m To ← Closed Budget Na崎町 至 中 a im j ko a. t oS M iya 通 島 都 . St 天神橋筋六丁目駅 Busshoji Temple Tenjimbashisuji 6-chome Sta. J pon pon Ja pon Shin-Osaka store P.4 JR Kyoto Line ☎ Telephone hin JR S JR京都線 Shin-Midosuji 新御堂筋 Shin-Osaka Station Show the pass for a free “Osaka Madame’s Black Pearl” (waffle sandwich) with a purchase of a cheese tart. Kano General Hospital sen an ink Osaka Kaisei Hospital 新大阪駅 4 from 780yen 10am to 9pm Closed on the 3rd Thu of every other month (same as Whity Umeda) *Reservations not available Subway Midosuji Line TOKU×2 10% discount on food and drink Mon – Fri, 5% discount on Sat, Sun, Nat’l holidays and the day before those days. * Not available for use during GW, Obon, and year-end and New Year holidays. 地下鉄御堂筋線 from 2,500 yen 11:30am to 5am (last order 4am) open year round Western sweets – cheese tartlet A Cheese tartlet specialty store where you can choose from “Rare” which melts in your mouth or “Medium” which is baked just right. You can also get other baked goods or products available only at this Umeda store. ▲ ▲ Japanese food / deep-fried skewers Enjoy the same flavor as the original shop in Shinsekai. Skewers start at 60 yen. Sashimi and standard izakaya dishes are also available. 天 jimb 神橋筋 六 ash isuji 丁目駅 Subw ay 6-ch 地 06 ome 下鉄谷 Tanim 町線 ach Sta. i Lin e → Osak a Ten To Miy jimba ako 大阪 shi 6 至都 jima Sta 天神 Post 島駅 . 橋六 Offic e 郵 Ten Osaka Museum of Housing and Living P.4 便局 大阪くらしの今昔館(住まいのミュージアム)P.4 ※Please see P. 2, 3 for detail of benefits and reminders, and P.14, 15 for a route map available for the Osaka Amazing Pass. 5 南森町
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