Kyoto City Tourism Office- Australia Activity Report- APRIL, MAY 2014 Date: 10th June 2014 Name: Alison Roberts-Brown PART I: PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITES MEDIA ACTIVITIES メディアサポート活動 A. Media Calls During April and May TG held meetings with the following companies and introduced the new role as 下記、メディア訪問を新規京都市海外情報拠点として挨拶を行った。 representative of KCB in Australia. (日付、会社名、コンタクトパーソン、内容など) Date: 09.04.14 Company: Gadfly Media- Luxury Travel Magazine Contact; Merissa Borg, Associate Publisher Comment: Introduction meeting and update. Merissa will be going on leave. TG will continue to contact new Assoc. Publisher Jacquie Puddick and Editorial team. Luxury Travel took part in the JNTO Media trip last year and article came out in October. 昨年のJNTO支援メディアトリップの記事露出は10月予定。 Date: 11.04.14 Company: Luxury Travel Magazine- Gold List Awards Contact: Susan Borham, Editor in Chief, Lucy Jones, Editor Comment: Attended the Gold List Awards function attended by approx. 80 industry colleagues. Kyoto was not featured in any of the results for the Gold List awards in 2014, must change this for 2015. 上記雑誌の本年度ゴールドリストアワード賞の発表があったが、京都は含まれず。来年度には変化が必要。 Date: 21.04.14 Contact: Ute Junker, Freelance writer Comment: TG had lunch with Ute and her family. Ute is currently one of the “hottest” travel writers in Australia and is published approx. 10 times per week in Fairfax publications. She has recently been asked to write for Conde Nast and works on a regular luxury hotel column. TG will pursue getting Ute to secure a commission for Kyoto. Ute is highly food and luxury accommodation focussed. 有力なフリーランスのライター。今後、京都に関して、ラグ系の食事や宿泊などを記事化してもらえるよう促す予定。 Date: 04.14 and 05.14 multiple dates Company: Fairfax Media – Publishers of some of Australia’s major newspapers, the Sydney Morning Herald, Australian Financial Review, The Age, Contact Anthony Dennis National Fairfax Media, National Travel Editor Contact: Katarina Kroslakova, Editor Life & Leisure & LUXURY (AFR insert) Contact: Fiona Carruthers, Editor Sophisticated Traveller (AFR Insert) Comment: Fostering a relationship with the key publications at Fairfax is vitally important. TG will meet with Mr Dennis again in June for a planning meeting. 最重要出版社、Fairfax社との関係構築。6月にも会議予定。 Date: 03.05.14 Contact: Brigid Delaney, Freelance writer and author Comment: Brigid is a highly published freelance writer in Australia favoured by both Fairfax and Newscorp. TG has pitched “Cool Kyoto” angle to Brigid and will continue to liaise with her and Editors to secure a commission for a feature article. 有力フリーランスライター、今後、COOL KYOTOを題材に記事への誘導が必要。 Date: 13.05.14 Company: International Traveller Magazine Contact, Leigh-Ann Pow, Editor in Chief, Quentin Long, Publisher Comment: International Magazine is one of the most respected travel media in Australia. The Publish appears on Television regularly as an expert in travel. Editor spent time in japan as an exchange student and is a true supporter of Japan. Met with team to discuss future opportunities for Kyoto editorial. オーストラリアでの最有力トラベルメディア、編集者が日本交換留学経験あり。将来的に京都を扱う機会を見込む。 プレスリリースについて B. Press Release Press Release about appointment has been held back until June, in order to ensure the contents are correctly in line with KCB objectives. 下記、プレスリリース共有状況について Date: May 2014 Company: Travmedia Activity: Established contract for KCB material to be loaded onto Travmedia portal from June 2014 Date: May 2014 Activity: Created target media list. List includes publications & writers for pitching Kyoto in 2014 2015. List provided as attachment. This list has been added to the database. 対象メディアのリスト作成(添付別ファイルを参照) GENERAL ACTIVITY A. GENERAL MEETINGS 経常活動報告 会議報告 Date: 02.05.14 Company: JNTO Contact: Mr Hiroshi Kuwamoto, Executive Director & Ms Maiko Zenki, Director Comment: Introductory meeting. Introduced new role and general discussion. Update from JNTO on planning. JNTO との挨拶、全般の打ち合わせについて。 Date: 05.05.14 Company: Former KCB representative Contact: Katsuji Tochino Comment: Tochino-san came to give handover and provide remaining documents 京都市海外情報拠点、前任栩野様との引き継ぎなど Date: 14.05.14 Activity: Japanese Market Update Monthly meeting at JNTO Attendees: JAL, NTA, Australia Trans Orbit, Janesco, JTB, JR, Tokyo City Representative & JNTO JNTO 含め日系観光関係者での月次会議 Comment: Introduced new role and listened to updates from the members. Key Points: 桜のシーズンでの好調な数値レポート - Some reported a positive growth in bookings past the Cherry Blossom season - Reports of high rates in Tokyo hotels and lack of availability, possibly due to Taiwanese and Chinese 台湾と中国からの予約によって、東京のラグ系ホテルの空室状況が厳しかった。 bookings. - JAL reported 130% result for April, year on year 4月のJAL搭乗数は昨年の130%。 - More consumers booking online unless the programme is very complicated -JNTO reported upcoming activities and seminars in September Date: 21.05.14 Activity: JNTO Media Contact: Viara Yanatchkova, Media and Marketing Executive Comment: Introductory meeting so as KCB and JNTO may continue to work closely on media requests for Kyoto in combination with other destinations. JNTO メディア関連のさらなる連携、今後は京都に合わせ他都市との組み合わせでも共同で取り組みを続ける見込み。 B. TRAVEL AGENT MEETINGS 旅行会社との会議報告 Date: 07.05.14 Company: Wentworth Travel-Virtuoso Contact: Beverley Cohen, Owner, Managing Director Comment: Bev required information about ryokans with actual beds. Provided details of 2 boutique hotels in the Gion and Hoshinoya Resort. 各旅館、ホテルでの実際の提供室数(ベッド数)の問い合わせあり Date: 13.05.14 Company: Goldman Travel-Virtuoso Contact: Evelyn Cassar, Leisure team leader Comment: Introduced new role C. MICE INDUSTRY MEETINGS MICE関連会議 Date: 21.05.14 Company: Directions Contact: Vanessa McGinley, Product Manager Comment: Introduced new role for KCB and provided collateral. Directions has some of the largest and most lucrative overseas annual incentive groups out of Australia. Continue to promote Kyoto to them for future client pitches. 特にオーストラリアからのインセンティブグループに最有力の代理店、今後も京都促進にコンタクト必須 OTHER その他 Date: 26 to 30.05.2014 Activity: KCB Annual International Meeting & Kyoto site Inspections Comment: Attended International meeting 27 May. Conducted meetings and inspections in Kyoto 28, 海外情報拠点会議に参加、京都市視察も行う。 29 May, departed 30 May. PROPOSED ACTIONS for JUNE & JULY 2014 6月/7月の活動計画 MEDIA & PR: プレスリリース準備 -Appointment Press Release to travel trade media & mass media -Activate Travmedia Account- Media library for journalists, loading Kyoto Images and materials -Press Release – Calendar of Events Summer onwards 2014 京都の写真データや素材の準備、活用サポート -Newsletter- First dissemination under new template (via Campaign Monitor) to trade and media -Media Calls- Meeting with Fairfax Media Travel Editor to conduct annual planning, plus meeting その他メディア関連のアポイント調整 with 5 other media TRADE: メディア支援に向けた航空会社へのアプローチ -Approach Airlines (open negotiation for media tickets). -Approach Incentive Houses – attached list of target companies -Meetings with Virtuoso travel agencies その他、有力旅行会社とのミーティング -Attend the first Travel Industry Exhibition – July 18 and 19, Sydney Horden Pavilion as a visitor 6/18-19でのシドニー旅行博にビジターとして参加予定 OTHER DOCUMENTS 1. -Media Target list- sent to KCB 2. -Incentive House Target List- sent to KCB 3. Clipping Values report- Sent to KCB & Clippings (via USB) PART II : INDUSTRY UPDATE 産業情報アップデート Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) April Key Points (released 4 June 2014): AUSTRALIA OUTBOUND オーストラリアのアウトバウンドについて SHORT-TERM RESIDENT DEPARTURES FROM AUSTRALIA オーストラリア統計局の4月のキーポイント 在オーストラリアの短期渡航について Trend estimates: Short-term resident departures during April 2014 (754,400 movements) increased 0.6% compared with March 2014 (750,000 movements). This followed monthly increases of 0.3% in February 2014 and 0.4% in March 2014. The current trend estimate for departures is 5.1% higher than in April 2013. 2014年4月の渡航数は3月に比べ、0.6%上がった。昨年比も5.1%増。 2013 19,300 15,100 16,300 16,300 16,500 15,200 15,900 13,700 16,600 17,300 17,300 18,300 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec A. CURRENCY: 2014 19,200 20,500 18,800 23,500 Left: Australia Short term Departures to Japan as stated by Australian Bureau of Statistics, figures released 4 June 201. Note: Kyoto remains the no. 2 destination for Australian travellers after Tokyo. April shows a 144% result year on year. オーストラリア人旅行客にとって京都は東京に次いで第2位の日本訪問地。 4月は昨年比144%の23,500人が渡航。 為替 NOTE: AUD peaked at 96.1436 Yen to the Dollar on 22 April, strengthening after several months in the late 80’s to early 90’s. 4/22付 1オーストラリアドル/96.1436円のピーク値 大体80円後半~90円で変動 B. ECONOMIC FACTORS 経済要因について The Australian Government handed down the 2014-2015 federal budget on 12th May 2014. The budget is considered to be the toughest budget in many years and is considered to have an unfair impact on students, the elderly as well as higher income earners who will face an additional tax. Whilst reports say that the economy will face “tough times ahead” there is so far no evidence of a slow-down in outbound travel. オーストラリア政府の連邦予算が発表され、長年厳しいと考えられていたが、学生、高齢者や高所得者に不公平な対応 となるとみなされている。とはいえ、アウトバウンドが減速することにはつながっていない。 旅行/観光動向 C. TRAVEL TRENDS AND OUTLOOK RELEVENT TRAVEL TRADE NEWS and INFORMATION April 2014 カンタス航空の燃油付加運賃変更について Qantas to change YQ calculations Qantas has revealed that it will change the way fuel surcharges (YQ) are applied, with the levy to be calculated based on the point of origin of the itinerary, rather than the country where the ticket is issued. The change will see the fuel surcharge applied in the currency of the originating country, then converted to the local currency in the ticketing country using the exchange rate at booking time. There will be no change to QF fuel surcharge levels where tickets are issued in the same country as the point of origin. The move is effective from 07 May for trips starting in Australia, NZ, Canada, Mexico, the UK, Europe, North Africa, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and Dubai, with other countries of origin rolling out from Jun this year. (…) Travel Daily – April 11th 2014 航空券発券地での設定ではなくなり、出発国の燃油運賃を充当させることになる。 Snow & sushi on Club Med menu ? Club Med商品での雪と寿司メニュー The all-inclusive resort operator rewarded this group of ten travel agents who sold the most packages by whisking them off to Sahoro, Japan to experience the Club Med ski product themselves. (…) Travel Daily – April 11th 2014 オールインクルーシブ(全費用込の旅行商品)を取り扱うリゾートオペレータの10社が最も売り上げたのは、札幌行のスキーツアーパッケージであった。 Sydney Airport – Media Statement On Secondary Airport シドニーの第2空港 The Australian Government has today announced the decision to select Badgerys Creek as the location for Sydney’s secondary airport. ETB – April 16th 2014 オーストラリア政府はBadgerys Creekをシドニー第2空港の地として選定。 May 2014 Jetstar takes off to Tokyo ジェットスターの新規東京線 Jetstar Airways flew its inaugural flight from Melbourne to Tokyo last Tuesday, beginning a four times weekly direct service between the two destinations. The flight is the first time the Qantas Group has flown non-stop to Tokyo, after Qantas stopped direct flights from Melbourne in 2008, The Age reported. The flights take 10.5 hours and are flown on a wide body A380 which included business class. Jetstar’s new service will link in with its Japanese subsidiary, Jetstar Japan which has recently become the biggest domestic carrier in the country, carrying 3 million passengers. The new flights will also boost the Victorian economy, which will get an expected 50,000 Japanese visitors each year. (…). ETB News – May 1st 2014 メルボルン⇔東京間を運航開始、飛行時間10時間半、A380機材を使用。ジェットスター日本も規模拡大となり、300万搭乗者数を記録。今後、5万人をオーストラリア 訪問へ導く見込み。 カンタスとエミレーツ航空との合同料金設定 QF/EK tariffs streamlined Qantas has confirmed it is continuing to evaluate changes to Premium cabin tariffs under its joint venture with Emirates, after introducing “simplified international fare structures” in Economy class across the network. Effective today, Qantas has rolled out new Economy fares & structures on joint routes with Emirates to Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, UK/Europe, Northern Africa and the Middle East. (…) Qantas’ new tariff structure has reduced the previous number of Economy fare families from 4 to 3. (…) Further, Qantas’ non-alliance international Economy, Premium Economy and Business tariffs to the Americas, South Africa, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia will adopt the new family tariff effective 01 Jul, pushed back from the originally flagged start date of 03 Jun in order to coincide with modifications to the earn model for the QF Frequent Flyer program. (…). ETB – May 15th 2014 カンタス航空の新規運賃設定では、簡素化した国際線運賃を目指す。またアライアンス以外の国際線とも新運賃を設定しカンタス航空での フリークエントフライヤープログラムにおける獲得モデルを同時に打ち出す。 インターコンチネンタルグループの日本への新規参入について IHG’s new Japan focused feature InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) has launched its new English-language website page, “Visit Japan”, providing a comprehensive season by season guide for travellers looking to plan a holiday to Japan, in support of the country’s aim to attract 20 million tourists by the Tokyo Olympics in 2020. 英語での新サイト Visit Japan"を開設。東京オリンピックまでに訪日者数2000万人達成に向け、季節ガイドを含めたページを提供している。 From recommending and offering information on various attractions and activities, the destinationfocused landing page also gives recommendations on which of the 32 IHG hotels visitors can stay at for the easiest access to each attraction, while an “Experience Japan” section highlights attractions また各観光地に最寄のIHGホテルの紹介や、そこまでの簡単なアクセス方法などを掲載。 near the visitor’s selected IHG. Having exceeded its target of attracting ten million inbound visitors in 2013, achieved partly due to easing of tourist visas as well as increased low cost carrier services, Japan continues to see a growing number of tourist arrivals. (…) ETB – May 21st 2014 ビザ緩和、LCC増加などを受け、日本への訪問者数が増え続けると見込まれている。 Japan’s companies targeting tourists 日本の企業が求める観光客 Japanese retailers are cracking onto the benefits of targeting burgeoning tourist numbers to Japan. With the Japanese government’s push for tourism and a weaker yen, nearly double the average number of tourists have arrived in the past decade, the Japan Daily Press reported. In 2013, tourists provided a massive injection of money into the Japanese economy, spending US $14 billion on Japanese products. Japanese retailers are using different methods to benefit from this influx, including language, product and facility options. According to the Japanese Tourism Authority, the money spent by tourists increased 1.42 trillion yen on 2012 numbers, a 30 per cent increase. ETB – May 23rd 2014 日本政府が円安でさらに観光を斡旋する中で、過去のほぼ倍以上に訪問数が伸びている。日系商品への消費額は140億USドルとなり、観光客から 流入を促すべく、異なった方法で商売業も取り組んでいる。観光庁によると観光客の消費は2年前に比べ30%も増えている。 Luxperience – Travel Fair 旅行博"Luxperience"について Luxury travel showcase event Luxperience will take place in September 2014. It is the major luxury tourism event for the Australian industry Currently, 34 high-end travel exhibitors are registered to attend & promote their premium wares at the 31 Aug to 03 Sep showcase, which is expected to attract over 600 international buyers. See website: 2014年9月に開催されるラグ系旅行ショーケース。オーストラリアの業界内では最も注目されるラグ系イベント。600社のバイヤーが参加する見込み。
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