チ ー ム 名 :近 接 場 ナ ノ フ ォ ト ニ ク ス 研 究 チ ー ム (1)原著論文(accept を含む)/ Original Papers 1. M. V. Balois, N. Hayazawa, A. Tarun, S. Kawata, M. Reiche, and O. Moutanabbir, "Direct Optical Mapping of Anisotropic Stresses in Nanowires using TO Phonons Splitting" Nano Letters, accepted. 2. 早澤紀彦 「偏光制御マイクロ・ナノ顕微ラマンによる結晶歪みイメージング」 表面科学、印刷中. 3. H. Ishitobi, I. Nakamura, T. Kobayashi, N. Hayazawa, Z. Sekkat, S. Kawata, and Y. Inouye, "Nanomovement of Azo Polymers Induced by Longitudinal Fields" ACS Photonics, vol. 1, pp. 190-197 (2014). 4. Chi Chen, Norihiko Hayazawa, and Satoshi Kawata, "A 1.7 nm Resolution Chemical Analysis of Carbon Nanotubes by Tip Enhanced Raman Imaging in the Ambient" Nature Communications, 5, 3312 (2014). 5. J.-H. Fournier-Lupien, S. Mukherjee, S. Wirths, E. Pippel, N. Hayazawa, S. Mantl, D. Grützmacher, P. Desjardins, D. Mihai Buca, and O. Moutanabbir, "Strain and composition effects on Raman vibrational modes of silicon-germanium-tin ternary alloys" Applied Physics Letters, vol. 103, 263103 (2013). 6. 早澤紀彦 「先端増強近接場分光法」 表面科学、vol. 34, No. 11, pp. 580-585 (2013). 7. K. Ikeda, M. Takase, N. Hayazawa, S. Kawata, K. Murakoshi, and K. Uosaki, "Plasmonically nano-confined light probing invisible phonon modes in defect-free graphene" Journal of American Chemical Society, vol. 135, pp. 11489-11492 (2013). 8. A. Tarun, N. Hayazawa, M. V. Balois, S. Kawata, M. Reiche, and O. Moutanabbir, "Stress Redistribution in Individual Ultrathin Strained Silicon Nanowires: A High-Resolution Polarized Raman Study" New Journal of Physics. vol. 15, 053042 (2013). 9. Mitsuhiro Honda, Yasuaki Kumamoto, Atsushi Taguchi, Yuika Saito, and Satoshi Kawata Plasmon-enhanced UV photocatalysis Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 061108 (2014). 10. Taka-aki Yano, Taro Ichimura, Shota Kuwahara, Fekhra H'Dhili, Kazumasa Uetsuki, Yoshito Okuno, Prabhat Verma, and Satoshi Kawata, "Tip-enhanced nano-Raman analytical imaging of locally induced strain distribution in carbon nanotubes," Nat. Commun. 4, 2592 (2013). 11. Miyu Ozaki, Jun-ichi Kato, and Satoshi Kawata, Color selectivity of surface-plasmon holograms illuminated with white light Applied Optics, Vol. 52, Issue 27, pp. 6788-6791 (2013) (2)著書、解説等 / Book Editions, Review Papers 1. N. Hayazawa and T. Yano, “Tip-enhanced Spectroscopy at the Nanoscale: Its Practical Issues and Solutions” in Nanscale Spectroscopy with Applications, Sarhan M. Musa Ed., pp. 1-40, (CRC Press 2013). (3)招待講演 / Invited Talks 1. Satoshi Kawata, “Plasmon Holography: Another Application of Plasmon Resonance”, 2013 MRS Spring Meeting, (Apr. 5, San Francisco, USA) (2013) 2. Satoshi Kawata, “Efficient Metallic Structures for TERS and SERS”, SPP6, (May 27, Ottawa, Canada) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. (2013) Satoshi Kawata, “Super-high Spatial Resolution in Tip-enhanced Raman Scattering Microscopy”, Light at the Nanotip: Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy and Spectroscopy, (Aug. 5, Bad Honnef, Germany) (2013) Satoshi Kawata, “Tip-enhanced Raman Scattering Microscopy for Nano-resolution Molecular Imaging”, ICAVS-7, (Aug. 26, Kobe, Japan) (2013) Satoshi Kawata, “Plasmonics for Photonic nano-imaging and nano-analysis”, International Conference of Applied Science 2013, (Oct. 24, Taipei, Taiwan) (2013) Satoshi Kawata, “UV-DUV Plasmonics”, UV-DUV Plasmonics and Nanophotonics Workshop (UPN workshop), (Oct. 28, Osaka, Japan) (2013) Satoshi Kawata, “Plamonic Nano Raman Imaging and Spectroscopy”, The 4th Asian Spectroscopy Conference (Dec. 18, Singapore) (2013) Satoshi Kawata, “DUV Plasmonics”, International Symposium on Nanophotonics and Nanomaterials 2014, (Jan. 16, Beijin, China) (2014) Satoshi Kawata, “Plasmonic nano-imaging inside a living cell”, Japan-Taiwan Bilateral Conference on Biomedical and Plasmonic Imaging, (Feb. 25, Taipei, Taiwan) (2014) Satoshi Kawata, Plasmonic Raman microscopy: Seeing things at nanoscale with nanometal”, UK-Japan Workshop on Nanophotonics, Metamaterials and Plasmonics, (Mar. 14, Tokyo, Japan) (2014) Norihiko Hayazawa, "Tip-enhanced Raman and Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy and Microscopy: Challenges to Spatio-Temporal Control" 7th International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy (ICAVS) (August 25-30, Kobe, Japan) (2013). Norihiko Hayazawa, Alvarado Tarun, Maria Vanessa Balois, Satoshi Kawata, and Oussama Moutanabbir, "Local Stress in Nanowires Unraveled by Raman Spectroscopy" 7th International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy (ICAVS) (August 25-30, Kobe, Japan) (2013). (4)会議、シンポジウム、セミナー主催 / Meetings, Symposiums and Seminars 1. UK-Japan Workshop on Nanophotonics, Metamaterials and Plasmonics, (Mar. 14, Tokyo, Japan) (2014) 2. UK-Japan Workshop on Nanophotonics, Metamaterials and Plasmonics, (Mar. 10, Osaka, Japan) (2014) 3. SPIE Optics+Photonics: Nano-imaging and Nano-spectroscopy (Aug. 25~29, San Diego, USA) (2013) 4. UV-DUV Plasmonics and Nanophotonics Workshop (UPN workshop), (Oct. 28~29, Osaka, Japan) (2013) (7) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. その他特筆すべき事項・トピックス(新聞記事、雑誌表紙等)/ Topics 日刊工業新聞、“CNT のゆがみ分布”、2013 年 10 月 8 日. 日経産業新聞、“カーボンナノチューブ極小ひずみ検知”、2013 年 10 月 29 日. 読売新聞、“カーボンナノチューブゆがみ検出”、2013 年 11 月 4 日. 河田聡:NHK ラジオ第2放送「常識を越えた時に見えてくるもの〜ナノと光の世界〜」 (2013 年 6 月 9 日) 早澤紀彦:平成25年度 第17回丸文研究奨励賞「先端増強型近接場分光法の新展開」(平 成26年3月5日) 光学 42 巻 5 号、 “平成24年度光学論文賞論文紹介”、2013 年 5 月. 分光研究 第 62 巻 第 2 号、 “平成 24 年度日本分光学会奨励賞紹介”、2013 年 4 月. RIKEN Research, Carbon nanotubes go under the microscope: Ultrahigh-resolution optical imaging of individual carbon nanotubes is now possible under user-friendly conditions, (April 11, 2014). http://www.riken.jp/en/research/rikenresearch/highlights/7756/
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