島根大学地球資源環境学研究報告 19,113∼125ページ (2000年12月) Geoscience Rept.Shimane Univ.,19,p.113∼125(2000) GeologicalStructuresandTectonics . aroundtheKokaReservoir,NorthemMainEthiopianRift ShuichiroYokota*and SileshiMamoFantaye** Abstract The Koka dam and its reservoir,located in the northem Main Ethiopian Rift,are the main facilities for irrigation and hydroelectric power in Ethiopia.However,a considerable water leakage from the reservoir has observed since the completion ofthe Koka dam in1960.Topographical and geological conditions around the reservoir have been studied to obtainfundamentalinfomationonpathsofleakage.ThereservoirareaislocatedintheWonjiFaultBeltoftheno丘hem Main Ethiopian Rift,and is characterized by small horst and graben stmct皿es with distinct fault sca甲lets.The structures areelongatedNNE−SSWintheno質heastemhillsofthereservoir,which is theprobable leakage zone,andthey obliquely intersect the course of the Awash River flowing out from the reservoir.The northeastem hills consist of rhyolitic ignimbrites and various volcanic rocks intercalated with post−Pliocene pumiceous and lacustrine deposits。They dip gently,but are partially displaced by faults。 Considering that uplift and tilting offault blocks continued d皿ing the Quatemary,such movements may have shifted thecourseofthedver.Alowelevationzoneelongatedno質heastw肛dfromapoint35㎞southoftheKokadamwas inferred to be an old river co皿se.Although this zone is partially divided by an uplifted horst mound,it is elongated northeastward from the reservoir bank.In contrast,the c皿rent river course where the Koka dam was constructed is deep, andmaybe anewerone.While thefomleris characterizedby remarkably weatheredrockmass,thelatteris fresh due to rapid dissection.Based on these topographical and geological characteristics,the low elevation zone corresponding to a paleo−chamel might have become a leakage path as water level rose after inundation. Key words:Ethiopia,Koka dam,Leakage path,Reservoir,Rift,Ignimbrite there are varied and geological structures are complicated. lntroduction One of the authors,Sileshi Mamo has attempted to The Koka dam and its reservoir,10cated in the northem detemine the leakage paths倉om the viewpoints of MainEthiopianRift(MER,Fig.1)are the main facilities for hydrogeology using isotope techniques.Geological conditions irrigation and hydroelectric power in Ethiopia.The Koka around the reservoir are not clear as to the leakage paths reservoir covers an area of236km2with the capacity of concem.Here,we attempted to compile a geological map 1,850×106m3.However,a considerable water leakage from around the reservoir to understand geological stmctures and the reservoirhas observed since the completion ofthe Koka tectonic movements in addition to intelpretations of dam at1960,and this is economically serious problem for pemeabilityofrockmasses. the region.Some attempts have been made to estimate the leakage loss rate of reservoir water(Sogreah,1965;Ital ToOographic an⊂l geologic characteristics around Consult,1970;Halcrow,1989).According to these reports, theWonjiFaultBelt the rate ranges ffom90to435×106m3/year(Mamo,1995; Mamo andYokota,1998). 1.NorthemMainEthiopianRiftandWo勾iFaultBelt This area is topographically characterized by low rehef The Kokadamanditsreservoirarelocated on the Wo可i hills,whichhavebeenfomedashorstandgrabenstructures Fault Belt(Mohr,1962,1967),which is one portion ofthe in the northem MER.The hills around the reservoir northem MER(Fig.1).The MER is a part of East Afhcan consist ofignimbrites and various volcanic rocks intercalated Rift System,and comprises a series ofrift zones,extending with post−Pliocene pumiceous and lacustrine deposits. overadistanceofabout1,000㎞fromtheAf肛Thple In generally,leakage path is closely related to topographic Junction at the Red Sea−Gulf of Aden intersection to the and geologic conditions including Physical properties of Kenya Rift in the south(Fig.1).In the Ethiopian Ri負zones, rock masses around the reservoir.However,the leakage theMER and the Southwestem Ethiopian Rift(SWER)are paths are still presently unknown because rocks distributed thetwom勾orhftsectors.TheMERfomstheno質heastem sector,and is subdivided into northem,centra1,and southem segments(Chrowiczαα1.,1994).Younger volcanic rocks *Depaltment ofGeoscience,Shimane Univ.,Nishikawatsu,Matsue690− ofthe Pliocene to Pleistocene age predominate in the MER. 8504,Japan ** In contrast,the SWER foms the southwestem sector and dthiopian Institute of Geological Surveys,P.0.Box2302,Addis Ababa, links to the north−south trending Kenya Rift in south.The Ethiopia 113 Geological Structures a.nd Tectonics 114 around the KokaReservoir,Northem Main Ethiopian Rift 500E 350E 150N 轡…(’\ヤ\.寓 15。N 吻/ノEthi・pia\鱒 ﹁111一﹂ ∼“ !Awashl\…’一一 River,’贈tiGulfofAden Addis メ し N Ababa ノー鹸」レ」ヤ」レ 、メ m7 ムnMai x手 メ/ Rese四〇1「/ Σ!淋一MainEthi・岬i孟 4 ▽て. ,〆ノ \.!!’一7/ Kenya) @/S。malia ( 0 300kml lndian oo 一 1 0cean oo 350E 500E Fig.1.lndex map ofthe Kokareservoirlocatedin the northem Main Ethiopian Rift. SWER is characterized by predominantly older volcanics MER.It flows northeastward from the westem margin of rangingfromtheEocenetoMiocene(8.8.,WoldeGabrie1α theMER,fo㎜ing steep gorges up to25kmupstream ofthe α1.,1990;Stewart and Rogers,1996;Kabeto and Sawada, Koka reservoir.It meanders east up to the reservoir with 1997,1999;Boccalettiαα1.,1999;Kabetoαα1.,2000). low gradient,and it finally attains to the Lake Abe in the Two stages of rifting:1ate Oligocene to early Miocene, Afar depression zone.The location of the Koka reservoir in and late Miocene to early Pliocene were proposed for the the midstream of the Awash River is regarded as a local MER and SWER(Davidson,1983;WoldeGabrielαα1., depression zone elongating in NE−SW trend,and the 1990;Ebingerαα1.,1993).The northem,central and reservoir shapes an ellipsoid elongating NE−SW trend in southem segments of the MER,and their major ri負一 plan.The zone also might have been formed as a result of boundingfaultsareorientedtoN45。E,N30。EandN5− tectonic movements in theWonji Fault Belt.Water level of 101E,respectively(KabetoandSawada,1999).TheNE−SW thereservoiris aroundEL.1590.7m.Although the bottom gross structuraltrendoftheMERis segmentedby NW−SE topography ofthe reservoir is not clear,the water depth may trending mostly dextral transverse faults(6.8.,Mohr,1967; be mostly shallower than10m. WoldeGabrie1αα1.,1990;Chrowiczαα1.,1994;Hayward As shown in Fig.2,the Koka dam is located in the and Enginger,1996;Kabeto and Sawada,1999).The latest northeastem side of the reservoir,outlet of the Awash stage of development ofthe MER in late Miocene to early River.The eastem bank(right bank)of the reservoir is Pliocene is also followed by a na皿ow well−developed characterized by low relief hills ranging from1,600to Quatemaryfaultingthatismostlyrelatedto theWonjiFault 1,800m,and their hilly slopes directly face to the reservoir. Belt(Mohr,1962,1967).Therefore,the distribution and However,there exist shallow zones where elevation is structures of the Quatemary strata are commonly affected below the water level ofthe reservoiL On the contrary,wide by faulting in this Belt. plain spreads over around the westem bank(le負bank),and The age and geochemical characteristics ofthe volcanism scattering distribution of small isolated mounds is seen, changes along and across the MER,and its complicated where villages are located.Awash River and its large history and nature reflects the tectonic evolution of the rift tributary,the M句。 Riverjoins each other near the westem (6.8.,Hartαα1.,1989;WoldeGabrie1αα1.,1990;Wolde, bank of the reservoir.Along the upstream course of the 1996;Boccalettiαα1.,1999;Kabetoαα1.,2000).Ebinger Awash River in the westem bank,small marsh and ponds andSleep(1998)haveals・c・ncludedthatupli丘ing, are found separated from the main reservoir.As a result, magmatism and extension in Ethiopia and east Africa is while the eastem bankofthe reservoiris nearly straightline, attributed to simple plume activities beneath the Ethiopian the westem bank is irregular.These topographical contrasts Plateau(Afar plume).However,Georgeαα1.(1998)and may be attributable to faulting and tilting in the area. Rogersαα1.(2000)suggested that the presence of two A slightly dissected Gedemsa Caldera is recognized in mantle plumes,Afar and East Afヤican. southeast ofthe reservoir.Its diameter is8km long,and its westem slope faces the reservoir directly.A large fluvial 2.Topographic features in and around the Koka reservoir plain,ofwhichelevation is around1,500m,spreads over Fig.2shows the topography around the Koka reservoir the northeastem side of the caldera,and this has been and the Awash River.The Awash River on which the Koka utilized for a large sugarcane farm,the Wonji Sugar dam was built is one of the m句or rivers nowing in the Plantation. ShuichiroYokotaandSileshiMamoFantaye ← 1 〆 〆 \ ・十 ↓ ,ぜ ・ 如 6 誘 ノ M 吃 吃 \ K・kadam評OAw箏hRiver ぞ \ 箋K・kat・wn 囲 ノ 咳叙ノ @ハ 経筒 諾錦 〃 \ Awash River V 115 悼 Dヂ 翁…轡・ 一ノ \16。。 Koka resen/oir (EL1590.7m》 姫 酵 ・ ∼へ 転 ○ つ 8 撃 ス 八 1㌔ o β﹄ δ 、 1妨 180D 箋 や暦 鴫 毒1喰 5km Fig.2.Topographic outline around the Kokareservoir.Koka dam is located at northeastem side ofthe reservoir. 3.Geological setup around the Koka reservoir According to the compilation of Damteαα1.(1992)and Fig.3shows a regional geologic map compiled by the Boccalettiαα1.(1999),the Gedemsa area is located in authors based on previous investigations (Ethiopian geologically well studied Nazareth−Dera area,where Institute of Geological Surveys,1981;Damteαα1.,1992) severaltectonomagmatic units are identified;Melaksa(<0.2 and additional field survey.The volcanic rocks in this area Ma),Boseti(0.21Ma),Gedemsa(0.21−0.85Ma),Dera− are mainly of rhyolitic ignimbrite(pyroclastic rocks)and Sodere(く0.44Ma),Bofa(0.44−0.61Ma),Boku−Tede(0.51 rhyolitic to basaltic lava flows intercalated with lacustrine −0.83Ma),Keleta(1.5Ma),Nazareth(1.41−1.71Ma),and or pumiceous deposits.Recent fluvial and lacustrine Eastem Margin(1.8Ma)units,respectively.Ignimbrites deposits cover these partially.Basaltic rocks are distributed and various volcanic rocks ofboth the Nazareth and Wonji mainly along the downstream of the Awash River,and in Groups are widely exposed in this area.The former the Belale Forest,southeastem bank of the reservoir.These constitute many flow units interbedded with paleosol layers basaltic lava are named as Bofa Basalt(Ethiopian Institute and aphyric floodbasalts(8.8.Meyerαα1.,1975;Boccaletti of Geological Surveys,1981).They are porphyritic with αα1.,1999).They also sometimes intercalated with ash fa11 plagioclase,and are vesicular.This was dated between O.44 1ayers and lacustrine deposits.Some NNE−SSW trending and O.61Ma by whole rock K−Ar method(Mortonα faults and minortraverse faults cause displacements in these α1.,1979).Basaltic rocks are also appears as numerous strata,resulting in horst and graben structures. volcanic cones.Damteαα1.(1992)divided basaltic rocks The Gedemsa unit is related to the products of Gedemsa distributed here into two members;Bofa Basalt and others. Caldera collapse(Peccedlloαα1.,1995;Baccolettiα However,it is not easy to discriminate them based on their α1.,1999).The pre−caldera activity gave nse to pantelleritic characteristics. rhyolite ignimbrites associated with ash nows,pumice falls, According to Meyerαα1.(1975),the faulting in the and surge deposits.Pantelleritic rhyolitic lava domes are Wonji Fault Belt(WFB)started at the beginning of also present in the pre−caldera sequences.The post caldera Pleistocene(1.6Macα),causingtheunconfomitybetween products are composed ofresurgent pantelleritic lava domes theoverlying“Wo可i Series”(Pleistoceneto Holocene)and and basaltic spatter cones scattered within the Caldera. underlying “Nazareth Series” whose recent rift floor Basaltic dikes,though to be ffom these scoria cones are products are about1.8Ma(Bigazziαα1.,1993;Boccaletti aligned in the NNE−SSW trend,which is almost similar to 8∫α1.,1999). theWonjiFaultBelttrend. Geological Stmct皿es and Tectonics !=’。 じ 、、、. V与 一、一 −’ レ ■ .■X ■.− .‘ ﹂一一 ぐ hし・ 磐 繕う苛ε呈虻 、▲Tr,、 A. 三 二. ノ ・ . =φき“﹂①⊇OO 〆↑㌔ \∼ 。oだの0α①℃ωコ08這P﹂ 超8α8=﹄.き岩覇碧。﹂︾30。﹂コ誓一E︶ ︵珍易OαOコ〇三﹄銃コOq一℃¢O ︵もも豊睾︶2﹂程で9 ︵匂。﹂90≡﹄8置a妻31Φ董8§ε 團 國 9一〇◎﹂〇三〇の①ρ㌧OのOCOO①τOOの ω岩。巳 イ OZ四〇国一 口U︸ 2あ。αΦコ⊂匹で⊂①のだωoαoコ茄3コ=く ︵︸=ωO⊂①、一〇﹀§Oづ仁①の︶ 詮8器三塁2も岳2噌壼コ8=豊O ︵芒㎝で⊂①石﹀G﹂O.1こ。の︶ ︵雪①Σ焉E︶豊8﹂£一塁8 翻 口 .嶋。﹀、φコ﹂、の⊂、の。℃コ砺厳.師器記囮圏胴囲 、 .泊。>おの田邸名。図。ε℃qコ。亀O而∈罵Q嘱bDo一〇〇〇.φ.oの嘱目 ・も 、’ 蘇Neて 綱、 侶. 亡.・♂鴛 ♪ ヨ と。≧①ω①﹄⑩起。と 棉 ^・ 、. ’夢曙菰識麟羅!一 E8¢と。と 、一覧、一’、 、へ 噛, 一− ’t 煽’ / ! ⊃ ︾ ‘ 匡 P ﹂ ﹂ ﹂ 、▼¥ ︸ ヨ’﹂し..・. ㌧ ■. 、、. 濯駄 輸謝謝搾翻﹃−、尊豊△冶 ︸ 、 、 、 一’一 、’ ’憶 襲欝欝灘灘麟.、 藷ォ濾機縁騰β輪・ .’←・ ム■・ 幡∵、 一へ一∵ 、箪・ ト ︾ 1 ぎ.副鰭無筆畿、、 @ 縛灘鵬.編欝籔一 裂織鎌ーチ ご ぐ、.一.・. ♪ 、 、 へ㌧一ゼ ・、?.\. “. ・十 !彫﹂. 誌蜜縁び一瓢霞嬢藁、響、一一、驚、 ♂ぐζ 一一噸』’ ト■》}),』.・ 』一 綜1λ M 》 、、 (, 講灘癬裁繍麟販 around the KokaReservoir,Northem MainEthiopian Rift 116 O仁OOO一の樽〇一∩一 ↑Φ仁OOO3﹂O︸ OζOO◎一〇工 Shuichiro Yokota and Sileshi Mamo Fantaye 117 Fig.4.S撮ellite JERS−1image ar〔)und the northeastem bank ofthe Koka reservoir. Recent lacustrine and臼uvial deposits cover the rocks in this shows the topographical contrast well in this area. the area,especially along the main river courses、They are Scarplets ofNE−SW trending faults are recognized clearly. composed of fine to medium sand,and sometimes with Reddish portions in Fig。4show relatively wet condition coarse sand,pumice,silt and tuff.These deposits may be because the image is captures the spectral response to thinnerthan20m. infrared wavelength For example, reddish portion Fig。4shows an image obtained by a satellite JERS−1,and appearing in eastem part of the sub dam(earth dam) Geological Structures and Tectonics 118 around the Koka Reservoir,Northem Main Ethiopian Rift (d》 Fig.5.Koka reservoir and some exposures&round it. (a)Northem shoreline ofthe Kok&reservoir viewed from Koka dam site. (b)Jointed ignimbrite exposed along the shoreline ofthe Koka reservoir. (c)Highlyweatheredignimbrite(upPer)andpumicefalldep・sits(1・wer)exp・sed&ttherightbank{)ftheK。kad乱m. (d)Subdam(le負)andal・welevati・nz・neel・ngating・ute㎜ard,whichmaybeequivalentt・an・ldriverc〔)urse(right). indicatesthatthisareaisrelativelywetduet・alarge quantity of water seeping from the sub dam(earth dam). Fig5(a)shows topography around the shoreline of the Detail topography around the northeastern bank of thereservoir reservoir,and Figs5(b)and(c)show exposures of Considering that reservoir water leaks toward the ignimbrite with intercalated pumiceous sediments.Fig.5(d) downstream of the Awash River,northeastem bank of the shows the topographical features of a low elevation zone reservoir and its surroundings may be the most probable elongated northeastward from the sub dam. zone on leakage,and therefore the area needs to be studied in detaiL Fig.6shows a more detail topographic map of this Shuichiro Yokotaand Sileshi MamoFantaye 119 〃 虜 、。5,彪 75z5 1575 2 、625 翻 落 裟 9 N手 麟 臥 warm sprhgs zone も\、,, 8∼ Koka dam 箆 忽. 愛 亀HipP・H・tSpring グ ヂ (EL1590.7m) ∼翻 7 集 照.留 罐 灘鯵. 1625 鱗汐 (earth daml,’ h 諺 08h 蘭 観望 、5π5 ’ , 4卿 。 ∼4ち ゴ ノ 欝δ 驚ゲ 0 、 Koka resen’oir sub dam 騨 % W・njiG。rge グ ロ ヨ ロ ド め 麟,α51。km 多1625嬬 Fig.6.Topography in the northeastern bank area. area,which includes the main Koka dam and two sub dams. other is at westem slopes of the Wonji Sugar Plantation While one ofsub dams is located atthebank,3.5km south (Fig.6). of the main Koka dam,the other one in the hollow zone mentioned above.Both are small earth dam of5meters Geological conditions in the northeastern bank area of the reservoir high,and were constructed just after the completion of the main dam. Fig.7shows a detail geologic map of the northeastem As already stated,the alignment of the NNE−SSW bank area,which the authors compiled based on their trending horst and graben stnlcture are predominant in this surveyed data and log data of boreholes investigated by Ital area,and these are attributable to faulting of NNE−SSW Consult(1970).The hills are mostly composed of rhyolitic trend.One of the horst blocks face to the reservoir,and the ignimbrite and rhyolitic lava.Intercalations with some otheris of5−8km east fromthe reservoirbank.The summit pumiceous sediment were confirmed in log data also. of such uplifted horsts shows a relatively low relief Distribution ofbasaltic lava(Bofa Basalt)was confimed The Awash River flowing out from the Koka dam downstream of the Koka dam,and small scoria cones of intersects these two uplifted horsts in this area,forming basalt were also confirmed in the eastem hills near the distinct gorges.One is the gorge just downstream of the Wo可i Sugar Plantation。Although the lower and upper Koka dam site,and the other is the Wonji Gorge, strata ofthe Bofar Basalt have been defined as the Nazareth downstream of the Hippo hot spring as shown in Fig.6. and Wonji Groups,respectively,lithofacies however There exist two small shallow grabens between these horst resemble each other,and constmction of stratigraphy is blocks.One is the zone elongating northeastward from therefore not easy in this area.Then,we describe here only reservoirbank at2km south ofthe Kokadam,and the other the characteristics of individual lithofacies and their is the zone elongating NNE−SSW trend around the Hippo distribution as follows. hot spring.Extension of the fomer is,however,not so evident. 1.Ignimbrites(welded tuff) Gentle slopes that have been formed as composite fan Ignimbrites distributed here are welded tuff fo㎜ed as deposits are recognized in some places.One is the left bank pyroclastic now deposits,and characterized by lenticularly of the Awash River in the Hippo hot spring area,and the elongated pumices.They are intercalated with some thin ash 筒O 一一 / Ignimbrite N LEGEND T欝 !、、7 、 ! 、 ・、ll∼へ㌔一’2・》) τつ5751、ム ’ 1『’ 1, ” 一’ ノ ロ ド ヤ ノ ラ 、2P}mlcequsて一×ノ 騒理B犠臨, 懸で,、≧斜 》 1 /で』・、沖ノ, 。 シ鷲’鳩・ヤ 〆プイ⊃,一臨,・今・、㌧・ム・ 磯辮§itl影 無偏塞㌧.》v鷲鶴舞.1今・㎞藤・1 S誉、 Pleistocene 1<一’わd轍諺 籔感傷,. 色・ill’ 匪垂ヨBa潔臨、 ・ 、、 、し イを・ 熱讃麓薩§繭ぴド、. /、禦娩篠 / 《 ● Bore holes B・1 一己_ ユー 一L. ソ し v ムbasaltic Iava J. へ4 / Faults り .」」 一L J」 ロ ヤノ ぐ ノ 諺)vどミ㌧しし1》 =一L・ _L_ 一_」一 _』 しむ ム ム ユ ノ ソ 》鰯ノノ’1 ノノ) 一 、た婆“ レ ソ ノ門 4∠ 煩∠ ム』曳一』一 v肖 一L一L→1/》ソv 》 v 》」 一」↓‘ ) v 輪潅;1蒋燦 鮒艇遡灘 V ) 》 V v ’こ、 vB1蝉丁嘆 .,、 饗即・駿舶5・1 ゾ ノレ 〉 V ) 、!t、 ) V い V V レ ソ ソ マ ソ 懲 擦 {’ ろ.’ .』z 髪 ..ノ ’h バぐ Rhy・ L・ v 雛辣礁、 雛噸 ヤ ・ 蕊加齢 へゆ% ゐ 4’ ∼6◎◎ ㌔v ψら’ /1署郷 Fig.7.Geological map ofthe northeastem bank area. ぷ 班 脅)vvvゾv▽謁62もQし 鎌㍗α5 1.Okm OOO一〇〇Q一〇包GつqgO一仁賊Oの”昌O↓090三〇〇〇 ! Kokadam 孝繊}警簑 》 》 撚 / 圃1gnimbrite(weldedtu行) 雛⊥, ’6’ ぜ 匪調Pumice・usdep・sits 2 ’A .一△ ’ 弩。=昌O旨O︼︿O国”刃OのO目<O一おZO昌﹃Oコ﹂≦巴コ団浮一〇℃置目刀一陣 <・、」 ,ム ム γ 囲Rhyditicr・cks 1575 裂騨 to Pliocene? 影の“ f1ヤ/(糊t砦 虜じ“k Shuichiro Yokota and Sileshi Mamo Fantaye 121 1ayers with pumiceous and lacustrine deposits.Based on Pumiceous and tuffaceous deposits are widely distributed mapped data,at least4to5now units are distinguished in here.Some of them are ash fall layers with pumices,but this area,and they may belong to the Nazareth or Wonji others are tuffaceous sandstones or mudstones formed as Groups.While they are relatively hard in fresh exposures lacustrine deposits,and are relatively consolidated.The (Fig.5(b)),soft in weathered portions(upper portion of latter are exposed around the Hippo Hot Springs and others. Fig.5(c)).Especially,ignimbrites exposed around the sub They appear to be stratigraphically below the ignimbrite in dam are highly weathered.The ultimate product of their some exposures.Probably,they may be same age as the weathering comprise of soft and loose sand with brownish pyroclastic and volcanic rocks mentioned above. color. Systematic joints are developed in exposures of 5.Surficial sediments ignimbrite.Joint planes are generally tightly closed,but Surficial deposits distributed along rivers and low land. some of them are open.Based on the distribution of They are divided into alluvial deposits and fan deposits. ignimbrites exposed just to the downstream of the main Especially,fan deposits may develop around the northem Koka dam,its foundation too may be composed of these side of the Hippo Hot Spring and westem slope of the ignimbrites.Therefore,rock mass condition on permeable Wonji SugarPlantation.Theyaremainlycomposedofloose properties is considered to be relatively good. sand,silt,and gravels.Around the shallow valley,gravelly deposits are observed in well walls.Some breccias covering 2.Rhyolitic to dacitic lava(trachyte)and lava dome gentle slopes are recognized around the sub dam. The lavas distributed here are mainly rhyolite to trachyte. They form small lava domes,and they show a monadnocks topography.These rocks are highly vesicular,and rich in Geological structure in the northeastern bank area of the reservoir Plagioclase and quartz phenocrysts. Various kind of VOICaniC rOCkS are alSO eXpOSed a.10ng the Caldera Wa110f L Horst and graben structures and faults the Gedemsa Caldera.They are mostly rhyolitic to dacitic As shown in Figs.6and7,this northeastem bank area is lava,and some portions are surge deposits.The greenish characterized by alignment of NNE−SSW trending faults. welded tuff associated with Gedemsa Caldera was dated on At least,three m勾or faults are topographically recognized whole rock K−Ar method gave about O.85Ma(Mortonα here,and they form horst and graben structures.However, α1.,1979).However,a fission track age on glass of a pre− we could not confinm their fault planes in exposures.Based caldera unit gave a more reasonable age of O.21Ma for the on topography,m勾or faults show sense of easterly uplift. Gedemsa unit(Bigazziαα1.,1993). They are numbered F−1,F−2and F−3from west to east. One of them(F−1),having an easterly sense of uplift 3.Basaltic rocks elongates in NNE−SSW trend intersectingjust upstream of Basaltic rocks are mainly exposed as lava(Bofa Basalt) the Koka dam.The other two faults,F−2and F−3extend along the Awash River,especially downstream of the Koka 1.5to2km east and4km east ofthe shoreline,respectively dam and around the Hippo hot spring.It was dated to O.44− (Fig.7).Each blocks bounded by faults slightly tilts 0.61Ma(Mortonαα1.,1979).They include plagioclase eastward.Most of strata also dip eastward almost phenocryst,and show dark gray and dark greenish gray. concordant with the topography.These faults and blocks They may overly the ignimbrites mentioned above.Basaltic elongate inNNE−SSWtrends intersecting thecourseofthe lava is vesicular,and slightly to moderately jointed.Top of Awash River. the lava is highly weathered in there. Fig.8shows geologic sections in A−A’and B−B’1ines as Basaltic scoria cones are recognized at eastem hills.On shown in Fig.7.Rocks in this area are mainly composed of thewall ofanew well attheWo可i SugarPlantation,it was ignimbrite,and small rhyolitic lava caps the fo㎜er reddish scoria layer below the unconsolidated lacustrine partially.Probably,they dip eastward at low angles.Based deposits(alluvial deposits).Basaltic dikes are also observed On tOpOgraphy and diStribUtiOn Of lithOfa.CieS ShOWn in along the area of shoreline.They intrude ignimbrite,and Fig.8,vertical displacements are estimated to be50−60m in elongate in N40。to50。E with3meters width at l km south F−1andF−2,and70to100minF−3,respectively.Insome ofthe main Koka dam.Several dykes with O.5m width and places,we confirmed that strata dip steeply along these N20。一30。E are also observed near the sub dam.Chilled faults.In addition to these major faults,NW−SE trending margin were recognized in these exposures.There may be transverse faults are also estimated in individual blocks. recent dikes from basaltic且ows of Melkasa unit(Damteα α1.,1992),whose age is younger than O2Ma(Mortonα 2.Tectonic movements and river course changes α1.,1979). Considering that the shorehne of the right bank almost correspondto the scarplets ofthe NNE−SSW faults(F−1), 4.Pumiceous deposits and lacustrine deposits of tuffaceous this depression domain of the reservoir might have been sandstones and mudstones fomedbyupliftingandtiltingoffaultblocks.Fig.9shows Geological Stmctures and Tectonics 122 aroundthe KokaReservoir,Northem Main Ethiopian Rift NE SW← → A Fg2 A’ EL(m) F−1 EL(m) 17・O B3 B7B81gnimbr旋e(weldedtu貿)B11 1700 ,6舗d㌦1他↓AII蹴麟醐“ IRh四雁F3 1600 へたミヤソ ト レソ サ サ ヤ ソい レ サ レ 評謙総締鷲雛1☆」遡論調蔑鰯 1500 1400 1400 → E W ← B F・3 F・2 隙hdam↓ 1600↓A“uvialdep。sits 9 Rhyolite レ v v 噌 レ レ レ ソ B← 1gnimbrite(weldedtuff》 EL(m) B2 、、 L L し 』 く v v ∼、一、、l L し ) v レ v v ■ ) ) v ゼ ヤ Wonji Sugar Plantation や } レ 』、、 L L し } V V 》 ソ 、、』、と』しし 》 v ) ソ V v 》 }、一−・ し し ず ) v ぜ ㌔、L L v 》 } LししL・し Rhyolite B’ EL(m) 1700 v ザ ソ い v 》 v} A A”uvial 1600 ・11ヤdep。sits H:Vニ1:5 ロ し じロ じ ゴロ 1500 ニ1ド1黛※・ l 1 ィ撃;謂 り り むの t 1400 1400 Pumicefa”Iaye「 50m L25。m Fig.8.Geologic sections ofthe northeastem bank area. Locations of sections A−A’and B−B’are shown in Fig.7. 端諺 N→下 一,,》5τ5 ・一.葦葺z5嘘( 購} )9賜 鰯 樋 ・一1・・ご●●’一’●・・●∴二∵・一・、・.. り へ り い し し 4 〃 ヤヘ625 ぺ .= Koka dam. ン 〃暢 .遼 避 .:な=・ 壷鮪’・・ ‘ ひ ‘・ ・ ‘軸 ■ ■● o ● ■ . ● A鱒 / ヨ じ 灘難● 鑓驚欝,麟’ 髪纂響灘…考騨鞭 ∠ 窮 繍 @ Koka resen’Olr 瀞… }.ヒ1難敵三1、い::・・’ドしll‘1』:●㌧’・ ︾ / プ …蛎箔.総 2 … ’・i’㌔・’.’●・1.ご:・,’1ご,..も∵・., 裂借 諺 7 /,急≦灘蔽 グ ソ1勝浦溢噸 御 翻 eadhda 7霧, =三二・い∼ゆ 』 浮 h 灘鍵 1625 拠.硬 /1625 、慶 @ 等〃 野馳・ ■ 畠 麟。。5t。㎞ ぷ Fig.9.Lowland elongating from the sub dam(earth dam). DottedportionshowstheareabelowEL.1590m(waterlevelofthereservoir).Arrowsshowtheprobableoldriver course before uplifting of fault blocks. 123 ShuichiroYokotaand SileshiMamoFantaye a d b c 避 ㌦.動・w ’∼・、 餉 ’ } ∼ プー ’ 、’一1 ,夢 な、.!〆 膨オ.轟 Awas ノ し N f∫、 Xp腋)Aw一腹ζ釦p㈹ ノ 牟 ■ コレ 一一」 ,’ 畦 ・タ/御 罰 Wate「leakage? ノレ で .. 0 ノ 一_→ のノ ’ ノ ■ ・ し ’暑ミ、 、 ’ ノ ! 章 おノ Awash River,ノ 3 ’ ●鴨 ■ Koka Dam/ Awash River r , ま ミ ノ す 5km ‘, ご1 ㌧ 一 要Subdam K。kaRese四。魯・ コ (inundation) =コゼ 量 ゴ ゴ Fig.10.Schematic image showing river course change ofthe Awash RiveL a:Before faulting,the old Awash River flows from west to east. b:NNE−SSW faulting and uplifting ofblocks begin.The old nver course(paleo_chamel)was partially divided by uplifting of the horst. c:Fomationofthecun・enthvercourse. d:The Koka dam was constnlcted along the new river course.After inundation,water level increased and water leakage occurred along the old river course(paleo−channel). the disthbution of the area below the water level of the efforts are necessary to dete㎜ine the paths more precisely. reservoir(EL.1590m).Although,a low elevation zone elongates northeastward from the vicinity of the sub dam Conclusions (Fig.5(d)),this zone is not same as the graben,and it is rather obliquely intersected by the NNE−SSW trending To obtain fundamental info㎜ation on paths of leakage horstandgrabenstmct皿es.Conside血gthatupliftingand waterfromthe Kokareservoir,topographical and geological tilting of blocks have continued up during the Quatemary conditions around it have been studied. Results are Period,such movements might have disturbed and shifted highlighted as follows: the river course.Based on topographic features,a shallow (1)The reservoir is located along the Wor“i Fault Belt of hollow zone elongating northeastward from the vicinity of thenorthem Main Ethiopian Rift,and is topographically the sub dam is estimated to be an old co皿se of the Awash characterized by NNE_SSW trending horst and graben River.It elongates northeastward,but it is partially divided stnlctures with distinct fault scarplets. by an uplifted horst mound. (2)Rhyolitic ignimbrites and various volcanic rocks On the contrary,the current river course where the Koka intercalated with pumiceous and lacustrine deposits dam was constructed represents the newer one.While the since the Pliocene constitute the hills around the fomerco皿se is shallow and characterized by remarkably reservOlr. weathered rock mass,the latter deep and f士esh by rapid (3)These structures mentioned above intersect the course of dissecting.Based on these topographical and geological the Awash River flowing out ffom the reservoir. characteristics,a hollow zone colTesponding to a paleo− (4)A low elevation zone elongating northeastward f士om the channel also have become as one of leakage paths as water point3.5km south of the Koka dam was infe皿ed to be level rose after inundation.A model of the river co皿se an old river course (paleo−channe1) on the basis of shifts is schematically shown in Fig.10. topographical features. The course of the old Awash River was divided by (5)In contrast,the c皿rentriver course where the Koka dam uplifting of a horst from the downstream,which was was constructed is newer. accompanying NNE−SSW faulting along the present Koka (6)Whilethepaleo−chamel is low elevation andcomposed reservoir.However,ve並ical displacement is not unifom of highly weathered rocks,the latter deep with f士esh by along the fault generally.As a result,a new hver course rapid dissecting. appears in northem side corresponding to the current main (7)Based on these features,the low elevation zone corre− dam site.Fresh rock masses exposed along the newer river sponding to a paleo−chamel might have become one of mouse may be suitable forconstruction ofconcrete dam. leakage paths as water level rose after inundation. After inundation,a paleo−channel might have become a leakage path as water level rose,because the shallow zone is remarkably weathered with high pemeablerock mass and alluvialloosedepositsdisthbutedalongit.Consequently, Acknowle“gements We sincerely thank Mr.Kurkura Kabeto Fello of the the shallow zone corresponding to an old river co皿se might graduate school of Shimane University for kindly help our have also become as one of leakage paths.However,detail field surveys and discussions on tectonics.We also would paths are unknown at the present step.Another methods and like to thank Dr.Venkatesh Ragahvan,Osaka City Univ.for GeOlOgiCal StmCtUreS a.nd TeCtOniCS 124 around the KokaReservoir,Northem Main Ethiopian Rift reading the manuscript,in addition for valuable comments. Analysis of the satellite image of JERS−1(Fig.4)was main Ethiopian rift stmctures,Proo.φfh88∫h ln∫εrnα∫ionol Co喰r8ncθ ‘ゾE孟h∫olρ’αn S伽4∫8s,κyoオ。,」ゆon,No.3,603−604. 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Kabeto,K.and Sawada,Y.,1997,NE−SW and NW−SE Precambrian shear zones in West Ethiopia:Possible implications for the evolution of the (Received:130ct.2000,Accepted:20Nov.2000) Shuichiro Yokotaand SileshiMamoFantaye (要 旨) 横田修一郎・SiIeshiMAMOFantaye,2000,北部エチオピア主地溝帯,Koka貯水池周辺における地 質構造とテクトニクス,島根大学地球資源環境学研究報告,19,113−125. 北部エチオピア主地溝帯に位置するKokaダムとその広大な貯水池はエチオピアにおける灌漑と 水力発電のための主要な施設である.しかしながら,Kokaダムが1960年に完成して以来,そこで 『は多量の漏水が指摘されてきた.貯水池からの漏水経路に関する基本的情報を得るため,貯水池周 辺の地形・地質的状態について研究してきた. この貯水池は北部エチオピア主地溝帯のWonji断層帯に位置しており,明瞭な断層崖をもった小 規模な地累一地溝構造によって特徴づけられている.漏水の可能性が高い貯水池北東側の丘陵では この構造はNNE−SSW方向に伸びており,貯水池から流出するAwash川の河道を横断している.鮮 新世以降の流紋岩質火砕流堆積物や多様な火山岩類が軽石質堆積物や湖成堆積物を挟んでこれらの 丘陵の岩盤を構成している.それらの地層は緩やかに傾斜し,断層によって部分的に変位されてい る. 断層ブロックの隆起や傾動が第四紀を通じて継続してきたことを考えれば,そのような構造運動 は河道を移動させてきたことも考えられる.Kokaダムから約3.5km南の地点から北東方向に伸び る低標高のゾーンは地形的特徴から旧河道の1つと推定された.この浅い低標高ゾーンは隆起した 地累ブロックによって分割されているが,貯水池の東岸から北東方向に伸びている.これに対して, Kokaダムが建設された現在の河道は深く,新しいものであろう.前者は著しく風化した岩盤によっ て特徴づけられているのに対して,後者は急速な下刻によって新鮮な状態である.このような地形・ 地質的特徴に基づけば,旧河道に相当するこの低標高ゾーンは貯水による水位上昇にとともに漏水 経路の1つになってきたと考えられる. 125
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