参考研究機関一覧 *リンクは変更の可能性があります。 ※下記リスト以外の研究所、大学の応募も受け付けています。 2014年3月現在 国立研究機関 1. 韓国生産技術研究院(KITECH) Korea Institute of Industrial Technology http://www.kitech.re.kr/ 2. 韓国科学技術情報研究院(KISTI) Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information http://www.kisti.re.kr/english/ 3. 韓国基礎科学支援研究院(KBSI) Korea Basic Science Institute http://www.kbsi.re.kr/ 4. 韓国科学技術研究院(KIST) Korea Institute of Science and Technology http://www.kist.re.kr/en/index.jsp 5. 韓国化学研究所(KRICT) Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology http://www.krict.re.kr/english/index.php 6. 韓国標準科学研究院(KRISS) Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science http://english.kriss.re.kr/ 7. 韓国原子力研究院(KAERI) Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute http://www.kaeri.re.kr:8080/english/ 8. 韓国電子通信研究院(ETRI) Korea Electronics and Telecommunicationa Research Institute http://www.etri.re.kr/eng/ 9. 韓国機械研究院(KIMM) Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials http://www.kimm.re.kr/ 10. 韓国航空宇宙研究院(KARI) Korea Aerospace Research Institute http://www.kari.re.kr/ 11. 韓国電気研究院(KERI) Korea Electronics Research Institute http://www.keri.re.kr/html/kr/index.html 12. 韓国機械研究院(KIMM) Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials http://www.kimm.re.kr/ 13. 韓国生命工学研究院(KRIBB) Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology http://www.kribb.re.kr/other.jsp 14. 韓国エネルギー技術研究院(KIER) Korea Instutite of Energy Research http://www.kier.re.kr/ 15. 韓国情報通信研究院(KICI) http://www.kici.re.kr/ 大学研究機関 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ソウル大学校 Seoul National University http://www.useoul.edu/ 1-1. Climate Dynamics Lab http://climate.snu.ac.kr/ 1-2. Center for Space-Time Molecular Dynamics(MEST) http://chem.snu.ac.kr/ 1-3. The Advanced Biometric Research Center(ABRC) http://abrc.snu.ac.kr/ 1-4. Research Center for Energy Conversion and Storage(CECS) http://rcecs.snu.ac.kr/ 1-5. NANO Systems Institute *韓国語のみ http://nsi.snu.ac.kr/ 1-6. Millimeter-wave Integrated Systems Laboratory(MISLAB) http://mmic.snu.ac.kr/english/home.html 1-7. Integrated Design & Analysis of Multiphysics System Laboratory(iDEA LAB) http://idealab.snu.ac.kr/ 1-8. National Creative Research Center for Active Plasmonics Application Systems (NCRCAPAS) http://oeqelab.snu.ac.kr/ 慶北大学校 Kyungpook National University http://www2.knu.ac.kr/ 2-1. http://chep.knu.ac.kr/ The Center for High Energy Physics(CHEP) 浦項工科大学校 Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) http://www.postech.ac.kr/ 3-1. http://essc.postech.ac.kr/ *Research Electron Spin Science Center(eSSC) 延世大学校 Yonsei University http://www.yonsei.ac.kr/eng/ 4-1. Center for Bioactive Molecular Hybrids http://cbmh.yonsei.ac.kr/english/ 4-2. Biometrics Engineering Research Center (BERC) http://berc.yonsei.ac.kr/ 4-3. Active Polymer Center for Pattern Integration (APCPI) http://web.yonsei.ac.kr/APCPI *INTRODUCTION>Member 成均館大学校 Sungkyunkwan University http://www.skku.edu/eng/ 5-1. http://cnnc.skku.ac.kr/e-index.html Center for Nanotubes and Nanostructured Composites(CNNC) *Center & Fellows>Professors 5-2. 6. 7. 8. 9. Creative Design & Intelligent Tutoring Systems Research Center http://credits.skku.edu/ 漢陽大学校 Hanyang University http://www.hanyang.ac.kr/english/index.html 6-1. Quantum Photonic Science Research Center(SRC) http://qpsi.hanyang.ac.kr/ *English>Researchers 6-2. Sustainable Building Research Center http://susb.hanyang.ac.kr/ 世宗大学校 Sejong University http://www.sejong.ac.kr/eng/index.html 7-1. 西江大学校 Sogang University http://arcsec.sejong.ac.kr/ *English>People http://www.sogang.ac.kr/english/index.html 8-1. http://cquest.sogang.ac.kr/ Astrophysical Research Center for the Structure and Evolution of the Cosmos Center for Quantum SpaceTime(CQUEST) 梨花女子大学校 Ewha Womans University 9-1. Center for Intelligent NanoBio Materials http://www.ewha.ac.kr/ http://www.cinbm.or.kr/ *FACULTY 9-2. High Energy Space Science Lab 10. 韓国科学技術院 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology http://home.ewha.ac.kr/~ipark 10-1. Algebraic Structure and its Applications Research Center http://www.kaist.edu/english/ academics > research http://asarc.kaist.ac.kr/ 10-2 http://rryoo.kaist.ac.kr/ Center for Functional Nanomaterials 10-3. Superlattice Nanomaterials Lab http://msfl.kaist.ac.kr/ 10-4. Digital Nanolocomotion Center http://mems.kaist.ac.kr/ 10-5. Time-Resolved Diffraction Center http://time.kaist.ac.kr/ 11. 高麗大学校 Korea University http://www.korea.edu/ 11-1. Applied Rheology Center(ARC) http://rheology.korea.ac.kr/english/index.php 11-2. Creative Research Initiative Center for Time-domain Nano-functional Devices http://nano.korea.ac.kr/ 11-3. Center for Multidimensional Spectroscopy http://cmds.korea.ac.kr/ 12. 仁荷大学校 Inha University 12-1. Micro Photonics Advanced Research Center 12-2. Creative Research Center for EAPap Actuator 13. 明知大学校 Myongji University 13-1. Next-Generation Power Technology Center(NPTC) 14. 慶熙大学校 Kyunghee University 14-1. TFT-LCD Display Research Center 15. 釜山大学校 Pusan National University 15-1. Advanced Ship Engineering Research Center(ASERC) 16. 国民大学校 Kookmin University 16-1. Center for Materials and Processes of Self-Assembly 17. 韓国標準科学研究院 Korea Research Institute of standards and Science 17-1. Center for Atomic Control of Heteroepitaxy http://eng.inha.ac.kr/ http://mparc.inha.ac.kr/ *韓国語のみ http://www.eapap.com/ http://ipsi.mju.ac.kr/ http://nptc.mju.ac.kr/ http://www.kyunghee.edu/ http://tftlcd.khu.ac.kr/index.php http://www.pusan.ac.kr/ENG_PNU/01_main/main.asp http://aserc.pusan.ac.kr/english/main.htm *韓国語のみ http://english.kookmin.ac.kr/ http://cmps.kookmin.ac.kr/ *韓国語のみ http://english.kriss.re.kr/ 18. 韓国電気研究院 Korea Electrotechnology Researgh Institute *韓国語のみ http://www.keri.re.kr/html/kr/index.html 19. 光州科学技術院 Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology http://ewww.gist.ac.kr/ 19-1. School of Information and Communications http://infcom1.gist.ac.kr/eng/pages/view/28 19-2. School of Materials Science and Engineering http://mse1.gist.ac.kr/eng/pages/view/6 19-3. School of Life Science http://life1.gist.ac.kr/eng 19-4. Deapartment of Nanobio Materials System Engineering http://wcu.gist.ac.kr/eng 19-5. Graduate Program of Medical System Engineering http://smse.gist.ac.kr/ 20. 済州大学校 Jeju National University 20-1. Marine and Environmental Research Institute 21. 東義大学校 Dong-Eui University http://www.cheju.ac.kr/_html/eng/main.jsp http://mri.jejunu.ac.kr/ *韓国語のみ http://www.deu.ac.kr/english/ *Organization>Affiliated Research Institutes
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