Hollywood Japanese Cultural Institute ハリウッド日系コミュニティセンター Vol. 4 Our Mission statement Sept. 14th, 2014 http://www.hollywoodjci.org/ The specific purpose of the Hollywood Japanese Cultural Institute is to preserve, share, and promote the Japanese and Japanese American culture and heritage through education, cultural programs, and President’s Message activities. Dear members and friends. It is already September and we are getting into our Fall festival activities. On September 14 we will be having our pancake breakfast and on October25 our 2nd annual Udon night. I hope for everyone to come out and say ”hi “ to friends. When new members start looking how much each and everyone of us puts into the center then the new member feels more at ease being a part of the community center. The membership is $20.00 annually and for the type of instruction I dare say it is a great deal. Of course each organization has fees but it is still a great bargain. I would like to thank our members for being a member of the Cultural Institute so that we can bring activities that the community can come to in order to experience Japanese Culture. Thank you, Coming Events Brian Yamasaki, President HJCI < Community Topics > ◆Gakuen’s 100 yr. Anniversary: ★Fall Pancake Breakfast 9-14-14 ★Udon Night 10-25-14 We will cerebrate 100 yrs. Anniversary on Feb. 2015. Please share ★Gakuen’s “Mochitsuki” 12-15-14 with us your stories and old photos related to Gakuen history. Please contact Ogino-sensei at (323) 662-7195 ★New year’s Party & Hollywood Facility use Our classrooms and social hall are still available to Gakuen 100 yr. Anniversary Feb. 2015 use. For more info, call Asao Masumiya at (310) 413-6220 ★Movie Night: “MIS” Mar. 2015 Please share your comments and suggestions and visit our website “Hollywood JCI” for our activities and the latest news. http://www.hollywoodjci.org/ ◆ : Hollywood Japanese Language School “Let’s speak Japanese!” 「にほんごを はなしましょう!」 Hollywood Gakuen will be cel- ebrating its 100 years anniversary next year. The Gakuen staff and HJCI will keep this legacy and continue working hard. We have a new teacher Mrs. Masako Mimura who is great at teaching. Students are assigned Adult Class: Everyone is homework and participate in activities. Children/ teens class (age 5 welcome! Credit Test for High School students: students could earn high school foreign language credit. Classes: Saturday 8:45 12:15pm Contact: Ogino (323) 662-7195 or Kuwahara (818) 708-2871 [email protected] ★ ★ - ~) ★ Acting Dojo - Acting classes with Dom Magwili Our regular acting classes will consist of the following: Scenes and monologues – a vital component to our process because we teach in the “doing”. Clown work will also free expression. Improvisation and theatre games - enhances spontaneity. We also focus certain classes on the business of acting. We hold mock interviews to improve audition and presentation skills. As text books we use Tom Peters’ BRAND YOU 50 for seeing this art as a formal business and Timothy Gallwey’s INNER GAME OF TENNIS for insights into peak performance techniques through sports psychology. nThe classes will begin Monday, September 8, 2014, 7PM to 10 PM. The session runs for SIX (6) Mondays. Classes are at the Hollywood Japanese Cultural Institute. Note – The classrooms are Page 1 in the new building above the Judo Dojo. Watch for the signs. AIKIDO DOJO (合気道道場)Aikido Kenkyukai International Los Angeles (AKI LA) is off to a great start at the Hollywood Japanese Cultural Institute. On September 12, we had our very first class at HJCI. Class was scheduled for 4:30. At about 4:00, kids and their parents starting coming through the door to get fitted for a dogi (uniform) and learn how to set up tatami for the class. In all, we had about 10 or 12 kids that first day! We also had about 10 adults visit from other Los Angeles dojos that first night for the adults’ class! Training with Suzuki Sensei was as usual, rigorous and dynamic, and the after-party, joyous and fun. Our adult member was promoted to 3rd “kyu” in November and 7 kids all tested for their respective belt levels. 2014 will be an even more exciting year for us! Takeda Shihan (Suzuki Sensei’s sensei), one of the great masters of Aikido and an innovative genius came and gave a seminar in July. His visit draw participants from countries around the globe. Call (424) 209-2083 to schedule your first Intro Class! L.A. Daiku (L.A. Daiku Association, Inc.) L.A.Daiku was established in 2009 following the Beethoven No.9 Concert “Bridging U.S.A. and Japan”, sponsored by Japan Business Association at Walt Disney Concert Hall. Since their inception, L.A. Daiku has strengthened the Japanese Daiku tradition and forged personal connections by performances of the Daiku in L.A. in January and in Naruto, Tokushima, Japan in June every year. L.A. Daiku is a member of “All-Japan Association of Daiku Choral Societies” organized by the mayor of Naruto and became a directorial group since 2014. Dr. Jeffrey Bernstein has been the artistic director and conductor of L.A. Daiku since 2009. L.A. Daiku rehearses on Tuesday from 6:30pm to 9pm at Hollywood Japanese Cultural Institute. L.A. Daiku also offers private vocal lessons by Dr. Lauren Buckley Schaer (soprano) and Mr. Robert MacNeil (tenor) at 7pm on Tuesdays. L.A. Daiku established the Non-Profit Organization, 501(c)3, in 2013. L.A. Daiku’s work is inspired by Schiller’s words, made famous by Beethoven “All men shall be brothers.” Everyone is welcome to join. L.A. Daiku will perform Beethoven's 9th Symphony at the Aratani/Japan America Theatre on January 11th 2015. [email protected] www.ladaiku.org Since their inception, L.A. Daiku has strengthened the Japanese Daiku tradition and forged personal connections by their performances. Every year, L.A. Daiku performs in Los Angeles in January, and again in June in the city of Naruto, Tokushima, Japan. Hollywood Buddhist Church (ハリウッド仏教会) ハリウッド仏教会) HBC is a branch church of the L.A. Hompa Hongwanji Buddhist Temple. HBC holds about 8 services a year to commemorate significant events of the Jodo Shinshu Buddhist calender. Services are held in the Social Hall of the Hollywood Japanese Cultural Institute (HJCI). Members and guests socialize over lunch following service. Upcoming services for 2014: 1) Oct. 19th, Sunday, 10 a.m.: Fall (Equinox) Ohigan service to reflect and offer gratitude to our ancestors. 2) Nov. 30th, 10 a.m.: Eitaikyo service ((“Eitaikyo” literally means “perpetual sutra” or a service in which we chant sutras to honor those who have left this world before us) 3) Dec. 14th, Sunday, 10 a.m.: Oseibo Taikai is a year end Appreciation service. Page 2 ⇒ next page Additional services, Buddhist study classes, and activities are available through the LAHHBT in Little Tokyo (815 E. First St., L.A. 90012; (213) 680-9130. Please contact Asao Masumiya for more info: (310) 306-7463 or [email protected]. Hollywood Judo Dojo (ハリウッド柔道道場 ハリウッド柔道道場) ハリウッド柔道道場 Hollywood members have participated in eight local tournaments and one National tournament since the last newsletter, winning 35 medals in all. Five members competed in the Nationals at Reno, Nevada. Our team won 2 gold medals, 1 silver medal, and 1 bronze medal. This was the first National gold medal for our Dojo since 1965! Recently, our Head Coach Sensei Philippe Morotti took 4 members of the Dojo to Sweden to train with Sweden’s National Judo Team. This was a rare occasion for our members to experience Judo training at the highest level and also to experience a different culture. Our members had wonderful time training with Sweden’s finest. Sensei Philippe was honored at the Nanka Annual Awards Banquet for his outstanding contributions to Judo in 2013. Sensei Philippe also received his USA Judo Coaching Certificate, which is invaluable for our Dojo to compete at a National level.We have officially started a kids class. Kids classes are held the first and third Tuesday of every month, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm. We teach the importance of discipline in the Dojo as well as the very basics of Judo through activities that are designed to be fun and engaging for young students. Our regular practices are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:30 to 9:30 pm. You may contact us at [email protected] Karate (松濤館流空手道場 松濤館流空手道場) 松濤館流空手道場 Shotokan Karate is one of the most widely practiced forms of karate in the world today, and one of the most traditional. Introduced to Japan from Okinawa by Master Gichin Funakoshi, Shotokan puts heavy focus on kihon (basic techniques), kata (forms), and kumite (sparring) to develop a range of powerful and dynamic techniques. On August 1st, Mr. Taro Okada (19 yrs. old) second-dan, won 3rd place on Adult-kumite in a karate tournament in Denver, Colorado. He is in his growing period both technically and physically. We are expecting a lot for his future. Mr. Shirouku Iwasa was promoted to third-dan at the promotion test at Santa Monica Dojo on June 22nd. He is well-known his nice personality and most diligent person in training. He is, and will continue to be an important role-model in our club. Classes: Monday & Friday 8:00 - 9:00 pm For more info. contact Yuki Otaka at (818) 618-6161 Gardener's Association (ガーデナー組合) ガーデナー組合) Meeting: 1st Friday of month except on holiday. Contact: Brian Yamasaki (323) 661-1649 email: [email protected] Jodoin Buddhist Temple of California (浄土院 浄土院) 浄土院) Jodoin is a local temple that is providing services in Pure Land Buddhism at the Hollywood JCI on the third Sunday of each month. Jodoin can trace its history back to 1936, when the late Bishop Reikai Nozaki first established Jodoin in Little Tokyo. Jodoin has continuously provided Pure Land Buddhism to the community since its founding. Services are conducted in both English and Japanese and everyone is welcome to attend. Refreshments are served after the service. Contact: Kent Kawai at [email protected] or (310) 433-4314 Page 3 Nagauta shamisen and voice ensemble Class(長唄教室) (長唄教室) Fuji Japanese Music is a California based Kabuki Style music troupe. We invite you to join us in learning about the unique rhythm and melody of traditional Japanese music. Our music is created by the Shamisen string instrument, voice, hand drums, and different types of percussion that interact with each other in a very unique way. Join us as we explore the secrets of this beautiful musical style that has been part of Japanese tradition for centuries! Instructor Kimisen Katada is a member of the Katada-Ryu School of Narimono Music, and the Samon-Kai School of Nagauta Music in Japan.Since 1974, she has introduced Kabuki music to American audiences nationwide, and has given performances, lectures, and demonstrations in schools and colleges. She has now moved to California. She frequently travels to NewYork and Japan. Lessons will take place three Saturday afternoons per month. All ages, levels, and ethnic backgrounds welcome. For questions, please call 805-620-7287 or e-mail at [email protected] 皆様、お雛様を想像して下さい。5人囃子に小さな太鼓を打っている人が3人いて、唄がいますね。そこに 三味線が加わったのが歌舞伎です。歌舞伎は徳川時代に最盛期を迎えて今なおも生き続けています。「ふじ のかい」は昔からのユニークなリズムが絡み合ってできている長唄(三味線と唄)と鳴物を、皆様に分かりや すく教え、演奏していっていただこうというものです。指導しますのは、江戸時代から伝わる堅田流の名取 り(堅田喜巳扇)、長唄佐門会の名取り(杵屋吉藤次)です。1974年から米国での長唄音楽普及に努めてき ましたが、2012年夏カリフォルニアに移り、「ふじのかい」を結成しました。三味線、唄、小鼓、太鼓等の どれかを演奏をしてみませんか?お稽古は土曜の午後月3回です。年齢、レベル、国籍を問わず、どなたで も歓迎です。 Yoga (ヨガ・クラス ヨガ・クラス) ヨガ・クラス) Class is open to people of all ages! The class focuses on breathing and toning/sculpting your muscles throughout your entire body. The class is low-impact although highly enjoyed by those who participate. Get fit and have fun! Class: Wednesday 7:00 – 8:30 PM with Takako Sato at (310) 387-4904 EM “Bokashi” making meeting (EMボカシ作りの集い) ボカシ作りの集い) EM, "Effective Microorganisms" is same as “Probiotics”. EM contains more than 50 (good for health) live probiotics in a bottle. Using EM, you can make eco-friendly fertilizer called “Bokashi” easily. Now you can turn your kitchen waste to a natural fertilizer for your home garden. Meeting: 4th Sunday of the month, 24pm at HJCI. For more info Mr. Takeuchi (714) 964– 9373 or Kuwahara (818) 708-2871 BUILDING & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE ・Parking lot and exterior lighting improvements: Electrician, Jay Yoshida, and his brother Robin, installed 5 new LED lights and 2 new motion lights. These energy saving lights will help reduce our energy costs.・The roofs of the Multipurpose building and roof area above the restrooms attached to the Social Hall were replaced due to on-going leaking and drainage issues. ・Hardwood floor repair in the Social Hall was completed by volunteers, Hiroshi Yoshida, Masao Yoshida, and Asao Masumiya over several Saturdays.・Wrought iron fencing, along Juanita Ave. behind the Multipurpose building, was repainted by Keiko and Jorge Sandoval.・Plumbing repair and improvements was completed by Victor Plumbing that included replacement of the flushing valves in the toilets and urinals in the restrooms of the M.P. building. The new valves will use less water. The kitchen faucet in the Social Hall was also replaced. ・Landscaping improvements and maintenance by hard working volunteer, Kunio Tsuneyoshi, and caretakers, Jorge and Keiko Sandoval. President Yamasaki and a helper connected by the sprinkler system along the Juanita Ave. parkway. The Middlebury sprinklers will need work. We have a number of projects that are on the back burner pending our financial capacity. For example, the area in front of the Social Hall that includes the parking lot, walkway, retaining wall along the sidewalk, and fence, need replacement. Along with this work will include correcting drainage problems on the northwest side of the Social Hall. Donations are welcomed. Donations are welcomed so that we can complete this vital project. Page 4 DONATIONS (2014 Feb. – Present) – Thank you very much!! Feb. New Year Party Monetary donations: Hollywood Buddhist Church, Hollywood Judo Dojo, L.A. Hompa Hongwanji Buddhist Temple Valley Japanses Community Center, Miyuki Ichinose, Neil Hashiba, Mr. & Mrs. Yasumasa Hirayama, Mr. & Mrs. Ken Kageyama, Mr. & Mrs. Asao Masumiya, Mr. & Mrs. Yoshiharu Okumoto, Kazue Ogino,Yukitoshi Otaka, Sachiko Tu, Yukitoshi Otaka, Yoshiharu Okumoto for beer, Judo Members for wine & liquor, Dennis Kuga of Sunset Nursery for potted flowers, Toshinori Sakai for sashimi, Sadayuki Yamato for making oden, Amy Masumiya & Ken Helmes for cupcakes, In Memory of Tom Yoshida: Aki Yoshida for donations of books, toys, tools, limited edition photo portfolio April – monetary: Mary Kubota & Family, Takashi Hoshizaki, Dom Magwili, Moses Khuu (for Gakuen) In Memory of Fred Kimura: Ben Nakayama & Family, Kei & Pauline Uyeda, Amy Masumiya / Ken Helmes, Sachiko Ibusuki, Bruce & Yoshiko Kimura & Family, Miyuki Ichinose, Mark Morimoto at Coast Produce for produce for Spring Pancake Breakfast Farmer's Market June – monetary: Hiroko Hirayama, In Honor of Hiroko Hirayama, one of 4 Women of the Year Awardees by the L.A. JACL & L.A. Japanese Women's Society: Miyuki Ichinose, Emma Takahashi, Hollywood Buddhist Church July- monetary: Family of the late Atsushi Sakaki. Refrigerator: Family of the late Fumiko Nagasugi. People Can you guess their age??? First of all, they share the same birthday on November 4th. Tok Chida on the left is 90 and Shigemi Naito on the right is 95. Yes, 95! Believe it or not, they still drive around! And amazingly, they still have sharp minds and do not use a cane or wheel chair to get around. Tok who is a board member volunteers his time here at the Community Center. In the past, he travelled with family and friends throughout most of the United States, Canada, and Mexico in his RV motor home. Mr. Chide (L) & Mr. Naito Shigemi is a retired cabinet maker. He is known in J-Town as Mr. Naito or Naito-san. He still does woodwork for many shop owners and friends in the Japanese community. Come and meet them at the upcoming Pancake breakfast and Udon Dinner. They will definitely tell you many stories! (by Jerry Naito) Takashi Hoshizaki awarded high school diploma “It came 60 years late, but at least it came. Now I’ve got a real, official diploma,” said Mr. Hoshizaki. He was one of many of the 120,000 former internees who were given their High School diplomas by their own high school on August 20, 2005. Hoshizaki, who lives in the same Los Angles neighborhood where he grew up, used to drive past Belmont High School near Little Tokyo and say to himself, “That’s the high school I attended, but I did not graduate.” Now he has graduated and this is his second high school diploma. He also graduated with the first class from Heart Mountain High School. Heart Mountain, Wyoming, where he was interned in 1942. “It’s a completion,” said Hoshizaki a board member of the Heart Mountain, Wyoming foundation. Hoshizaki after graduating from Heart Mountain High School was one of the original 63 Heart Mountain Resisters serving two years in McNeil Island for draft evasion, was pardoned by President Harry Truman in 1946 restoring his full citizenship rights. Hoshizaki then served in the Korean War and later earned a doctorate degree in botanical science and worked for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Page 5 ★Be aware of Jaywalking ダウンタウンでのJウォークに注意 ダウンタウンでの ウォークに注意 (知られていないルール) If you’re walking around downtown Los Angeles, you might want to follow crosswalk signs…precisely. LAPD is ticketing pedestrians who don’t follow the rules. ・Jaywalking tickets can cost up to $250 ・You can get one for entering the crosswalk when the countdown clock or “Don’t Walk” sign is flashing. It’s technically illegal to start crossing when that digital hand appears. ・赤い手の点滅信号になってから道路を渡りはじめるのは違反 ・歩道から足を踏み出していいのは、白い歩いている人のマークが出ている間だけ ・点滅信号になってから渡り始めるのは違反 ・罰金の額は190ドルから250ドルの間 (羅府新報5/3/14) [随筆] ラングプールライム(Rangpur ラングプールライム(Rangpur Lime) Lime) うちの庭にラングプールライムという柑橘樹木がある。見かけは懐かしい日本のみ かんにそっくりだが、実は香酸柑橘でパクパク食べられない。レモンよりもライムよ りも酸味が強いので、酸っぱいものが好物な私でも、サラダドレッシングや酢の物、 そして飲み物に少量だけ使う。それでもうちに訪ねてきた友人、特に日本人は必ず口 にしたがる。やはりなつかしい薩摩みかんを思い出して試してみたくなるらしい。 この木は過去、我が家を増築した時にデッキを作る場所になるとのことで切られそうになった。そこをなん とか説得して、その木のためにデッキに穴をつけてもらった。 この柑橘樹木のもうひとつの魅力は、果実が一年中なっていること。きれいなみかん色になってから何ヶ月 もなったまま。小さくしぼんで黒いかたまりになるまで枝についてるときもある。観賞用、食用と万能なラ ングプールライムは、ここ南カリフォルニアでさほど水をやらずともよく育っている。(三村-Lazare 学園) ある帰米二世の日記 「こんなものがありましたよ」ハリウッド学園の上田先生が 数冊の古本を抱えてきた。見ると昔の博文館の日記で, 昭和12年、13年、16年、18年 の4冊だ。ていねいな字で日々の生活が綴られ家計簿もつけている。「誰が書いたんでしょう。これは 値打ちがありますね」「この方、もし生きていたら90代半ばぐらいじゃないですか」。 翌日の日曜 日は、アネックスのペンキ塗り替えで、朝早くからボランティアが集まった。ランチタイムに隣にいた アサオ(増宮)さんとマサオ(吉田)さんに日記のはなしをすると、「それはマイ・ダッドのダイアリーだ」 とマサオさん。マサオさんの母上が亡くなり、家に日本語を読める人がいなくなったのでコミュニティに持ってきたのだとい う。 マサオさんによると、日記の主、吉田政行さんはアメリカ生まれで、幼少の帰国し、17歳まで山口県 大島で過ごしたが、その後兄と共に渡米した。1937年当時はロスでナーセリーの仕事をしていたが、戦 争が始まり、数カ月後に日系収容所に入れられた。37,38年と41年(昭和16年)の日記は主にナー セリーでの日々が綴られているが、41年の後半から日米の関係悪化のニュースが書かれ、43年は全て ハートマウンテン収容所での生活が書かれている。 1937年1月の日記は「早いものでこちらに来てもう4年になる」とある。日記の主は当時20-21歳 起床時間や天気、仕事の内容、 友人知人のことなどを毎日ページ一杯に書いている。この年のハイライトは兄と共に4年ぶりで帰国したこ とだ。4月26日にサンピドロを出港した船はサンフランシスコ、ホノルル経由で、5月13日に横浜着。 故郷の山口県大島には5月18日に着いた。「六年ぶりで家族五人揃って昼食を食べた。それから話は延々 と続き、人が次々に来るので(私は)頭ばかり下げていた。夜遅くまで話は続く-―」。5ヶ月間の旅行でロ スに帰って来たのは10月初めだった。着いた翌日の日記には「秋らしい気候。起床して外に出た時の気持 ちの良いことと言ったら何とも言えなかった」と記されている。(次号に続く桑原 学園) Page 6 でカルヴァ・シティのマツオカナーセリーで働いていた。日記はたいてい、 わたしの献立 カリフラワーのカレー風味ピクルス 私は カレー味のピクルスをたべると 昔 母が作ってくれた青いトマトと玉ねぎのカレー粉のき いたピクルスを思いだします。蒸し暑い日本の夏に 食欲をそそる一品でした。 材料:カリフラワー 1株 (固茹でにし 小房にきりわける。) 玉ねぎ 1個(小さめの玉ねぎを切って塩もみをしてぬるみをとる 甘 約1カップ まるかん 酢 オリブオイル カレー粉 味は 大さじ2 大さじ1 御自分の好きな様に アレンジしてください。塩や胡椒 で味を整えてください。 赤や黄色のピーマンをいれても美味しいです。 (厚子ドンリー) 材料:もち米ー2カップ 酒ー少々 (使わなくてもよい) 塩ー少々 赤飯の作り方(炊飯器を使って) うるち米ー2カップ あずきー1カップ ①小豆を3カップの水に漬け、一晩置く。分量が二倍位になる。ふやかした小豆を漬 けた水と一緒に煮る。アクを丁寧に取り除きながら煮る。少し硬めの時に火を止め る。豆が小さければ八分位。室温になるまでそのままおく。 ②もち米とうるち米を合わせて洗い、ザルにあげて水をきる。そのまま15分おく。 炊飯器をに米を移し、水 (小豆の煮汁を使う、足りない分は水を足す)ー4カップ半、 小豆(小豆が室温になるまで待つこと) 、酒ー大さじ1、塩ー小さじ1、を加える。 そのまま20分おく。 ③炊飯器をつけてから15分後、スイッチを切る。蓋を開けて釜のなかをまぜる。もう一度スイッチを入れ る。 炊き上がってから20分以上は蒸すこと。しゃもじは塩水につけながら使うとよい。胡麻塩がよく合 う。 (上田和子 学園)
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