Sound Track Fix No. Title 備考 01. awake 02. darklore Aquarianage 03. zodiacal sign 04. let the stars fall down 05. Point Zero 06. the battle is to the strong Fate 07. the beginning ot the end 08. voyagers NHK経済羅針盤 09. a farewell song 10. Maze NOIR 11. secret game 12. cradle 13. Elenore MADLAX 14. MADLAX_mix 15. alone 16. A shadow 17. bloody rabbit PandoraHearts 18. contractor 19. Crush 20. Rainbow ∼Main Theme∼ Rainbow 21. luminou sword 22. the first town 23. moon & Shadow SAO 24. she has to over come her fear 25. swordland 26. a song of strm and fire 27. I talk to the rain 28. my dear feather 29. once upon a time there was you and me 30. ring your song tsubasa 31. ships of fools 32. you are my love 33. voices silently sing 34. tsubasa 35. godsibb 36. hepatica 37. Sweet Song Xenosaga 38. the image theme of XenosagaⅡ 39. 40. 41. 42. in the land of twilight , under the moon liminality open your heart the world .hack 43. paradise regained 44. in the garden of sinners ∼ from paradigm 45. 空の境界(未来福音M7) 46. moonflower 47. the main theme of Petit Cossette エル・カザド 空の境界 コゼットの肖像 48. satoyama main theme 世界里山紀行 49. Where the lights are 北斗の拳 50. MATERIALISE 51. 聖乙女の祈り 52. デュラン召喚 舞-HiME 53. 媛星 54. 目覚め 55. absolute configuration 56. Credens justitiam 57. I miss you 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ 58. Sis puella magica! 59. frenetic 60. Historia:closing theme 61. Historia:opening theme 62. jubilee 63. rising up 歴史秘話ヒストリア
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