L#14 ハンドアウト

AJ インターナショナルアカデミー
***オンライン 15 分授業***
★Quarter Hour Lesson★
Lesson #14:
学校で必要な英語 (その2)
I __________ school today.
I __________ no class today.
My biology class was __________ today.
What __________ your major?
What do you __________ in?
I __________ a biology major.
I am __________ in biology.
What year __________ you in?
I __________ the class twice.
__________ class
What time does your class __________?
What time does your class __________?
AJ インターナショナルアカデミー
***オンライン 15 分授業***
★Quarter Hour Lesson★
What page are we __________?
What page is it __________?
It’s __________ page 10.
I am __________ page 8.
I didn’t __________ the last part.
I didn’t __________ the last part.
Could you __________ that, please?
Could you __________ that again, please?
How do you __________ that?
What does entrepreneur __________ ?
I __________ a question.
He cheated on the test.