㒓䛻ධ䜜䜀㒓䛻㐺ᛂ ᅜ❧◊✲㛤Ⓨἲே ㎰ᴗ⎔ቃᢏ⾡◊✲ᡤ 㻺㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚㼍㼘㻌㻵㼚㼟㼠㼕㼠㼡㼠㼑㻌㼒㼛㼞㻌㻭㼓㼞㼛㻙㻱㼚㼢㼕㼞㼛㼚㼙㼑㼚㼠㼍㼘㻌㻿㼏㼕㼑㼚㼏㼑㼟 እ᮶᪻䝤䝍䜽䝃䝝䝮䝅䛿䚸6ᖺ௨ෆ䛸䛔䛖▷䛔ᮇ㛫䛷䚸᪥ᮏ䛾⎔ቃ䛻㐺ᛂ䛧䛶ఇ ╀䛻ධ䜛Ꮨ⠇䛜㐜䛟䛺䜚䜎䛧䛯䚹䜎䛷▱䜙䜜䛶䛔䛺䛔䜋䛹ᛴ㏿䛻䚸ධᆅ䛾⎔ቃ䛻 㐺ᛂ䛧䛯䛣䛸䜢♧䛩Ⓨぢ䛷䛩䚹 ٳஹଝᖓ⇼⇥⇕⇛⇵∆⇝ య㛗3.5䡚5mm䛾⏥䛷䚸䝤䝍䜽 䝃䜔䜸䜸䝤䝍䜽䝃䜢㣗䜉䜎䛩䚹 ⡿ཎ⏘䚹᪥ᮏ䛷䛿1996ᖺ䛻Ⓨぢ 䛥䜜䛯ᚋ䛻ศᕸ䜢ᗈ䛢䚸Ἀ⦖┴䜢 㝖䛟㒔㐨ᗓ┴䛻ᐃ╔䛧䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹 䝤䝍䜽䝃 㣗䜉䛴䛟䛥䜜䛯 䝤䝍䜽䝃 䝯䝇ᡂ䛿䛛䜙ኟ䛻䛛䛡䛶༸ 䜢⏘䜏䜎䛩䛜䚸᪥㛗䛜▷䛟䛺䜛䛸 ༸䜢⏘䜎䛺䛟䛺䜚䜎䛩䠄ఇ╀䠅䚹 䝤䝍䜽䝃䝝䝮䝅 ᗂ ༸ ૼↆⅳ↚ؾᢘࣖↆ↰ ˞↚λ↺ܓራⅻⅾ↙→ Ⲉᇛ┴䛴䛟䜀ᕷ䛷᥇㞟䛧䛯䝤䝍䜽䝃䝝䝮䝅䜢 䛥䜎䛦䜎䛺᪥㛗䛷㣫⫱䛧䛶ఇ╀⋡䜢ㄪ䜉䛯䛸䛣 䜝䚸1999ᖺ䛛䜙2005ᖺ䜎䛷䛾6ᖺ௨ෆ䛻䚸᪥㛗 䛻ᑐ䛩䜛ᛂ䛜ኚ䛧䛯䛣䛸䛜䜟䛛䜚䜎䛧䛯䚹 䛣䛾ኚ䛿䚸䝤䝍䜽䝃䝝䝮䝅䛜ධᆅ䛾⎔ቃ䛻㐺ᛂ䛧䛯䛯 䜑䛷䛒䜛䛣䛸䛜䚸ᅜ䛷᥇㞟䛧䛯䝤䝍䜽䝃䝝䝮䝅䛾ఇ╀⋡ 䛛䜙䜟䛛䜚䜎䛧䛯䚹 2009-2014 ᪥㛗13㛫 ⓑ㤿 㒆ᒣ 䛴䛟䜀 •༡ 2005䡚2012ᖺ䛾㛫䛿୍ᐃ᪉ ྥ䛾ኚ䛿䛒䜚䜎䛫䜣䛷䛧䛯䚹 ⮫⏺᪥㛗 ᣦᐟ 㔠ἑ ḷᒣ ᘯ๓ Ɫᑠ∾ ⛅⏣ • ⦋ᗘ䛜㧗䛔䜋䛹 • ᶆ㧗䛜㧗䛔䜋䛹 • ᐤ⏕᳜≀䛜 䜸䜸䝤䝍䜽䝃䜘䜚 䝤䝍䜽䝃䛾᪉䛜 ఇ╀⋡䛜 㧗䛔 䛴䜎䜚䚸ᐤ⏕᳜≀䛜᪩䛟ᯤ䜜䜛 ᆅᇦ䜋䛹᪩䛟ఇ╀䛻ධ䜛 䠄༙ᩘ䛜ఇ╀䛻ධ䜛᪥㛗䠅 ධᆅ䛾⎔ቃ䛻㐺ᛂ䛧䛶䛔䜛 2㛫䜋䛹 ▷䛟䛺䛳䛯 ʻ↭↖ჷ↸↻↕ⅳ↙ⅳᡮↄ ᪥ 㛗 䠄᫂䜛䛔㛫䠅 6ᖺ௨ෆ䛸䛔䛖▷䛔ᮇ㛫䛷 ᪂䛯䛺⎔ቃ䛻㐺ᛂ䛧䛯᪻ 䛿䚸䜎䛷▱䜙䜜䛶䛔䜎 䛫䜣䛷䛧䛯䚹 እ᮶⏕≀䛜ධᆅ ᐃ╔䛩䜛䛯䜑 䛿 ཎ እ᮶⏕≀䛜ධᆅ䛻ᐃ╔䛩䜛䛯䜑䛻䛿䚸ཎ⏘ᆅ䛸␗䛺䜛⎔ቃ䛻㐺ᛂ䛩䜛ᚲせ䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹䛭䛾㐣⛬ 䜢䛒䛝䜙䛛䛻䛩䜛䛣䛸䛿䚸እ᮶⏕≀䛾ศᕸᣑ䜔⿕ᐖ䝸䝇䜽䜢ண 䛩䜛䛯䜑䛻㔜せ䛷䛩䚹䛣䛾ᡂᯝ䛿 ධᐖ䛾⿕ᐖ䝸䝇䜽䛾ண 䚸䛥䜙䛻䛿䚸Ẽೃኚື䛻క䛖ᐖ䛾㐺ᛂ⌧㇟䜢ண 䛩䜛ୖ䛷ᙺ❧䛱䜎䛩䚹 An Introduced Insect Adapting to the Novel Environment during a Short Period Increasing numbers of organisms have been accidentally or intentionally introduced into nonnative countries, and they often caused serious damage to native organisms. In order for the introduced species to colonize, they are required to adapt to the novel environment. To predict their range expansion and damage risk, it is important to understand the process and mechanisms behind their adaptation to the new environment. We investigated adaptation to the colonized environments in the ragweed beetle (Ophraella communa), which recently invaded into Japan, and we revealed that the photoperiodic response of this beetle inducing diapause shifted to adapt the colonized habitats during a short period (i.e. within six years). This period is the shortest among introduced insects reported previously. ⏕≀ከᵝᛶホ౯䝸䝃䞊䝏䝥䝻䝆䜵䜽䝖䞉⏕≀ከᵝᛶ◊✲㡿ᇦ ⏣୰ ᖾ୍
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