「Focus!2014」vol.3を掲載しました - 城西大学附属 城西中学・高等学校

Focus! 2014
~世界で輝く城西生~ 2015 年 1 月 10 日 発行 vol.3
11 月は、Thanksgiving Day などの恒例行事も経験しながら、
高校 1 年生 大舘 壽輝くん【アメリカ・Salem Academy High School(本校提携校)】
It is getting colder here. A few days ago, the temperature registered 25 degree (Fahrenheit), which is below
0 in Centigrade. However, many students still wear shorts like sportswear.
One morning, I got up because one alarm clock rang, then my phone clock showed an hour before the alarm
clock showed. I was not sure which time it was, I was confused. The time or the period during the summer
when the clocks are one hour ahead of standard time, is called daylight savings time. Now, it is put into
action in many countries or areas of the North American continent and Europe, and also put in high
latitudes the Northern in Hemisphere. America has five time zones, so I suppose that American people
would make a mistake.
Salem Academy does not require us to wear a school uniform. A lot of boys usually wear sports clothes,
‘NIKE’. We can chew gum and cover our head during class. I can see the differences between America and
Japan. But everybody works hard in their classes. Nobody falls asleep in class. There are eight of the same
classes Monday thru Friday. The students can choose the classes they want to take at the beginning of first
semester. I take Geometry, Biology, Weight Training, and so on. I have some homework every day. It took a
lot of time at first, but I got used to doing it every day. I have started getting good marks.
Salem Academy is a Christian school. Therefore, the students all take Bible class every day. It is time to
learn God’s word. We read the Bible and think about why God did things or why not. I thought that I could
not read it because it looked very thick.
When I started reading it I could not understand what was
written on it at all. But it is getting easier and easier to
understand the Bible because I was reading it over and over
again. Salem Academy has an assembly every Wednesday
in the chapel. All of the high school students and teachers
gather there and sing some Christian songs. Something is
performed there, from the drama students, and the
announcements are read for the week.
少し肌寒い季節になってきました。先日 25 度、摂氏でいうと氷点下の寒さになりましたが、多くの生徒はと
た。どっちが本当の時間かわからなくて混乱していました。なぜこうなったかというと、11 月になってサマー
Salem Academy は制服を着る校則も無いので毎日私服姿です。授業の様子も日本とはとても違います。みんな
城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26
Salem Academy はキリスト教の学校なので、生徒は全員「聖書」の授業を毎日取っています。「聖書」では神
高校 1 年生 三瀬 星くん【アメリカ・Valley Catholic High School(本校提携校)】
In high school, winter sports already began so I joined the
basketball club.
Basketball is as popular and famous as
American Football in this country. When I went to
practice basketball, many people were practicing so I was
I entered the basketball club because of the suggestion of
an older brother but when I went to watch a game of the
NBA, I saw a real professional game.
Then I thought that was so cool and I also thought that I
wanted to become that kind of good basketball player like
them. That is the biggest reason why I joined.
My school's sports clubs are very strong in this state, especially the basketball club produced an NBA
player in the past. When I heard that from my friend I was so surprised.
Of course, other clubs are as strong as the basketball club. Actually other clubs have a lot of prizes, so
on the wall of the gym there are many tapestries, shields and trophies because of them. I’m proud that
I was able to join the basketball club in such a strong school, so I’ll practice hard.
At the NBA game, shouts of joy always flew and everyone shouted for joy. It was so interesting and
excited, I thought I want to go for watch again. It’s possible to watch a game of NBA only in the United
States so I think that was an amazing experience for me.
A professional game is very useful to learn from, so if there is an opportunity, I want to watch again.
Three or four weeks later my school will begin winter vacation so if I can, I want to do winter sports
like skiing or snowboarding.
Recently, outside is becoming very cold, therefore snow and hail often fall and roads around my house
freeze up so no one goes out often on Saturday, Sunday, and holidays.
フットボールと 1、2 を争う人気スポーツなだけあって、サッカークラブよりもはるかに多い人数が所属し
ています。バスケットボールクラブに入ったのは、少し前に NBA の試合を観に行った時、プロの試合を目
た。僕の通っている学校は、過去にバスケットボールクラブの一軍から NBA の選手が輩出され、オレゴン
城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26
NBA の試合では常に叫び声が飛び交っていて Excite という言葉をそのまま具現化したような様子で観戦
していてとても楽しく、何回観に行っても飽きないだろうとも思いました。NBA 観戦もアメリカでしかでき
アメリカはあと 4 週間ほどで冬休みになるのですが、もし出来たらスキーなどのウインタースポーツも
高校 1 年生 遠藤
晨恵さん【アメリカ・Sweet Home High School(本校姉妹校)】
「Thanksgiving day」
We have Thanksgiving Day in November. It is celebrated on the last Thursday of November. Many
family, relatives, and best friends get together to feast on turkey, ham, and many other dishes.
We went to the host mother’s parent’s house. They live in Washington State. We had to drive 12 hours
to get there from Sweet Home. The house is only 40 minutes from Canada so we plan on going there
to get our passports stamped and maybe go shopping. I’m excited to go there.
On November 24th we finished our first school trimester. Looking back to the beginning of my first
trimester I felt it was difficult to make friends. I feel it is easier to make friends now and many of the
other students know me by name and they can say it properly which makes me happy. My English is
not very good yet and some students do not let me finish
talking to them but some do and allow me to get them to
understand and talk to me for a while. I now have some
very good friends at school. Next is our second
trimester and I want to make many more friends and
talk to many people because I am not as shy now. I was
not speaking English well in the first trimester but now I
feel that I can speak much more and feel better about
speaking English. I can now talk to many people and
they may understand me better.
11 月は、Thanksgiving day があります。第4木曜日に行われます。Thanksgiving day は、たくさんの
家族、親戚、友人が集まる大規模な食事会で、大切な家族行事の一つです。Thanksgiving では、たくさん
家はワシントンにあるので 15 時間かけて車で行きました。ワシントンからカナダには、40 分で行けるので
11 月 24 日で1学期が終わりました。この1学期間を振り返ってみて、あまりクラスメイトと仲良くなれ
2 学期からまた新しい授業が始まるのでたくさんの友達ができるように明るくみんなに声をかけていき
城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26
高校 1 年生 竹下 みなみさん【アメリカ・Sweet Home High School(本校姉妹校)】
This month I learned about “The Attack on Pearl Harbor” in my U.S history class. Before studying
this subject, I didn’t know the United State detested Japan at the time. In 1941, Japan attacked and
won a victory at Pearl Harbor, which is an American military base. After the attack Americans started
to refer to us as JAPs. This is a derogatory word for us. In September 1945, Japan surrendered because
the United States dropped the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. I also learned about
Japanese people who moved to Hawaii. They were called “Japanese American” and were forced to live
in concentration camps (prison) until the surrender for about four years. The teacher separated us into
groups of three to see newspapers, pictures, letters, and to write our own impression of those days. I
was shocked by two of the materials then. One was a picture of Japanese American woman sewing an
American flag. She was laughing. It was very weird for me. The other one is a newspaper article about
people who graduated from the University of Oregon. It had eleven Japanese American’s picture. Why I
was surprised that nine of them had American first names. I think they were used to living completely
American. I haven’t known this before, so I was happy to be able to study it.
My teacher has tried to take good care of me during this lesson, because I am Japanese. I worked with
new classmates and they were welcoming to me and did not feel bad for me. Then I asked some
questions, they answered me gently and had mixed jokes. I couldn’t believe just ten minutes before the
President of the United States was very mad at all Japanese. I was thankful to everyone and had
respect. If I was in the same position as them I hope I can have good manners. But, I don’t think so. It
was a great experience to study the past and what happened worldwide. I will never forget the class. I
think I am a lucky girl!
I had a dance competition on November 21th. I practiced so hard for that day and finally I could dance
at the first competition for us. At the start of practice, every time I felt tired but now my body can keep
up with other members. My dancing still needs work, but I was happy and had a good performance this
time. I almost threw up before dance
because I was nervous. I keep practicing
because if I make a mistake the team gets
troubled. First, I lost my balance. After that,
I didn’t miss any moves and finished my
best. I was impressed by our dance
performance and started crying. I have
pledged to dance forever and I continue to
practice and stretch my body.
私は U.S. history という授業で真珠湾攻撃について学びました。授業で、私達は 3 人ずつのグループに
分かれ当時の新聞や写真、手紙などを見て感じたことをまとめました。その時私は 2 枚の資料に衝撃を受
けました。1 つは日本人の女性がアメリカの国旗を縫っている写真です。彼女は笑っていました。とても不
思議でした。もう 1 つはオレゴン大学を卒業した日本人の載っている新聞です。そこには 11 人の Japanese
American の写真があったのですが、その内、下の名前がアメリカ人のような人が 9 人いたからです。彼ら
城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26
11 月の 21 日には、ダンスチームの大会がありました。私は trial の日から一所懸命に練習をし、初の大
城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26