PDF版 - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

和解 −そのかたちとプロセス−
河原 節子 ·········· 1
川崎 晴朗 ········· 63
輔 ········· 41
和解 −そのかたちとプロセス−
本稿では、企業の外国進出の結果として生じる外国直接投資(FDI:Foreign Direct Investment)
規制の度合いを数量的に把握できる OECD の FDI 制限指数(FDI RRI:FDI Regulatory
Restrictiveness Index)に着目し、その計測方法・基準を説明した上で、その傾向と特徴を多角
的な観点から見出す。具体的には、OECD 加盟国と非加盟国のそれぞれにおいて、特に FDI に対
企業に関する OECD 宣言(OECD Declaration and Decisions on International Investment and
Multinational Enterprises)
」という国際基準を念頭に置きながら、投資自由化に向けた FDI RRI
本月報 2010 年度/No. 2、2012 年度/No. 1 及び 2013 年度/No. 1 で、1869 年から 1886 年までの
リア、ペルー、ポルトガル、ロシア、スウェーデン・ノルウェー及びスイスの 6 ヵ国の公使館、
また B.でイギリス等 14 ヵ国の領事館を扱った。当時スイスは日本で総領事によって代表されて
いたが、彼は外交使節の性格を有していたので A.に含めた。
明治初期の在京領事官は、その多くが名誉領事官であり、また領事館は 1867 年 1 月 1 日に開
Contents and Summaries
Reconciliation -its forms and process-
Setsuko Kawahara ···· 1
Research Notes
Some Surveys of Investment Liberalisation in Various Countries
-An Approach from the OECD FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness IndexTasuku Fujita ········ 41
Research Notes
Foreign Missions in Tokyo in the Early Meiji Era (4)
Seiro Kawasaki ······ 63
Reconciliation -its forms and processReconciliation is crucial for post-conflict stability. Means of reconciliation are diverse, depending upon
the time, nature of and parties to a conflict. In the past, “amnesty and amnesia” was a typical model for
interstate reconciliation. After World War I and II, “justice” was pursued by taking accountable of
individual offenders. In cases of intrastate conflicts or oppression by governments, a Truth and
Reconciliation Commission served as a model for pursuing “truth” and “justice”, while preventing a
revenge to past enemies.
In recent years, apology, reparation to individuals, as well as memorization, which have been conducted
in relation to Holocaust, triggered a global movement by victims of human rights violations for requesting
apology, reparation and memorization. Especially, memorization is tricky as parties to a conflict tend to
have conflicting “memories” and hand over them to their next generations. Efforts are needed not to make
it as a hindrance in a process for reconciliation.
Research Notes
Some Surveys of Investment Liberalisation in Various Countries
-An Approach from the OECD FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness IndexIn this paper, recognising that FDI (Foreign Direct Investment), which results in advance into foreign
markets by enterprises, is moving toward liberalization generally in both developed and developing
countries, I take notice of OECD FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness Index (FDI RRI) by which we can
understand degrees of investment restriction in various countries quantitatively, and find out its trends
and features from several aspects after explaining its method and standard of measurement. To be
concrete, I pay attention to trends of some countries that impose more restrictions on FDI in both OECD
and non-OECD countries, and analyze their backgrounds and factors. After these discussions, considering
the international standard of the ‘OECD Declaration and Decisions on International Investment and
Multinational Enterprises’, I survey implications of FDI RRI for investment liberalization, and also try to
show you some policy suggestions.
Research Notes
Foreign Missions in Tokyo in the Early Meiji Era (4)
In this issue, the author discusses the history, from 1869 throuth 1886, of the diplomatic missions of six
foreign countries in Japan, those countries being Italy, Peru, Portugal, Russia, Sweden-Norway and
Switzerland. The missions of eleven other countries were already taken up in the 2003/No.1 issue of this
Bulletin. Thus, the author believes he could take up all of the seventeen countries that had official
missions in Tokyo in the early Meiji Era. As in 1886, they were legations (not embassies), except the
Consultate General of Switzerland which was given diplomatic status.
The author then describes the fourteen foreign consulates that were maintained in Tokyo or Yokohama
in approximately the same period. It is noteworty to know that the earliest foreign consuls, most of their
positions being of an honorary nature, were posted in the Tsukiji Foreign Settlement in the Kyôbashi
ward (now the Chûô City).
It is not known exactly when the Ministry of Foreign Afairs of Japan started publishing The Diplomatic
List and The Consular List. The first extant editions of The Diplomatic List and The Consular List were
both published in January 1887, and they are preserved at the Diplomatic Record Office of the Ministry.
The author hopes that information contained in this paper may help in reconstituting the missing
issues of the The Diplomatic List and The Consular List.