Workshop on Geometry and Nonlinear PDE 日時:2015 年 1 月 13 日(火)14:45~18:20 日時 場所:早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス 51 号館 18 階 06 室 場所} プログラム プログラム 2015 年 1 月 13 日(火) 14:45~15:45 ChangChang-Shou Lin (National Taiwan University) Mean field equations, isomonodromic deformation and Painleve VI 16:00~17:00 Martin Guest (Waseda University) Painleve III: the geometry of the solutions 17:20~18:20 Takashi School of Economics, Moscow) Takashi Takebe(Higher Takebe Dispersionless integrable hierarchies and Loewner equations 18:40~ 懇親会 この研究集会は, 日本学術振興会科学研究費 基盤研究(A)課題番号 25247005 「Systematic development and application of methods in differential geometry and integrable systems motivated by quantum cohomology」(代表 Martin Guest) 及び早稲田大学重点研究機構「非線形偏微分方程式研究所」の援助を受けています. 組織員 Martin Guest(早稲田大学理工学術院) Guest martin あっと 小澤徹 (早稲田大学重点研究機構「非線形偏微分方程式研究所」) txozawa あっと 田中和永(早稲田大学重点研究機構「非線形偏微分方程式研究所」 ) 田中和永 kazunaga あっと 小薗英雄(早稲田大学重点研究機構「非線形偏微分方程式研究所」 ) 小薗英雄 kozono あっと 講演要旨 ChangChang-Shou Lin (National Taiwan University) Title: Mean field equations, isomonodromic deformation and Painleve VI Abstract: Recently we discovered the connection of bubbling phenomena with solutions of Painleve VI. I will talk about this connection and other developments. Martin Guest (Waseda University) Title: Painleve III: the geometry of the solutions Abstract: This is part of a project to study nonlinear pde related to geometry/physics, by using integrable systems methods as well as pde methods. In this talk we use the radial sinh-Gordon equation (Painleve III equation) as a basic example. By combining local and global information, we build a complete picture of the behaviour of all solutions. This is joint work with Claus Hertling (University of Mannheim). Takashi Takebe(Higher School of Economics, Moscow) Takebe Title: Dispersionless integrable hierarchies and Loewner equations Abstract: Dispersionless integrable hierarchies are a class of integrable systems obtained as quasi-classical limits of integrable hierarchies like the KP hierarchy, the Toda lattice hierarchies and so on. It turned out that Loewner type equations in complex analysis appear from the reduction of dispersionless integrable hierarchies. Examples of this phenomenon are presented.
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