紧邻“鸟巢”和“水立方”。总建筑面积约为 53万平方米,其中会议、展览面积27万平方 米,是一个能够满足大型会议、展览、多种公 共活动和酒店客房需要的大型会展中心。 Capturing the heart precinct of Beijing Olympic Green, China National Convention Centre is right next to the Bird Nest and the Water Cube, with a total construction area of about 530,000 square meters, including conference and exhibition area of 270,000 square meters. Now CNCC is ready for congresses, international meetings, exhibitions and other various events. N 北沙滩桥 Beishatan Qiao AE exit y 水立方 China National Aquatics Center (Water Cube) 环 路 北辰西桥 Beichenxi Qiao 鸟巢 National Stadium (Bird’s Nest) 亚运村 Asian Games Village Anli Road 体育场北路 国家体育馆 National Indoor Stadium Beicheng East Road 地铁8号线 奥林匹克公园站 Subway Line 8 Olympic Green Station 安立路 国家会议中心 China National Convention Center 北辰东路 sswa 健翔桥 Jianxiang Qiao Datun Road Tianchen East Road pre ll Ex t Wa Beicheng West Road Grea 四 路 天辰东路 速 北 国家会议中心 大酒店 CNCC Grand Hotel Tianchen West Road 岭高 盘古七星 Pangu Hotel 天辰西路 屯 北辰西路 八达 大 North 4th Ring Road 北辰桥 Beichen Qiao 安慧桥 Anhui Qiao 欲索详情,敬请垂询: CONTACTS: 交通运输部科学研究院 • 交通科技交流中心 电 话:010-58278081、58278080、58278603 传 真:010-58278082 电 邮:[email protected] 联系人:宁剑一、滕珊 Transport Technology Exchange Center of CATS, MOT Tel: +86-10-58278080, 58278081, 58278603 Fax: +86-10-58278082 E-mail: [email protected] Attn: Ms. Zhao Juan 中国公路学会客车分会 电 话:010-87691165、87699651转2178、2138 传 真:010-87691165、87699650 电 邮:[email protected] 联系人:佘振清、张晓秋、梁博、丁艳 Bus Institute of China Highway and Transportation Society Tel: +86-10-87691165, 87699651 ext. 2178, 2138 Fax: +86-10-87691165, 87699650 E-mail: [email protected] Attn: Mr. She Zhenqing, Ms. Zhang Xiaoqiu, Mr. Liang Bo, Ms. Ding Yan 中国道路运输协会城市客运分会 电 话:010-68729611 传 真:010-68725512 电 邮:[email protected] 联系人:李建峰 China Public Transportation Association(CPTA) Tel: +86-10-68729611 Fax: +86-10-68725512 E-mail: [email protected] Attn: Mr. Li Jianfeng 北京市贸促会 • 北京国际展览中心 电 话:010-58566504、58566930 传 真:010-58566000、58566551 电 邮:[email protected], [email protected] 联系人:刘晶、刘伊、柴英杰 Beijing International Exhibition Center of CCPIT-Beijing Tel: +86-10-58566930, 58566502 Fax: +86-10-58566000, 58566551 E-mail: [email protected] Attn: Mr. Liu Yi, Ms. Liu Jing www.bustruckexpo.com 国家会议中心位于北京奥林匹克公园中心区, 2015北京国际道路运输、 城市公交车辆及零部件展览会 CHINA BEIJING INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION ON BUSES, TRUCKS & COMPONENTS 日期:2015年5月11日-13日 Date: May 11-13, 2015 地点:北京·国家会议中心 Venue: China National Convention Center (CNCC), Beijing www.bustruckexpo.com 2015 北京国际道路运输、城市公交车辆及零部件展览会 CHINA BEIJING INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION ON BUSES, TRUCKS & COMPONENTS 日期: DATE: 地点: VENUE: 承办单位: SHOW MANAGEMENT: 2015 年 5 月 11 日 ~ 13 日 2015 年 5 月 11 ~ 13 日 北京·国家会议中心 May 11 ~ 13, 2015 China National Convention Center (CNCC), Beijing May 11 ~ 13, 2015 北京 • 国家会议中心 China National Convention Center (CNCC), Beijing 交通运输部科学研究院 China Academy of Transportation Sciences, MOT 中国公路学会客车分会 Bus Institute of China Highway and Transportation Society 中国道路运输协会城市客运分会 China Public Transportation Association (CPTA) 中国国际贸易促进委员会北京市分会 China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Beijing Sub-council (CCPIT-Beijing) 北京华运展交通科技发展中心 Beijing Transport Technology Exchange Center 协办单位: SPONSORS: 交通运输部公路科学研究院 Research Institute of Highway, MOT 中国道路运输协会 China Road Transport Association 合作媒体: CO-OPERATIVE MEDIA: 《中国交通报》 China Communications Daily 《中国汽车报》 China Automotive News 《中国工业报 • 汽车周报》 China Industry News • Autoweekly 《商用汽车新闻》 Commercial Vehicle News 《商用汽车》杂志 Commercial Vehicle Magazine 《交通世界》杂志 Transpo World Magazine 《运输经理世界》杂志 Transport Business China Magazine 《交通建设与管理》杂志 Transportation Construction & Management Magazine 《城市公共交通》杂志 Urban Public Transport 《中国旅游报》 China Tourism News 《驾驶园》杂志 World of Driver Magazine 《商用车界》杂志 Commercial Motor World Magazine 方得网 find800.cn 中国商用车辆网 www.ztauto.com 中国客车信息网 www.chinabus.info 中国客车网 www.chinabuses.com 客车联盟网 www.cnbuses.com 中国汽车供应商网 China Auto Supplier 中国道路运输网 www.ChinaRTA.com 汽车市场网 www.automarket.net.cn 埃及 AutoZone 杂志 AutoZone Magazine(Egypt) 韩国 BUSlife BUSlife(Korea) 印度 MOTORINDIA MOTORINDIA(India) 英国 Truck & Bus Builder Truck & Bus Builder Publishing Limited(UK) 1 www.bustruckexpo.com 2015 北京国际道路运输、城市公交车辆及零部件展览会 CHINA BEIJING INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION ON BUSES, TRUCKS & COMPONENTS 2015 年 5 月 11 ~ 13 日 北京·国家会议中心 May 11 ~ 13, 2015 China National Convention Center (CNCC), Beijing 由交通运输部科学研究院、中国公路学会客 车分会、中国道路运输协会城市客运分会和北京 市贸促会、北京华运展交通科技发展中心等单位 共同承办的“2015 北京国际道路运输、城市公交 车辆及零部件展览会(以下简称:道路运输车辆 展)”将于 2015 年 5 月 11 日—13 日在北京国家 会议中心隆重举行,展出面积 40,000 平方米。 本届展会将以“新能源 : 客车发展的机遇与 挑战”为主题,聚焦当今世界客车技术发展的最 新动向,集中展示与新能源及节能减排技术相关的客车及零部件产品 , 努力将道路运输车辆展打造成 为全球最新客车技术与产品展示的窗口,着力搭建客车行业科技成果转化与商务交流的最佳平台。 2014 年 7 月 21 日《关于加快新能源汽车推广应用的指导意见》的正式发布及其相关扶持新政 的出台,使新能源汽车再迎难得的历史发展机遇。2015 北京国际道路运输、城市公交车辆及零部件 展览会将以此为契机,通过产品展示、政策解读、技术交流、学术研讨等活动,为新能源汽车的推 广应用和产业的健康有序发展做出贡献。 除新能源客车之外,展会还将开展客车安全技术 与产品、环保技术与产品、车联网技术与产品、智能 公交技术与产品等多项展示及技术交流活动。 在展会期间,组委会还将邀请有关机构领导、权 威专家、企业代表等组织开展内容丰富、形式多样的 高端学术交流和技术研讨活动,就行业广泛关注的热 点难点问题进行深入的探讨与交流。 2014 展会回顾 进入 2013 年以来,随着高铁运行线路的不断拓展,长途客运面临的挑战更加严峻,大型公路客 车已经出现趋势性下滑,公路客运由过去的长距离干线运输向中短途支线运输转型趋势已经越来越 明显,8-9 米中巴再次成为市场追逐的重点。2013 年 9 月出台的新的国家新能源汽车补贴政策加大 了对纯电动客车的补贴力度,补贴车型从过去的 10 米以上,下探到 6 米,顺应了纯电动客车小型化 的国际潮流。加以国家节能减排政策助推下的天然气汽车的高速增长,使更多的发动机企业加大了 高品质天然气发动机的研发力度。同时,车联网技术的发展及应用,也使有效提高运营效率和乘客 体验价值成为可能。所有这些行业趋势,在 2014 道路运输展中都得到了具体体现。 2014 道路运输车辆展展出总面积达 3 万平方米,逾百家客车和零部件企业参展,全面展示了客 车产业链上、中、下游的最新技术和产品。以 宇通客车、厦门金龙、苏州金龙、厦门金旅等 为代表的客车行业龙头企业均携最新产品亮相 展会,以玉柴、上柴、潍柴、康明斯、采埃孚、 艾里逊等为代表的零部件龙头企业悉数亮相展 会,凸现了展会的平台作用、品牌效应和业界 影响力。 其中,参展整车数量达 74 辆,全新车型 约 50 辆,创历届之最。展会期间,有 10 家整 1 www.bustruckexpo.com 2015 北京国际道路运输、城市公交车辆及零部件展览会 CHINA BEIJING INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION ON BUSES, TRUCKS & COMPONENTS 2015 年 5 月 11 ~ 13 日 北京·国家会议中心 May 11 ~ 13, 2015 China National Convention Center (CNCC), Beijing 车及零部件企业组织了新产品、新技术发布会及 丰富多彩的活动,密集度之高为历届展会之最。 展会吸引了万余名来自道路运输管理机构、道路 客运企业、城市公交、旅游客运及客车租赁企业 等方面的专业人士参观。通过网上注册的十几个 国家和地区的 500 余名国际专业观众和买家参观 了本届展会。 公众和行业媒体对此次展会的成功举办给予 了高度关注,共有近 50 家媒体参与了展会的宣传 报道工作,其中 5 家行业媒体对展会盛况进行了 全程实况转播,多家知名行业媒体全程报道展会相关信息。 参展商现场活动组织成为本届展会最靓丽的风景。无论是从数量还是从质量上而言,与往届相 比均有显著提升,说明参展企业对展会的重视程度、认知程度的不断提高。现场活动包括:2014 宇 通客车新产品上市发布会、2014 厦门金龙新产品上市发布会、海格云战略发布、2014 福田客车新 产品上市发布会、安凯大家园——服务品牌发布会、黄海新品发布会、青年系列新车产品发布仪式、 江苏常隆客车有限公司三门纯电动客车通过欧盟认证颁证仪式、中通客车新产品发布会、康明斯国 产天然气发动机发布仪式。此外,福田、苏州金龙、厦门金龙、青年客车、常隆客车等整车企业, 都主动邀请各自客户来到展会现场参观交流;宇通客车的车模表演、青年客车的狮舞,均各具特色, 颇具创意。而以康明斯为代表的零部件企业,在其发布会上更是邀请了众多整车企业高管参加,在 展会现场形成了一种良性互动。 2015 展期活动 ▲ 2015 中国城市客运高峰论坛 2015 中国城市客运高峰论坛将围绕“实现我国公交可持续发展战略核心—转型与创新”这一主 题,邀请国内外政府机构、公交企业、客车厂商和专家学者,通过深入的交流研讨,进一步推动国 内外新能源客车相关技术与市场推广,进一步加强企业、政府、用户间的交流与合作,共同探讨行 业发展的历史机遇与挑战。 研讨内容主要包括:公交对城市 GDP 贡献率(建立可量化的数学计量模式)、北京公交票价调 整与公交成本机制的标准化计算方法及建立 公交票价动态调整的机制、新能源公交汽车 双源快充技术 -- 实现公交电动化可持续发展 的解决方案、利用移动互联网技术推动快速 公交和定制公交的快速发展、如何提升应对 公交恐怖活动的措施及相关技术解决方案。 2 www.bustruckexpo.com 2015 北京国际道路运输、城市公交车辆及零部件展览会 CHINA BEIJING INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION ON BUSES, TRUCKS & COMPONENTS 2015 年 5 月 11 ~ 13 日 北京·国家会议中心 May 11 ~ 13, 2015 China National Convention Center (CNCC), Beijing ▲ 移动互联网在客运行业运用交流会 随着互联网经济的深入发展,客车作为移动互联网平台的价值被越来越多的互联网企业所看重, 通过近几年的实际运营,互联网企业、客车企业、客运企业对此有深刻的认识,组委会将在展会期 间举办由包括阿里投资、中国电信、中交汇能、苏州金龙、广东粤运等众多相关单位参加“移动互 联网在客运行业运用交流会”。 ▲ 中国道路运输杯评奖活动 为推动客车及零部件的技术创新和先进成果的推广应用,促进行业技术进步,展会组委会将继 续组织开展“中国道路运输杯”评奖活动。 国内外专业观众组织 展会创办 6 年来,组委会已形成了涵盖全国各地公交企业、客运企业、旅游公司、科研院校、 运输管理机构及上下游配套企业在内的数万名专业观众、专业买家数据库,其中多数为企业决策者 和管理部门负责人,为展会专业观众组织提供了良好的基础条件。以此数据库为依托,组委会将充 分利用 E-mail、微信、短信等现代通信工具,努力做好展会既有专业观众的邀请和组织工作。 同时,组委会仍将进一步加大国内外专业观众的组织力度。一方面,通过与国际行业媒体的深 入合作,拓宽国际专业观众的组织渠道。目前,合作媒体的覆盖范围已涵盖欧洲、中东、东南亚及 拉美地区。另一方面,加强与国际知名展会合作,通过互换资源,吸引国际专业观众和专业买家到 展会现场采购中国客车。 此外,为进一步促进中外客车行业的技术交流与合作,组委会将加大对有关国家道路运输协会、 客车学会或协会等行业组织及专家的邀请力度,组团参观展会并参与展会同期的技术交流及学术研 讨活动,力求将道路运输车辆展打造成为中外客车行业技术与市场对接的重要平台。 3 www.bustruckexpo.com 2015 北京国际道路运输、城市公交车辆及零部件展览会 CHINA BEIJING INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION ON BUSES, TRUCKS & COMPONENTS 2015 年 5 月 11 ~ 13 日 北京·国家会议中心 May 11 ~ 13, 2015 China National Convention Center (CNCC), Beijing The 2015 China Beijing International Exhibition on Buses, Trucks & Components (hereinafter as “Bus & Truck Expo 2015”) organized by China Academy of Transportation Sciences of MOT, Bus Institute of China Highway and Transportation Society, China Public Transportation Association, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Beijing Sub-council and Beijing Transport Technology Exchange Center will come to its grand opening from May 11th to May 13th of 2015 at China National Convention Center (CNCC) in Beijing. Bus & Truck Expo 2015 will be at a total area of 40,000 square meters with both over-and-underground venues this year. “New Opportunities and Challenges in Bus Industry due to New-Energy Technology” will be the main theme of the exhibition this year and will focus on the latest trend of bus technology development. Different kinds of new-energy and environmental friendly technologies, vehicles and components will have their showcase during the exhibition. And the organizers will take the best effort to build Bus & Truck Expo as a worldwide window of global latest bus technologies and vehicles and become an efficiency platform of bus technology appliance and business promotion. The "Guidance on Speeding-up the Popularization and Application of New-Energy Vehicles" newly published by the General Office of the State Council of China at July 21st 2014 has set up a special opportunity for new-energy vehicle industry ever since before in China. Bus & Truck Expo 2015 will take the opportunity helping new-energy vehicles application and industrial healthy development by products showcase, policy interpretation, technology exchange, academic discussion and other activities during the exhibition. Bus & Truck Expo 2015 will also have technologies and products on coach and bus safety, environmental friendly and energy- saving, internet of vehicles, intelligent bus and other relative areas exhibiting in the venue beside new-energy vehicles. The organizers will still invite relative officials, specialists, enterprise representatives and other industrial practitioners to participate in various forums, summits, seminars and new products release to have fully discussions of different industrial hot topics and difficulties in depth. 2014 Expo Review Chinese bus market has re-focused on 8 to 9 meters minibus replacing those coaches and buses over 10 meters, due to the sustainable growth of high-speed railway, which caused a higher pressure for medium and short branch line passenger transport than long-term highway passenger transport. Besides, according to the new subsidy policy for new-energy vehicles released by central government, the subsidy vehicle models have covered 6 meters coaches and buses or above this time, which it had only covered 10 meters vehicles and above in previous time. The new policy fits the trend of new-energy bus miniaturization and more engine manufactures have increased high-quality gas engine research investment due to the energy-saving policies. Moreover, the development and appliance of vehicle-internet technology makes 4 www.bustruckexpo.com 2015 北京国际道路运输、城市公交车辆及零部件展览会 CHINA BEIJING INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION ON BUSES, TRUCKS & COMPONENTS 2015 年 5 月 11 ~ 13 日 北京·国家会议中心 May 11 ~ 13, 2015 China National Convention Center (CNCC), Beijing it possible for more efficiency operating systems and more convenient passenger experience. All those industrial trends above have successfully showed during Bus & Truck Expo 2014. Over hundred of vehicle and component manufactures participated in Bus & Truck Expo 2014 with a total area of 30,000 square meters, showing all the aspects of coach and bus industry with the upper, middle and lower reaches technologies and products. Vehicle manufactures, for instance Yutong, KingLong, Higer and Golden Dragon together with components manufactures, such as Cummins, Yuchai, Shanghai Diesel Engine, Weichai, Allison and ZF all made their showcase at Bus & Truck Expo 2014 with their newly released products, which makes the exhibition as a major platform and brand effect in the industry. There were 50 different newly released vehicle models, creating the most ever before, among the total of 74 show vehicles. Ten vehicle and component exhibitors organized their new product release, new technology and service release, or other activities during the exhibition period, which also is the most ever before. Over 10,000 professional visitors include public transportation officials and institutions, passenger transport agencies, city bus operators, tourism agencies and coach leasing companies visited the exhibition as well as over 500 overseas professional visitors and buyers coming from tens of different countries and regions. Public media and industrial media all paid particular attention of Bus & Truck Expo 2014 and nearly 50 different media covered the exhibition. Five industrial media among them undertook entire journey direct seeding for the exhibition and all spoke highly of it. With the increasing acceptance of Bus & Truck Expo, more and more exhibitors organized their own highquality activities during the exhibition period including Yutong New Product Release of Year 2014, KingLong New Product Release of Year 2014, Higer Cloud Service Strategy Release, New Product Release of Zhongtong Bus, Foton New Product Release of Year 2014, Huanghai New Super Bus Release, Youngman New Series Product Release, Cummins Local Produced Gas Engine Release, Ankai Service Brand Release, Alfa Electric Bus Firstly Passed Euro Certification Release. These exhibitors all invited their consumers participated in their activities. Those activities all had their own originalities, such as model runway for Yutong and lion dance for Youngman. Component exhibitors will also invite leaders of vehicle manufactures making a healthy cycle and interaction at the exhibition. Expo Activities in 2015 ▲ 2015 China Summit Forum on Urban Passenger Transport 2015 China Summit Forum on Urban Passenger Transport focus on “Sustainable Development Strategy of China Bus by Transformation and Innovation” as the main theme, inviting Chinese and overseas government departments, city bus companies, bus manufactures and specialists discussing the opportunity 5 www.bustruckexpo.com 2015 北京国际道路运输、城市公交车辆及零部件展览会 CHINA BEIJING INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION ON BUSES, TRUCKS & COMPONENTS 2015 年 5 月 11 ~ 13 日 北京·国家会议中心 May 11 ~ 13, 2015 China National Convention Center (CNCC), Beijing and challenge of coach and bus industry. The forum will further promote the market of new-energy technology and product worldwide and strengthen the cooperation among government, companies and consumers. Topics of the forum will also include: City Bus Contribution Rate for Urban GDP Growth (Establish Quantified Mathematical Model). Beijing Bus Fare Adjustment with Standard Accounting Method for Bus Operation Cost and Establish Bus Fare Dynamic Adjustment Mechanism. The Solution of Electricity Bus Sustainable Development by Dual Fast Charging Technology. The Promotion of BRT and Custom Bus Using Mobile Internet Technology. The Measures and Technical Solutions of Replying City Bus Terrorism. ▲ Mobile Internet Application in Passenger Transport Industry Exchange Seminar It has been regarded more and more important that coach and bus can be made as a platform connecting the world via mobile internet, due to the further development of mobile internet economics. Both of the mobile internet enterprises, coach and bus manufactures and passenger transport operators have deep understandings according to the operating experiences these years. Alibaba, China Telecom, ZhongJiaoHuiLian (E-Wifi), Higer Bus, Guangdong Yueyun Transportation Co., Ltd. and other relative companies will be invited by the organizers to participate in the seminar. ▲ "China Road Transport Cup" Awarding To advocate applications of technical innovations and advanced achievements, as well as boost industrial technical improvement, the organizer will continue “China Road Transport Cup” awarding. Worldwide Professional Visitors Ever since its debut six years ago, the organizers have formed tens of thousands of professional visitors and buyers database including local city bus operators, passenger transport agencies, travel agencies, academic institutes, transport management departments and whole industrial supporting enterprises. Those visitors and buyers mostly are decision makers or head of enterprises, which makes a promising basis for visitor recruiting via using e-mail, wechat, short message and other methods to affect them constantly. The organizers will also strengthen overseas visitor recruiting work not only by cooperating with international industrial media, which now have covered European, Middle East, Southeast Asia and Latin American area, but also cooperating with named exhibitions to develop higher reputation of Bus & Truck Expo. Moreover, the organizer will continue to build connections with industrial associations, institutes academies to promote the technical exchange and cooperation between Chinese and worldwide industry. The organizers welcome professional visitors participating in the forums and seminars during & Truck Expo 2015 and will make great effort to build the exhibition as a main platform for technical business promotion of bus industry all over the world. 6 and bus Bus and www.bustruckexpo.com 2015 北京国际道路运输、城市公交车辆及零部件展览会 CHINA BEIJING INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION ON BUSES, TRUCKS & COMPONENTS 2015 年 5 月 11 ~ 13 日 北京·国家会议中心 May 11 ~ 13, 2015 China National Convention Center (CNCC), Beijing 2014 展期企业活动掠影 2014 Expo Exhibitors' Activities Snapshots 海格云战略发布 Higer Cloud Service Strategy Release 2014 宇通客车新产品上市发布会 Yutong New Product Release of Year 2014 2014 福田客车新产品上市发布会 Foton New Product Release of Year 2014 2014 厦门金龙新产品上市发布会 KingLong New Product Release of Year 2014 中通新产品发布会 New Product Release of Zhongtong Bus 黄海超级巴士新品发布会 Huanghai New Super Bus Release 新安凯 新价值——安凯服务 品牌发布会 Ankai Service Brand Release 康明斯国产天然气发动机发布仪式 Cummins Local Produced Gas Engine Release 常隆纯电动三门公交率先通过欧盟 认证发布 Alfa Electric Bus Firstly Passed Euro Certification Release 青年系列新车产品发布仪式 Youngman New Series Product Release 7 www.bustruckexpo.com 2015 北京国际道路运输、城市公交车辆及零部件展览会 CHINA BEIJING INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION ON BUSES, TRUCKS & COMPONENTS 2015 年 5 月 11 ~ 13 日 北京·国家会议中心 May 11 ~ 13, 2015 China National Convention Center (CNCC), Beijing 展品分类 4.9 1、客车 电子、车载多媒体 1.1 公路客车、旅游客车和团体客车 4.10 照明系统 1.2 城市公交客车 4.11 汽车附件 1.3 校车 零部件总成 1.4 新能源客车 厨房及卫生设施 1.5 乡村客车 车载冰箱 1.6 机场摆渡车及旅居休闲房车 后视镜 1.7 客车底盘 ABS 及安全气囊 客车附件 4.12 内饰件 2、卡车 2.1 重卡、中卡、轻卡、皮卡 2.2 长头货车、平头货车 2.3 牵引车 2.4 全挂车、半挂车 2.5 自卸车 2.6 矿用载重车 2.7 起重举升车 2.8 罐装运输车、集装箱运输车、散装水泥 仪表台 行李架、拉手 车内地材 4.13 轮胎、轮毂 4.14 智能化及 CAN 总线 4.15 司机座椅 乘客座椅 安全带 4.16 计价器 车、箱式车 2.9 导航仪 冷藏车、保温车 车载通讯系统 4.17 轮椅提升安全装置 3、出租车 3.1 常规出租车 3.2 新能源出租车(纯电、燃气、混合动力等) 4.18 车用橡塑制品 4.19 卡车箱体及集装箱 4.20 尾板及装卸平台 4、零部件 4.1 发动机 4.2 空调及压缩机 4.3 变速箱、传动系统 4.4 制动系统 4.5 转向系统 4.6 车桥、空气悬架系统 4.7 集中润滑系统 4.8 机电、电器设备 5、新能源及环保科技 5.1 电动发动机 5.2 电池及电池总成 5.3 氢能燃料 5.4 混合动力 5.5 城市整体充电技术解决方案 6、其它配套部件 8 www.bustruckexpo.com 2015 北京国际道路运输、城市公交车辆及零部件展览会 CHINA BEIJING INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION ON BUSES, TRUCKS & COMPONENTS 2015 年 5 月 11 ~ 13 日 北京·国家会议中心 May 11 ~ 13, 2015 China National Convention Center (CNCC), Beijing EXHIBITS PROFILE 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 1- Coach and Bus 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 PublicTransport Coach, Tourism Coach and Private Bus City Bus School Bus Bus & Coach Equipped with New Fuel Power Rural Bus Airport Transit Coach and RV & Caravan Chassis 4.12 Interiors Panel Luggage Racks, handrail Flooring 4.13 Tyre & Wheel 4.14 Intelligent and CAN Bus 4.15 Driver seat Passenger Seat Seat belt 4.16 Meter Navigator Vehicle Communication System 4.17 Wheelchair Lift System 4.18 Plastic and/or Rubber Units 4.19 Truck Box and Container 4.20 Tail Board and loading platform 2- Truck 2.1 Heavy / Medium / Light Duty Truck, and Pickup Truck 2.2 Cab-behind Engine Truck、 Cab-over Engine Truck 2.3 Tractor 2.4 Trailer, Semi-trailer 2.5 Dump Truck 2.6 Mining Truck 2.7 Crane /Lift Truck 2.8 Tank Truck, Container Carrier, Bulk-cement Truck, Van 2.9 Refrigerated Truck, Insulated Truck 3- Taxi 3.1 General Taxi 3.2 New Energy (electric, gas, hybrid, etc.) 5- Alternative Fuel Application and Environment Protection Technologies 4- Components 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Mechanical & Electronic Equipment On-board Electronics, Multimedia Utility Lighting System Auto Accessories Parts assembly Kitchen and Sanitary Facilities Car refrigerator Rearview mirror ABS and airbags Bus Accessories 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Engine Air-conditioning and Compressor Gearbox, Power Transmission Braking System Steering System Axle, Air Suspension System Integrated Lubrication System Electric Engine Cells and Cell Assembly Hydrogen Fuel Hybrid Power City Bus Charging Station Technology and Solution 6- Other Auxiliary Components 9 www.bustruckexpo.com 2015 北京国际道路运输、城市公交车辆及零部件展览会 CHINA BEIJING INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION ON BUSES, TRUCKS & COMPONENTS 2015 年 5 月 11 ~ 13 日 北京·国家会议中心 May 11 ~ 13, 2015 China National Convention Center (CNCC), Beijing 参展须知 2015 北京国际道路运输、城市公交车辆及零部件展览会 二、提供服务 收费标准如下: 展览会组委会为参展厂商提供以下服务: 一、展台形式 > 免费在展览会会刊上刊登名录及简要介绍; 展台包括标准装修展台和非装修展位(毛面积)。 > 在展览会的网站登录简要介绍和建立链接; 非装修展位:由展览会组委会提供相应面积的净展览 > 邀请展台工作人员参加展览会开幕式及有关活动; 场地,不负责提供展架、地毯及其它有关设施。如需提供有关 > 展台的搭建及拆撤(仅适用标准装修展台); 设施,请提前展览会承办单位联系,有关设施和服务均需收取 > 免费提供预先注册展商的胸卡 相应的费用。 (现场增补胸卡按每张 50 元人民币收费); > 展场定期清洁; 标准装修展位:由展览会组委会将展台按标准装修后 > 雇请专业保安负责展场的 24 小时安全保卫工作; 提供给参展厂商,每 9米 2 或 12米 2 标准展台包括: > 展览会设贸联机构,协助参展厂商进行贸易洽谈。 >参展公司的中英文门楣(300 毫米高); >铝合金框架; 三、具体收费标准 >展台封闭面为白色保利板; 区域 一层全馆 地下 A 区 地下 B 区 地下 C 区 类型 标准装修展位 1100 元 / 1000 元 / 900 元 / 800 元 / (人民币) 米2 米2 米2 米2 2 (9 米 起租) 非装修展位 1000 元 / 900 元 / 800 元 / 700 元 / (人民币) 米2 米2 米2 米2 2 (36 米 起租) >展台铺满地毯; >一张咨询台 (1,000 毫米长 ×450 毫米宽 ×760 毫米高); >两把座椅; >一个 5安培/220 伏特的电源插座(国际样式); >两盏日光灯; 四、技术交流会 >一个废纸篓。 技术交流会是道路运输车辆展的重要组成部分。参展厂 商可通过技术座谈,针对当前行业内的技术热点和难点,向交 通业内专业人士及客户详尽阐述自身技术和设备的特性及实际 应用等方面的情况,从各个角度与听众进行广泛、深入的探讨 与交流,从而使客户能够更全面的了解参展厂商的产品和技术。 每场技术讲座一般可以进行 1.5 ~ 2 小时(上午 10:00 开 始,下午 14:00 开始),每场收费人民币 8,000 元。 展览会组委会负责提供技术讲座室、安排时间和组织专 业听众,并可根据主讲厂商的建议邀请有关单位和人士免费入 场参加。 有意举办技术讲座的参展厂商,请填写《参展申请表》 的相应部分,于 2015 年 4 月 5 日前,将申请表邮寄、传真或 发电子邮件到交通科技交流中心,并按要求按时交纳相关的费 用。表格请用正楷填写清楚并加盖单位公章。 具体形式请见示意图: 前视图(3.0 米宽 ×3.0 米深 ×2.5 米高) 五、会刊广告 参展商 彩 色 黑 白 展刊封底 23,000 元 —— 尺寸和位置 俯视图(3.0 米宽 ×3.0 米深 ×2.5 米高) 展刊封二 20,000 元 —— 30,000 元 —— 展刊封三 17,000 元 正文首页 19,000 元 (接封二) 内页整版 4,000 元 —— 27,000 元 —— —— 29,000 元 —— 2,000 元 8,000 元 4,000 元 备 注 10 非参展商 彩 色 黑 白 —— —— 广告尺寸 : 210X135mm,申请截止日期 : 2015 年 4 月 5 日 www.bustruckexpo.com 2015 北京国际道路运输、城市公交车辆及零部件展览会 CHINA BEIJING INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION ON BUSES, TRUCKS & COMPONENTS 2015 年 5 月 11 ~ 13 日 北京·国家会议中心 May 11 ~ 13, 2015 China National Convention Center (CNCC), Beijing 参展程序 ①报名参展 > 参加展览会、举办技术讲座及在《展览会会刊》上刊登广告的厂商,请填写《参展申请表》的相应部分。 > 表格请用正楷填写清楚并加盖单位公章,报名截止日期为 2015 年 4 月 5 日。 > 将申请表邮寄、传真或发电子邮件到展览会组委会(具体联系方式见下)。 ②交纳费用 展览会组委会在收到《参展申请表》后将向参展厂商寄发形式发票。参展厂商请按形式发票的要 求,将有关费用汇入下面账号: 开户名称 北京华运展交通科技发展中心 交通运输部科学研究院 北京国际展览中心 开户银行 建行北京樱花支行 建行北京樱花支行 中国工商银行北京礼士路支行 银行账号 11001045400053006270 11001045400059009988 0200003609201104035 备 注 有关的费用须不迟于 2015 年 4 月 15 日汇付。 ③参展确认 展览会组委会在收到有关费用后将向参展厂商发出参展确认函和正式发票,并向参展厂商寄发《参 展商手册》,明确展台设计搭建、展品运输、网页信息、住宿安排、物品租用和服务人员以及广告 等有关事宜。参展商须按要求填写好手册中的有关表格,并于截止日期前交回组委会。 ④展位安排 展览会组委会将根据厂商报名时间的先后顺序并原则上按不同专业区域的划分安排展台的位置。 报名时间以收到全部展台租金并发出参展确认函之日为准。展位确定后,组委会将及时以书面的形 式通知参展厂商。 ⑤组委会联系方式 有关参加展览会事宜,敬请垂询: 交通运输部科学研究院 • 交通科技交流中心 地 址:北京市东城区和平里东街 10 号院办公 楼 902-910 室 邮 编:100013 电 话:010-58278081、58278080、58278603 传 真:010-58278082 电 邮:[email protected] 联系人:宁剑一、滕珊 中国道路运输协会城市客运分会 地 址:北京市海淀区紫竹院路 32 号北巴传媒 2 号楼 2 层 邮 编:100048 电 话:010-68729611 传 真:010-68725512 电 邮:[email protected] 联系人:李建峰 中国公路学会客车分会 地 址:北京市朝阳区十八里店吕家营 9-2 号东 邮 编:100023 电 话:010-87691165、87699651 转 2178、2138 传 真:010-87691165、87699650 电 邮:[email protected] 联系人:佘振清、张晓秋、梁博、丁艳 北京市贸促会 • 北京国际展览中心 地 址:北京市西城区月坛北街 26 号恒华国际商务 中心 601 室 邮 编:100045 电 话:010-58566504、58566930 传 真:010-58566000、58566551 电 邮:[email protected], [email protected] 联系人:刘晶、刘伊、柴英杰 11 www.bustruckexpo.com 2015 北京国际道路运输、城市公交车辆及零部件展览会 CHINA BEIJING INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION ON BUSES, TRUCKS & COMPONENTS 2015 年 5 月 11 ~ 13 日 北京·国家会议中心 May 11 ~ 13, 2015 China National Convention Center (CNCC), Beijing EXHIBITION MANAGEMENT D. OPTIONAL SUPPLIES & SERVICES ◆ Additional address listing and logo-listing in the Exhibition Directory. ◆ Advertisement in the Exhibition Directory and on the back of admission tickets of the Exhibition. ◆ Exhibition on-site advertisement. ◆ Arrangements for technical seminars. ◆ Audio-visual equipment rental. ◆ Customs clearance. ◆ Extra furniture & electrical. ◆ Freight forwarding. ◆ Installation of exhibits. ◆ Preparation of artwork, designs and souvenirs etc.. ◆ Printing of promotional literature. ◆ Travel and accommodation. ◆ Official invitation letter for visa application. ◆ Manpower including interpreters, attendants, receptionists. ▲ A. EXHIBITING SPACE COST SHELL SCHEME BOOTH: US$220.00 per square meter, i.e. 3m×3m=9 sq.m. at US$1,980.00 3m×4m=12 sq.m. at US$2,640.00 A ready-for-display package is designed for exhibitors as a cost-effective means of participation and a minimum of 9 square meters is required (Multiple units are possible.). The standard Shell Scheme Booth (per 9 square metres) will include: ◆ Aluminum frame system and a facial board (340mm high) with exhibitor's English and Chinese name thereon. ◆ White polywood panel walls (2,500mm high) on all closed sides of the stand. ◆ Booth area fully carpeted. ◆ One information counter (1,030mmL×530mmW ×760mmH) and two chairs. ◆ One 5A/220V socket (International Style). ◆ Two fluorescent tubes. ◆ One waste basket. ▲ E. PARTICIPATION PROCEDURES (1) Fill out the Application Form and return it to the organizer. Application by fax or e-mail is also acceptable. Please note that the application deadline is April 5th, 2015. (2) Upon receipt of the Application Form, the formal Exhibition Space Contract in duplicate will be sent to the applicant for signature. (3) A space allocation deposit as 50% of the total booth rental must be made by bank telegraphic transfer in US dollars in accordance with the Invoice issued by the organizers. Account Name: Beijing International E x h i b i t i o n C e n t e r, B a nk N a m e : I n d u s t r i a l & Commercial Bank of China, Beijing Municipal Branch, A/C No.: 0200003609201104035; Account Name: Beijing Transport Technology Exchange Center, Bank Name: China Construction Bank Beijing Branch, A/C No.: 11001045400053006270. The balance payment should be settled no later than April 15th, 2015. (4) An Exhibitor's Manual explaining freight forwarding, booth design and construction, travel arrangement and accommodation, rental facilities, manpower services, advertising, visa application and so on will be sent to all the registered exhibitors upon confirmation of participation. Participants are required to return those forms to the organizer before the respective deadlines. (5) No space/booth will be allocated until payment of deposit is received. Booth allocation is on the "Firstcome, First-served" basis. (6) The deposit as 50% of the total booth rental is RAW SPACE: US$200.00 per square meter Raw space is available in minimum 36 square metres. Special designs, layout and fitting may be arranged by exhibitors at an additional cost by direct contact with the Official Booth Contractor. B. TECHNICAL SEMINAR Management Fee: US$1,300.00 per session (including seminar room, inviting 30~50 professional audiences, etc.) Exhibitors will have the opportunity to hold seminars which are widely considered as a best way to have Chinese endusers informed of advanced technology and equipment and as a very effective means to facilitate trade and cooperation. Usually each seminar will last for a maximum time of 2 hours (10:00~12:00, or 14:00~16:00). C. THE ORGANIZER PROVIDES THE FOLLOWING SERVICES TO ALL EXHIBITORS ◆ Free listing in the official Exhibition Directory. ◆ Cleaning of exhibition area. ◆ Invitation to the opening ceremony. ◆ Assistance in business conducting. ◆ Stand construction and dismantling (for shell scheme booth only). ◆ Free exhibitors' badges for in-advance registration. ◆ 24-hour on-site security. UNREFUNDABLE in case of cancellation. Bird's Eye View (3mL×3mW×2.5mH) Front View (3mL×3mW×2.5mH) 12 www.bustruckexpo.com CHINA BEIJING INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION ON BUSES, TRUCKS & COMPONENTS 一 层 展 馆 平 面 图 The First Floor Plan 13 展厅限高要求:5 米 HEIGHT LIMITATION: 5.0M 展厅地面承重:3.5 吨 / 平方米 FLOOR LOADING: 3.5T/SQM 虚线处禁搭支撑或围墙 SUPPORTING STRUCTURE OR FENCE IS NOT ALLOWED IN DOTTED LINE AREA 2015 北京国际道路运输、城市公交车辆及零部件展览会 2015 年 5 月 11 ~ 13 日 北京·国家会议中心 May 11 ~ 13, 2015 China National Convention Center (CNCC), Beijing www.bustruckexpo.com CHINA BEIJING INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION ON BUSES, TRUCKS & COMPONENTS 地 下 展 厅 平 面 图 Underground Floor Plan 14 消防栓 Fire Hydrant 柱子 Pillar 柱子 Pillar 展厅限高要求:3.5 米 HEIGHT LIMITATION: 3.5M 展厅地面承重:0.8 吨 / 平方米 FLOOR LOADING: 0.8T/SQM 2015 北京国际道路运输、城市公交车辆及零部件展览会 2015 年 5 月 11 ~ 13 日 北京·国家会议中心 May 11 ~ 13, 2015 China National Convention Center (CNCC), Beijing www.bustruckexpo.com 2015 北京国际道路运输、城市公交车辆及零部件展览会 CHINA BEIJING INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION ON BUSES, TRUCKS & COMPONENTS 2015 年 5 月 11 ~ 13 日 北京·国家会议中心 May 11 ~ 13, 2015 China National Convention Center (CNCC), Beijing 有关展览会事宜,敬请垂询: 交通运输部科学研究院·交通科技交流中心 电 话:010-58278081、58278080、58278603 传 真:010-58278082 电 邮:[email protected] 联系人:宁剑一、滕珊 中国公路学会客车分会 电 话:010-87691165、87699651 转 2178、2138 传 真:010-87691165、87699650 电 邮:[email protected] 联系人:佘振清、张晓秋、梁博、丁艳 中国道路运输协会城市客运分会 电 话:010-68729611 传 真:010-68725512 电 邮:[email protected] 联系人:李建峰 北京市贸促会·北京国际展览中心 电 话:010-58566504、58566930 传 真:010-58566000、58566551 电 邮:[email protected], [email protected] 联系人:刘晶、刘伊、柴英杰 截止日期: 2015.04.05 参展申请表(代合同) 公司名称:(中文) (英文) 地 址: 电 话: □不需要英文名称 传 真: □请主办单位代为翻译 邮政编码: 联 系 人: 职 衔: 电子信箱: 网 址: 业务范围: 拟展展品: 展位预订 □本公司希望预订 □一层全馆 □地下 A 区 □地下 B 区 □地下 C 区类型展台 , 所选展台类型的费用可以参 考“参展须知”。 元。 展台号: 米 2;展台费用: ;标准装修展台面积(9 平方米起租) : 2 展台号: 米 ;展台费用: 元。 ;非标准装修展台面积(36 平方米起租) : 技术交流会 会刊广告 本公司希望在展会现场举办技术交流会,日期、题目 及主讲人如下: 本公司希望预定展览会刊广告,尺寸和位置如下。 举办日期: 广告版式: 题 目: 广告费用: 主讲人: 每场技术交流会收费人民币 8,000 元,包括提供技术 (详见“展览会会刊广告”中的相关信息) 广告位置: 费用合计: 讲座室,专业听众的组织等服务。 展商确认 主办单位确认 参展费总计 负责人签名(签字并加盖公司印章) 日期 签字并加盖公司印章 日期 我们确认此参展申请表之所有内容。 本合同是一份由主办单位确认的、有效的、合法 的参展合同。 15 www.bustruckexpo.com 2015 北京国际道路运输、城市公交车辆及零部件展览会 CHINA BEIJING INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION ON BUSES, TRUCKS & COMPONENTS Contacts: 2015 年 5 月 11 ~ 13 日 北京·国家会议中心 May 11 ~ 13, 2015 China National Convention Center (CNCC), Beijing Beijing International Exhibition Center of CCPIT-Beijing Tel: +86-10-58566930, 58566502 Fax: +86-10-58566000, 58566551 E-mail: [email protected] Attn: Mr. Liu Yi, Ms. Liu Jing Transport Technology Exchange Center of CATS, MOT Tel: +86-10-58278080, 58278081, 58278603 Fax: +86-10-58278082 E-mail: [email protected] Attn: Ms. Zhao Juan China Public Transportation Association(CPTA) Tel: +86-10-68729611 Fax: +86-10-68725512 E-mail: [email protected] Attn: Mr. Li Jianfeng Bus Institute of China Highway and Transportation Society Tel: +86-10-87691165, 87699651 ext. 2178, 2138 Fax: +86-10-87691165, 87699650 E-mail: [email protected] Attn: Mr. She Zhenqing, Ms. Zhang Xiaoqiu, Mr. Liang Bo, Ms. Ding Yan DEADLINE: April 5, 2015 APPLICATION FORM Company: Address: Tel: Fax: Postcode: Contact: Title: E-mail: Homepage: Business Scope: Intended Exhibits: A. BOOTH REQUIRMENTS: □ We wish to order following type of stand space (dimension ⑴ Raw Space: Minimum 36 sq.m at US$ 200.00/sq.m in metre only). (For cost of the stand, see item 1 of the ⑵ Shell Booth: Minimum 9 sq.m at US$ 220.00/sq.m EXHIBITION MANAGEMENT) Stand Width: M Stand Size: M2 ◆ RENTAL COST: Stand Depth: Stand Type: ⑴ M ◆ STAND PREFFERENCE NO.: ⑵ C. ADVERTISING IN CATALOGUE: B. TECHNICAL SEMINAR: □ We wish to hold ◆ RATE OF ADVERTISING: session(s) Technical Seminar Ad. Position & Size during the Exhibition period. Preferred Date & Time: Proposed Topic: Proposed Speaker: Color 1.Back Cover Full Page US$3,600.00 2.Inside Cover (Front) Full Page US$3,095.00 3.Inside Cover (Back) Full Page US$2,585.00 4.Next to Inside Front US$2,925.00 5.Inside Full Page US$1,295.00 6.Inside Full Page US$1,295.00(Black/White) ◆ Management Fee: US$ 1,300.00 (Including seminar room, We wish to order the following advertisement inviting 30~50 professional audiences). Position & Size: Cost: The company and the undersigned agree to abide by the Conditions of Participation, the General Rules and all other regulations and guidelines governing Bus & Truck exhibition. Date: (dd/mm/yyyy) Name of authorized person: Signature and company stamp: 16 www.bustruckexpo.com 2015 北京国际道路运输、城市公交车辆及零部件展览会 CHINA BEIJING INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION ON BUSES, TRUCKS & COMPONENTS 2015 年 5 月 11 ~ 13 日 北京·国家会议中心 May 11 ~ 13, 2015 China National Convention Center (CNCC), Beijing 往届参展企业徽记 Logo Collection of Previous Exhibitors 17 注:以展商网上提交徽记刊出,排序不分先后。 Note: Logo in no particular order
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