COSMOPOLIS No. 8 目 2014 次 [論文] 「対決政策」と英米豪同盟関係 ································· 永野 隆行 ······················1 ― 脱植民地化と冷戦の交錯 ― NAGANO Takayuki Decolonization and Cold War in Southeast Asia: Indonesian Confrontation and Western Alliance [論文] ニクソン政権のベトナム政策とタイ、1969−1973 ················· 水本 義彦 ·····················15 Nixon’s Vietnam Policy and Thailand, 1969−1973 MIZUMOTO Yoshihiko [研究ノート] 冷戦期アジアにおける米国の反共支援と冷戦後民主化支援への影響 ···· 市原 麻衣子 ···················27 ― 自由アジア委員会・アジア財団を事例として ― ICHIHARA Maiko US Anti-Communism Aid in Asia During the Cold War and Its Influence for Post-Cold War Democracy Assistance: The Case of the Committee for Free Asia/the Asia Foundation [書評] Wang, Zheng. Never Forget National Humiliation: ··············· 藤田 賀久 ·····················35 Historical Memory in Chinese Politics and Foreign Relation. FUJITA Norihisa New York: Columbia University Press, 2012. [論文] The Political Participation of Foreigners in Japan: ··············· メイレレス・グスターボ ·········41 The Development of Participation Models of the Brazilian Gustavo Meireles Community 在日外国人の政治参加 在日ブラジル人コミュニティにおける参加モデルの変遷 [論文] U.S. Ratification of the Protocol on Child Soldiers:················ 林 那奈子······················53 Examining the Significance of the U.S. Ratification HAYASHI Nanako 米国の子ども兵に関する議定書への批准 ― 批准の意義の考察 ― [書評] ロナルド・ダイバート著 ······································· 須田 祐子······················73 『ブラックコード ― サイバー空間をめぐる闘いの内側』 SUDA Yuko (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2013) Book Review: Ronald J. Deibert, Black Code: Inside the Battle for Cyberspace(Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2013). 高橋久志教授の退官に寄せて ···································································77 Commemorating the Retirement of Professor Academic Contributions, 1968-2014 高橋久志教授 業績一覧 ·······································································78 Professor Takahashi Hisashi Academic Contributions, 1968-2014 『コスモポリス』投稿規定 ·····································································81 執筆者紹介 編集後記
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