ഴڰ ጲζഴڰ CONTENTS ■С̅Ꭼݺᄉጲζశ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P. F8 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P. F8 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P. F9 ■ྱ߿࠴ҩညጲഴڰ ■ጲ LAN ഴڰ ■ᤂᡯሎጲζഴڰ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P. F10 ® Bluetooth Low EnergyLAPIS Semiconductor ֵ̖Ὀ ・・・・・・・・・・・P. F10 IEEE802.15.4 / ZigBee®LAPIS Semiconductor ֵ̖Ὀ ・・・・・・・・・・・ P. F10 ■EnOcean® ζഴڰ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P. F10 ጲζഴڰ F www.rohm.com.cn ഴڰ ጲζഴڰ ▶С̅Ꭼݺᄉጲζశ ▶ྱ߿࠴ҩညጲഴڰ С̅Ꭼݺᄉጲζశ ■С̅ᤂᡯሎጲζ ஂՉሗጲಪ 100 Date rate(Mbps) 10 ߸ؒᄉஂͳ҃ ROHM ROHM Wi-Fi /6,ᓔথ 䕃ӊᬃᣕ LAPIS 1 LAPIS Bluetooth ROHM 0.1 IEEE802.15.4 EnOcean 0.01 LAPIS ROHM /6,ᓔথ 䕃ӊᬃᣕ ⬉⑤ഫ ྱ߿࠴ҩည LAPIS 0.001 䖥 䖰 䗮ֵ䎱⾏ gᎬݺᬶڃधԦʼᤗஂథጲಪᄉIC֖ഴڰnj gधԦၸᒬ̖ICᄉഴڰὋஂͳ҃ఝҪ߸ؒὀ Ժ᫁యሶ߿Θःὀ ྱ߿࠴ҩညጲഴڰ ■ Wi-SUN g920MHz ᮟൿ ྱ߿࠴ҩညጲഴڰ gˉႌᮆጞଋஅ༦ஏऎ gЮᎵܸጲᭉᰳᮟ gԦᤞҩညࣂុஞ߸උ gMAC ࣂڦڠзЙ߸උ gࣂԨ३ఴڍЮႂจกᝢ gࣂୃᣑၸ̅ HEMS ᄉ͇ڌ BP35A1 ■ழಳڎ ■Өᝫಖ ᆊ⬉䆒ㄝ BP35A1 RESETN RXD TXD HOST CPU CTS RTS ANT Filter SPI RF TRX_SW ML7396B SW MCU 32bit ᆊ⬉䆒ㄝ UART UART API ˄Command˅ Ӵ䕧ሖ (TCPˈUDP) LC Filter IPv6㔥㒰ሖ (ICMPv6ˈNDPˈRPL) 6LowPAN OSC 36MHz 3.3V VDD IEEE802.15.4e IEEE802.15.4g PHY/BB ጲζഴڰ ྱ߿࠴ҩညጲഴڰ Part No. BP35A1 Supply Voltage (V) Operating Temperature (℃ ) Host/IF Terminal standards 2.7 to 3.6V (Single power) − 20 to + 80 UART ARIB STD-T108 standard F F8 www.rohm.com.cn Onboard System IC Dimensions (mm) ML7396B (LAPIS Semiconductor 22.0 × 33.5 × 4.0 Co., Ltd.) Pakcage Connector joint type 0.5mm pitch, 20pin ഴڰ ጲζഴڰ ▶ጲ LAN ഴڰ ጲ LAN ഴڰ ■ Wi-Fi gIEEE802.11b/g/nࠪःጲLANഴڰ BP3580BP3591BP3599BP3595Ὀ gͺ˝۲ࣛ/MAC ICὋୃᣑᎬݺᒬ҃IC gѢ᠍ௐࣂុஞጲྱব gஂၿܰଋFlashߚϱ٧ᄉᒬበըҮഴय gЮᎵܸጲὋࣂఴႂจก֖FCCᝢBP3591BP3599Ὀ BP3591 BP3580 ■ణՋࢥЙय٧ᄉጲ LAN ഴڰ Ꮖ㦋ᕫ⬉⊶⊩䅸䆕 䞛⫼㞾ѻⱘӊˈᅲ⦄ᬒᖗⱘ᮹ᴀݙᬃᣕ 㔫ྚ㞾ѻⱘᏺIC㾘Ḑ Ꮉ⏽ᑺ㣗ೈᆑˉ40°C̚+85°C 㸼䴶䌈㺙ൟ 3.3Vऩ⬉⑤偅ࡼ ■ᣃ͇۶ಖඊᣖ 㒓ݙ㕂ൟ ҢICࠄഫܼ䚼⬅㔫ྚ⫳ѻˈৃ䭓ᳳ〇ᅮկᑨ ٧͇Үርࣿ"FSJBMᄉྱཁ g㔫ྚॳ߯ⱘ఼ӊ偅ࡼᑣDŽ gᑇৄ㾘ḐDŽ ǂėेՓЏᴎCPUǃOSϡৠˈ⿏ỡгᆍᯧ∗ ∗ ᳝⿏ỡᅲ㒽ⱘOS : Windows ® XP, Windows ®CE 5.0, Linux 2.6, TOPPERS(μItron4.0), T-kernel gѢϝᮍⱘ⿏ỡᬃᣕǃ⌟䆩ᬃᣕԧࠊDŽ ҮርࣿᇧΒຸ ᮴ٓᦤկLinuxⱘ⼎՟⑤DŽ ItronৃҢϝᮍ䌁фDŽ ҹᕔⱘ᮴㒓 LAN ഫण䆂 㔫ྚⱘ᮴㒓 LAN ഫण䆂 Кᦉ̓ፋഴڰὀ gㅔऩʽ g᮴䳔ᓔথ఼ӊ偅ࡼᑣDŽ ˄ᓔথ਼ᳳ㓽ⷁ/гৃ䖯㸠ᑣࠊ˅ gेՓԢࡳ⥛ⱘCPUгৃᅲ⦄᮴㒓LANDŽ g᮴䳔TCP/IPⱘ䌁ф䌍⫼偅ࡼᑣⱘᓔথ䌍⫼DŽ ˄ޣᇥ߱ྟᡩ䌘៤ᴀ˅ 㔫ྚݙ㕂 TCP/IP ේᷜⱘ ᮴㒓 LAN ഫण䆂 Џᴎջǂ䕃ӊ Џᴎջǂ䕃ӊ Џᴎջǂ䕃ӊ User Applications User Applications User Applications TCP/IP Protocol Stack RTOS WPS TCP/IP Protocol Stack WPA-PSK WPA2-PSK RTOS Ꭹፎഴူܪڰ Wireless LAN Device Driver Wireless LAN Device Driver BSP ጲ-"/ಪಕэူܪ Кᦉഴڰᤈᛠ BSP I/F Device Driver I/F Device Driver ᮴㒓 LAN ഫǂӊ ᮴㒓 LAN ഫǂӊ Host Interface Device Driver Host Interface Device Driver (USB 2.0 or SDIO) WPS BB/MAC Controller WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK ᮴㒓 LAN ഫǂӊ Host Interface Device Driver (UART only) TCP/IP Protocol Stack WPS WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK BB/MAC Controller BB/MAC Controller ጲLANഴڰ Part No. Operating Supply Voltage Temperature (V) (℃ ) Host/IF Terminal standards Onboard System IC Pakcage 17.0 × 17.0 × 2.3 Surface mount type End face through hole 1.27mm pitch, 48pin 24.0 × 33.1 × 4.7 Connector joint type 0.5mm pitch, 34pin BP3580 3.1 to 3.5 − 40 to + (Single power) 85 USB/SDIO /UART BP3591 3.1 to 3.5 − 40 to + (Single power) 85 USB/SDIO /UART BP3599 3.1 to 3.5 − 40 to + (Single power) 85 USB/SDIO /UART ・A flash memory is built in BP3591. ・Firmware is written in a flash memory. BU1805GU 24.0 × 33.1 × 4.7 Connector joint type 0.5mm pitch, 34pin BP3595 3.1 to 3.5 − 40 to + (Single power) 85 USB/SDIO /UART ・IEEE802.11b/g/n (CH1 to CH13) ・IEEE802.11i (security standard) ・Built-in chip-antenna ・Stored WPS, TCP/IP BU1805GU 15.3 × 27.6 × 2.6 Connector joint type 0.4mm pitch, 30pin Ą: ၸ࿗Ѹᄉႂຸഴڰᜈ www.rohm.com.cn F9 ጲζഴڰ ・IEEE802.11b/g/n(CH1 to CH13) ・IEEE802.11i(security standard) BU1805GU ・Available switching signal output for antenna A or antenna B. ・Stored WPS and TCP/IP ・IEEE802.11b/g/n(CH1 to CH13) ・IEEE802.11i(security standard) BU1805GU ・Built-in chip-antenna ・Stored WPS and TCP/IP Dimensions (mm) F ഴڰ ጲζഴڰ ▶ᤂᡯሎጲζၸഴڰ ▶EnOcean® ζഴڰ ᤂᡯሎጲζၸഴڰ ® ■ Bluetooth Low Energy gஂ Bluetooth Low Energy Ӭ᥊ᄉഴڰ gBluetooth Core Spec v4.0 ಕэMK71050-03) g๖ᏱႂึͯὋణၸ̅ၸጰ੭ႂᄉ٧ NJNJ Ԧᤞௐ 9mANJ ଋஅௐ 9mA (MK71050-03) gୃᣑ LAPIS Semiconductor ၶ̖ᄉ LSI gѢ᠍ௐࣂុஞጲྱব gЮᎵܸጲὋᮔ߿ᖌ३ఴႂจกᝢNjFCC ᝢNjCE ಕᇧ MK71050-03 MK72750A-01 ® ■ IEEE802.15.4 / ZigBee gIEEE802.15.4 ಕэጲζഴڰ gЮᎵஂ ZigBee RF4CE ᄉᎩፎMK72750A-01) gЮᎵὗf ὗ᪃ੲଠὋԺࠃဗӬᔆྞጲᥐଌMK72750A-01) gୃᣑ LAPIS Semiconductor ၶ̖ᄉ LSI gѢ᠍ௐࣂុஞጲྱব gЮᎵܸጲὋఴႂจกᝢ߸ Bluetooth® Low Energyഴڰ Part No. ☆MK71050-03 LAPIS Semiconductor ֵ̖Ὀ Operating Supply Voltage(V) Temperature (°C) 1.8 to 3.6 −20 to +70 Host / IF Terminal Standards Dimension (mm) Package Synchronous serial or UART Bluetooth Core Spec v4.0 (Single mode) 10.7× 13.6×1.78 SMT ® Frequency Transmission Band Output Reception Sensitivity Note 2.4GHz ISM Band −86dBm Certified Bluetooth® Products, TELEC, FCC, CE 0/−6/−12/ −18dBm ĄBluetooth®௦Bluetooth® SIGᄉซбಕnj ☆ ὙधԦ˖NJ IEEE802.15.4 / ZigBee®ഴڰ Part No. LAPIS Semiconductor ֵ̖Ὀ Operating Supply Voltage(V) Temperature (°C) Host / IF Terminal Standards Dimension (mm) Package MK72220-01 2.7 to 3.6 −20 to +60 UART IEEE802.15.4 21.5×32.8×2.1 Connector MK72660-01 2.1 to 3.6 −20 to +70 Synchronous serial IEEE802.15.4 30.0×32.0×3.1 Connector UART IEEE802.15.4 ZigBee ®RF4CE MK72750A-01 1.8 to 3.6 −40 to +85 20.0×31.0×2.7 Connector Frequency Transmission Band Output 2.4GHz ISM Band Reception Sensitivity Note 0dBm −92dBm *1 Built-in LAPIS Semiconductor’ s original network 0dBm −92dBm *1 ─ −92dBm *1 Built-in ZigBee®RF4CE network 0/−35/ −45dBm ∗1 ὙPER (Packet Error Rate)˘1%NJĄZigBee®௦ZigBee® Allianceᄉซбಕnj EnOcean® ζഴڰ EnOcean ζഴڰ௦ѽၸဖܑᄉᭉႂᄉጲζഴڰnj 2012 ࣱᎬݺತय͗ᇪ˝ʽʶ̼ጲζಕэᤈ“ ͳڃEnocean Alliance” ᄉԦᡐ̠Ὃ˝ੰܷ EnOcean ζழय ͺѢ᠇nj ĄEnOcean® ௦ EnOcean GmbH ᄉซбಕnj ■ྱཁBP35A3Ὀ gၸ EnOcean ζಕэISO/IEC14543ú3ú10Ὀ gЮᎵྞयܸጲᭉᰳᮟ gఴႂจกᝢᖌԨ˖ gԺᒬၿѬ૰͛ਕ٧ᓫཁഴयԦᤞὈ֖ᎩСഴयஅԦζὈ gˏሗഴयڨథ͓ᄾҩᑞ Ą BP35A3 ௦ EnOcean® ଡΘЊ͇Ὃၿ ROHM ጷഴڰᄉ ROHM ࿗థᄉֵ̖nj Ą ఴֵ̖ࣂఴႂจกᝢὋԺ̾ڙఴ 928MHZ ᮟࣛͺ˝ྱ߿࠴ҩညጲႂԻၸnj BP35A3 EnOceanζഴ · ڰЊ٧͇ ጲζഴڰ Products Frequency Use target band area Energy converter for motion energy harvesting (for the switch module) F 928MHz Japan 868MHz Europe・China Transmitter module (for switch module) Push button Energy harvesting Energy Energy Programmable multi-channel wireless harvesting harvesting Receiver USB transceiver switch transceiver magnet contact temperature module module module module module sensor module Development kit ECO 200 PTM 430J PTM 210J STM 400J TCM 410J STM 429J STM 431J USB 400J EDK 400J ECO 200 PTM 330 PTM 210 STM 300 TCM 300 STM 320 STM 330 USB 300 EDK 350 Wireless Communication Modules ☆BP35A3 − ☆ ὙधԦ˖ gឯᤤસቿՋឞڠӜᮟࣛᄉֵ̖nj gС̅ఴֵ̖ᄉ᠓˻Nj֦លὋឯᐎጆఴМՂᩘቓԯnj gС̅ఴֵ̖ᄉសጹЮࠓὋឯเ ROHM ᄉ EnOcean ֵ̖̭ፀᎩᮅhttp://www.rohm.co.jp/web/japan/enoceanὈnj F10 www.rohm.com.cn
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