日本「アジア英語」学会 第 35 回全国大会 プログラム 日時: 2014 年 12 月 13 日(土) 10:00-18:00 (9:30 受付開始) 場所: 内田洋行・東京ユビキタス協創広場 CANVAS 東京都中央区新川 2-4-7 http://www.uchida.co.jp/company/showroom/canvas.html 参加費: 会員 1,000 円 当日会員 1,500 円 プログラム 10:00-10:10 10:10-11:40 大会総合司会:齋藤智恵(国際医療福祉大学) 大会実行委員長挨拶: 竹下裕子(東洋英和女学院大学) 会場担当挨拶: 保木浩一(内田洋行) 会長挨拶: 吉川 寛(中京大学) 11:40 – 12:00 12:00-13:20 基調講演 (特定非営利活動法人グローバル・ヒューマン・イノベーション協会共催): 『アジア進出の成功法:中国、タイ、ベトナム、ミャンマーにおけるコミュニケーション ―新たな「紙の道」の開拓を通じて』 (in Japanese) 建石洋一 (国進印刷株式会社 代表取締役) 会員総会 昼食休憩 13:20-15:25 研究発表 (in English) 司会:三宅ひろ子(昭和女子大学) 1. English Syntax of Japanese Basic-Level English College Learners: Problematic or Functional? Nobuko TRENT (Aoyama Gakuin University) 2. Learners’ Perceptions toward English Varieties in Terms of Autonomous Levels YAMAMURA Hikaru WAKAMATSU Yasuko, HAMADA Yo (Akita University) 3. An Ideological Struggle with the Notion of the “Native English Speaker”: A Case Study of Self-study ELL Books and Readers’ Reactions TAJIMA Misako (University of Technology, Sydney) 4. The Functions of Extended Loop Sequences in Japanese English Backchannel Interactions IKE Saya (Sugiyama Jogakuen University) /Jean MULDER (University of Melbourne) 5. From Sociolinguistic Competence to EIL Sensitivity: Exploring the Possibility of EIL Sensitivity as an International Communicative Competence SAEKI Takuya (Waseda University) 15:25-15:40 15:40-16:20 16:20-16:30 休憩 内田洋行・施設見学ツアー 休憩 「グローバル時代における英語教員養成」 (in Japanese) 司会: 藤原康弘(愛知教育大学) 発題者: 「英語の二面性:言語学習と言語運用」 柴田美紀(広島大学) 「目標言語の多様性と英語の多様性への気づき」 藤原康弘(愛知教育大学) 「言語文化観の〈ゆさぶり〉と英語教員育成の試み」 仲 潔(岐阜大学) 16:30-17:50 シンポジウム 17:50-18:00 閉会の辞: 米岡ジュリ (熊本学園大学) 18:20 懇親会 インド料理店「ナワブ」 4,000 円 問い合わせ先 日本「アジア英語」学会 事務局 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.jafae.org/ 35th National Conference of the Japanese Association for Asian Englishes Time and Date: 10:00 - 18:00, Saturday, December 13, 2014 Registration starts at 9:30. Venue: CANVAS at Uchida Yoko, Tokyo Headquarters (4-7, Shinkawa 2-Chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8282 ) http://www.uchida.co.jp/company/showroom/canvas.html Fee: 1,000 yen for members 1,500 yen for on-site members 10:00-10:10 Chair: SAITO Chie (International University of Health and Welfare) Opening Ceremony Greetings: TAKESHITA Yuko (Toyo Eiwa University) HOKI Koichi (Uchida Yoko Co., Ltd.) YOSHIKAWA Hiroshi (President of JAFAE, Chukyo University) 11:40-12:00 12:00-13:20 Keynote Lecture (in Japanese, co-hosted by Global Human Innovation Association) A Way to Successful Business in Asia: Communication in China, Thailand, Vietnam and Myanmar along a New Paper Road TATEISHI Yoichi (CEO, Kokushin Printing Corporation) General Meeting Lunch Break 13:20-16:10 Paper Presentations (in English) 10:10-11:40 Chair: MIYAKE Hiroko (Showa Women’s University) 1. English Syntax of Japanese Basic-Level English College Learners: Problematic or Functional? Nobuko TRENT (Aoyama Gakuin University) 2. Learners’ Perceptions toward English Varieties in Terms of Autonomous Levels YAMAMURA Hikaru WAKAMATSU Yasuko, HAMADA Yo (Akita University) 3. An Ideological Struggle with the Notion of the “Native English Speaker”: A Case Study of Self-study ELL Books and Readers’ Reactions TAJIMA Misako (University of Technology, Sydney) 4. The Functions of Extended Loop Sequences in Japanese English Backchannel Interactions IKE Saya (Sugiyama Jogakuen University) /Jean MULDER (University of Melbourne) 5. From Sociolinguistic Competence to EIL Sensitivity: Exploring the Possibility of EIL Sensitivity as an International Communicative Competence SAEKI Takuya (Waseda University) 15:25 - 15:40 15:40 - 16:20 16:20 - 16:30 16:20 - 17:50 Break Uchida Yoko Tour Break Symposium (in Japanese) "Pre-service English Teacher Training in the Era of Globalization" Moderator: FUJIWARA Yasuhiro (Aichi University of Education) Two distinct purposes of English: language learning and language use SHIBATA Miki (Hiroshima University) Raising prospective teachers' awareness on linguistic diversity and English diversity FUJIWARA Yasuhiro (Aichi University of Education) Enhancing learners’ sensitivity and attitude toward language and culture through the Course of Methodology of Teaching English as a Foreign Language NAKA Kiyoshi (Gifu University) 17:50-18:00 18:20 Closing Ceremony: Judy YONEOKA (Kumamoto Gakuen University) Reception at Indian Restaurant Nawab 4,000 JPY For more information, please contact: JAFAE Office E-mail: [email protected] http://www.jafae.org
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