第18回日本アクセス研究会 ランチョンセミナー(メディコン) 2014年11月30日(日) 12:15~13:15 あわぎんホール 第1会場 AVF狭窄に対するPTAへの科学的アプローチ ~Low Pressure Techniqueの 可能性を検証する~ 池田バスキュラーアクセス・透析・内科クリニック 池田 潔 図3A 動脈圧と血管径の同時記録例 佐藤隆幸 著 「血管の粘弾性」 図3B 動脈圧-血管径関係を示すリサージュプロット 佐藤隆幸 著 「血管の粘弾性」 6atm. 4 atm. Mean =3.67mm Mean =4.23mm Salt Lake City Utah 23-24 2014 CIDA Multiple Repeated Low Pressure Technique IKEDA Vascular access dialysis Internal Medicine clinic Tohru Yasuda , Kiyoshi Ikeda AVF Patency rate 2003 ~2010 (%) 100 90 80 Incomplete ballooning 412 cases 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 きかん 200 250 300 (days) AVF Patency rate 2003 ~2010 (%) 100 90 80 Incomplete ballooning 412 cases 70 60 50 NS 40 Complete ballooning 567 cases 30 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 (days) AVF Patency rate (%) 3M 2003 ~2010 6M 100 Incomplete 80% 27% 90 Complete 62% 25% Dr.Sato et al 80 Incomplete ballooning 412 cases 70 60 50 Complete balloning 567 cases NS 40 0 50 100 150 きかん 200 250 300 (days) New Low Pressure Technique (LPT) Pre PTA 6atm x 30sec 2atm x 30sec 7atm x 30sec 3atm x 30sec 8atm x 30sec 4atm x 30sec Post PTA ①New Low Pressure Technique (LPT) is an attempt to maximize blood flow rate when using maximum pressure is not an option. ②In this example of LPT we take a balloon rated to 15atm but only using it up to its nominal pressure of 6atm. Beginning at 1atm and expanding and contracting the balloon 20 to 25 times a minute while increasing the pressure by 1 atm every minute up to the nominal pressure of 6atm. Total time is 6 minutes and in some cases slight more time. ③Balloon expansion is gradually increased during the first 5 minutes to full vein size in the final minute. ④This method applies to all balloon pressures and is used accordingly based on the balloon's rated pressure and nominal pressure. One of the goals of this technique is to achieve full expansion at low pressure. ※Super-non-compliant balloon (CONQUEST®, Yoroi®) Super-non-compliant balloon vs Others Dog-bone phenomenon As shown in the figure, group B, when using a semi-compliant balloon that looks like it is being bitten by a dog, causes intimal injury and the main objective is not achieved due to the fact that the balloon expands beyond the optimal size. 6atm Super-non-compliant Balloon As shown in the figure, group A, using a super non-compliant balloon eliminates the occurrence of dog bone phenomenon. Vein damage is also avoided because the balloon is limited in its expansion. 7atm 第2回 九州バスキュラーアクセスライブフォーラム201 熊本・福岡メイン会場にて サテライト会場を 九州5か所に設置し開催 頻回低圧拡張法 実演 第2回九州バスキュラーアクセスライブフォーラムにて(2014.11.9) Compliant balloon at 14atm Lt. AVF Conquest at 10atm Japanese medical treatment covered by health insurance ・Only 1 PTA / 3 months ・Only 1 balloon ・Stent usage not permitted in Fukuoka area ・stretching gradually ・repeated 10 times /30sec Flow volume<400ml/min Pulsasion Index >1.2 Stenosis diameter<1.0mm Case 1 Lt. AVF stenosis ・Flow volume 300ml/min ・Pulsasion index 2.0 ・Stenosis diameter 0.8mm Conquest at 2atm / 30sec Conquest at 4atm / 30sec Conquest at 6atm / 30sec Conquest at 6atm / 90sec After PTA ・Flow volume 300→500ml/min ・Pulsasion index 2.0→1.0 ・Stenosis diameter 0.8→2.9mm before Case 2 ・Flow volume 360ml/min ・Pulsasion index 1.6 ・Stenosis diameter 1.6mm Lt. AVF Conquest at 10atm / 120sec After PTA ・Flow volume 360→500ml/min ・Pulsasion index 1.6→1.2 ・Stenosis diameter 1.6→3.2mm before AVF Patency rate - using Conquest (%) 100 80 60 70% 3M 40 30% 6M 20 0 0 50 100 150 200 41 cases 250 Average pressure 8.8atm Average balloon size 5.1mm 300 (days) Conclusion Repeated low pressure technique is effective method for expanding without rupture. Dog-bone phenomenon can be avoided by using super-non-compliant balloon.
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