筑波大学 東京キャンパス University of Tsukuba Tokyo Campus Creating Global Leaders Explore your potential as a global business leader at Tsukuba MBA-IB http://www.mbaib.gsbs.tsukuba.ac.jp 筑波大学 東京キャンパス University of Tsukuba Tokyo Campus MBA Program in International Business Welcome from the Chair 専攻長からのメッセージ The MBA-IB program combines the best of Japan’s rigorous, statistics-based approach to management problems with the “real world” global perspective of the top international business schools.The curriculum culminates in a Business Project intended to integrate all elements of the MBA education. 筑波大学国際経営プロフェッショナル専攻は、我が国有数の緻密な数量分析に基づく経営課題へのアプローチを、有力な 国際ビジネススクールが持つ現実社会に即したグローバルな視点に融合させるものです。 「ビジネスプロジェクト」 を集大成と するカリキュラムは、MBA教育におけるあらゆる要素の統合を目指します。 CONTENTS 1 Welcome from the Chair 専攻長からのメッセージ 2 Message from the Vice Chair 副専攻長メッセージ 3 About the Tsukuba MBA-IB Program 国際経営プロフェッショナル専攻概要 4 Classes Offered at Tsukuba MBA-IB 開講科目 5 Features & Coursework at Tsukuba MBA-IB MBA-IB コースの説明 6 Message from Students & Alumni 在籍者・修了生からのメッセージ 7 Student Demographics 在籍者関連資料 Professional managers who stand at the frontline of global management are required to make feasible decisions and exercise contingent behavior under culturally diversified and uncertain managerial environments. In August, 2005, MBA-IB was newly launched as a professional school of , the University of Tsukuba s Tokyo campus to develop global managers equipped for careers in international business. The goal of our educational program is to provide global hybrid-style action learning based on integration of“Organizational”and“Technological”competencies that reflects the strength of Japanese Management, and“Management Systems”and“Cross-cultural Adaptability”of different parts of the world. As a means of implementation of this policy, we invite foreign visiting professors from leading overseas business schools and first-class global managers into the classroom to give lectures and speeches, as well as having our students undertake Business Projects including projects overseas. Also, dual language education in Japanese and English (all materials are in English) fosters the understanding of cultural backgrounds of the managerial environment, and serve as a gateway between Japanese and overseas business. Over the past two years, students have come from a total of fourteen different countries and studied together in our program, thereby constructing a cross-cultural environment in the classroom. It is likely that multinational classmates and alumni will become an invaluable human network in the coming years. Those who aim to acquire international business skills, who can mix global perspectives with local savvy and be effective managers regardless of the location of their work and the nationality of their employer are encouraged to study in our program. グローバルビジネスの最前線に立つプロフェッショナルマネジャーには、文化的多様性や不確実性の 高い経営環境の中で、確度の高い意思決定を行い、適合的な行動を実践することが求められてい ます.国際経営プロフェッショナル専攻は、平成17年8月、筑波大学東京キャンパス内に、国際ビジ ネスの様々な現場で活躍できるグローバルマネジャーを育成するための専門職大学院として新設さ れました.本専攻の教育プログラムの特色は、日本的経営の強みである 「組織力」 、 「技術力」 をベース として、世界各国の「経営システム」 、 「異文化対応」 を融合したグローバルハイブリッド型の実践学習 を提供していることです.そのための手段として、海外から有力ビジネススクールの外国人客員教授 や第一線級のグローバルマネジャーを招聘した講義や講演を行うとともに、海外実習を含むビジネス プロジェクトを導入しています.また、日英二言語による教育(教材は全て英語) は、経営環境の文化 的背景の理解につながり、日本と海外とのゲートウェイとしての役割を果たしています.この2年間で 受講生の出身国籍は14ヵ国を数え、教室にいながらにして異文化環境が形成されていると言えます. Professor/Chair 教授/専攻長 Hirohisa Nagai 永井 裕久 Profile 略歴 Professor Hirohisa Nagai, a professor of Organizational Behavior, received his Ph.D. and MBA from Keio University, MS from University of Washington, and BS from Oregon State University.He was a visiting scholar at the Institue of Labor and Industrial Relations, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (19911992), and Cranfield School of Management, U.K.(1999). He was also a visiting professor at the School of Labor and Industrial Relations, University of Philippines (2001), Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, China (2001), and University of Hawaii (2003-2006) to teach Japanese Management and Cross-Cultural Organization Behavior. Professor Nagai has also served international organizations, such as ILO, APEC, as well as JICA as a resource person. 多国籍からなるクラスメートや同窓生は、将来にわたって貴重な人的ネットワークになることでしょう. 8 Application Procedure グローバルな視野とローカルな知識を併せもち、勤務地域や企業国籍にかかわらず発揮できる国際 経営能力を習得することを目指す皆さんの本専攻での学びをお勧めします. 入学案内 1 Message from the Vice Chair|副専攻長メッセージ Tsukuba MBA-IB is committed to bringing students the best of Japanese and international standard MBA education. That is one reason we aim to attract both Japanese and international students since much of what our students learn in our program they learn from each other. It is one reason our faculty represents a mixture of nationalities as well as a mix of research interests and academic and business backgrounds. But our commitment to a genuinely global MBA program does not end with our faculty and student body. Our program not only takes a global, international approach to the traditional MBA curriculum, but also features in-depth study of business conditions in specific regions: Japan, the United States, China, and the Islamic world with future courses envisaged for Latin America, Europe, and South and Southeast Asia. The relationships we are building with a number of universities around the world allow us to call on guest lecturers who conduct intensive classes for us in their areas of expertise. Tsukuba MBA-IB is also very active in The Alliance on Business Education and Scholarship for Tomorrow (ABEST21), a global organization of leading business schools in Japan, China, the United States, Korea, Mexico, Russia, Southeast Asia, Australia and other parts of the world. I serve on the Executive Committee of ABEST21 and our involvement in this organization further facilitates the forging of links with business educators worldwide that, in turn, enables us to bring our students the very latest in international MBA education. 筑波大学国際経営プロフェッショナル専攻は、日本においても国際的にも最高水準のMBA教育を提供 します。そのために、学生は相互に多くを学びあうことから、日本人・外国人の学生にとって専攻が 魅力あるものとなることを目指しています。教授陣の国籍は多様で、さまざまな研究分野、学界やビジ ネスの経験を有しています。 しかし、我々の真にグローバルなプログラムへの志向は、教授陣や学生の多様性にとどまるもので はありません。グローバルで国際的な伝統的MBAのカリキュラムを設けているばかりではなく、特定 の地域に関わる徹底した研究を掘り下げています。日本、米国、中国、イスラム圏に関する授業はも とより、ラテンアメリカ、ヨーロッパ、南アジア、東南アジアへと広がります。専攻では、世界各国の 大学との関係を構築しているため、客員講師として、各国の専門家を集中講義のために迎えること ができるのです。 筑波大学はまた、ABEST21(特定非営利法人THE ALLIANCE ON BUSINESS EDUCATION AND SCHOLARSHIP FOR TOMORROW, a 21st century organization)の会員でもあります。 ABEST21は、日本を始め、中国、米国、韓国、メキシコ、ロシア、東南アジア、オーストラリア等、世界各 国のビジネススクールをメンバーとして擁し、グローバル知識ネットワークの構築を目指し設立されました。 私はABEST21の理事を務めておりますが、ここでの活動は、世界規模でのビジネス教育に関する協力 関係を推し進め、国際経営プロフェショナル専攻で学ぶ学生に、最新の国際MBA教育を提供すること に役立つと考えています。 About the Tsukuba MBA-IB Program 国際経営プロフェッショナル専攻概要 About the Tsukuba MBA-IB Program 国際経営プロフェッショナル専攻概要 The Tsukuba MBA-IB Program was established in 2005 with an educational philosophy to effectively develop international business management professionals who act autonomously in the new global business environment. The Program offers a wide range of classes and an opportunity to conduct an individualized business project that assist in the career plans of diverse students. 国際経営プロフェッショナル専攻は、平成17年4月に専門職大学院課程として設置されました。本専攻では、国際的な経営環境 の潮流を的確に分析しながら、国内と海外の戦略的一貫性に基づく統合的なマネジメント技能をもつ国際経営プロフェッショナル の育成を目指し、幅広い領域における講義と学生個々の業種に対応した 「ビジネスプロジェクト」を導入しております。 Professor/Vice Chair 教授/副専攻長 R.T.Murphy R.T. マーフィー Profile 略歴 Professor R. Taggart Murphy spent 12 years as an investment banker working to bring global borrowers to the Japanese capital markets. In his second career as an academic, he has held a number of positions at Tsukuba University and has been affiliated with the Brookings Institution.He has published widely and is the co-author, with Akio Mikuni, of Japanユs Policy Trap, winner of the 2002 award in the economics category from the American Association of Publishers Unique Features of the Tsukuba MBA-IB Program 国際経営プロフェッショナル専攻の特色 The aim of the MBA-IB Program is to develop a new generation of management professionals with the skills and knowledge to meet the challenges of the 21st Century. To that end, we have designed the program to cover the following four areas: Applied Information area, International Adaptability area, Business Strategy area, Organizational Management area. 国際経営プロフェッショナル専攻の教育目的は、21世紀課題に対応した能力及び 知識を持つ新しいタイプの経営管理者を育成することにあります。その目的を達 成するため、本専攻では「組織経営領域」 、 「事業戦略領域」 、 「国際対応領域」 、 「応用情報領域」の4領域のプログラムを設置しています。 Graduate School of Business Sciences 大学院ビジネス科学研究科 The Graduate School of Business Sciences provides five practical and advanced programs for working business professionals typically during evening hours. It is a comprehensive evening graduate school offering three degree courses: Master, Doctor, and Professional, with a core faculty of full-time teaching staff. To facilitate commuting for those who work in the center of Tokyo, all lectures and guidance to thesis research are held in the Tokyo area. 筑波大学大学院ビジネス科学研究科は、働く社会人のための夜間大学院として、高 度で実践的な5つの知力育成の場を設けています。現在、本研究科は修士、博士及 び専門職学位の3つの課程を設けており、専任教員による指導を行っております。 都心に勤務する社会人の勉学に便利なように、授業・研究指導等はすべて東京地 区で行われています。 2 3 Classes Offered at Tsukuba MBA-IB|開講科目 Features & Coursework at Tsukuba MBA-IB|MBA-IB コースの説明 MBA-IB Courses of Study Features and Coursework 国際経営プロフェッショナル専攻開講科目 国際経営プロフェッショナル専攻コースの説明 The Tsukuba MBA-IB Program has emphasized the global business environment since its inception. Our MBA Program provides a well-balanced study framework in accounting, decision sciences, economics, finance, marketing, and management under the following four areas of study: Applied Information, International Adaptability, Organizational Management, and Business Strategy. The five unique features listed below are designed to achieve the educational goals of this program and provide opportunities, skills, and knowledge required in the global professional world. 本専攻の教育目標を実現し、国際競争力のある専門職大学院にふさわしい教育プログラムを提供するため、言語、講義、実習 に関して5つの特色ある教育方法を実施します。 筑波大学国際経営プロフェッショナル専攻は、国際的なビジネス環境に対応可能な経営プロフェッショナルの育成に重点を置き設 置されています。本専攻には、会計学、決定科学、経済学、ファイナンス、マーケティング、マネジメントといったバランスのとれた専 門分野を構成する、4つの教育領域(応用情報領域、国際対応領域、組織経営領域、事業戦略領域) が設置されています。 笊 Dual lingual education in English and Japanese 日英二言語教育 笆 Hands-on lectures by elite professionals active on the front lines of business 国際的に活躍する実務家・研究者による実践的な講義 笳 Business project directly related to the specific area of expertise 専門業務に直結したビジネスプロジェクト 笘 Proactive, mutual learning among students of diverse profiles 多様性ある受講生間の創発的学習 笙 Support for individual students' career design by offer- ing a wide selection of electives 幅広い選択科目による個人のキャリアデザイン支援 Most classes in the MBA Program in International Business are 150 minutes long; for attending a lecture or seminar once a week for five weeks, students earn one credit point. Evening MBA-IB classes meet on weekday evenings from 6:20pm to 9:00pm. In addition, weekend classes meet on Saturdays from 8:55am to 9:00pm. Students generally take 22-24 credits in the first year and 22-24 credits in the second year, completing a minimum of 45 credits required for the degree in two years. Students in the MBAIB Program may also complete the degree program within one year. All the degree candidates in the regular 2-year program and in the accelerated one-year program are required to complete a business project in the final trimester. 国際経営プロフェッショナル専攻では、標準150分の授業を平日夜間は1コマ (18:20-21:00) 、土曜日は4コマ (8:55-21:00)開講 しています。また、標準的な授業は、150分×5回(5週) で完結し、1単位を修得できます。一般的な履修方法については、本専 攻が定める履修方法に従い、2年間の各年次において22∼24科目 (22∼24単位) を修得し、修了に必要な45単位以上を修得す ることになります。また、本専攻では短期在学コースを設けており、1年間で修了することが可能です。標準2年コース及び短期在 学コースとも最終学期に実習科目として行われる 「ビジネスプロジェクト」の履修が必要となります。 Wide Selection of Courses クロスレジストレーションによる豊富な選択科目履修 MBA-IB students may cross-register for the courses offered by other degree programs/graduate schools of the University. A maximum of 10 credits earned through cross-registration may be counted toward graduation upon approval of the MBA-IB faculty. Required core courses in bold. Numbers in ( ) indicate credits. 太字のコア科目は必修。( )内の数字は単位数。 4 他専攻・他研究科・他大学院で取得した単位のうち、国際経営プロフェッショナル専攻で承認が得られた科目について最大10単位まで修了要件の単位に含めることができます。 5 Message from Students & Alumni|在籍者・修了生からのメッセージ Student Demographics|在籍者関連資料 Message from Students & Alumni Student Demographics (as of September 2007) 在籍者・修了生からのメッセージ 国際経営プロフェッショナル専攻 在籍者関連資料(2007年9月現在) I have been working in the IT business planning field for a long period and wanted to, at some time in my career, to fill that “missing piece” of knowledge focusing on business management study. This is why I applied to the MBA-IB Program. To simply obtain the MBA degree is not the primary focus for me. My most important objective is TO LEARN in order to “brush up” my current knowledge and skills, and to “shake up” my current career situation. It is really fun to discuss business issues with classmates from diverse businesses with different cultural backgrounds. And, I enjoy working with my classmates and the faculty to improve the Program which started only 2 years ago. Of course, as working professionals by day, it is not always easy to come to classes in the evenings and on Saturday, and to deal with the number of assignments given. But, I can assure you that you will find, as I have, that the Tsukuba MBA-IB experience and the people you meet will be your treasures for the rest of your lifetime. We are looking forward to having you here in Myogadani, Tokyo. Nobu Kusakabe (Japan) 2005-07 MBA-IB student Planning Manager, IT industry I have wanted to earn my MBA at a top university for some time now. The Tsukuba MBA-IB program has given me that opportunity. Even though I am working full-time, the design of the curriculum and support of the professors make obtaining the MBA degree a very achievable goal. In addition, studying with classmates representing 12 countries is highly satisfying. The diverse perspectives of my classmates provide as much of the learning experience as the class materials and lectures. I have come to see business from the viewpoints of a Peruvian IT manager, an Australian accountant, a Chinese programmer, and an Indian sales manager. I have also developed a deeper understanding of and appreciation for the cultures of Germany, Malaysia, and Turkey. As working professionals pursuing the MBA, the knowledge and skills gained through our studies can be “tested” in real business situations of our workplaces. In addition, the internship option is a good opportunity for the MBAs who may be considering a career change or who wish to experience the workplace in the U.S. or China. I was looking for an MBA program that would allow me to maintain my career while pursuing graduate management studies. The Tsukuba MBA-IB program i s very satisfying because of the quality of faculty, the balance in teaching pedagogy between theory and practice which makes it possible for immediate application to my work situation, and, most importantly, the diversity of my classmates in terms of cultural and professional backgrounds. We are valuable business assets for each other and have developed friendships that will last our lifetime. I strongly recommend the Tsukuba MBA-IB Program if you are a working professional who is interested in increasing your management knowledge and skills through a curriculum taught in English that utilizes interactive teaching strategies in an intercultural learning environment. It is a challenge to balance career, graduate studies, and family. However, I can assure you that with the support of the faculty and your classmates, the achievement of the Tsukuba MBA-IB degree will better prepare you for future global management opportunities. Charles Faso (USA) MBA-IB graduate‘07 Accounting Manager 2006-07 MBA-IB student The Tsukuba MBA-IB student body consists of students with diverse backgrounds and nationalities, providing an international learning environment and a wealth of opportunity to learn from others across industries, age groups and cultures. 筑波大学大学院ビジネス科学研究科国際経営プロフェッショナル専攻では、学生の構成という面では、様々な経歴を持つ学生が、 世界各地域から学びにきています。国際性豊かな教育環境と各業界・世代・文化領域を超える豊かな学習機会を提供しています。 Yoshiko Abe (Japan) Message from Students / Alumni 在籍生メッセージ “ The diverse backgrounds and experiences of my colleagues here contribute greatly to the multilingual and multicultural understandings that I gain through my learning…” Anthony Hsu(USA) 2006-07 MBA-IB student “ This is a truly cross-cultural and cross-professional environment which you might not be able to experience and enjoy elsewhere…” Megumi Taoka (Japan) MBA-IB graduate ‘07 6 7 Application Procedure 入学案内 Admissions Requirements & Application Details(August 2008 Enrollees) 2008年8月生募集要項 Terms of study Regular 2-year program / accelerated 1-year program 修業年限 標準修業年限2年/ 短期在学コース1年 Degree conferred Master of Business Administration in International Business 学位 国際経営修士(専門職) Enrollment capacity 30 persons including students in accelerated one-year program 入学定員 30名(短期在学コース選択者を含む) Admission qualification , Working adults holding a bachelor s degree or the equivalent qualification 入学資格 大学(四年制)を卒業した者及び外国において学校教育における16年の課程(大学卒) を修了した者等 Classes begin August 1, 2008 授業開始時期 2008年8月1日 Admissions Schedule 入試日程 Eligibility assessment September 4, 2007 – January 11, 2008 資格審査 2007年9月4日∼2008年1月11日 Application period September 4, 2007 – February 13, 2008 願書受付 2007年9月4日∼2008年2月13日 Interview March 1 – March 9, 2008 口述試験 2008年3月1日∼2008年3月9日 Announcement of results March 27, 2008 合格発表 2008年3月27日 Tuition and fees (2007 as a reference) Total first year ¥817,800 (matriculation fee ¥282,000; annual tuition ¥535,800) 初年度納入金(2007年実績) 817,800円(入学金282,000円; 初年度授業料535,800円) For further information, please check our website at 出願書類、大学院案内の入手方法については、国際経営プロフェッショナル専攻ホームページをご覧ください。 http://www.mbaib.gsbs.tsukuba.ac.jp/ For further information, please contact: 筑波大学国際経営プロフェッショナル専攻に関するお問い合わせ先は MBA Program in International Business Graduate School of Business Sciences The University of Tsukuba 3-29-1 Otsuka Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0012 Japan 〒112-0012 東京都文京区大塚3-29-1 Phone 03-3942-6920 / FAX 03-3942-6921 URL http://www.mbaib.gsbs.tsukuba.ac.jp 8 9
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