SYS-08-004-CP Graphics Application Lab %å P -ÍÚ â uY ßÌ $ ÙS¡p ß ÿÌ uì [email protected] July, 2008 Å c %å Pù U ö PY µý %å 7 ¿ üq :[ Ù : AÃõ -ÍÚ â Í׿ Ö 3 9$ °. %å b-t Æ:÷¿ ýØ L -ÍÚ â JEIDAt EXIF L, Z¢ IPTC-NAAt CK¢ IPTC -ÍÚ â è ù Yý t PÌüL °. y [´ !ßq x ê çP AdobeP Z¢ Ç& y Aà Á IPTCõ Ì L °. Æ ÃLtt -ÍÚ â uS Ìê ©t U_Æ°. Z¢ -ÍÚ âõ ßÌ Yý © NIÃL 8; [ý ¿ ßÌ£ ½ ªú Ò_©Æ°. ÷¿ Ç& PÌüL -ÍÚ â < < Aà ú qE é÷¿ ÂÌ P [ý qN3 :Ì£ ½ ú , ©t U_ÃêÀ ¢°. sCq: digital photo, DSC, photo metadata, EXIF, IPTC, XMP, DCMI 1 tÁ Pú - Ú q %å b-õ Ì¢ 7 Í× P Ìÿ÷¿ -ý P ¢ AÃÁ ÌÎ Ì 3 ü}°. Ç& è|t :üL %å b- \¾½ Âl b - è -ý P ¢ Ù AÃõ P 7 j¥ü -ÍÚ âõ ©t CW L °. P - PÌü b- ; $X¿ uüq :[ U ö b-® µý - b- zA 4 H/W \ 7yâõ Ö3 7J£ ½ ÷6 ú ìèÅ ML  ¿ P 7 ¦èÈ ½ 3 ü}°. : U ö b- EÍ Üý P ® » ê P AÃõ £ ½ {}Ï , ü 8(Aà ú æ© »ê LKý "½ ö ê } Â|: G¥) %å 7 EÍ Ì À y ü© :ù W ú ò 8 tê(/ ½ïKByte) AÃõ îY:÷¿ 9$£ ½ õ PÌ L °. %å \ ¢ -ÍÚ â Aà ÂÌ y 9$õ [ý L EÍ |Å¢ £ ú £ ½ °[13]. -ÍÚ âõ ßÌ¥÷¿ ù y ¦ t Ù ú y ú Ö3 8;©7 ½ ÷6 îP¢ AÃõ yõ *_©7 ½ °. %å b-< I ¦ 9Ü b-l Óù ½ Ü Âl b-õ üÅ PCt fý y « J# y t yõ [ý $# *_ Ú qt ½Ý @¢ Å üq L °. Z¢ <Üý -ÍÚ â t¿ °ô n \t °ô Yý ô ¢ Aà õ ? L ý£ ½ 3 ¢°. $ Gý PÌü %å \ ¢ -ÍÚ â JEIDA(Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association)t q ÂÙÛ %å b-t ýØ L EXIF(Exchangeable Image File Format)[1]® IPTC(International Press Telecommunications Council) s9 üq CK¢ IPTC -ÍÚ â °[8]. < $ Â|:÷¿ Ìü6 ê DCMI[7]# IPTCõ ù¿ XMLÍé÷¿ Áý XMP ù <ê A üq °. ¢` ô \ ÙÛt Gý PÌü MPEG-7[10] Z¢ %/y%q ¢ ù Á Aà [¢ <Ü ý jéú CW L °(MPEG-7ù ISO/IEC vu). Department of Computer Engineering 1 Pusan National University SYS-08-004-CP 2 EXIF Graphics Application Lab -ÍÚ â u A\Ì %å b-(digital still-camera, DSC) v C Szvu÷¿ ßÌüL -ÍÚ â < °. %å b-õ ¢ y $ EXIFõ L :[ Adobe® ù sÅ y ` tê y ºE ½Aè õ Ù L °. 0t S/W¿ `ý yù U EXIFAÃõ ¿ £ ½ ÷6 ° y P Aà ºEY ` PÌý !ßq < ü ,ú & Ç ½ °. EXIF(Exchangeable Image File Format) Seg m en t SOI Marker code 0xFFD8 D escr ip t ion Start of image APP1 segment structure 0xFFE1 APP1 0xFFE1 Application marker segment 1 (0xFFE2) (Application marker segment 2) Length EXIF (APP2) 0x0000 TIFF header 0th IDF SOI 0xFFDA Start of image 0th IDF value EOI (0xFFD9) Compressed image 1st IDF End of image 1st IDF thumbnail data 1: %å P 7 uS. EXIFAà APP1(APP2) ÙÛ 9$ü6 Åè PÌ ò3 4Ìú 7J£ ½ êÀ P y¿ PÌþ ù ¾ JPEG y j¥ü ê ¢°. (IFD(image file description) y [¢ Aà Áý°[13].) 1t %å P 7 uSõ #Í4L °. APP1 $! > EXIF [´ý A à Áü6 0¿ XML ¤ îô: Ú â õ ML yý A ý cq® cq £¾ý LA !  AÃõ Ì -ÞE [¢ H/W zA ú u°. AAP1| ‘TIFF header’ y AÃõ Á Ú qt U TIFF y <t A ¢ AÃõ òÌ© t ßÌ , °. ½ AÃù IFD(Image File Description, EXIF "Üý ) 9$ý °. CSP ° b- " 3 »:÷¿ CW maker notes Óù GPS [´ Aêê IFD \ vý°. EXIF t ¡%¡ 7 ¢ A A ê CW L Æ ÃLtt ©¾ 4 Ìù C½ ¿ ¢°. EXIF\t CW AÃú bìLý»¿ #q Ã8 ¾3 °üY ù 4Ìú CW¢°. ÷6 y ©\ê, • y Aà - y ¢ Aÿ s¿ TIFFt A ¢ A [¢ AÃ, ³, ý Ú PÌý S/W# A ý°. • b- Aà - b- CSP b- ?Ý H/W zA [¢ AÃ. -è ú üÅ Ñ, Sý, #>, ISO, d;, âß, QAé # ¢ Aà A ý°. • CSP d!(Maker notes) - vu EXIF AÃt CW , ½ Ù AÃõ CSP Qt Ì CW£ ½ EÍ PÌü6, b- [ 0tê ò ( ½ °. :÷¿ b- ½À zA£ ½ Å Ì ÷6 Ù Aà Z¢ I3 ý°. 0t b - CSP» b-» CW Aà 4ÌY j °ò°. Department of Computer Engineering 2 Pusan National University SYS-08-004-CP Graphics Application Lab [´ Aà - Ç& GPSõ CW b- M÷# EXIF \ A üq °(2.2 £; u 31 CW). æX, Lê, m , ¢½ê$X \×, ê, y ³ # °j ¢ ýAÃõ CW¢°. U %å P Á ßâ ªt EXIF Aà | -è (‘Date/time original’ ×)ú s¿ Ì °. 9 sq MUÏ è %å P 7 ½Aè ú Ì Ûu ê °°(7 fè ù ÙÆú ÄP£ EÍ 4Ì ô ¢ 7 ê Ýu L è  µ3 ý °. ½Aè ù :÷¿ ¿ îü :[ ½Aè ú P -è ÷¿ A© PÌü }°). ¢` Boutellù = EXIF × AÃõ S¦ Ýí:÷¿ ©¾ P ì4/ì½ P Óù ;/ C P õ uÛ uõ ± ê °°[3, 4]. EXIF vu y# b- ¢ Aà üp: & A üq ` # ÂÙÛ b - ? A ý ¢ AÃõ CW M°. CSP/b-»¿ Ù × ú xØ: ÷¿ CW L °. 0t EXIF Aà P DBõ [ý L *_ `ý # PÌ ßÌ£ ½ {êÀ × Aà U& M Pê ° j¥üq ú müú qb ¢°. vu EXIF ×® »ê¿ b-»¿ "Üý AÃõ CW ÙÛ ¿ ‘Maker notes’ °. Maker notesõ A © , vu K 9$ü 4Ìù CSP»¿ °ò°. :÷¿ çP»¿ P b- [ PÌü ×õ 0¿ A ©nL °(v 1 ÷S). è ù çP ? b- [ CWü ,ù I¦L [»¿ CWü Aà j %ý°. [C < Üüq Mù maker notes ÙÛt \¾& îÌ¢ AÃõ CW L ° > °. õ q FujifilmP b- EÍ blur warning # exposure warning ¨@ú CW L °. EÍ x { â \t ó ýõ ¢ Ûuú MÌê ©¾ y qE õ Ö3 N ½ °. Z ¢ brightness# contrastõ Ù CSP ½X¿ CW L °(°ô CSP normal, auto #÷¿ ý ê ¥). è Y°d; a CX :ù Pú 4Ìú à MLê Ö3 :»©7 ½ °. ¢` maker notes EXIF vu ×® |Äü ¨@ê \¾½ U& Ú, Ù ?Ý EÍ maker notest ð ¢ Aà CW EÍ vu EXIF AÃõ CW M EÍê °. 0t vu × ú Ì©t Pú *_ ,ú ¡&² q·3 îYê Ù f L °. »¿ Canon "A ?Ýt flash AÃõ maker notest & CW E Í vu × flashAà &ü M°. ;:÷¿ maker notest CW × [ê × $ L P»¿ CWü Aà [ Fq Aë L²¢ ÂÌ P [ýõ æ ©t 9$Y *_ :<¢ Ú â® ß [ý ½: , °. • GPS 3 IPTC -ÍÚ âõ Ì¢ xîP Á %å P 4Ì Aà ßÌü -ÍÚ â| $ PÌü , IPTC(International Press Telecommunications Council)t A ¢ IIM(Information Interchange Model)÷¿ & IPTC Ý ýÏ°. EXIFt s¿ b- -Aà ¢ Ú âõ CW°°8 IPTC P ºL 4Ì Â¢ annotationú sÅ @:÷¿ L °. IPTCt s¿ Ìü ×Aà Caption, Category, City, Copyright notice, Country code, Country name, Credit, Date/time created, Edit status, Fixture identifier, Headline, Keywords, Object Cycle, Object name, Original transmission reference, Originating program, Photographer, Photographer title, Province/state, Release date/time, Source, Special instructions, Sublocation, Supplemental categories, Urgency, Writer AdobeP EÍ y AÃõ Á Ú q jùl 7 JPEG, TIFF 7 P Lî -ÍÚ â jéú PÌ°} Ç& IPTC ×õ ßÌ L °. y 7 t Ç ½ 9 Aà y íß! Á AÃ(caption), bìLý([Ü, EC, pï, ßjP® ù ÂÛê), Å× , /! # Aà IPTCõ ßÌ¢ , °. IPTC 1991[ q ,÷¿ %å Pú Department of Computer Engineering 3 Pusan National University SYS-08-004-CP Graphics Application Lab ê©t q , I¨ : %å y 9$Y ?ú Ì 3 æ¢ , °. ù \Ì Yý CSP è Adobe Áéú PÌ IPTCõ Ù L °. IPTC Z ¢ %å 7 \ EXIF® îP¢ Í׿ j¥üq °. EXIF 7 \t y ß! 4Ì #¡ ; APP2(code 0xFFE1) $! æX°Ï,Y , IPTC è APP13(code 0xFFD¿ è) $! æX¢°. Max Length (# characters)* IPTC Field DescripƟon Example CapƟon Long form descripƟon of Subject and related subject data in a Natural Language capƟon Dictator Simms addresses a crowd at the first futbol match of the season.....etc 2000 List of subject data by discrete words / phases POLITICIAN, DICTATOR, FUTBOL, SOCCER 64 ‡ Credit photographers name, agency name, etc Juanita Doe/Parador Times 32 Copyright photographers name, agency © Juanita Doe/Parador Times, all rights reserved name, rights Keywords Object Name** 128 similar to filename; may include unique idenƟfier pe10102r 64 Created Date date image created 03/16/2003 16 City locaƟon of image Chicacata 32 Province State locaƟon of image Paranita 32 Country locaƟon of image Parador 64 Special InstrucƟons list any restricƟons, embargo, rights info MAGS OUT, INTERNET OUT, NO THIRD PARTY SALES 256 Byline Precise text of Byline © Juanita Doe/Parador Times 64 Category Code (see ANPA Wire Categories below) I = InternaƟonal 3 Subject data, in short form Dictator Simms at futbol match 03/16/2003 256 provider of image Parador Times 32 Category *** Headline Source 2: IPTC -ÍÚ â u [11]. y [¢ [ z< æX, 9, 9, Ûê, Å× # y 4Ìú ÷¿ 9$ *_ú Ì 3 ê®s AÃõ °½ j¥ L °. 2t IPTC -ÍÚ â PÌ õ ÃsL °( Ù × xØ:÷¿ PÌü}ü). 0 t %å P 9$õ u9 L y 4Ì Â¢ AÃõ Á£ Å ú EÍ j éú PÌ Ã° Adobe# ACDSee # sÅ [ý ¿t ßÌü IPTC -ÍÚ âõ %å P ®. èÅL 9$t õ ? ? Ï Óù Å¢ AÃõ 8; 0¿ Ú â® ßt [ý êÀ , ÌÎ îY: ,÷¿ f ý°. 4 Í -ÍÚ â < ® ½ê %å \ú Á æ¢ -ÍÚ â < = U&¢°. | /*_ú Ö3 £ ½ êÀ Ú #>ú : j é ° y z<ú uS:÷¿ Á£ ½ êÀ © nIt ³¿& 4Ì Â©t z< ð @: 4Ì # ©t G:÷¿ Á£ ½ bìLýõ ³G»¿ xØ êÀ üq ° Û y I¨ [tê :Ì °. Ù pï[, êt[, ±A[ #t DCMI ÍÚ âõ Ì îñ: À] ?ª÷¿ ßÌ L °L ¢°[13]. MPEG-7ù ISO/IEC vu÷¿t Motion Picture Expert Group(MPEG) © ü}÷6 %/ y%q xîP ©t A L °. 7 \ -ÍÚ âõ vÇè XMLú ßÌ L °. s EXIF IPTC DCMI(Dublin Core Metadata Initiative) [7]. , . Department of Computer Engineering 4 Pusan National University SYS-08-004-CP Graphics Application Lab ¿ ü%¡ 7 Aà À ßÌý°. XMP(Extensible Metadata Platform) yõ æ© Adobet XML -ÍÚ â < °. 2004[êÙâ IPTC® Wô÷¿ vuú ¦ ² zú ±| ÷6 @Y¿ A ý < IPTC4XMP(IPTC Metadata for XMP standard) °. 2005 IPTC® XMP ôÜõ æ © XMP Core Schema <õ }°. 0t Ç&« EXIF® U IPTC s¿ PÌüL X÷¿ ^¿ ý IPTC4XMP < âV *_ # Web 2.0 ÞEt Gý Ìþ , ÷¿ 8QüL °. 5 -ÍÚ â ? Aà 8; Pt PÌü -ÍÚ â | EXIF EÍ Ìê Maker notes °j 3 uüq q PÌ 4Ìú <Ý& N æ©t :<¢ ïq ¿ Å °. v4t PÌ NA® Googlet CW Picasa EÍ EXIF vu |tê Ìü Ù × Aà ú vè©u°. ACDSeet üp: ¢ AÃõ CW 6 Ù CSP maker notes ¨@« ßÌ *_£ ½ ú ´© nU°. y ïq ¿ ½ê ³¿& -ÍÚ â AÃõ Ý ? æ©t q ¿ê = U&¢°. Opanda PowerExif ù ¿ú PÌ 8 EXIF AÃõ Ö3 Ý L "A ú ½A£ ½ê °. üp: s z Ú !ü6 \¢ -ÍÚ â AÃõ CW ¿ù ExifTool[5] XÒ W !ßq¿ t EXIF, IPTC, XMPõ Ù 6 %å b- CSP maker notes« j¥ * 5500 \ ¢ AÃõ CW©u°. $ / £;ù 7.39¿ 2008[ 7Ú ýý £; °. ¿ Í׿ üq ÷6 3Y -ÍÚ â ú [¿ vè©u°. PÌ ` õ æ© GUI Y£ ¿ê 0¿ üq PÌüL °. Ç&« U_Æ ¿ ExifTool $ ù -ÍÚ â AÃõ CW L ÷6 4Ìú ß¾ÿ\ èê Í׿ vè °ô ïq® µ ý @Yõ íß! 7 ¿ uú ½ -ÍÚ âõ ßÌ©b ¿ Aà 8; êu ¿ ßÌþ ú q L °. Perlú Ì© ý ExifToolù Perlt Ì ¢ -ÍÚ â 8; ½A õ ýê CW L ,÷¿ Ý ý°. ° ½ µ ù AÃõ qN 3 7ñ©t é» L [ý£ f ©Ìb£ [C °. ú Ì¢ %å P 7 -ÍÚ â Aà vè . EXIFõ üÅ¢ IPTC, # ÂÙÛ ®.üq AÃõ Ãu°. 3: ExifTool XMP 6 @ Á (- Í Ú â ß Ì Û ñ ) Æ ÃLtt Ç& s¿ PÌü -ÍÚ â u Ìê ©t U_ÃU°. $ Gý PÌ Department of Computer Engineering 5 Pusan National University SYS-08-004-CP Graphics Application Lab ü -ÍÚ â <ú à°8 b- H/W: - AÃõ #Í4 %åb- vu EXIF®, y 4Ìú Á , sÅ @:÷¿ - 4Ì Â¢ z<, æX, Ûê #ú #Í4 IPTC °. ÂÌ %å P 9$õ u9 L -ÍÚ âõ *_ ßÌ æ©t 4® ù Í× ¿ -ÍÚ âõ ßÌ£ Å °. EXIFõ ©t b- - AÃõ 8; L y 4Ì Â¢ Á Å£ EÍ IPTC ½Ìõ © P 7 \ AÃõ ®. èÇ°. Photo repository (Info DB) Photo Store Photo Image + Search EXIF (H/W info.) IPTC metadata (contents info.) + Quality desc. + Extra info. (photo set) 4: %å P 9$ -ÍÚ â ßÌ ê. ½ê y [¢ Aî Ù P ê:÷¿ ì¹ ! EÍ ú é »£ PAà 7yâ Aà #ú Á£ Å °. Ç& ÙÛ Â©t 0¿ A ý < { :[ EXIF maker notes® IPTC Óù EXIF \ PÌ /!# oÙÛ £ ¾ý W ú ßÌ ªú Ì $# »ê z<7 ú ßÌ ª, %å P 9$t P [ýõ æ© zG¢ Ú â® ß \ À ª# L²þ ½ °. 9$t Pú îñ:÷¿ *_ æ©t PY ¥Í »ê [ý Ú â® ßõ q Å¢ -ÍÚ â AÃõ 9$ PÌ Ù Pú ê& üú ½ êÀ zG , £ , °. %å Pt -ÍÚ âõ 8;£ EÍ < ßXt A ý cq ® AÃõ ¿ \¾¢ è Åþ , °. Á ßâ ¿ ú æ ©t EXIF ٠©t raw Ú â ? °ô Í ú ¨@ú 8;¢ E ¹ U_Ã&Ú Ã z I¦6, ¨@ ½ I½À . ¡ê f Ýí Z ¢ mI°. 0t ExifToolY U N² 8; ¿ú ßÌ , îÌ L £; º E 0ô æ¹ê v £ þ , °. ° Maker notes <»¿ ½ CX It ? ß Â© @Y íß!õ 7ñ $# DB\ W ú ´ , q²Ít¿ :<¢ xt |Åê mù õ ßÌ êÀ SA Å£ ,÷¿ f ý°. References [1] Exif version 2.2 digital still camera image file format standard (exif) version 2.2. Technical report, Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Assoc., 2002. [2] ACDSee Photo Software Homepage. [3] M. Boutell and J. Luo. Bayesian fusion of camera metadata cues in semantic scene classification. In CVPR ’04: Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, volume 2, pages 623–630, 2004. [4] M. Boutell and J. Luo. Photo classification by integrating image content and camera metadata. In ICPR ’04: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, volume 4, pages 901–904, 2004. Department of Computer Engineering 6 Pusan National University SYS-08-004-CP Graphics Application Lab [5] ExifTool by Phil Harvey Official Homepage. phil/exiftool/. [6] Cesar Fernandez Gago. Personal content management systems: photo editing. Technical report, Helsinki University of Technology, Autumn 2006. [7] Dublin Core Metadata Initiative(DCMI) Official Homepage. [8] The IPTC Official Homepage. [9] Marjo Markkula and Eero Sormunen. End-user searching challenges indexing practices in the digital newspaper photo archive. Information Retrieval, 1(4):1386–4564, January 2000. [10] MPEG-7 standard overview (version 10). [11] The IPTC-NAA standards. naa.html. [12] ExifTool tag name documentation web page. exiftool/Image-ExifTool7.30/lib/Image/ExifTool/TagNames.pod. [13] Jelena Tesic. Metadata practices for consumer photos. IEEE Multimedia, 12(3):86–92, July-Sept. 2005. Department of Computer Engineering 7 Pusan National University SYS-08-004-CP Graphics Application Lab v 1: b- CSP»¿ CW EXIF Maker notes ¨@(N² Ù CSP ¢ ¨@ #ü}°). Ù vu ¨@Y |Äü Ì ¢ Aà v æ©t PÌ ê 6 : vu õ PÌ M EÍê °. CSP Canon Casio Epson Fujifilm Minolta Nikon Olympus Pentax Sony[12] CSP» Maker Notest CW ¨@ AF point selected, Camera serial number, Continuous drive mode, Contrast, Easy shooting mode, Exposure mode, Firmware version, Flash bias, Flash mode, Focus mode, Image number, Image size, Image type, ISO, Macro mode, Metering mode, Owner name, Saturation, Self timer, Sharpness, White balance CCD Sensitivity, Contrast, Digital zoom, Flash intensity, Flash mode, Focusing mode, Object Distance, Quality, Recording mode, Saturation, Sharpness, White balance Band color Black Level of B Pixel, Black Level of Gb Pixel, Black Level of Gr Pixel, Black Level of R Pixel, Camera ID, Camera model, Color mode, Color tint, Contrast, Edge enhancement, Film setting, Filter effects, Height of the main image, Height of the thumbnail, Left position of the main image, Left position of the thumbnail, Main image X dimension, Main image Y dimension, Noise reduction, Resolution mode, Saturation, Top position of the main image, Top position of the thumbnail, Width of the main image, Width of the thumbnail Auto exposure warning, Blur warning, Bracketing, Color, Flash mode, Flash strength, Focus mode, Focus warning, Macro, Picture mode, Quality, Sharpness, Slow sync, Tone, White balance Aperture value, Bracketing, Brightness value, BW filter, Color filter, Color Mode, Contrast, Date, DEC position, Digital zoom, Drive mode, Exposure bias value, Exposure mode, File number memory, Film speed, Flash bias, Flash fired, Flash mode, Focal length, Focus area, Focus distance, Focus mode, Folder name, Image size, Internal flash, Interval length (min), Interval mode, Interval number (frames), ISO, Last file number, Macro mode, Max. aperture value, Metering mode, Model, Quality, Saturation, Sharpness, Shutter speed value, Spot focus point x, Spot focus point y, Subject program, Time, White balance, White balance blue, White balance green, White balance red, Wide focus zone Adapter, AF Focus, Auto flash mode, CCD Sensitivity, Color Mode, Contrast, Digital zoom, Fisheye used, Flash bias, Flash bracket compensation, Flash setting, Focus, Focus mode, Image Adjustment, Image optimization, Image sharpening, ISO selection, ISO setting, Manual focus distance, Noise reduction Quality, Saturation, White balance Digital Zoom Ratio, JPEG Quality, Macro, Picture Info, Software Version, Special Mode AF point selected, Contrast, Date, Exposure bias value, Exposure time, Flash mode, F-number, Focal length, Focus mode, ISO, Metering mode, Quality, Saturation, Sharpness, Time, White balance, White balance mode PrintIM, Preview image, Color reproduction, Color temperature, Scene mode, Zone matching, Dynamic range optimizer, Image stabilization, Lens ID, Minolta maker note, Color mode, Macro, Exposure mode, Quality, Anti-blur, Long exposure noise reduction Department of Computer Engineering 8 Pusan National University
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