論 52 文 sion in parts to results by Lu and Wang[9], and Hofbauer and So[6]for the global stability of 抄 録 Permanence of 2-host, 1-parasitoid systems Lotka-Volterra retarded systems without any R.Kon and Y.Takeuchi delayed intraspecific competitions. [Fields Institute Communications, Vol. 36, 195-211(2003)]. 2宿主・1寄生者系のパーマネンス 今 隆助、竹内康博 Stability analysis of time delayed chemostat In this paper, permanence of a host-parasitoid models for bacteria and virulent phage system, which is composed of two hosts and one E. Beretta, H. Sakakibara and Y. Takeuchi parasitoid, is considered. Sufficient conditions for permanence of the バクテリアと毒力を持つファージに対する system are obtained by using average Liapunov 時間遅れケモスタットモデルの安定性解析 functions. E. Beretta、榊原宏達、竹内康博 This paper considers the dynamical properties of the time delayed chemostat model composed One of the sufficient conditions shows that even if two hosts cannot coexist by themselves, they can coexist with a help of a parasitoid in a sense of permanence. of the resource, two bacteria(one is sensitive [Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impul- and the other is immune to predation)and vir- sive Systems. Series B, Vol. 10, 389-402(2003)] ulent bacteriophage. First, we investigate the basic properties of the model, the existence of the equilibria and boundedness of the solution. Next, we present the local and global asymptotic stability of the equilibria. We show that the equilibrium point only with positive resource density is globally asymptotically stable under high chemostat turnover rate. For the lower turnover rate, the equilibrium point with the resource and sensitive bacteria The effect of mutualism on community stability and competitive interaction K. Tainaka, N. Yoshida, N. Terazawa, N. Nakagiri, Y. Takeuchi and Yoshimura 生物集団の安定性と競争相互作用に対する共生の影響 泰中啓一、吉田憲由、寺沢、中桐、竹内康博、吉村仁 can be locally asymptotically stable under suit- The so-called Lotka-Volterra model, which is able conditions on the length of time delay and thought to be appropriate for the dynamics of the reproduction rate of new bacteriophage. mutualistic relationship, tells us that the mutu- The point is further globally asymptotically sta- alism does not play positive roles for the stability ble for any length of time delay, if it is locally of ecosystem. When the mutualistic interactions asymptotically stable for any length of time de- between species are stronger than a certain lay and the other equilibrium point with the re- threshold, population sizes of species ultimately source and immune bacteria does not exist. increases. In the present paper, in order to pre- [Fields Institute Communications, Vol. 36, 45-58 vent the divergence, we apply a lattice model, (2003)] and introduce extended Lotka-Volterra equations. The latter is the mean-field theory of the former. These models contain the property of competition due to space limitation. In both models population is usually stable, when the intensity of mutualism are strong. In the lattice 論 文 抄 録 53 model, spatial distribution of species naturally Effect of a parasitoid on permanence of evolves into a specific pattern of either mutual- competing hosts ism or competition, depending on environmen- R. Kon and Y. Takeuchi tal conditions. [J. Physics Soc. of Japan, 72/4, 956-961(2003)] 競争宿主のパーマネンスに対する寄生者の影響 今 隆助、竹内康博 Analysis of a chemostat model for bacteria and bacteriophage In this paper we consider the permanence of E. Beretta, H. Sakakibara and Y. Takeuchi the system composed of two hosts and one parasitoid focusing on the dynamics of a subsystem, バクテリアとバクテリアファージに対する a two-host system. The subsystem is classified ケモスタットモデルの解析 into four classes, namely, dominance, coexistence, bistability and special case. It is shown E. Beretta、榊原宏達、竹内康博 that the system with dominance or coexistence This paper considers the dynamical properties subsystem can be permanent by the introduc- of the time delayed chemostat model composed tion of a parasitoid. Sufficient conditions for the of the resource, a virulent bacteriophage and permanence are given with the forms which can two bacteria(one is sensitive and the other is be easily checked, It is also shown that the sys- immune to predation by the bacteriophage). tems with bistability and special subsystems are First, we give a model and summarize several difficult to be permanent. known results on the basic properties of the model such as the existence of the equilibria, [Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 30, 473-486(2002)] boundedness of the solution, the local and global asymptotic stability of the equilibria. We show that a positive equilibrium point(the Stability analysis of the Kaldor model with time coexistence state composed of the resource, two delays: Monetary policy and government bacteria and the bacteriophage) is locally as- budget constraints ymptotically stable for small values of the delay, loses the stability under the increasing of the Y. Takeuchi and T. Yamamura value of the delay and becomes locally asymp- 時間遅れを持つカルドアモデルの安定性解析:金融政 totically stable again by further increasing of the 策と政府の財政制約 value of the delay. [Vietnam Journal 459-472(2002).] of Mathematics, 竹内康博、山村竜也 Vol. 30, We analyze the model with monetary policy based on the Kaldor's business cycle theory. We introduce the government sector, which conducts the fiscal policy and monetary policy to stabilize the economy. The execution of such a policy needs legislation, and generally, the legislative process is time-consuming. We investigate in this paper how the fiscal policy with a time delay affects stability of the economy. We assume that the monetary policy is conducted as a countermeasure of the fiscal deficit 論 54 文 by the government, and we consider two extreme cases, namely money finance and bond 抄 録 差分方程式で記述される個体群動態モデルの分岐 finance case. In each case, when no time delay 間崎圭一郎、竹内康博 exists for the fiscal policy, Keynesian fiscal policy is the preferred method for preventing the 差分方程式で記述される個体群動態モデルを考察し, economic fluctuations. However it is not so 密度依存効果が総個体数で決まると仮定すると分岐が simple when the time delay exists in the fiscal 決定されることを示し,密度依存効果が幼体と成体の policy. There exists the policy, which stabilizes 1次結合で決まると仮定すると分岐の様子が変化する the economy under any time delay in the money ことを考察した. finance case. On the other hand, in the bond fi- [数理解析研究所講究録, 1309, 76-83(2003)] nance case, such a policy does not exist and as the time delay increases the economy becomes unstable. However in both cases, contrary to the How supplemental food may induce expectations of the government, the stronger the abnormality in wild Japanese macaque fiscal policy, the more unstable the economy populations becomes for the short time delay. [Nonl. Anal. Series B Real World Applications, J. Yoshimura, T. Fujiki, T. Kawai and H. Amagai Vol. 5, Issue 2, 277-308(2004)] 餌付けが日本の野生サルの奇形を どのようにひきおこしたか Stability analysis of a sea bass and young sea bass model M. Yamaguchi and Y. Takeuchi シーバスと小型シーバスモデルの安定性解析 山口正博、竹内康博 吉村 仁、藤木誉行、河合崇尚、雨甲斐広康 Food has been supplied to many wild Japanese macaque(Macaca fuscata)populations in Japan since the 1950s. Since then, the monkeys have often exhibited various physical abnormalities such as anomalies and malformation of the limbs and other body parts. No conclusive explanation exists for these anomalies. Here we In this paper we consider population dy- propose a new population-level hypothesis: anamics of sea bass and young sea bass. It is feeding relaxes selection intensity such that ab- known that young sea bass eats resource such as normal babies tend to be born and survive to a prawn or benthos and when it grows up into adulthood. We build a discrete population dy- sea bass, sea bass eats not only resource but also namic model and use it to simulate successfully pery like small fish. We first consider the model the macaque population of Mt. Takasaki. Con- without time delay, which becomes intra-guild trary to our usual intuition that a bad effect is predastion model. The model can have a chaotic caused by a bad factor, in some situations fre- behavior. By using the stability switch theory, we quent abnormalities could be caused by the shift show that the model can be stabilized by the introduction of the time delay. [数理解析研究所講究録, 1309, 68-75(2003)] to a good environment. [Evolutionary Ecology Research 5: 1103-1109 (2003)] 論 文 抄 録 55 Parameter sensitivity in a lattice ecosystem A role of a low-density species on the with intraguild predation community outcomes in a model ecosystem N. Nakagiri, K. Tainaka, T. Togashi, T. Miyazaki T. Suzuki, N. Nakagiri, K. Tainaka, T. Togashi, and J. Yoshimura T. Miyazaki and J. Yoshimura ギルド内捕食をもつ格子生態系におけるパラメーター の感受性 中桐斉之、泰中啓一、富樫辰也、宮崎龍雄、吉村 仁 モデル生態系における群集効果への低密度種の役割 鈴木崇徳、中桐斉之、泰中啓一、富樫辰也、 宮崎龍雄、吉村 仁 Intraguild predation presents a sound example of a complex ecosystem with both com- We explore the role of a low-density species in petition and predation. We studied the spatial a lattice ecosystem by perturbation experiments. pattern dynamics in the 3-species ecosystems We introduce the third low-density species that with intraguild predation using the lattice ver- is preyed by the common prey, while eats the sion of the Lotka-Volterra model. A food web common predator. The relationship among consists of plant, pure consumer (prey) and three species is cyclic, corresponding to the predatory consumer, where the latter two con- Rock-Paper-Scissors game. We perform pertur- sumers show intraguild predation. The simula- bation experiments by decreasing the repro- tion of the lattice model shows complex patterns duction rate of one common species. We then of phase transition with various parameterde- compare the resulting community structures pendence. The outcomes depend on the combi- and evaluate the effects of the low-density spe- nation of these two reproductive parameters. cies and the perturbation strength on the model This suggests that the stability of this ecosystem ecosystems. The simulation results are depen- depends on the environmental parameters of dent on both the low-density species and per- the component species. Our results suggest that turbation strengths. The results are often para- the discussion of stability based on the ecosys- doxical and different from those expected from tem structure could be meaningless unless all the mean field version of the lattice model. Our ecological and life history parameters of the results imply that the conservation biology and component species are included. Our results management practice of natural ecosystems indicate that a small human activity may have a may be hindered if less common unattractive relatively by species are ignored. Furthermore, an introduc- changing the ecological conditions of their tion of a new species may alter the ecosystem component species. balance without changing the apparent struc- large impact on ecosystems [Proceedings of MODSIM 2003 4: 1691-1696 (2003)] tures of the community. [Proceedings of MODSIM 2003 4: 1673-1678 (2003)] 論 56 文 Effects of ammonium concentration and 抄 録 Simulation of mating behavior of gametes and dilution on the competition between the the evolution of anisogamy in marine green cyanobacterium Microcystis novacekii and the algae: isogamy, slight anisogamy and marked green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda anisogamy T. Miyazaki, K. Takeya, T. Togashi, N. Nakagiri, T. Togashi, A. Kaide, T. Miyazaki, T. Suzuki, N. T. Suzuki and J. Yoshimura Nakagiri, J. Yoshimura, John L. Bartelt and Paul シアノバクテリア Microcystis novacekii と 緑藻 Scenedesmus quadricauda の間の 競争におけるアンモニア濃度と希釈の影響 宮崎龍雄、K. Takeya、富樫辰也、中桐斉之、 鈴木崇徳、吉村 仁 The chemostat theory on two species compe- Alan Cox 海洋性緑藻における配偶子の配偶行動の シミュレーションと配偶子異型性の進化: 同型配偶子、僅かな異型配偶子、著しい異型配偶子 富樫辰也、A. Kaide、宮崎龍雄、鈴木崇徳、中桐斉之、 吉村 仁、John L. Bartelt、Paul Alan Cox tition has shown that the dilution rate where In marine green algae, isogamous and slightly transition of dominance occurs is independent anisogamous species produce positively photo- of limiting-nutrient concentration. However, we tactic gametes: phototactic devices including an obtained the experimental data indicating that eye-spot in both sexes. We numerically simu- the transition-dilution rate changed with varia- lated gamete behavior in three-dimensions, and tions in limiting-ammonium concentrations, us- found that, all else being equal, phototactic ga- ing the chemostat mixed-culture of the cyano- metes have considerable reproductive advan- bacterium Microcystis novacekii and the green tage over non-phototactic ones because they alga Scenedesmus quadricauda . We tried to can search for potential mates on the water simulate the experimental results. We intro- surface – a two-dimensional plane -- rather than duced the effective dilution rate that depended in three dimensions. This suggests that slight on nutrient concentration(ammonium concen- anisogamy in marine green algae has been tration in this study) . A Monod-type hyperbolic maintained by the search efficiencies of photo- function was used to represent the effective di- tactic devices in both sexes. However, in some lution rate for each species. The maximum dilu- markedly anisogamous species, the smaller male tion rate of the function was set to be the me- gametes have no eye-spot, swim randomly, and chanical dilution rate(nominal dilution rate)of do not respond to light stimulus. In contrast, the the chemostat culture. The calculation showed larger female gametes have an eye-spot and ex- that the nominal transition-dilution rate where hibit positive phototaxis. Adding the phero- transition of dominance occurs decreased with monal system to our numerical simulations, we increased concentration. This simulation was discovered that markedly anisogamous species well consistent with our experimental data. can, through pheremones, achieve 2D search [Proceedings of MODSIM 2003 2: 742-746(2003)] efficiencies on the water surface. Therefore, sexual pheromones as well as phototaxis may be a key to understand the mechanisms of the evolution of isogamy, slight anisogamy and marked anisogamy in marine green algae. [Proceedings of MODSIM 2003 2: 736-741(2003)] 論 文 抄 録 57 Population dynamics of some mutualistic forecast the effect of ecological management but relationships also to conserve biospecies. So far, it is well J. Yoshimura, H. Amagai, T. Suzuki, T. Togashi and T. Miyazaki known that competing species can coexist, when they respectively live in different microhabitats. However, such species-speci.fic dif- 相利共生関係の個体群動態 ferentiation does not always hold, if competing species interact with a generalist that can live in 吉村 仁、雨甲斐広康、鈴木崇徳、 a variety of microhabitats. In the present paper, 富樫辰也、宮崎龍雄 we study stability of two competing specialists We consider the population dynamics of mu- by two metapopulation models, that is, island tualistic interactions with positive density and and lattice models. Computer simulations reveal frequency dependences. Positive frequency de- that both models are not always stable. More- pendence is studied in contrast with positive over, we found that all species coexist, when a density dependence, and supposing the general cyclic balance similar to the paper-scissors-rock relationships of symbiosis. We assume that the game holds. The difference of results between two lattice model and mean-field theory is discussed. species are under the Lotka-Volterra density-dependent competition. The equilibria [Proceedings of MODSIM 2003 2: 725-729(2003)] are compared with the cases of competition alone. Unlike the traditional model of positive density dependence, population explosion does The effect of mutualism on community not appear in the current dynamics, but the new stability equilibrium is simply achieved. The two models K. Tainaka, N. Yoshida, N. Terazawa, show a distinctive difference for the coexist- N. Nakagiri, T Hashimoto, Y. Takeuchi and ence. Positive density dependence does not J. Yoshimura promote coexistence of species. Only when the coexistence is achieved under competition, the 相利共生の群集安定性に対する影響 equilibrium densities are increased. In contrast, positive frequency dependence always pro- 泰中啓一、N. 吉田、N. 寺沢、中桐斉之、橋本 剛、 motes coexistence. This change is also qualita- 竹内康博、吉村 仁 tive. Whether Mullerian mimicry is a special The so-called Lotka-Volterra model, which is case of mutualism, or mutualism does not pro- thought to be appropriate for the dynamics of mote coexistence under competition is an open mutualistic relationship, tells us that mutualism question. does not play positive roles for the stability of [Proceedings of MODSIM 2003 2: 730-735(2003)] ecosystem. In the present paper, in order to prevent the divergence, we apply a lattice model, Stability of specialists feeding on a generalist T. Sakata, K. Tainaka, Y. Ito and J. Yoshimura ジェネラリストを食べるスペシャリストの安定性 坂田智之、泰中啓一、伊藤 悠、吉村 仁 The investigation of ecosystem stability of competing species is important not only to and introduce extended Lotka-Volterra equation. In both models, population is usually stable, when the intensity of mutualism are strong. [Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 72: 956-961(2003)] 論 58 文 不満関数を用いる集団区間AHP法 八卷直一、杉山 学、劉 暁東、山田善靖 抄 録 BFGS公式と同等の収束速度を持つ。また、Nocedalの 記憶制限準ニュートン法に比べて、探索方向を求める 際の計算量を大幅に低減できる。 [統計数理研究所共同研究リポート, 161, 1-8,(2003)] AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process)は、主観や直 感を含む意思決定支援ツールとして、多くの適用事例 が報告されている。しかし、AHPは唯一の意思決定者 Behavioral Modeling of EM Devices by を前提としたツールであり、集団の意思決定にはその Selective Orthogonal Matrix Least-Squares ままでは適用できない。AHPを複数のメンバの合意形 Method 成を伴う集団意思決定に用いる試みは幾つか報告され ているが、それらは必ずしも決定的な手法とはなって いない。 Yuichi Tanji, Masaya Suzuki, Takayuki Watanabe, Hideki Asai 本論文は、AHPを、集団の意思決定に適用するため 選択的直交化行列最小二乗法による の一方法を提案している。ここで提案する方法は、集 EMデバイスの動作モデリング 団の各メンバが自己の信ずる評価項目間の一対比較値 を区間として提示し、それらから集団の一対比較値を 丹治裕一、鈴木雅也、渡邉貴之、浅井秀樹 ある意味での最適解として導出する。提示された区間 This paper presents a method for modeling に対して、不満度という概念を導入し、整合性と集団 EM devices, where sample data obtained by 全体の不満をともに最小化する意味で、モデルを構成 numerical EM solver is approximated into a ra- している。 tional matrix of complex s. The model is de- [Journal of Operations Research Society of Japan, 45(3), 268-284,(2003)] scribed in verilog-AMS, thus, the EM devices can be simulated with the digital/circuit mixed circuits described at various abstraction levels. To generate the model, the selective orthogonal 大規模非線形方程式に対する準ニュートン法について 根岸達彦、八巻直一、矢部 博 matrix least-squares method is presented. The computational efficiency of the proposed approach is confirmed on a commercial simulator, compared with the numerical EM method. 非線形方程式の数値解法として、最急降下法の「大域 [Asia and South Pacific Design Automation 的収束性」 とニュートン法の 「局所的に速い収束性」 と Conference, 2C-3, pp. 184-188, Jan. 2003] いうそれぞれの長所をあわせ持つ準ニュートン法 (quasi-Newton method)がよく知られている。準 ニュートン法は無制約問題に対する数値解法の中では、 現在最も有力な解法の1つである。 A Framework for Macromodeling and Mixed-Mode Simulation of 本論文では、変数の数が非常に大きい問題、いわゆ Circuits/Interconnects and Electromagnetic る大規模問題を取り扱う。大規模問題は次元数が非常 Radiations に大きくなり、非常に大規模な記憶領域が必要となる ため、事実上解くことが困難となる。記憶制限準ニュー Takayuki Watanabe, Hideki Asai トン法は大規模な無制約最適化問題を解くためにNo- 回路/配線/電磁界放射のモデリングと混合モードシ cedalによって提案された方法でる。本研究では、拡張 ミュレーションのためのフレームワーク セカント条件を満たす公式を用いて新しい記憶制限準 ニュートン法を構築する。 渡邉貴之、浅井秀樹 本研究で構築した新しい記憶制限準ニュートン法は、 This paper presents a framework for modeling 探索方向を計算する際に、Nocedalが提案したものと and mixed-mode simulation of circuits/inter- 同程度に記憶領域を低減することができる。サイジン connects and electromagnetic(EM-)radiations. グが自然に適用されることにより、サイジングされた The proposed framework investigates the signal 論 文 抄 録 59 integrity in VLSI chips, packages and wiring tronics, Communications and Computer Sci- boards at the GHz-band level, and verifies the ences, Vol. E86-A, No. 2, pp. 335-341, Feb. 2003] electromagnetic interference (EMI) and the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of high-speed systems. In our framework, the fre- Analysis of PCB Interconnects Using quency characteristics of interconnects and Electromagnetic Reduction Technique EM-radiations are extracted by the full-wave FDTD simulation. The macromodels of interconnects are synthesized as SPICE subcircuits, and the impulse responses of EM-radiations are stored in the database. Once the macromodels are synthesized, the circuits simulation with the Takayuki Watanabe, Hideki Asai 電磁界縮退技法を用いたPCB配線網の解析 渡邉貴之、浅井秀樹 consideration of EM-effects can be performed This paper describes the generalized electro- by using SPICE. The EM-field distributions can magnetic model order reduction technique in be also easily calculated by taking convolutions order to construct macromodels of the PCB in- of pre-simulated EM impulse responses and the terconnects in consideration of the detailed lay- SPICE results. out. This technique allows to handle hybrid sys- [IEICE Transaction on Fundamentals of Elec- tem equations consisting of electromagnetic tronics, Communications and Computer Sci- systems and linear lumped networks. The ac- ences, Vol. E86-A, No. 2, pp. 252-261, Feb. 2003] curacy of the proposed method is substantiated with some numerical examples. [IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and A Low Voltage Floating Resister Circuit Having Systems, III-498, May. 2003] Both Positive and Negative Resistance Values Shashidhar Tantry, Yasuyuki Hiraku, Takao Oura, Teru Yoneyama, and Hideki Asai 正負両方の抵抗値を有する低電圧 フローティング抵抗回路 シャシダ・タントリ、平工泰之、大浦崇央、米山 輝、 浅井秀樹 In this paper, we propose a floating resistor circuit with positive and negative resistance operating at the low supply voltages ±1.5V. Only An Efficient Learning Algorithm with Second-Order Convergence for Multilayer Neural Networks Hiroshi Ninomiya, Chikahiro Tomita, Hideki Asai 多層ニューラルネットワークのための二次収束性を有 する効率的な学習アルゴリズム 二宮 洋、富田親弘、浅井秀樹 two transistors are connected between supply This paper describes an efficient second-order lines in order to operate under the low power algorithm for learning of the multilayer neural supply voltages. In this circuit, current subtrac- networks with widely and stable convergent tion is carried out at the gate terminal for which properties. First, the algorithm based on itera- input/output voltage is applied. As a result, the tive formula of the steepest descent method, proposed circuit can realize the large range of which is “implicitly” employed, is introduced. resistance of positive and negative resistances. We show the equivalent property between the Therefore, in an application, the proposed cir- Gauss-Newton(GN)method and the“implicit” cuit is used in neuro-based limit cycle generater steepest descent(ISD)method. This means that as synaptic weights. ISD method satisfy the desired targets by simul- [IEICE Transaction on Fundamentals of Elec- taneously combining the merits of the GN and 論 60 文 SD techniques in order to enhance the very 抄 録 SOM-LS: Selective Orthogonal Matrix good properties of SD method. Next, we propose Least-Squares Method for Macromodeling very powerful algorithm for learning multilayer Multiport Networks Characterized by Sampled feedforward neural networks, called “implicit” Data steepest descent with momentum (ISDM)method and show the analogy with the trapezoidal Yuichi Tanji, Takayuki Watanabe, Hideki Asai formula in the field of numerical analysis. Fi- SOM-LS:標本化データにより特徴付けられた多ポー nally, the proposed algorithms are compared ト回路網をモデル化するための選択的直交化行列 with GN method for training multilayer neural 最小二乗法 networks through the computer simulations. 丹治裕一、渡邉貴之、浅井秀樹 [2003 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, pp. 2028-2032, July 2003] This paper presents the selective orthogonal matrix least-squares(SOM-LS)method for representing a multiport network characterized by Face Image Recognition by 2-Dimensional sampled data with the rational matrix. Recently, Discrete Walsh Transform and Multi-Layer it is needed in a circuit design to evaluate phys- Neural Network ical effects of interconnects and package, and Masahiro Yoshida, Takeshi Kamio, Hideki Asai the evaluation is done by numerical electromagnetic analysis or measurement by network 二次元離散ウォルシュ変換と多層ニューラルネット analyzer. Here, the SOM-LS method will play an ワークによる顔画像認識 important role for generating the macromodels 吉田昌弘、神尾武司、浅井秀樹 of interconnects and package in circuit simulation level. The accuracy of the macromodels is This report describes face image recognition predictable and controllable, that is, the SOM-LS by 2-dimensional discrete Walsh transform and method fits the rational matrix to the sampled multi-layer neural networks. Neural network data, selecting the dominant poles of the rational (NN)is one of the powerful tools for pattern matrix. In examples, simple PCB models are an- recognition. In the previous researches of face alyzed, where the rational matrices are de- image recognition by NN, the gray levels on scribed by Verilog-A, and some simulations are each pixel of the face image have been used for carried out on a commercial circuit simulator. input data to NN. However, because the face [2003 IEEE International Workshop on Behav- image has usually too many pixels, a variety of ioral Modeling and Simulation, pp. 58-63, Oct. approaches have been required to reduce the 2003] number of the input data. In this research, 2-dimensional discrete Walsh transform is used for reduction of input data and the recognition is Model Order Reduction of Electromagnetic done by multi-layer neural networks. Finally, the Systems and RLC Circuits for Power Plane validity of our method is verified. [IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol. E86-A, No. 10, pp. 2623-2627, October 2003] Resonance Analysis Takayuki Watanabe, Hideki Asai パワープレーン共振解析のための電磁界システムと RLC回路のモデル・オーダ・リダクション 渡邉貴之、浅井秀樹 This paper describes an efficient method for generating simulation macromodels of power 論 文 抄 録 61 plane resonances on printed circuit boards Power/Signal Integrity Analysis for Global (PCB). This method models a PCB as a hybrid Solution of SoC/SiP Design system of equations which is composed of electromagnetic systems and RLC circuits. The Hideki Asai, Takayuki Watanabe model order reduction technique is utilized in SoC/SiP設計のグローバル・ソルーションのための order to construct macromodels from the hybrid パワー/シグナル・インテグリティ解析 system of equations. 浅井秀樹、渡邉貴之 [IEEE 12th Topical Meeting on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging, pp. 203-206, This report describes power/signal integrity Oct. 2003] analysis for global solutions of SoC/SiP design. Especially, two kinds of key techniques to simulate efficiently the printed wiring board(PWB) What-If Analyses of Multi-Layer PWB are presented. One is the FDTD (finite-differ- Embedded in the Digital Still Camera with ence time-domain) -based EMI(electromagnetic Parallel-Distributed FDTD-Based Simulator interference)simulation technique and the oth- “BLESS” er is the FDFD(finite-difference frequency-do- Kenji Araki, Hidemasa Kubota, Takayuki Watanabe, Hideki Asai main) -based simulation technique for the hybrid system composed of the electro-magnetic subsystem and the linear lumped networks. These 並列分散型FDTDシミュレータBLESSによるディジ techniques enable to simulate efficiently the タル・カメラ内蔵多層PWBのWhat-If解析 PWBs with the consideration of electromagnetic 荒木健次、久保田英正、渡邉貴之、浅井秀樹 compatibility(EMC)and power/signal integrity. The parallel-distributed FDTD-based full-wave This paper describes a full-wave EMI (elec- simulator was implemented on the PC-cluster tromagnetic BLESS and the FDFD-based simulator was done with (Board Layout Evaluation and Suggestion Sys- the model order reduction technique. Finally, tem)for the printed wiring board(PWB)design the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed with the consideration of electromagnetic com- method are substantiated with some numerical patibility(EMC)and power/signal integrity. This examples. interference) simulator simulator is based on the parallel-distributed [2nd Asian Workshop on Signal Integrity(Elec- finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method, trical Design of Advanced Packaging & Sys- and works on a PC-cluster. The accuracy of tems), pp. 3-8, Nov. 2003] analysis by BLESS is verified in comparison with s-parameter measurements. Using the simulator, the full-wave analysis of the multi-layer PWB in CONTE: 携帯電話を用いた自由曲線を描画可能なイ a commercial digital still camera is demon- ラスト作成ツール strated. With the aid of what-if analysis results, PWB design can be verified and optimized with less number of trial productions. [IEEE 12th Topical Meeting on Electrical Per- 吉滝幸世、太田雅敏、坂根 裕、石原 進、水野忠則 携帯電話を用いて、いつでも、どこにいてもイラス トを作成できれば、外出先での出来事や、ふと思いつ formance of Electronic Packaging, pp. 169-172, いたイメージを、そのとき、その場でイラストにして、 Oct. 2003] 他者に送信したりWWWにより公開したりできる。ま た、途中まで作成した画像を他者に送り、続きを描く ことを繰り返して1枚の絵を作成するコラボレーショ ンアートなどを手軽に楽しめる。しかし、携帯電話に はマウスやタブレットなどのポインティングデバイス 論 62 文 抄 録 が搭載されていないため、自由曲線を用いたオリジナ [The 8th international workshop on Mobile ルイラストを作成することが困難だった。本稿では、 Multimedia Communications(MoMuC2003), pp. 携帯電話のボタンのみの操作で自由曲線の描画を実現 479-484(2003-10, Munich/Germany).] する5種類の描画法およびこれらを用いた描画ソフト CONTE(Canvas ON mobile TElephone)を提案 する。提案した描画法を用いてユーザが意図する画像 Sharing multiple paths for temporarily を描くことができるかを評価実験によって検証し、各 connected mobile computers using Mobile IP 描画法の特性を明らかにした。さらに、CONTEと WWWとの連携によるモバイル環境でのコラボレー S. Ishihara, K. Koyama, Y. Ito, H. Mineno and K. Ohta ションアートを実現する応用アプリケーションを実装 した。 We propose a method to increase com- [情 報 処 理 学 会 論 文 誌, Vol. 44, No. 2. pp. 285-296 munication speed and reliability between mo- (2003-2)] bile computers and the Internet by using multiple links. The method uses multiple links between a temporary group of mobile computers Implementation and evaluation of and the Internet to deliver IP packets between a synchronous distributed multimedia data mobile computer in the group and its cor- transmission on multiple links for group of respondent host on the Internet. We modified a mobile hosts function of a Mobile IP home agent to distribute Y. Saito, S. Ishihara, T. Mizuno, T. Watanabe packets to the multiple links, and designed management protocols for the group of mobile In this paper, we describe implementation and computers and the home agent. We imple- evaluation achieves mented the protocol on Linux and tested it on an high-speed and efficient data transmission be- emulated wireless network and a real IMT-2000 tween multiple mobile hosts and the Internet. network. The results showed that sharing mul- This method enables terminals that have a tiple wireless links with our method increases low-speed link to the Internet to receive and the throughput almost n times of each wireless play a high quality streaming video, and miti- link between mobile computers and the Internet gates the load on the server. Multitrack can be when the bit rate of the link was sufficiently slow used in a cluster-type network where multiple against the bit rate of the link for the temporary mobile hosts are connected to each other with group of mobile computers. of Multitrack that short-range, high-speed links. High-speed com- [2003 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Com- munication with hosts outside the cluster is munications, Computers and Signal Processing achieved by using multiple wireless links from (PACRIM'03), pp. 326-329(2003-8, Victoria/Cana- each mobile host in the cluster and the Internet da)] in parallel and dispersing data traffic to them. By using Multitrack, users of the hosts in the cluster can see a high quality streaming video by shar- Implementation of Cluster Control Manager ing the received multimedia data. However, be- for Multiple Wireless Links Sharing Systems cause of the differences in the bandwidth and the delay, it is important to disperse traffic according to the quality of multiple links in order H. Mineno, Y. Konishi, S. Ishihara, and T. Mizuno to offer a stable multimedia data transmission. Over the last few years, a variety of access We evaluated some traffic dispersion methods in technologies have been deployed. In a multiple the practical environment using our imple- access technology environment, mobile hosts mented system. have multiple network interfaces. We have pro- 論 文 抄 録 63 posed a SHAring multiple paths procedure for a ing the received multimedia data. However, be- cluster Environment (SHAKE) to cause of the differences in the bandwidth and achieve high-speed data transmission in such networK the delay, it is important to disperse traffic ac- heterogeneous In cording to the quality of multiple links in order SHAKE, mobile hosts that are connected by a to offer stable multimedia data transmission. In fast local link --- We call this type of network a this paper an effective traffic dispersion method cluster network --- use multiple long-range for this environment, and evaluate this method wireless links co-owned by all hosts simulta- and other methods by simulations. network environments. neously to communicate with hosts on the Internet. In this paper, we describe a SHAKE Cluster Control Manager(SCCM)that sets up [The international conference on advanced information networking and applications (AINA2003), pp. 644-648(2003-3, Xi'an/China) .] the cluster network autonomously and provides suitable shared network resource information for SHAKE. In some basic experiments, we show The Multi-Sharing Mobile Remote Monitoring the features of SCCM and demonstrated that System-The Four Layer Object Management each host's communication performance is Model and Practical System guaranteed even when a competitor appears within the cluster network. Y. Murata, K. Sugiura, S. Ishihara, F. Sato, and T. Mizuno [2003 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing We developed a multi sharing mobile remote (PACRIM '03), pp. 276-279(2003-8, Victoria/Can- monitoring system MMRM. This paper will ada).] present the four layers object management model and the three layers application protocol stack model that are basic design schemes of Evaluation of Traffic Dispersion Methods for MMRM. The system structure and the function Synchronous Distributed Multimedia Data block diagram of the practical system TRM Transmission on Multiple Links (Tokai-Remote Monitoring System) will be in- Y. Saito, S. Ishihara, T. Mizuno, and T. Watanabe troduced. In addition, system characteristics such as the delay period from trouble detection In this paper, we propose a multimedia data to sending alarm message will also be described. transmission method, Multitrack, that archives [The international conference on advanced in- high-speed and efficient data transmission between multiple mobile hosts and the Internet. formation networking and applications (AINA2003), pp. 587-592(2003-3, Xi'an/China) .] This method enables terminals that have a low speed link to the Internet to receive and play a high quality streaming video, and mitigates the Mobile image monitoring system using video load on the server. Multitrack is used in a interphones --- Development of the Residential cluster-type network where multiple mobile Self Security System hosts are connected to each other with short -range, high-speed links. High-speed com- Y. Murata, Y. Tsuduki, S. Ishihara, F. Sato and T. Mizuno munication with hosts outside the cluster is realized by using multiple wireless links from each This report outlines the development of resi- mobile host in the cluster and the Internet in dential self-security system RSSS that enables parallel and dispersing data traffic to them. By remote using Multitrack, users of the hosts in the cluster around homes, and a remote verification of can see a high quality streaming video by shar- windows/doors locked to ensure high security. communication, image monitoring 論 64 文 抄 録 This system utilized CTI technology that com- vectors of antichains of a rooted forest. Faigle bines a video interphone and PHS by connect- and Kern introduced this concept and showed ing video interphones and IP mobile phones that a dual greedy algorithm works for the linear (NTT DoCoMo's i-mode terminals, etc.)through program over dual greedy polyhedra. In this servers. Functions required in a residential paper, we show that a dual greedy polyhedron is self0security system, structures to ensure system the isomorphic image of an ordinary submodu- security, and the newly developed system will be lar polyhedron under the Möbius function of the discussed in detail. Also, connect time and im- underlying rooted forest. This observation en- age transfer time, important factors in remote ables us to reduce linear optimization problems communications, were measured. over dual greedy polyhedra to those over ordi- [1st International Forum on Information and Computer Technology, pp. 222-227 (2003-1, Shizuoka/Japan) .] nary submodular polyhedra. We show a new max-min theorem for intersection of two dual greedy polyhedra as well. [IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals E86-A (2003)995-999] 相互評価の下での不可能性定理 安藤和敏、小原朱理、山本芳嗣 民主的な社会的決定方法が存在しないことを示唆す るArrowの不可能性定理は、社会的選択理論における 古典的結果である。Arrowの設定では、社会の各構成 Development of a Kanji Drill System with PDAs for Elementary School Students Takeharu ISHIZUKA, Tatsuya HORITA, Masahiro OGAWA and Tomoyuki YAMADA 員は全ての選択肢に対する選好順序を表明するが、本 小学生を対象としたPDAを用いた漢字ドリル 論文では社会の構成員が相互に評価しあう状況、すな 学習システムの開発 わち、社会の各構成員が自分自身を除いた他の全ての 構成員に対して選好順序を表明する状況を対象とする。 石塚丈晴、堀田龍也、小川雅弘、山田智之 こ の よ う な 相 互 評 価 の 状 況 の 下 で の Arrow及 び 本研究では、PDAの手書き文字認識機能を利用して Hanssonの公理系を再定義し、いくつかの公理の組合 書きとり練習を行なう漢字ドリル学習システムを開発 せでは社会的厚生関数の存在に関して肯定的な結果を した。本システムを搭載したPDAを1クラスの児童全 導くことができないことを示す。 員に各1台貸与し、PDA漢字ドリルと学習効果の関係 [Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 46 について研究を行なった。その結果、PDA漢字ドリル (2003)523-533] の利用量が多いほど漢字能力漢字能力も向上するとい う関係があることが、判明した。一方で、児童の学習 記録を教師が把握し適切な指導を随時行なっていく必 Mo ¨bius Functions of Rooted Forests and Faigle-Kern's Dual Greedy Polyhedra Kazutoshi ANDO 根付き半順序集合上のMo ¨bius関数とFaigle-Kernの 双対貪欲多面体 安藤和敏 A dual greedy polyhedron is defined by a system of linear inequalities, where the right-hand sides are given by a submodular function and the coefficients matrix is given by the incidence 要も判明し、そのためのシステムを今後開発していく 必要があることが分かった。 [日 本 教 育 工 学 会 誌, Vol. 27, Suppl.(2003), pp. 303-306] 論 文 抄 録 65 Methane emission from rice fields in mainland TgCH4 yr-1, of which 7.67 Tg was estimated from China: Amount and seasonal and spatial China and 5.88 Tg from India. A high-resolution distribution and quality emission distribution map was con- X. Yan, Z. Cai, T. Ohara and H. Akimoto 中国における稲作地からのメタン発生量:発生量、 季節変動、地域分布 structed as the emission was directly estimated at province level and below that, a 30-second land-use dataset was used in order to translate the emission to grid format. X. Yan, Z. Cai, 大原利眞、秋元肇 [Global Change Biology, Vol. 9, 237-254(2003)] China is the largest rice producer in the world. Methane(CH4)emission from its rice fields has Estimation of nitrous oxide, nitric oxide and been widely measured since the late 1980s. This ammonia emissions from croplands in East, study collected the results of available field re- Southeast and South Asia search, totaling 204 season-treatment measurements conducted on 23 sites. Analysis of these X. Yan, H. Akimoto and T. Ohara data shows that input of organic material, such 東アジア、東南アジアおよび南アジアにおける耕作地 as green manure, animal waste, and crop straw, からのN2O, NO, NH3 発生量の推計 increases CH4 emission by a factor of 2. The region-specific emission factors, and 1995 data X. Yan、秋元 肇、大原利眞 on rice cultivation area, CH4 emission from Agricultural activities have greatly altered the growing-season rice fields in Mainland China global nitrogen cycle and produced nitrogenous yr-1, ranging from gases of environmental significance. More than 5.82 to 9.57 Tg yr-1, due to uncertainties in the half of the global chemical nitrogen fertilizer is areas receiving organic inputs, and intermittent used for crop production in East, Southeast and irrigation. South Asia where rice is the center of nutrition. was estimated to be 7.67 Tg [J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 108, 4505-4518(2003)] Emissions of nitrous oxide(N2O), nitric oxide (NO) and ammonia (NH3) from croplands in this region were estimated by considering both Development of region-specific emission background emission and emissions resulting factors and estimation of methane emission from nitrogen added to croplands, including from rice fields in the East, Southeast and chemical nitrogen, animal manure used as fer- South Asian countries tilizer, biological fixed nitrogen and nitrogen in X. Yan, T. Ohara and H. Akimoto crop residue returned to field. Total N2O emission from croplands in the region was estimated 東アジア、東南アジアおよび南アジアにおける稲作 at 1.16 Tg N yr-1, with 41% contributed by back- 地からのメタンの発生係数と発生量の評価 ground emission which was not considered in previous global estimates. Total NO emission X. Yan、大原利眞、秋元 肇 was 572 Gg N yr-1 in the region, with 38% due to Rice cultivation areas in East, Southeast and background emission. Total NH3 emission was South Asia account for 89% of the world total, estimated at 11.8 Tg N yr-1. and field measurements of methane emission from rice cultivation have been widely performed in this area. In this paper, we assembled most of measurements and developed region-specific CH4 emission factors. Total emission from these areas was estimated at 25.1 [Global Change Biology, Vol. 9, 1080-1096(2003)] 論 66 文 抄 録 Determining fertilizer-induced NO emission about 10.4 Tg CH4. The total methane emissions ratio from soils by a statistical distribution from livestock increased by an average of 2% model per annum from 1965 to 2000. The recent in- X. Yan, K. Shimizu, H. Akimoto and T. Ohara 確率分布モデルを用いた施肥土壌からのNO排出推計 crease in methane emissions in China was especially remarkable. [Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 37, 4393-4406 (2003)] X. Yan、清水邦夫、秋元肇、大原利眞 To reduce uncertainties in the highly variable estimates of NO emission from N fertilizer, we 光化学オキシダントの全国的な経年変動に関する研究 compiled and analyzed available reports of field 大原利眞、坂田智之 measurements on fertilizer-induced NO emission. Three statistical distribution models, log- 1985∼1999年度に日本全国の大気常時監視測定局で normal, gamma and Weibull, were used to fit the 測定された光化学オキシダント年平均濃度を解析した observation data. Results show that while all 結果、82%の測定局において経年的な増加傾向を示し、 three models fit the observation data statisti- その増加率は全国平均で年間0.33ppb/年(1.1%/年) cally, the lognormal model is not applicable to であった。特に1991∼1996年度における増加は著しく、 this data set. A mean fertilizer-induced NO その間に全国平均で約5ppb増加した。また、濃度上昇 emission ratio of 0.71% was derived from a は全国的な現象であること、6月を除く暖候期に増加 Weibull distribution, which is the besting fitting 傾向がやや大きいことなどの特徴が認められた。しか model. し、大気常時監視測定局のOx測定機には1980年代中頃 [Biol Fertil Soils, Vol. 39, 45-50(2003)] から向流吸収管の自動洗浄装置が装着され始め、この 測定法の変化がOx測定濃度の長期変動に一定の影響 を及ぼしている可能性もある。 A country-specific, high-resolution emission [大気環境学会誌、Vol. 38, 47-54(2003)] inventory for methane from livestock in Asia in 2000 関東地域におけるオゾンによる植物影響評価 K. Yamaji, T. Ohara and H. Akimoto −ダメージ関数を用いたインパクト推計− アジア地域における家畜起源メタンの 高木健作、大原利眞 2000年高分解能エミッション・インベントリの構築 関東地域におけるオゾンの植物影響を、大気常時監 山地一代、大原利眞、秋元 肇 視測定局で測定された光化学オキシダント (Ox) 濃度 Methane emissions from livestock in South, データ、収穫量データ及びダメージ関数を用いて定量 Southeast, and East Asia were estimated to be 的に評価した。対象とした植物は農作物8種類とスギ about 29.9 Tg CH4 in 2000 using the Food and である。推計結果によると、オゾンによって関東地域 Agriculture and の植物は大きな影響を受け、農作物収穫量及びスギ乾 district-level data on regional activity and emis- Organization database 重量が大きく減少し、農作物減収による被害総額は年 sion factors, considering regional specificities. 間210億円にものぼる。 These emissions consisted of 25.9 Tg CH4 from 一方、関東地域におけるOx濃度はやや増加傾向にあ enteric fermentation and 4.0 Tg CH4 from live- り、しかも高濃度域が都市域からその周辺域に拡大し stock manure management systems. India had ている。これらのことから、植物影響の視点も考慮し the greatest production, with 11.8 Tg CH4 from て光化学大気汚染対策を講じる必要があると考えられ livestock, primarily cattle and buffaloes. China る。 was also a high-emission country, producing [大気環境学会誌, Vol. 38, 205-216(2003)] 論 文 抄 録 67 Tiny Tools for Supporting Environmental based on results of the preliminary survey. Communication Questionnaires concerning perceptions of trust MAEDA, Yasunobu 環境コミュニケーションを支援するちいさなツール群 前田恭伸 Sharing of environmental information be- in the organizations and the proposed determinants were sent by mail to residents in the area where environmental risk problems had emerged. The data were analyzed by covariance structure analysis to construct models of trust in industry, government, and citizen's groups. As a result, ‘openness and honesty’,‘concern and tween various people, such as citizen groups, care’,‘competence’ , ‘people’ s concern with environmental experts, and laypeople, is an im- risks’ , and‘consensual values’were found to portant way to deal with environmental issues. It be factors directly determining trust. Suggested was with this point of view, that the Ayumisaki in particular, is that‘openness’of an organiza- Project distributed hypertext on water quality tion is not attained merely by information dis- data that were investigated by citizen groups in closure, but also by bi-directional communica- the Ibaraki prefecture. Although many people tion with the people. Moreover, these models accepted the environmental hypertext, some include‘consensual values’ , which do not ap- users needed functions to help understand numerical data and technical terms. This paper pear in the model proposed by Peters et al. [Risk Analysis, 23(2), 303-310(2003)] discusses new program tools, such as the MWQI Tool, the Water Quality Interpreter, and the Client-side Search Engine, that were developed after analyzing their requirements. These pro- 高速道路排水のリスクアセスメント grams were written using Java and JavaScript 前田恭伸 languages, and were designed to be executable on WWW browsers. [Proceedings of Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering(ITEE‘2003), 6 pages(2003)] Risk Assessment of Expected Run-off from a Highway MAEDA, Yasunobu 現在建設中の第二東名高速道路は、既存の東名高速 道路より山側に配置されて計画されているため、その Determinants of Trust in Industry, Government, and Citizen's Groups in Japan Yasunobu Maeda and Makoto Miyahara 道路排水が下流河川の水質に与える影響が懸念される。 そこで本研究では、この高速道路排水が上水道水源に 流れ込むある地域を対象に、想定される道路排水の健 康影響についてリスクアセスメントを行った。取り上 日本における企業、行政、市民グループの げた物質は重金属、PAH、およびTHMである。その結 信頼性の決定要因 果、ブロモジクロロメタンについて10-5を超える発が 前田恭伸、宮原 誠 ん確率が推定された。また、一部の重金属やその他の THMについても比較的高いリスクが示されたため、 The causal structure of the determinants of 今後の流域全体での水質の監視と管理が必要であるこ trust in industry, government, and citizen's とが示唆された。 groups in Japan was investigated on the basis of Peters et al., 1997. A preliminary survey of the adequacy of the hypotheses proposed by Peters et al. in Japan was made. A set of hypothesized determinants of trust in Japan was proposed [環境情報科学論文集, No. 17, 247-252(2003)] 論 68 文 抄 録 高アンモニア濃度条件下での嫌気性消化における equivalent -- the decrease in carrying capacity K 酸生成細菌の有機物資化特性 that causes the same enhancement of extinction 藤島繁樹、宮原高志、小野寺寿治、野池達也 嫌気性消化における高アンモニア濃度条件での酸生 成段階の有機物分解特性は明らかにされた。反応槽内 のアンモニア濃度が限界濃度を超えると、たんぱく質 risk as chemical exposure at a given level. The risk equivalent can be used in mitigation banking. [Chemosphere 53, 377-387.(2003)英文, システム工学 科] 分解に先駆けて炭水化物の分解が急激に低下する。こ れは代謝経路の変化を伴うものであり、滞留時間を長 くとることでエタノール生成の割合が高まる程度の影 Can transitive inference evolve in animals 響に抑えることができるが、滞留時間の変更が困難な playing hawk-dove game? 場合の有効な対策として、炭水化物を主成分とする基 Mayuko Nakamaru(システム工学科) 質を添加することで、アンモニアによる阻害のないプ Akira Sasaki. ロセスにできることが明らかにされた。 [土木学会論文集, 7(727), 31-38,(2003)] What should an individual do if there are no reliable cues to the strength of a competitor when fighting with it for resources? We herein Extinction Risk to Bird Populations Caused by examine the evolutionarily stable strategy(ESS) DDT Exposure. in the hawk-dove game, if the opponents re- Mayuko Nakamaru (システム工学科) Yoh Iwasa & Junko Nakanishi source holding potential(RHP)can only indirectly be inferred from the outcome of past interactions in the population. The strategies we The impact of toxic chemicals on wild animals examined include the classical mixed strategy in and plants can be quantified in terms of the en- which no information on past games is utilized, hanced risk of population extinction. the "imprinting" strategy in which a player To il- lustrate a method for doing this, we estimated increases/decreases such impact for two bird species: herring gull wins/loses a game, the "immediate inference" (Larus argentatus)in Long Island, NY, and spar- strategy in which a player can infer the strength rowhawk (Accipiter nisus) in easthern England, of those opponents it fought before, and the its aggressiveness if it when they were exposed to DDT(p, p'-dichlo- "transitive inference" strategy in which a player rodiphenyltrichloroethane)and its metabolites can infer the strength of a new opponent (called DDTs). The method we used is based on through a third party with which both players a formula of the mean time to population ex- have fought before. Invasibility analysis for each tinction derived for a stochastic differential pair equation(the canonical model). The intrinsic transitive-inference strategy can always invade rate of natural population growth was estimated the mixed strategy and the imprinting strategy, from an exponentially growing population, and and itself refuses invasion by these strategies; the intensity of the environmental fluctuation (ii) the largest advantage for transitive-infer- was estimated from the magnitude of population ence is achieved when the number of games size fluctuation. The effect of exposure to DDTs played per individual in one generation is small in reducing the population growth rate was and when the cost of losing an escalated game is evaluated based on an age-structured popula- large;(iii)the immediateinference, rather than tion model, by assuming that age-specific fertil- the transitive-inference, can be an ESS if the cost ity is density-dependent and sensitive to DDTs of fighting is small;(iv)a strong linear ranking is exposure, but age-specific survivorship is not. established in the population of transitive-infer- The results are expressed in terms of the risk ence strategists, though it does not perfectly of strategies revealed that (i) the 論 文 抄 録 69 correlate to the ranking by actual RHPs. We breeding females) , and CV(coefficient of vari- found that the advantage of the transitive infer- ation)= 0.2(s2e=0.0298). Risk equivalent allows ence is not in its ability to correct a misassess- us to compare different risk factors and is useful ment(it is actually the worst in doing so), but in in mitigation banking. [Environmental Toxicology the ability of quickly lining up either incorrect or and Chemistry 21, 195-202.(2002)英文、システム工学 correct assessments to form a linear dominance 科] (この要旨は、昨年載せ忘れたものです。) hierarchy. [Journal of Theoretical Biology, 222, 461-470.(2003)英 文、システム工学科] Chaotic Dynamics in Semiconductor Lasers with Optical Feedback Extinction Risk to Herring Gull populations from DDT Exposure. Junji Ohtsubo 戻り光半導体レーザにおけるカオスダイナミクス Mayuko Nakamaru(システム工学科) Yoh Iwasa, Junko Nakanishi. 大坪順次 The impact of toxic chemicals on wild animals The article deals with the dynamics of feed- and plants can be quantified in terms of the en- back induced instability and chaos, especially hanced risk of population extinction. To il- for optical feedback. The characteristics of lustrate the method, we estimated it for herring semiconductor lasers as class-B lasers based on gull(Larus argentatus)populations in Long Island, the rate equations including various laser struc- NY, exposed to DDT (p, p'-dichlorodiphenyl- tures are reviewed and, then, the effects of op- trichloroethane) and its metabolites (abbrevi- tical feedback in semiconductor lasers are dis- ated as DDTs) with a strong biomagnification cussed. As applications of chaos in semicon- effect. The method is based on a formula of the ductor lasers with optical feedback, chaos con- mean time to population extinction derived for a stochastic differential equation (the canonical trol and chaos communications are present. [Prog. in Opt. Vol. 44, pp. 1-84 2002] model) . The intrinsic rate of natural population growth was estimated from the doubling time of an exponentially growing population and the Expanded-Bandwidth Chaos Synchronization intensity of the environmental fluctuation from in Semiconductor Lasers with Optical the magnitude of population size fluctuation. Feedback by Strong Optical Injection The effect of exposure to DDTs in reducing the population growth rate was evaluated based on Yoshiro Takiguchi, Koji Ohyagi, Junji Ohtsubo an age-structured population model, by assum- 強光注入により帯域拡大された ing that age-specific fertilities(including chick 半導体レーザのカオス同期 survivorship)are density-dependent and sensitive to DDTs exposure, but age-specific survi- 滝口由朗、大八木紘司、大坪順次 vorships are not. The results are expressed in Bandwidth-enhanced chaos synchronization terms of the risk equivalent -- the decrease in the in strongly injection-locked semiconductor la- carrying capacity K that causes the same en- sers with optical feedback is numerically studied hancement of extinction risk as chemical expo- based on the laser rate equations. The band- sure at a given level. The high concentration width of chaotic carrier frequency in a semi- reported in Long Island, NY, in the 1960s cor- conductor laser with optical feedback is ex- responds to the equivalent loss of carrying ca- panded roughly three times by a strong optical pacity by 30.5 % when K is 100 (the number of injection compared with the case of no optical 論 70 文 injection. Using a bandwidth-enhanced semi- 抄 録 [Opt. Lett. Vol. 28 No. 18, pp. 1677-1679 2003] conductor lasers as chaotic transmitter and receiver, the transmitter and the receiver lasers synchronize under a complete chaos synchro- Anticipating Chaos Synchronization at High nization scheme. Optical Feedback Rate in Compound Cavity [Opt. Lett. Vol.28 No.5, pp. 319-321 2003] Semiconductor Lasers kenji Kusumoto, Junji Ohtsubo Observation of Low-Frequency Fluctuations in 高反射率複合共振器半導体レーザにおける VCSELs with Optical Feedback 予想同期カオス Natsuki Fujiwara, Junji Ohtsubo, 楠本憲嗣、大坪順次 Yoshiro Takiguchi Numerical studies for anticipating chaos syn- 戻り光面発光レーザにおける低周波振動の観測 藤原夏樹、大坪順次、滝口由朗 chronization in semiconductor lasers with optical feedback are presented. Anticipating chaos synchronization in a delay-differential system is believed to be occurred when all chaos param- Low-frequency fluctuations(LFFs)which are eters between the two systems are perfectly co- typical chaotic oscillations in edge-emitting incident with each other. However we find new semiconductor lasers are experimentally ob- schemes of anticipating chaos synchronization served for a y-polarization mode(y is the direc- when the parameters between the two systems tion along the optical axis of a laser material)in have mismatches. Under these conditions, the a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser(VCSEL) time lag between the two laser outputs is equal with optical feedback. to that of anticipating chaos synchronization, [Opt. Lett. Vol. 28 No. 11, pp. 896-898 2003] but the physical origin of the phenomenon comes from optical injection-locking or amplification in laser systems. We show the evidence of Experimental Synchronization in Mutually such chaotic synchronization using trajectories Coupled VCSELs in the phase space of the phase difference and Natsuki Fujiwara, Yoshiro Takiguchi, Junji Ohtsubo the carrier density in the laser oscillations. [IEEE J. Quantum Electron. Vol. 39 No. 12, pp. 1531-1536 2003] 相互結合した面発光レーザにおける 実験的カオス同期の観測 藤原夏樹、滝口由朗、大坪順次 Synchronization of chaotic oscillations is observed in mutually-injected vertical-cavity 指押し課題による視覚依存性反射的サッカードに伴う 注意解除の検討 海老澤嘉伸、渡邊昌彦、天野 亮 surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) in a low-fre- A Study of Attentional Disengagement quency fluctuation(LFF)regime. In the experi- Accompanied by with a Visually-Guided ments, only one of the two polarization modes(x Reflexive Saccade Using Manual mode)shows synchronized oscillations and the Reaction Times other polarization components (y mode) synchronize due to the effect of anti-correlated oscillations that is a characteristic feature in VCSELs. Yoshinobu Ebisawa, Masahiko Watanabe, and Ryo Amano サッカードの発生前には、注視点からの注意の解除 論 文 抄 録 71 が必要であるとされている。本研究では、注意の解除 中における大小の注視点周辺での注意レベルの変動を 指押し課題により調べ、解除中に注意集中範囲が経時 連続点滅光のサッカード定位誤りの点滅頻度依存性 的に広がるという仮説を支持する結果を得た. 海老澤嘉伸 [電子情報通信学会論文誌D-II,Vol. J86-D-II, No. 2, pp. 354-358(2003)] Dependence of Flashing Frequency on Saccade-Contingent Visual Mislocalization of a Repeatedly Flashing Stimulus 超音波位置計測に基づく頭部運動による ポインティングシステム 布下正意、海老澤嘉伸、石間大典 Yoshinobu Ebisawa Subjects were placed, in complete darkness, and asked to elicit a saccade from a repeatedly Head pointing system based on ultrasonic flashing stimulus in the center of the visual field position measurement to a saccade target located 10 deg to the right of Masaoki Nunoshita, Yoshinobu Ebisawa, and Daisuke Ishima the stimulus. The stimulus produced several phantom flashes basically in the direction of the saccade;they were mislocalized to the saccade 頭部運動が可能な四肢麻痺患者がパソコンを扱える target, when the flashing frequency was high ように、超音波センサを用いた頭部ポインティングシ (e.g., 500 Hz). The stimulus was extinguished ステムを構成した。従来法に比べ、パソコン画面上に near the saccade in time. The subjects reported おいて、常に顔正面にカーソルを提示できる点で操作 the position of the finally perceived phantom 性に優れている。健常者3名において、提案法はマウ flash. The results of the two experiments showed スと大差のないポインティングスピードを示した。 that the degree of mislocalization decreasing [映像情報メディア学会論文誌, Vol. 57, No. 3, p. flashing frequency, but it is not affected by the 403-408(2003)] luminance of each flash or the average luminance of the flashing stimulus. Our previous study suggested that the degree of mislocaliza- 注視点消灯後の視標出現位置における注意レベルの tion depends on the attended position during 変動とサッカード反応時間の関係 the saccade. The results of the present study 天野 亮、海老澤嘉伸 Relationship between Saccade Reaction Times were discussed related to the attention shift. [映像情報メディア学会論文誌, Vol. 57,No. 12, pp. 1669-1676(2003)] and Attentional Levels at Target Appearing Positions after Fixation Point Disappearance Ryo Amano and Yoshinobu Ebisawa あらまし本研究では、視標出現に対する指押し反応 時間が、視標出現時の視標出現位置における注意レベ 視標出現の予期によるサッカード反応時間の変化 海老澤嘉伸、天野 亮 ルを反映していると仮定して、サッカードと指押しの Variation of Saccade Reaction Times 両反応時間を同時計測した。その結果、注視点消失か Depending Upon Anticipation of Target ら視標出現までのギャップ時間に視標出現位置におけ Appearance る注意レベルが経時的に上昇することを示唆する結果 を得た。 [映像情報メディア学会論文誌,Vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 413-416(2003)] Yoshinobu Ebisawa and Ryo Amano 本研究では、左右に出現する視標の確率を4:1と1: 4にした二つの実験条件間で、サッカード反応時間 (SRT)と指押し反応時間(MRT) を比較し、出現確率の 論 72 文 抄 録 高いほうの視標に対して、両反応時間が短くなること veloped to identify electrolytes in an aqueous を示す。MRTは、視標出現位置での注意レベルを反映 solution without selective coatings. When the していると考えられているため、視標出現をより強く electrical properties of sample solution are the 予期した方の位置での注意レベルの上昇と、それが原 same, it is impossible to identify the differences 因となってSRTの短縮が起こったと考えられる。 by using steady-state values. The transient re- [映像情報メディア学会論文誌, Vol. 57, No. 12, pp 1759-1763(2003)] sponses from the liquid-flow system, however, depend on the materials contained in a sample solution. Therefore, it is possible to determine the type of ion species in the solution from the Eye Tracking Based on Ultrasonic Position transient responses. To identify and evaluate Measurement in Head Free Video-Based the sample solutions, the self-calibrating ratio- Eye-Gaze Detection metric method(SCRM)is proposed. Since the Daisuke Ishima and Yoshinobu Ebisawa SCRM is based on the time differences between rise and fall responses, the influences of experi- 頭部運動を許容するビデオ式視点検出における超音波 mental conditions can be calibrated and thus 位置計測に基づく眼の追尾 ignored. The results indicate that the SCRM is 石間大典、海老澤嘉伸 an effective identification method based on the transient responses. Moreover, the mechanisms We are developing a head free video-based are discussed and it is found that the dispersion eye-gaze detection system. In the present study, of an electrolyte based on the gravity effect and a recently developed ultrasonic head tracking the evanescent piezoelectric potential are es- system is used to keep capturing eye image in focus with zoom-focus control and one-mirror rotation systems which we previously devel- sential for the identification. [Sensors and Actuators B, Vol. 91, Issue1-3, pp. 309-315(2003)] oped. The experimental results show that the proposed total system makes it possible to detect Development of Practical Surface Acoustic the eye’ s feature points necessary for deter- Wave Liquid Sensing System and its mining the eye gaze, even if the head moves Application For Measurement of Japanese Tea back and forth or right and left, relatively fast. [Proceedings of IEEE EMBS Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomedical Engineering 2003, 2 pages (2003)] Jun Kondoh, Takao Muramatsu, Tetsuo Nakanishi, Yoshikazu Matsui, Showko Shiokawa 弾性表面波液体計測システムの開発と 日本茶測定への応用 Identification of Electrolyte Solutions Using a Shear Horizontal Surface Acoustic Wave Sensor with a Liquid-flow System Jun Kondoh, Yoshikazu Matsui, and Showko Shiokawa 近藤 淳、村松隆雄、中西徹郎、松井義和、塩川祥子 In this paper, we report on the development of a practical compact and stable sensing system with a shear horizontal surface acoustic wave (SH-SAW)sensor for liquid. First, the oscillation 液体フローシステムと弾性表面波センサを用いた電解 circuits for the liquid-phase sensor based on the 質水溶液の識別 SH-SAW device is discussed. Two sensor out- 近藤 淳、松井義和、塩川祥子 puts, i.e., frequency and amplitude, are required for evaluating the liquid properties. To monitor A liquid-flow system with a shear horizontal the amplitude, an automatic gain control ampli- surface acoustic wave(SH-SAW)sensor is de- fier is utilized in the oscillation circuit. The de-
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