結 果 の 概 要 SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS (備考) ・表中の結果数値は推定値を四捨五入して表章していること及び総数は内訳「不詳」を含むことから、内訳 の数値の合計と総数とは必ずしも一致しない。 ・法人建物調査においては、以下の建物は調査の対象となっていない。 ○社宅・従業員住宅、賃貸用住宅 ○棚卸資産に該当する土地にある建物 ○農地・山林に該当する土地にある建物 ○電気業における「送配電施設用地、変電施設用地、発電所用地」 、ガス業における「ガス供給施設用地」 、 国内電気通信業・国際電気通信業における「通信施設用地」 、放送業における「放送施設用地」及び鉄道 業における「停車場用地、鉄軌道用地など、鉄道林用地」並びに「道路用地(未供用を含む) 」にある建 物 ・建物所有の有無を除き、延べ床面積200㎡未満の建物は集計されていない。 (Note) ・The breakdown figures do not add up to the total because figures in the tables are rounded off of the estimate and also because the total includes breakdown items “not reported”. ・Following buildings are not subject to the Corporations Survey on Buildings. ○Corporate-owned housing or dormitories, housing for employee’s welfare and rental housing ○Buildings located on Stock Land ○Buildings located on Farmland, Mountain and Forest land ○Buildings on the “site for Power Transmission and Distribution Lines, Substations and Power Stations” of the electrical industry, the “site for Gas Supply Facilities” of the gas industry, the “site for Telecommunication facilities” of the domestic and international telecommunication industry, the “site for Broadcasting Facilities” of the broadcasting industry, and the “site for Stations, Railways, Railway Forest” and the “site for Road (including not in use)”of the railway industry. ・Excepting those for whether or not owning buildings, the total figures do not include buildings with floor space of less than 200㎡. (78) 1 Tenure state of buildings (1) Summary of tenure state of buildings The tenure rate of building by corporations is 43.2%. The total floor space owned reached 1,660 million m2. As of March 31, 1998, approximately 808 thousand corporations own buildings and the building tenure rate results in 43.2%. Among those corporations, such corporations owning buildings only on land used by self (i.e. corporations own both the land and buildings, and use them by themselves) results in about 370 thousand corporations and those corporations who own buildings only on land used by other (i.e. corporations own and use buildings located on leased land or corporations own both land and buildings which is rented to other person) results in about 351 thousand corporations. When looking at the number of buildings owned by corporations, buildings other than factories of manufacturer with capital of ¥100 million and over (hereinafter referred to as “large-corporation factories”) reaches approximately 1,030 thousands, while the number of large-corporation factories reaches approximately 20 thousands. And when looking at the total floor space of buildings owned by corporations, the aggregated the total size of floor space results in 1,660 million m2 (equivalent to almost 11,000 times of the Kasumigaseki Building). Its breakdown consists of 1,280 million m2 for the total size of floor space of buildings other than large-corporation factories and 380 million m2 for the total size of floor space of large-corporation factories. Table 1-1-1 Tenure State of Buildings Owned by Corporations Total number of corporations Owning buildings Owning buildings on land used by self and land used by others Owning building only on land used by self Owning building only on land used by others (Repeat) Owning building only on land used by self Owning building only on land used by others Not owning buildings 1) 2) Number of corporations 1,870,420 807,560 87,190 369,640 350,740 Percentage (%) 100.0 43.2 4.7 19.8 18.8 456,830 437,930 1,062,860 24.4 23.4 56.8 Land used by self means a piece of land which a corporation uses by itself. State that a corporation owns buildings on land used by self, means that a corporations owns both a piece of land and buildings, where such corporation uses both the land and buildings by itself. Land used by other means that a piece of land which a corporation rents to other person than the corporation, or a site of a rental house. State that a corporation owns buildings on land used by other, means other state than owning buildings on land used by self, including that a corporation owns both a piece of land and buildings and rents them to other person and that a corporation owns building on a piece of land which such corporation rents from other person. Table 1-1-2 The Number and the Total Size of Floor Space of Buildings Owned by Corporations 1) Total size of floor Number of space buildings/number of factories (1,000㎡) Buildings excluding factories of manufacturer with capital of \100 million and over (large-corporation factories) Factories of manufacturer with capital of \100 million and over (large-corporation factories) 2) Total 1) 2) 2 1,031,220 1,281,906 19,550 376,752 1,050,770 1,658,658 Total includes only buildings with total floor size of 200m and over. For Factories of manufacturer with capital of ¥100 million and over (large-corporation factories), total numbers have been complied factory by factory. (79) (2) Tenure state of buildings by types of industry The largest number of tenure buildings shows the services; the largest total size of floor space shows the manufacturing; the largest total size of floor space by one corporation shows the finance/insurance. When looking at the corporations owning buildings by types of industry, the highest percentages of corporations owning buildings are the real estate with 54.4% and others (the agriculture/forestry/fishery, the mining, the electricity, gas, heat supply and water) with 54.3% etc. and the lowest are the finance/insurance with 29.6% and the wholesale, retail trade, eating/drinking places with 35.4% and etc. When looking at the number of buildings owned by corporations by types of industry, the services results in the largest with about 301 thousand buildings as for the number of buildings other than large-corporation factories. When looking at the total size of floor space of tenure buildings including large-corporation factories, the manufacturing results in the largest with about 650 million m2. When looking at the total size of floor space per one building of buildings owned by corporations, the finance/insurance results in the largest. Figure 1-2-1 Tenure Rate of Building by Types of Industry 40.8 Construction Manufacturing 49.3 Transport and communication 44.6 Wholesale, retail trade, eating/drinking places 35.4 29.6 Finance, insurance 54.4 Real estate 48.3 Services Other services 0.0 Figure 1-2-2 Number of Building and Factories Owned 図1-2-2 業種別の所有建物数・工場数 b C ti b T fI d Finance, insurance 37,520 Real estate 71,390 50.0 67,760 273,309 376,752 95,292 Wholesale, retail trade, eating/drinking places 233,663 51,059 Finance, insurance 149,961 Real estate 390,247 Services 20,616 Other services 18,360 Other services 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 0 400,000 Number of large-corporation factories 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 (thousand ㎡) (house/place) Number of buildings 60.0 (%) Total Size of Floor Space by Types of Transport and communication 300,970 Services Figure 1-2-3 40.0 Manufacturing 19,550 230,400 Wholesale, retail trade, eating/drinking places 30.0 t 47,430 Transport and communication 20.0 Construction 231,090 Manufacturing 10.0 Industry 図1-2-3 業種別の総延べ床面積 94,070 Construction 54.3 Buildings Large-corporation factories (80) Figure 1-2-4 Total Size of Floor Space per One Corporation by Types of Industry Figure 1-2-4 541.0 Construction 3,891.6 Manufacturing 3,828.5 Transport and communication 1,097.9 Wholesale, retail trade, eating/drinking places Finance, insurance 9,385.8 2,813.0 Real estate 1,860.3 Services 2,280.5 Other services 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 (81) (3) Tenure State of Buildings by Area Tokyo-to, Osaka-fu, Aichi-ken, etc. have attracted many buildings. When looking at the distribution of buildings by prefectures, the largest total size of floor space are Tokyo-to (about 165 million m2), Osaka-fu (about 119 million m2), Aichi-ken (about 117 million m2) and etc. Among them, for the total size of floor space of large-corporation factories, the largest are Aichi-ken (about 39 million m2), Kanagawa-ken (about 30 million m2), Hyogo-ken (about 21 million m2) and etc. When looking at the total size of floor space per one building other than large-corporation factories, the largest is Tokyo-to with about 2,103m2, followed by Kanagawa-ken (about 1,670m2) and Osaka-fu (about 1,556m2). Figure 1-3-1 Total Size of Floor Space by Prefectures (Including Large-Corporation Factories) Figure 1-3-1 164,681 (thousand ㎡) 180,000 32,523 40,637 22,965 9,362 18,027 20,517 6,511 61,684 74,093 12,308 11,774 8,230 10,496 20,000 31,383 24,383 30,389 40,000 57,683 60,000 36,289 22,945 20,018 14,876 11,049 32,610 30,481 80,000 74,988 16,989 17,332 28,025 13,423 16,774 27,773 41,792 34,107 29,813 57,080 60,387 100,000 90,569 120,000 11,948 15,749 19,628 15,364 12,982 18,351 8,748 116,711 140,000 119,431 160,000 Hokkaido Aomori-ken Iwate-ken Miyagi-ken Akita-ken Yamagata-ken Fukushima-ken Ibaraki-ken Tochigi-ken Gumma-ken Saitama-ken Chiba-ken Tokyo-to Kanagawa-ken Niigata-ken Toyama-ken Ishikawa-ken Fukui-ken Yamanashi-ken Nagano-ken Gifu-ken Shizuoka-ken Aichi-ken Mie-ken Shiga-ken Kyoto-fu Osaka-fu Hyogo-ken Nara-ken Wakayama-ken Tottori-ken Shimane-ken Okayama-ken Hiroshima-ken Yamaguchi-ken Tokushima-ken Kagawa-ken Ehime-ken Kochi-ken Fukuoka-ken Saga-ken Nagasaki-ken Kumamoto-ken Oita-ken Miyazaki-ken Kagoshima-ken Okinawa-ken 0 北 青 岩 宮 秋 山 福 茨 栃 群 埼 千 東 神 新 富 石 福 山 長 岐 静 愛 三 滋 京 大 兵 奈 和 鳥 島 岡 広 山 徳 香 愛 高 福 佐 長 熊 大 宮 鹿 沖 海 森 手 城 田 形 島 城 木 馬 玉 葉 京 奈 潟 山 川 井 梨 野 阜 岡 知 重 賀 都 阪 庫 良 歌 取 根 山 島 口 島 川 媛 知 岡 賀 崎 本 分 崎 児 縄 道 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 都 川 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 府 府 県 県 山 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 島 県 県 県 県 1,000 0 2,103 15,000 2,502 2,121 2,962 3,385 2,392 1,551 378 2,062 3,643 4,604 729 1,770 2,846 1,022 1,591 12,389 8,885 11,704 8,306 25,000 19,006 21,445 39,142 40,000 10,142 9,369 6,253 19,151 30,138 35,000 6,159 7,352 3,122 2,579 2,852 6,315 6,802 Figure 1-3-2 1,556 1,389 1,227 1,035 947 994 1,170 1,195 899 919 1,121 1,082 894 1,387 1,047 1,013 1,061 990 1,003 981 1,337 1,670 20,000 17,182 11,888 9,349 15,113 17,515 11,347 8,401 1,694 2,631 4,680 1,499 2,851 7,741 (thousand ㎡) 961 1,084 1,157 940 1,034 991 1,057 1,125 1,265 1,164 1,111 1,184 1,500 1,464 Hokkaido Aomori-ken Iwate-ken Miyagi-ken Akita-ken Yamagata-ken Fukushima-ken Ibaraki-ken Tochigi-ken Gumma-ken Saitama-ken Chiba-ken Tokyo-to Kanagawa-ken Niigata-ken Toyama-ken Ishikawa-ken Fukui-ken Yamanashi-ken Nagano-ken Gifu-ken Shizuoka-ken Aichi-ken Mie-ken Shiga-ken Kyoto-fu Osaka-fu Hyogo-ken Nara-ken Wakayama-ken Tottori-ken Shimane-ken Okayama-ken Hiroshima-ken Yamaguchi-ken Tokushima-ken Kagawa-ken Ehime-ken Kochi-ken Fukuoka-ken Saga-ken Nagasaki-ken Kumamoto-ken Oita-ken Miyazaki-ken Kagoshima-ken Okinawa-ken 5,000 1,081 1,036 943 1,175 952 962 975 1,154 1,150 999 1,193 10,000 Hokkaido Aomori-ken Iwate-ken Miyagi-ken Akita-ken Yamagata-ken Fukushima-ken Ibaraki-ken Tochigi-ken Gumma-ken Saitama-ken Chiba-ken Tokyo-to Kanagawa-ken Niigata-ken Toyama-ken Ishikawa-ken Fukui-ken Yamanashi-ken Nagano-ken Gifu-ken Shizuoka-ken Aichi-ken Mie-ken Shiga-ken Kyoto-fu Osaka-fu Hyogo-ken Nara-ken Wakayama-ken Tottori-ken Shimane-ken Okayama-ken Hiroshima-ken Yamaguchi-ken Tokushima-ken Kagawa-ken Ehime-ken Kochi-ken Fukuoka-ken Saga-ken Nagasaki-ken Kumamoto-ken Oita-ken Miyazaki-ken Kagoshima-ken Okinawa-ken (82) 図1-3-2 都道府県別の総延べ床面積(大企業工場) Total Size of Floor Space by Prefectures (Large-Corporation Factories) 45,000 30,000 0 北 青 岩 宮 秋 山 福 茨 栃 群 埼 千 東 神 新 富 石 福 山 長 岐 静 愛 三 滋 京 大 兵 奈 和 鳥 島 岡 広 山 徳 香 愛 高 福 佐 長 熊 大 宮 鹿 沖 海 森 手 城 田 形 島 城 木 馬 玉 葉 京 奈 潟 山 川 井 梨 野 阜 岡 知 重 賀 都 阪 庫 良 歌 取 根 山 島 口 島 川 媛 知 岡 賀 崎 本 分 崎 児 縄 道 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 都 川 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 府 府 県 県 山 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 島 県 県 県 県 Figure 1-3-3 図1-3-3 都道府県別の1建物当たり延べ床面積(大企業工場を除く) Total Size of Floor Space by Prefectures (Excluding Large-Corporation Factories) 2,500 (㎡) 2,000 500 北 青 岩 宮 秋 山 福 茨 栃 群 埼 千 東 神 新 富 石 福 山 長 岐 静 愛 三 滋 京 大 兵 奈 和 鳥 島 岡 広 山 徳 香 愛 高 福 佐 長 熊 大 宮 鹿 沖 海 森 手 城 田 形 島 城 木 馬 玉 葉 京 奈 潟 山 川 井 梨 野 阜 岡 知 重 賀 都 阪 庫 良 歌 取 根 山 島 口 島 川 媛 知 岡 賀 崎 本 分 崎 児 縄 道 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 都 川 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 府 府 県 県 山 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 県 島 県 県 県 県 (83) 2 (1) Tenure State of Buildings by Scale Tenure State of Buildings by Types of Industry Buildings of the total floor space group of 200 - 500m2 account for 50% of the whole. When looking at the tenure state of buildings by the scale of total floor space, by the number of buildings excluding the large-corporation factories, the buildings of the group of total floor space of 200 - 500m2 account for about 50%. By the types of industry, the high percentages of small scale buildings with total floor space of 200 - 500m2 are the construction, while the high percentages of large scale buildings with total floor space of 2,000m2 and over are the transport/communication, the real estate, and etc. This trend is same for the results by the total floor space. Figure 2-1-1 Percentage of the Number of Buildings by Total Floor Space, by Types of Industry 図2-1-1 業種別の延べ床面積別建物数割合(大企業工場を除く) (Excluding Large-Corporation Factories) Whole Types of Industry Total Construction Manufacturing Transport and communication Wholesale, retail trade, eating/drinking places Finance, insurance Real estate Services Other services 0% 20% 200 - 500㎡ 500 - 1000㎡ 1000 - 2000㎡ 5000 - 10000㎡ 10000 - 20000㎡ 20000㎡ and over 40% 60% 80% 100% 2000 - 5000㎡ Figure 2-1-2 Size Percentage by Total Floor Space, by Types of Industry 図2-1-2 業種別の延べ床面積別面積割合(大企業工場を除く) (Excluding Large-Corporation Factories) Whole Types of Industry Total Construction Manufacturing Transport and communication Wholesale, retail trade, eating/drinking places Finance, insurance Real estate Services Other services 0% 20% 200 - 500㎡ 500 - 1000㎡ 1000 - 2000㎡ 5000 - 10000㎡ 10000 - 20000㎡ 20000㎡ and over 40% 60% 2000 - 5000㎡ 80% 100% (84) (2) Tenure State of Buildings by Scale by Regions The high percentages of large scale buildings in the total size of floor space are Tokyo-to, Chiba-ken, Kanagawa-ken, etc. When looking at the tenure state of buildings by scale of total floor size by prefectures, the high percentages of large scale buildings with the total floor space of 20,000m2 and over are Tokyo-to (29.0%), Chiba-ken (24.5%), Kanagawa-ken (23.0%) and etc. Figure 2-2-1 Size Percentage by Total Floor Space by Prefectures (Excluding Large-Corporation Factories) 図2-2-1 都道府県別の延べ床面積別面積割合(大企業工場を除く) 100% 80% 60% 40% Okinawa-ken Kagoshima-ken Oita-ken Miyazaki-ken Kumamoto-ken Saga-ken Nagasaki-ken Kochi-ken Fukuoka-ken Ehime-ken Kagawa-ken Tokushima-ken Yamaguchi-ken Okayama-ken Hiroshima-ken Tottori-ken Shimane-ken Nara-ken Wakayama-ken Hyogo-ken Kyoto-fu Osaka-fu Mie-ken Shiga-ken Aichi-ken Gifu-ken Shizuoka-ken Nagano-ken Fukui-ken Yamanashi-ken Ishikawa-ken Niigata-ken Toyama-ken Tokyo-to Kanagawa-ken Chiba-ken Gumma-ken Saitama-ken Ibaraki-ken Tochigi-ken Fukushima-ken Akita-ken Yamagata-ken Iwate-ken Miyagi-ken Hokkaido Aomori-ken 0% Total for Japan 20% 全 北 青岩 宮 秋 山 福茨 栃 群 埼 千東 神新 富 石福 山 長 岐 静愛 三滋京 大兵 奈和鳥 島岡 広山徳 香 愛 高 福佐 長熊 大 宮 鹿 沖 国 海 森手 城 田 形 島城 木 馬 玉 葉京 奈潟 山 川井 梨 野 阜 岡知 重賀都 阪庫 良歌取 根山 島口島 川 媛 知 岡賀 崎本 分 崎 児 縄 計 道 県県 県 県 県 県県 県 県 県 県都 川県 県 県県 県 県 県 県県 県県府 府県 県山県 県県 県県県 県 県 県 県県 県県 県 県 島 県 県 県 県 200 - 500㎡ 500 - 1000㎡ 1000 - 2000㎡ 2000 - 5000㎡ 5000 - 10000㎡ 10000 - 20000㎡ 20000㎡ and over (85) 3 (1) Tenure State of Buildings by Completion Years of Construction Summary of the tenure state of buildings by completion years of construction As for the number of buildings constructed per year, a large number of buildings have been constructed in the year 1989. When looking at the number and the total size of floor space of buildings by completion years of construction of buildings currently owned by corporations but excluding large-corporation factories, the largest number and size per year is the year 1989 both for the number of buildings and the total size of floor space. Meantime, as for the large-corporation factories, the largest number of factories is the year 1991 but the largest total size of floor space is the factories constructed in years 1961 - 1970. Figure 3-1-1 Number of Buildings by Completion Years of Construction (Converted into Average per Year) Figure 3-1-1 (Excluding Large-Corporation Factories) 27,050 27,500 1995 1996 25,040 26,170 1994 31,330 34,040 28,960 25,408 27,794 15,556 25,000 1976 - 1980 30,000 28,860 35,000 1971 - 1975 40,000 36,060 45,000 37,480 43,400 (house) 50,000 20,000 10,000 5,000 2,460 15,000 Figure 3-1-2 1997 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1986 - 1988 1981 - 1985 1961 - 1970 1946 - 1960 0 Total Size of図3-1-2 建築年次別総延べ床面積(1年当たり換算値) Floor Space by Completion Years of Construction (Converted into Average per Year) (Excluding Large-Corporation (大企業工場を除く) Factories) 38,077 39,818 45,812 1993 35,795 46,883 1992 39,338 46,028 1991 47,832 1990 2,490 20,000 10,000 48,116 19,247 30,000 29,895 40,000 31,946 33,607 50,000 37,253 60,000 1989 (thousand ㎡) 1997 1996 1995 1994 1986 - 1988 1981 - 1985 1976 - 1980 1971 - 1975 1961 - 1970 1946 - 1960 0 (86) Figure 3-1-3 Total Number of Factories by Completion Years of Construction (Converted into Average per Year) 図3-1-3 建築年次別工場数(1年当たり換算値) (Large-Corporation Factories) (大企業工場) 380 340 390 1994 330 410 570 1993 443 1986 - 1988 400 450 500 380 435 600 1981 - 1985 548 580 700 640 800 700 (Factories) 300 73 200 100 1997 1996 1995 1992 1991 1990 3,383 1996 5,979 3,327 1995 3,868 4,550 6,730 1991 5,859 6,853 1990 2,797 6,000 5,491 6,055 8,000 4,947 8,752 1976 - 1980 10,000 8,516 12,000 1971 - 1975 (thousand ㎡) 4,000 1989 1976 - 1980 Total Size of Floor Space by Completion Years of Construction (Converted into Average per Year) 図3-1-4 建築年次別総延べ床面積(1年当たり換算値) (Large-Corporation Factories) (大企業工場) 10,935 Figure 3-1-4 1971 - 1975 1961 - 1970 1946 - 1960 0 2,000 1997 1994 1993 1992 1989 1986 - 1988 1981 - 1985 1961 - 1970 1946 - 1960 0 (87) (2) Completion Years of Construction of Buildings by Types of Industry As for the manufacturing, the number and total size of floor space of buildings constructed before 1975 account for about 40%. When looking at the completion years of construction of buildings by types of industry, excluding large-corporation factories, the manufacturing shows relatively large number of buildings constructed in early years, i.e. the number and total size of floor space of buildings constructed before 1975 account for about 40%. On the contrary, the high percentages of the number and the total size of floor space of buildings constructed in 1986 and thereafter are the construction and the real estate. As for years of 1993 and thereafter, the high percentages of the number and total size of floor space of buildings are the construction, the wholesale, retail trade and eating/drinking place. Furthermore, for the large-corporation factories, high percentages of the number and total size of floor space of factories are constructed in the years 1961 - 1975. Figure 3-2-1 Percentage of the Number of Buildings by Completion Years of Construction, by Types of Industry 図3-2-1 業種別の建築年次別建物数割合 (Excluding Large-Corporation(大企業工場を除く) Factories) 3.6 3.7 1.9 0.4 4.5 2.1 3.9 1.2 3.0 0.8 3.6 0.5 2.9 1.0 Whole Types of Industry Total Construction Manufacturing Transport and communication Wholesale, retail trade, eating/drinking places Finance, insurance Real estate Services 9.5 Other services 2.5 0.9 29.5 24.1 31.5 Figure 3-2-2 20.0 24.1 24.0 25.7 13.6 23.4 14.8 31.9 19.5 25.9 1961 - 1975 9.8 29.5 26.4 26.3 25.8 10.7 27.4 34.7 28.6 12.1 20.1 33.1 20% 13.5 28.2 24.3 30.5 4.2 1946 - 1960 23.4 25.3 34.3 0% 1945 or before 26.2 13.5 24.9 40% 60% 1976 - 1985 12.7 80% 1986 - 1992 100% 1993 - 1997 Percentage of the Total Size of Floor Space by Completion Years of Construction, by Types of Industry 図3-2-2 業種別の建築年次別総延べ床面積割合 (Excluding Large-Corporation Factories) (大企業工場を除く) 3.0 Whole Types of Industry Total 1.9 29.3 25.1 24.4 16.2 1.7 Construction 0.3 Manufacturing 1.7 28.0 23.0 27.2 19.8 3.8 33.6 3.1 Transport and communication 1.2 Wholesale, retail trade, eating/drinking places 0.7 Finance, insurance 1.2 23.2 28.0 25.0 22.2 28.2 12.8 17.3 2.3 28.3 26.6 24.2 17.8 2.8 30.5 27.5 24.5 13.6 2.9 Real estate 0.9 3.6 Other services 0.7 2.4 0% 1945 or before 30.0 3.2 Services 1946 - 1960 24.1 27.3 23.9 10% 20% 1961 - 1975 25.8 26.6 30.6 30% 40% 1976 - 1985 16.3 22.3 17.0 26.7 50% 60% 70% 1986 - 1992 15.7 80% 90% 1993 - 1997 100% (88) Figure 3-2-3 Percentage of the Number and Total Size of Floor Space of Buildings by Completion Years 図3-2-3 建築年次別工場数及び延べ床面積割合 (大企業工場) of Construction (Large-Corporation Factories) Number of factories Floor space 1.8 6.0 5.8 0% 1945 or before Note) 38.7 12.0 10% 22.6 20.8 43.5 20% 1946 - 1960 30% 40% 1961 - 1975 21.2 50% 60% 1976 - 1985 70% 1986 - 1992 10.1 11.4 80% 90% 6.0 100% 1993 - 1997 The indicated percentages have been calculation on the total not including those constructed from January to March, 1998 nor completion year of construction not reported. (89) (3) Completion Years of Construction of Buildings, by Regions Percentage of the total size of floor space by completion years of construction of factories considerably varies by regions. When looking at the completion years of construction of factories by prefectures, excluding large-corporation factories, the high percentages of the total size of floor space of buildings constructed in 1975 and before are Wakayama-ken, Tokyo-to, Osaka-fu, and etc. Meantime, the high percentages of the buildings constructed in 1986 and thereafter are Ibaraki-ken, Okinawa-ken, Miyazaki-ken, and etc. As for the large-corporation factories, distribution of the percentage of total size of floor space by completion years of construction varies considerably by regions. Figure 3-3-1 Percentages of図3-3-1 都道府県別の建築年次別総延べ床面積割合 the Total Size of Floor Space by Completion Years of Construction by Prefectures (大企業工場を除く) (Excluding Large-Corporation Factories) 100% 80% 60% 40% 0% Total for Japan Hokkaido Aomori-ken Iwate-ken Miyagi-ken Akita-ken Yamagata-ken Fukushima-ken Ibaraki-ken Tochigi-ken Gumma-ken Saitama-ken Chiba-ken Tokyo-to Kanagawa-ken Niigata-ken Toyama-ken Ishikawa-ken Fukui-ken Yamanashi-ken Nagano-ken Gifu-ken Shizuoka-ken Aichi-ken Mie-ken Shiga-ken Kyoto-fu Osaka-fu Hyogo-ken Nara-ken Wakayama-ken Tottori-ken Shimane-ken Okayama-ken Hiroshima-ken Yamaguchi-ken Tokushima-ken Kagawa-ken Ehime-ken Kochi-ken Fukuoka-ken Saga-ken Nagasaki-ken Kumamoto-ken Oita-ken Miyazaki-ken Kagoshima-ken Okinawa-ken 20% 全北青岩宮秋山福茨栃群埼千東神新富石福山長岐静愛三滋京大兵奈和鳥島岡広山徳香愛高福佐長熊大宮鹿沖 国海森手城田形島城木馬玉葉京奈潟山川井梨野阜岡知重賀都阪庫良歌取根山島口島川媛知岡賀崎本分崎児縄 計道県県県県県県県県県県県都川県県県県県県県県県県県府府県県山県県県県県県県県県県県県県県県島県 県 県 県 1945 or before Figure 3-3-2 1946 - 1960 1961 - 1975 1976 - 1985 1986 - 1992 1993 - 1997 Percentages of図3-3-2 都道府県別の建築年次別総延べ床面積割合 the Total Size of Floor Space by Completion Years of Construction by Prefectures (大企業工場) (Large-Corporation Factories) 100% 80% 60% 40% 0% Total for Japan Hokkaido Aomori-ken Iwate-ken Miyagi-ken Akita-ken Yamagata-ken Fukushima-ken Ibaraki-ken Tochigi-ken Gumma-ken Saitama-ken Chiba-ken Tokyo-to Kanagawa-ken Niigata-ken Toyama-ken Ishikawa-ken Fukui-ken Yamanashi-ken Nagano-ken Gifu-ken Shizuoka-ken Aichi-ken Mie-ken Shiga-ken Kyoto-fu Osaka-fu Hyogo-ken Nara-ken Wakayama-ken Tottori-ken Shimane-ken Okayama-ken Hiroshima-ken Yamaguchi-ken Tokushima-ken Kagawa-ken Ehime-ken Kochi-ken Fukuoka-ken Saga-ken Nagasaki-ken Kumamoto-ken Oita-ken Miyazaki-ken Kagoshima-ken Okinawa-ken 20% 全北青岩宮秋山福茨栃群埼千東神新富石福山長岐静愛三滋京大兵奈和鳥島岡広山徳香愛高福佐長熊大宮鹿沖 国海森手城田形島城木馬玉葉京奈潟山川井梨野阜岡知重賀都阪庫良歌取根山島口島川媛知岡賀崎本分崎児縄 計道県県県県県県県県県県県都川県県県県県県県県県県県府府県県山県県県県県県県県県県県県県県県島県 県 県 県 1945 or before 1946 - 1960 1961 - 1975 1976 - 1985 1986 - 1992 1993 - 1997 (90) 4 The Use of Buildings (1) Summary of the use of buildings Large number and total size of floor space of buildings are seen in the category of the present use of the factories/warehouses. When looking at the number and total size of floor space by categories of the present use of land, for the buildings own on the land used by self, large number and total size of floor space of buildings are seen in the category of the present use of the factories/warehouses. Note) As for the use of buildings, the Survey does not refer direct to the use of buildings in question, but does refer to the present use of the land in question, on which the use of building has been presumed. Figure 4-1-1 Number of Buildings and Factories by Present Use of Land Used by Self 図4-1-1 自用地の利用現況別建物数・工場数 182,260 Of f ices 79,020 Stores 212,660 Factories/warehouses 15,490 Large-corporation f actories 5,510 Other f acilities related to employ ee welf are 9,560 Hotels/inns 58,720 Educational f acilities Building-ty pe parking 200 59,530 Other buildings 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 (Number of buildings/number of f actories) ( Figure 4-1-2 Total Size of Floor Space by Present Use of Land Used by Self 図4-1-2 自用地の利用現況別総延べ床面積 Offices 171,786 88,637 Stores 575,066 Factories/warehouses 6,204 Other facilities related to employee welfare 24,593 Hotels/inns 93,329 Educational facilities Building-type parking 272 69,957 Other buildings 0 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 (thousand ㎡) (91) (2) Scale of buildings by the use of buildings Buildings with the total floor space of 5,000m2 and over are used for factories/warehouse, offices, educational facilities, and etc. When looking at the use of buildings by scale of buildings, many of buildings with the total floor space of 5,000m2 and over are used for factories/warehouse, offices, educational facilities, and etc. And when looking at the percentage by total floor space by present use of the land used by self, the buildings with the total floor space of 5000m2 and over account for 65.5% of the total size of floor space of buildings located on the land for factories/warehouses, and 59.7% of that for hotels/inns. Figure 4-2-1 Total Size of Floor Space by Present Use of Land Used by Self by Total Floor Space 図4-2-1 延べ床面積別の自用地の利用現況別総延べ床面積 (Including Large-Corporation Factories) (大企業工場を含む) 200 - 500㎡ 500 - 1000㎡ 1000 - 2000㎡ 2000 - 5000㎡ 5000㎡ and over 0 Figure 4-2-2 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 (thousand ㎡) Offices Stores Factories/warehouses Hotels/inns Other facilities related to employee welfare Educational facilities Building-type parking Other buildings Percentage of the Total Size of Floor Space by Total Floor Space by Present Use of Land Used 図4-2-2 自用地の利用現況別の延べ床面積別総延べ床面積割合 (大企業工場を含む) by Self (Including Large-Corporation Factories) 9.1 Whole site for buildings 10.9 18.1 Offices 12.7 3.8 6.2 Hotels/inns 8.7 10.6 14.7 Other buildings 14.5 500 - 1000㎡ 10% 21.2 27.9 19.0 7.4 59.7 38.7 11.8 13.0 30% 1000 - 2000㎡ 22.7 27.3 11.8 13.6 23.6 33.6 65.5 15.3 20% 19.5 17.5 13.4 11.2 Building-type parking 200 - 500㎡ 16.8 15.5 8.0 50.9 19.2 17.9 Other facilities related to employee welfare 0% 16.9 19.7 14.2 Stores 5.3 7.1 Factories/warehouses Educational facilities 12.2 40% 54.4 22.7 50% 2000 - 5000㎡ 36.3 60% 70% 80% 5000㎡ and over 90% 100% (92) (3) Structure of buildings by use of buildings The high percentages of the total size of floor space are the steel-framed buildings. When looking at the structure of buildings by the present use of the land used by self, as a whole, the high percentages of the total size of floor space are the steel-framed buildings. Among others, such buildings accounts for about three quarters of the factories/warehouses. Meantime, the high percentages of the educational facilities, other facilities related to employee welfare, and etc. are the reinforced concrete buildings. Figure 4-3-1 Percentage of the Total Size of Floor Space by Structure of Buildings 図4-3-1 自用地の利用現況別の構造別総延べ床面積割合 by Present Use of the Land Used by Self. Whole site for buildings 5.0 Offices 5.4 Stores Factories/warehouses 13.6 19.7 3.7 2.6 8.0 Hotels/inns 9.5 Educational facilities 8.0 0.3 4.3 0.1 5.3 45.9 22.4 49.5 8.4 0.2 75.0 20.2 5.7 0.3 11.2 3.5 54.3 34.4 27.9 23.5 27.5 57.9 33.5 Building-type parking 0.2 4.5 56.9 24.5 19.0 10.6 Other facilities related to employee welfare 19.8 28.3 32.0 0.0 19.9 Other buildings 0% Built of wood Steel-framed reinforced concrete 16.6 20% 41.1 40% Reinforced concrete 21.4 60% Steel-framed 80% Concrete 0.3 0.3 0.2 10.3 0.1 1.1 4.8 0.2 1.0 100% Others/nut reported (93) (4) Completion Years of Construction of Buildings by Use of Buildings While the high percentages of the buildings constructed before 1975 is the factories/warehouses, the high percentages of the buildings constructed in 1993 and thereafter are the stores. When looking at the completion years of construction of buildings by present use of the land used by self, the high percentages of the buildings constructed before 1975, particularly from 1961 to 1975, are the factories/warehouses. And the high percentages of the buildings constructed in 1993 and thereafter are the stores. Note) The indicated percentages have been calculation on the total not including those constructed from January to March, 1998 nor completion year of construction not reported. Figure 4-4-1 Percentage of the Total Size of Floor Space by Completion Years of Construction, by図4-4-1 自用地の利用現況別の建築年次別総延べ床面積割合 Present Use of the Land Used by Self 3.0 Whole site for buildings 6.0 1.4 Offices 3.1 0.8 Stores 2.5 34.7 31.7 9.6 Other buildings 0% 1945 or before 1946 - 1960 19.9 24.6 25.6 23.3 27.1 3.0 8.2 0.9 Other facilities related to employee welfare 4.1 0.8 Hotels/inns 1.9 4.2 4.1 Educational facilities 0.4 9.6 Building-type parking 0.0 Factories/warehouses 24.1 26.4 27.3 26.4 22.4 1961 - 1975 30% 40% 1976 - 1985 14.3 20.1 22.2 25.3 50% 21.4 60% 1986 - 1992 70% 9.0 17.0 27.0 54.0 20% 17.6 24.1 28.7 31.9 10% 19.8 22.7 27.6 3.0 16.0 24.1 39.4 12.3 13.2 13.8 18.3 80% 1993 - 1997 90% 100% (94) (5) Ratio between the tenure size of land used by self and the total floor space of buildings The ratio between the tenure size and the total floor space is high in the group of 20% - 60% of the number of tenure lot, while high in the group of less than 20% of the tenure size. When looking at the ratio between the tenure size of land used by self and the total floor space of buildings located on the land, the lots of the group of 20% - 60% account for about one third of the number of tenure lots, while the lots of the group of less than 20% account for one half of the tenure size. When looking at the ratio between the tenure size and the total floor space by types of industry, the real estate and etc. show high percentage for the number of lots with high ratio, while high percentage of the tenure size with low ratio. The finance/insurance etc. show high percentage for both the number of lots with high ratio and the tenure size with high ratio. Figure 4-5-1 Percentage of the Number of Lots by Ratio between the Tenure Size of Land Used 図4-5-1 自用地の土地面積と建物延べ床面積の比率別区画数割合 by Self and the Total Floor Space of Buildings (%) 20.0 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 300% and over 200 - 300% 150 - 200% 100 - 150% 80 - 100% 60 - 80% 40 - 60% 20 - 40% Less than 20% 0.0 Figure 4-5-2 Percentage of the Tenure Size by Ratio between the Tenure Size of Land Used 図4-5-2 自用地の土地面積と建物延べ床面積の比率別土地面積割合 by Self and the Total Floor Space of Buildings (%) 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 300% and over 200 - 300% 150 - 200% 100 - 150% 80 - 100% 60 - 80% 40 - 60% 20 - 40% Less than 20% 0.0 (95) Figure 4-5-3 Percentage of the Number of Lots by Ratio between the Tenure Size of Land Used 図4-5-3 業種別の自用地の土地面積と建物延べ床面積の比率別 区画数割合 by Self and the Total Floor Space of Buildings, by Types of Industry Tenure of land and tenure total size Construction Manufacturing Transport and communication Wholesale, retail trade, eating/drinking places Finance, insurance Real estate Services Other services 0% Figure 4-5-4 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Less than 20% 20 - 40% 40 - 60% 60 - 80% 100 - 150% 150 - 200% 200 - 300% 300% and over 70% 80% 90% 100% 80 - 100% Percentage of the Tenure Size by Ratio between the Tenure Size of Land Used 図4-5-4 業種別の自用地の土地面積と建物延べ床面積の比率別 by Self and the Total Floor土地面積割合 Space of Buildings, by Types of Industry Tenure of land and tenure total size Construction Manufacturing Transport and communication Wholesale, retail trade, eating/drinking places Finance, insurance Real estate Services Other services 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Less than 20% 20 - 40% 40 - 60% 60 - 80% 100 - 150% 150 - 200% 200 - 300% 300% and over 80 - 100% (96) The high ratios between the tenure size and the total floor space are Tokyo-to, Osaka-fu, Kanagawa-ken, etc. The ratio between the tenure size of land used by self and the total floor space of buildings located on the land results in 100% and over, both in the number of lots and the tenure size, in Tokyo-to, Osaka-fu, Aichi-ken, etc. The average ratio is high in Tokyo-to, Osaka-fu, Kanagawa-ken, and etc. Figure 4-5-5 The Number of Lots by Ratio between the Tenure Size of Land Used by Self 図4-5-5 自用地の土地面積と建物延べ床面積の比率別区画数(100%以上) and the Total Floor Space of Buildings (100% and over) (lot) 20,000 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 Kagoshima-ken Okinawa-ken Kumamoto-ken Oita-ken Miyazaki-ken Fukuoka-ken Saga-ken Nagasaki-ken Kagawa-ken Ehime-ken Kochi-ken Okayama-ken Hiroshima-ken Yamaguchi-ken Tokushima-ken Tottori-ken Shimane-ken Nara-ken Wakayama-ken Hyogo-ken Kyoto-fu Osaka-fu Shiga-ken Aichi-ken Mie-ken Shizuoka-ken Nagano-ken Gifu-ken Yamanashi-ken Toyama-ken Ishikawa-ken Fukui-ken Tokyo-to Kanagawa-ken Niigata-ken Chiba-ken Gumma-ken Saitama-ken Fukushima-ken Ibaraki-ken Tochigi-ken Akita-ken Yamagata-ken Miyagi-ken 0 Hokkaido Aomori-ken Iwate-ken 2,000 北青岩宮秋山福茨栃群埼千東神新富石福山長岐静愛三滋京大兵奈和鳥島岡広山徳香愛高福佐長熊大宮鹿沖 海森手城田形島城木馬玉葉京奈潟山川井梨野阜岡知重賀都阪庫良歌取根山島口島川媛知岡賀崎本分崎児縄 道県県県県県県県県県県県都川県県県県県県県県県県県府府県県山県県県県県県県県県県県県県県県島県 県 県 県 300% and over 200 - 300% 150 - 200% 100 - 150% Figure 4-5-6 The Tenure Size by Ratio between the Tenure Size of Land Used by Self 図4-5-6 自用地の土地面積と建物延べ床面積の比率別土地面積(100%以上) and the Total Floor Space of Buildings (100% and over) (%) 25,000 100.0 20,000 80.0 15,000 60.0 10,000 40.0 5,000 20.0 0 Hokkaido Aomori-ken Iwate-ken Miyagi-ken Akita-ken Yamagata-ken Fukushima-ken Ibaraki-ken Tochigi-ken Gumma-ken Saitama-ken Chiba-ken Tokyo-to Kanagawa-ken Niigata-ken Toyama-ken Ishikawa-ken Fukui-ken Yamanashi-ken Nagano-ken Gifu-ken Shizuoka-ken Aichi-ken Mie-ken Shiga-ken Kyoto-fu Osaka-fu Hyogo-ken Nara-ken Wakayama-ken Tottori-ken Shimane-ken Okayama-ken Hiroshima-ken Yamaguchi-ken Tokushima-ken Kagawa-ken Ehime-ken Kochi-ken Fukuoka-ken Saga-ken Nagasaki-ken Kumamoto-ken Oita-ken Miyazaki-ken Kagoshima-ken Okinawa-ken (thousand ㎡) 北青岩宮秋山福茨栃群埼千東神新富石福山長岐静愛三滋京大兵奈和鳥島岡広山徳香愛高福佐長熊大宮鹿沖 海森手城田形島城木馬玉葉京奈潟山川井梨野阜岡知重賀都阪庫良歌取根山島口島川媛知岡賀崎本分崎児縄 道県県県県県県県県県県県都川県県県県県県県県県県県府府県県山県県県県県県県県県県県県県県県島県 県 県 県 300% and over 200 - 300% 150 - 200% 100 - 150% Average ratio 0.0 (97) By ordinance-designated cities, the larger proportions of such land with the ratio of 100% and over are, both for the number of lots and the tenure size, in Tokyo 23-ku, Osaka, Nagoya, etc. The average ratio is high in Tokyo 23-ku, Osaka, Nagoya, etc. When looking at the buildings in the ordinance-designated cities, with the present use of the land in question being “offices,” Tokyo 23-ku is the highest both in the total floor space and the tenure size, also Tokyo 23-ku is the highest for “Stores”. Figure 4-5-7 The Number of Lots by Ratio between the Tenure Size of Land Used 図4-5-7 自用地の土地面積と建物の延べ床面積の比率別区画数(100%以上) by Self and the Total Floor Space of Buildings (100% and over) (lot) 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 300% and over Figure 4-5-8 200 - 300% 150 - 200% Fukuoka-shi Kitakyusyu-shi Hiroshima-shi Kobe-shi Osaka-shi Kyoto-shi Nagoya-shi Kawasaki-shi Yokohama-shi Tokyoto-kubu Chiba-shi Sendai-shi Sapporo-shi 0 100 - 150% The Tenure Size by Ratio between the Tenure Size of Land Used by Self and the Total Floor Space of Buildings (100% and over) 図4-5-8 自用地の土地面積と建物の延べ床面積の比率別土地面積(100%以上) 18,000 (%) 111.1 110.1 (thousand ㎡) 120.0 16,000 75.4 43.3 55.9 61.3 80.0 4,000 60.0 40.0 21.6 6,000 40.2 35.4 8,000 48.7 10,000 61.6 12,000 100.0 80.3 75.3 14,000 20.0 2,000 300% and over 200 - 300% 150 - 200% 100 - 150% Fukuoka-shi Kitakyusyu-shi Hiroshima-shi Kobe-shi Osaka-shi Kyoto-shi Nagoya-shi Kawasaki-shi Yokohama-shi Tokyoto-kubu Chiba-shi Sendai-shi 0.0 Sapporo-shi 0 Average ratio (98) Figure 4-5-9 Total Size of Floor Space and Ratio to the Tenure Size of Land by Total Floor Space 図4-5-9 自用地の建物の延べ床面積別総延べ床面積及び土地面積との比率 of Buildings on the Land Used by Self (Offices) (事務所) (thousand ㎡) 177.9 (%) 200.0 155.0 20,000 18,000 180.0 160.0 6,000 140.0 120.0 100.0 58.8 61.2 83.8 62.9 45.0 8,000 79.7 10,000 65.7 75.7 12,000 93.5 14,000 106.7 120.8 16,000 80.0 60.0 4,000 40.0 2,000 20.0 2000 - 5000㎡ 1000 - 2000㎡ 500 - 1000㎡ Fukuoka-shi Kitakyusyu-shi Hiroshima-shi Kobe-shi Osaka-shi Kyoto-shi Nagoya-shi Yokohama-shi Tokyoto-kubu Chiba-shi Sapporo-shi 5000㎡ and over Kawasaki-shi 0.0 Sendai-shi 0 200 - 500㎡ Average ratio Figure 4-5-10 Total Size of Floor Space and Ratio to the Tenure Size of Land by Total Floor Space 図4-5-10 自用地の建物の延べ床面積別総延べ床面積及び土地面積との比率 of Buildings on the Land Used by Self (Stores) (店舗) (%) 180.0 160.0 90.5 93.3 140.0 90.8 127.2 118.2 200.0 68.7 2,000 95.1 2,500 76.4 3,000 95.4 3,500 118.4 4,000 156.0 4,500 152.9 181.5 (thousand ㎡) 120.0 100.0 80.0 1,500 60.0 1,000 40.0 500 20.0 5000㎡ and over 2000 - 5000㎡ 200 - 500㎡ Average ratao 1000 - 2000㎡ 500 - 1000㎡ Fukuoka-shi Kitakyusyushi Hiroshima-shi Kobe-shi Osaka-shi Kyoto-shi Nagoya-shi Kawasaki-shi Yokohamashi Tokyoto-kubu Chiba-shi Sendai-shi 0.0 Sapporo-shi 0
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