Fabrication Technique forCustom Faceguard with Thermoforming Material Toshiaki Ueno, DDS, PhD i and Hiroshi Churei, DDS, PhD 2 騨 sv @ .ゴ.璽 謙 尋 吋 湘 屯.. w 1!1ぺ詮鑑lll㍉ Key words: face guard, maxillofacial injury, mandibular fracture, thermoforming material, facial moulage nasal bone, zygomatic arch, frontal bone and man- Faceguards are well-known protective gear that dibular fractures. However, there are few reports that shield against the maxillofacial traumatic injuries dur- illustrate the step-by-step technical points of custom ing exercise and sporting actMties. Recently, custom faceguard fabrication. This article comprehensibly faceguards have been introduced as protective illustrated the technique of custom faceguard fabrica- equipment for those who return early to play after tion with thermoforming and soft cushioning materials surgical treatments for maxillofacial injuries such as on a facial cast. 罫占 Abstract: Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan. 067 Presented by Medical*Online 毛。岳二8一壬り通←. tistry, Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan. 2Assistant Professor, Department of Sports Medicine / Dentistry, 罫「臣炉降r匠、雫レ咄, 二一「甲・匹卜.日》rりぴ 一」」.「▼トレ∈一.. i Head and Associate Professor, Department of Sports Medicine/Den- 司,-導同! 建ーー . 炉缶山Σ⊃.Z畠ΣヨO> lntroduction (40mL) of the recommended power-to-water The faceguard (FG) is well-known protective ratio (8.4g: 20mL) by the manufacturer. gear that shields against the maxillofacia[ trau- P[ace the hydrocolloid material over the matic injuries during exercise and sporting ac一一 surface of the face; before it sets, lay cotton tivities. ln recent years, custom FGs have been and/or gauze on top of the hydrocolloid to introduced as protective equipment for those facilitate binding to the backing material. injured participants who return early to play Then place the impression plaster over the after surgical treatments for maxillofacial inju- hydroco[loid and cotton. ries such as nasal bone, zygomatic arch, frontal 2. Measure the girth of patientis head with a bone and mandibuiar fractures.i’7 ln fact, tape. soccer and rugby football players who often 3. Pour the moulage with Type IV dental stone sustain maxillofacial injuries use custom FGs to (Fujirock’M, GC, Tokyo, Japan) to make the protect their affected areas. The Laws of the facial cast. Game of Federation lnternationale de Football 4. Draw the outline of the FG on the cast. Association (FIFA) have already been modified Fig. 2 shows the outline of a FG which is to permit the use of modern protective equip- commonly used to protect nasal bone, zy- ment such as headgear, facemasks, knee and gomatic arch or frontal bone fractures. [t is arm protectors made of soft, lightweight and critical to leave the eyes uncovered to avoid padded material, because such equipment is narrowing the field of vision. To protect not considered to be dangerous.8 from a mandibular fracture. the FG should l Even though the demand for custom FGs cover the body of mandible completely, the is expected to grow, there are few reports in ramus and extend to the condylar head and published literature that illustrate the detailed the coronoid process bilaterally (Fig. 3). technique for custom FG fabrication. This 5. To provide adequate space between the FG article describes, step by step, the technique and the injured area, cover the injured area for custom FG fabrication with thermoforming on the facial cast with a layer of plaster or and rubber cushioning materials on a cast silicone material for dental laboratory use obtained from a facial moulage. (Lab Si[icone’M, Shofu lnc., Kyoto, Japan) approximately 5mm thick (Fig. 4). A sheet of 3.2mm thick thermoplastic material 一口 , Fabrication technique (Aquaplast’M splinting material, Sakai Medi- 1. Make a facial moulage with an irreversible cal Co., Tokyo, Japan) is softened in a hot hydrocolloid impression material (Aroma water bath at 70-75 degrees Celsius for a Fine DF lll’M, GC Co. Tokyo, Japan) and an few minutes. Then the softened material is impression plaster material (XanthanoTM, applied and molded over on the cast with Bayer Dental Co., Leverkussen, Germany) light finger pressure (Fig. 5). (Fig. 1-1-4). Place a straw in the patient’s 6. After the materia[ has cooled down, trim mouth to maintain proper air ventilation it to the desired outline drawn on the cast during the impression procedure. To ensure with a pair of arts and crafts scissors, then adequate flow of the hydrocolloid, the vol- finish and polish with fissure bars, tungsten ume of water should be twice the amount carbide bars and polishing diiscs. 068 Presented by Medical*Online Fabrication Technique for Custom Faceguard with Thermoforming Material L へ臥p奄 濾鍵蝉 配 転 静 婁サぎ 聡 ㌧轟 炉 い rial and impression plaster material. i ぜ ゼ \迅 p …無 ’{ン 川前 Fig. 1-1-4 Facial moulage with irre- versible hydrocolloid impression mate- : 霧.} 臨 さ \、マ へ も{ 些 ㌶1.野 バ夘㎝閉’岬鴨㎎聴鷺 懇 餐、 噂 騨『へ綴 転1 \, 欝』 { L トト臥.鉱ヒ払 薪寧 tw一一vt ’ : 輪 Fig. 2 Outline of the FG in a case of nasal bone fracture. Fig. 3 Outline of the FG in a case of mandibular fracture. ユ かけヘ ケ ぶ 風蜘を蜷郵一一導噸噸 拶 》こ・ ア ヤで二♪・:Σ 一一 ! 一=、 ノ 障、 、 h 1 ひ 轄 盛煽饗. P/ ㍉ 」 F 圃 ■ ダ れ . 辮 ・ 、 ぎ ・ 臨 「 1 吊 1 軋 ←ウ凸閏 + なトも ド ヤ き 雛洩 L 匹 Fig. 4 Mold the thermoplastic mate- rial on the facial cast. ・ 囎 ノ抑,〆 ヂ、〆 構藩 ぜ黙 リ ド 轍 〆M 好づ恥〆之=こニヌ, ん チ A厩 ru.’‘ .触.l 1= l lt , イ 局g.5 Cover the injured area on facial cast with a silicone material to provide space between the FG and the injured area. Fig. 6 Attach rubber cushioning materials on surfaces of thermoplastic material. 、」謳 舞’W も7べ ’ り零 』鳴鴨’晒 丙, 三「 ζ㍉ 鴨MS¥5 し ゅ ノ 燃藩鑛総1∴・1. 1{s 毒黙 “蒙ホトリ.” 珊碑愚闘脚 . 囑 Iiner materials to the FG. ,:.i ぢ 冗“ 1 ’f叙 : Presented by Medical*Online 晶・ 069 炉ゼ。αΦ些8モ毛Φト な Xi 懸.硲 織 しやユアノ 1 顕 爵 e 一 protect the injured nasal bone area. 車 イ ユ トひ Fig. 7 Sew the edges of cushioning Fig. 8 Posttreatment, 18 year-old male patient wears a custom FG to t 驚駄ls, 乱吻事卜卸し》 翼.軌 叱、、層 M 4 6’」 軌 ㌧しへ坤 ヂγ画 蜘戴 『 噸 臆’ , 、 、 ’.!’二 睡蝉 rに山血Σ⊃Z F山Σ⊃」O> 7.Use adhesive(Aronalpha丁M superglue、 Toago- and to finish his/her FG. Furthermore, since sei Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) to adhere 3.2mm- the working temperature of the thermoplastic and 1.6mm-thick rubber cushioning materials material used in this fabrication technique is (NeopreneTM rubber cushioning material, relatively low, the expensive vacuum and/or Sakai Medica[ Co., Tokyo, Japan) to the inner pressure thermoforming machines are not and outer surfaces of the trimmed thermo- needed. This fabrication technique makes the plastic material from Step 6, respectively. The specialized equipment and facilities unneces- cushioning materials need to be trimmed as sary. well (Fig. 6). This custom FG design has a better shock 8. Sew the edges of the cushioning liner absorbing quality. Namely, the combination materials of FG with 5mm stitch width with of the hard thermoplastic material and the a needle and cotton yarn (Fig. 7). soft cushioning material yields an outstanding 9. The FG is secured on the face of the patient shock absorbing capability. According to pre- using two stretch bands with the hook and vious research, this type of FG was measured loop fasteners (VelcroTM sew on tape, Velcro to have 85-88 O/o of shock absorption when USA lnc., NH, U.SA) (Fig. 8). an impact load over 2,700 N was applied on the FG by a free-faliing object.9 The impact absorption of the FG made with hard Discussion and Summary thermoplastic material only was 28 to 30 O/o. This technique described here offered When adding the cushioning materia[ on the several advantages compared to previous outer surface of hard thermoplastic material, reportsi・ 3’ 7 on the FG fabrication methods. the impact absorption increased to 26 to 39 O/o, First, the direct method to form the FG on slightly better than without the cushioning ma- the patientis face can result in a poorly-fitted terial. lt seems that lining the inner surface of FG even with any type high-performance FG the FG with cushioning material is significantly material because of soft tissue displaceability. more effective in improving the shock absorp- ln this respect, the indirect method of forming tion capability. The Laws of the Game of the the FG on the facial cast is considered to have FIFA indicated that the outer surface of FGs a better fit of the FG. The faciaj moulage can must be padded with soft material to avoid be made with precision impression materials hurting other players. Thus, this custom FG which allows the dentist to customize a FG design described here not only protects the more accurately for each patient. The indirect injured player with inner lining of cushioning technique is also more comfortable for the pa- material but also contributes to improve the tient because it eliminates the need for the pa- overall safety for al[ players by covering the tient to withstand the prolonged time to form outer surface of FGs with the same material. IIIコ」:1[11 11一 1 1 1 一 一」r’ii一’II』2・,iL一』17’≒1「tl‘.’・ ∴罫㌃llll∵1十1-llご∫41己二」}ヒ重〕:・一1i:::ii ii ,, i, 4’II’ ㎝聴篶1繰〕警捻蕊蒸拙.、 ・; ” ∴1:1二一jl;..∴.ll二一{=ユ じ ドニ , ‘:=‘じ㌔1二二,1.+1干「一._ . . l l- 1 -Ll lL l パ 1 - 1一二」]]一1口 1]■1 」 Presented by Medical*Online !一 1 i’ 黶C @[i@ii@i 11 ヨ ゴ ;:’・Il,ll,IIレ 一 一一=一「丁・一 Lr,砦一・.Li ’J 巴甲 ・.Il一 _ 一一一 「一 「「 一 i, 一 C … , Ll 11 rlr l Fabrication Technique for Custom Faceguard with Thermoforming Material 藤 References 1 Kaplan, S., Driscoll, C.F. and Singer, M.T.: Fabrication 7. 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