A Journal of Field Ornithology Vol. 23 2005 目 次

A Journal of Field Ornithology
Vol. 23 2005
福井晶子・安田雅俊・神山和夫・金井 裕:全国的な鳥類調査
「鳥の生息環境モニタリング調査」で明らかになった繁殖期の鳥類群集の種構成 ······················· 1
栃木県におけるオオジシギの減少 ·········································································································· 31
嶋田哲郎・進東健太郎・高橋清孝・Aaron Bowman:
オオクチバス急増にともなう魚類群集の変化が水鳥群集に与えた影響 ······································· 39
赤塚隆幸:エナガの卵や巣内ビナの捕食者 ······························································································· 51
赤塚隆幸:冬期のエナガの捕食者とそれに対する警戒反応 ·································································· 59
中村純夫:カラスの季節ねぐら -就塒行動の季節変化- ····································································· 65
大阪におけるハシブトガラス,ハシボソガラスの針金ハンガー利用巣と緑被率との関係 ·········· 75
渡辺朝一:冬期の越後平野水田におけるコハクチョウの食物内容 ······················································· 83
サギ類の餌生物を誘引・撹乱する採食行動 -波紋をつくる漁法を中心に ··································91
藤田 薫・藤田 剛・富岡辰先・山本 裕・樋口広芳:希少鳥類
オーストンヤマガラとウチヤマセンニュウの2000年三宅島噴火前後の個体数変化 ················· 105
白木彩子・中川 元:知床半島におけるオジロワシの繁殖状況 ·························································· 115
ごみ対策がもたらした人とカラスの共存事例 -ごみ散乱の減った街(東京都調布市)- ····· 125
新妻靖章・井関健一:利尻島で繁殖するオオセグロカモメの外部計測値の性的二型 ·················· 131
渡辺朝一:コハクチョウ・オナガガモの休息地としてのマコモ群落 ······················································ 137
林 英子・早川雅晴・佐藤達夫・増田直也:
屋上営巣誘致に成功したコアジサシの繁殖状況について ··························································· 143
山本貴仁・小川次郎・丹下一彦・秋山 勉:ミヤマガラスの都市型ねぐら ·········································· 149
中村 豊・稲田菊雄:九州祖母山系障子岳におけるルリビタキの繁殖初確認 ································ 153
川上和人・山本 裕・堀越和夫:小笠原諸島西之島の鳥類相 ···························································· 159
西出 隆・船橋 功・武田栄悦・佐藤公生:秋田県におけるカンムリカイツブリの繁殖初記録 ······· 167
伊藤恭博:日本におけるミカヅキシマアジの初記録 ··············································································· 173
菊地正太郎・松本千枝子:西表島におけるバンケンの観察記録 ······················································· 175
中川直之・田尻(山本)浩伸・大畑孝二:片野鴨池におけるクマタカの水鳥の捕食例 ··················· 181
福嶋信夫・福嶋令子:長崎県森山町の干拓地におけるヒメチョウゲンボウの記録 ·························· 185
山本友紀:北海道におけるサバンナシトドの初記録 ·············································································· 189
池田徹也・川崎康弘:北海道におけるオニアジサシの初記録 ···························································· 193
鳥類学術雑誌目次 ········································································································································· 197
著者紹介 その他 ··········································································································································· 202
A Journal of Field Ornithology
Vol. 23 2005
Editor: Mutsuyuki Ueta
Assistant Editor: Desmond Allen
Original Articles
Fukui, A., Yasuda, M., Kouyama, K. & Kanai, Y.: Species assembly of forest birds of Japan,
on the basis of large-scale monitoring censuses in breeding season ················································ 1
Hirano, T.,Kimijima, M., Kobori, M., Kobori, M., Nonaka J. & Shiga, Y.:
The decline of Latham’s Snipes in Tochigi Prefecture ······································································ 31
Shimada, T., Shindo, K., Takahashi, K. & Bowman, A.: The effects of the increase of
Largemouth Bass on a wetland bird community through change of the fish community ············ 39
Akatsuka, T.: Nest predation of Long-tailed Tits at Kiso-river, central Japan ································· 51
Akatsuka, T.: Predators of the Long-tailed Tits and caution reaction for it in the winter ············· 59
Nakamura, S.: The seasonal change of Crow’s roosting behavior ························································· 65
Matsuo, J.: The relation between nests in which Jungle and Carrion Crows
used wire hangers and the vegetation coverage in Osaka City and Sakai City ··························· 75
Watanabe, T.: Food items of Bewick’s Swans at a rice field in Echigo plain in winter ···················· 83
Hamao, S., Ida, T., Watanabe, H. & Higuchi, H.: Prey attracting and
disturbing behaviors in herons: bill-vibrating and other ingenious foraging techniques ············ 91
Fujita, K., Fujita, G., Tomioka, T. Yamamoto, Y. & Higuchi, H.:
Estimated population sizes of Owston's Varied Tits and Taczanowski's Grasshopper
Warblers, before and after the volcanic eruption of Miyake Island, the Izu Islands, Japan ··· 105
Shiraki, S. & Nakagawa, H.:
Breeding status of White-tailed Sea Eagles in the Shiretoko peninsula, Hokkaido ················· 155
Short Communications
Kurosawa, R.:
Man-crow coexistence achieved by garbage management: a case in Chofu-city, Tokyo ······ 125
Niizuma, Y. & Iseki, K.: Sexual differences in the external
measurements of Slaty-backed Gull breeding at Rishiri Island, Japan ········································ 131
Watanabe, T.: Resting site preference in
Bewick’s Swans and Pintails at Sugao Marsh, central Japan ························································· 137
Hayashi, E., Hayakawa, M., Satou, T. & Masuda, N.:
Attraction of Little Terns to artificial roof-top breeding sites and their breeding success ··· 143
Yamamoto, T., Ogawa, J., Tange, K. & Akiyama, T.: A city Rook roost ········································· 149
Nakamura, Y. & Inada, K.:
The First Breeding Record of the Siberian Bluechat at Mt. Syojidake in Kyushu ··················· 153
Kawakami, K., Yamamoto, Y. & Horikoshi, K.:
The seabird fauna of Nishinoshima Island, the Bonin Islands, Southern Japan ························· 159
Nishide, T., Funabashi, K., Takeda, E. & Satou, K.:
The first record of Great Crested Grebe breeding in Akita prefecture ······································ 167
Ito, Y.: The first record of the Blue-winged Teal in Japan ··································································· 173
Kikuchi, S. & Matsumoto, C.: Records of Lesser Coucals on Iriomote Island, southern Japan ·· 175
Nakagawa, N., Tajiri(Yamamoto), H. & Oohata, K.: Mountain Hawk Eagle captures
water birds at Katano-Kamoike, a Ramsar site in Ishikawa prefecture, central Japan ··········· 181
Fukushima, N. & Fukushima, R.: A record of
the Lesser Kestrel at Moriyama town, Nagasaki prefecture, southern Japan ··························· 185
Yamamoto, Y.: First record of Savannah Sparrow in Hokkaido, northern Japan ···························· 189
Ikeda, T. & Kawasaki, Y.: The first record of Caspian Tern from Hokkaido, Japan ······················ 193
Miscellaneous reports