Financial Results for the Six Months ended d d JJune 30 30, 2012 August 3, 2012 0 目次 Contents Financial Results for the Six Months ended June 30 30, 2012 P 2 P. 1.Highlights of the Financial Results P. 3 I f ti by b Business B i & Geographic G hi S Segmentt 2.Information 2 P 13 P.13 Outlook for FY2012 P 25 P.25 AGC’s AGC s Measures toward Earnings Recovery P 31 P.31 Appendix P 41 P.41 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 1 Financial Results for the Six Months ended June 30 30, 2012 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 2 1. Highlights of the Financial Results All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 3 Summary of the Financial Results 億円( 億円(100million yen)) 2Q FY2011 売上高 Net sales 営業利益 Operating income 経常利益 Ordinary income 当期純利益 Net income 売上高営業利益率 Operating profit margin ROE* Return on equity 為替レート(期中平均) FOREX Average JPY/USD JPY/EUR 原油 Crude Oil $/BBL (Dubai) FY2012 3,051 2,979 451 238 450 240 185 133 1-2Q 累計 増減 Change -72 % 増減 Change % FY2011 FY2012 6,137 5,833 993 480 1,029 476 570 311 -2.4% -213 -47.3% -210 -46.7% -52 -28.1% 14.8% 8.0% 16.2% 8.2% 8.6% 6.2% 13.6% 7.5% 81.74 80.20 82.04 79.74 117.40 102.91 110.7 (1-2Q Total) 増減 Change -304 % 増減 Change % -5.0% -513 -51.7% -553 -53.8% -259 -45.5% 114.99 103.45 106.4 105.6 111.3 * ROE(自己資本当期純利益率)=当期純利益/自己資本(期中平均) R t Return on Equity E it = Net N t Income I / (Shareholders' (Sh h ld ' Equity E it (average) ( ) + Valuation V l ti andd translation t l ti adjustments dj t t (average)) ( )) All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 4 Highlights of the Financial Results 【For the six months ended June 30, 2012 】 Net Sales 583.3 billion yen (down 30.4 bn yen YoY) Operating p g Income 48.0 billion yyen ((down 51.3 bn yyen YoY)) While shipments in the glass and chemicals business segments increased, the Group’s sales and profits fell, affected by price decline in electronics-related products. Rising energy prices gave pressure on the Group’s profit and loss. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 5 Consolidated Statements of Income 2Q FY2012 FY2011 売上高 Net Sales 営業利益 Operating Income 営業外損益 Non-Operating Income (Losses) 金融収支 Interest & Dividend 3,051 2,979 451 238 -2 増減 Change -72* (-2.4%) -213* 213 (-47.3%) 億円(100million yen) (1-2Q 2Q Total) 1 2Q 累計 (1 1-2Q FY2011 FY2012 増減 Change 6,137 5,833 993 480 2 37 -4 4 3 -6 -7 5 3 11 10 -10 -4 32 -6 -304* (-5.0%) -513* 13 (-51.7%) 持分法損益 Equity in earnings of unconsolidated companies その他 Others 経常利益 Ordinary Income 特別損益 Extraordinary gains (losses) 税引前利益 Income before tax 法人税等 Income taxes 450 240 -144 -23 306 217 110 10 -210 (-46.7%) -89 (-29.0%) 1,029 476 -202 -13 828 463 74 238 130 10 20 23 -553 (-53.8%) -364 (-44.0%) 少数株主損益 Minority interest in earnings (losses) of consolidated subsidiaries 当期純利益 Net Income 185 133 -52 (-28.1%) 570 311 -259 (-45.5%) * うち、為替差影響は、2Q 売上高 -103億円、営業利益 -0億円、1-2Q累計売上高 -177億円、営業利益 -3億円 Foreign exchange fluctuation resulted in -10.3 billion yen in Net Sales and -0.0 billion yen in Operating Income in 2Q, All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. and -17.7 billion yen in Net Sales and -0.3 billion yen in Operating Income in 1-2Q total. 6 Variance Analysis on Operating Income (2Q.FY2012 vs 2Q.FY2011) 億円(100 illi yen)) 億円(100million 前年同期比 213億円減益 ¥ 21.3 21 3 bn down from same period last yr 700 600 500 +65 451 販売数量 品種構成 400 300 Sales Volume/Quantity, Product Mix 200 +40 -289 売値 100 Selling Price 0 2Q.FY2011 -29 原燃材料価格 Purchase Price Fuels/Raw Materials 238 コスト その他 Cost Reduction /Others 2Q.FY20122 2Q.FY20 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 7 Variance Analysis on Operating Income (2Q.FY2012 vs 1Q.FY2012) 億円(100 illi yen)) 億円(100million 前四半期比 4億円減益 ¥ 0.4 0 4 bn down from last quarter 500 400 300 242 +25 +61 61 販売数量 品種構成 200 Sales Volume/Quantity, Product Mix 100 -61 売値 Sellingg Price 原燃材料価格 コスト その他 Purchase Price Fuels/Raw Materials Cost Reduction /Others -29 238 0 1Q.FY2012 2Q.FY20122 2Q.FY20 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 8 Variance Analysis on Operating Income (1-2Q.FY2012 vs 1-2Q.FY2011) 億円(100 illi yen)) 億円(100million 前年同期比 513億円減益 ¥ 51.3 bn down from same period last yr 1,100 1,000 993 +79 900 販売数量 品種構成 800 Sales Volume/Quantity, Product Mix 700 600 480 -506 500 400 売値 -71 Selling Price 原燃材料価格 料 格 Purchase Price Fuels/Raw Materials 300 -15 15 コスト その他 Cost Reduction /Others 200 100 0 11-2Q.FY2011 2Q.FY2011 1-2Q.FY2012 1 2Q.FY2012 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 9 Consolidated Balance Sheets 億円(100 illi yen)) 億円(100million 資産の部 Assets 流動資産 Current assets 現金及び預金 Cash on hand & in banks 受取手形及び 売掛金 T d notes Trade t & accounts t receivable 棚卸資産 Inventories その他 Other current assets 固定資産 Fixed assets 有形・無形 固定資産 Tangible-Intangible fixed assets 投資有価証券 I Investments iin securities ii その他 Other fixed assets 資産合計 Total Assets 11/12 12/6 増減 11/12 12/6 増減 Dec. 31, 2011 Jun. 31, 2012 Change Dec. 31, 2011 Jun. 30, 2012 Change 16,916 , 17,911 , +996 Liabilities 8,411 , 9,033 , +622 6,068 6,871 +803 仕入債務 Payables 1,124 1,094 -31 988 963 -25 借入金 (含むCP、社債) Loans (include CP & Bonds) 4,775 5,423 +648 2,337 2,287 -50 その他 Other liabilities 2,511 2,516 +5 1,943 2,024 +81 純資産の部 Net assets 8,505 8,878 +373 800 1,597 +797 株主資本 Shareholders’ Equity 9,705 9,865 +160 10,848 11,040 +193 資本金 Common stock 909 909 - 8,797 8,912 +115 資本剰余金 Additional paid–in capital 970 970 - 1 484 1,484 1 621 1,621 +138 138 利益剰余金 R i d earnings Retained i 8 125 8,125 8 286 8,286 +160 160 568 507 -61 自己株式 Treasury stock -299 -299 +0 -1,630 -1,448 +182 16,916 17,911 * うち、為替差影響は、+92億円 Foreign exchange fluctuation resulted in +9.2 billion yen. +996* 負債の部 その他の包括利益 累計額 Accumulated other comprehensive income 新株予約権 Share Subscription Rights 16 16 +0 少数株主持分 Minority Interests in Consolidated Subsidiaries 414 445 +31 16,916 17,911 +996 負債・純資産合計 Total T t l Liabilities Li biliti & Net N t Assets All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 10 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows 億円(100million yen) 2Q FY2011 営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー (a) Cash flows from operating activities (a) 税金等調整前純利益 Income before income taxes & minority interests 減価償却費・のれん償却・固定資産減損 Depreciation/Amortization/Impairment 運転資金増減 Increase (decrease) in working capital その他 Others 投資活動によるキャッシュ・フロー (b) Cash flows from investing activities (b) 固定資産取得 Purchase of property, plant & equipment その他 Others フリー・キャッシュ・フロー (a)+(b) Free cash flow (a)+(b) 財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー Cash flows from financing activities 借入金増減 Increase (decrease) in bank loans, bonds & CP 支払配当 支払 Dividends paid その他 Others 現金等に係る換算差額 Effect of exchange g rate changes g on cash & cash equivalents q 現金等の増加額 Changes in cash & cash equivalents FY2012 1 2Q 累計 1-2Q FY2011 (1-2Q (1 2Q Total) FY2012 513 460 913 922 306 283 -112 37 217 285 -80 38 828 562 -143 -333 463 589 -65 -65 -403 -306 -639 -584 -386 386 -18 -367 367 61 -656 656 16 -700 700 115 110 -43 154 9 274 -262 337 500 -36 0 -7 13 0 -3 -87 -163 163 -11 663 -150 150 -13 -8 59 -30 134 18 31 16 853 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 11 CAPEX, Depreciation & Others 億円(100million yen) 2Q FY2011 設備投資額 減価償却費 研究開発費 有利子負債残高* D/E比率 FY2012 403 279 119 CAPEX Depreciation R&D 285 281 117 11/12 12/06 Dec. 31, 2011 Jun. 30, 2012 I t Interest-bearing t b i ddebts* bt * D/E ratio 4,833 4 833 0.57 1-2Q 累計(1-2Q Total) FY2011 FY2012 719 554 218 702 569 238 5,489 5 489 0.62 * 有利子負債残高はリース債務を含む (11/12末 58億円, 12/6末 66億円) Interest-bearing debts includes lease obligations. (Dec. 31, 2011 5.8 billion yen, Jun. 30, 2012 6.6 billion yen) All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 12 2. Information by Business and Geographic Segment All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 13 Glass Business Segment(1) 売上高 営業利益 Sales Operating Income FY2011 2Q FY2012 1,390 1,356 1-2Q累計 Q累計 2,782 , Automotive Glass Flat Glass O.P. 1,600 1,400 -17 596 60 -9 1,000 (-77) 40 800 () vs FY2011 843 840 18 600 売上高の内訳 Sub total Breakdown of Sales ガラス Glass 2Q 1-2Q累計 1-2Q Total 板ガラス 2Q (建築用、ソーラー) Flat Glass : Building & Solar 1-2Q累計 Q累計 自動車用ガラス Automotive Glass 小計 1-2Q Total 2Q 1-2Q累計 1-2Q Total 1,390 日本・アジア Japan & Asia 744 80 660 1,200 *()内数字は前年同期比 FY2012.2Q 100 686 593 512 (-20) 67 (55) 四半期推移 Performance Trend FY2012 3 (34) 2 727 2,727 1-2Q Total FY2011 億円(100million yen) アメリカ Americas 177 ヨーロッパ 消去 Europe Elimination 513 788 14 706 3 8 0 400 -17 -44 2,782 1,499 338 1,015 -70 730 344 82 339 -36 1 436 1,436 675 154 660 -54 660 400 95 174 -9 1,347 824 184 355 -16 20 730 200 -20 20 0 -40 2Q.11 3Q.11 4Q.11 1Q.12 2Q.12 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 14 Glass Business Segment(2) 【【YoY comparison p for the first six months】 】 〔Architectural Glass〕 Japan :Shipments grew from the first six months of FY2011, which was affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake Earthquake. Asia :Shipments remained strong despite the flooding in Thailand and economic slowdown in China. Europe :Shipments fell, affected by economic deterioration in the region, particularly in Western Europe. North N th A America i :Shipments Shi t ffellll d due tto continuing ti i d downturn t iin d demand. d 〔Automotive Glass〕 In Europe Europe, the Group’s Group s shipments were on the same level as the previous year despite a decrease in auto production in the region. In Japan, Asia and North America, shipments were strong due to an increase in auto production in these regions. 〔Glass for solar power systems〕 Shipments fell due to factors such as slowing market growth and intensified competitive environment. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 15 Electronics Business Segment(1) 億円(100million yen) 四半期推移 Performance Trend 売上高 営業利益 Sales Operating income FY2011 2Q 1,043 1-2Q累計 2,106 1-2Q Total FY2012 831 ((-212) 212) 1,611 (-495) FY2011 397 823 1,200 FY2012 1,000 202 ((-195) 195) 800 Electronic Materials Display O.P. 149 600 800 894 126 381 133 763 738 (-441) 600 127 122 703 659 397 400 *()内数字は前年同期比 () vs FY2011 287 400 202 226 180 FY2012.2Q 売上高の内訳 200 Breakdown of Sales 2Q ディスプレイ Display 1-2Q累計 1-2Q Total 電子部材 Electronic Materials 200 703 1,362 2Q 127 1-2Q累計 249 1-2Q Total 0 0 2Q.11 3Q.11 4Q.11 1Q.12 2Q.12 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 16 Electronics Business Segment(2) 【 YoY comparison for the first six months 】 〔Display〕 Shipments of TFT-LCD glass substrates had been on the recovery track since 4Q FY2011 FY2011, and increased from the first six months of FY2011 FY2011. Falling product prices caused adverse impacts; however, the rate of decline became much smaller in 2Q FY2012 FY2012. 〔Electronics〕 Weak demand for semiconductor-related products. Shipments p of optoelectronics p materials for digital g cameras and other applications were strong. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 17 Chemicals Business Segment(1) 2Q 営業利益 Sales Operating income FY2012 1,195 , 1 2Q Total 1-2Q T l FY2011 652 595 1-2Q 四半期推移 Performance Trend 売上高 FY2011 (+57) 1,280 ( 84) (+84) 40 87 800 FY2012 47 (+7) 100 ( 13) (+13) Fluorochemicals & Specialty Chemicals Chlor-alkali & Urethane O.P. 80 500 200 Chlor-alkali Chlor alkali & Urethane 2Q 432 100 1 2Q累計 1-2Q累計 831 0 1-2Q Total フッ素化学・スペシャリティ Fluorochemicals & Specialty Chemicals 2Q 242 1-2Q累計 493 1 2Q Total 1-2Q T t l 消去 Elimination 2Q -22 1-2Q累計 -44 1-2Q Total 254 236 70 242 251 243 60 53 49 375 47 44 40 300 Breakdown of Sales 90 600 () vs FY2011 FY2012.2Q 売上高の内訳 100 *excluding Elimination 700 400 *()内数字は前年同期比 クロールアルカリ・ウレタン 億円(100million yen) 416 428 50 40 399 432 30 20 10 0 2Q.11 3Q.11 4Q.11 1Q.12 2Q.12 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 18 Chemicals Business Segment(2) 【 YoY comparison for the first six months 】 〔Chlor-alkali & Urethane〕 Japan rebounded from the impact of the earthquake, and shipments recovered from f the first f six months off FY2011. Asia continued to show strong performance. 〔Fluorochemicals & Specialty chemicals〕 St Strong shipments hi t off high-function hi h f ti fluorine fl i resin i and d pharmaceutical h ti l and d agrochemical intermediaries and active ingredients. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 19 Performance by Business Segment Compared with 2Q. FY2011 億円(100million yen) 2Q 売上高 ガラス 電子 化学品 その他 消去 Sales Gl Glass Electronics Chemicals Other Elimination 全社計 Consolidated total 営業利益 Operating income FY2011 1-2Q累計 FY2012 1 390 1,390 831 652 230 -123 2,979 , 増減 Change FY2012 -17 17 3 202 397 増減 Change 11,356 356 1,043 595 202 -144 3,051 FY2011 +34 -212 +57 +28 +21 -72 FY2011 (1-2Q Total) FY2012 2 782 2,782 1,611 1,280 480 -320 5,833 , 増減 Change FY2012 -99 67 381 823 増減 Change 22,727 727 2,106 1,195 382 -273 6,137 FY2011 +55 -495 +84 +99 -47 -304 ガラス Glass 電子 Electronics 化学品 その他 Chemicals 40 47 +7 87 100 +13 Other 11 6 -5 15 9 -6 消去 Elimination 0 0 +0 1 -1 -2 451 238 -213 213 993 480 -513 513 全社計 Consolidated total -20 20 -195 -77 77 -441 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 20 Performance by Business Segment Compared with 1Q. FY2012 億円(100million yen) 売上高 Sales ガラス 電子 化学品 その他 消去 Glass Electronics Chemicals Other Elimination 全社計 Consolidated total 営業利益 Operating income ガラス Glass 電子 Electronics 化学品 Chemicals その他 Other 消去 Elimination 全社計 Consolidated total 1Q.FY2012 2Q.FY2012 1,392 1,390 780 831 628 652 250 50 230 30 -197 -123 2,854 2,979 1Q.FY2012 2Q.FY2012 8 -17 増減 % 増減 Change Change % -3 +50 +24 -200 +74 +125 -0.2% +6.4% +3.8% -8.0% 8 0% +4.4% 増減 % 増減 Change Change % -25 - 180 202 +22 +12.3% 53 47 -6 -11.4% 3 6 +3 +114 9% +114.9% -1 0 +1 - 242 238 -4 -1.6% All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 21 Performance by Geographic Segment Compared with 2Q. FY2011 億円(100million yen) 2Q 売上高 日本・アジア 日本 アジア Sales Japan & Asia 1-2Q累計 FY2011 FY2012 2 265 2,265 2 297 2,297 増減 Change +32 (1-2Q Total) FY2011 FY2012 4 474 4,474 44,607 607 428 413 増減 Change -133 133 アメリカ Americas 193 220 +26 ヨーロッパ Europe 666 561 -105 1,275 1,106 -169 消去 Elimination -73 -98 -26 -158 -174 -17 3,051 2,979 -72 6,137 5,833 -304 全社計 営業利益 日本・アジア アメリカ Consolidated total Operating income FY2011 FY2012 増減 Change FY2011 FY2012 +15 増減 Change 492 339 -152 1,058 669 -390 Americas -8 -11 -3 -9 -19 -10 ヨーロッパ Europe 42 -17 -58 78 -21 -100 消去 Eli i i Elimination 5 0 -44 -22 -11 +0 Cross-regional common expenses -79 -74 +5 -133 -147 -14 Consolidated total 451 238 -213 213 993 480 -513 513 地域共通費用 全社計 Japan & Asia All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 22 Performance by Geographic Segment Compared with 1Q. FY2012 億円(100million yen) 売上高 Sales 日本・アジア Japan & Asia 1Q.FY2012 2Q.FY2012 増減 % 増減 Change Change % 2,177 2,297 +120 +5.5% アメリカ Americas 208 220 +11 11 +5.5% 5 5% ヨーロッパ Europe 545 561 +16 +3.0% 消去 Elimination -76 76 -98 98 -23 23 - 2,854 2,979 +125 +4.4% 全社計 Consolidated total 営業利益 日本・アジア Operating income Japan & Asia 1Q FY2012 1Q.FY2012 2Q FY2012 2Q.FY2012 増減 % 増減 Change Change % 329 339 +10 +3.1% アメリカ リ Americas -99 -11 11 -22 - ヨーロッパ Europe -5 -17 -12 - 消去 Elimination -2 0 +2 - 地域共通費用 Cross-regional common expenses -72 -74 -2 - Consolidated total 242 238 -4 -1.6% 全社計 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 23 The Impact of FOREX and Change in the Scope of Consolidation (Compared with 1-2Q. FY2011) 億円(100million yen) 区分 Segment 全社計* ガラス 電子 化学品 C Consolidated lid t d total t t l Gl Glass El t i Electronics Ch i l Chemicals 売上高 営業 利益 売上高 営業 利益 売上高 営業 利益 売上高 営業 利益 S Sales O OP S Sales O OP S Sales O OP S Sales O OP 1-2Q Total. FY2012 5,833 前年同期比 -304 -513 -130 130 -504 504 +200 -177 -3 -145 Change vs. 1-2Q Total. FY2011 [以下影響を除く前期比] Change like-for-like vs. 1-2Q Total. FY2011 為替換算の影響 Impact of FOREX 連結範囲変更の影響 Impact of Consolidated Scope Change +3 480 2,782 -6 +55 - -9 1,611 381 1,280 -77 -495 -441 100 +84 +13 -77 77 -481 481 -440 440 +103 +15 +0 -14 -1 -19 -2 - -0 +0 +0 -0 * 全社計には、その他、および消去の数値が含まれる為、各セグメントの合計とは一致しない び が 各 グ The sum of the segment amounts may not equal the amount of consolidated total, because it includes the amount of Other Segment and elimination. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 24 Outlook for FY2012 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 25 FY2012 Forecast 億円(100 illi yen)) 億円(100million FY2012見通し FY2011 売上高 Net sales 営業利益 Operating income 経常利益 Ordinary income 当期純利益 Net income 一株当たり配当金 Dividend (Yen/Share) 売上高営業利益率 Operating profit margin ROE*1 Return on equity 為替レート(期中平均) JPY/USD FOREX Average JPY/EUR 原油 Crude Oil $/BBL (Dubai) FY2012 Forecast 1-2Q 累計 通期 期 1-2Q 累計 通期 期 1-2Q Total Fiscal Year 1-2Q Total Fiscal Year 6,137 993 1,029 570 13 12,147 1 657 1,657 1,667 953 26 16.2% 13 6% 13.6% 13.6% 11 8% 11.8% 82.04 114.99 105.6 79.84 111.12 106.2 5,833 480 476 311 13 12,000 1 000 1,000 950*2 500*2 26 増減 % 増減 Change Change % -147 -657 657 -717 -453 -1.2% -39 39.6% 6% -43.0% -47.5% 8.3% 6 2% 6.2% 79.74 103.45 111.3 80.0*3 100.0*3 100.0*3 *1 ROE(自己資本当期純利益率)=当期純利益/自己資本(期中平均) * 2 本年2月8日決算発表時の予想から見直し FY2012 ForecastのROEは、FY2011末時点の自己資本等を使用 Figures change from the FY2012 forecast that was announced on Feb. 8, 2012. Return on Equity = Net Income / (Shareholders' Equity (average) + Valuation and translation adjustments (average)) ROE of FY2012 Forecast is calculated by using the Shareholders’ equity, etc. as of Dec.31, 2011. * 3 2012年度の前提 Assumption for FY2012 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 26 Business Outlook for FY2012 (1) 〔 Business environment 〕 The global economic growth will become slower. There is concern that the continued economic stagnation in Western Europe might affect Central/Eastern Europe Europe. The pace of economic recovery is expected to remain weak in North America. Growth rates of China and Asian countries will slow down. In Japan Japan, active demand created by restoration efforts is expected to boost the country’s economic recovery, although within a narrow range. Energy gy p prices will remain high. g All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 27 Business Outlook for FY2012 (2) 〔Glass〕 Architectural glass Japan/Asia J p / :Remain strong g North America :Moderate recovery Europe :Weak due to economic downturn Automotive glass Shipments will increase driven by strong demand in fast-growing markets. Glass for solar power systems Weak shipments p due to factors such as slowing g market g growth and intensified competitive environment. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 28 Business Outlook for FY2012 (3) 〔Electronics〕 Shipments of TFT-LCD glass substrates will continue to be on a recovery track since 4Q FY2011. With regard d to t electronic l t i materials, t i l optoelectronics t l t i materials t i l will ill b be favorable, and semiconductor-related products are expected to recover in the latter half of the year. 〔Chemicals〕 Shipments will be generally strong. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 29 CAPEX / Depreciation / R&D 本年2月8日決算発表時の予想から変更ありません Figures below remain unchanged from the FY2012 forecast that was announced on Feb. 8, 2012. 設備投資 CAPEX 減価償却費 Depreciation 1,900 2,000 億円(100million yen) 2,000 1,000 900 1,527 1 500 1,500 800 1 500 1,500 1,174 700 504 1,100 343 1,000 670 500 1,000 802 152 195 FY2010 FY2011 0 研究開発費 R&D 500 0 FY2012 Forecast 1,101 1,100 500 407 419 600 400 394 464 500 300 519 521 154 164 FY2010 FY2011 ガ ガラス 電子 化学品 そ 他 その他 Glass Electronics Chemicals Other 200 100 0 FY2012 Forecast FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 Forecast * 2010年の数値は、2011年に導入したマネジメントアプローチによる開示基準に基づいて表示 The figures for FY2010 are calculated based on the management approach of IFRS 8, which the company adopted in FY2011. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 30 AGC’s Measures toward E i Earnings R Recovery All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 31 Key Measures K M to t improve i AGC’s Business Performance Profit improvement of the flat glass business i E in Europe Maintain the profitability of the TFT business All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 32 Key Measures K M to t improve i AGC’s Business Performance Profit improvement of the flat glass business i E in Europe Maintain the profitability of the TFT business All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 33 Current situation of the architectural glass market in Europe -Strong business in Eastern Europe underpins the European market while oversupply in Western/Central Europe continues- Supply-demand projections for the architectural glass market in Western/Central Europe •Over O e 10% 0% o oversupply e supp y in 2011 0 •▲2% demand growth in 2012 Unit:k ton Unit:k ton 10,000 9,000 Supply-demand projections for the architectural glass market in Eastern Europe Demand 需要 10,000 Supply 供給 9,000 8,000 8,000 7,000 7,000 6,000 6,000 5,000 5,000 4,000 4,000 3,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 2008 2009 2010 Source: AGC analysis 2011 2012e 2013e 2014e 2015e Demand 需要 Supply 供給 • Well-balanced supply and demand continues. continues • Around 10% growth in 2012 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012e 2013e 2014e 2015e Source: AGC analysis All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 34 Measures to improve the profitability of the flat g glass business in Europe(1) p ( ) -Over 20% reduction in AGC’s production capacity in Western EuropeOversupp O ply situattion S Suspending di three th f furnaces in i Western W t Europe E Beginning of 2012 Current situation Moustier (Belgium) Salerno(Italy) Tiel (Netherland) Western Europe Over 20% reduction Effects Slashing fixed cost 効果 Minimizing g the supply-demand pp y gap g p Optimizing O ti i i iinventory t llevels l All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 35 Measures to improve the profitability of the flat g glass business in Europe(2) p ( ) -Strengthening the architectural glass businessProfit improvement measures Streamlining/consolidating the architectural fabrication bases in Western Europe Effects Greater efficiency in production/distribution Reducing fixed cost Creating C synergy Building business partnership with Interpane (Germany) Earning growth gro th achieved achie ed leveraging AGC’s market competitiveness in Eastern Europe Supplement sales in the strong German market Mutually complement in production technology and development activities Capturing the market growth in Eastern Europe Underpinning p g the earnings g of the Europe business All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 36 Key Measures K M to t improve i AGC’s Business Performance Profit improvement of the flat glass business i E in Europe Maintain the profitability of the TFT business All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 37 Current situation of the TFT glass market -Following the trends for larger-sized displays, the h area size i off di display l panels l will ill continue i to iincreaseSupply-demand projections for TFT-LCD panels for TVs (1,000 unit) 300,000 250,000 (000㎡) 120,000 Unit 台数 Area A 面積 100,000 200,000 80,000 150,000 60,000 100,000 40,000 50 000 50,000 20 000 20,000 0 0 20 0 9 '11 0 '11 1 '11 2e '11 3e ' 1 4e Source: Created based on Display Search data (as of May 18, 2012) All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 38 Measures to improve the profitability of the TFT business - Greater production efficiency & Optimal allocation of production facilities- Greater p production efficiency y - In line with the demand trends, we are gradually converting existing facilities into high-efficiency production facilities. - Productivity/yield improvement - Higher output through producing thinner glass For the next few years, we will respond to demand growth without investing on new furnaces. O Optimizing the location off production facilities f to meet actual demand - Stop mass production of TFT glass substrates at the Keihin plant (JP) - Will streamline the polishing facilities in Japan (4Q) All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 39 Promptly, Quickly, Swiftly get back on a recovery track! Sales: 100 million yen Operating income: 100 million yen 4,000 800 Sales 売上高 OP 営業利益 3,500 700 3,000 600 2,500 500 Heading toward recovery 2,000 400 1,500 300 1,000 200 500 100 0 0 1Q 2010 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2011 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2012 2Q All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 40 Appendix All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 41 Changes in Financial Results 億円(100million yen) 15 000 15,000 2 500 2,500 12,000 2,000 9,000 1,500 6,000 1,000 3,000 500 0 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2012 FY2011 Forecast 売上高 Net sales 15,267 16,205 16,812 14,443 11,482 12,889 12,147 12,000 営業利益 Operating income 1 182 1,182 1 366 1,366 1 975 1,975 1 540 1,540 867 2 292 2,292 1 657 1,657 1 000 1,000 当期純利益 Net income 600 450 696 392 200 1,232 953 500 営業利益率 Operating income/Net sales 7.7% 8.4% 11.7% 10.7% 7.5% 17.8% 13.6% 8.3% 一株当たり配当金 Cash dividends per share (yen) ¥15 ¥16 ¥20 ¥24 ¥16 ¥26 ¥26 ¥26 [OP , Neet income] [Nett sales] 3,000 営業利益・ 当期純利益 売上高 18,000 0 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 42 Financial Index *1 05/12 06/12 07/12 08/12 09/12 10/12 11/12 Return on equity % 7.7% 5.1% 7.5% 4.7% 2.7% 15.8% 11.8% Return on assets % 6.0% 6.5% 9.3% 7.8% 4.8% 12.9% 9.6% 自己資本比率 Equity ratio % 41% 42% 45% 40% 42% 46% 48% D/E(有利子負債・純資産比率) Debt/Equity ratio 倍 times 0.56 0.58 0.52 0.77 0.74 0.60 0.57 営業CF/有利子負債 CF from Operating p g Activities/Interest-bearing debt 倍 times 0 35 0.35 0 30 0.30 0 46 0.46 0 34 0.34 0 30 0.30 0 56 0.56 0 31 0.31 一株当たり当期純利益(EPS) Earnings per share 円 Yen 51.36 38.37 59.35 33.53 17.12 105.52 81.90 億円 100mil Yen 2,178 1,809 2,555 2,199 1,873 2,594 自己資本当期純利益率(ROE) 総資産営業利益率(ROA) EBITDA *2 *3 EBITDA 3,084 *1 ROE(自己資本当期純利益率)=当期純利益/自己資本(期中平均) Return on Equity = Net Income / (Shareholders' Equity (average) + Valuation and translation adjustments (average)) *2 総資産営業利益率( ROA)=営業利益/総資産 (期中平均) Return on assets = Operating income / Total assets (average) *3 EBITDA(支払利息・税金・減価償却費控除前利益)=税引前当期純利益+減価償却費+支払利息 Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization(EBITDA) = Net Income (Loss) Before Taxes + Depreciation + Interest expenses FY2011 為替レート Exchange rates 円/ドル JPY/USD 円/ユーロ JPY/EUR 1Q 2Q FY2012e 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 期中平均 Average 82.34 81.74 77.89 77.41 79.28 80.20 期末 At quarter end 83.15 80.73 76.65 77.74 82.19 79.31 期中平均 Average 112.57 117.40 110.19 104.33 103.99 102.91 期末 At quarter end 117.57 116.84 104.11 100.71 109.80 98.74 3Q 4Q 80.0*4 100.0*4 *4 2012年度の前提 Assumption for FY2012 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 43 Major Press Releases in FY2012 D t Date February 28 March 5 S Summary Hokkaido Soda becomes a subsidiary as a part of the Group’s efforts toward reorganization g of its domestic Chlor-Alkali business Succeed in developing micro hole drilling processing technology for ultra-thin glass April 4 Decided to in invest est in Rolith, Rolith Inc., Inc advanced ad anced nanotechnolog nanotechnology startup start p in U U.S. S April 16 Boost the Group’s production capacity for Tafluprost, active pharmaceutical ingredient for glaucoma treatment April 19 Cornerstone ― Laying ceremony held at the new glass manufacturing facility in Brazil May 29 LeoflexTM, a chemically strengthened specialty glass for versatile applications ―Promoting the use of specialty glass that enables weight reduction across a wide range of applications, such as solar panels, building materials, and lighting— M 30 May AGC s Carrier Glass Technology Enables Current Production Processes to Handle AGC's Ultra-thin Glass All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 44 Disclaimer This material is solely for information purposes and should not be construed as a solicitation. Although this material (including the financial projections) has been prepared using information we currently believe reliable, Asahi Glass does not take responsibility for any errors and omissions i i pertaining t i i t the to th inherent i h t risks i k and d uncertainties t i ti off the th material presented. We ask that you exercise your own judgment in assessing this material. Asahi Glass is not responsible for any losses that may arise from investment decisions based on the forecasts and other numerical targets contained herein. Copyright Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. No duplication or distribution without prior consent of A hi Gl Asahi Glass C Co., Ltd Ltd. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 45 〒100-8405 東京都千代田区丸の内一丁目5番1号 新丸の内ビルディング Shin-Marunouchi Bldg., 1-5-1 Marunouchi Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8405 Japan 問合わせ先:広報・IR室 問合わせ先:広報 IR室 Contact :Corporate Communications & Investor Relations E-mail : [email protected] T E L : +81-(0)3-3218-5096 F A X : +81-(0)3-3201-5390 81 (0)3 3201 5390 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 46
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