Course Syllabus : Fall Semester 2014 H U S A Course S Course Short List Course Syllabus : Spring Semester 2015 No. Course type Area of Study 1 Special Course Culture Family Life in Japan 2 Special Course Science Food Chain Dynamics / Exercises in Food Chain Dynamics Course Short List 3 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Special Course Course Title Credits 2 2 Technology, Science From the microscopic world to macroscopic universe 2 or 1 4 Special Course Culture Globalization Support Internship I: Career Theory and Practice Course type Area of Study Course Title Credits 5 Special Course Culture Globalization Support Internship II: Practicum Special Course Culture Cross-Cultural Studies on Education 2 6 Special Course Technology Introduction to Environmental Chemistry Special Course Technology, Science From the microscopic world to macroscopic universe 2 or 1 7 Special Course Language Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology Special Course Science Introduction to Advanced and Integrated Science 1 8 Special Course Economics Japanese Economy Special Course Culture Japanese Art and Global Education 2 9 Special Course Culture Japanese Society and Gender Issues Special Course Culture Japanese Society and Lifestyles 2 10 Special Course Culture Japanese Society and Lifestyles Special Course Science Modern Chemistry 2 11 Special Course Language Seminar in English Debate Special Course Culture Politics and Foreign Relations of Japan 2 Culture, Business, 12 Special Course Study on International Issues and Challenges Special Course Science Economics Recent Developments in Biological Sciences 2 34 Culture, Business, Culture, Business, 3 Special Course Study on International Issues and Challenges 2 13 Special Course Study on Japanese Companies & Organizations Economics Economics Culture, Business, Culture, Business, Special Course Study on Japanese Companies & on Organizations 2 14 Special Course The Independent Study Japanese Companies & Organizations Economics Economics Culture, Business, 15 Special Course Culture The Independent Study on Japanese Culture and Peace Special Course The Independent Study on Japanese Companies & Organizations 1 Economics 16 Special Course Culture The Independent Study on Japanese Society and Gender Issues Special Course Culture The Independent Study on Japanese Culture and Peace 1 17 Special Course Culture The Japanese Culture and Peace Special Course Culture The Japanese Culture and Peace 2 18 Integrated Course Science Earth Environmental Chemistry Integrated Course Technology CMOS Logic Circuit Design 2 19 Integrated Course Medical General Health and Oral Sciences Integrated Course Culture, Language English Grammar 2 20 Integrated Course Culture Introduction to the Theory of Inter-Cultural Communication Integrated Course Medical International Cooperation in Medicine 2 21 Integrated Course Science Laboratory in Physical Science B Integrated Course Science Introduction to Linguistics 2 22 Integrated Course Science Network and algebraic system Integrated Course Culture INU Collaborated Special Lecture B: “American Culture and Society” 2 23 Integrated Course Science, Medical Structure of the Human Body; Developmental Biology Integrated Course Language Lecture on Current English 2 24 Integrated Course Language Studies of Second Language Acquisition Integrated Course Language Psycholinguistics 2 25 Language Course Language Elementary Japanese IA Integrated Course Science Synthetic Organic Chemistry 2 26 Language Course Language Elementary Japanese IB Language Course Language Elementary Japanese IIA 2 27 Language Course Language Elementary Japanese IC Language Course Language Elementary Japanese IIB 2 28 Language Elementary Japanese ID Language Course Language Course Language Elementary Japanese IIC 2 29 Language Course Language Elementary Japanese IIA Language Course Language Intermediate Japanese ID 2 30 Language Course Language Elementary Japanese IIB Language Course Language Intermediate Japanese IE 2 31 Language Course Language Elementary Japanese IIC Language Course Language Intermediate Japanese IF 2 32 Language Course Language Intermediate Japanese IA Language Course Language Intermediate Japanese IID 2 33 Language Course Language Intermediate Japanese IB Language Course Language Intermediate Japanese IIE 2 34 Language Course Language Intermediate Japanese IC Language Course Language Intermediate Japanese IIF 2 35 Language Course Language Intermediate Japanese IIA Language Course Language Advanced Japanese A (Expression) 2 36 Language Course Language Intermediate Japanese IIB Language Course Language Advanced Japanese A (Listening) 2 37 Language Course Language Intermediate Japanese IIC Language Course Language Advanced Japanese A(Analysis) 2 38 Language Course Language Advanced Japanese B(Analysis) Language Course Language Advanced Japanese A(Cinema) 2 35 Language Course Language Advanced Japanese A(Lexical) 2 36 Language Course Language Academic Writing A 2 37 Language Course Language Japanese Education and Culture A 2 38 Language Course Language Japanese Society and Culture A 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 16 26 26 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 H U S A *The course information from page 27 through 34 is subject to change. Notice: There are variety of ‘Other Courses’ taught in Japanese for regular students in various faculties. HUSA students who have acquired advanced level of Japanese are eligible to take these courses with other Japanese students. See 1) Cross-Cultural Studies on Education 2Credits(2 UCTS) MARUYAMA, Yasushi Faculty of Education English This course will consider education in Japan as well as other countries, and enhance students' cross-cultural understanding. It has the following three objectives: 1) to have a brief idea about education in Japan; 2) to understand similarities and differences in education of different cultures; and 3) to possess an ability of mutual recognition in cross-cultural settings. Students are required to read course materials in advance, to attend class discussion, to give presentations about course materials and education in their own cultures, and to submit a term paper. They may also visit several schools near-by campus. The theme of this year may be “how to plan a cultural exchange program.” 2) From the microscopic world to macroscopic universe 2or1Credits(2or1 UCTS) ITOH, Takao Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences English In this course, we are going to understand the idea of the microscopic world and macroscopic universe. Both of the microscopic would and macroscopic universe are quite different from our world in the earth experienced in daily life. In the microscopic world we have to use quantum mechanics, while in macroscopic universe we have to use principle of relativity to understand what is going on. These topics will be lectured comprehensively. 3) Introduction to Advanced and Integrated Science 1Credit(1 UCTS) EBATA, Takayuki Faculty of Science English In this course, we present an introduction of the researches performed in the graduate school of science in Hiroshima University. Each subject will be presented with omnibus manner by a different expert of each field of science. 1. Introduction 2. Mathematics 3. Physical science 4. Chemistry 5. Biological Science 6. Earth and Planetary System Science 7. Mathematical Life Science 8. Discussion For the students from abroad, an additional course, such as introduction of Japanese language and culture, will be also provided. 4) Japanese Art and Global Education 2Credits(2 UCTS) NAKAMURA, Kazuyo 27 27 Faculty of Education English This course will investigate some of the ways in which the theory and practice of art education are affected by the contemporary processes of globalization and consider how art education might engage with global issues from the perspective of multiculturalism. The course will begin with an exploration of the nature of Japanese art through reading on and practicing it, and will look at the changing nature of cultural practices in the time of globalization. It will then consider how art education might contribute to the creation of a more desirable cultural order. 5) Japanese Lifestyles Society and 2Credits(2 UCTS) KAWAMOTO, Naoe Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences English The aim of this course is to deepen students’ understanding of Japanese people and Japanese society. In this class issues concerning contemporary life of the Japanese are examined and their cultural and social backgrounds will be lectured on and discussed. The course will also discuss both the similarities and differences between Japan and other countries. H U S A Foreign embryogenesis in marine invertebrates ・Genetic programming of body plan in vertebrates ・Gene expression and signal transduction of plant ・Amphibian metamorphosis ・Plant Genetics ・ Why lancelets? Chordate origin and diversity ・Bryophytes as primitive land plants: diversity and unique features ・ Conservation and genetic diversity in an endangered frog species from Japan ・Trans-kingdom gene transfer phenomena ・Plant function, metabolism and biotechnology ・Nucleic acids structure and 9) Study on International Issues and Challenges 6) Modern Chemistry 2Credits(2 UCTS) HAINO, Takeharu Faculty of Science English In this course, we present an introduction of the researches performed in the department of chemistry, graduate school of science in Hiroshima University. Each subject will be presented with omnibus manner by a different expert of each field of science, which covers physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry and biochemistry. 7) Politics and Relations of Japan 2Credits(2 UCTS) YOSHIDA, Osamu MORIBE, Seiichi 3Credits(3 UCTS) Faculty of Law HOTTA, Taiji English Faculty of Education This course aims at providing the basic knowledge and understanding of Japanese politics, both domestic and foreign, in English for Japanese and non-Japanese students. Students are expected to actively participate in the discussion that follows the lecture delivered by the instructors. English 8) Recent Developments in Biological Sciences 2Credits(2 UCTS) This course is an independent study course, but forms joint class sessions of all students who register in this class. The course focuses on the various studies of global issues and future challenges in students’ own fields. Each student has to choose one topic for own independent study. The theme of the independent study has to focus on a globally important issue in student’s major field of study. English ・Molecular aspects of internal organization of the cell ・ The extracellular matrix in vertebrates ・Regulation of gene expression and genetic control of 11) The Independent Study on Japanese Companies & Organizations 1Credit(1 UCTS) HOTTA, Taiji Faculty of Education Japanese ( 30% ) + English (70%) This course is an additional study of the “Study on Japanese Companies& Organizations”. Therefore, this course cannot be registered without taking the main course, “Study on Japanese Companies& Organizations” simultaneously. In addition to all course work of the main class, this course requires all registered students to conduct a research and write an advanced level of research paper. The student must spend 45 hours of student workload to write the research paper by focusing on Japanese companies or organizations. 12) The Independent Study on Japanese Culture and Peace 1Credit(1 UCTS) TBA Faculty of Science organization, management and other characteristics of Japanese companies and organizations. The class particularly asks students to analyze and write a term paper on Japanese companies and organizations from a comparative perspective of Japanese and students’ own cultures. 10) Study on Japanese Companies & Organizations 2Credits(2 UCTS) HOTTA, Taiji Faculty of Education Japanese ( 30% ) + English (70%) This course focuses on the 28 28 HOTTA, Taiji Faculty of Education English This course is an additional study of the Japanese Culture and Peace. Therefore, this course cannot be registered without taking the main course, H U S A the Japanese Culture and Peace. In addition to all course work of the main class, this course requires all registered students to conduct a research and write an advanced level of research paper. The student must spend 45 hours of student workload to write the research paper by focusing on either one important aspect of the Japanese culture or peace study in the world. 13) The Japanese Culture and Peace 2Credits(2 UCTS) HOTTA, Taiji Faculty of Education English This course focuses on (1)the basic patterns of Japanese communication at various situations and relationships. Although the instructor will deal mainly with Japanese communication patterns, the students are expected to study the subject from a comparative aspect using the patterns of human behaviors in their own region and culture. (2)This course will also provide an opportunity to learn the experience of Hiroshima as a victim of Atomic bomb and its approach to peace studies. All students are expected to write a short research paper with a relevant topic to the subject of this course. The students who would like to earn one additional credit are required to take another self study course for a Japanese cultural study. 14) CMOS Logic Circuit Design 2Credits(2 UCTS) MATTAUSCH,Hans・Jurgen Faculty of Engineering Japanese ( 20% ) + English (80%) 1. Introduction and Motivation 2. Short Repetition of Integrated-Circuit Basics 3. Static and Dynamic CMOS Design 4. Special-Purpose Digital Circuits 5. CMOS Layout 6. Combinational and Sequential CMOS Circuits 7. Logic Design for Speed (Logical Effort) 8. Repetition of Basic CMOS-Design Methods, Intermediate Examination 9. Arithmetic Modules for Addition, Subtraction and Data Shifting 10. Arithmetic Modules for Multiplication and Division 11. Memories with Address or Content-Based Access 12. Multi-Ported Memories and Nearest Match-Search Memories 13. Interconnects 14. Clock and Timing 15. Design for Testability 16. Final Examination. 15) English Grammar 2Credits(2 UCTS) JIMURA, Akiyuki Faculty of Letters Japanese ( 50% ) + English (50%) This course will study a communicative grammar of English: (1) word, phrase, or clause; (2) sentence; (3) utterance; (4) discourse or text. Words, phrases, or clauses show ‘concepts’ connected with notional or conceptual meaning. Sentences show ‘information, reality and belief’ representing logical aspects of communication. Utterances show ‘mood, emotion and attitude’ which involves the 29 29 social dimension of communication, relating grammar to the attitudes and behaviour of speaker and hearer. Discourses or texts show ‘meanings in connected discourse’ dealing with the organization of communication. 伝達能力を中心にすえた英文法 を扱う。 (1)語,句,節, (2) 文,(3)発話,(4)談話また はテクストの順に見ていく。 (1) は観念ないし概念的意味をあら わす「概念」である。 (2)は伝 達の論理的な思考をあらわす 「情報,現実,信念」である。 (3)は文法を話し手と聞き手 の態度や行動に関連付けるとい う伝達の社会的な次元に関わる, 「気分,感情,態度」である。 (4)は伝達の組織的な側面で 関わる, 「まとまりのある談話に おける意味」である。この授業 では, (3)と(4)を中心に講 義する。 16) International Cooperation in Medicine 2Credits(2 UCTS) EBOSHIDA, Akira KASHIMA, Saori Faculty of Medicine Japanese ( 90% ) + English (10%) 【General goals】 1. Understanding the importance of maintaining and promoting health through learning the basic relationship between society and medicine or medical practice [justice in opposition to poverty constitutes the foundation for societies and nations]. 2. Raising awareness of commonality among various kinds of international cooperation including medicine and medical practice. 【Practical goals】 1. Able to explain the current situations on health and medical practices and their H U S A related problems. 2. Able to explain the roles and activities of WHO, JICA and NGO. 3. Able to explain the international cooperation in Japan as it ought to be. 4. Able to collect data and materials on each subject and produce a report.(日本語) 【一般目標】・医療を介して国際的 視点を学ぶ [“貧困 (poverty)”の 対極にある“正義 (justice)”が社 会・国家等を 発展させること等] 2.医学・医療以外の様々な国 際協力との共通性について認識 を深める。 【行動目標】 1.国内外の保健医療の現状と 関連する諸問題を述べることが できる。 2.WHO, JICA, NGO などの役 割と活動を述べることができる。 3.日本の国際協力のあり方を 述べることができる。 4.各課題に関連する資料や文 献を収集し、レポートをまとめ ることができる。 17) Introduction to Linguistics 2Credits(2 UCTS) ANIYA, Sosei Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences Japanese ( 20% ) + English (80%) The purpose of this class is to introduce students to the study of the major components of English grammar: phonetics/phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. The following are some of the topics which will be covered during the term. 1. phonetics (consonants, vowels, places and manners of articulation) 2. phonology (phonemes and allophones, sound changes, rules and constraints of phonology) 3. morphology (morphemes, rules of word formation) 4. syntax (sentence structure, lexicon, rules and constraints) 5. semantics (ambiguity, thematic roles) 18) INU Collaborated Special Lecture B: “American Culture and Society” 2Credits(2 UCTS) HAWK, William (James Madison University) [5 Video Lectures] and HOTTA, Taiji International Center Japanese(60%)+English(40%) 本科目は、アメリカの文化と社 会に関する一般的な知識と基礎 概念をアメリカ人の講師による WebCT 上のビデオ講義を通し て紹介する。また、本科目の学 習と通して、英語力を上達させ、 将来的には、英語母語話者によ る授業を履修できるようにする。 授業は、アメリカ人講師による 5 回のビデオ講義(英語)と 7 -8 回の日本人講師による補助 授業(日本語)そして、学生に よる 2-3 回の発表(英語)によ って構成されている。This class will introduce the general knowledge and basic concepts of American culture and society through video lectures by an American instructor on the WebCT . The second objective is to improve students’ English proficiencies, so that students will be able to attend regular classes offered by English Native instructors in the future. The class will consist of 5 video lectures (English), 7-8 time follow classes (Japanese) by Japanese instructors and 2-3 times students’ presentations (English). 30 30 19) Lecture on Current English 2Credits(2 UCTS) IMAHAYASHI, Osamu Faculty of Letters Japanese ( 70% ) + English (30%) In this lecture we read and discuss some articles on current English news all over the world in broad papers and tabloids, radio, television, and internet. We sometimes enjoy recorded audio documents of historic events such as the abdication speech by King Edward VIII and the U. S. declaration of war against Japan. All the participants in the lecture should make a group presentation on current English news either in Japanese or in English. 20) Psycholinguistics 2Credits(2 UCTS) YAMADA, Jun Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences Japanese ( 70% ) + English (30%) Topics include the following: Acquisition of bound morphemes in English; two learning models and learning curves; ab language; imitation in language learning; speech errors in Japanese; learning hiragana and kanji. We also read a few papers in English and discuss them. If students raise questions and issue concerning language, language behavior, language learning, communication, and others, we will discuss them. トピックス は、英語拘束形態素の習得順序、 学習曲線の2つのモデル、ab 言 語、日本語における発話エラー、 かなと漢字の学習。また、後半 では、英語論文の講読をおこな う。受講者側から研究トピック H U S A の質問や提案があれば、それに ついて付加的に考察する。 21) Synthetic Chemistry Organic 2Credits(2 UCTS) KOJIMA, Satoshi Faculty of Science Japanese ( 50% ) + English (50%) [1] Brief introduction: (1) The reasoning and methodology of organic synthesis in relation with natural products (2) Examples of natural product synthesis (3) Terminology of selectivity and stereochemistry (4) Fundamental concepts related to selectivity and stereochemistry [2] Stereoselective reactions: The introduction of representative stereoselective transformations based upon reduction reactions, 1,2-addition of metal-based reagents, 1,4-addition of both hard and soft nucleophiles, reactions involving enolates, and oxidation reactions 22) Elementary Japanese IIA 23) Elementary Japanese IIB 2Credits(2 UCTS) TSUNEMATSU, Naomi したものであるかを確実に読み とる読解力を身に付け、さらに その内容を的確に言語表現でき る能力を養うことを目標とする。 International Center Student will learn basic grammar, expressions, vocabulary, and kanji at the elementary level. Students will also acquire practical usage of Japanese language in various situations. 初級後半レベルの基礎的な語 彙・文型・表現・漢字を学習し、 併せて種々の場面に応じた実用 的な日本語表現能力を習得させ る。 24) Elementary Japanese IIC 2Credits(2 UCTS) TSUNEMATSU, Naomi International Center Student will learn basic grammar, expressions, vocabulary, and kanji at the elementary level. Students will also acquire practical usage of Japanese language in various situations. 初級後半レベルの基礎的な語 彙・文型・表現・漢字を学習し、 併せて種々の場面に応じた実用 的な日本語表現能力を習得させ る。 2Credits(2 UCTS) TSUNEMATSU, Naomi 25) Intermediate Japanese ID International Center 2Credits(2 UCTS) Student will learn basic grammar, expressions, vocabulary, and kanji at the elementary level. Students will also acquire practical usage of Japanese language in various situations. 初級後半レベルの基礎的な語 彙・文型・表現・漢字を学習し、 併せて種々の場面に応じた実用 的な日本語表現能力を習得させ る。 ISHIHARA , Junya International Center The objectives of this class are to give students the ability to read long compositions at intermediate level, gain sufficient reading comprehension to understand reliably what those texts try to convey and also foster the ability to express accurately what the content of those texts means.中級レベルの長い文章 を読み、それが何を伝えようと 31 31 26) Intermediate Japanese IE 2Credits(2 UCTS) ISHIHARA, Junya International Center The objectives of this class are to give students the ability to read long compositions at intermediate level, gain sufficient reading comprehension to understand reliably what those texts try to convey and also foster the ability to express accurately what the content of those texts means.中級レベルの長い文章 を読み、それが何を伝えようと したものであるかを確実に読み とる読解力を身に付け、さらに その内容を的確に言語表現でき る能力を養うことを目標とする。 27) Intermediate Japanese IF 2Credits(2 UCTS) SHIMOMURA, Mariko International Center The objective of this course is to gain listening comprehension ability of various types of sentence patterns and expressions. 音声教材を用いて、一定の長さ の説明文や解説文の聞き取り能 力を養うとともに、総合的な日 本語能力を高める。 28) Intermediate Japanese IID 2Credits(2 UCTS) TAMURA, Yasuo International Center The aim of this class is to cultivate students' reading skills of long compositions and to instill knowledge of intermediate level grammar, vocabulary and H U S A expressions in students.中級レ ベルの文法・語彙・表現の定着 を図るとともに長文読解能力を 養成する。 29) Intermediate Japanese IIE 2Credits(2 UCTS) TAMURA, Yasuo International Center The aim of this class is to cultivate students' reading skills of long compositions and to instill knowledge of intermediate level grammar, vocabulary and expressions in students.中級レ ベルの文法・語彙・表現の定着 を図るとともに長文読解能力を 養成する。 30) Intermediate Japanese IIF 2Credits(2 UCTS) SAKATA, Terumi International Center The course focuses on: (1) understanding of Japanese culture and society by discussing topics in daily life; (2) enriching vocabulary by dealing with various daily scenarios and situations, and (3) developing overall Japanese language skills through various language exercises.身近なトピックによ り、日本に対する理解を深める とともに、多様な場面や状況を 理解し、語彙を増やす。聞き取 りだけでなく、多角的な練習に より、総合的な日本語の力を伸 ばす。 31) Advanced (Expression) Japanese A 2Credits(2 UCTS) UKIDA, Saburo International Center Using Japanese proverbs as study material, contrastively compare proverbs in various countries, and give students an understanding of Japanese culture and their descriptions of nature, Japanese ways of thinking, the fun of metaphorical expressions, and ways of expressions in Japanese. 日 本 の諺を教材にして、時には世界 各国の諺と対照比較し、日本語 的な表現法、 比喩表現の面白さ、日本的な考 え方、日本の文化や風土などの 理解を目指す。 32) Advanced (Listening) Japanese A 2Credits(2 UCTS) FUKAMI, Kanetaka International Center To acquire listening ability of advanced Japanese (including advanced vocabulary and grammar) by listening to three different kinds of texts; short stories, essays, and lectures. 3 つの違ったジャンル(ショー トショート、論説、講演)のテ キストを聴いて、上級日本語の 聴解能力および語彙・語法を習 得する。 33) Advanced (Analysis) Japanese A 2Credits(2 UCTS) problems in using Japanese. In handouts we present wrong or problematic writings in Japanese and compare them with possible rewritings or refer to various grammar items and typical expressions and explain stylistic facts to analyse Japanese natives' sense, psychology and thought. In the spring semester we focus on Japanese translation and summary work.日本語で文章を 綴ることに慣れ、自分たち外国 人の日本語を日本人の日本語と 比較分析することで日本語の理 解を深める。自分の使う日本語 をはっきりと目に見える形にす るために、毎週日本語作文を提 出してもらう。その作文は自分 の書いた文章と書き直しが客観 的に対照しやすいようにワープ ロ編集をして返すので、自分の 日本語の問題点を考える。授業 ではそれらの日本語作文から間 違っている文、あるいは何か問 題がある文を例に選び、時には 何通りもある書き直し方や関連 するさまざまな文法、表現の例 と比較しながら、日本人の日本 語がどのような感覚、心理、考 え方を土台としているかを分析 し、さまざまな文体的事象につ いて解説していく。前期は日本 語への翻訳、要約を多く扱う。 NAKAGAWA, Masahiro International Center Stuedents get accustomed to writing in Japanese, and deepen their understanding of this language by way of comparative analysis of foreigners' Japanese with native Japanese. To recognize clearly their actual ability in Japanese, they should write in Japanese one essay a week. Every essay will be returned after it has been corrected using a wordprocessor for studens to compare objectively the original writing and the corrected version and consider their own 32 32 34) Advanced A(Cinema) Japanese 2Credits(2 UCTS) ISHIHARA, Junya International Center The aims of this course are as follows: 1) Practice of listening and explanation of Japanese sounds as they appear in movies, 2) Enlarge students' vocabulary by giving explanation about the meaning, and usage of lines by actors, 3) Increase understanding of the behavior patterns of H U S A Japanese people, 4) Increase students' knowledge of Japanese culture and society through the topics dealt with in the movies.日本映 画・アニメーションを見ていく 中で, 1)日本語の音声に関する解説お よび聞き取り練習を行うこと 2)セリフに出てくる語の用法・ 意味の解説を通じて語彙を増や すこと 3)映画の中で出演者がなぜその ように振る舞うかということを 通じて日本人の考え方を理解す ること 4)映画の中で扱われるエピソー ドを通じて日本の社会・文化を 知ること を目標とする。 35) Advanced A(Lexical) Japanese 2Credits(2 UCTS) TAMURA, Yasuo International Center The aim of this course is to give students a more natural ability of expression in Japanese, by practicing the Japanese readings of Chinese characters, idioms, onomatopoeia and mimetic words.常用漢字に採択 されている漢字の訓読みや慣用 句、擬音語・擬態語を学習する ことによって、より自然な日本 語表現能力の習得を目指す。 ったりするのに必要な高度な日 本語の運用能力を身につける。 学術的なテーマについて,日本 語による討議,発表,レポート・ 論文作成ができる能力を育成す る。 37) Japanese Education and Culture A 2Credits(2 UCTS) NAKAYA, Ayami International Center In this course, students will learn Japanese school educational history/system/culture, informal education in home, contemporary educational issues and social eductioanal systems. These topics will help students to understand Japanese culture and society. Students will do comparative analysis with their own experiences and country's situation and discuss with Japanese students in the last class regarding the educational and cultural matters.日本社会と 文化を深く理解することを目的 に、日本における子育て・学校 教育・社会教育の歴史と現状か ら,日本社会の発展と課題,文 化に与える影響を紹介し、学生 は比較考察や議論を行う。 38) Japanese Culture A Society and 36) Academic Writing A 2Credits(2 UCTS) 2Credits(2 UCTS) NAKAYA , Ayami NAKAYA, Ayami International Center International Center In this course, students will learn Japanese contemporary cultural and social fenomina/issues. These topics will help students to deepen their understanding Japan and also the similalities/ differenses with their own county. In this course, students will do comparative analysis with worldwide statistical data and In this course, students will master the height level Japanese ability for lectures and the research. Student will learn the way of writing reports in Japanese including structures, grammar and rules with many exercises.大学の講 義を受講したり,研究活動を行 33 33 sociological research. And also there are four times discussion sessions with Japanese students about social issues and cultural matters.日本社会と 文化を深く理解することを目的 に、日本の社会と文化にみられ る特徴的な現象を取り上げて紹 介し、学生はそれをもとに世界 的な現象や自国の社会文化との 比較考察や議論を行う。 H U S A Graduate Courses Graduate Graduate students students are are eligible eligible toto take courses offered take courses offered inin the the graduate graduateprogram. program. International Development and Cooperation (IDEC) Graduate-level* HUSA students (See page 25 for description are also eligible tothe take courses of Graduate School offered by the Graduate Schoolof International Development and for International Development Cooperation.) and Cooperation (IDEC). The Graduate School focuses primarily on development Asian Cultures issues from an interdisciplinary 2Credits(2 UCTS) perspective. It is one of the few places in Japan to offer SEKI, Koki integrated education MAHARJAN,Keshav Lall and research social sciences, TOGAWA,inMasahiko engineering, biology and International Development and humanities. IDEC offers its Cooperation complete program in both Englishand Japanese. English 本講義では、国際協力や地域開 The School consists of two 発に求められる異文化理解の divisions: - the Division of 様々なアプローチについて紹介 Development Science and the します。授業では、多様な構成 Division of Educational を持つアジアの社会や文化を理 Development and Cultural and 解する様々な方法について考察 Regional Studies. Both するとともに、 バングラデシュ、 Divisions comprise of a number ofフィリピン、インド、インドネ departments. シア、マレーシア、ネパールな どの地域研究に関わる具体的な Division of Development 事例を通し、アジアの多様な地 Science 域や人々についての理解を深め、 Development Policy その意義について考察します。 Development Technology course will take the ThisPeace and Coexistence opportunity to discuss how to understand ofdifferent cultures Division Educational and societies in Asia, which will Development and Cultural and be helpful for the studies of Regional Studies international cooperation and Educational Development The classes will development. Cultural and Regional discuss different methodologies Studies and approaches for understanding of Asian cultures For more information check the and societies, and also will IDEC homepage. examine the important topics in the area studies in Bangladesh, c/ Philippine, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Nepal. Note: *HUSA students studying at European Universities are Education Japan in these eligible to in enroll courses if they have completed 2Credits(2 UCTS) third year requirements at their HIRAKAWA, Yukiko home institution. International Development and Cooperation Economic Development and English Policy It is often said that the 2Credits(2 UCTS) economic success of Japan is YOSHIDA, Yuichiro based on its success in International and education. InDevelopment the other hand, many Japanese say that the Cooperation Japanese education is in crisis English and needs a drastic reform. This course reviews present The objective of the course is to and past experiences of find out the features of economic development and Japanese primary and provides a theoretical basis of secondary education from the economic policies that are eyes of foreign students and to necessary to promote growth discuss if the success of and development. Japanese education can be applied to other countries or if International Relationscan evade the other countries failure, learning 2Credits(2 UCTS) lessons from Japan. KOIKE, Seiichi NAKAZONO,Kazuhito Environmental YOSHIDA, Osamu Management Technology AKIBA, Tadatoshi 2Credits(2Noriyuki UCTS) KAWANO, YAMANE, Tatsuo YAMASHITA,Takao International Development and NAKAGOSHI,Nobukazu Cooperation FUJIWARA, Akimasa International Development and English Cooperation Teaching members of Peace English and Coexistence Course will provide baseline on Lectures on knowledge Environmental the topic of peace from an Management Technology with international studies angle, respect to the following subjects. which is necessary to pursue Discussions on Environmental further academic development Management for integration of inthe thislectures. course. Subjects: “Problems of resources, energy and environment, Earth System, Natural and man-made forest ecosystems, Agro-ecosystems and Urban ecosystems, Environmental issues caused by the population problems, I/O analysis to the environmental 25 34 34 issues, Evaluation methods of the environment (i.e. non-market goods)”
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