2012 年 英文 1. Yonemoto T, Kamibeppu K, Ishii T, Iwata S, Tatezaki

2012 年
1. Yonemoto T, Kamibeppu K, Ishii T, Iwata S, Tatezaki S. Posttraumatic stress
symptom (PTSS) and posttraumatic growth (PTG) in parents of childhood, adolescent
and young adult patients with high-grade osteosarcoma. International Journal of
Clinical Oncology. 2012; 17(3): 272-5.
2. Ueno R, Kamibeppu K. Perspectives of Japanese mothers with severe mental illness
regarding the disclosure of their mental health status to their children. Archives of
Psychiatric Nursing. 2012; 26(5): 392-403.
3. Komachi M, Kamibeppu K, Nishi D, Matsuoka Y. Secondary traumatic stress and
associated factors among Japanese nurses working in hospitals. International Journal
of Nursing Practice. 2012; 18(2): 155-63.
4. Matsumoto K, Sumino K, , Fukahori H, Kitaoka K, Kamibeppu K, Nagamura F.
Stressor scale for clinical research coordinators: development and psychometric testing.
Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2012; 68(7): 1636-45.
1. 石田也寸志,本田美里,坂本なほ子,大園秀一,上別府圭子,岩井艶子,掛江直子,岡
ける自由記載欄の解析.日本小児科学会雑誌 2012;116(3): 526-536.
2. 上別府圭子,東樹京子,武田鉄郎,堀部敬三.日本の医療機関といわゆる院内学級にお
がん学会雑誌 2012; 49(1), (2): 79-85.
3. 副島尭史, 東樹京子, 佐藤伊織, 武田鉄郎, 上別府圭子. 小児がんおよび小児がん経験者へ
の児童生徒の認識と態度. 小児保健研究. 2012; 71(6): 858-866.
4. 東樹京子,吉川久美子,上別府圭子.小児がん患児の復学支援―感染症に対する看護師
からの情報提供.小児がん看護 2012; 7: 7-16.
5. 佐々木彩子,上別府圭子. 男性保健師の性別の認識と職業上の体験. 日本地域看護学会誌
2012; 14(2): 24-31.