〔植探報 Vol. 22 : 49 ~ 61,2006〕 Report of a Collaborative Multi-crop and Crop Wild Relatives Collection Mission in Papua New Guinea: Focus Genera Manihot , Metroxylon , Oryza and Vigna . 12th -28th June 2005 Duncan A. VAUGHAN1), Akito KAGA1), Rosa KAMBUOU2), Janet PAOFA2 ) and Norihiko TOMOOKA1) 1) Crop Evolutionary Dynamics Team , National Institute of Agrobiological Science s, Kannondai 2-1-2, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8602, Japan 2) Dry Lowlands Programme , Laloki , National Agricultural Research Institute , P.O. Box 1828, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea Summary This second year of collaboration between the National Agricultural Research Institute, Papua New Guinea and National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Japan focussed on the northern provinces of East Sepik and Madang. In accordance with the workplan wild Oryza , legumes (Vigna ) and sago (Metroxylon spp.) were the main focus of the collecting. In the East Sepik Oryza ridleyi was found and collected at 4 locations. This is the first report of this species from East Sepik. It appears to be common along the banks of the Sepik River and tributaries. O. rufipogon was also collected in the Blackwater area along a tributary of the Sepik. Surprisingly it was not found in the Chambri Lakes. In Madang Province O. ridleyi was collected in the lower Ramu and O. schlechteri in two locations along the Jamu River a tributary of the Minjeng River. There have been no previous reports of Vigna from East Sepik Province hence all the collections from there are new records. V. reflexo-pilosa was found along the road side in the forested hills between Wewak and Maprik. On the native grass Sepik plains between Maprik and Pagwi an unidentified Vigna species, of the Vigna minima complex, was found in two locations. Along the Sepik River and abundantly in the Chambri Lakes V. radiata var. sublobata was found. The taxonomic status of these Vigna species will be clarified based on observations of growing them with closely related germplasm. In Madang Province V. reflexo-pilosa and V. radiata var. sublobata were collected in several locations. In several villages in East Sepik and Madang provinces local residents supplied suckers of Sago and these materials will form the basis of the NARI Sago collection. A few samples of cassava were also collected for the cassava collection maintained by NARI at Laloki. - 49 - Introduction Based on a Memorandum of Understanding between the National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI), Papua New Guinea and National Institute for Agrobiological Sciences (NIAS), Japan, signed in 2003 a three-year workplan was prepared and this report represents the activities of the second year of the workplan in Papua New Guinea. The report of the first year of the workplan in Papua New Guinea has been published (Tomooka et al., 2005). The focus area of collecting this year was the northern provinces of East Sepik and Madang (Fig.1). Prior to the visit permission for the mission was obtained from the Papua New Guinea Office of the Secretary Conservation Division. The collecting trip in this year had a multi-crop/wild relatives focus because the target area was quite difficult to get to and in the locations visited there were genetic resources of interest to the various members of the team and included in the workplan. Hence collections of cassava, sago (Metroxylon spp.), Oryza and Vigna were made. The trip experiences gave insights into future approaches to collecting in Papua New Guinea and to in situ conservation. Methods Where available seeds were collected otherwise plant samples were collected. Herbarium specimens were collected for most Vigna and Oryza populations. For Oryza species single plant DNA samples were taken by crushing leaves onto FTA Classic Card (Whatman) for selected populations. For wild Oryza samples it was not known in advance if seeds would be available therefore prior permission was sought from the Japanese quarantine service to import vegetative samples. Full passport data was recorded for each sample collected and this is summarized in Table 3a and b. The itinerary of the trip is given below. Table 1. Itinerary Day mm/dd/yy Places visited Overnight 1 6/12/2005 Tsukuba-Narita-Cairns (QF168) Plane 2 6/13/2005 Cairns-Port Moresby (PX091) Port Moresby 3 6/14/2005 4 6/15/2005 Madang - Wewak (PX126) Wewak 5 6/16/2005 Wewak-Maprik-Pagwi Pagwi 6 6/17/2005 Pagwi-Chambri Lakes-Pagwi Pagwi 7 6/18/2005 Pagwi-Blackwater-Pagwi Pagwi 8 6/19/2005 Pagwi-Wewak Wewak 9 6/20/2005 Wewak-Madang-Brahmin valley-Madang (PX125) Madang 10 6/21/2005 Madang-Bogia-Namnam (lower Ramu) Namnam 11 6/22/2005 Namnam-Madang Madang 12 6/23/2005 Madang-Asui Forest 13 6/24/2005 Asui-Jamu River-Asui Asui 14 6/25/2005 Asui-Minjeng River- Madang Madang 15 6/26/2005 Madang-Port Moresby (PX111) Port Moresby 16 6/27/2005 Port Moresby Port Moresby 17 6/28/2005 Port Moresby-Cairns-Narita-Tsukuba (PX090, QF167) Tsukuba Port Moresby-Lae (visit NARI headquarters and Forestry Institute Herbarium)-Madang (PX100, PX309) - 50 - Madang Results a. Oryza (Fig. 2) This is the second visit to northern Papua New Guinea to collect wild Oryza . The first visit occurred in 1990 (Vaughan, 1990). The objective this time was to explore different parts of the Sepik River for wild Oryza . In addition, one objective was to recollect from previously visited areas but for which germplasm is not available in Japan, particularly samples of Oryza schlechteri a little know Oryza species. The area of the Sepik River explored was from Pagwi to Blackwater and the Chambri Lakes. The visit to the Chambri Lakes revealed that O. rufipogon does not grow there although local people recognise two wild rices one in the forest (Oryza ridleyi ) and one at the lake side (O. rufipogon ). However, O. rufipogon seems not to be in this lake now. This may be due to invasive plant and fish species. Recently exotic fish have been introduced into the Sepik river system and this has disturbed the ecological balance. Annual burning that is done when the lake recedes in the dry season may also explain the absence of O. rufipogon . Another factor maybe water quality. O. rufipogon grows in the Blackwater Lake area and was collected by the team (Photo 1). Blackwater Lake has water colour that suggests that it is peaty/organic water compared to the Chambri Lakes and also the vegetation in the two lakes is different. Tall grasses such as wild sugarcane are abundant in the Chambri Lakes while smaller floating millets are common in Blackwater. The team were not able to find flowering or seeding material of O. rufipogon but DNA and vegetative samples were taken. On a subsequent trip the lower Sepik should be targeted for O. rufipogon . In the area visited O. ridleyi was commonly found in primary forests close to the river or lake edge. This species has not previously been reported from East Sepik Province but it seems to be common. At each population fertile seeds were difficult to find but usually one or two panicles did have several fertile seeds. Sterility seems to be high in this species. This species can grow up trees if there are supporting branches. It also seems to find decaying wood a suitable habitat to grow (Photo 2). In Madang Province O. ridleyi was also found in the village of Namnam. This village had been visited before in 1990. At that time seeds were very difficult to obtain and this was the case this time. On this trip it was learned that the entire village (and O. ridleyi population) was flooded in March to about 0.5-1m. Thus most of the population was at a young vegetative stage when we visited and only 2 seeds were found in the large population covering about 1ha. A major objective of this trip was to recollect O. schlechteri from the type locality. On the previous visit the village leader in Asui told that there was a second population of this species further into the mountains but it was too far to visit at that time (Vaughan 1991). On this occasion the son of that village leader met with us and agreed to take us to the second population that is larger than the presumed type locality. In order to achieve this it was necessary to camp beside the river in the forest. The two localities of O. schlechteri are both on the river Jamu. The first is small and below the Jamu Gorge (Photo 3) the second is larger and above the Jamu Gorge (Photo 4). Both sites are characterised by the landslip gravely soil on which they grow. The dry season along the Jamu and Minjeng rivers only lasts for 2 months between May-July. This appears to be the main flowering time as abundant flowers and seeds - 51 - were found on this trip. The sites are partially shaded and the habitat very humid being right on the riverbank. The sites are very vulnerable to landslides and we were told that part of the larger, upper population had been buried under a landslide. b. Vigna (Fig. 3) There are relatively few reports of Vigna in northern Papua New Guinea compared to the south. It was therefore surprising that Vigna spp. were found in most places visited. In East Sepik V. radiata var. sublobata is very common along the Sepik River bank and in the Chambri Lakes. At the village of Savanaut a small population was growing at the boat jetty in silt from the Sepik River that is flowing past the site (Photo 5). In the Chambri Lakes as well as finding this species in each village visited we also found it growing on a small (100 m across) island right in the middle of the lake. Presumably birds or possibly water flow has been responsible for its dispersal in the area. V. radiata var. sublobata was found growing abundantly in more typical habitats for this wild species along the Madang-Lae Road and in the Brahmin Valley, Madang Province. The habitat was quite different from the populations found in the East Sepik. Along the MadangLae Road the roadside habitat was highly disturbed and dryer than the Sepik and soils are not silt. The plants had different characteristics from the Sepik populations more robust leaves and fewer seeds per pod. Based on our field observations the East Sepik and Madang Province accessions may represent distinct ecological types. V. reflexo-pilosa was found in a variety of habitats in both hilly locations and at sea level. In East Sepik V. reflexo-pilosa was found growing in a disturbed roadside habitat in an area of wet tropical primary forest. Along the Madang-Lae Road we crossed a mountain range from Madang into the Brahmin Valley. V. reflexo-pilosa was only found in the hills on the wetter Brahmin Valley side of the road but not on the Madang side. On the road to Bogia and beyond Bogia V. reflexo-pilosa was growing at sea level and at one wet site (PNG22) within sight of the sea. V. reflexo-pilosa at this site (PNG22) was in a very wet ditch beside the road and was climbing to several meters height in a shrub (Photo 6). The third Vigna species collected was found on the native grass plains north of the Sepik River. Ecologically this is considered a part of the dry zones of Papua New Guinea. The species was found growing up grasses along a drainage ditch (Photo 7) and close to a Sago Swamp (Photo 8). Based on seed morphology this species appears to represent a member of the Vigna minima complex. Extremely slender leaves are a characteristic of this species (Photo 7). A full assessment of this taxonomic status of this germplasm will be necessary since it appears to have characteristics new to species in section Angularis of the Asian Vigna . c. Metroxylon spp. (Sago) Collecting Sago has a different approach to that of collecting wild relatives because Sago trees are owned and therefore the owner must be approached to obtain permission to take suckers. Discussion with villagers is essential to learn the various agronomic characteristics of the Sago. In total 16 Sago samples were collected were 12 cultivated and 4 wild. Among the characteristics of the sagos were dwarf types and types with no thorns. - 52 - d. Manihot esculenta (Cassava) Papua New Guinea is a secondary centre of diversity for many crops. Among them is cassava that originally came from South America. During the collecting mission 3 samples of traditional cassava and 4 weedy samples were collected as vegetative specimens. e. Collecting plant genetic resources in Papua New Guinea. This trip gave the team insights into how to better prepare for collecting trips in PNG. 1. Equipment. Mosquito nets are essential and in some places bee net protectors would be helpful in particularly mosquito-infested areas. We did not find Japanese bought mosquito repellent sprays particularly effective. Locally bought repellents are recommended. Binoculars could help identify germplasm from boats. 2. In remote areas it is better to over estimate the need for food. However, usually if water is insufficient coconuts can be bought from local villagers. Table 2. Summary of samples collected Species Oryza rufipogon O. ridleyi O. schlechteri Vigna radiata var. sublobata cf. Vigna minima V. reflexo-pilosa V. marina V. luteola Legume species Cassava (Manihot esculenta ) Sago (Metroxylon sp.) Number of samples 2 5 2 10 2 7 1 1 1 7 (3 cultivated, 4 weedy) 16 (12 cultivated, 4 wild) Acknowledgements The team thanks the Papua New Guinea Department of the Environment and Conservation for permission to undertake the trip. The hospitality and help from various people during the trip is gratefully acknowledged, particularly Mr. Fred Hombuangje (Madang), Mr. Robin Dee (Minjeng), Mr. Ismael Singut (Wewak) and Mr. Aro (Minjeng). We appreciate receiving permission from Mr. Robert Kapranis to consult the herbarium at Lae. The help and support of Dr. Raghunath Ghodake, Director General, and Dr. Sergie Bang, Director of Research, at NARI Headquarters in Lae is much appreciated. References 1)Tomooka, N., N. Kobayashi, R.N. Kambuou, J. Risimeri, J. Poafa, A. Apa, A. Kaga, T. Isemura, Y. Kuroda, D.A. Vaughan. 2005. Ecological survey and conservation of legume - symbiotic Rhizobia genetic diversity in Papua New Guinea. Annual report on exploration and introduction of plant genetic resources, NIAS, Tsukuba. 21:135-143 2)D. A. Vaughan, 1990. The relatives of rice in Papua New Guinea. Report of collaborative germplasm collecting in Papua New Guinea between the Department of Primary Industry and - 53 - IRRI. Mimeographed. IRRI library. 51 pages 3) Vaughan, D.A. 1991. Wild rices of Papua New Guinea. Collaborative Department of Primary Industry and IRRI collecting of Oryza species from 11th -29th July 1991. Mimeographed IRRI library. 29 pages 4)Hovius, N., C.P. Stark, M.A. Tutton and L.D. Abbott.1998. Landslide-driven drainage network evolution in a pre-steady-state mountain belt; Finisterre Mountains, Papua New Guinea. Geology 26: 1071-1074 和文摘要 生物研と NARI(パプアニューギニア)は植物遺伝資源共同探索調査の MOU を 2003 年に取 り交わし,今回の探索はその3年計画の2年目にあたる.1 年目のパプアニューギニア中山間部 や東部の探索(Fig. 1)については友岡ら (2005) が報告している.今回はパプアニューギニア のなかでもアクセスが極めて困難で,ほぼ手付かずの高温多湿の熱帯雨林が広がるパプアニュー ギニア北部(Fig. 1)においてイネ(Oryza ) , マメ(Vigna ) , サゴヤシ(Metroxylon )およびキャッ サバ(Manihot )の探索を行った.調査期間は平成 17 年 6 月 12 日~ 6 月 28 日である.調査 地域は Fig. 1 に示した East Sepik 州と Madang 州の 2 地域である.East Sepik 州では Wewak ~ Pagwi を車で,広大な Sepik 川の氾濫原はボートで探索した.Madang 州では Usino ~ Madang ~ Namnam を車で, Ramu 川の氾濫原をボートで, Minjeng 川渓谷 Asui 村は徒歩で探索した (Table 1). その結果,イネ属野生種 3 種 9 系統,アズキ亜属野生種 3 種 20 系統およびササゲ亜属野生種 2種を収集することができた (Table 2).昨年度の探索で見つかっているダイズ属野生種やライ マメ,ササゲ,シカクマメなどのマメ科作物は確認できなかった.今回訪問した EastSepik 州の 低湿地林帯の住民はサゴデンプンを主食としており,各村が独自のサゴヤシを維持していた.ア クセスが困難なためこの地域のサゴヤシはこれまで収集されていなかったが,サゴヤシ栽培型 12 系統および野生型 4 系統の吸枝を収集することができた.また,Madang 州ではキャッサバ 在来種 3 系統および雑草型 4 系統を収集した. イネ属野生種 (Fig. 2): O. rufipogon については Blackwater 湖で収集できたが (Photo 1),広大 な分布が期待された Chambri 湖では全く見つからなかった. EastSepik 州 Sepik 川とその支流,Chambri 湖周辺の低湿地林合計 4 ヶ所で Oryza ridleyi を発 見した (Photo 2).East Sepik 州での記録は今回がはじめてである.Madang 州では,Ramu 川の 低湿地林で O. ridleyi を,Minajim 川上流の支流 Jamu 川の 2 ヶ所において,これまで国内で入 手不可能であった O. schlechteri を発見した (Photo 3 および 4).これらからは種子および集団 構造分析用のサンプルを収集し,O. rufipogon と O. schlechteri については生茎葉も持ち帰った. アズキ亜属野生種 (Fig. 3): East Sepik 州でのアズキ亜属野生種に関する記録は今回がはじめ てである.Sepik 川と Chambri 湖の湿地帯 5 ヶ所においてリョクトウ野生種(V. radiata var. sublobata )と考えられる植物を見出した (Photo 5).これらは乾燥したサバンナ植生で見つかっ たリョクトウ野生種とは明らかに異なる生育地に広く分布し,形態的にもやや異なる特徴を持っ ていた.East Sepik 州 Maprik から Pagwi の草原帯のなかの道路沿いの比較的湿った場所で,イ ネ科植物に巻き付いた V. minima に近縁と考えられる植物を発見した (Photo 7 および 8).この 植物の花は小さく,葉は植物全体にわたり極めて細長く,種子の臍があまり突出していないなど, 典型的な V. minima とは異なる複数の特徴を持っていた.また,これら 2 種については分類学 上の位置づけが明らかでないので,今後持ち帰った収集品を調査する予定である. - 54 - Fig. 1. Locations visited in Papua New Wewak Guinea. (Bold frame: 2005, dotted: 2004). Madang Lae Port Moresby Wewak Maprik Nubia Namnam Paparam Bogia Ramu River Pagwi Savanaut Sepik River Aibom Chambri Lake Korosameri River Timbunmeri Madang Sangriman Black Water Lake Bogadjim Usino Minjeng River O. ridleyi Asui O. rufipogon Fig. 2. Collecting sites of Oryza species. O. schlechteri Wewak Maprik Nubia Paparam Bogia Ramu River Pagwi Savanaut Sepik River Aibom Chambri Lake Korosameri River Timbunmeri Sangriman Madang Black Water Lake Bogadjim Usino V. radiata var. sublobata cf. V. minima V. reflexo-pilosa V. luteola V. marina Minjeng River Asui Fig. 3. Collecting sites of Vigna species. - 55 - Table 3a. Passport data of the collected materials in Papua New Guinea 収集品のパスポートデータ No. Coll. Date Coll. No. Species V.reflexo- Status 1 6/16 05PNG01 1a 6/16 05PNG01a 2 6/16 05PNG02 cf. V. minima wild 3 pilosa V.reflexopilosa 6/17 05PNG03 O. ridleyi wild wild wild - 56 - 4 6/17 05PNG04 V. luteola wild 5 6/17 05PNG05 O. ridleyi wild 6 6/17 05PNG06 7 6/17 05PNG07 8 6/17 05PNG08 9 6/18 05PNG09 O. ridleyi cf. V. radiata var. sublobata cf. V. radiata var. sublobata cf. V. radiata var. sublobata 10 6/18 05PNG10 O.rufipogon 11 6/18 05PNG11 O.rufipogon 12 6/19 05PNG12 cf. V. radiata var. sublobata 13 6/19 05PNG13 O. ridleyi 14 6/19 05PNG14 cf. V. radiata var. sublobata wild wild wild wild wild wild Collection Site Latitude/ Altitude Longitude (m) Paparom, Kubalia, 25km S03-41-43.7 from Wewak E143-32-05.7 Paparom, Kubalia, 25km S03-41-43.7 from Wewak E143-32-05.7 Patugo, Wasara, Afeel, S03-48-02.4 between Maprik and Pagwi E143-02-01.2 Short Mary Baret (waterway) S04-10-16.5 Suapmeri, Maprik, East Sepik E143-09-38.6 Aibom, Chambri Lakes, S04-15-35.1 Pagwi, East Sepik E143-1059.2 Aibom, Chambri Lakes, S04-16-07.04 Pagwi, East Sepik E143-11-36.6 Aibom, Chambri Lakes, S04-16-07.04 Pagwi, East Sepik E143-11-36.6 Timbun, Chambri S04-20-07.5 Lakes,Pagwi, East Sepik E143-05-05.6 Ari John, middle of Chambri S04-16-17.9 Lakes, Pagwi, East Sepik E143-06-40.6 Korogu, 15km S Pagwi, Pawi, S04-07-09.1 East Sepik E143-11-14.4 Sangriman, entrance to the S04-23-14.7 Blackwater lakes, East Sepik E143-19-09.3 Sangriman, entrance to the S04-23-14.7 Blackwater lakes, East Sepik E143-19-09.3 wild Savanaut, Pagwi, East Sepik wild Savanaut, Pagwi, East Sepik wild Pagwi, East Sepik S04-05-06.3 E143-03-13.7 S04-05-06.3 E143-03-13.7 S04-03-19.3 E143-01-48.7 200 200 35 10 15 Habitat roadside in forest area roadside in forest area roadside in grassland area Forest Growing in the lake Shading open open open Distur- Population Growth bance size stage medhigh medhigh high shaded low open low 100x100m 1x1m 50x1m 20x20m 3x3m 22 Village forest shaded medium 20x20m 22 Lakeside grasses open 20 Lakeside grasses 15 flowering- flowering- maturity floweringmaturity Scattered over flowering- high large area open high 10x10m Lakeside grasses open low 5x5m 15 Primary forest shaded med 10 Primary forest 10 Primary forest semi shade semi shade med med 6 River bank open 6 Sago forest shaded med 5 Pasture and waste land in the village open high high 10x10m 20x10m 5x5m maturity floweringmaturity floweringmaturity floweringmaturity 10x10m silt maturity maturity floweringmaturity yes Twining up elephant grass associated with Pueraria This one individual was somewhat erect yes yes up grasses. This species most likely belongs to bulk yes no Scattered over wide area along this channel to the Chambri Lakes Growing up grass in standing water. Collected mud bulk yes no forest litter bulk yes no Growing close to the boat jetty in forest shade lake side silts bulk yes yes Climbing up grasses on the lakeside lake side silts bulk yes yes Climbing up grasses on the lakeside lake side silts bulk no yes Climbing up grasses on the lakeside silt yes no Disturbance from wild pigs, high sterility yes no yes no vegetative silt flowering- yes Remarks bium the V. minima complex. vegetative silt Scattered over floweringlarge area few plants maturity flowering- rium Growing close to Sago on raised area, twining flowering- maturity Herba- Rhizo- one individual maturity flowering- Seed bulk maturity med- 100x100m Soil bulk vegetative samples dna samples only silt bulk yes yes forest litter bulk yes no pasture bulk yes yes by boat. Disturbance due to water fluctuation, very tall plants Disturbance due to water fluctuation, very tall plants Growing alone in the muddy bank of the Sepik River Mainly sterile just 2 panicles with fertile seeds Table 3a (continued). 15 6/19 05PNG15 cf. V. minima wild 16 6/20 05PNG16 17 6/20 05PNG17 18 6/20 05PNG18 19 6/20 05PNG19 20 6/20 05PNG20 21 6/20 05PNG21 22 6/20 05PNG22 - 57 - 23 6/20 05PNG23 24 6/21 05PNG24 V. radiata var. sublobata V. radiata var. sublobata V. radiata var. sublobata V. radiata var. sublobata V. radiata var. sublobata V.reflexopilosa V. radiata var. sublobata V.reflexopilosa V.reflexopilosa 25 6/21 05PNG25 V. marina 26 6/21 05PNG26 26a 6/21 05PNG26a V.reflexopilosa V.reflexopilosa 27 6/22 05PNG27 O. ridleyi wild wild wild wild wild Saingo, Pagwi, East Sepik S05-24-10.5 Lae road, Madang E145-35-29.1 about 30km from Madang, S05-26-04.9 Naru, Madang E145-32-58.4 Yagumbu, road to Brahmin, S05-40-05.4 Ramu valley, Madang E145-25-36.9 Madang, Madang S05-29-50.9 E145-27-45.0 Tapopo, Madang, Madang wild Tapopo, Madang, Madang E145-28-42.2 S05-29-38.4 E145-28-42.2 S05-29-07 E145-29-02.7 S04-46-24.3 Karim, Madang, Madang E145-41-29.8 Between Sarang 1 and 2, S04-46-24.3 Karim, Madang, Madang E145-41-29.8 Nubia coconut plantation, S04-10-31.6 Bogia, Madang E144-50-35 About 500m from PNG 26 wild Namnam, Bogia, Madang Anuta Warumu's land, Wanis above Jamu gorge, Asui, Madang 29 6/24 05PNG29 O. schlechteri wild S05-29-38.4 Between Sarang 1 and 2, wild 28 6/24 05PNG28 O. schlechteri wild E145-25-29.2 Madang wild wild S05-31-04.5 33 km east of PNG18, Tapopo, Madang, Madang wild E143-00-32.9 15-20km W of Madang on wild wild S03-58-53.6 S04-11-02.2 E144-49-54.5 S04-09-33.2 E144-40-16.7 S05-39-07.5 E145-41-14.1 Melon Tulo's land, Gulubu, S05-38-00.3 Asui, Madang E145-40-49.2 34 Grassland of the Sepik Plains open high 150x3m floweringmaturity flowering- grassland yes yes herbs-grasses bulk yes yes herbs-grasses bulk yes ? Many kamemushi on these plants grass bulk yes yes Grasses at the edge of road but forest beyond. herbs-grasses bulk yes yes no no 193 Roadside open high 50x50m 202 Roadside open high 50x50m Roadside open high 50x50m 274 Roadside open high 100x100m 287 Roadside open high 50x50m flowering herbs-grasses 320 Roadside verge open high 50x50m flowering herbs-grasses few seeds yes yes 320 Roadside verge open high 30x30m herbs-grasses bulk no yes 362 Roadside verge open high 100x100m herbs-grasses bulk yes no 5 Roadside ditch open high 20x50m yes yes very large sea level beach open high all along the beach 9 coconut plantation open high 20x20m 1 coconut plantation open high 20x20m sea level forest river side, above 361 which is primary forest 301 steep river side maturity floweringmaturity floweringmaturity floweringmaturity floweringmaturity floweringmaturity flowering- herbs-grassesmaturity floweringmaturity floweringmaturity floweringmaturity shrubs with other shade medium 20x20m herbs-grasses bulk yes yes herbs-grasses bulk no no shrubs flowering- other herbs, maturity Sympatric with V. reflexo-pilosa On the one side of the road the flower was much bigger than the other side. population were climbing over large shrubs to 3-4m yes flowering- other herbs, semi This species matures later than V. radiata var. sublobata in this area. Wet ditch with standing water. Plants of this bulk no semi maturity found bulk species vegetative trees shade no seeds belongs with the V. minima complex. not growing shaded medium 150x100m medium 60x10m Growing along a drainage ditch. Probably bulk shrubs only 2 seeds yes no bulk no Brown seeds Close to this population there was a large yes landslide. The population is vulnerable to flooding and landslides. 20 DNA samples taken bulk yes no The orginal population collected in 1990. Presumed type population. Table 3b. Passport data of the collected materials in Papua New Guinea 収集品のパスポートデータ Sago - 58 - Donor name Donor no. Local name Meaning of local name Jerry Kapa Petrus Managa Aivo Audambia Bernard Upan Cherobim Wombue Cherobim Wombue Ismael Singut Sebby Janguan Sebby Janguan William Bar William Bar William Bar William Bar William Bar Joseph Teehan Joseph Teehan JK01 PM01 AA01 BU01 CW01 CW02 IS01 SJ01 SJ02 WB01 WB02 WB03 WB04 WB05 JT01 JT02 Short var. no thorns Yatwal Dwarf medium Yatwal Dwarf Yatwal Yatwal Very tall Yatwal Medium tall Yatwal Sago Gebmakundi Wild sago Gebmakundi Gebmakundi Sago Bosman Bosman Bosman Bosman Bosman Ogea Ogea Dabum Warawat Lamenau Waruwat Lamenau Waruwat Dabun Upan Laminau (Walingavi) Walingavi Varuat Nau Wowiak nau Nau Tam ves Pom Dung Zimar Donor ethnic group Coll. No JPRK01 JPRK02 JPRK03 JPRK04 JPRK05 JPRK06 JPRK07 JPRK08 JPRK09 JPRK10 JPRK11 JPRK12 JPRK13 JPRK14 JPRK15 JPRK16 Coll. Date Province District Village 17June05 17June05 17June05 17June05 17June05 17June05 18June05 19June05 19June05 22June05 22June05 22June05 22June05 22June05 23June06 23June06 Wosera-Gawi Wosera-Gawi Wosera-Gawi Wosera-Gawi Wosera-Gawi Wosera-Gawi Wosera-Gawi Wosera-Gawi Wosera-Gawi Bogia Bogia Bogia Bogia Bogia Madang Madang Aibon Aibon Aibon Aibon Aibon Aibon Yamanumbu Pagwi Pagwi Nemnem Nemnem Nemnem Nemnem Nemnem Erima Erima East Sepik Prov. East Sepik Prov. East Sepik Prov. East Sepik Prov. East Sepik Prov. East Sepik Prov. East Sepik Prov. East Sepik Prov. East Sepik Prov. Madang Madang Madang Madang Madang Madang Madang Cassava(Manihot esculenta ) Meaning of local name Donor ethnic group Coll. No Coll. Date Province District Village MMK01 Bel Madang RY01 RY02 RY03 Waupe Waupe Waupe 23June05 20June05 20June05 20June05 23June05 24June05 24June05 Jimjam Igriwe Igriwe Tapopo Kulel Kulel Yawar Donor name Donor no. Local name Marksy Mareg.K Ronny Yebu Ronny Yebu Ronny Yebu JPRK01 JPRK01 JPRK02 JPRK03 JPRK04 JPRK05 JPRK06 Madang Madang Madang Madang Madang Madang Madang Madang Madang Madang Photo 2. Young plants of O. ridleyi growing on the forest floor and decaying tree stump. Photo 1. Habit of Sepik O. rufipogon at the rivers edge, Blackwater, Sepik. Photo 3. O. schlechteri growing on loose soils at rivers edge. Photo 4. A large population of O. schlechteri at rivers edge to the right of picture. The muddy riverbed is the consequence of a recent landslide adjacent to the site. - 59 - Photo 5. cf. V. radiata var. sublobata growing in silt at edge of the Sepik River. Photo 7. cf. V. minima showing flower and slender leaflets, growing in grasses on the Sepik Plain. Photo 6. V. refexo-pilosa growing 2-3m high in roadside bushes. Photo 8. cf. V. minima habitat on the natural grasslands of the Sepik River plains, Sago trees in the background. - 61 -
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