27B06 氷結晶成長実験(Ice Crystal 2)供試体開発と実験運用 ○田丸晴香,吉崎泉(JAXA),島岡太郎(JSF),曽根武彦(JAMSS),古川義純,中坪俊一(ILTS), 真木孝雄,赤羽隆之(オリンパス株式会社),友部俊之(株式会社 IHI エアロスペース) Development and Operation of the Ice Crystal 2 Experiment in ISS-KIBO Haruka TAMARU, Izumi YOSHIZAKI (JAXA), Taro SHIMAOKA (JSF), Takehiko SONE (JAMSS), Yoshinori FURUKAWA, Shunichi NAKATSUBO (ILTS), Takao MAKI, Takayuki AKAHANE (Olympus Corporation), Toshiyuki TOMOBE (IHI AEROSPACE Co., Ltd.) 1. Introduction JAXA selected the scientific experiment titled “Crystal growth mechanisms associated with the macromolecules adsorbed at a growing interface –Microgravity effect for selfoscillatory growth– (Ice Crystal 2)” in February 2008. The purpose of this experiment is to shed light on the self-oscillation mechanism of growth phenomena in supercooled water with antifreeze glyco protein (AFGP). In order to clarify this mechanism, we developed the experiment facility called “Ice Cell 2”. It was launched by HTV4 in August 2013, and attached on the Solution Crystal Observation Facility (SCOF) located in the Japanese Experiment Module “KIBO”. Fig. 1 and 2 show the external and internal appearance of Ice Cell 2. This paper describes the specifications of Ice Cell 2 and introduces its operational status. Nucleation Cell and Growth Cell. Both cells are filled with sample solution and temperature is controlled by Peltier devices. In this experiment, at first, a crystal nucleus is created by rapidly cooling the Nucleation Cell. After that, through the glass capillary, the crystal nucleus grows into the Growth Cell, which is set at the predetermined degrees of supercooling. Then, its crystal surface and growth rate are observed and measured with Optical systems. In order to satisfy these specifications, we improved the cooling performance and optimally designed the optical path. Table 1 shows the specifications of Ice Cell 2. Table 1 Specifications of Ice Cell 2 Items Size Sample Growth Cell H2O + AFGP Internal Shape Spherical Temperature Control -3~25 deg. C Position Control Internal Shape Nucleation Cell Fig. 1 External appearance of Ice Cell 2 Observation Unit Specifications 250 x 250 x 215 mm Translation drive Capillary Temperature Control -20~25 deg. C Position Control Rotary drive Mc Interference microscope Inside Ice Cell 2 Phase contrast microscope Azimuth observation camera 3. Operation on Orbit Fig. 2 Internal structure of Ice Cell 2 2. Specifications Ice Cell 2 is roughly divided into the Observation Unit and Specimen Cell Unit. Specimen Cell Unit is composed of Ice Crystal 2 experiment is carried out at night in the ISS with less disturbance from astronauts. The timing of nucleation and growth rate are different for each temperature condition. Therefore, it is necessary to quickly send commands from the ground for the operation of the observation systems. In late August, this experiment was started, but there is a problem on the Nucleation Cell temperature control. Currently JAXA is troubleshooting on ground and on orbit. It is expected that Ice Crystal 2 experiment will be resumed in near future. − 28 − 27B07 ISS-KIBO で実施されている Ice Crysatal 2 実験の概要 ○古川義純,佐崎元,長嶋剣,麻川明俊,Dmitry Vorontsov,中坪俊一(ILTS), 吉崎泉,田丸晴香(JAXA),島岡太郎(JSF),曽根武彦(JAMSS) Outline of Ice Crystal 2 experiments on ISS-KIBO Yoshinori FUUKAWA, Gen SAZAKI, Ken NAGASHIMA, Harutoshi ASAKAWA Dmitry VORONTSOV, Shunichi NAKATSUBO (Hokkaido Univ,), Izumi YOSHIZAKI, Haruka TAMARU (JAXA), Taro SHIMAOKA (JSF), Takehiko SONE (JAMSS) 1. Introduction Ice crystal growth in the supercooled water is an important subject relating to the crystal growth and pattern formation mechanisms. The first experiment for ice crystal growth was carried out on ISS-KIBO in the period from December 2008 to March 2009 and we successfully obtained an excellent dataset for ice crystal growth in the pure D2O water. Ice Crystal 2 experiment was planned to observe the ice crystal growth in the supercooled aqueous solution of antifreeze glycoprotein (AFGP). Laboratory experiments show that the ice crystal growth is strongly modified by the effect of AFGP molecules (1,2). .Especially, the growth patterns are drastically modified to hexagonal plate, faceted dendrite or needle crystal, depending on the AFGP concentration and the supercooling temperature. Growth rates of basal and prism planes are also changed as the function of AFGP concentration. composed of the growth cell and the Michelson-type interferometer combined with the phase contrast microscope. Using this apparatus we can observe the pattern formation process of ice single crystal and precisely measure the growth rates of two basal planes and the growth rate of dendrite tip separately as a function of growth time. Fig. 2 shows the 3D illustration of growth cell, which is composed of a spherical growth chamber (40mm in diameter) and a glass capillary. The capillary can be rotated around its axis to adjust the direction of ice crystal for the optical axis. Capillary Spherical growth chamber Fig.2 Cross-sectional illustration of ice growth chamber AFGP solution 3. Present status of ISS-KIBO experiments Fig. 1 An ice crystal grown in the supercooled solution of AFGP. Faceted dendrite and the step migration are observed. These modifications can occur by the adsorption of AFGP on the interfaces between ice and water. Namely, the drastic change for the ice crystal growth occurs by the modification of growth kinetics by the adsorbed AFGP molecules. The purpose of Ice Crystal 2 experiments is to clarify the ice crystal growth mechanism affected by the AFGP molecules and to detect the self oscillation of growth velocities. Final goal of this experiment is to clarify the growth mechanism controlled by the additives such as the biological macromolecules. The ice crystal 2 cell was launched by JAXA HTV-4 in August 2013 from Tanegashima Space Center. The experiment was started from 26 August 2013. A trouble, however, occurred shortly after the beginning of experiments. Consequently, the experiments are the experiment is on hiatus at the present time (26 September 2013). But we would like to give a presentation to introduce the concept of our space experiment. References 1) 2) 2. Apparatus A new apparatus was developed for this experiment. It is − 29 − Furukawa, Y., N. Inohara and E. Yokoyama, J. Cryst. Growth, 275, (2005)167-174. Zepeda, S., E. Yokoyama, Y. Uda, C. Katagiri and Y. Furukawa, Cryst. Growth Des., 8, (2008)3666-3672. 27B08 ISS きぼう船内実験室利用テーマ「Soret-Facet」 ○鈴木進補,森雄飛,橋本栄尭(早稲田大学),稲富裕光(JAXA),正木匡彦(芝浦工業大学), 渡邉匡人,水野章敏(学習院大学),上野一郎(東京理科大学),山根岳志(富山大学), 伊丹俊夫(北海道大学),勝田真登(JAXA) Experiments Aboard the ISS-JEM “Soret-Facet” ○S.Suzuki, Y.MORI, Y.HASHIMOTO (Waseda Univ.), Y.INATOMI (JAXA), T.MASAKI (Shibaura Inst. Tech.), M.WATANABE, A.MIZUNO (Gakushuin Univ.), I.UENO (Tokyo Univ. Sci.), T.YAMANE (Toyama Univ.), T.ITAMI (Hokkaido Univ.), M.KATSUTA (JAXA) 1. Introduction When a temperature gradient is given in a binary liquid of AB, component A moves to the lower temperature side and B moves vice versa (Fig.1(a)). On the other hand, mass transport is induced to opposite side by concentration gradient. The mass transports in the both ways balances at the stationary state. This phenomenon of mass transport caused by temperature gradient is called Soret effect. The knowledge of Soret effect in liquid is necessary to solve scientific and industrial problems, such as, crystal growth, geophysics, and so on. The parameter to describe the stationary state of the mass transports is Soret coefficient ST as following equation. (1) 1 C ST two lasers of wavelengths of 532 and 780 nm. A temperature gradient is set by heating the ends of the cell (Fig.1(b)). The average temperature of the melt is ranging from 25 to 55°C including the supercooled liquid region. Then the interference fringes should shift because of refractive index change. We can calculate the temperature and concentration distribution by measuring the moving distance of fringes. C0 ( 1 - C0 ) T Here, C0 and C/T are the average concentration and the ratio between the concentration and temperature gradients at the stationary state, respectively. Although thermodynamic approach is necessary to clarify the mechanism of Soret effect, there are not enough data to discuss it because of the difficulty of measurements. Convective flow must be eliminated, and the temperature and concentration distribution must be measured accurately. Although measurements of ST were carried out under g conditions , the 1) conventional measurements were conducted by interferometer with one wavelength, with which only the concentration distribution can be measured. This research group is preparing for measurements of ST in melt under convection-free conditions in Kibo/ ISS to elucidate the mechanism of Soret effect. The temperature and concentration distributions are measured individually by a twowavelength interferometer to improve the accuracy. We introduce the plan of the experiments “Soret-Facet” in JEM (Kibo) and analysis of the results in this presentation. Fig.1 Mass transport induced by temperature and concentration gradient (a) and temperature program (b) 3. Mechanism of Soret Effect The relationship between –CT and C0/T2 is obtained from the measurements. If the relationship is linear, the validity of Onsager reciprocal relation can be verified. A linear relationship between the concentration gradient and the temperature gradient at each average temperature of solution is expected. The inclination of the relationship is proportional to ST. The temperature dependence of ST is compared with that of the Gibbs free energy of the solution by calorimeters and the relationship between them is described. Furthermore, the thermodynamic properties for mass transport in supercooled liquid below the melting temperature is discussed. References 2. Experimental 1) The ssamples are salol tertial-butyl alcohol alloys melt (3 and 5 mol%) in FACET-cell cartridges, which were used in the experiments FACET2) and already exist in Kibo. The solutions in FACET-cell cartridges are set in Crystallization Observation Facility (SCOF) having a Mach-Zehnder interferometer with V. Shevtsova, T. Lyubimova, Z. Saghir, D. Melnikov, Y. Gaponenko, V. Sechenyh, J.C. Legros and A. Mialdun: J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 327 (2011) 012031. 2) − 30 − Y. Inatomi, I. Yoshizaki, K. Sakata, T. Shimaoka, T. Sone, T. Tomobe, S. Adachi, S. Yoda and Y. Yoshimura: Defect and Diffusion Forum, 323-325 (2012), 533-537. 27B09 微小重力下における TLZ 法による均一組成 SiGe 結晶育成の研究(その1) ○木下恭一,荒井康智,稲富裕光(宇宙航空研究開発機構),塚田隆夫(東北大学大学院工学研究科), 宮田浩旭,田中涼太((株)エイ・イー・エス) Rapid Report of the Growth of Homogeneous SiGe Crystals by the TLZ Method in Microgravity Kyoichi KINOSHITA, Yasutomo ARAI, Yuko INATOMI (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), Takao TSUKADA (Dept. Chem. Eng. Tohoku Univ.), Hiroaki MIYATA, Ryota TANAKA (AES Co. Ltd.) 1. Introduction The first microgravity experiment on SiGe crystal growth by the traveling liquidus-zone (TLZ) method using a gradient heating furnace (GHF) aboard the “Kibo” in the International Space Station was performed in March, 2013. Objective of a series of 4 experiments is to study the TLZ growth mechanism by suppressing convection in a melt in microgravity. In the first experiment, growth conditions for growing homogeneous Si0.5Ge0.5 crystals were investigated. 2. Experiment A 10 mm diameter Si1-xGex (x ~ 0.5) crystal was grown by the TLZ methods. Orientation of the Si seed was <100>. The zone former Ge was polycrystalline. After removing the surface contamination and the oxide layer by etching in an acid solution, a 30 mm long Si seed, a 20 mm long Ge zone forming material and a 57 mm long Si feed were put into a boron nitride (BN) crucible with a carbon spring for avoiding free melt surface. The crucible was vacuum sealed in a quartz ampoule at about 1× 10 Pa. The ampoule wrapped by ZrO2 cloth was then inserted into a metal cartridge. The assembled metal cartridges were heated in the GHF. Growth conditions are as follows, in the molten zone that plays a role of averaging the zone temperature. The melt back length of the Si seed 0.4 mm is much shorter than that of the terrestrial experiment 2 mm. Figure 2 shows Ge concentration profiles along the center axis (□), and right and left peripheral axes (△,◇) which are 4 mm away from the center line. It should be noted that Ge concentration is almost constant for the whole of the crystal: 48.5±1.5 at%. One origin of the concentration deviation from the expected Si0.5Ge0.5 is the growth rate increase due to temperature gradient increase; The programmed heater temperatures gradually deviate from the expected growth temperatures. Another origin is temperature increase by the cartridge surface emissivity change. Since composition is directly related to the solidus temperature in the phase diagram, the concentration variation can be compensated by temperature change. In the second experiment, heater temperatures were adjusted based on the concentration profile of the first experiment. The second experiment was conducted in July and the cartridge will be returned to the earth by Soyuz 35 in Nov, 2013. Melt (quenched) Feed Seed temperature gradient: 8℃/cm, heater translation rate 0.1 mm/h, Grown crystal freezing interface temperature: 1107 ℃ , experiment period: 10 mm 123.8 h. The microgravity level was almost 10-5G during experiment, but the crew exercises generated about 10-3G in a few tens of seconds. The sample cartridge was returned by Space-X 2 vehicle in March. No missing part, large voids and major cracks was detected in a cross section of the grown crystal. No free surface of the melt would be existed during the experiment. The concentration profiles were measured for the whole of the crystal by an EPMA. Two dimensional Ge concentration map is shown in Fig. 1. From this figure growth length was observed to be 17.2 mm although 15 mm crystal length was expected. The difference in the growth length was considered that the temperature gradient was different from that of the terrestrial experiments. Based on the 1D TLZ model equation, temperature gradient of 9oC/cm was suggested. This temperature gradient increase would be caused by suppression of convective mixing − 31 − Ge concentration(at.%) 3. Results and discussion Fig. 1 Freezing Int. Dissolving Int. 2D Ge concentration map. 100 90 80 70 60 Grown crystal 系列1 Peripheral 50 Melt (quenched) 40 30 20 10 Seed 0 20 30 40 50 Length(mm) Fig. 2 Axial Ge concentration profiles. 60 Center 系列2 Peripheral 系列3 27B10 ISS における Alloy Semiconductor プロジェクトの現状 ○稲富裕光,阪田薫穂(JAXA),早川泰弘(静岡大学),石川毅彦(JAXA),Mukannan Arivanandhan, Govindasamy Rajesh,小山忠信,百瀬与志美,田中 昭(静岡大学),小澤哲夫静(岡理工科大学), 岡野泰則(大阪大学),高柳昌弘,上垣内茂樹(JAXA) Current Status of Alloy Semiconductor Crystal Growth Project in ISS ○Yuko INATOMI, Kaoruho SAKATA (JAXA), Yasuhiro HAYAKAWA (Shizuoka Univ.), Takehiko ISHIKAWA (JAXA), Mukannan ARIVANANDHAN, Govindasamy RAJESH, Tadanobu KOYAMA, Yoshimi MOMOSE, Akira TANAKA (Shizuoka Univ.), Tetsuo OZAWA (Shizuoka Inst. Sci. Tech.), Yasunori OKANO (Osaka Univ.), Masahiro TAKAYANAGI, Shigeki KAMIGAICHI (JAXA) 1. Introduction High quality homogeneous ternary alloy semiconductor crystals are required for the fabrication of optoelectronic devices, since wavelength and lattice constant are controlled by adjusting the composition of the constituents. However, it is very difficult to grow high quality homogeneous single crystals due to the following factors: 1) segregation phenomenon, 2) temperature and concentration fluctuations caused by convection, and 3) growth kinetics at the growth interface. Since the heat and mass transport in the liquid phase are affected by buoyancy convection, the dissolution and growth processes are strongly influenced by gravity. The purpose of “Alloy Semiconductor” crystal growth project is to make clear the factors for crystal growth of a high-quality bulk alloy semiconductor by investigating (1) solute transport in liquid and (2) surface orientation dependence of growth kinetics under microgravity and terrestrial conditions. If the homogeneous and high-quality bulk crystal with desired composition can be grown based on the results of the space experiment, the knowledge to grow suitable thin layers on the crystal will be achieved for fabrication of the optoelectronic devices. The temperature gradient furnace Gradient Heating Furnace (GHF) onboard “Kibo” is used for the growth of an InxGa1-xSb bulk crystal, whose melting point is lower than 712°C. Since no in situ observation facility for semiconductor crystal growth has been installed in ISS at this point, a thermalpulse technique is periodically applied to make impurity striations in a grown crystal as time markers artificially. The present paper describes the current status of the space experiment project. in order to make the contrast of the striations to be sharp. The striations in the grown crystal were observed by chemical etching as shown in Fig. 1. The composition of the grown crystals was determined by means of Electron Probe MicroAnalysis (EPMA). Figure 2 shows the measurement result of concentration distribution of In, Ga and Sb in the grown crystal by EPMA. By measurement of the concentration gradient around the striation, the local temperature gradient can be calculated using the InSb-GaSb pseudo-binary phase diagram. The first growth experiment of “Alloy Semiconductor” on orbit was performed on June, 2013. The current status of the space experiment project will be reported in the presentation. 6th pulse 5th pulse 4th pulse 3rd pulse 2nd pulse GaSb seed Interface 1 mm Fig. 1 Impurity striations in grown crystal as time markers. Narrow blue lines correspond to the striations. 2. Experimental The InxGa1-xSb crystals were grown by the temperature gradient method on earth with the same configuration as the flight model. During the crystal growth, thermal pulses were introduced to yield dopant striations in the grown crystal by changing the heater temperature as a delta-function of time. The growth rate can be obtained from the ratio of the striation distance divided by the period of the thermal pulse. It is necessary to adjust height and width of the temperature change Fig. 2 Concentration distribution of In, Ga and Sb in grown crystal. − 32 −
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