ISSN 1342-3193 IAE-AR-2002 Institute of Advanced Energy Kyoto University IT UN I V E RS ANNUAL REPORT KY OT O Y I n st i t e rgy En ut e Ad van ce d of ANNUAL REPORT 2001 京都大学エネルギー理工学研究所 ANNUAL REPORT 2001 Institute of Advanced Energy Kyoto University Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011 Japan CONTENTS 1. Foreword 1 2. Staff List 2 3. Organization Chart 7 4. Brief History 8 5. Research Activities 9 Advanced Energy Generation Division Quantum Radiation Energy Research Section 10 Advanced Atomic Energy Research Section 14 Advanced Particle Beam Energy Research Section 18 Advanced Plasma Energy Research Section 22 Advanced Energy Research Section 26 Advanced Energy Conversion Division Advanced Energy Materials Research Section 31 Advanced Energy Transportation Research Section 35 Advanced Energy Storage Research Section 39 Complex Plasma Systems Research Section 43 Clean Energy Conversion Research Section 47 Advanced Energy Utilization Division Chemical Reaction Complex Processes Research Section 53 Molecular Assembly Design Research Section 57 Advanced Functional Materials Research Section 61 Bioenergy Research Section 65 Laboratory for Complex Energy Processes 69 6. Collaboration Works in Laboratory for Complex Energy Processes 73 7. Symposium in Laboratory 78 8. Collaboration Works with Other Universities and Organizations 79 9. Financial Support 88 10. Publications and Presentations 91 11. Research Report 132 12. How to get to IAE 133 FOREWORD In 2001, a tide of structural reform never experienced before surged on all the national universities. In order to become world-class universities with specialties both in education and research, the national universities are asked to adopt public accountability and strategic management systems similar to private companies. The national universities have long been playing an important role in promoting research in diverse fields as well as training researchers. At Kyoto University, various activities are now ongoing. These include summarizing University staff advice on structural reform that patterns itself after private corporations; proposing new programs in response to this advice; and planning middle-term targets and projects to achieve. Last year, twenty distinguished external reviewers (including foreigners) conducted a review of our Institute under these circumstances. The review • resulted in constructive advice and comments for our future research and operation • focused on the activities of three research areas (fusion energy, biotechnology assisted energy and material production, quantum energy) to resolve future energy problems • focused on our present management system. Now in the fifth year of a ten year project, we also wish to further develop a core-university program with Seoul National University in Korea, and also collaborate with Rajamangala Institute of Technology in Thailand. It would be our great pleasure if this annual report could provide you with a better understanding of our current activities. March 2002 Kiyoshi YOSHIKAWA Director Institute of Advanced Energy Kyoto University ORGANIZATION CHART OF THE INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ENERGY Advanced Energy Generation Division Quantum Radiation Energy Research Section Advanced Atomic Energy Research Section Advanced Particle Beam Energy Research Section Advanced Plasma Energy Research Section Advanced Energy Research Section Advanced Energy Conversion Division Advanced Energy Materials Research Section Advanced Energy Transportation Research Section Advanced Energy Storage Research Section Complex Plasma Systems Research Section Clean Energy Research Section Advanced Energy Utilization Division Chemical Reaction Complex Processes Research Section Molecular Assembly Design Research Section Advanced Functional Materials Research Section Bioenergy Research Section Director Laboratory for Complex Energy Processes Workshop Administration General Affairs Section Research Cooperation Section Finance Section Department Office BRIEF HISTORY OF THE INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ENERGY The Institute, established in 1971 as the Institute of Atomic Energy, was renamed on May 11, 1996, to the Institute of Advanced Energy with the consolidation of Plasma Physics Laboratory, to represent its research interests in advanced and socially acceptable energy systems in the entire processes of energy generation, conversion and utilization. The former Institute of Atomic Energy, the predecessor of which was the Engineering Research Institute founded in 1941 as originally seeking to carry out synthetic studies of engineering through the cooperative work of specialists in different fields, has sought since 1971 to assume part of the responsibility for peaceful applications of atomic energy and has performed various kinds of fundamental researches in nuclear engineering. The recent rapid expansion of the research fields at the Institute of Atomic Energy toward various fields of energy sciences, such as systems engineering for social and environmental energy systems, advanced energy conversion researches in quantum engineering, physico-chemistry and materials science, consequently has brought about the new institute, i.e., the Institute of Advanced Energy in search of advanced and socially acceptable energy systems. Professors of the Institute give lectures on their specialized fields to students of the Graduate School of Energy Science. Graduate students in various specialized fields of energy science prepare their theses for Master’s or Doctor’s degree at the Institute under professorial guidance. The Institute also provides research opportunities to those who specialize in advanced energy science and engineering, and related fields covered by the academic staff. The educational activities of the staff are described in their respective sections. The institute is located on the Uji campus of the university about 20km south of Kyoto city. Additional facilities, for researches such as advanced materials, advanced chemistry, magnetoplasma, plasma direct energy conversion, plasma physics, and fusion engineering, are located in the campus with individual buildings. The publications are renewed into the followings; (1) Annual Report of the Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, (in English). (2)Research Report of the Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (occasionally, in English). (3) News Letter of the Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, (three issues a year, in Japanese). The Institute consists of the following three main research divisions each containing four research sections, and an attached laboratory, with two visiting staff research sections in addition. It is strongly encouraged for every research section or division to make joint collaborative researches with other divisions, to cope with, in particular, energy-related interdisciplinary critical issues we are facing at present or in the future to come. I. ADVANCED ENERGY GENERATION DIVISION (study publicly acceptable high quality energy generation of advanced energy) (a) Quantum Radiation Energy Research Section (b)Advanced Atomic Energy Research Section (c) Advanced Particle Beam Energy Research Section (d)Advanced Plasma Energy Research Section (e) Advanced Energy Research Section (foreign visiting professor) II. ADVANCED ENERGY CONVERSION DIVISION (study of improvement of efficiency and other performances in the functional energy conversion processes) (a) Combines and Varying Conversion Processes Research Section (b)Advanced Energy Transportation Research Section (c) Advanced Energy Storage Research Section (d)Complex Plasma System Research Section (e) Clean Energy Research Section (domestic visiting professor and associate professor) Ⅲ . ADVANCED ENERGY UTILIZATION DIVISION (study processes for high performance energy utilization) (a) Chemical Reaction Complex Processes Research Section (b)Molecular Assemblies Design Research Section (c) Advanced Functional Materials Research Section (d)Bioenergetics Research Section IV. LABORATORY FOR COMPLEX ENERGY PROCESSES (promote equipment designing, software development, and collaboration with domestic and foreign institutions for high quality energy processes, including generation, conversion, and utilization) RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Advanced Energy Generation Division Quantum Radiation Energy Research Section T. Yamazaki, Professor H. Ohgaki, Associate Professor T. Kii, Research Associate S. Ueda, Research Associate (Laboratory for Complex Energy Processes) 1. Introduction The research in this section aims at developing the technology to generate new quantum-radiation energy and apply the radiation in various fields Coherent-radiation energy with wide wavelength tunability, high power and high efficiency is quite promising in the next century that is sometimes called the "era of light". Free-electron laser is one of the powerful candidates for the new quantum radiation, and it is sometimes called the light source of next generation. The fields of application of such radiation are; atomic energy including plasma heating, energy transportation in the universe, material science, material synthesis, electronic device, medical and biological science, etc. High-energy and high-brightness electron beam is indispensable for the generation of such radiation. . 2. Free-Electron Lasers The accelerators mainly used to generate free-electron lasers (FELs) in the wavelength region below 200 mm are linear accelerator (linac) and storage ring. Preparatory study of linac-based FEL is going on at our section, and storage-ring based FEL project is under way at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). 2.1 Linac FEL project Normal-conducting RF linac is the most popular accelerator throughout the world. The beam quality is moderately good and high-energy beam is easily obtained. A compact linac-based FEL is planned at our institute with the arrangement shown in Fig.1. The RF gun can generate high-brightness electron beam. The serious problem of the backstreaming of electrons in the decelerating phase may be solved by the use of a hollow cathode or a photocathode driven by a short-pulsed laser mode-locked to the linac RF. A compact staggered-array undulator is under development at our institute, which may be used for the infrared FEL. The FEL power will be further amplified by exploiting the scheme of MOPA (master oscillator and power amplifier) or coherent spontaneous emission from the second undulator by the use of micro-bunched electron beam extracted from the first oscillator. High-brightness x-ray beam will be generated through collision of the high-power FEL with the electron beam. The remaining electron-beam energy will be recovered by the use of a decelerator. We have already constructed thermionic RF gun as an electron beam source, and measured extracted beam qualities. A study to improve beam quality is one of the main subjects. On the same time, we have prepared a klystron modulator, a klystron, an accelerator tube, RF components, beam-transport components, beam and RF monitoring devices, and control system under the financial support from Research Center of Complex Energy Process. PZT I Main Oscillator Amplifier Accelerator RF Gun Undulator I Undulator II Drive Laser Decelerator PZT II Matched Load Klystron Singal Generator Modulator Klystron Matched Load Modulator Trigger Generator High-Brightness X-Ray Beam High-Power FEL Application Room Fig.1. Conceptual layout of the linac FEL project. 2.2 Highly brilliant relativistic electron source RF guns can accelerate electrons with much higher electric field than electrostatic electron guns widely used. However, some electrons escape from accelerating RF phase and stream to the cathode. These back-streaming electrons heat up the cathode and make damage on the cathode. Then surface temperature of the cathode greatly is raised during macro-pulse and thus the extracted beam current increases and it is impossible to keep the energy of the electrons constant. It is the so-called “Back-bombardment problem”. Due to the problem, long pulse operation is typically restricted up to about 4 µs. To solve the problem, it is important to know the phenomena well. As the first step, we measured the surface temperature of the cathode with and without a hole during beam production by the use of an infrared radiation thermometer, and the average back-streaming beam power was evaluated with a simple 0-D energy transporting model. We have evaluated the effect of the back-streaming electrons using the model systematically. By using the 0-D model, it was found that the beam heating is not negligible in high repetition operation of long pulse operation. But, to argue the effect of the back-streaming electrons to the beam quality in the macro pulse, information from 0-D model were inadequate, because the electron returns only during short macro pulse; about few μ sec, then the back-streaming beam power during macro pulse is quite large and a beam quality affected by the back-streaming electrons. Thus, the temperature evolution during the beam macro pulse, which affects strongly the beam quality, was calculated with 1-D heat conduction model and results of the 2-D particle simulation. And the effects of the cathode shape and external magnetic field were also evaluated. Fig. 2 shows an experimental arrangement. An electron beam generated by the RF gun (AET MG-500) enters a beam-transport system with quadrapole magnets, a bending magnet, current transformers, beam profile monitors, and Faraday cups. A thermionic tungsten cathode of disk shaped with 3 mm radius and 1 mm thickness and a hollow one with a hole of φ1.5 mm were used as an electron source. The temperature at the cathode surface was measured with a radiation thermometer using a single-core quartz fiber; IR-FAS FL3 manufactured by CHINO. The extracted beam current was measured by a current transformer at the exit of the RF gun. The energy spectrum and incident and reflected RF powers were also measured. These values were used to estimate the current density at the cathode surface. To evaluate a back-bombardment effect quantitatively, it is important to obtain the temperature profile during a macropulse. However, a typical thermometer has a longer response time than the macropulse duration. Thus, we used a 1-D thermal conduction model (fig. 3). Cathode Back plane : c ρ λ V Heater Ek [MeV] Fig. 2. An experimental setup to measure beam properties 4 2 Back-streaming e - 0 Fig. 3 1-D heat conduction model In this simple model, the heat conduction along the beam direction; x is described as ∂T ∂ 2T cρV = λ 2 + Qb (x ) (2), ∂τ ∂x where c is the specific heat, ρ is the density, V is the volume, λ is the conductivity of the cathode, and Qb(x) is the heating from the back-streaming electrons as the function of the position in the cathode. As the boundary conditions, the heater input power was set to be the same as the radiated power from cathode surface to satisfy the energy conservation law. A typical particle distribution of the back-streaming electrons in the IAE RF gun given by the 2-D simulation code KUBLAI is shown in fig. 4. In this case, input RF power was 4 MW and current density on the cathode surface was 10 A/cm2. 1 2 3 Distance from center [mm] Fig. 4. Particle distribution on the cathode of IAE RF gun. As shown in fig. 4, most electrons have only a few 100 keV, but the contribution to the total heating power is less than half. For the stable operation, this component should be taken into account. Typical beam heating powers for several groups of electrons were also calculated and they are listed in table 1. Table 1. Contribution to the cathode heating from electron in 3 groups of energy Slab Hollow φ = 1.5mm Ek: 0~300 keV 0.054 J 0.049 J Ek: 300 keV~1.5 MeV 0.01 J 0.01 J Ek: 1.5 MeV~ 0.07 J 0.04 J Total Power (all electros) 0.136 J 0.103 J As shown in fig. 4 and table 1, concentration ratio of electrons to the central region of the cathode for the high-energy component is higher than that of the low energy component. Thus the hollow cathode seems to be effective to reduce the effect from the high-energy Surface temperature [K] 1395 Slab cathode (without external B) Slab cathode (with external B) Hollow cathode (without external B) Hollow cathode (with external B) 1390 1385 1380 -9 10 10-6 10-3 100 Time [sec] Fig. 5 Evolutions of surface temperature during 1 second 1395 Surface temperature [K] component. Due to a low statistics of the results of the simulation, returned power from the high-energy component has about 20% ambiguity. But the reduction ratio of the effect of the high-energy components will be affected very little by this error. By using these parameters, the time evolutions of the surface temperature of slab and hollow cathode were calculated. Although, a deposited power should be calculated for each electron, it is important to evaluate contributions of electrons with low and high energy. Thus, on calculating the beam heating in the cathode, heated area were assumed as below; low energy component (Ek<300keV) deposits the energy only near the surface (surface - 0.1mm), middle energy component (300keV<Ek<1.5MeV) deposits the energy in the half of the cathode (surface - 0.5mm), high energy component (Ek>1.5MeV) deposits the energy in whole cathode (surface - 1mm). Because of technical difficulties, a hoe could not made on the back plane of the cathode. Thus, the beam power of the electrons passing through the hole was added in the back plane of the cathode to evaluate the surface temperature of hollow cathode. External magnetic field was simulated by omitting the low energy component. The results are shown in figs 5, 6. Slab cathode (without external B) Slab cathode (with external B) Hollow cathode (without external B) Hollow cathode (with external B) 1390 1385 1380 0 1 2 3 4 5 Time [μsec] Fig. 6 Evolutions of surface temperature during 5 μsec Because the low energy electrons stop close to the cathode surface, the effect to the cathode temperature is quite large. As shown in fig.5 and 6, temperature rise will be reduced about 90 % by applying transverse magnetic field. On the other hand, it is difficult to reduce the effect from the high-energy component. But the high-energy component tend to converge to the center of the cathode, thus the use of the hollow cathode will help to reduce the heatup effect. In this case, the reduction ratio of the high-energy component is about 30 %, and that of the low-energy component is at about 10%, thus the use of the hollow cathode is not so effective without magnetic field. But when the magnetic field is applied, the main contribution to the cathode temperature is high-energy component, and then the use of the hollow cathode will be important. It is found that the back-streaming electrons make serious effects to the electron beam quality. But it can be reduced greatly by the combination of hollow cathode and magnetic field. The effects of these techniques should be checked by further experiments. Advanced Energy Generation Division Advanced Atomic Energy Research Section Y. Yamamoto, Associate Professor Y. Takeuchi, Research Associate 1. Introduction The research field of advanced atomic energy research section covers wide areas of science and engineering based on plasma physics, atomic physics, and nuclear physics. Presently, following topics are studied in this research section: (1) Study of the compact neutron source using Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion (IECF), (2) Analysis of discharge characteristics of the spherical IECF device using a particle code with Monte Carlo collision scheme, (3) Study of the controlled extraction of charged particles from the helical device, (4) Analysis of Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation (PIII) using the modified OOPIC code. The activity of the advanced atomic energy research section started substantially October 1996, after a new staff joined to the section. However, the absolute number of research staffs and graduate course students is still not enough to carry out the experimental research. Joint research with the stuff of the University of Tokyo, industrial research institute, and the other sections of the institute has been making up this difficulty. 2.1 Study of the compact neutron source using Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion (IECF) An IECF is a device injecting ions and electrons towards the spherical center, trapping both species in the electrostatic self-field and giving rise to fusion reactions in the dense core. An IECF may be a portable neutron generator as intermediate products along the path to fusion power. The cylindrical IECF device is a system, which takes the core cylindrical area from spherical device. These IECF studies are collaborative works with advanced particle beam energy research section, and following two areas are mainly studied in our section, i.e.: (1) an cylindrical device, and (2) a small ECR ion source for reducing the IECF operation gas pressures. 3-years ago, we have started to develop a simulation code based on the 2-D charged particle analysis code KUAD2 and have investigated effect of beam convergence on the fusion reaction rate, and showed that it strongly affects the performance. As effect of electrode shapes was clearly seen in the simulation, we concluded that it could be used for verification of simulations. Up to last fiscal year, we investigate these effects by experiments. From the result of primary experiment, we have concluded the shape of electrodes as follow. The cylindrical type cathode has a diameter of 80-mm and length of 100-mm. The dish type anode has 80-mm diameter and 350-mm spherical surface and 40-mm cylindrical ring. Both electrodes are made of stainless steel and are held by ceramic insulator. In this fiscal year, therefore, we try to improve the neutron production rate with such electrodes. There is strong dependence between gas pressure and discharge voltage. In order to reduce the gas pressure, we introduce ECR plasma source. Fig.2 shows the overview of the experimental device. A cylindrical vacuum chamber has an inner diameter of 100-mm and length of 670-mm. During the experiments, deuterium gas is introduced through mass flow controller and typical operation pressure is 2-3 Pa. For discharges, we use a stabilized DC power supply (0~50kV, 0~44mA). To measure produced neutrons we use a helium-3 neutron detector and a multi-channel analyzer. The experimental results are shown in Fig.2~4. From these figures it is found that (1) When discharge current increases, the discharge voltage also increases(Fig.2). (2) Therefore, the discharge is considered to be the abnormal glow. Fig.1 Schematic view of the experiment setup 40 30 20 10 0 0 1.8 Pa 2.0 Pa 10 20 30 40 Discharge Current (mA) 50 Normalized Neutron Counts Discharge Voltage (kV) 50 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 Cylindrical IECF (30 kV,10 mA) Cylindrical IECF with plasma source (30 kV,10 mA) 252 Cf 0.2 0.0 0 45 90 135 180 Azimuthal angle (degree) Fig.2 Dependence of discharge voltage on current Fig.4 Distribution of neutrons 5 Pressure (Pa) 4 3 2 1 0 0 Fig.3 I = 6 mA Without ECR With ECR 10 20 30 40 Discharge Voltage (kV) 50 Effect of ECR ion source on the reduction of the gas pressure (3) We succeed to reduce the gas pressure with ECR plasma source. At same condition (20kV, 6mA), it’s cut down by half (fig.3). (4) Maximum neutron production rate of ~5.3×105 neutrons per second is obtained with 47.5kV, 15mA, 1.21Pa discharge. (5) Effect of ECR plasma source is clearly observed in the experiments. (6) Directional distribution measurements show that the cylindrical IECF neutron source has a different characteristics compared with 252Cf source(Fig.4). Together with improvement of experimental setups, we are looking for cases where more distinctive result could be obtained using simulation code. Next fiscal year, we plan to add an ECR ion source to the setups for future reduction operating pressure. To match experimental conditions with simulation for more close comparison of them are underway. 2.3 Analysis of discharge characteristics of the spherical IECF device using a particle code with Monte Carlo collision scheme. In this study, we tried to analyze discharge characteristics and studied the mechanism of a self-maintaining discharge using 1-D particle code. In our previous works, we made and used a 1-D particle code which does not include atomic processes and only deals with inside the cathode. But the Fig. 5: Cathode model operation pressure of the devices is ~1Pa and mean free path of charge exchange cross-section becomes less than the device size. Therfore, we decided to develop a new code based on PDS-1 (Plasma Device code at Spherical bounding electrodes), which was developed by Plasma theory and Simulation Group at UCB. The PDS1 code includes particle in cell method and Monte-Carlo scheme that can allow for collisions (MCC) between the charged particles (electrons and ions) and the background neutrals. To apply the PDS1 code to IECF analysis, we made several modifications as followings. (a) Energy dependent transparency model of the cathode In previous works, the cathode transparency is considered to be constant for all ions and electrons, and it is found that the low energy ions are trapped in the cathode potential well, and make large densities around the cathode, which is not realistic. So we introduced energy depended transparency model shown in Fig.5 assuming that cathode grid opening is circular and that charge distributes at a uniform density. (b) Atomic and molecular processes included in this code In addition to atomic processes of ion and electron impact, that of energetic neutrals is included in the code, because we thought that the energetic neutral particles, not electrons, might contribute to a self- maintaining discharge. Also we included dissociation collision to change an operating gas to D2. Using this code, we simulated discharges with constant current control and obtained following results, (a) By including the energy dependent transparency model, the calculation shows realistic ion distributions results. (b) D2+ do not circulate in the chamber, because the mean free path of D2+ is less than the device size in this study. (c) Electron impact ionization hardly occurs outside the cathode, it is not enough to maintain the discharge (Fig. 6), (d) D20 impact re-ionization supplies much more D2+. From these results, we consider that D2+ impact charge-exchange and D20 impact re-ionization cycle plays the most important role in the self-maintaining discharge mechanism. Fig. 6: Distribution of electron impact ionization 2.3 Study of the controlled extraction of charged particles from the helical device Fig. 7: coils layout The purpose of this study is extraction of charged particles from the outside of the magnetic surface to the out of a helical device. One of the advantages of extracting charged particles from the helical device is that it is possible to use the helical device as a large current electron source by generating runaway electrons intentionally. And, by extracting the charged particle from the device, it is possible to set up divertor outside of the device, and maintenance becomes easier. To extract such charged particles, coils other than the helical coils and the vertical coils are required. It already studied that extraction of charged particles is possible without influence on the magnetic surface when set up these additional coils all around the device. Therefore, we researched the influence of the extraction coils on the magnetic field when set up partly. And, we researched the extraction of 10keV electrons which drift velocity is the maximum for making electron source which can supply up to 10keV electrons. Fig. 7 is bird's eye view when set up the coils partly. We calculated about a model, the helical coils' major radius R, minor radius a and helical winding pitch m are R=500mm, a=50mm and m=12, respectively, and contains 2 coils. Fig. 8 shows the other coils' arrangement on the r-z plane in cylindrical coordinate (r,φ, z). Fig. 8: coil’s arrangement In this study, we investigated three cases; one case with extraction coils set up all around troidal direction and other cases with extraction coils set up partly, TYPE I, TYPE II. The first case and TYPE I has same combination about l, z1 and z2 in Fig.8, and TYPE II improve TYPE I to suppress the influence on the confinement area of extraction coils. Table 1 shows the combination about l, z1 and z2. If the extraction coils set up all around, the edges of coil A and A' aren't connected, and the other edges aren't either. When extraction coils set up partly, the coils exist from -15 degrees to 15 degrees on φ direction in cylindrical coordinate. From the result of calculation, we found that there are three methods to suppress the influence of extraction coils; (1)enlargement l (2)enlargement z1 (3)decreasing the difference of z1 and z2. The method(1) and (2) make the influence of the extraction coils smaller by the longer distance from the magnetic surface. The method(3) makes coil C and C' to cancel each other magnetic Table 1: combination about l, z1 and z2 l Z1 Z2 TYPE I coils 40mm 20mm 90mm TYPE II coils 60mm 30mm 80mm forces by being nearer. The extraction coils of TYPE II are improved on TYPE I with the three methods. With TYPE II coils, the radius of the magnetic surface is twice of the one with TYPE I coils. But, the methods may decrease the power of the extraction charged particles. So we investigated the orbit of 10keV electrons from various initial points near the outside of confinement area to the outside of the device or the wall of the vacuum vessel. And we also investigated the orbit of the inside of the confinement area. Table 2 shows the results. Table 2: The orbit of 10keV electrons maximum ratio of extracted average electrons radius set up round TYPE I all 100% 14.0mm 83% 1 73 The TYPE I extraction coils shows that it can extract electrons as well as with the extraction coils set up all around the device. But it causes a disturbance to the magnetic field and makes the magnetic surface and the confinement area very small. On the other hand, with the TYPE II extraction coils, the influence on the confinement area is smaller than the one of TYPE I, and the magnetic surface and the confinement area are more larger. But, the power of the extraction decreased. So, it is need that new methods suppress the influence on the confinement area and don't decrease the power of the extraction charged particles. 2.4 Analysis of Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation (PIII) using the modified OOPIC code. PIII (Figure 8) is the method where ions are accelerated toward the target by the electric field of the sheath formed around the target by putting the target in plasma and applying high voltage pulse to the target. Compared with conventional ion implantation method which uses ion sources, ions can be driven to surface of the complex shape target, for instance, to the inner surface of a cylinder. Therefore, this method is thought next generation's ion implantation technology. To estimate required plasma density and the shape of high voltage pulse, we started numerical simulations using a particle-in-cell code, and evaluate spatial distribution and time-development of implanted ions along the target surface. Figure 10 shows the potential distribution in 50ns and 200ns after impression 50-kV voltage pulse with the risetime of 670ns for the cylinder shape target of 7.6cm inside diameter and 10cm length (Fig.9) put in 109cm-3 Ne plasma. From the figure, it is clearly seen that the sheath already extends outside the cylinder at the 200-ns. So far, we obtained the following results, ・ By using 1×1017m−3 density plasma, the thickness of the matrix sheath becomes 1cm or less, and a uniform matrix sheath can form including inner surface of cylinder at applied pulse voltage of V0=−50kV. ・ When the density of plasma is low, even at the sheath formation stage, the matrix-sheath extends outside a cylinder. From these results, we conclude the ion implantation to the inner surface of the cylinder is possible by an increase of the plasma density. Fig9 target (a) 50ns (b) 200ns Fig.10 Potential distribution Fig.8: Outline fig. of PIII device Advanced Energy Generation Division Advanced Particle Beam Energy Research Section K. Yoshikawa, Professor K. Nagasaki, Associate Professor K. Masuda, Research Associate H. Toku, Research Associate (Laboratory for Complex Energy Processes) 1. Introduction Intensive investigations of inertial-electrostatic compact fusion, free electron lasers, direct energy conversion, electron cyclotron heating system, and advanced fusion are being made. Among them, studies of space-charge dominant interactions between energetic charged particles and electromagnetic fields are particularly emphasized. A beam-beam colliding fusion called IECF (Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion) is being studied both experimentally and theoretically for compact neutron generators and/or future advanced neutron-free D-3He fusions. Recent introduction of ND:YAG pumped Dye laser for the laser-induced fluorescence method by the support of JAERI successfully revealed highly localized electric field distribution for the first time, and it has put an end to the 30 years debate on the existence of the potential well.. Also microwave electron guns are being studied for highly brilliant electron beam production, which is essential for significant improvement of free electron lasers performance characteristics such as shorter wavelengths, narrower bandwidths, and so on. Computer simulations are extensively applied to all phases. The educational function specializes in energy conversion, electrical engineering, and nuclear engineering in the graduate school. Main research subjects are now strongly focused on the followings: beam-beam colliding fusion (IECF), free electron laser, highly brilliant electron beam by RF guns, spherical plasma generation and applications, and new electron cyclotron heating scenario. 2. Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion (IECF) Potential well profiles in an IECF device play a key and essential role in the beam-beam colliding fusion, which is the major mechanism of the IECF devices. At present, D-D fusion neutrons, and D-3He protons of both tens of millions/sec are successfully produced continuously at University of Wisconsin. In order to improve fusion reaction rates more drastically, we need to make clear the mechanism of potential well formation, which has been the central research issue for more than 30 years both in theory and experiments. Actually, many theoretical results so far predicted strongly localized potential well formation, and actually for the past 30 years, many experiments were dedicated to clarify this mechanism using, such as, electron beam reflection method, spatially collimated neutrons or proton profile measurements, or an emissive probe, but, neither seems to be perfectly conclusive in convincing that well does form, until the successful measurement of the double-well potential for the center-spot mode by the laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) method using Stark effects at Kyoto University. From the viewpoint of fusion reactions, since the star-mode discharge (high-voltage mode) far exceeds the center-spot mode (low-voltage mode), we tried to measure the potential profiles in the star-mode by the same LIF method. For application of the LIF method, however, since the star-mode discharge appears for relatively high voltage of the IEC device, it is predicted that the beam-induced electric fields inside the hollow cathode would be small due to smaller beam perveances compared with the center-spot mode. This calls for the LIF transition with more electric field-sensitive capability. To meet this requirement, we have chosen transition of HeI n = 4 (21S to 41D; 0.05-0.5 kV/cm) instead of the previous n = 3 (21S to 41D; 0.5-5kV/cm), the former being expected to be almost by one order sensitive to the electric fields. To examine the applicability of n = 4 transition, we applied this LIF method to the well-known U-shaped cathode consisting of two identical round disks with an aperture of 10 mm as is shown in Fig. 1. Figure 2 shows the measured electric potential profile. The voltage between the center (z = 0) and the cathode surface (z = ± 5 mm) is found to be 175 ± 25 V, which is in good agreement with the applied voltage of 200 V. 50 V He: 0.2kV, 5.0mA, 132Pa -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 z [ mm ] Figure 2. Electric potential profile along z-axis within the U-shaped hollow cathode (0.2 kV, 5.0 mA, 132 Pa). We previously used a guard ceramics as seen in Fig. 3, which was designed for minimizing asymmetry in the electric field, which is induced by the feedthrough of the cathode. It is found, however, to limit the cathode voltage up to around 25 kV for a helium discharge due to breakdowns by ion charge-up on the ceramics surface. To operate the star-mode discharge with a higher voltage applied, we have removed the guard ceramics from the feedthrough. Without the guard ceramics, it is found that much higher voltages up to 60 kV can be applied without serious breakdown. As a result, the star-mode discharge with a helium gas was observed for 33.5 kV, 40m A, 2.1 Pa as is shown in Fig. 4(a), together with a photo of a center-stop mode for 5.4 kV, 40 mA, 5.3 Pa in Fig. 4(b) for comparison. (a) Star mode. (b) Center-spot mode. Figure 4. Photos of the two different discharge modes within the spherical hollow cathode. The LIF diagnostics were then applied to the both modes shown in Fig. 4. In the star-mode discharge, no clear electric fields can be identified within errors due to much lower LIF intensities than in the center-spot-mode discharge as seen in Fig. 5. Since, among the four LIF intensities shwon in the figure, Iy (eLx) and Iy (eLz) do not depend on the electric field strength, lower Iy (eLx) and Iy (eLz) indicate definitely a lower density of metastable helium atoms at the 21S state in the central region in the star-mode discharge. From Figs. 5(a) and (b), Iy (eLx) and Iy (eLz) in the star-mode discharge are found to be approximately one-tenth of those in the center-spot mode, while the gas pressure, i.e. the density of helium atoms, is two-fifths. These facts strongly indicate that the fraction of 21S (approx. 20.6 eV above the ground level) state atoms in the star-mode discharge is much smaller due to less fraction of energetic electrons sufficient to excite atoms to the 21S state, because of negligible space charge-induced potential well. 1.5 photomultiprier signal [ mV ] Potantial [ V ] Figure 1. The U-shaped hollow cathode for verification of the LIF diagnostics using n = 4 transition. Iz(eLz) Iy(eLz) 1.0 Iy(eLx) 0.5 0.0 Iz(eLx) 0 20 40 60 80 100 t [ nsec ] (a) star mode (33.5 kV, 40 mA, and 2.1 Pa). photomultiprier signal [ mV ] 8.0 Iy(eLx) Iy(eLz) 6.0 Iz(eLz) 4.0 2.0 Iz(eLx) 0.0 0 Figure 3. A spherical hollow cathode held by a guard ceramics in the center of a vacuum chamber. 20 40 60 80 t [ nsec ] 100 120 140 (b) center-spot mode (5.4 kV, 40 mA, and 5.3 Pa). Figure 5. Time evolutions of LIF intensities 3. Electron Bernstein Heating in Heliotron Configurations Plasma production and heating using 53.2GHz electron cyclotron waves have been performed in a medium sized helical-axis heliotron device, Heliotron J. An effective electron cyclotron heating has been observed when no resonant layer for electromagnetic waves exists in the core region. The obtained stored energy is comparable with that in the conventional second harmonic ECH. This heating cannot be explained by the conventional electromagnetic wave heating, because the second harmonic resonance layer for the 53.2 GHz ECH is outside the LCFS, and the fundamental one is located only at the edge region, r/a>0.8, even at the maximum magnetic field. The averaged electron density measured with a microwave interferometer reaches 3.8×1019m-3 without radiation collapse. This value exceeds the cut-off density of the second harmonic X-mode, 1.75×1019m-3, and that of the fundamental O-mode, 3.5×1019m-3. Shown in Fig. 6 is a radial profile of the second harmonic ECE intensity in the core region. As the magnetic field exceeds B=1.32 T, the central Te rises up, and its profile becomes peaked. No time delay of the ECE signals after turning off the 53.2 GHz ECH power has been observed. Although the absolute Te profile is not measured yet in the experiment, the relative power absorption profile is estimated from Te/τdecay just after the ECH turn-off. Here τdecay is the ECE decay time measured during 1 msec just after the ECH turn-off. This relative power absorption profile is not localized but broad in the measurement region. These indicate that the ECH power may be absorbed directly in the core region or transported from the edge resonance through non-diffusion process. 400 #4074-4084 Standard Configuration B=1.40T B=1.37T B=1.34T B=1.32T B=1.29T 350 19 80 LHD f=84GHz, ne(0)=14.0x10 m-3, B(0)=2.6T, Te(0)=500eV 4.0 250 60 3.0 40 200 2.0 O-mode cut-off 20 yp (cm) Trad (a.u.) 300 heating is an X-electrostatic Bernstein (B) mode conversion process. The fundamental resonance exists within the LCFS when the magnetic field is larger than 1.29 T. The slow X-mode, which may be generated by the reflection of unabsorbed waves at the chamber wall, can propagate into the plasma across the fundamental resonance layer, and then reaches the upper hybrid resonance (UHR) layer. Around the UHR layer, the perpendicular component of the refractive index rapidly increases, resulting that the phase velocity of the waves slows down. As the phase velocity gets close to the electron thermal velocity, kinetic effects are so substantial that the X-mode is not absorbed but is converted into the electrostatic B-mode. The optical depth of this converted B-mode is so large even in low Te (∼10 eV) that the B-mode can fully be absorbed unless it encounters the UHR layer again and is converted back to the X-mode. A ray tracing code of O-X-B and X-B conversion heating has been developed for heliotron configurations such as LHD and CHS devices. The three-dimensional magnetic field structure is taken into account to trace the ray and calculate the power absorption profile. Since the magnetic shear is strong and the poloidal field is comparable with the toroidal one in conventional heliotron configurations, the launching angle should be adjusted both toroidally and poloidally for optimum O-X conversion. Figure 7 shows an example of the ray trajectory of O-X-B mode conversion heating in an LHD configuration. In the O-X-B heating case, the deposition condition is strongly Doppler-shifted because of the high parallel refractive index caused by the inhomogeneity of the magnetic field. However, it can be controlled by changing the magnetic field strength, and the dependence on the electron density and temperature is weak. The slow X-B heating is also possible by launching the X-mode from the vacuum chamber port located at the low field side. The accessible window in launching angles is rather wide, and the power absorption can be controlled from on-axis to off-axis. 150 0 UHR -20 100 50 0 -0.4 -60 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 r/a Figure 6. Second harmonic ECE profiles in non-electromagnetic heating on Heliotron J One possible explanation for this effective core R cut-off 3.0 -40 2.0 -80 -100 -80 4.0 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 xp (cm) Figure 7. Example of ray trajectory of O-X-B mode conversion heating in LHD. configuration. In order to confirm the above hypothesis, a 3D time-dependent FEL oscillator code including the competition of the longitudinal modes were developed, and the observed cavity detuning curve were well reproduced by our simulation, as follows. Simulation was performed with the typically measured parameters. The peak current I with a bell-shape is supposed to be I = 150 A. The calculated spectrum is plotted as solid-squares in Fig. 8. The FEL efficiency as a function of the cavity detuning length is shown in Fig. 9. The maximum efficiency of over 7 % is found at perfect synchronism. Simulation was also made with a less dimensionless current of I = 50 A, the numerical results are shown in the corresponding figures as open-triangles. As shown in figures, no existence of the sideband signals on longer wavelength side is found; the peak of the efficiency is decreased and also shifted. These numerical results are found to show good agreements with the experimental results. Normalized Intensity (a.u.) 0.025 I = 150A, δL = 0 ; I = 50A, δ L=2.0μm 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Frequency (THz) Figure 8. Spectra with different currents I’s; spectrum for I = 150A at δL=0 μm (solid-squares), and spectrum for I = 50 A at δL=2 μm (open-triangles). 8 7 Efficiency (%) 4. Free Electron Laser (FEL) FEL as a high-power and wavelength-tunable coherent light source is on the way to various applications, and there have been broad interests in investigating its lasing dynamics. In FEL oscillators, careful synchronization of the optical and electron pulses is required to reach laser oscillation. This is achieved by matching the optical round trip time to the electron micro-bunch period. Usually it is necessary to slightly advance the optical pulse each round trip to maintain the gain per pass and to counteract the lethargy effect, which is realized by reducing the cavity length from perfect synchronism by a distance δL, i.e. cavity detuning. An analytical study reproduced the measured cavity detuning curve and showed that the maximum efficiency is located around δL = −0.1λ , where λ is the FEL wavelength. At perfect synchronism of a low gain, short pulse FEL oscillator, the optical pulse centroid is retarded on successive passes during the small signal growth region due to the laser and electrons move with different velocities. Only a transient state, therefore, exists at perfect synchronism. This transient evolution of the optical pulses at perfect synchronism has been supported by numerical and experimental researches. However, a series of FEL oscillator experiments were conducted recently in Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) with a super-conducting RF Linac FEL facility, and high extraction efficiency over 5 % was demonstrated at perfect synchronism. It was confirmed through the series FEL experiments that; (1) the peak of the detuning curve is very steep at perfect synchronism and the FEL efficiency is maximum there, (2) with a less dimensionless current, the transient evolution of the optical pulse reappeared at perfect synchronism. In order to explain these experimental results, we suppose that the sideband instability occurs in this short pulse FEL with μc < 1, where μ c = Ls / σ z is a measure of the slippage between the laser of a wavelength λ and the electron micro-bunch of length σz in terms of the slippage length Ls = Nu λ, where Nu is the undulator period. It is well known that the sideband instability can be reached when threshold condition Lsyn ≤ Ls is satisfied, where Lsyn is the slippage distance within a synchrotron wavelength. The very large ratio of the small signal gain to losses and high dimensionless current in JAERI-FEL experiments make Lsyn ≤ Ls satisfied. Therefore, the sideband signals would contribute the high power and efficiency at perfect synchronism, and, however, this contribution would be restrained by cavity detuning, which would produce the measured cavity detuning curve peaked at perfect synchronism. When, on the other hand, the sideband threshold condition cannot be satisfied at a smaller dimensionless current, the peak of the cavity detuning curve would shift to the optimum detuning length. I = 1 50A I = 50A 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 Cavity detuning (μm) Figure 9. FEL efficiencies as functions of detuning length. Solid squares shows the efficiency for I =150 A, while open-triangles for I = 50 A. Advanced Energy Generation Division Advanced Plasma Energy Research Section T. Obiki, Professor T. Mizuuchi, Associate Professor 1. Introduction The major subjects of this research section are to study the properties of the high temperature plasma in order to control and improve the plasma energy confinement from the physical viewpoint of nuclear fusion research. The experimental and theoretical researches on Heliotron J are in progress under the collaboration with other groups. Beside the studies described here, we are performing basic experiments on other plasma diagnostics and plasma control methods. By introduction of a new 70GHz ECH system and several diagnostics, ECH plasma production and heating studies have progressed. No significant degradation of the ¯ne–Te relation was observed even in the ν* << 0.1 regime. The energy confinement time was comparable to the ISS95-value. The configuration effects of plasma confinement were observed. The experimental understanding of the SOL/divertor region is increasing. This paper describes the details of the 70GHz ECH system and some of the results obtained in the experimental campaign of Heliotron J performed in FY2001. 2. ECH Experiments in Heliotron J ECH plasma production and heating studies have been continued using 53.2GHz and 70GHz systems. The former system consists of three gyrotrons (nonfocusing TE02-modes, the pulse width: Δt ≈ 50ms, the total injected power: Pin ≈ 0.4MW, two oblique injection launchers located at φ ≈ 129° and perpendicular injection one at φ ≈ 203°). The 70GHz system was newly installed (Pin ≈ 0.4MW, Δt ≈ 200ms). The heating and diagnostics setup is shown in Fig. 1. 2.1. 70 GHz ECH System A new electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECH) system has been constructed in order to realize a localized heating experiment in Heliotron J. The main purposes of this experiment are (1) to control the plasma profile, (2) to study the particle and heat transport and (3) to study the possibility of electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD) and of electron Bernstein wave (EBW) heating in a helical-axis heliotron configuration. This ECH system consists of a 70GHz gyrotron, a matching optics unit (MOU) for correction of the beam shape, a transmission line including 20m-long corrugated waveguide for the HE11-mode, three miter bends (two polarizers), a barrier window and a launching system. The performance of the polarizers and the launching system has been examined in a low power test. The radius of the injected beam is ≈ 22mm in 1/e2-folding power at the distance corresponding to the magnetic axis position in the perpendicular injection (Fig. 2). This size is small enough compared to the averaged minor plasma radius, ≈ 170mm. In the launching system, the final flat mirror is used as a steering mirror to change the injection direction, ±15° and ±25° in the toroidal and poloidal directions (r/a ≥0.7), respectively (Fig. 3). 70 quasi-optical theory experimental results Focusing Mirror Barrier Window 50 Steering Plane Mirror Magnetic axis for perpendicular injection 40 30 20 2 1/e power radius [mm] 60 10 0 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 Distance from wavegaide exit [mm] Fig. 1 Experimental setup for the ECH experiment Fig. 2 Beam radius, as a function of the distance from the waveguide exit. The maximum gyrotron output power is ≈ 0.5MW after the MOU, and the transmission efficiency after the MOU to the waveguide exit is 92%. The ECH power absorption is evaluated by a ray tracing code, “TRECE.” This code is originally developed for the TJ-II device (CIEMAT, Spain) and applied to Heliotron J under the collaboration with the TJ-II group. The three dimensional magnetic field and flux surfaces are taken into account to calculate the ray trajectory and the power absorption profile. One example of the power deposition profile for a Heliotron J shot calculated by this code is shown in Fig. 4. The dependence on the injection angle, magnetic field and plasma parameters can be investigated by this code. (a) (b) Fig. 5 Tangential (a) and perpendicular (b) images of a 70GHz ECH plasma in the start-up phase. (a) Last Closed Flux Surface Steering Plane mirror Focusing Mirror Boron Nitride Barrier Window (b) nel Corrugated Waveguide for HE11 mode ECH Fig. 3 A schematic of the 70GHz ECH launching system. Fig. 4 Power deposition profile calculated by TRACE for ne = 2.1×1019 m-3, Te = 290 eV, PECH = 380 kW (ϕ=11°, θ=-6.2°) Fig. 6 (a) A streak image of the Hα emission. (b) A time trace of the line integrated electron density. Comparing with the numerically calculated magnetic field lines, it is confirmed that these stripes are running along the field lines and that the top and the bottom stripes in Fig. 5(b) are along the field lines on the same magnetic surface. When the field strength was changed, the positions of the stripes changed as shown in Fig. 6, where the distance between the top and the bottom stripes are plotted against the relative strength of the confinement field. Since the mod-B structure near the injection port is tokamak-like, the increase (decrease) of the field strength shifts the electron cyclotron resonance line outward (inward) and then the resonance line and the ECH beam are crossed on an outer magnetic surface 2.2. “Snakes” in Plasma Start-up Phase In the previous 53.2GHz ECH experiment, bright stripes like “snakes” were observed near the magnetic axis only in the plasma start-up phase for the confinement field strength of ωce/ω < 0.5, where ωce and ω are the electron cyclotron frequency and the injected microwave frequency, respectively (T. Obiki, et al., Nucl Fusion 41 (2001) 833.). In the 70GHz ECH experiment, the similar phenomena were also observed in the plasma start-up phase (Fig. 5). Figure 6(a) shows a streak image of the Hα emission taken by the perpendicular fast CCD-camera (see Fig. 1). The “snake” stripes disappeared at t = 195ms in this shot and the emission area expand to the LCFS. Distance between the stripes Size of the “resonance” magnetic surface Fig. 7 Dependence of the distance between the stripes and the magnetic field strength. The size of the “resonance” magnetic surface is also plotted. (resonance magnetic surface). The size of such resonance magnetic surfaces estimated from the field calculation is also plotted in Fig. 6, where the finite size of the injection beam is taken into account. As shown in the figure, the both show almost the same dependence on the field strength but the magnetic fields strength is different where the each size becomes minimum. Besides of the setting error of the field strength and/or the microwave injection angle, a possibility of drift effects should be investigated. The mechanism of the observed “snakes” is not clear and more detailed investigations are necessary. 2.3. Density Range Obtainable by 53.2GHz or 70GHz ECH According to the DKES-calculation for the Heliotron J standard (STD) configuration, the neoclassical diffusion coefficient in the low-ν* regime is expected to be comparable to that of the equivalent tokamak, where ν* = ν/(ve/πR0q) (M. Wakatani et al., Nucl. Fusion 40 (2000) 569). On the other hand, in general, the plasma β was increased as an increase in the line averaged electron density n¯e. For 53.2GHz or 70GHz ECH, the obtainable density range was examined by using the gas puff control in the STD configuration. After the wall conditioning (Ti-getter), low-density plasmas of ¯ne ≤ 0.2×1019m−3 have been produced for the both ECH. The electron temperatures measured by the SX absorber foil method reached TeSX ≈ 1keV, indicating the production of the collisionless plasmas of ν* << 0.1 in the core region. The density dependence of Te seems to be constant from the region of ν* ≈ 0.1 of the region of ν* < 0.01 as shown in Fig. 8, suggesting no significant degradation of the confinement even in the ν* << 0.1 regime. On the other hand, in the second harmonic ECH case, it is possible to increase n¯e up to the near cut-off density for the second harmonic X- mode (1.8/3.0×1019 m−3 for 53.2/70GHz) without severe radiation collapse. In the high field 53.2GHz ECH mode, where neither fundamental nor second harmonic resonance layers for electromagnetic waves exist in the core region, n¯e could be increased up to 3.8×1019m−3, which exceeds the cut-off density for the fundamental O-mode (3.5× 1019 m−3). 2.4. Characteristics of the divertor plasma The divertor plasma profiles measured with the divertor probe arrays (DPAs) are basically consistent with the expectation from the numerically calculated edge field structure. For the 53.2GHz ECH plasmas, however, it was observed some ‘up-down’ asymmetries in the ion-saturation current Is profile and the floating potential Vf profile on the two (top and bottom) DPAs. These differences in those profiles between the top- and the bottom-arrays were reversed when the direction of the confinement field was changed. Since the configuration of the Heliotron J has a relatively large bumpy component, the position of the heating source might affect the symmetric profile of the divertor plasmas. The introduction of 70GHz system, which injected the microwaves from almost the opposite position on the torus, gave a good chance to check this point. The profiles of Is and Vf were checked for 70GHz ECH plasmas and showed the same asymmetry as that in 53.2GHz ECH plasmas, indicating no significant effect of the heating source position on this kind of asymmetry. On the other hand, Taking account the directional dependence of the magnetic field, the drift of charged particles will cause such up-down asymmetry of the divertor plasma profile. Although it is necessary to consider the plasma transport not only in the edge region but also in the core region and the resulting plasma distribution on the LCFS, as the first step of the investigation, the ∇B effect on the particle orbit in the edge region was studied by using an orbit-guiding center tracing code. This calculation reproduces an asymmetric distribution and its reversal depending on the field direction. Figure 9 shows one example of the calculation showing the distribution of the ion “footprints” on the DPAs. Here, 10,000 ions with 20 eV energy and random pitch angles were traced starting at random position on the LCFS (assuming an uniform plasma distribution). The distribution of the ions on the bottom DPA tends to spread in the ∇B drift direction wider than that of the top DPA. This is consistent with the qualitative expectation. 70GHz ECH/1.28T TeSX (eV) 103 102 (a) (b) ν* = 0.01 ν* = 0.1 ν* = 1 1018 ne (m-3) 1019 Fig. 8 The density and the electron temperature in the low-ν* regime. Fig. 9 Ions hitting points on the DPA surfaces corresponding to (a) the top DPA, (b) the bottom DPA. Distribution of footprint of field lines and the positions of probe pin are also shown for comparison. 3. Soft X-ray imaging system The soft X-ray (SX) imaging technique has become a very powerful and widely used experimental technique in fusion research to provide much information about the plasma emissivity, shape, position, impurity content, transport, and MHD-related phenomena. A multi-channel photo diode system is under preparation in Heliotron J. As shown in Fig. 10, three sets of 20-ch photo diode arrays are installed in a poloidal section (the straight section). This system enables us to reconstruct the 2D-image of the SX emission. The spatial resolution on the equatorial plane for the top and bottom arrays is 11mm in the radial direction and 114 mm in the toroidal direction corresponding to the toroidal angle of 5.4°. One more set of the array is installed at the toroidal position 45° apart from the former along the torus (the corner section) to study the toroidal dependence of the SX emission. Since this type of detector is sensitive also to the visible light, a metal foil filter is usually used to eliminate the visible emission. In our system, two Be-filters of 5μm, 10μm and no filter options are selectable. can be controlled. Figure 11 shows the target system for Heliotron J. This system is designed as a combination system with a small test carbon limiter. The limiter head is made of graphite and has a cannonball shape (90mmφ×62mmH). This limiter head is installed a long span (450mm) linear transporter. A tiny (~ 4×6 mm2) target, which is retractable inside the limiter head in order to avoid surface contamination during the wall conditioning, is set on this transporter system with another short span linear transporter and can be pushed out from the limiter top up to ~40mm. Since the whole system is electrically floating from the vacuum chamber, it would be possible to charge a bias voltage to enhance the sputtering in a low temperature plasma region. The target material should be selected from several viewpoints: sputtering characteristics, atomic process database, easiness of detection, etc. As a tracer impurity for this first experiment, we used a tiny block of SiC as a target. Close to the both sides of the target, four Langmuir probes (two probes par one side) are installed to measure plasmas coming from parallel and anti- parallel directions. This probe system will also provide some information on plasma flow along the field line. This target/limiter system is inserted to the vacuum chamber from the bottom of Heliotron J. From the opposite port, the target is monitored with a CCD camera and line spectra radiated from injected neutrals and/or low-ionization-state ions in the vicinity of the target are simultaneously monitored with two dimensional imaging spectroscopy. The behavior of higher ionized particles is monitored by measuring spectra radiated from such ions with a VUV system and/or a SX system at different toroidal positions. C.L. Fig. 10 Schematic view of the SX arrays 4. An injection technique of tracer impurities based on sputtering from a material target Small amounts of impurity species, which are artificially injected into plasma, give us a lot of valuable information on the magnetically trapped plasma behavior. A tracer impurity injection method based on sputtering from a small target material is proposed. This method can clearly localize the source position. Langmuir probes installed near the target can identify the incident plasma parameters such as ion (electron) density, electron temperature, incident ion energy, etc. Here, target biasing might be effective to control the incident ion energy. The multi-directional spectroscopic measurement monitoring the target periphery region can show information on sputtered particles such as the particle number, the initial velocity, ionization processes, etc. If the target is set on a fast reciprocating mechanism, the irradiation (i.e. impurity injection) timing and duration Fig. 11 A photograph of the target/limiter head for the Heliotron J experiment. The target is pushed up about 10 mm from the top of the limiter head. Advanced Energy Generation Division Advanced Energy Research Section R. E. Hummel, Foreign Visiting Professor (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-6400, USA) The emphasis of exploring and understanding the physical properties of spark-processed silicon (sp-Si) has been directed in the past mainly towards its strong, room temperature, photoluminescence (PL) in the blue and green spectral range.1 The usefulness of sp-Si is widely recognized because of the stability of this material towards high-temperature annealing (at least up to 1000°C), environmental interactions, laser radiation, and HF etching.1 Further, the PL of sp-Si is fast, that is, the decay time is in the nanosecond range. From a technological point of view it is therefore quite reasonable to also explore the electroluminescence (EL) properties of sp-Si. This has been done before with some limited success.2,4 Specifically, the EL light emission of sp-Si was found to be considerably smaller than that observed for the PL mode. We will report on a modified method for spark processing which increases the EL emission of sp-Si by at least one order of magnitude compared to the intensities, which are achieved when conventional spark-processing techniques are utilized Conventional spark-processing is performed by applying high frequency, high voltage, low average current electrical pulses for a certain length of time (in the present case for several seconds) between a substrate (in the present case a 2 Ωcm, 400 μm thick <100> Si wafer) and a counter electrode. The sparks are applied through the native SiO2 layer while the non-sparked areas remain covered by SiO2. The most efficient counter electrode has been found in the past to be a tungsten tip (anode), which is placed about 0.5 mm above the substrate (cathode).3 Unipolar pulses involving, for example, a frequency of 16 kHz, currents between 5 to 10 mA and air as a sparking medium are typically used.3 The resulting product is a grayish looking layer on (and in) the Si substrate which, in plan view, is surrounded by a light brown halo. The complete EL device consists of a sp-Si layer, an ohmic aluminum contact on the back side of the wafer, and a thin (15-17 nm thick) semitransparent silver film which covers the front (spark-processed) surface. The transparency of a smooth Ag film of the aforementioned thickness for 700 nm light is about 30%. However, the actual film thickness over the spark-processed area varies considerably due to its rough and pitted nature so that different transmissivities should be expected across the spark-processed surface. Moreover, 80% of the sp-surface is not continuously covered by the conductive film so that approximately only 20% of the sp-surface participates in the EL emission. This can be convincingly observed in Fig. 1 which depicts the EL emission of conventionally spark-processed Si when a driving voltage of 7V is applied to the device. To the naked eye, the EL emission appears to be a continuous circular band of yellowish-red light which emanates only from the halo region. Moreover, under an optical microscope it is observed that the band consists of small, individual light emitting spots, which are separated from each other (on the order of tens of microns) by non-emitting areas. The goal of our endeavor was to enhance the EL output by increasing the light emitting area. This was accomplished by smoothing the sp surface which allows to more completely cover the sp area with a continuous, semitransparent, conducting silver film. This, in turn, was achieved by introducing into the spark plasma a volatile liquid, such as methanol, in which silicon particles (1-20 μm in size) were suspended. The methanol/silicon particle suspension was then inserted into a small-gauge hypodermic syringe whose metal needle served as an anode and to which the high frequency voltage was applied. Spark processing was then conducted by simultaneously applying moderate pressure to the syringe piston while allowing the sparks to develop between anode and cathode. The result is a whitish-gray area, about 7-8 mm in diameter whose light emission appears much more uniform and which does not seem to display a separate halo region, see Fig. 2. Maximal light output is achieved when the spark gap is set between 3 and 4 mm in order to afford some space for the aerosol to develop. Fig. 3 depicts typical EL spectra of conventional sp-Si (using a tungsten tip) and of aerosol- assisted sp-Si, using identical spectrometer and device settings (6V driving voltage). An increase in EL intensity for aerosol-assisted sp-Si by one order of magnitude is observed particularly in the red spectral range. Somewhat higher (and lower) intensities have been occasionally achieved. The overall shapes of the two spectra are essentially identical displaying maxima near 730 nm (1.7 eV) and 660 nm (1.9 eV) and a threshold wavelength for light emission at about 360 nm (3.2 eV). However, the latter “structure” in the aerosol-assisted sp-Si spectrum can only be observed as a slight shoulder. The emitted light can be easily observed with the naked eye in a dimly illuminated environment. The device currents, when using aerosol-assisted spark processing, are observed to be larger than for conventionally prepared sp-Si. This is interpreted to be mainly due to the improved surface coverage of the semitransparent Ag film, which results in a larger area participating in carrier injection into sp-Si. The same light emission and other device characteristics are observed when n-type as well as p-type Si is utilized as substrate wafers. Light emission generally commences at a threshold voltage near –4V and increases in intensity, within limits, for higher negative voltages until a breakdown eventually occurs above about –12V. The surface morphologies of conventional sp-Si and aerosol-assisted sp-Si show marked differences. As mentioned above, the light emitting band for conventional sp-Si is restricted to the halo region which contains globules and agglomerates of various sizes ranging from about 1 to 3 μm in size. The center region, however, has deep holes and valleys as we have shown in previous publications1. In contrast, aerosol-assisted sp-Si displays distinct, smooth, interconnected structures, which are distributed essentially over the entire spark-processed area. The formation process of the observed features is not yet fully understood. It is proposed that during aerosol-assisted spark processing a significant portion of the spark energy is diverted towards evaporating the methanol and by accelerating some of the Si particles so that less energy is available for flash evaporation of the Si substrate. Additionally, the micrometer sized Si particles in the aerosol may impact with high energy onto the Si substrate during spark processing. In any event, the surface structure of aerosol-assisted spark-processed Si is smoother and can therefore be more completely and more continuously covered by the semitransparent Ag film. No light emission and no device current are observed when a control experiment is conducted, that is, when the same processing steps are performed, except omitting the spark-processing. In this case the protective SiO2 layer between Si and Ag prevents carrier injection. The requirement for electron injection into the sp-Si layer irrespective of whether the base material is n- or p-type suggest that hot electron processes are involved. It is further proposed that in surface areas with sufficient field enhancement, facilitated by the introduced surface features, electrons are injected with considerable energy into the sp-Si and cause more electrons to be generated by impact ionization. A fraction of these excited electrons return to the ground state via radiative pathways associated with defect states that exist in the band gap of sp-Si. The non-bridging oxygen-hole center with known emissions at 1.9 eV5 is a reasonable candidate for the 660 nm (1.9 eV) peak/shoulder in the EL spectrum. References 1. R.E. Hummel, in Silicon-Based Materials and Devices, Vol. 1, Materials Processing, edited by H.S. Nalwa (Academic Press, New York, 2001) pp. 237-266, and Appl. Phys. Lett. 61, 1965 (1992) 2. J. Yuan and D. Haneman, Appl. Phys. Lett. 67, 3328 (1995). 3. M.E. Stora and R.E. Hummel, J. Phys. Chem. Sol., in press. 4. J. Yuan, D. Haneman, I. Andrienko, R. Siegele, and P. Evans, Semicon. Sci. Tech. 13, 615 (1998). 5. R. Tohnon, Y. Shimogaichi, S. Munekuni, Y. Okki, Y. Hama, and K. Nagasawa, Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 1650 (1989). Fig. 1 EL emission from conventional sp-Si at 30X magnification. Driving voltage = 7V. Fig. 2 EL emission of aerosol-assisted spark processed Si. Driving voltage = 7V. Fig. 3 EL spectra of sp-Si using identical spectrometer and device settings (6V driving voltage). (a) conventional sp-Si (W-tip); (b) comparison of conventional and aerosol-assisted spark processing. Advanced Energy Generation Division Advanced Energy Research Section R. W. Adamiak, Foreign Visiting Professor (Head of the Laboratory of Structural Chemistry of Nucleic Acids at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan, Poland) 1. Introduction It was really a great opportunity for us to work for 3 months (September 1 November 30, 2001) with Professor Ryszard W. Adamiak, one of the world famous nucleic acids research chemists. He has dedicated his whole scientific life to RNA synthesis and structural RNA sciences based on the synthesis. Because of the excellent knowledge of whole nucleic acids chemistry, we have made plans to bring some contribution to some currently world-competitive subjects, in which we have been interested. Accordingly he summarized his idea and gave us a lecture about it. 2. Implication of Telomere Structure Revealing the mechanism of cancer generation is one of the major subjects of environment sciences as well. Telomere is the repeated sequence and exists at the end of genes controlling the conversion of cells toward ageing or reproducible death (cancer). It is also known that a variety of proteins bind this sequence although the sequence is simple. Regarding this unique DNA sequence, we have been exploring the structural properties, which may be one of the key factors to understand the complex mechanisms of how the cell conversion is controlled, and have found that, for instance, d(CCCTAA) exists in the three distinct tetramers each of which consists of slowly exchanging four symmetric single-strands, namely i-motif. However there still remains a problem of whether these isomeric structures really exist in cells and is recognized by proteins. We carried out intensive survey of currently issued literatures and brought up our independent ideas. In the project, accordingly we have made the following plans : 1) Synthesis of probes by which one can fish proteins that recognize individual i-motif isomers. Our brief idea is to synthesize oligonucleotides which consist of the repeated sequences and is long enough to make various isomeric structures and to anchor them onto magnet beads to trap the proteins. 2) Synthesis of oligonucleotides by which one can see how the isomeric structures exist in longer chains. We will synthesize F-labeled oligonucleotides with the repeated sequence and analyze by 19F-NMR. 3. Build-up of DNA Chips According to the current rapid progress in gene sciences, development of DNA chips has become an urgent and important subject in any bio-related research fields, however, practically working product has not been established yet in spite of severe international and domestic competition. We have carried out intensive literature survey to find out current status of this research target and summarized the existing problems. Based on this result, we will continue the collaboration. Although short, his visit established excellent and invaluable relationship necessary for the continued collaboration on the future projects including those represented above. The level of nucleic acids chemistry in Poland is high. We will keep strong collaboration network between those two advanced countries. Advanced Energy Generation Division Advanced Energy Research Section Adam Baszkin, Foreign Visiting Professor (CNRS, University Paris-Sud Châtenay- Malabry, France) 1. Introduction A great number of scientific disciplines ranging from chemistry and physics to molecular biology requires understanding of interfacial phenomena encountered in these systems by the concepts of surface science. Surface science is also of great scope for application to industrial processes such as catalysis and new technologies in which devices formed by building up layers of monomolecular films show promise in micro and nanotechnologies and in telecommunication. All these areas require knowledge of techniques and of relevant theory in interfacial chemistry. It is, therefore, of paramount importance to provide students and research workers with the means to set up interfacial techniques and to interpret measurements. Considering the importance of physical surface chemistry to the development of highly active photo-catalytic materials and their use in the dye-sensitized solar cells containing TiO2 nanotubes as a semi conduction thin films, the Institute of Advanced Energy, invited me for a period of four months to teach a course of physical surface chemistry to their students and to initiate research topics related to molecular assemblies of ceramic nanotubes obtained through surfactant-template mechanism using a Langmuir-Blodgett technique. 2. Physical Surface Chemistry course Physical Surface Chemistry class has been taught during three months (December 2001 through February 2002) to master and Ph.D.students of the Institute This course intended to provide basic knowledge of physical surface chemistry to the students included: - Interfacial thermodynamics principles (functions of state, reversibility of processes, the excess interfacial quantities and the relationship between their integral and differential functions) - Gibbs adsorption equation, Langmuir adsorption equation and their application - Surface and interfacial tensions of liquids and methods of their measurement - Molecular basis of surface activity, classification of surfactants and of adsorption isotherms, Gibbs monolayers, insoluble monomolecular films and their physical state. - Association of surfactants (colloids): micelles, vesicles, and membranes. - Thermodynamics of micelles formation, molecular geometry and formation of association colloids, aggregation numbers, critical micelle concentration (cmc) - Wetting and spreading (thermodynamics of wetting, classification of wetting processes, contact angles and their hysteresis, kinetics of wetting, solid surface free energy, critical surface tension of wetting, intermolecular forces involved in solid-liquid adhesion) - Interfacial forces (covalent bonds, coulombic forces, dispersion and van der Waals forces, Hamaker constants, dipoles and polarization, electric double layer force, hydrophobic interaction, repulsion entropic forces, packing and depletion forces). Direct measurement of surface forces. - Characterization of solid surfaces: spectroscopies (ESCA, SIMPS, ATR-FTIR), microscopies: (SEM, STM, AFM) At the end of the course the students had an examinnation and they all successfully passed through this test. 3. Research activity - Studies of Langmuir films of silica and hydrophobically modified silica particles monolayers have been initiated with Prof. Motonari Adachi and his student Koichi Mori using an automatic Langmuir type film balance equipped with Blodgett film sampling and Brewster angle microscopy measuring devices - Fruitful discussions with Prof. Masuhiro Kinoshita led to the improvement of a model system used in calculation of Lennard-Jones potentials of spherical particles in developed by him efficient methodology for prediction of approximate shapes and size distribution of micelles. - Participation to the laboratory seminars. Discussions with Dr.S.Sakamoto of his work on energy transfer regulation by random-coil to 3α helix bundle peptides. - Invited speaker to the 2nd Symposium of Advanced Eco-Energy Forum-Nano-Technology & Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, March 13-14, 2002 organized by Prof. Susumu Yoshikawa at the Institute of Advanced Energy at Kyoto University at Uji. Conference on ” Molecular Recognition in Monolayers”. Advanced Energy Conversion Division Advanced Energy Materials Research Section A. Kohyama, Professor Y. Katoh, Associate Professor K. Jimbo, Research Associate 1. Introduction The importance of the materials development for advanced energy systems including nuclear fusion and fission reactors has been rapidly growing in these years and expected to be emphasized in the coming years and the upcoming century. The mission of the Advanced Energy Materials Research Section at the Advanced Energy Conversion Division is to develop advanced energy materials to be used in advanced energy systems with the emphasis on advanced energy conversion systems. The research section is unfolding unique and extensive researches in the fields of functional and structural materials development as well as taking important parts in national and international programs for R & D of energy materials. The current emphasis of the research section is on materials studies for nuclear fusion and nuclear fission reactors and for aerospace applications where resistance of materials under severe environments, such as high temperature, high heat flux, high energy particle irradiation, complex and variable stresses and others, are required. The ongoing research themes include (1) research and development of advanced reduced activation ferritic steels for fusion applications, (2) research and development of silicon carbide fiber-reinforced silicon carbide matrix composites (SiC/SiC composites) for fusion and other advanced energy systems, (3) theoretical modeling and computational studies on the material behavior under high energy particle irradiation conditions, (4) development of sub-sized or miniature specimen techniques for mechanical property evaluation of structural and functional materials, (5) joining of the materials for extremely severe environment, (6) fundamental studies on the physical processes responsible for the irradiation creep phenomenon in metallic materials, and (7) experimental and theoretical studies on the heat transfer through liquid coolants in the high-efficiency energy conversion systems. The research section is functioning as one of the central organizing bodies of fusion materials research in universities. The current JAPAN/USA Collaboration program, “Dynamic behavior of fusion materials and their response to varying and complex irradiation conditions”, so called JUPITER program, is one of the most important activities and the program has been strongly related with scientific, engineering and technological studies on interactions of materials with energetic particle bombardments, such as neutron irradiation and charged particle irradiations. 2. CREST-ACE Project for Energy Material System Under the title of "R & D of Environment Conscious Multi-Functional Structural Materials for Advanced Energy Systems", a new R & D activity to establish high efficiency and environmental conscious energy conversion systems, as one of the programs of Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST), has been initiated for the research period from October 1997 to September 2002. This program cares for R & D of high performance materials and material systems for severe environments and production of model components for energy conversion systems is carried out. The emphasis is on R & D of SiC/SiC, W/W with their system studies to establish sound material life cycles. The program outline and preliminary results on SiC/SiC are provided. As a key technology to establish high efficiency and environmental conscious (low impact systems on environment) energy conversion systems, multi-functional (structural) materials R & D is emphasized in this program. The nickname of this program; CREST-ACE stands for CREST- Advanced Material Systems for Conversion of Energy. This program cares for R & D of high performance materials and materials systems for severe environments. For this purpose, starting from materials design, process developments, applications of those materials to advanced energy systems towards the end of their material cycles are systematically carried out. The final goal is to produce model components for high efficiency and environmental conscious energy conversion systems. As important energy options for the future, nuclear fission energy and nuclear fusion energy cannot be ignored. In these materials systems, nuclear reactions and transformations by high energy beams and particles such as neutrons and γ-rays have strong impacts on environment through the production of radioactive elements and emissions of electromagnetic waves. Therefore, low activation materials R & D have been major efforts in fusion and fission energy research. To meet the program goal, high temperature ceramics composites, such as silicon carbide (SiC) fiber reinforced SiC matrix composite materials (SiC/SiC) and high temperature metal composites, such as tungsten (W) alloy fiber reinforced W composite materials(W/W) have been selected as the base material systems. The important object of this program is a contribution to make a social system which has low impact on environment and has a sufficient public acceptance. For this purpose, this program tries to cover major issues in materials life cycle as shown in Fig.2. As can be seen in the figure, reduction of radioactive wastes and establishment of waste management scheme is important and recycling and reuse of composite materials are big challenges. Technological issues are also indicated in Fig.1 where the importance of joint technology and surface coating or modification technologies are emphasized. The CREST-ACE program activity is supported by JSTC and is operated as a JSTC activity with the participation of scientists/engineers and professors from university, institutes and industries to make a CREST-ACE team. The major participants are shown in Fig.3 together with main facilities used in this program. Institute of Advanced Energy (IAE), Kyoto University is the central organization of this program and Institute for Materials Research, Oarai Branch (IMR-Oarai), Tohoku University, Joining and Welding Research Institute (JWRI), Osaka University, Osaka Prefecture University are the participants from universities. National Research Institute of Metals (NRIM), Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) and Osaka Industrial Research Institute (OIRI) are from national institutes and Ube, Nippon Carbon, Toshiba and Kawasaki Heavy Industries are participating from industries. 3.Development of Advanced Low-Activation Ferritic / Martensitic Steels One of the most important challenges in fusion technology research and development (R&D) is the development of low-activation materials. Presently, low activation ferritic/martensitic steels (LAFs), vanadium alloys and SiC/SiC composite materials are considered promising candidates. Among them, the LAFs R&D is placed at the highest priority in the Japanese and the European programs. To accelerate the development of LAFs, a working group under the Annex-II of the International Energy Agency (IEA) implementing agreement on a program of research and development on fusion materials has been formed to coordinate a collaborative program between the European Union (EU), USA and Japan. The steels for the IEA test program have been provided from the two Japanese research sectors: the Monbusho universities program and the STA JAERI program. Two 1metric ton heats of JLF-1 steel (a 9Cr-2W steel) and two 5metric ton heats of F82H steel (an 8Cr-2W steel) were produced. Plates with thicknesses from 7 to 25 mm and plates of these thicknesses with electron beam (EB) or narrow gap tungsten inert gas (TIG) welded joints have been distributed. Together with the materials R & D activities, many conceptual design studies using LAFs are in progress. As the representing design studies, Steady State Tokamak Reactor (SSTR) and Forced Free Helical Reactor (FFHR) are intensively studied with the emphasis on “how LAFs are applied in the reactor systems, especially for blankets”. 3. Development of SiC/SiC Composite for Fusion Systems There is a strong demand to make high performance ceramic matrix composites (CMC) for advanced energy systems, such as nuclear fusion reactors, advanced gas turbine engines, SiC/SiC composites are considered to be the most potential candidates for them because of its advantages; (1) high specific strength, (2) high temperature strength, (3) fracture toughness compared with ceramic materials, (4) insulating material (prevent energy loss by conduction), (5) controllable to improve conductivity, (6) low induced radioactivity under nuclear environments, etc. This is beneficial to achieve high plant heat efficiency with higher reliability on safety. R & D of SiC/SiC in our section can be divided into three tasks; (1) Process development of material production into composite material, (2) Evaluation and prediction of materials performance and (3) Design and fabrication of multi-functional components for energy conversion systems. The first task consists of three sub-tasks; (1) improvement and innovation of SiC fibers, (2) process development of composite material production including matrix materials R & D, (3) design and control of interfacial microstructure to optimize material performance. The second task is on (1) mechanical properties, (2) thermal and electrical properties, (3) establishment of evaluation test methodology for SiC/SiC composite materials and fibers. In this task, studies on irradiation effects and on severe environmental effects are emphasized. For the third task, elements of energy conversion components for fusion reactor and for high temperature gas reactor will be designed and be fabricated as the goal of this program which should verify the specifications of the elements. Low activation characteristics are the most important technological challenges and selection of low activation elements and elimination of harmful elements (to produce high purity SiC or SiC(x), where X is element(s) to improve thermal and electrical properties) are to be extensively carried out. In this task, Chemical Vapor Infiltration (CVI) method, Polymer Impregnation and Pyrolysis (PIP) method, and Reaction Sintering (RS) Process have been studied. SiC fiber R & D are improvement of Poly-Carbo-Silane (PCS) type, innovation of PCS+(M) type, new polymer type and their combinations. Interfacial microstructure control is also studied by CVI, PIP and RS methods. As one of the most promising fabrication processes, there have been many efforts on PIP process R & D where improvements of performance and reliability of SiC/SiC composites for structural application are stressed. In this study, to reduce porosity in composites and to control microstructures of matrix and matrix/fiber interface are emphasized. The objective is to develop a fabrication scheme and process of SiC/SiC composites by PIP process with improved matrix integrity under variations of polymer-precursors and their blends. As is well known, the microstructure of ceramics derived from pre-ceramic polymer is very complicated and influenced by the polymer and fabrication process, in general. Thus, polyvinylsilane (PVS) is selected as an important candidate for the PIP process development. PVS is a pre-ceramic polymer with low viscosity at an ambient temperature. The polymer-to-ceramic conversion chemistry of PVS was studied by means of thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA), differential thermal analysis (DTA), infrared spectroscopy, gas chromatography and X-ray powder diffraction. 4. Development of Advanced Refractory Composites for High Temperature Applications High service temperatures in high efficiency and environmental conscious energy conversion systems, will require the use of refractory metals. Although ceramics are potential materials, in many cases refractory metals represent the best choice despite their high density compared with ceramics. The refractory metal alloys are based on V, Nb, Mo, Ta and W, where the V-alloys may have too low a low temperature capability for the use. Although materials considered for use in space reactors range from Nb alloys to W alloys, these alloys have an issue of low fracture toughness and a concern about embrittlement under irradiation environment and some other severe environments. In general, metal fiber reinforced metal matrix composite materials (MMC or FRM) are designed to use high strength but not highly ductile fibers as reinforcement and ductile matrix as stress transport and catastrophic fracture inhibitor, such as W/Cu, Ti-Al/Ti. Whereas, W/W composites are utilizing high strength and improved ductility by fiber and low strength W with higher fracture toughness provides optimized mechanical properties. The utilization of ultra-high strength W alloy fibers is also beneficial to eliminate difficulty in large monolithic block fabrication. There have been some R & D efforts in space reactor application nearly twenty years ago but the activities were interrupted in mid 80's. This task is to renew the R & D activity of W-alloy/W or W-alloy/Nb-alloy composite materials for high efficiency and environmental conscious conversion systems. The task includes (1) improvement of ultra-high strength W fibers, (2) development of composite material fabrication process by CVI, (3) Evaluation and prediction of materials performance and (4) Design and fabrication of multi-functional components for energy conversion systems. In this task, low activation characteristic and high resistance to high heat flux exposure are important requirements for the applications to nuclear fission and fusion reactors. 5. Theoretical Investigation and Modeling of Neutron Irradiation Effects in Energy Conversion Materials Production of cascade vacancy clusters has long been observed in experiments and demonstrated by computer simulation studies. Vacancy clusters, which are randomly introduced at very high production rates and possess a long lifetime, should impose great influences on point defect processes, microstructural evolution and resultant property changes in irradiated materials. In the current work, issues related to characterization of cascade-induced defect production by microstructural analysis, including swelling rate analysis in reactor-irradiated austenitic alloys and loop growth rate analysis in electron- and heavy ion-irradiated austenitic model alloy, are studied. In addition, also as a part of US/Japan collaborative research activity for fusion materials study, the influences of unsteady irradiation conditions such as temperature excursion during reactor operations and / or the reactor startup and shutdown on microstructural evolution and mechanical property changes are analyzed based on the integrated reaction rate theory of irradiation effects in materials updated with the latest results from atomistic simulation studies on the displacement cascades. 5. Development and Improvement of Applied Micro-Indentation Technique Irradiation of metallic ions in the MeV energy range with or without co-implantation of helium ions is an effective, powerful and quick experimental method to simulate the high-energy neutron damages in materials and the synergistic effect with transmutant helium. This study is intended to establish a simple and quick method to characterize the plastic deformation properties of such thin damaged layer by mean of ion beam irradiation and a low load hardness measurement technique. The present paper focuses on the development of experimental techniques and considerations specific to analyzing the measured data from specimens which possess perpendicularly uneven hardness property. For this purpose, metals and alloys of different classes, namely a model austenitic alloy, pure iron and pure vanadium, were irradiated with nickel ions of different energy with and without co-implantation of helium ions and then subjected to an instrumented indentation tests. The load - displacement property obtained from the experiment was then analyzed in order to extract the net hardening due to irradiation. It was demonstrated that the hardening of metallic materials induced by heavy ion irradiation in an MeV energy range can be quantitatively evaluated by the instrumented low-load indentation technique. A depth-profile measurement of the apparent indentation hardness and the elastic work analysis appeared to be effective for this purpose. A higher-load indentation test may be employed to determine the hardening in a thin layer at a reasonable accuracy, provided (1) damaged layer thickness is know, (2) indentation depth is larger than the layer thickness and (3) the amount of relative hardening is large enough (approximately larger than 50%). In order to quantitatively evaluate mechanical properties of fibers, matrices and their interfaces in fiber reinforced SiC/SiC composites, nano-indentation tests have been carried out. Using the same technique, fiber push-out test was performed. Also, in order to see relationship between interfacial coating thickness of carbon and bending strength, three point bending tests were carried out with various carbon coating thickness SiC/SiC composites. Due to insufficient uniformity in carbon coating thickness, the results on bending strength have a large scatter. Carbon coating on the fibers improved the fracture toughness of SiC/SiC under bending test. In this result, SiC/SiC composites with around 1 μm carbon coating thickness had a peak in bending strength. This tendency was similar with that of interfacial shear strength, although carbon-coating thickness at the peak seemed different. These results suggest that it is possible to control mechanical property by controlling interfacial shear strength. 6. Engineering Research on Joining of Materials for Nuclear Energy Systems As the important part of the life extension program for nuclear fission reactors and that of the maintenance scheme of blanket of fusion reactors, repair welding technique of neutron damaged materials is recognized to be one of the most urgent subjects to be established. This work provides the potentiality and the critical issues of “tandem electron beam welding technique” when it is applied to heavily neutron damaged materials. Where mechanical property degradation due to the displacement damage and helium production from (n, α) reaction makes it very difficult to produce sound welded joint. This study reveals the elementary characteristics of the welded joints produced by Tandem electron beam welding technique. Not only for the stainless steel nor high-nickel alloys, also for stainless steel to high-nickel alloy welded joints are studied. The tandem electron beam welding was done at JWRI, Osaka University. By optimizing the drilling effect from the leading electron beam and the weld defect suppression effect from the secondary electron beam , weld defect free welded joints were obtained with the excellent joint strength and ductility. The weld bead shape and penetration characteristics are also provided. The present results are quite promising to apply “tandem electron beam welding” to heavily neutron damaged metallic structures and components. 7. Fundamental Processes of Irradiation Creep Effects of applied stress on early stages of interstitial type Frank loop evolution are being studied by both numerical calculation and irradiation experiments. The final objective of this research is to propose a comprehensive model of complex stress effects on microstructural evolution under various conditions. In the experimental parts of this work, the microstructural analysis revealed that the differences in resolved normal stress caused those in the nucleation rates of Frank loops on {111} crystallographic family planes, and that with increasing external applied stress the total nucleation rate of Frank loops was increased. A numerical calculation was carried out primarily to evaluate the validity of models of stress effects on nucleation processes of Frank loop evolution. The calculation stands on rate equations which describe evolution of point defects, small points defect clusters and Frank loops. The rate equations of Frank loop evolution were formulated for {111} planes, considering effects of resolved normal stress to clustering processes of small point defects and growth processes of Frank loops, separately. The experimental results and the predictions from the numerical calculation qualitatively agreed with each other, but the result suggested that that the present model need to be improved by including cascade and other effects to make it more realistic. Advanced Energy Conversion Division Advanced Energy Transportation Research Section K. Miyazaki, Professor T. Nakajima, Associate Professor K. Hata, Research Associate 2. Development of advanced lasers (a) High-intensity fs pulse laser A high-intensity fs Ti:sapphire laser system has been developed using the chirped-pulse amplification technique, which is shown in Fig.1, together with its optical configuration. This laser allows us to approach extreme regions of physical parameters, i.e., the ultrafast time and the extremely-high field. The laser system developed consists of a mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser oscillator pumped by the second harmonic output of an all solid-state Nd:YVO4 laser, an all-reflective pulse stretcher using a pair of grating, the first regenerative Ti:sapphire laser amplifier, the second and third power amplifiers, and a grating pulse compressor. The output pulse energy is 40 mJ with the pulse width of 40 fs, producing a λ/4 PC 2 PC 1 G PULSE COMPRESSOR 1. Introduction Our research interests are focused on the development and applications of advanced lasers having new optical and/or physical functions of coherent radiation, aiming at the goal of demonstrating new fields of science and technology with lasers. The current research subjects are concerned with the development of high-intensity ultrashort-pulse lasers which are capable of producing strong fields of fs ~ ps duration and their applications to the study of strong-field interactions with atoms, molecules, and solids. So far, we have developed a high intensity fs Ti:sapphire laser system operating at the wavelength region of 800 nm. An important subject for new laser science is an extension of the spectral range of useful high intensity lasers. The laser applications include experimental study on the coherent control of strong-field interactions with atoms and molecules to develop compact, high-brightness coherent extreme UV (XUV) and/or soft X-ray sources. Material processing using the high-intensity fs laser pulses is in progress as a promising approach to develop a new nano-technology on atomic and molecular levels. This research section is also working on the theoretical study of nonlinear optics and on the fundamental study of steady and unsteady heat and fluid flow in liquids. HARMONIC SEPARATOR AMP 2 AMP 3 PULSED Q-SWITCH Nd:YAG LASER λ/2 λ/2 PULSE STRETCHER G G MODE-LOCKED Ti:SAPPHIRE LASER G 40 mJ / 40 fsec LD-PUMPED Nd:YVO4 (SH) LASER (MILLENNIA, 5W) Fig.1. High-intensity fs Ti:sapphire laser system. peak power of 1 TW. The beam diameter is about 20 mm. Focusing the 1-TW pulses, we can produce the field intensity up to 1018 W/cm2 on a target surface. This high intensity corresponds to the field strength of more than 1010 V/cm and can induce various kinds of nonperturbative nonlinear phenomena through the interaction with matter. The laser system is very stable and can be operated for more than several hours without any appreciable change of the output characteristics. (b) Generation of high-intensity, blue and UV fs pulses Current technology for the generation of high-intensity, ultrashort optical pulses is mainly based on Ti:sapphire lasers, and then the output wavelength is limited to the spectral region of 800 nm. To extend the useful high-intensity fs laser into short-wavelength regions, we have developed an apparatus for efficient second- and third-harmonic generation of the 40-fs pulses from the Ti:sapphire laser system. The frequency conversion system employs a simple optical configuration, as Compensation of GVM SHG ω ω 2ω BBO (0.2 mm) Rotation of polarization ω ω 2ω 2ω CALCITE (2.0 mm ) THG 3ω WAVEPLATE BBO (0.3 mm) Fig.2. Configuration for the SHG and THG of the fs pulses . shown in Fig.2. For the SHG and THG, we are using 15-mm diameter BBO crystals of 0.2-mm and 0.3-mm in thickness, respectively. The peak power of fs blue pulses at 400 nm is 0.2 TW with the pulse width of 60 fs, and the UV peak power at 267 nm is 20 GW with 140 fs. The focused UV laser intensity is more than 1016 W/cm2. (c) Continuously-tunable high-intensity ps laser For the purposes of experimental study of frequency-dependent laser-matter interactions, a broadly tunable, high-intensity ps pulse laser is under development, using optical parametric generation (OPG) and amplification (OPA) in nonlinear crystals. The OPG and OPA laser system is pumped by the third-harmonic (355 nm) of the output from a ps Nd:YAG laser-amplifiers system. The seed 7-ps pulses at 1064 nm in the pump laser system are generated by a cw mode-locked Nd:YVO4 laser and injected into a flash-lamp pumped, Q-switched regenerative Nd:YAG amplifier. The amplified pulse is extracted from the regenerative amplifier and further amplified by a flash-lamp pumped Nd:YAG power amplifier. The pump laser operated at a repetition rate of 10 Hz is frequency tripled by KD*P crystals, and the TH pulse energy of more than 10 mJ is used to pump the OPG/OPA system. Figure 3 is the photograph of the OPG and OPA laser system using BBO crystals. The UV pulse energy of about 1 mJ is used to pump the OPG and the rest is for the OPA. The Fig.3. The OPG and OPA system for a tunable ps laser. generated signal and idler pulses cover a broad spectral range of 400 ~ 2500 nm. Frequency conversion of the output can extend the tunable range down to ~ 200 nm. Experimental study is made to optimize the conversion efficiency for the OPG and OPA. 3. High-field interactions with matter Strong-field interaction with atoms and molecules and its control are the most important research subjects in applications of the high-intensity lasers to, e.g., high-order harmonic generation (HHG) in atomic and molecular gases for development of coherent XUV and soft X-ray sources, white-light lidars for monitoring and mapping pollutants in the atmosphere, highly sensitive measurements of low-density elements in chemical substances, laser-induced lightning, material processing using ultrashort-pulse lasers, and so forth. (a) Nonlinear interactions with atoms and molecules As one of the most fundamental processes to control strong-field interactions in such applications, we are interested in the Coulomb explosion of simple molecules. When diatomic molecules are subject to a strong linearly-polarized laser field, multi-electron dissociative ionization or Coulomb explosion takes place, and the fragment ions having specific kinetic energies are predominantly ejected along the direction of laser polarization. It appears to be accepted that this phenomenon is induced by the molecular alignment along the incident laser field, although no clear experimental evidence has been given so far. If the laser-induced molecular alignment certainly takes place, it may provide us with a new technique to control the strong-field interaction with molecules and resulting optical properties of molecular gases. For the detailed experimental study of Coulomb explosion of N2, we used linearly- and circularly-polarized laser beams at 800 nm, 400 nm, and 267 nm from the high-intensity fs laser system developed. The fs laser pulses are focused by a lens with a focal length of 15 - 30 cm into low-pressure N2 gas confined in a vacuum chamber equipped with a time of flight (TOF) ion mass spectrometer. The focused laser intensity is in a range of 1013 - 1016 W/cm2. The N2 gas pressure is varied in the range of 10-8 ~ 10-7 Torr, and the fragment ions produced are detected by a microchannel plate detector in conjunction with a digital oscilloscope. The fragment ions produced through the laser-induced Coulomb explosion of N2 molecules has a strong anisotropy, depending on the angle between the laser polarization and the detection axis. We expect that such anisotropy is not produced by the circularly-polarized light, and only ions ejected to the direction parallel to the TOF axis are detected. Then, we compared the ion signals for the linearly and circularly polarized beams having an equal E-field along the TOF axis. 2I(t) x TOF I(t) Ex = y Ex Ey f = 150 mm Circularly polirized Linearly polirized Linearly polarized: 6.3 x 1015 W/cm2 ION SIGNAL (arb. units) 10 0 -10 -20 (1,1) -30 N+ (3,2) -40 (1,2) (2,1) N3+ N2+ -50 (2,2) -60 3 4 5 6 TIME (μs) 7 8 Circularly polarized: 1.2 x 1016 W/cm2 ION SIGNAL (arb. units) 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 3 4 5 6 TIME (μs) 7 8 Fig.4. Examples of TOF ion mass spectra observed with linearly(upper) and circularly-(lower) polarized pulses having an equal E-field along the detection axis. 1000 ION SIGNAL (arb. units) LINEAR (parallel) CIRCULAR 100 10 (2,2): N24+ → N 2+ + N2+ 1 1 10 LASER INTENSITY (1015 W/cm2) Fig.5. Example of the (2,2) fragment ion signal measured as a function of laser intensity. Examples of the ion spectra observed with different polarizations are shown in Fig.4. Two ion spectra are very similar, but the signal for the linearly-polarized beam is much larger than that for the circular. Figure 5 shows an example of the (2,2) fragment ion signal measured as a function of laser intensity along the TOF axis, where the equal E-field along the detection axis is always maintained. With an increase in the laser intensity, the fragments produced by the linearly-polarized light increase faster than that induced by the circularly-polarized. This suggests that the fragment alignment is certainly induced before explosion at the high intensity. The degree of alignment was observed to strongly depend on the fragmentation channels or on the laser intensity. From the results, we see the critical laser intensity that is required for the alignment of nitrogen molecules to be ~ 1015 W/cm2 for the 800-nm, 40 fs pulses. (b) Coherent XUV and soft X-ray sources Based on the study of strong-field interactions with atoms and molecules, a coherent XUV or soft X-ray sources using high-order harmonic generation (HHG) is under development. For the study of efficient HHG, we have completed an experimental apparatus consisting of a grazing-incidence spectrograph using a flat-field grating and a CCD detector to observe two-dimensional XUV spectra. (c) fs-laser processing of thin films It has been recognized in various scientific fields using lasers that the high-intensity fs laser is a powerful tool for processing various kinds of materials including metals, ceramics, organic and inorganic matters, and living cells. The fs laser pulse can minimize thermal effects in a target material due to the ultrashort interaction time, and the high-intensity or the high-density photons can induce a variety of nonlinear phenomena such as multiphoton absorption and ionization, and self-focusing. Then, the fs laser pulses work effectively to process even transparent materials, being insensitive to physical and chemical properties of each material. An experimental study is in progress to develop a new processing technology for thin films of TiN, diamond-like carbon (DLC) and others of which surfaces are difficult to be precisely processed by conventional techniques. We have tried to ablate the thin TiN and DLC films deposited on stainless steel plates, using the linearly- and circularly-polarized fs Ti:sapphire laser pulses at 800 and 267 nm. The laser pulses were focused in air on the target film at an energy fluence (0.2 ~ 0.3 J/cm2) slightly above the ablation threshold with a lens of focusing length of 25 ~ 100 cm. The morphology of the ablated areas of thin films was observed and characterized with a field emission-scanning electron microscope and an atomic force microscope. In Fig.6, some examples of the results are shown of the TiN film ablated using (a) linearly and (b) circularly-polarized pulses. With the linearly-polarized light, an array of fine slender granular structure is produced on the ablated surface, (a) (b) 240 nm Fig.6. Examples of the TiN film ablated with (a) linearly- and (b) circularly-polarized laser pulses. Laser fluence, ~ 0.2 J/cm2. which is almost oriented to the direction perpendicular to the laser polarization. On the other hand, the circularly-polarized light forms a fine circular periodic structure on the surface. The size of these surface structures is 1/10 ~ 1/4 of the laser wavelength used and was observed to decrease with a decrease in the laser wavelength. It should be noted that the size of surface structures observed is much smaller than that of the well-known surface ripple patterns generated by laser-induced surface electromagnetic wave, whose intervals are usually close to the laser wavelength. The surface structure observed with different polarizations may suggest a new approach to produce a nano-structure on thin films. 4. Theoretical study for efficient VUV generation and applications In order to generate radiation in the vacuum UV (VUV) wavelength region, there is no other choice, at least for a moment, but to rely on the frequency up-conversion with a gaseous medium, since there are neither laser- nor nonlinear-crystals available for such short wavelength. By making use of a resonance the nonlinear susceptibility can be greatly enhanced. The crucial drawback is that the reabsorption of the generated wave will also increase, leading to no “net” increase of the conversion efficiency. This is a well-known dilemma for the frequency conversion processes. In the visible wavelength region, however, one can utilize an electromagnetically-Induced transparency (EIT) scheme to overcome this dilemma. Unfortunately the EIT scheme is not applicable in the VUV region, since there is no proper transition line for such wavelength with neutral atoms. In order to find a way out of this difficulty, we have theoretically investigated a scheme which would be particularly useful for the frequency up-conversion in the VUV region. The scheme involves an autoionizing state, which inherently possesses non-radiative coherence without external laser fields. According to our estimation with realistic parameters, three orders of magnitude improvement in conversion efficiency is feasible. More specific study with He and Mg atoms is currently under progress. As a new application for the use of thus generated short-wavelength radiation, we have also proposed and quantitatively studied spin-polarization of photoelectrons produced by multiphoton ionization of Xe with a VUV laser. It turned out that more than 90 % polarization is possible if the radiation wavelength is judiciously chosen. The proposed scheme can be a new candidate for a polarized-electron source. Another application is to utilize electron-spin polarized residual ions. For that purpose alkali-earth atoms are most convenient, since its singly-ionized species have a single valence electron. Our estimation showed that alkaline-earth ions can be 65-80 % electron-spin polarized, which can be further used for the investigation of various spin-dependent dynamics. 5. Steady and unsteady heat and fluid flow Critical heat fluxes on vertical cylinders of various inner diameters internally cooled by forced flow of pressurized water are studied for wide ranges of pressure, liquid subcooling and flow velocity. The purposes of this study are to clarify the effect of these parameters on the critical heat flux and to present the database to determine the most favorable conditions to realize the high flux heat removal from a divertor of a fusion test facility. Basic studies for the general understanding of heat and fluid flow problems in liquid metals concerning with blanket technologies and high heat flux heat removal in nuclear fusion reactor, and the design and the safety evaluation of sodium cooled fast breeder reactors are performed. Steady-state and transient heat transfer, as well as its peak heat flux on a heated solid surface, in normal fluid helium and liquid nitrogen with an increasing heat input are systematically studied for the solid surfaces with different shapes, dimensions and surface finishes for wide ranges of experimental conditions to present the database for design of super-conducting magnets and energy devices (power cable, generator, current limiter etc.). The aim of this study is to present a general model of steady and transient non-boiling and boiling heat transfer that can describe the heat transfer in cryogenic and non-cryogenic liquids and to establish the evaluation method of cooling stability in super-conducting magnets. Advanced Energy Conversion Division Advanced Energy Storage Research Section A. Kimura, Professor K. Morishita, Associate Professor R. Kasada, Research Associate 1. Introduction Efficient energy conversion and storage are great concerns for sound human life in the near future. This section takes up a mission of materials R&D for advanced nuclear energy conversion and storage, such as development of fusion blanket structural materials, energetic particle-solid interactions, hydrogen-solids interactions, understanding elemental processes of formation of non-equilibrium defects and phases, and evaluation of lifetime of nuclear structural materials. (1)Fusion Blanket Materials: One of the critical issues for construction of fusion power reactor is development of neutron irradiation-resistant blanket materials. Reduced activation martensitic steels (RAMS) have been the prime candidate for fusion structural materials for DEMO reactor where structural materials are expected to suffer transmutation helium induced embrittlement during reactor operation. However, it is still unclear the transmutation helium actually causes embrittlement in the RAMSs. (2)Lifetime evaluation of nuclear structural materials:For more reliable and accurate lifetime evaluation, it is necessary to understand the effects of damage rate on performance of structural materials under neutron irradiation. Effects of neutron flux on irradiation embrittlement of materials have been investigated. 2. Fusion blanket materials 2.1 Formation energies of helium-void complexes in iron: A molecular dynamics (MD) simulation study A molecular dynamics simulation study was performed to investigate the nucleation process of helium bubbles in α-iron. Interatomic potentials employed here for the calculations were Ackland FS potential, Wilson & Johnson potential and Beck potential to describe interactions of Fe-Fe, Fe-He and He-He, respectively. The Beck potential for He-He was, in the present study, modified to connect with Ziegler-Biersack-Littmark (ZBL) universal potential that is appropriately describing for higher energy part of the interaction. The formation energies of interstitial and substitutional helium atoms in α-iron are calculated to be 5.25 and 3.25 eV, respectively. Such the extremely high heat of solution of helium indicates very low solubility in the metal. The MD simulation also shows that, although the equilibrium atomic volume of fcc helium is greater than that of iron, activation energy for migration of an interstitial helium atom is very small in the metal, which is calculated to be 0.078 eV. Therefore, all helium atoms can rapidly migrate in the metal until they are annihilated at the surface and grain boundary sinks or are trapped by some defects, preferentially by vacancy-type defects. Fig. 1 plots the binding energies of helium atoms (He, EHeb(I) (m,n)), helium-vacancy complexes (HeV, EHeb(S) (m,n)) and vacancies (V, EVb(m,n)) to a helium-vacancy cluster (HenVm) as a function of the helium-to-vacancy ratios of the cluster. Following Adams and Wolfer, the binding energies were defined by the following equations, E He b(I) (m, n) = E He I + E f (m, n − 1) − E f (m, n) , (5) E V (m, n) = E V + E (m − 1, n) − E (m, n) , (6) b S f (4) f E He b(S) (m, n) = E He + E (m − 1, n − 1) − E (m, n) , f f f where EHeI, EHeS, Evf and Ef(m, n) are the formation energy of interstitial helium, substitutional helium, a vacancy and a helium-vacancy cluster of m vacancies with n helium atoms, respectively. The binding energies of HeV and V to the cluster show basically an increasing function of helium-to-vacancy ratios (i.e., helium density), while the He binding energy shows basically a decreasing function. Thermal helium desorption experiments during annealing after 8 keV helium ion bombardment in pure iron (Fig.2) show that the desorption peaks that appear at around 750 K shift to lower temperatures with increasing ion dose. The present calculation may 8 2.2 Helium ion implantation and thermal helium desorption spectrometry (THDS) measurements Helium binding HeV binding Vacancy binding 4 2 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Number of Helium Atoms per Vacancy Fig. 3 Various binding energies as a function of helium-toFig.1 vacancy ratios. 22 1.0x10 III 1/1000 20 + 2 2x10 He /m 21 1.0x10 + 2 Helium Desorption Rate,φ/(He /m /sec) suggest that this experimental desorption peak corresponds to dissociation of interstitial helium atoms from a helium-vacancy cluster, because the helium binding is considered to be a decreasing function of ion dose. Except for the extremely higher helium density regime, the HeV and V binding energies increase with helium density. This is because removal of a vacancy from a helium-vacancy cluster greatly increases the helium density in the remaining cluster, which increases the energy of the cluster. This effect of helium in smaller helium-vacancy clusters can stabilize the clusters and prevent their decay by thermal vacancy V 20 1.0x10 IV I II 1/200 19 19 1.0x10 + 2 5x10 He /m 1/100 19 + 2 18 2x10 He /m 17 1/10 18 + 2 2x10 He /m 1.0x10 1.0x10 16 1.0x10 1/2 17 + 2 5x10 He /m 17 15 1.0x10 + 2 2x10 He /m 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 Temperatuer,T/K Fig.2 Thermal desorption spectra of helium atoms released from iron samples irradiated by 8 keV helium ions at room temperature as a function of irradiation dose. The ramping rate of temperature was constant at 1 K/sec. emission. For the significantly higher helium density above about 5 He/vacancy, the dependence of the binding energies on the helium density changes. In this density regime, the HeV and V binding energies are a decreasing function and the He binding energy is an increasing function of helium density. These behaviors may correspond to athermal production of SIAs and acquiring of corresponding additional vacancies, which results in a decrease in the actual helium density of the cluster. Thermal desorption measurements were performed to investigate helium trapping in α-iron bombarded with collimated, mass-analyzed beams of mono-energetic He+ ions at room temperature. The incident energies were 8 keV and 150 eV, where atomic displacement damage does and does not take place in iron, respectively. Prior to helium implantation, the samples were plastically deformed by rolling at room temperature, followed by annealing at temperatures of 673, 873, 1073 K during 2, 12, and 2 hours, respectively. These samples are, hereafter, called as PR1, PR2 and FA, respectively, and the as-rolled sample is called as CW. The different thermal treatment after the rolling induces the difference in dislocation densities of the samples: Actually, the Vickers hardness of the samples was 180, 110, 74 and 62 for CW, PR1, PR2 and FA samples, respectively. Thermal helium desorption spectra (THDS) were obtained as a function of the annealing temperature and time during the thermal treatment after the rolling. Fig. 1 is the helium desorption spectra of the CW, PR1, PR2 and FA. For the CW, PR1 and PR2, a sharp peak appeared at around 830K as shown in Fig. 1. As dislocation density decreased, the peak height gradually decreased. Therefore, this peak may correspond to desorption of helium atoms trapped by dislocations. TEM observation was performed on FA, PR1 and CW samples to discuss the effects of dislocations on nucleation of helium bubbles. Fig. 2 is the microstructures of the CW, PR1 and FA, after helium -2 1x10 Helium Desorption Binding Energy(eV) 6 -3 8x10 150eV -2 1x10 18 2 (CW)2x10 He/m 18 2 (PR1)2x10 He/m 18 2 (PR2)2x10 He/m 18 2 (FA)6x10 He/m -3 8x10 8keV 18 2 (CW)2x10 He/m 18 2 (PR1)2x10 He/m 18 2 (PR2)2x10 He/m 18 2 (FA)2x10 He/m -3 -3 6x10 -3 4x10 -3 2x10 6x10 -3 4x10 -3 2x10 0 0 400 600 800 1000 400 600 800 1000 Temperature,T/K Temperature,T/K Fig. 3 Helium desorption spectra of 150 eV, 8 keV helium implanted into deformed, annealed α-irons FA PR1 CW 673K 10nm 10nm 873K 50nm Fig. 4 Microstructures 19 of + α-iron 2 after TDS (Fluence : 2x10 He /m ) 3.1 Behavior of vacancy clusters on neutron irradiation and post-irradiation annealing of Fe-Cu Model Alloys The reactor pressure vessel steels (RPVS) of early plants often contain some amount of copper as one of impurities. The copper-rich precipitates (CRP) and matrix defect such as vacancy-cluster (VC) are formed during neutron irradiation and are responsible for irradiation hardening and/or embrittlement. In the present study, we investigated effect of copper concentration and damage rate on the formation of CRP and VC in Fe-xCu model alloys. Neutron irradiations were performed in the Japan Material Test Reactor (JMTR) at 290°C up to a displacement damage of 1.5 × 10-3 dpa, with different damage rates of 4.5 × 10-9 dap/s (HDR; higher damage rate) and 2.2 × 10-10 dap/s (LDR; lower damage rate). Positron annihilation lifetime spectrometry (PAS) was carried out for the irradiated Fe-xCu model alloys. PAS results of two-components analysis are shown in Table 1. The longer lifetime component (τ2) was only observed in the pure iron and Fe-0.15Cu alloys irradiated at the LDR condition, which indicates formation of vacancy clusters. Since the PAS spectra of Table 1 PAS results of two-component analysis and mean Material Dose Rate τ1 (ps) τ2 (ps) Pure Fe LDR HDR 133 ND Fe-0.15Cu LDR HDR 122 ND Fe-0.5Cu LDR HDR ND ND 400 ND 255 ND ND ND 8 ND 32 ND ND ND 153 112 166 Intensity of τ2 (%) τm (ps) 140 142 144 (ND: Not Decomposed.) 3.2 Grain boundary segregation of phosphorus and ductile-brittle transition behavior in reactor pressure vessel steels Irradiation embrittlement of RPVS can be classified into irradiation hardening induced one and non-hardening induced one. The former was mentioned at section 3.1. The latter is thought to be mainly induced by segregation of phosphorus (P) to grain boundary (GB) in RPVS, because segregation of P to GB can cause a change in the fracture mode from transgulanular to intergranular. In the present study, effects of thermal Phosphorus Peak Height Ratio (P123/Fe703) 3. Lifetime evaluation of nuclear structural materials the other specimens could not be decomposed into two-components, the mean lifetime, τm, was shown in the table. The lifetime of longer component decreased with increasing copper concentration, suggesting that copper atoms suppressed growth of microvoids. On the other hand, τ2 or microvoid was not observed in all the alloys irradiated at the HDR condition. These results indicates formation and growth of a vacancy clusters are larger at the LDR condition than the HDR condition. 0.25 o 400 C o 450 C o 500 C as-received 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.1 1 10 100 Ageing time / h 1000 10000 Fig.5 Phosphorus peak height ratio versus Fe(P123/Fe 703) acquired by AES 20 o Absorbed energy / J implantation to 2x1019He+/m2 and subsequent heating up to 673 and 873 K. The heating condition is the same as THDS: The ramping rate of temperature was fixed at 1 K/sec. For 2x1019He+/m2, at all specimens, helium bubbles were observed after heating up to 873 K, but not observed after heating up to 673 K and helium bubble density increased and helium bubble size decreased as dislocation density decreased. When there are dislocations enough in the matrix, such as in the CW and PR1 samples, where the number of helium bubbles is observed to be smaller, nucleation of helium bubbles in the matrix may take place less frequently than FA. This is probably because many helium atoms are trapped at dislocations in the CW and PR1 samples, resulting in less number of helium atoms freely migrating in the matrix. For 8keV helium implantation, it is considered that micro voids are formed during heating. These micro voids dissolve in the matrix near by 673 K, resulting in large number of vacancies existing in the matrix. It is indicated that the dissolved vacancies are trapped by bubble nucleus. Therefore, for CW and PR1 samples, such as a small number of bubble nucleus, bubble growing may occur more frequently than FA sample. 15 10 400 C ; 3000h o 450 C ; 3000h o 500 C ; 1000h as-received 5 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Temperature / K Fig.6 Ductile-brittle transition curve of post thermal ageing A533B equilibrium segregation and irradiation-enhanced segregation of P to GB in A533B RPVS on mechanical properties have been studied. Thermal ageing was carried out for A533B including 0.011 wt% P in the temperatures of 400, 450 and 500ºC for 1000 and 3000 h. Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) was used to measure P content on GB. Charpy impact test was carried out for one-third size specimens. As shown in Fig.1, AES revealed that P123 peak height ratio versus Fe703 (PHR) was about 0.07 for as-received specimen and about 0.14 for thermal-aged specimen at 450ºC for 3000 h, respectively. Fig. 2 shows ductile-brittle transition curves from Charpy impact tests for as-received and thermal-aged specimens. It indicates that segregation of P on GB up to PHR ≈ 0.14 had no effect on shift in DBTT under thermal ageing. It is needed to carry out Charpy impact tests for longer-aged specimens. We also performed neutron irradiation in JMTR to investigate effect of irradiation-enhanced segregation of P on irradiation embrittlement. Post-irradiation experiments will be done in this year. 3.3 Stress corrosion cracking of welded SUS304 stainless steel Susceptibility to intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) of welded core shroud made of unstable 304 stainless steel was investigated for small specimens sampled from different locations in the heat affected zone (HAZ). Small tensile specimens for slow strain rate test (SSRT) were fabricated from a welded thick plate for actual plant use. The SSRT was performed at a strain rate of 1 x 10-6/s in 563K water with dissolution of 7 - 9 ppm oxygen. The susceptibility to IGSCC depends on sampling location, the distance from fusion boundary and distance from shroud surfaces. Among specimens sampled from near outer portion of the shroud, the specimen located at a position about 10mm away from the fusion boundary showed a high susceptibility to SCC. At the middle portion of the shroud, the position 4mm away from the boundary showed the highest susceptibility. As for specimens sampled from the inner portion of the shroud, all the specimens showed no IGSCC but cleavage cracking. Microstructural examinations by transmission electron microscope revealed that in the specimens showing high susceptibility, a number of martensitic phases were observed. The factors controlling susceptibility to SCC of welded 304 shroud may be related with the equivalent chromium and nickel concentration. 3.4 Examination of the piece size effect of an examination of the impact property in limited element analysis Subsize Charpy V-notch specimens have been proposed as a reasonable alternative to the ASTM standard full size Charpy specimens for the surveillance of nuclear reactor pressure vessels. The choice of subsize Charpy specimens would permit the placement of a sufficiently large number of specimens near the reactor pressure vessel for the purpose of monitoring its embrittlement throughout its lifetime. The choice of subsize specimens would not only increase the number of surveillance specimens that could be placed near the reactor pressure vessel, but it would also increase the uniformity of temperature and neutron fluence among the surveillance specimens. The choice of subsize surveillance specimens necessitates the development of methodologies for the prediction of the upper shelf energy of full size Charpy V-notch specimens based on subsize data. Numerous investigations have been carried out in the past to develop such methodologies for this so-called size effects problem. These methodologies, however, are not applicable at all ductility levels of irradiated reactor materials. The Finite Element Method (FEM) has been widely employed for the solution problems in linear elastic and Fig. 7 Stress (Sxx) distribution elastic-plastic fracture problems. To elucidate the size effect problem, this finite element modeling for the Charpy impact test of three different sizes (full size : 10x10x55mm, 1/3size: 3.3x3.3x23.5mm, 1.5size: 1.5x1.5x20mm) of specimens have been undertaken. For this simulation material properties of specimens such as yield stress and hardening exponents were obtained by tensile experiments. Comparing this FEM results and CVN experimental results, the stress condition at the crack front and the energy release rate on the initiation of brittle fracture are investigated. And that the energy change rate at the brittle fracture initiation displacement are nearly constant for various temperature conditions are obtained. Further investigations are needed to establish certain relation of this constancy and the size effect. Advanced Energy Conversion Division Complex Plasma System Research Section F. Sano, Professor K. Hanatani, Associate Professor H. Okada, Research Associate Advanced Energy Conversion Division Clean Energy Conversion Research Section H. Ihara, Visiting Professor (Professor, Department of Applied Chemistry & Biochemistry, Kumamoto University) 1. Introduction A considerable increase in world wide energy consumption is expected over the next decades but there is also the necessity to cut down on the use of fossil fuel in the near future, not least because of the greenhouse effect. Strenuous efforts must be made to improve the efficiency of power generation, and to make progress with energy conservation and "renewable" energy sources (like wind, water and solar devices). On the other hand, we can encounter unpredictably special behaviors in chemistry when atoms or molecules are standing in regular order. We often call these phenomena "supramolecules" or "supramolecular functions". Also it is known that "biosystems" are composed of many types of "supramolecules". If you believe that "mother-nature is our teacher", to understand "supramolecular functions" and to create "supramolecules" will be one of the short-cut pathways to create bio- or biomimetic-systems for key-technology of energy. To ensure a sufficient supply of energy for future generations, an extensive and long-term research and development program is needed, which should include all possible options for sustainable energy production. In this sense, construction of new devices for environmental science including the materials development for clean energy conversion systems based on novel nano-technology and novel supramolecular chemistry is so meaningful task. In this respect, our group wants to realize supramolecular functions from simple molecular systems. My short visits at IAE in FY2001 have enhanced our projects through discussion with Prof. K. Ohkubo and his colleagues at Kyoto University. In this report, our recent progress on selected research projects is summarized as follows. 2. HPLC adsorbents chemical sensors Macrocyclic structures often yield supramolecular function in host-guest chemistry. Crown ethers, cyclodextrins and calixarenes are their typical examples. Especially, it should be noted that weak interactions can be enhanced by conformational effect through the rigid structures and thus extremely large binding constants have been often realized beyond their corresponding non-cyclic compounds. However, the rigidity of cyclic structures prevents to control the function. To overcome this dilemma, many modified macrocyclic compounds have been synthesized. One of the most succeeded examples is shown in photosensitive crown ethers such as azobenzene-capped derivatives. The binding constants against metal ions are critically changed through photo-induced trans-cis transformation of an azobenzene moiety. On the other hand, we know that supramolecular functions in biosystems can be realized by inter- or intramolecular orientations of functional groups in non-cyclic polymers and this is easily controllable by external factors. From these viewpoints, we have had an interest in poly(long-chain alkyl acrylate) as a non-cyclic linear polymer because their carbonyl groups can work as π-π interaction sources to aromatic guest molecules and the polymers undergo temperature-dependent crystalline-to-isotropic phase transition. I describe in this section that poly(octadecyl acrylate) in a crystalline state shows unique molecular-shape selectivity for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and this selectivity can be controlled through the phase transition. To evaluate the molecular recognition ability, we synthesized poly(octadecyl acrylate) with a reactive trimethoxysilyl group at one side of the terminal group according to the telomerization method. The polymer was grafted onto porous silica and then packed into a stainless-steel column. The selectivity was evaluated by the retention time of guest molecules in the column liquid chromatography. The retention factors (k') and separation factors (α) for various polyaromatic hydrocarbons with silica-supported poly(octadecyl acrylate), Sil-ODA23 (average degree of polymerization, 23; immobilization, 19.9 wt%) have been investigated. All the guest molecules used are planar compounds. As a result, the slender and longer molecules such as pentacene (PC) and naphthacene (NC) show much larger retentions (k') than the corresponding bending molecules such as dibenzo[a,h]anthracene (DBA) and chrysene (CS). In general, k'-increase with increase of the number of carbon atoms is understandable by hydrophobic effect when a polar solvent is used as a mobile phase. On the contrary, it cannot explain both the extremely long retention (k' = 41.4) in pentacene and the large separation factors (α = 17.6 in k'PC/k'NC and 9.4 in k'PC/k'DBC) because of the small values in simply-hydrophobized silica, ODS. Examining the temperature dependence can furthermore emphasize these abnormalities of ODA23. The α-temperature plots showed distinct bending points at temperature around 35-40 ˚C. For example, remarkable increase of α in k'PC/k'DBC is observed at temperature below 35 ˚C (α = 9.4 at 5 ˚C), but small and almost constant at temperature above 40 ˚C (α = 1.6 at 60 ˚C). The bending point almost agree with the phase transition temperature between crystalline and isotropic states (a peak-top temperature, Tc = 32 ˚C in ethanol) measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The crystallization of ODAn at temperature below Tc was also confirmed by following results: (1) νC-H was detected at 2920 cm-1 by an FTIR measurement and (2) remarkable broadening of long-chain alkyl H-signal was observed by 1H NMR spectroscopy with a Nanoprobe from Varian, Inc. These results indicate that the abnormal behaviors are detected only at temperature, which the immobilized ODA23 is in a highly oriented state. As supported by this, ODS which is always in an isotropic state showed very small k' and α independent of temperature: α = 1.1-1.0 at 5-60 ˚C. These small values in ODS indicate that the octadecyl group provides small contribution to the selectivity and that the crystalline ODA23 provides a specific binding site against long and slender compounds such as pentacene. As supported by this, the similar molecular-slenderness selectivity showing larger than those in ODS were observed in the other structural isomers between naphthacene and chrysene (dibenzo[a,h]naphthalene) and between p- and m-terphenyls: at 5 ˚C, α = 1.81 and 2.5 in Sil-ODA23; 1.12 and 1.15 in ODS. The structural difference of the organic phases between Sil-ODA23 and ODS can be characterized by carbonyl groups in ODA23. Therefore, the interaction between the carbonyl groups and the aromatic rings of guest molecules should be discussed. As supported by this, it was confirmed that use of acetone as a carbonyl group-including solvent reduced both the retention factor and the selectivity while 2-propanol did not effect. In addition, theoretical discussion has been done in a model system of formaldehyde-benzene complex by ab initio MO calculation optimized with the MP2/6-31G* method. The binding energy was calculated to be 2.83 kcal mol-1 (2.80 Å) without correction of basis set superposition error (BSSE) and 1.86 kcal mol-1 (2.90 Å) with BSSE correction. This binding energies are significant to consider because it is greater than the CH-π interaction in the methane-benzene complex (0.57 kcal mol-1) and in a similar extent to the π-π interaction in the benzene-benzene complex (0.49 and 1.78 kcal mol-1 in the plane-to-plane and plane-to-edge stackings, respectively). Thus I have shown distinct molecular-shape recognition against polyaromatic hydrocarbons by crystalline polymer. I have also described that this is through a carbonyl-π interaction and that the recognition ability is extremely enhanced by the molecular orientation of the polymer. 3. Functional organogels It is known that special synthetic lipids work as gelators for organic solutions through network formation with fibrous aggregates. Hydrogen bonding interaction among lipids is useful as a driving force for molecular aggregation and orientation. Therefore, many types of peptide- or saccharide-derivatives have been applied as organic gelators. I have found unique functions of an L-glutamic acid-derived moiety with three amide bondings per molecule since 1984. Some of them can form suprastructural aggregates such as nano-helices and -tubes based on bilayer structures in aqueous systems and the other ones work as organic gelators. In this section, I introduce a novel lipophilic gelator, characterized by chelating ability of an isoquinoline (Qn) moiety at the head group. The Qn-containing lipid worked as gelators in organic solutions such as benzene, toluene, cyclohexane, ethanol, and their mixtures at room temperature. The critical gelation concentration (cgc) was estimated to be between 1-5 mM in the case of benzene. TEM and SEM observations indicated that the gelation was induced through network formation with well-developed fibrous aggregates but that they were detected at the lower concentration than cgc. As supported this, extremely enhanced chirality moiety was observed from the circular dichroism (CD) spectra at the concentration below cgc. The concentration dependency on the molecular ellipticity in the CD spectra indicated that the critical aggregation concentration (cac) were close to 0.3 mM and 0.05 mM in benzene and cyclohexane at room temperature. In addition, thermally induced gel-to-sol transition was confirmed by detection of an endothermic peak in DSC and drastic change of CD spectra at temperatures around the phase transition temperature. Addition of metal ions provided unique stress against the Qn-lipid-aggregates in organic media. For example, complexation was confirmed by detection of λmax-shift of Qn. In the case of Cu2+, the aggregation morphology was not almost influenced while new cotton effects appeared in CD. On the contrary, addition of Co3+ induced collapse of a gel state with remarkable decrease of molecular ellipticity. Therefore, Qn-containing lipid can form not only highly-oriented aggregates like lipid bilayer membranes in organic systems, but also the aggregation morphology and the chirality can be controlled by complexation at the head groups. 4. Conclusions The academic activities at IAE based on promising facilities are absolutely excellent. Although my staying at IAE is not enough to get conclusive results, but it is a good chance to initiate and to enhance our collaborations between Prof. Ohkubo’s group and ours. Advanced Energy Conversion Division Clean Energy Conversion Research Section H.Yamada, Visiting Associate Professor (Associate Professor, Department of Large Helical Device Project, National Institute for Fusion Science) of confinement deep in the collisionless regime (ν*<0.1). 2. Global Characteristics of Energy Confinement Time of Large Net Current-Free Plasmas The magnetic configuration with the inward shifted magnetic axis had been considered to lie in an unfavorable regime for interchange instabilities due to a prominent magnetic hill while the helical ripple structure is very favorable for fast ion confinement as well as mitigation of neoclassical transport. Figure 1 schematizes the effect of magnetic axis position on MHD stability and transport. A Mercier-unstable region occupies a major region at the magnetic axis position Rax of 3.6 m. While this analysis has been based on a model pressure profile, a local pressure gradient was supposed to be determined by a combination of MHD instability and related transport. Neoclassical transport due to helical ripples can be greatly mitigated by tailoring the magnetic field structure, in other words, combination of multi-helicity. A theoretical model of ballooning/interchange mode turbulence also predicts a geometrical effect of magnetic well and shear on anomalous transport. A compromise between the MHD Anomalous 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.5 Mercier unstable Neoclassical 3.6 3.8 Rax (m) 0 4.0 Transport factor (A.U.) 1.0 Mercier-unstable region (ρ) 1. Introduction Understanding of high temperature plasmas towards nuclear fusion has progressed in the experimental studies in the Large Helical Device (LHD). LHD was planned based on the pioneering work of the heliotron-line in Kyoto University. The LHD project is aimed at clarification of physical mechanisms in net current-free plasmas close to reactor conditions and demonstration of the technology required for steady-state operation by the heliotron concept. The large dimensions of a nominal major radius R and a minor radius a of 3.9 m and 0.6 m, respectively, and the strong magnetic field ( ≈ 3 T) have extended the operational envelopes in non-dimensional physical parameters as well as in absolute values from the medium-sized helical experiments. Physics achievements have been steadily obtained along with the progress in heating power and reliable operation of the superconducting magnets. Recent experimental results in LHD have indicated that a large pressure gradient can be formed beyond the stability criterion for the Mercier (high-n) mode. While stability against an interchange mode is violated in the inward shifted configuration due to enhancement of magnetic hill, in contrast neoclassical transport and confinement of high energetic particle are improved by this inward shift. Mitigation of the unfavorable effects of MHD instability has led to a significant extension of the operational regime. Achievements of the stored energy of 1 MJ and the volume averaged beta of 3 % are representative results from this finding. A confinement enhancement factor above the international stellarator scaling ISS95 is also maintained around 1.5 towards <β> of 3%. Configuration studies on confinement and MHD characteristics emphasize superiority of the inward shifted geometry to other geometries. The emergence of coherent modes looks consistent with the linear ideal MHD theory, however, the inward shifted configuration has reduced heat transport in spite of a larger amplitude of magnetic fluctuation than the outward shifted configuration. While neoclassical helical ripple transport becomes visible for the outward shifted configuration in the collisionless regime, the inward shifted configuration does not show degradation Fig.1 Mercier unstable region and diffusion coefficients of a neoclassical transport and an anomalous transport model as a function of the magnetic axis position. Here pressure profile of p=p0(1-ρ2)(1-ρ8) with <β> = 1% is assumed for evaluation of the Mercier criterion. ion collisionality is similar to this since generally Te ~ Ti in NBI heated plasmas. While parametric dependence of the energy confinement time is similar to that of the ISS95 scaling, the case with the inward shifted magnetic axis of Rax=3.6m has shown a systematic improvement by a factor of 1.5-1.6 on the ISS95 scaling. The dependence of the energy confinement time on a normalized gyro-radius is located between Bohm and gyro-Bohm. Although the anomaly of local electron heat conduction with respect to an estimate from neoclassical theory has been on the order of 10 to 100 in NBI heated plasmas in the past medium-sized experiments, the anomaly in LHD plasmas is reduced to the order of unity. Neoclassical transport itself is of importance in the collisionless regime and its qualitative evaluation is also prerequisite to an investigation of anomalous transport. The helical ripple transport is enhanced in the collisionless regime in inverse proportion to ν*, however, it can be controlled by tailoring multi-helicity . The inward shifted configuration reduces the neoclassical transport by localizing helical ripples on the inboard side. A reduction of one order of magnitude is expected between the available configurations for Rax= 3.55 m and Rax= 4.0 m. Although the neoclassical transport exists invariably, it was not reflected by the data yielding the ISS95 scaling where plasmas are collisional and anomalous transport predominates confinement. In the present study, the plasmas which enter deep in the collisionless regime (ν*<<1) are investigated. Figure 2 shows the dependence of the confinement enhancement factor on collisionality. The ISS95 scaling itself does not have collisionality dependence like τ E Ω ∝ ρ *−2.71 ν *−0.04 β −0.16 where ρ* and Ω are the normalized gyro radius and the ion gyro-fequency, respectively. The inward shifted configuration with Rax ≤ 3.6 m has no significant or even slight negative dependence on ν* even in deep a τEexp / τEISS95 stability and transport, and suppression of unfavorable helical ripple transport in a collisionless regime have been the most important concerns in the recent experimental campaign in LHD. The experimental observation has indicated that the plasma in the inward shifted configuration represents neither any global destruction nor any significant degradation of confinement even in the Mercier unstable region although the resonant fluctuations emerge as expected from the ideal MHD theory. The energy confinement in this inward shifted configuration has been proved to be 50 % larger than the international stellrator scaling 95 (ISS95). Consequently, two major achievements in performance have been obtained in the recent experimental campaign. The one is that the stored energy has exceeded 1 MJ and the other is that the volume averaged beta value <β> has ranged to 3 %. Net current-free plasmas confined in LHD has entered the collisionless regime (ν*<1). Here collisionality ν* is defined by ν* = 2 Rqν ei / vthe ε1.5 for electrons, and the 100 10-1 Rax=3.55m Rax=3.6m Rax=3.65m Rax=3.75m Rax=3.9m 10-1 100 ν* 101 Fig.2 Confinement improvement factor on ISS95 as a function of collisionality for different magnetic axes. collisionless regime. In contrast, the outward shifted configuration clearly shows declination in low collisionality. The data of the case with Rax =3.6 m alone gives the scaling shows the density dependence −0.60 ± 0.01 0.47 ± 0.02 0.75 ± 0.02 which is similar to the τ E ∝ Pabs ne B ISS95 scaling. Here Pabs ne ,B are the absorbed heating power, the line averaged density, and the magnetic field strength, respectively. This expression can be rephrased in τ E Ω ∝ ρ *−2.44± 0.08 ν *−0.12± 0.02 β −0.04± 0.05 . Even if the data in the collisionless regime ( ν*<1 ) are processed, this expression does not show any significant change: τ E Ω ∝ ρ *−2.44± 0.14 ν *−0.13±0.08 β −0.03±0.09 . As predicted from the tendency seen in Fig.1(a), the ν* dependence comes out for the outward shifted configuration. The dependence τ E Ω ∝ ν *0.20±0.03 is obtained for ν* < 2 in the case with Rax= 3.75 m and it becomes stronger for the case with Rax = 3.9 m: τ E Ω ∝ ν *0.57±0.10 . The local power balance analysis indicates that the neoclassical heat conduction is more than a half of the experimental value in the plasmas with ν*~1 in the case with Rax= 3.75 m. Although clear views of quantitative estimate of neoclassical transport as well as accuracy of experimental measurements are not complete, the observed degradation of confinement in the collisionless regime which is enhanced in the outward shifted configuration may be attributed to a neoclassical helical ripple transport. In other words, no effect of neoclassical helical ripple transport has been observed and anomalous transport still dominates energy confinement in the inward shifted configuration down to ν*<0.1. The geometrical optimization for neoclassical helical ripple transport has been successfully demonstrated. The next question is whether difference in neoclassical transport can explain superiority of the inward shifted configuration to the outward one or not. in LHD also have indicated that the favorable density dependence saturates at a certain density under specific conditions. Saturation of the energy confinement time with the increase in density has been observed in gas-fueled NBI-heated plasmas in this magnetic configuration Rax=3.6m Gaspuff Rax=3.75m Gaspuff Rax=3.6m Pellet Rax=3.75m Pellet Single discharge with density ramp by gaspuff 0.2 τE (s) Certainly the neoclassical transport expands the gap between them in the collisionless regime. However, better confinement can be seen as well in the collisional regime where the helical ripple transport becomes small and an anomalous transport determines confinement. The example of reduce heat conduction will be shown in the later section. A finite beta effect on confinement, in particular, in the magnetic configuration with Rax= 3.6 m is also a major issue since this geometry has unfavorable characteristics from the aspect of MHD stability and the outward Shafranov shift changes magnetic geometry. The dependence of global energy confinement on beta is plotted in Fig.3 for the case with Rax= 3.6 m. A systematic degradation has not been observed up to <β> of 3 %. 0.1 2.5 PNBI = 4-4.5MW B=2.8T(R ax=3.6m),2.64T(3.75m) 0 0 1.5 0.5 E e the gyro-Bohm local heat conduction as χ ∝ T 3 / 2 or the Bohm as χ ∝ T , respectively. The favorable density dependence observed in LHD is of importance with the prospect of net current-free plasmas with high confinement and high β due to high density operation. Since the density dependence of the global confinement and the temperature dependence of the local transport are two sides of the same physical mechanism, it is also attracting much interest to the physics issue of anomalous transport. However, the existence of this kind of density dependence and its disappearance have been reported from many toroidal experiments. Recent experiments employing a wide range of heating power 6 Wp 400 _ ne 200 4 2 0 10 0 5.0 Pabs 2.5 0 3 Hα 5 Prad 0 0.9 Te(0) 0.6 2 Ti(0) 1 Te(0.9) 0.3 0 2 0 0.2 τE 0.1 0 τEexp/τEISS95 1 Hα (A.U.) Te(0.9) (keV) τEexp/τEISS95 3. Response of Electron Temperature Profile to Heat Deposition Profile Significant density dependence of the energy confinement time as described in the ISS95 scaling has been demonstrated in the extended parameter regimes in LHD. When the plasma profiles are fixed, the density dependence of the energy confinement time, i.e., τ ∝ ( n / P ) 0.6 or τ ∝ ( n / P ) 0.5 can be interpreted by wp(kJ) 3 P (MW) β (%) 2 T(0) (keV) 1 600 ne (1019m-3) 8 800 Fig.3 Confinement improvement factor as a function of the volume averaged beta. e 15 _ 1.0 0 0 E 5_ 10 19 ne (10 m-3) Fig.4 Dependence of energy confinement time on density. Closed squares show the data from time slices in gradual density ramp by gas-puffing. τE(s) τEexp / τEISS95 2.0 2 3 1 0 4 time (s) Fig.5 Waveforms of the discharge with density ramping-up. Top:Stored energy and line averaged density. 2nd top: Absorbed power of NBI, total radiation power, and Hα emission. 3nd top: Central electron and ion temperatures, and electron temperature at r=0.9. Bottom: Energy confinement time and improvement factor on ISS95. χeff at ρ=0.5 2.0 χeff at ρ=0.9 χeff (m2/s) 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 0 0.5 1.0 Te (keV) 1.5 Fig.6 Heat conduction coefficients at time slices shown in closed squares in Fig.4. 1.0 Counter Co 0.5 e completely, the local heat conduction coefficient shows a clear temperature dependence with the power of 1.0 to 1.6 (see Fig.6). Although the discussion whether Bohm or gyro-Bohm it is requires clarification of the dependence on the magnetic field strength, the essential point is that the apparent contradiction between the global confinement and the local transport can be attributed to the change of the heat deposition profile. The high density operation prevents the deep penetration of tangentially injected neutral beams and heat deposition moves from the core to the periphery. This tendency is emphasized with the inward-shifted magnetic axis and the broad density profile due to gas-puffing particularly in the ramp-up phase. The peaked density profile realized by pellet fueling promotes the core heating and recovers the intrinsic density dependence. The heat deposition profile does not depend on the heating power itself, but becomes broader with a weaker magnetic field because of the larger drifts of fast ions. These observations indicate that the temperature profile changes straight-forwardly according to the heat deposition profile. This straight-forward change of the profiles which is in contrast to stiffness or profile consistency can be also seen in other situations. The NBI heat deposition profiles are different in the cases of counter-injection and co-injection. In the counter case, the deposition profile is broader than in the co case, due to worse orbits. This difference is enhanced with low magnetic fields and indeed a flat temperature profile in the core region is observed in the case of counter-injection (see Fig.7). T (keV) Rax=3.6m (see open circles in Fig.4). Excess gas-puffing to increase density shrinks the plasma and degrades the performance; however, the saturation of the energy confinement has been found well below this condition. The saturated state can be sustained in a quasi-steady state and radiation loss does not play an essential role. The saturation density does not depend on the heating power significantly and shows a weak dependence on the magnetic field strength. The saturation or degradation of confinement is distinguished in the density ramp-up phase by gas-puffing in a single discharge (see Fig.5). The closed squares in Fig.4 show time slices every 0.5s of the discharge illustrated in Fig.5. In contrast to the case with Rax=3.6m, the density dependence of gas-fueled plasmas is sustained in the high density regime close to the detachment of the plasma in the case with Rax=3.75m (see triangles in Fig.4). The favorable density dependence can be extended towards much higher density by pellet fueling (see closed circles and triangles in Fig.4) in both cases. The local heat transport is investigated for time slices in the density ramp-up phase with Rax=3.6m. Although the density dependence going as τ E ∝ ne0.6 is lost R =3.6m, B=1.3T ax P 0 Fig.7 0 =1.8MW NBI 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 ρ Electron temperature profile in the cases with counter (open circles) and co (closed circles) injections. The temperature dependent local transport, which is different from the critical gradient model, is observed widely in NBI heated plasmas in so far as we compare discharges with the same magnetic configuration and similar profiles in LHD. However, comprehensive understanding of the effects of the different magnetic axis and the prominent changes of the profiles has not been obtained yet. Advanced Energy Utilization Division Chemical Reaction Complex Processes Research Section Y. H. Ogata, Professor T. Sakka, Associate Professor D. Hamm, Research Associate 1. Introduction The use of light in chemical systems is very important in energy technology, such as light energy conversion to chemical energy. Electrochemical aspects are also important to control the reaction at the interfaces. We have been studied the mechanism of the formation of porous silicon, metal deposition on silicon surfaces, laser ablation of solid surfaces, etc. These subjects were further pursued in this academic year, and we obtained several new results. Followings are the summary of our research in the year 2001. The analysis of the laser ablation species was described in section 2. In this section we first show that the analysis of self-reversed emission line profile can determine the spatial population distribution of laser ablation species in air atmosphere. Then the results obtained for the behavior of laser ablation species in liquid is described. The imaging of the light emission from the ablation species as well as the emission spectroscopy was used. In section 3 the study performed on the metal deposition onto silicon surfaces is introduced. There we give two specific subjects, i. e., (1) immersion plating of metals onto porous silicon in various solutions and (2) photo-assisted spatially-selective nickel deposition on a silicon surface. Finally in section 4 we give various morphologies obtained by the etching of porous silicon in basic solution. 2. Analysis of laser ablation species Spatial distribution of laser ablation species determined by self-reversed emission line profile We proposed a new method for determining the spatial distribution of population densities for the species in laser-produced plasma. Our method relies on the parameter fittings of the experimentally observed self-reversed emission profiles to the model which is based on the calculation of one-dimensional radiative transfer. The radiative transfer equation integrates not only the emission but also the absorption along the line of observation, and therefore, the calculation should reproduce the observation intensity correctly with the modification of the self-absorption effects taken into account. The plasma electron density, populations of the atomic levels involved in the transition, and their spatial distribution were considered to be the fitting parameters. Since the density of plasma electrons has a spatial dependence, Stark shifts and broadenings are incorporated in a position-sensitive manner. We have specifically applied it to the laser-ablated Al plasma in air, where Al(I) 2Po-2S emission line is employed for the analysis. In this specific example, we found that the accuracy of the fittings is significantly improved due to the presence of two emission lines originating from the fine-structure, i. e., 2Po1/2-2S1/2 and 2Po3/2-2S1/2. In particular the depth of the self-reversed structure turns out to be very sensitive to the position-dependent upper and lower level populations, which enables us to accurately determine the spatial variation of the laser-ablated species in these states. Furthermore, the calculated profile is almost unchanged with temperatures employed for fittings. This means that the present method gives reliable values of the parameters for the spatial distributions, even if the temperature is not precisely known. Our model successfully reproduced the spectra of the fine-structure doublet from Al atoms in the ablation plume. We have found that different parameters mainly contribute to different spectral features; (1) the self-reversal depth was mainly related to the spatial distribution of the emitters and absorbers, (2) the line shift was directly related to the plasma electron density, and (3) the intensity ratio of the fine-structure doublet was strongly related to the optical thickness or the population density. Our systematic analysis presented in this work has confirmed that the spatial distribution of the plasma parameters and atomic populations, which are very difficult to determine otherwise, can be accurately estimated by fitting the parameters in the model to the experimental self-reversed spectra. Finally, we would like to note that the present method is applicable at any delay time, and therefore, it will contribute to the analysis of the dynamical aspects of laser-produced plasma. P P Laser ablation of graphite submerged in water: Vibrational temperature of C2 molecules. 3. Metal Deposition on a Silicon Surface Immersion Plating of Metals onto Porous Silicon in Aqueous and Nonaqueous Solutions 21ns intensity (au) Observation of the light emitting region produced by pulsed laser irradiation to a solid-liquid interface. Imaging of the light-emitting region produced by pulsed laser irradiation to a graphite-water interface was performed at various time delays after the pulse. The duration of the light emission was about 100 ns, which was much shorter than that in air (more than 1000 ns). The images of the light emitting region observed by intensified charge coupled device (ICCD) are shown in Fig. 2-1. Also the intensity profiles are plotted in Fig. 2-2. It is seen from the figures that the lateral size of the light emitting region measured by half-maximum intensity was about 0.15 mm and was almost constant within the time range of the observation, i. e., from 21 ns to 100 ns. We also measured similar images in case of the irradiation in air atmosphere, and found that the size in Fig. 2-1 was one tenth of the maximum size obtained by the experiments carried out in air atmosphere. This is due to the covering effect of the water, which does not allow the ablation species to expand freely. By assuming that all the ablation species are confined in the light emitting region, we can calculate the density of this region, where the amount of the ablation species was estimated from the volume of the hole left on the surface. Furthermore, by assuming an appropriate temperature, the pressure of this region can be calculated. The results show the density as high as 6.7×1019 cm-3 and the pressure as high as 0.7 GPa. The results give us important information on the covering effect of water upon the expansion of the ejected species. Fig. 2-1. Images of the light emitting region produced by pulsed laser irradiation to graphite-water interface. (a) 60ns 80ns 40ns 100ns depth (μm) Emission spectra of C2 molecules produced at the water-graphite interface by pulsed Nd:YAG laser irradiation were obtained at various delay time from the irradiation. Vibrational temperature was determined by the Boltzmann plot based on the intensities of the vibrational bands in Δν =-1 branch of the Swan system. The results showed that the vibrational temperature was ca. 5000 K and did not change significantly with the delay time. On the other hand the intensity of the emission decreases with increasing delay time. At ca. 500 ns the signal from the Swan band became lower than the detection limit, while the vibrational temperature was still as high as 5000 K. The results were explained by the formation of a gas cavity between the target and liquid, and its collapse at several hundreds of nanosecond after the laser pulse. As long as the gas cavity is present C2 molecules show the vibrational temperature as high as 5000 K. The mechanism determining the vibrational temperature seems to be rather complicated and further work is required to clarify this point. 0 -50 -100 (b) -200 0 200 distance (μm) Fig. 2-2. (a) Intensity profile of the emission from the ablation species. (b)The depth of the hole left on the surface. It is important to create a good electrical contact between porous silicon (PS) and metal to realize the potential applications in microelectronics industries. An immersion-plating method is advantageous because it has the virtue of simplicity and low cost operations. This study reports on the immersion plating of metals (Ag, Cu, Ni) onto a PS layer from aqueous and nonaqueous solutions, with the aim to compare and understand the different deposition behavior of each metal and to investigate the effect of residual water in nonaqueous solutions on the anodic reaction of the process. PS was prepared from a p-type Si (100) wafer (10-20 Ωcm) by anodization in 20 wt% HF alcoholic solution. Immersion plating behavior of Ag, Cu and Ni onto PS was investigated. PS samples were immersed in solutions containing the metal ions (10-2 M or lower). Ag metal was deposited from aqueous solution containing Ag+ ions while progress of Cu deposition depends upon the type of salt used: CuSO4 deposits Cu, CuCl2 inhibits deposition whereas no Cu was detected from Cu(NO3)2 aqueous solution. In nonaqueous solutions, Ag and Cu were deposited from the MeOH solution containing metal ions, but in contrast no metal was detected from the MeCN solution containing either Ag+ or Cu2+. The inhibition effect of CuCl2 was also observed in nonaqueous solution. Ni could not be deposited onto PS in aqueous nor nonaqueous solutions. The oxidation of PS to SiO2 was observed by FTIR spectra even in the case. The different deposition behavior can be related to the different electrode potential of each metal. Nickel has the most negative electrode potential and therefore the reduction of nickel ions on PS surface is not favored. On the contrary, the potentials of both Cu2+/Cu and Ag+/Ag couples are more positive than that of Ni and consequently the reduction of the metal ions is more easy. On the other hand, absence of Cu deposition from Cu(NO3)2 solution is due to that NO3– ion is thermodynamically easier to be reduced than Cu2+. In addition, nitrate ions can oxidize silicon, resulting in absence of Cu deposition. The rest potential of the PS in Ag+-nonaqueous solutions shows that the rest potential in the MeOH solution, from which Ag was deposited, stays at less noble (negative) value, while the value in the MeCN solution shifts to noble (positive) direction indicating the unfavorable Ag deposition. The same behavior of potential shift was observed in the copper system. The potential shift in case of the MeCN solution may be due to a complex formation. The average level of residual water was 30-50 ppm in Cu2+-MeOH solutions. The concentration of 50 ppm water content corresponds to about 2 × 10–3 M and hence, the water concentration in the organic solutions cannot be neglected, because the concentration of Ni ions used is in the order of 10–2 M. Further, the current-potential curves revealed that MeOH exhibits a wide electrochemical potential window during the measurements. This suggests that MeOH is a stable solvent and is not expected to involve in the reaction where the reduction of metal ions occurs. A trace of residual water in organic solutions strongly affects the deposition process. The immersion process is characterized by coupled redox reactions, one corresponding to metal formation, the other to the silicon oxidation. According to the above results, the difference in deposition behavior is attributed to the different redox couple of each metal on the one hand. On the other hand, it is also related to the different rest potential of the PS in these solutions. The immersion process is characterized by coupled redox reactions, one corresponding to metal formation, the other to the silicon oxidation. the field of electronics, many kinds of metal patterning method have been developed. In semiconductor industries, metal patterning on semiconductors are mainly performed with photolithographic techniques. In the present work, we investigated the alternative possibility by using a wet process. A direct metal patterning method, which means a method without photoresist, spatially selective electrodeposition of Ni onto crystalline silicon with laser illumination was studied. The mechanism of the deposition is very different from previous studies of laser assisted metal deposition, in which the deposition is enhanced by the heating effects of laser irradiation. The principle of the method in this research utilizes the properties of semiconductor itself. When a p-type semiconductor is dipped into a metal-ion-containing solution, cathodic polarization does not reduce Ni ions to Ni metal in the dark because there is only a small number of electrons in the conduction band. Under illumination, however, the electrons produced by photo-excitation from the valence band can contribute to the reduction. This suggests that it is possible for Ni to be deposited only on the illuminated area without using photoresist. The mechanism of the deposition is very different from previous studies of laser assisted metal deposition, in which the deposition is enhanced by the heating effects of laser irradiation. A p-type Si (100) wafer (1-10 Ωcm) was used as a substrate. The sample was placed in a three-electrode cell in a dark box during the plating operation. The composition of the Ni-plating bath was 0.1 M NiSO4 + 0.5 M H3BO3. An Ar+ laser (488.5 nm) was used as the light source. The laser beam was focused on the samples after passing through a quartz window and solution. No deposition of Ni was observed by the surface analysis with XPS on the samples which were cathodically polarized in the dark and illuminated without applying potential. Current-potential measurements in the dark show almost no cathodic current all over the potential range under investigation (Fig. 3-1). In contrast, Photo-assisted Spatially-selective Nickel Deposition on a Silicon Surface As increasing the demand for the microfabrication in Fig. 3-1. Cathodic polarization measurement of Si electrode in 0.1 M NiSO4 + 0.5 M H3BO3 in the dark and under illumination. Current / mA 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 in the dark under illumination -0.5 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 Potential / V vs. Ag/AgCl illumination leads to the cathodic current of Ni deposition, which starts at about –0.45 V vs. Ag/AgCl. According to thermodynamics, the reduction potential of 0.1 M Ni2+ to Ni is about –0.50 V. This is one example of the photoinduced underpotential deposition. Since the edge of the conduction band in PS is located at a more negative potential than the Fermi level of the bulk Si, which represents the electrode potential, Ni ions were reduced at a more positive potential than thermodynamically expected. These results indicate that Ni deposition requires both of the illumination and cathodic polarization. Ni was deposited on a Si wafer at –0.6 V for 120 s. The sample was analyzed by AES. According to the mapping image of Ni, it was confirmed that Ni was deposited in a round shape of 200 μm in diameter, which was similar to the size of the laser spot. This result indicates that Ni was deposited spatially selectively in the illuminated spot. In conclusion, spatially selective Ni electrodeposition on Si wafer with laser illumination was demonstrated. It was confirmed that Ni was deposited at the illuminated spot. The results encourage us to advance this technique to metal patterning on silicon without resist. etches and lastly the bulk silicon is dissolved. It means that the parts with the highest surface area etch first. When the nanoporous bodies of the columns are completely dissolved a macropore structure appears. At this stage, small concave faces are formed (Fig. 4-2 up). For a prolonged immersion time plane facets appear (Fig. 4-2 down). Fig. 4-1. Side view of the sample after anodisation. 4. Etching of porous silicon in basic solution Determination of the layer porosity is not strongly affected by the immersion time. Nevertheless long immersion induces chemical attack of the wafer, which leads to an overestimate of the porosity. Porous silicon (PS) is an important material in device technology due to its photoluminescent properties, porous structure and high surface area. PS can also be utilised in the processing of the devices as sacrificial material. With the photolithographic technique it is possible to dissolve only partially the PS. Because it is desirable to reduce the size of the devices, it is of importance to control with accuracy the dimensions of the zones to be porosified or dissolved. Earlier studies show that PS or homogeneous dissolution can be obtained by varying slightly the experimental conditions. It is then necessary to investigate how the experimental parameters modify the PS layer formation and its dissolution for future applications. This work focuses on the preparation of the silicon substrate for Si-metal composite electrodes. Immersion in basic solution is often performed when one wants to dissolve porous silicon, for example for the porosity determination. This study investigates the effects of the NaOH solution exposure of PS. Porous layer can grow via a columnar shape under selected anodising conditions (Fig. 4-1). The columnar growth is not immediate but occurs after an uniform porous layer growth. As a results two distinguishable layers are produced. When such kind of silicon porous bilayer is chemically dissolved in basic solution, various morphologies can be obtained, in a controllable way. This is because the sample etches in 3 steps. Firstly the nanoporous material is dissolved then the skeleton Fig. 4-2. Top view of the samples after immersion in 1 M NaOH: 1 s (up), 4 min (down). Advanced Energy Utilization Division Molecular Assemblies Design Research Section S. Yoshikawa, Professor M. Kinoshita, Associate Professor Y. Sato, Research Associate (Research Laboratory for Complex Energy Processes) S. Sakamoto, Research Associate 1. Introduction Development of renewable and eco-available energy resources is inevitable for the future energy systems. Especially, bio-energy is expected as a highly efficient energy path, suitable for a sustainable energy system in the 21st century. To construct such kinds of efficient system mimicking living system, use of self-organized molecular assembly is a quite essential approach, which can provides breakthrough for new energy systems of high performance with minimum energy consumption. However, to design such complex systems, currently new tools, such as bio-technology, combinatorial chemistry, nano-technology, and computational chemistry, are quite important to obtain the optimal molecular assembly design. In this section, we have developed these fundamental technologies, as well as the new energy systems of solar energy utilization. Recently, we succeeded in syntheses of various kinds of ceramic nanotubes by templating mechanism using self-organized molecular assemblies of an aliphatic amine. Ceramics nanotubes offer a prospect to provide advanced nano-structured materials for energy and mass reactions, such as highly active photo-voltaic materials and catalysts for partial oxidation of alkanes. We already have used titania nanotubes as the basal materials of dye-sensitized solar cell, and resulted in higher efficiency in photo-electron transfer. Theoretical approach to a complex system of multiple constituents such as living system is another important subject, which shows a variety of nonlinear and novel behavior at their interfaces. We are constructing unique, complex theories treating the system on the atomic level for colloidal particles, bio-molecules in aqueous solution, metal-solution interfaces, and amphiphilic molecular assembles. The aqueous conformation of small peptide predicted from the first principle is in good agreement with the NMR result. Combinatorial chemistry is another promising approach to get the optimal molecular assemblies for bio-energy and bio-processing. Currently, two-dimensional peptide libraries are prepared for high throughput screening of functional molecules, using optical detecting systems such as surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy. The current research themes are the following: (1) Statistical-Mechanical Studies on Nonlinear Behavior of Complex Systems ・ Roles of Entropic Excluded-Volume Effects in Biological Systems ・ Solvation Thermodynamics of Bio-molecules (2) First-principle prediction of conformations of bio-molecules (peptide and protein molecules) in solvent. (3) Prediction of structure of molecular assemblies formed by self-organization of surfactant molecules (e.g., micelles) in solvent, (4) Formation of ceramics nanotubes by templating mechanism in Laurylamine/ Metal-alcoxide with Acetylacetone System (5) Fabrication of dye-sensitized solar cells using titania nanotubes. (6) Molecular recognition using short peptides and its detection by surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy. (7) Combinatorial chemistry for optimizing the photo-electronic functional materials. This fiscal year, we briefly describe the achievements in themes 1, 4, 5 and 6. 2. Research Theme 1 Statistical-Mechanical Studies Behavior of Complex Systems on Nonlinear High functions are usually generated not by a single material but by a complex system comprising multiple materials. Examples of such systems are colloids, protein molecules immersed in aqueous solution, surfactant molecules in solvent, and metal (or semiconductor) -solution interfaces. The biological system, above all, consists of a variety of complex subsystems. When material A and material B form a complex system, for instance, an interface (or an interface region) newly appears between the two materials. The structure and properties of the interface are often totally different from those of the bulk materials, with the result that the complex system exhibits highly nonlinear behavior that can never be elucidated by superposition of the behaviors of the individual materials. The nonlinear behavior is often novel and can be applied to pioneering of new technology and development of highly efficient systems. Roles of Entropic Excluded-Volume Effects in Colloidal and Biological Systems The hypernetted-chain (HNC) integral equations are solved on a three-dimensional cubic grid to calculate the spatial distribution of the depletion potential between a big solute of arbitrary geometry and a big sphere immersed in small spheres forming the solvent. By analyzing the potential along a specific trajectory of the big sphere, effects due to the geometric feature of the big solute (step edges, trenches, corners, changing curvature, etc.) can be examined in detail. As an illustration, effects of the step edge on the lateral depletion potential along a wall surface are analyzed. Along the trajectory considered, the big sphere moves at constant height, starting on the center of the wall surface and moving horizontally past the edge. The big sphere is repelled from the edge into the wall surface, and to escape to the bulk it must overcome a significantly high free-energy barrier. As another illustration, simple model calculations are performed for the lock and key steric interaction between macromolecules. The potential at contact (i.e., the stabilization free energy) for the key that exactly fits the lock is far larger than for smaller and larger keys and considerably in excess of the value predicted by the Asakura-Oosawa theory. A very high free-energy barrier features the potential for a smaller key, preventing its access to the lock. Thus, the selectivity given by the depletion (entropic excluded-volume) effects is remarkably high. The interaction between large hard spheres immersed in a binary hard-sphere mixture, dense small spheres containing a trace amount of medium-sized spheres, has been analyzed using integral equation theories. Effects due to presence of a trace amount of medium-sized spheres are remarkable, causing a much longer-range, attractive interaction. The physical origin of the effects is that the medium-sized spheres are entropically excluded from the small spheres and forced to touch the large spheres. When attraction is incorporated in the pair potential for the small spheres, the medium-sized spheres become solvophobic: They are forced to touch the large spheres to a greater extent, leading to more pronounced effects. In real systems the interaction between large solutes with sufficiently high hydrophobicity, which are immersed in aqueous solution, should remarkably be influenced by a trace amount of hydrophobic co-solutes that are smaller than the large solutes but much larger than water molecules. [The interaction between hydrophobic portions of a protein could be influenced in a similar fashion.] If, on the other hand, the medium-sized spheres are highly solvophilic, they are no more excluded from the small spheres, and the effects are minor unless the concentration is considerably high. SolvationThermodynamics of Biomolecules The conformational stability of biomolecules is greatly dependent on the solvent species. It is also affected by coexisting solutes such as salts (e.g., NaCl). The salt effects on the solubility and the conformational stability of proteins in aqueous solutions are experimentally known to follow the order called the Hofmeister series. The series for anions is [SO 4 2− > CH 3 COO − > Cl − > Br − > NO 3 − > ClO 4 − > I − > CNS − ], and that for cations is [(CH 3 ) 4 N + > NH 4 + > Rb + , K + , Na + , Cs + > Li + > Mg 2+ > Ca 2+ > Ba 2+ ]. In each of these series, the species to the left decrease the solubility of proteins and stabilize their native structures to a larger extent. The species to the right, on the contrary, increase the solubility and cause destabilization of the native structures. Though the Hofmeister series is not valid for acidic and basic proteins, it is generally applicable to neutral proteins. The series, except for divalent cations, is also applicable to the other neutral substances such as benzene. That is, the effects of monovalent ions on the solubility of various neutral substances follow the Hofmeister series. We have analyzed the effects of salt addition to water on the solvation properties of a peptide molecule such as the structural change of water near the molecule and the solvation free energy, shedding light on elucidation of the Hofmeister series. The salts have effects both on the hydrophobic hydration and on the electrostatic interaction. However, effects on the electrostatic interaction largely cancel out, and the salt effects on the hydrophobic hydration become dominant. This is the reason why the Hofmeister series applies rather generally to the salt effects on a wide variety of solutes including proteins. The series is mainly determined by the effects due to the structural change of water caused by the presence of ions. The salt effects on solvation structure of a peptide molecule have been analyzed in terms of changes in the peptide-water pair correlation functions ascribed to the perturbation by the ions. We have proposed heuristic interpretations for salt effects on the pair distribution functions between peptide and water atoms based on the well-regarded experimental concepts of ion hydration: the positive hydration, negative hydration, and ion-exchange effects. The complicated effects involving interactions among the peptide molecule, water molecules, and ions can be interpreted in a consistent manner using the heuristic model. We have also considered how the salt effects on the solubility of proteins are related to those on their conformational stability. An interesting answer has been given by assuming that the solubility of the protein with the denaturated structure is more sensitive to the salt effects than that with the native one. next generation. The alkoxides of various metal was mixed with the same moles of ACA and then this solution was mixed with 0.1M LAHC aqueous solution. The mole ratio of metal alkoxides to LAHC was adjusted to 4. The solution was stirred at 313K for several days and was carried out at 353K for 1 week. After the sample dried at 353K, the sample was calcined at 773K for 2 hours. The characterization of produced materials was made by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electron diffraction (ED) and nitrogen adsorption isotherms. All samples were confirmed to have crystalline structure by the analysis of XRD pattern. Crystal formation of these materials is quite different from the amorphous thin wall formation in the silica nanotubes. Figure 1 shows TEM images and ED of the several produced materials calcined at 773K for 2 hours. The cerium oxide was confirmed as mono-crystalline nanotubes having the diameter of 20nm and the length about 200 nm. And the tin oxide is the nanowires without pores, the tungsten oxide is the nanoparticles and the neodymium oxide is the layer structures that were confirmed, respectively. 3. Research Theme 4 Formation of Ceramic Nanotubes by Using Various Metal Alkoxides Nanotubes are attracting a great deal of attention in both fundamental and Industrial studies. They have potential applications in the fields such as electronics, optics, advanced catalysis and energy storage/conversion. Titania-nanotubes offer a prospect to provide a highly functional catalyst for photochemical electron transfer for solar cells, chemical reactions and adsorbent for chemicals and also absorbent to cut ultraviolet rays. We have successfully synthesized titania nanotubes and bundles having anatase mono-crystalline structure and nano size pores using templating mechanism by laurylamine hydrochloride (LAHC) / tetraisopropyl orthotitanate (TIPT)- acethylacetone (ACA) system. On the basis of these results, we intended to synthesize ceramic nano materials using alkoxide of various metals such as Ce, Sn, W and Nd. Cerium and tungsten oxide is known as the excellent chemical catalyst, and tin oxide having high electric conductivity have promise as solar cell material for Figure 1 TEM images of ceramic nanotubes. 4. Research Theme 5 Fabrication of Highly Efficient Dye-sensitized Solar Cells using Titania Nanotubes/Nanowire Structures In 1991, O’Regan and Grätzel published on a low-cost, high-efficiency solar cell based on dye-sensitized colloidal titanium dioxide films in Nature. Since then, an intense activity was triggered in research on the properties of dye-sensitized nano-structured thin film electrodes all over the world. Fine cystalline nanostructure is the characteristic feature of the Grätzel cell. Quite large roughness factor is observed in the titania layer, which is attributed to the high efficiency of this type of dye-sensitized solar cell (DS cell). However efficiency limit is also observed for the titania layer with more than 10 μm thick. The electron injection limit and recombination of the electrons are the main processes limiting the efficiency of a DS cell. To overcome this limit, highly efficient electron transport mechanism will be required. We found that newly developed nanotube/nanowire structures in semiconductor layer can attain the very efficient cell. Over two times higher short-circuit photocurrent density was attained in the DS cell by using titania nanotubes as asemiconductor thin film in the film thickness region in comparison with that made of P-25, as shown in Figure 2. Titania nanotubes were synthesized by a surfactant-templating mechanism using LAHC/TIPT-ACA system as described above. The thin film fabricated using our titanium dioxide nanotubes showed high short circuit current densities in comparison with that of thin films made of titanium dioxide nano-particles P-25 in the region of small thickness of the thin films, as shown in Figure 2. The open circuit voltage was about 0.6 V for both case. Thus, improvement of the solar energy efficiency of the cell was attained in the thin film thickness region. The high photocurrent density in the thin film region might be attributed to the significant decrease in the inter-crystalline titania nanotubes with a high aspect ratio instead of nanoparticles. It is possible to find much more suitable conditions for better fabrication. Figure 2 Relationship between Jsc and the film thickness. 5. Research Theme 6 Molecular Recognition Using Short Two-stranded Peptides Prepared by a New Combinatorial Chemistry Approach Molecular recognition is the quite unique characteristics of living system, which is widely used not only for assaying biological activities such as immune reaction, but also used for constructing artificial functional molecular assemblies. Usually, the protein interactions are involved for specific binding in the living system, which is too large to design and handle of a stable molecular assembly system of small molecules. Although peptides are another potent molecule for constructing specific molecular assembly of some small compounds, there are limitations in the preparation of peptide library using chemical methods, such as solid-phase split synthesis. For example, the possible synthetic scale in a laboratory limits practical library sizes to about 10 6 ~10 7 members, corresponding in the best case to a fully randomized peptide of less than five residues. Usually such small peptides (<10 residues) show low affinities against target substrates even after proper screenings (K a = 10 3 ~10 5 M -1 level). The low affinities are mainly due to their flexible 3D structure. Therefore it is important to develop a new strategy to create a small peptide possessing a high binding-ability against a specific compound. Along with these aspects, we developed a new method to obtain a small functional peptide. In the new method, we divided a process of combinatorial approach into two steps. In the 1st step, we prepared a pentapeptide library using a standard split-synthesis method and carried out the screening using a derivative of porphyrin, tetrakis(4-carboxyphenyl)porphyrin (TCPP) as a target molecule. As a result of screening on the resin, we found five candidate peptides with affinity to TCPP. At this step, peptides showed relatively low binding constants (K a = 10 3 ~10 5 M -1 level). In a next step, we synthesized two-stranded peptides composed of two peptides out of above five lead peptides (5 x 5 = 25 kinds of two-stranded peptides) on cellulose membrane. The two-stranded peptides showed much higher binding affinity with TCPP in comparison with one-chain peptide (K a = 10 6 ~10 7 M -1 , 10~100 times improvements). These results indicated that our new combinatorial strategy will be useful to obtain a small peptide having a binding-affinity for a specific target molecule. Advanced Energy Utilization Division Advanced Functional Materials Research Section K. Ohkubo, Professor T. Kodaki, Associate Professor T. Sagawa, Research Associate 1. Introduction The reduction of carbon dioxide has been extensively studied using electrochemical, photochemical, thermal, or enzymatic reactions in light of the problems of global warming and depletion of fossil fuels. Results obtained are still not satisfactory as to useful valuable reaction products and reaction rates need to be further improved. While, energy from the sun can be used for many practical purposes, including generating electricity and heating water. In fact, using solar energy instead of fossil fuels to meet some of our energy needs reduces emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. These emission savings depend upon many factors, including where you live, the type of solar technology used, and the amount of energy provided by these technologies. When solar energy displaces other energy sources with higher emissions levels, it produces a benefit in the form of reduced emissions of pollutants. Anything that uses energy derived from fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, and oil increases greenhouse gas-emissions every time it is used. On the other hand, hydrogen produced from sacrificing reagents such as methanol, ethanol, formic acid, and so on is one of the cleanest energy, which produce fewer amounts of pollutants than the burning of fossil fuels. It is also advantageous that the liquid fuel is easier to transport and store than the gaseous fuel, electricity and heat. In this section, much interest has focused on the development of photocatalysts and (artificially evolved) enzymes for the production if such a liquid fuel energy as formate or methanol from CO2 or CH4. We constructed highly efficient system of photon-electron transformation with multi-layered films of photocatalyst of titania semiconductor–nanoparticle. In order to prepare the multi-layered films, we adopted convenient method of alternate assembly utilizing commercially available polyionic compounds. Selection of the enzymes from various bacteria was performed and various electron-mediators were investigated as the parts of the enzyme-reactor for CO2-reduction. It was confirmed that CO2-transformation into formate proceeds when the dehydrogenase system, electron mediator, and the above photocatalytic system coexist and react. Stable and highly active dehydrogenases evolved artificially have been generated by the random mutagenesis and utilized to establish the technology of practical use for highly efficient CO2-formate transformation with the minimum amount of the enzymes. Fixation of the enzyme is one of the effective ways to compose the enzymatic reaction into the continual reaction process. We also prepared the enzyme-layered film by the alternate assembly method. On the other hand, methane monooxygenase (MMO) catalyzes the conversion of methane to methanol. Establishment of the high-level expression of hydroxylase, which catalyzes the conversion of methane to methanol per se in MMO, has been longed to realize the “enzyme method” composed of MMO protein in the reactor for industrial oxidation. As first step to express a functional MMO system in E. coli, we investigated high-level expression of the hydroxylase component of MMO. The present section in this year of 2001 has four main research themes on advanced functional materials to produce formate or methanol as the clean liquefied fuel from CO2 or CH4 as described below. 2. Development of immobilized photocatalytic system Development of the photocatalytic system utilyzing solar ray (we use xenon lamp light instead of solar ray: 280 – 800 nm) and gathering multielectron from the electron-source such as water in order to deliver them to the electron-mediator have been performed. Nanoparticles of TiO2 were prepared as photocatalyst by direct thermolyzation or hydrolyzation of titanium(IV) isopropoxide Ti(OC3H7)4 in acidic solution of pH 1.5 with nitric acid or by using TiCl4 as precursor, which requires O2 or H2O as a reactant. The effects of the small size on the photocatalytic reaction are as follows: i) Increase in the number of adsorption site based on the increase in the surface area. ii) Increase in the reduction and oxidation abilities by the shifts of the energy levels as the quantum size effect. iii) Decrease in the duration for the charges to reach the surface, which correlates reciprocally with the surface density of the charge calculated with the finite depth well model. iv) Decrease in the space required for the photoinduced electron-hole pairs to be separated. v) Necessity of some support or stabilizer for practical applications. Multilayer films of organic compounds on solid surfaces have been studied for more than 60 years because they allow fabrication of multicomposite molecular assemblies of tailored architechture. However, both the Langmuir-Blodgett technique and chemisorption from solution can be used only with certain classes of molecules. An alternative approach -fabrication of multilayers by consecutive adsorption of polyanions and polycations- is far more general and has been extended to other materials such as proteins or colloids. Because polymers are typically flexible molecules, the resulting superlattice architechtures are somewhat fuzzy structures, but the absence of crystallinity in these films is expended to be beneficial for many potential applications. The merits of layer-by-layer method are as follows: i) Convenient and versatile fixation method of nano-sized TiO2 particle ii) Densely packed and ordered layers are formed iii) Enable to reuse the nano-sized TiO2 particle, in other words, the film is very stable In order to study the function of photon-electron transformation of TiO2-immobilized films across the interface to solution species, we chose 1, 1’-dimethyl-4, 4’-bipyridinium (methylviologen) dication (abbreviated Figure 1 AFM image of TiO2-layered film as MV2+) as an electron acceptor. MV2+ has the advantage of undergoing a reversible one-electron reduction with a well-defined and pH-independent redox potential (E˚ = -0.44 V against NHE). Furthermore the reduced form (MV·+) can be readily identified by its characteristic blue color corresponding to an absorption maximum of 605 nm (viz. ε605 of MV·+ is 12,400 M-1 cm-1). Therefore, we prepared ultrathin film device with nanoparticles of photocatalyst by layer-by-layer method and examined the abilities of photon-electron transformation of the above TiO2-containing ultrathin films for photoinduced reduction of MV2+ on the irradiation of UV light. In order to immobilize the TiO2 nanoparticle onto the quartz plate, we adopt poly(diallyldimethyl-ammonium chloride) (PDDA) as positively charged polymer and potassium poly(vinyl sulfate) (PVS) as polyanion. Absorption spectra of TiO2-films on quartz slides also show linear absorbance increase at 240 nm and at 280 nm with the number of the adsorption cycle during at least 15 steps of the alternate assembly. Surface morphology is more clearly seen by atomic force microscopy (AFM) image of 5-layered TiO2 (7 nm) film onto a substrate of quartz (Figure 1). It also shows the densely packed TiO2 nanoparticles on the solid substrate. The figure above the scan image is height profile along the axis indicated in the scan image. A height profile along the axis shows periodical top-valley patterns with depth of 0.5-7 nm and width of 20-50 nm. The TiO2-films show highly efficient multi-electron transfer from TiO2 to multi-electron mediators. The rate of MV·+ formation was followed at λ 605 nm and exclusion of the buffer reagent of tris eliminates the production of MV·+. Addition of tris to an aqueous solution that includes the TiO2-immobilized quarts plate and MV2+ results in the generation of MV·+. These results imply the tris functions as not only a buffer reagent but also a hole-scavenger (viz. sacrificing reagent) for photoactivated TiO2. The amount of MV·+ formed from MV2+ increased remarkably with the number of the attached layers of TiO2/PDDA within 5. On the other hand, the extent of MV·+-generation-increase was small when the numbers of the attached layers of TiO2/PDDA increased over 10. This result implies that the rate of diffusion of viologens with the 10 or 15-layered film is the similar extent of that with the 5-layered one. Yield of MV·+-generation by using the 4-plates of 5-layered TiO2/PDDA film is higher than that by using the 1-plate of 20-layered one. Quantum yield of Φ for MV·+-formation was 0.05 with one plate of 5-layered TiO2 (6 nm)/PDDA film for 5 min-irradiation. The values of Φ for MV·+-formation decreased gradually from 0.05 to 0.04 with increasing the number of the plates of 5-layered film from 1 to 4. On the other hand, considerable decrease of the quantum yields was observed from 0.05 to 0.03 when the number of the attached layers of TiO2/PDDA increased from 5 to 10. Therefore, increasing the number of the plates of TiO2 film is more effective for the reduction of MV2+ than increasing the number of the attached layers of the film. The effects of the TiO2-nanoparticle sizes (4, 6, 10, 60, or 100 nm) were examined and maximal quantum yield of 6.3% was observed. The amounts of the produced MV·+ by using the 5-layered TiO2/PDDA film are not decreased by the 10 times-repeated use with 15 min-illumination. This result indicates that removal of the attached layers of TiO2/PDDA from the quartz plate does not occur during the photoreduction. 3. Construction of multielectron mediator system Dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) plays an important role as cofactor in various biological reactions. Several effective chemical systems for the regeneration of NADH have been reported by using homogeneous metal complex of Ru(bpy)32+ or Rh(bpy)33+, or dispersed semiconductor particles of TiO2 as photosensitizer in the presence of electron mediator of MV2+ and/or by using dehydrogenase, which catalyzes reduction of NAD+. These NADH regeneration systems enable to supply the source of two electrons and a proton in numerous NADH-dependent enzymatic reactions, i.e., alcohol-syntheses from ketones, amino acids-syntheses from ketonic acids, and CO2-fixation for energy-recycle use. However, these systems are inefficient for practical use because they require valuable and useful sacrificing reagents in themselves as electron donors such as ammonium ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid, triethylamin, 2-mercaptoethanol, methanol, 2-propanol, formic acid, and so on. It is also difficult to recover and reuse the photosensitizer from the bulk because of utilization of the homogeneous or dispersed photocatalyst. We have done more practical study of the photosensitized regeneration of NADH using TiO2-layered film as reusable photocatalyst, tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.0) as abundant electron donor, MV2+ as mediating electron carrier, and lipoamide dehydrogenase (LipDH; E.C. as enzyme catalyst. As a result, photoirradiation of an aqueous solution of tris-HCl buffer that includes the photocatalyst of TiO2-immobilized quarts plate, MV2+, NAD+, LipDH results in the formation of MV·+ and NADH. The rate of NADH formation was followed at λ 340 nm and corresponds to a quantum yield of Φ 1.40%. Exclusion of LipDH or MV2+ eliminates the formation of NADH. Furthermore, exclusion of the buffer reagent of tris eliminates the production of NADH and MV·+. Addition of tris to an aqueous solution that includes the TiO2-immobilized quarts plate, MV2+, NAD+, LipDH results in the generation of MV·+ and the concomitant formation of NADH. These results imply the tris functions as not only a buffer reagent but also a hole-scavenger for photoactivated TiO2. One proton and 2 electrons are required to reduce NAD+ to NADH, and 6 electrons are required to convert CO2 to methanol. Instead of utilize MV2+, we use viologen-derivatives as stable mutielectron mediators. We examined the photocatalytic activities of the above TiO2-containing ultrathin films for photoinduced reduction of oligomers of N,N'-dibutyl-4,4'-bipyridinium dications {(BV2+)n (n = 2, 7, and 14)} on the irradiation of UV light. Viologen oligomers enhance the photo-energy conversion remarkably compared to the viologen monomer. The quantum yields of (BV·+)n (n = 2, 7, and 14) in the presence of TiO2-immobilized quarts plate in tris-HCl buffer are 2.96-17.2 times as high as the value of that for MV·+ based on the unit of 4, 4’-bipyridinium molecule. Thus the quantum yields for NADH formation of (BV2+)n are expected to be higher values than that for MV2+. Many enzymatic reduction processes are dependent on the NADH cofactor. Therefore coupling of the photosensitized NADH regeneration cycles with secondary enzyme-catalyzed processes is expected to allow various synthetic applications. Consequently, alkyl viologen oligomer also seems to be hopeful to work as multielectron mediator by using the TiO2-containing ultrathin film on the irradiation of UV light Restriction enzymetreated plasmid PCR and E. Coli transformation plasmid E. Coli mutation X X x x x + x X X X Enzyme gene mutant enzyme 0.5 M Affinity chromatography 15 50 40 KCl c onc. 0.3 M 30 10 0.2 M 20 Activity 5 Protein contents 10 0M Protein contents (μg/ml) x mRNA Activity (μmol[NADH]) 20 Evolutional enzyme 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 Elution volume (ml) Figure 2 Schematic representation of mutation system for photo-induced CO2-reduction. are currently being examined. These efficiencies 4. Construction of enzyme-system for recycle-use of CO2 as a source of fuel energy For the purpose of construction of the enzyme-utilized reactors for the conversion of CO2 to formate or methanol, we must select the enzyme(s) and search electron mediator. We have already confirmed the efficiencies of dehydrogenase(s) for the CO2 transformation into formate, formaldehyde, or methanol in part in the presence of the photocatalyst and the electron mediator described above. Stable and highly active dehydrogenases evolved artificially have been generated by the random mutagenesis and utilized to establish the technology of practical use for highly efficient CO2 transformation with the minimum amount of the enzymes. We adopt Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique to modify the gene carried by the plasmid as shown in Figure 2. We collect the gene (second generation) which generate highly active enzyme compared to the wild type one. Then we obtaine the mutants based on the second generation by collect the DNA (third generation) producing much higher active enzyme. 5. High-level expression of MMO for CH4-methanol transformation Selective extraction of hydroxylase component which catalyzes the conversion of methane to methanol per se in methane monooxygenase (MMO) and functional expression of the target protein has not been succeeded even by using large amounts of the methanotrophic bacteria because of the lability of the protein. Therefore, establishment of the high-level expression of hydroxylase component of MMO has been longed to realize the “enzyme method” composed of MMO protein in the reactor for industrial oxidation. As first step to express a functional MMO system in E. coli, we investigated high-level expression of the hydroxylase component of MMO from OB3b and/or M. After selecting the vector and searching the suitable conditions to express, high-level expression was confirmed by SDS-PAGE and estimated more than 70% of the total proteins as the target protein in relatively short period. Advanced Energy Utilization Division Bioenergy Research Section K. Makino, Professor M. Adachi, Lecturer T. Morii, Research Associate 1. Introduction The goal of this research section is development of environmentally clean and efficient reaction systems by means of chemically or biologically manipulated systems suitable for energy production. In order to develop such a process by learning from biological systems, it is essential to understand complex network of biological signal transductions and mechanism of chemical transformations in the system. Following aspects have been investigated to establish the fundamental basis that would emerge a new technology for the energy-efficient utilization of ubiquitous environmental resources. 2. Mechanism for DNA Damage by Nitric Oxide Nitric oxide (NO) has multiple face both as one of the major components of poisonous NOx and as a physiologically essential signal molecule, and is known to be overproduced in inflammation etc., which may cause various diseases. In this study, we have focused on the relationship of NO with cancer and therefore investigated NO-initiated DNA damage. The known reaction was oxidative deamination which converts dAdo, dGuo and dCyd to deoxyinosine (dIno), deoxyxanthosine (dXao) and dUrd, respectively. The species dominating these reactions is N2O3, which is also predominant in the reaction occurring in acidic HNO2, which generates the same products. N2O3 is formed by the reaction of NO with NO2, which is produced by spontaneous oxidation of NO, and is converted to HNO2 by hydrolysis. In the presence of excess amount of O2, NO2 is a major species rather than N2O3, and involved in the reaction. In this fiscal year, we have focused on the reaction of NO2, and found several novel products from dGuo such as 8-NO2 dGuo, 8-NO2 dXao, and N2-NO2 dGuo, as represented in Fig.1. It has also been elucidated for the first time that when [O2]>>[NO], in addition of these nitro-compounds, dXao is also produced. Regarding the N2O3-initiated reaction, we have already demonstrated the formation of deoxyoxanosine (dOxo) from dGuo, which is reactive with amino groups. It has been revealed this year that dOxo is converted to 2-chloro dIno in the presence of NaCl (Fig.1). Summarising all the findings, we have established the whole reaction mechanism as demonstrated in Fig.1. This figure includes the conversion of dGuo, dCyd, dAdo and 5medCyd to the respective diazoate intermediates and their further reactions as well as the reaction of NO2. In environmental sciences which are closely related to energy production and its effects on human body, many problems have remained unsolved yet because many species involved are free radicals and the research fields of biological free radicals are still immature. We think that our establishment will provide with the guideline to such unsolved problems, particularly to those regarding biological responses to NO and HNO2 systems. For instance, it should be understood that high cell death and high mutation rates in the medium containing HNO2 is due to the crosslinking between DNA and proteins or polyamines in the nuclei. H O R N H N N N O O N dUrd cross-link R H2N N O O– N N NH N N N dIno O O N N dCyd-diazoate N N N2O3 N H N O– N N N 2-Cl-dIno Cl N N O H N R N N N C NH2 HO Cl dAdo-diazoate NH2 C O O N O N2O3 N N NH2 A N N N N2O3 N N H N N N N O– O N O NH2 N dGuo-diazoate dOxo H N N N H O dXao O N O O P OO O O N O N O O P ON O O G NH N NOx N O2N N H NH N H N O2N O 8-NO2-Gua O NH N H N NH2 8-NO2-Xan N N NH N H N NO2 2 N -NO2-dGuo N2O3 O N : N2O3 attacking site O O NH2 NH2 O H3C N m O P OC N O O O DNA cross-link H2N R – H3C O N N N 5me O– N O dCyd-diazoate N H O dThd Figure 1 The overall reaction mechanism of NO with nucleosides. Now by using fluorescence compounds with amino groups, we are trying to label dOxo generated in genomic DNA obtained from E.coli cultured in HNO2 medium. It has been found so far that the amount of generated dOxo appears to be less than that of 8-oxo dGuo. We will continue this project. Also we have succeeded synthesis of phosphoramidite monomer of dOxo and are applying the monomer to the oligonucleotide synthesis. It will be possible by use of the oligomers to investigate the effect of dOxo in DNA on the replication process. This work will also be continued. This research was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (11101001 and 12480173) from Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Japan to K.M and by a Grant from “Research for the Future” Program of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS-RFTF97I00301). 3. Enhancement of Leukocyte Function by Pterin Derivatives We have found unique biological function of 6-formyl pterin, which was synthesized from folic acid and is already known to show strong xanthine oxidase inhibitory activity, and that this compound generates hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in the presence of NADPH or NADH, possibly through the formation of superoxide anion radical. The role of H2O2 is not known yet although great interests have been placed on it, particularly as a reporter in cells. We have observed interesting nature of this compound in the cellular system such as induction of apoptosis, activation of immune cells and so on. This project will be continued. 4. Conformational Studies on Human Telomere Telomere is the repeated sequence which exists at the end of genes controling whether cells are subjected to ageing or converted to reproducible death (cancer). Regarding this unique DNA sequence, we have explored the structural diversity. For a human telomere repeating unit, d(CCCTAA), using 2-D NMR analysis combined with molecular dynamics computer-aided calculation, we have found that this simple unit exists in the three distinct tetramers each of which consists of four symmetric single-strands slowly exchanging in a slightly acidic solution, namely i-motif. Also for d(ACCCTA), where the 3'-end A is deleted and an A is added to the 5'-end, we have determined two i-motif isomers. In FY2001, we studied the effects of P-chirality on the diversity of i-motif. The P-chiral stereo-defined phosphorothioate groups were introduced into the all four internucleotide groups of d(TPS1CPS2CPS3CPS4C) (PSn: phosphorothioate group), and 10 stereoisomers synthesized. The temperature dependence of circular dichroism (CD) spectra showed that the melting temperature (Tm) of the [all Rp]PS-d(TC4) pentamers was 31°C, identical with that of the parent oligomer, while that of the [all Sp]PS-d(TC4) was decreased by 11°C. The comparison of the NOESY spectra between [all Rp]PS-, [all Sp]PS-, and PO-d(TC4) at pH 4.5 and 20 °C showed that intra-residual H6-H3’ and H2”-H4’ NOE cross-peaks of the [all Sp] isomer are much weaker than those of the [all Rp] isomer and PO-d(TC4), indicating the change of the C3’-endo puckering. These results indicate that the Sp configuration at phosphorus of the internucleotide phosphorothioate linkage destabilizes the i-motif structure, possibly by the change of the deoxyribose puckering. We have also investigated the effects of the coexistence of the C-repeat on the formation of G-tetrad and are obtaining the results suggesting the existence of cross-talk between the both strands that controls the extent of the G-tetrad formation. This research was supported by a Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research (11101001 and 12480173) from Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Japan to K.M and by a Grant from “Research for the Future” Program of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS-RFTF97I00301). 5. Energy- and Material-Recycling Harnessing Super Critical Liquids The aim of this project is to harness unique properties of supercritical water and other solvents in the material conversion, particularly in the conversion of waste materials to useful ones. Supercritical fluids are known to show unusual properties that are not available in normal conditions. For example, in supercritical water, materials are readily hydrolyzed and converted to various compounds. The drawback for utilizing such a unique properties in industrial processes is that we have not obtained materials suitable for reactors. In this fiscal year, we explored the effect of surface structure on the stability in supercritical methanol (above 240°C and 7.9 Mpa). Phenols were employed as a substrate. After the reaction of several hours, the stainless tube was opened to find the vigorous color change, indicative of some unknown reaction on the surface. We have found that this could be eliminated by gold-plating the surface. The composition of the products was unchanged. This project will also be continued. 6. Combinatorial Approach to Design A Non-Natural DNA-Binding Ligand Short peptides could potentially provide a novel element to read-out DNA sequences from the major groove. However, it is difficult to determine sequence-preference of de novo designed monomeric short peptides. Because DNA-binding affinity and specificity of short peptides are usually much lower than those of native DNA-binding proteins, determining sequence-preference of short peptides by conventional methods utilized to deduce the target sequence of proteins often produces unclear outcomes. We report here a general strategy to defining sequence-preference of DNA-binding short peptide by using the heterodimers. A GCN4 basic region peptide tethers a low-affinity DNA-binding peptide adjacent to a GCN4 binding sequence through the cyclodextrin-adamantane association, thereby increasing local concentration of the low-affinity peptide on degenerated DNA sequences. An increase of the local concentration allows to select a preferential sequence for the low-affinity DNA binding peptide. The method successfully identified specific sequences of short peptides derived from native DNA-binding proteins. The usefulness of this approach has been demonstrated by identifying preferred DNA targets for a peptide composed only of D-amino acids. The method is potentially applicable not only to artificial peptides, but also to other synthetic ligands. This research was supported by a Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research from Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Japan to K.M.(11101001) and T.M.(12680590), and by PRESTO from Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST) to T.M. Figure 2. A SAAB cycle to determine a target sequence of short peptide (open box) by using its heterodimer with GAd (hatched box). Amino acid sequences for GAd (GCd) and CCd are Ac-DPAALKRARNTEAARRSRARKLQC-NH2 and Ac-NEYRYRRERNNIAVRKSRDKAKQC-NH2, respectively. 7. Structure-Based Design of A Biosnsor for Second Messengers. An intracellular second messenger D-myo-inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) is a key biological signaling molecule that controls the cellular Ca2+ concentration. We report the preparation and evaluation of a functionalized protein based sensor for IP3 by exploring the selective IP3 binding properties of pleckstrin homology (PH) domain. Signal transduction is imparted to the protein by mutating proximal residues to cysteine and then alkylation of the active site by various fluorophore derivatives. This creates functionalized proteins that show micromolar affinity for IP3, reasonably strong fluorescence emission and wavelength changes in the fluorophore and selectivity higher than the original PH domain among different inositol phosphate derivatives. This research was supported by a Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research from Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Japan to K.M.(11101001) and to T.M.(12680590), and by PRESTO from Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST) to T.M. Figure 3. An amino acid sequence for the PLCδ1 PH domain (left) shows the positions mutated to cysteine at 56R (blue), 58V (red) and 106N (yellow). Numbering corrresponds to rat PLCδ1 and constructs used here contain N-terminal Met. A schematic illustration shows the structure of PLCδ1 PH domain—IP3 complex (right). Positions labeled by fluorophores at 56R, 58V and 106N are indicated by CPK representation in blue, red and yellow, respectively, and IP3 is shown by a wire-frame model. 8. Structure-based Design of a Novel DNA-Binding Protein. We have employed a structure-based design to construct a small folding domain from the F-actin bundling protein villin that contains amino acids necessary for the DNA binding of the basic leucine zipper protein GCN4, and have compared its DNA binding with GCN4. The monomeric motif folds into a stable domain, and binds DNA in a rigid-body mechanism, while its affinity is not higher than that of the basic region peptide. Addition of the leucine zipper region to the folded domain restored its sequence-specific DNA binding comparable to that of GCN4. Unlike the monomeric folded domain, its leucine zipper derivative undergoes a conformational change upon the DNA binding. CD spectral and thermodynamic studies indicate that the DNA -contacting region is folded in the presence or absence of DNA, and suggest that the junction between the DNA-contacting and the leucine zipper regions transits to a helix in the presence of DNA. These results demonstrate that the structural transition outside the direct-contacting region, which adjusts the precise location of the DNA-contacting region, plays a critical role in the specific complex formation of the basic leucine zipper proteins. This research was supported by PRESTO from Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST) to T.M, and partly by a Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research from Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Japan to T.M.(12680590), and to K.M.(11101001). Figure 4 Strategy for the structure-based design of folded DNA binding region. The villin headpiece domain (27) (A) and an X-ray crystal structure for the complex between GCN4 basic region and AP1 (9) (B) are shown in the ribbon representations. The backbone of villin headpiece domain is colored in green and GCN4 is shown in red. The side chains necessary to form a hydrophobic core of villin headpiece are indicated by CPK presentation (yellow). (C) The superimposition of the backbone atoms of the villin third helix and the GCN4 basic region is shown from different angles. (D) Amino acid sequences for villin, bVIL, GCN4, G23 and bVILZIP are aligned with Lys71 9. Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells using Semiconductor Thin Film Composed of Titania Nanotubes Over two times higher short-circuit photocurrent density was attained in the dye-sensitized solar cells by using titania nanotubes as a semiconductor thin film in the thin film thickness region in comparison with that made of P-25. Titania nanotubes were synthesized by a surfactant-assisted templating mechanism using a laurylamine hydrochloride / tetraisopropylorthotitanate with acetylacetone system. Nanotubes have a mono-crystalline structure of anatase and showed the highest photocatalytic activity among the commercially available nano-crystalline titania. Also the diameter of our nanotubes is below 10 nm, indicating that we can expect the ballistic electron transfer with almost no dissipational losses such as recombinations. The dye-sensitized solar cell system using the mono-crystalline titania nanotubes showed pretty high photocurrent density in thin film thickness region of titania as shown in Fig.5. The film thickness was 4 μm, and the cell size was 0.5 cm × 0.5 cm. The obtained short-circuit photocurrent density was 15.3 mA/cm2, and the open-circuit voltage was 0.58 V. The light-to-electric energy conversion yield was 4.88 %, and the fill factor was 0.54. 16 14 Current / mAcm -2 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 to mono-crystalline titania nanotubes with both below 10 nm diameter and a high aspect ratio. 18 Short-circuit photocurrent density 2 [mA/cm ] (*) of villin and Asn235 (*) of GCN4. The three helical regions of villin are underlined. Amino acid residues necessary for the hydrophobic core formation of villin, and for the specific DNA recognition by GCN4, are shown in yellow and in blue, respectively. 16 14 12 10 8 6 titania nanotubes(1cmx1cm) titania nanotubes (0.5cmx0.5cm) P-25 (1cmx1cm) 4 2 0 0 5 10 15 20 Film Thickness [μm] 25 Figure 6 Relationship between the short-circuit photocurrent density and the film thickness. Several synthetic methods of titania nanotubes have been reported. However, most of the diameter of those nanotubes are over 50 nm, and the ballistic electron transfer can not be expectyerd. Only Kasuga’s method can make a fine diameter 8nm of titania nanotubes, but their XRD showed an amorphous-like pattern, i. e., no well crystallized anaytase phase. Also their structure was destroyed by calcinations. Thus, our synthetic method, as long as we know, is the only appropriate method for the ballistic electron transfer. 10. Formation of Composite Ceramic Nanotubes and Its Crystalline Structure Composite ceramic nanotubes composed of more than two metal oxides could be synthesized by extending our synthetic method for silica and titania nanotubes. The crystalline structure of these composite nanotubes depended on the compositions (see Fig.7). The band gap energy could be controlled by controlling the composition of the composite nanotubes, as mixed crystal semiconductors do in the bulk phase. 0 Voltage / V Ti 100 Ti 95 Ti 92.5 Ti 90 Intensity Figure 5 An example of photocurrent-voltage characteristics of a cell made of titania nanotubes. The obtained short-circuit photocurrent density, open-circuit voltage, fill factor and light-to-electric energy conversion yield were 15.3 mA/cm2, 0.58 V, 0.54, and 4.88 %, respectively. The film thickness was 4 μm, and the cell size was 0.5 cm×0.5 cm. Ti 80 Ti 75 The photocurrent-voltage characteristics of our cell ware compared with the cell made of standard titania nanoparticles P-25. Fig.6 shows the short-circuit photocurrent density obtained from the cells made of titania nanotubes, together with those of P-25, against the film thickness. In the thin film region, the photocurrent density of the cell made of titania nanotubes was over two times higher than that of P-25. The high photocurrent density in the thin film region might be attributed to the ballistic electron transfer due Ti 50 Ti 25 Sn 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 2 θ (degrees) Figure 7 X-ray diffraction pattern of the composite nanotubes composed of TiO2 and SnO2. Each nanotube of a certain composition has its own XRD pattern. Laboratory for Complex Energy Processes Section A. Otsuki, Professor S. Ueda, Research Associate COLLABORATION WORKS IN LABORATORY FOR COMPLEX ENERGY PROCESSES 1.Introduction The laboratory was established in 1996 simultaneously with the Institute as an attached facility for research on advanced processes of energy production, conversion and application. In order to perform the research objectives of the Institute of Advanced Energy, it is essentially necessary to organize the cooperative research program with much close connection between related research fields in the Institute. The laboratory takes charge of organizing and promoting the cooperative research project as a center of research activity in the Institute. The research staffs in the Institute participate in specific projects to carry out their subjects. The scientists of other faculties in Kyoto University can also participate the cooperative project to enhance the progress of research and educational activities. The laboratory also manages various functions such as symposium and seminar for related topics on energy field. The cooperative research activities will be published in a publication edited in the laboratory at the end of the year. Research activities have been directed mainly toward the following cooperative projects as the principle research subject of the Institute. A1. The dynamics of complexity in fusion-oriented plasmas Plasma dynamics in complex electromagnetic fields are studied with special reference to the particle and wave properties in order to clarify and control this behavior as the knowledge base for the nuclear fusion. Energy conversion processes due to the interaction of the plasma with the high-energy particles and with the high-power microwaves are studied from the viewpoint of the fundamental physics and of the development of the key technology to utilize the complex plasma systems. A2. Energetic particle-material interaction Modification and improvement of solid surface and interface utilizing energetic particle-material interactions towards highly efficient energy conversion, understanding elemental processes of formation of non-equilibrium phases and development of high-functional and high-resistant environmental materials. A3. Advanced Functions and Applications of Photon, Quantum and Chemical Energy. This specially-promoted field includes researches for extending advanced functions peculiar to photon, quantum and chemical energy, studies of fundamentals and/or technology for generating new functions of the energy, and applications of the energy functions to creating new fields of science and technology. A4. Enhancement and Utilization of Function of Bioand/or Material-energy Development of highly efficient material / energytransformation system is investigated by utilizing bio-function or the artificial improvement of it. A4-project also focuses on elucidation, improvement, and utilization of the elemental processes of bio-function in relation to the above development. The advanced researches are developed in other interesting fields of environmental aspects derived from energy usage. B. Cooperative use of facilities and equipments Facilities and equipments of the laboratory are provided to cooperated researches for the scientists in the university 2. The cooperative research project consists of (a) a specific program for “Promotion of a priority project” and (b) a standard program. (a) A specific program was not planned in this year. (b) Summary of the standard cooperative research subjects carried out in the year of 2001. A public collection of cooperative research application was carried out, in this year, for a program which consits of 3 group of “Kiban” , “Syorei” and “Kikaku-chosa” cooperative research. The “Kiban “ cooperative research means a program to promote leading research themes of the Institute projects. The “Syorei” cooperative research means a progrum to promote general research themes with respect to the Institute projects. The “Kikaku-chosa” cooperative research means a progrum to promote the cooperative research through a seminar or symposium. As a result, the research themes of 56 were applied and all the applications were accepted after the approval by a steering committee of the laboratory. The number of research subjects are listed in Table 1 according to the project categories. Table 1 Number of the accepted research subjects according to the standard project theme The whole sum 52 category A B total A1 A2 A3 A4 Kibann inside 1 1 1 2 0 5 *1 outside 0 0 0 0 0 0 Syorei inside 7 6 6 5 3 27 *2 outside 7 2 3 2 3 17 Kikaku inside 2 1 0 0 0 3 -chosa outside 0 0 0 0 0 0 *3 "inside" or "outside" : Numbers applied by the inside or outsideof the Institute The individual research subjects are as follows, *1, *2 and *3 mean the "Kiban", "Syore" and “Kikaku-chosa’ cooperative research theme, respectively, The individual Research subjects are as follows. A1 “Study of the Electron Temperature Fluctuation on Heliotron J” (1) K.Kondo, H.Kawazome, S.Maeno, K.Tomiyama, H.Kubo, S.Besshou (2) T.Obiki, F.Sano, T.Mizuuchi, H.Okada, K.Nagasaki (1) Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University (2) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University “Study of the Electron Temperature Fluctuation on Heliotron J” (1) K.Kondo, H.Kubo, H.Kawazome, S.Maeno, K.Tomiyama, S.Besshou (2) T.Obiki, F.Sano, T.Mizuuchi, K.Nagasaki, H.Okada (1) Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University (2) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University “Planning of Research Subjects and Activities on the Complex Plasma Material Experimental Device” (1) T.Obiki, A.Kohyama, Y.Ogata, K.Yoshikawa, F.Sano, A.Otsuki (2) T.Sato (3) K.Kondo, M.Wakatani (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2) National Institute for Fusion Science (3) Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University M.Shibano, Y.Ijiri (2) K.Kondo, S.Besshou, M.Nakasuga, Y.Manabe, H.Shidara, Ang Wan Leng, Y.Nishioka (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2) Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University “Tracer-Particle Injection for Edge Plasma Transport Study” (1) T.Mizuuchi, K.Nagasaki, H.Okada (2) K.Kondo (3) N.Nishino (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2) Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University (3) Department of Engineering, Hiroshima University “Divertor as a Complex System” (1) T.Mizuuchi, H.Okada, K.Nagasaki, T.Obiki, F.Sano, T.Senju, K.Yaguchi, K.Sakamoto, K.Toshi, M.Shibano, Y.Ijiri (2) Ang Wan Leng, K.Kondo, S.Besshou, M.Nakasuga, Y.Manabe, H.Shidara (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2) Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University “Numerical Analysis of the Edge Magnetic Configuration in Heliotron J” (1) T.Mizuuchi, T.Obiki, (2) M.Nakasuga, Y.Nakamura, Ang Wan Leng (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2) Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University “Experimental Analysis of the Magnetic Configuration Flexibility in Heliotron J” (1) T.Mizuuchi, T.Obiki, F.Sano, H.Okada, K.Nagasaki, Y.Ijiri, T.Senju, K.Yaguchi, K.Sakamoto, K.Toshi, M.Shibano (2) Y.Nakamura, M.Nakasuga, S.Besshou, K.Kondo (3) S.Morimoto (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2) Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University (3) Kanazawa Institute of Technology “Edge Plasma Fluctuation in Heliotron J” (1) T.Mizuuchi, H.Okada, K.Nagasaki, T.Obiki, F.Sano, T.Senju, K.Yaguchi, K.Sakamoto, K.Toshi, “Boundary Plasma in Helical System” (1) T.Mizuuchi (2) N.Oyabu (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) S.Kitajima K.Kondo Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University National Institute for Fusion Science Faculty of Engineering,Tohoku University Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University “Study of the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency (ICRE) Heating in Heliotron J” (1) H.Okada, K.Nagasaki, T.Mizuuchi, F.Sano, T.Obiki (2) K.Kondo, S.Besshou (3) T.Mutoh (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2) Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University (3) National Institute for Fusion Science “Development of Power Monitoring System in Millimeter Wave Transmission Line” (1) K.Nagasaki, K.Yoshikawa, K.Masuda (2) S.Kubo (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2) National Institute for Fusion Science “Experimental Studies of Cylindrical Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Plasma (III)” (1) Y.Yamamoto, Y.Takeuchi, K.Masuda (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University “Study on Magnetic Equilibrium for Plasma Confinement Device Heliotron-J” (1) S.Besshou, K.Tomiyama, K.Kondo, Y.Nakamura, M.Nakasuga (2) T.Obiki, H.Okada, F.Sano, K.Nagasaki, T.Mizuuchi (1) Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University (2) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University “Study on Radiative Energy Loss Process in Heliotron-J Plasma” (1) S.Besshou, K.Tomiyama, K.Kondo, Y.Nakamura, M.Nakasuga (2) T.Obiki, H.Okada, F.Sano, K.Nagasaki, T.Mizuuchi (1) Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University (2) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University “Plasma Polarization Spectroscopy on the Heliotron-J” (1) T.Fujimoto, A.Iwamae (2) T.Mizuuchi (1) Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University (2) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University “Two Dimensional Divertor Spectroscopy by Fast Camera” (1) N.Nisino, M.Asada, Y.Nakamoto, A.Yamaguchi (2) K.Kondo, H.Kawazome (3) F.Sano, T.Mizuuchi, H.Okada, T.Obiki (1) Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima University (2) Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University (3) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University “Optimization of Plasma Production by Electron Cyclotron Waves” (1) K.Hanada, H.Zushi, M.Sakamoto (2) K.Nagasaki (1) Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University (2) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University A2 “Experimental Planning of Multi-Beam Materials Interactive Phenomena” (1) A.Kohyama, Y.Katoh, A.Kimura, K.Morishita, T.Mizuuchi, T.Obiki (2) T.Muroga (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2) National Institute for Fusion Science “R&D of SiC/SiC Composites for Advanced Energy Applications” (1) A.Kohyama, Y.Katoh (2) M.Kotani, Wen Yang, (3) T.Noda (4) C.A.Lewinsohn. R.H.Jones (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2) Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University (3) National Research Institute of Metals (4) Pacific Northwest National Laboratory “Fusion Materials R&D with Use of Double Ion Beam Facility (DuET)” (1) A.Kimura, K.Morishita, A.Kohyama, Y.Katoh, R.Kasada (2) H.Matsui (3) A.Hasegawa (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2) Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University (3) Department of Engineering, Tohoku University “Point Defect Evolutions in Silicon Carbide” (1) Y.Katoh, K.Jimbo, A.Kohyama (2) H.Kishimoto, Kyong-Hwang Park (3) Lance L.Snead (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2) Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University (3) Oak Ridge National Laboratory “Misorientation Dependence of Boundary Structure for Si(001) Twist Boundaries” (1) A.Otsuki, S.Ueda (2) K.Ishihara (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2) Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University “Formation of Metal Nano-particles with Uniform Size and Two Dimensional Super-Lattice Formation by Self Assemblies” (1) M.Adachi, S.Yoshikawa, Y.Sato (2) Y.Mori (3) K.Suzuki (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2) Faculty of Engineering, Doshisha University (3) Faculty of Engineering, Fukui University “Establishment of General Formation Methods of Metal Oxide Nanotubes and/or Nanorods Applicable for Metals with Four Valence Electrons” (1) M.Adachi, S.Yoshikawa, Y.Sato (2) M.Tanigaki, K.Kurumada (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2) Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University “Properties of the High Energy Region Produced by Pulsed-Laser Irradiation to Solid-Liquid Interface” (1) T.Sakka, Y.Ogata, T.Nakajima (2) S.Nakabayashi (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2) Faculty of Sciences, Saitama University “A Possible Use of Multiphoton Ionization of Rare Gas Atoms as a Highly Polarized Electron Source” (1) T.Nakajima, T.Sakka (2) N.Yonekura (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2) Department of Science, Ryukyu University “Tomographic Measurements of Phase Space Distributions in Highly Brilliant Relativistic Electron Beams” (1) K.Masuda, T.Kii, T.Yamazaki, K.Nagasaki, K.Yoshikawa (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University “Research of Irradiation Effects on Fusion Materials with Use of DuET” (1) R.Kasada, A.Kimura, K.Morishita, , A.Kohyama (2) H.Iwakiri (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2) Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University “Generation of High Quality Electron Beam using Hollow Cathode” (1) T.Kii, K.Masuda, T.Yamazaki, K.Yoshikawa, H.Toku (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University “Fundamental Study on Microstructural Evolution under Temperature Transition Condition during Irradiation” (1) K.Fukumoto, H.Matsui, T.Yamamoto, N.Nita, Y.Abe (2) A.Kohyama, Y.Katoh, (1) Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University (2) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University “Formation of the Metal-Silicon Composite Materials Utilizing the Semiconductor Properties in Wet Process I: Effect of the HF Content During Anodisation of P-Silicon” (1) Didier Hamm, Y.Ogata, T.Sakka, (2) Farid Harraz, J.Sasano (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2) Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University “High-Fluence Irradiation Behavior of Reduced Activation Fusion Reactor Materials” (1) S.Jitsukawa, H.Takeuchi, T.Sawai, K.Shiba, E.Wakai, K.Nakamura, K.Furuya, H.Tanigawa, M.Ando (2) A.Kohyama, Y.Katoh, K.Jimbo (1) Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (2) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University A3 “Photogalvanic Cells Using Porous Silicon” (1) Y.Ogata, T.Sakka, S.D.Hamm, A.Otsuki (2) A.Katagiri (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2) Faculty of Integrated Human Studies, Kyoto University “Control of Nonlinear Interactions for High-Brightness Coherent Soft X-Ray Generation” (1) K.Miyazaki (2) K.Yamakawa (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2) Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute “Study on Wet-Type Solar Cell Consisting of TiO2/MOx/TiO2 Layered Semiconducting Electrodes with a High Energy Conversion Efficiency” (1) T.Yoko, T.Uchino, M.Takahashi (2) Y.Ogata (1) Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University (2) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University “The Measurements of Physical Properties of Photo-Electrode in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells” (1) A.Katagiri, T.Matsubara (1) Faculty of Integrated Human Studies, Kyoto University “Fabrication and Characterization of Inverted Opal with Photoelectric Convertibility” (1) N.Yonekura (2) T.Nakajima, T.Sakka (1) Department of Science, Ryukyu University (2) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University A4 “Development of Supercritical Water Utilization for Energy and Material-Recycling Systems” (1) K. Makino, A.Kohyama, Y.Katoh (2) K.Tajima (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2) Faculty of Textile Science, Kyoto Institute of Technology “Advanced Solar Cell” (1) S.Yoshikawa, M.Adachi (2) T.Yazawa, K,Ikeda (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2) National Institute for Industrial Science and Technology “Statistical-Mechanical Study on Roles of Entropic Excluded-Volume Effects in Biological Systems” (1) M.Kinoshita (2) F.Hirata (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2) Institute for Molecular Science ”Conversion of Methane to Methanol by Bio-Process” (1) T.Kotaki (2) N.Yumoto (3) R.Ogawa (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2) Osaka National Research Institute (3) Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University “Structure-based Design of Artificial Transcription Factors” (1) T.Morii, K.Makino, S.Sato (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University “Structure-based Design of Artificial Signal Transducting Proteins” (1) T.Morii, K.Makino, S.Sato (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University “Studies on DNA Sensing Devices Utilizing Electrochemical Responses” (1) K.Yamana (2) K.Makino, T.Morii (1) Faculty of Engineering, Himeji Institute of Technology (2) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University “Effects of Dual-Ion Beam Irradiation on Share Strength at Interface in SiC/SiC Composites” (1) H.Takahashi, T.Shibayama (2) A.Kohyama, Y.Katoh (1) Center for Advanced Research of Energy Technology, Hokkaido University (2) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University “Mechanistic Investigation of Chemical Reactivity of Biological Substances in Super Critical Fluid” (1) K.Tajima, K.Kanaori, S.Hara (2) K.Makino (1) Faculty of Textile Science, Kyoto Institute of Technology (2) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University B “Study of Plasma Sources Simulating Fusion Plasma for Burial Dump Injection (V)” (1) K.Yoshikawa, H.Toku, K.Nagasaki, K.Masuda, T.Kii (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University “The Effect of Nuclear Transmutation on Copper Alloys for High Heat Flux Components of a Fusion Reactor” (1) K.Morishita, A.Kimura (2) S.Ishino (3) N.Yoshida, H.Watanabe (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2) School of Engineering, Tokai University (3) Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyusyu University “Properties of the Solid Surfaces Modified by Micro-Structuring and Composite Formation” (1) T.Sakka, A.Otsuki, Y.Ogata, Didier Hamm (1) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University “Structural Control in Complex Cuprates and the Non-Ohmic Conduction” (1) K.Yoshida, K.Hachiya (2) S.Ueda (1) Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University (2) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University “High Field ESR of Singlet Ground State Due to Single Ion Anisotropy:Application to CsFeCl3” (1) M.Chiba (2) S.Ueda (1) Department of Applied Physics, Fukui University (2) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University “Measurements of Density Fluctuations in CHS” (1) K.Matsuo (2) T.Obiki, T.Mizuuch, F.Sano (3) K.Matsuoka, S.Okamura (4) S.Kado (5) K,Kondo (1) Department of Electronic Engineering, Fukuoka Institute of Technology (2) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (3) National Institute for Fusion Science (4) High Temperature Plasma Center, Tokyo University (5) Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University SYMPOSIUM IN LABORATORY Symposium The Symposium has been arranged in order to introduce the research activities in sections and to enhance the mutual cooperation among different fields. In 2001, four regular meetings and the annual meeting for the cooperative research results were held with following theme. 1. The regular meeting The First Meeting, July 23, 2001 作花哲夫「レーザーアブレーション現象:発光スペ クトルから何がわかるか?」 T. Sakka, “Laser ablation: Information from emission spectra”, Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University The 2nd. Meeting, November 16, 2001 H. Ohgaki, “Laser-Compton gamma-ray at AIST(ETL)”, Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University The 3rd. Meeting, January 24, 2002 笠田竜太「核融合炉用低放射化鉄鋼材料の研究・開 発」 R. Kasada, “R&D of reduced-activation ferritic steels with the view of public acceptance”, Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University The 4th Meeting, March 8, 2002 安部武志「リチウム二次電池用電極/電解質界面にお けるイオン移動反応の解析」 T. Abe, “Ion transfer at interface between electrode and electrolyte for lithium ion batteries”, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University 2. The Annual Meeting for the Cooperative Research Results, April 5, 2002 足立基齊「金属酸化物ナノチューブ・ナノロッドの 一般的合成法」 M. Adachi, “Generalized Formation Methods for Nanotubes and Nanorods of Metal Oxide”, Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University 宮崎健創「高強度フェムト秒レ-ザ-による窒素分 子の配向とク-ロン爆発」 K. Miyazaki, “Alignment and Coulomb Explosion of Nitrogen Molecules by High-intensity Femtosecond Laser Pulses”, Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University 長崎百伸「ヘリオトロン J における ECH 局所加熱に よるプラズマ制御」 K. Nagasaki, “Plasma Control by Localized ECH in Heliotron J”, Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University 笠田竜太「核融合模擬環境下における低放射化鉄鋼 材料の特性評価」 R. Kasada, “ Material Properties of Reduced Activation Steels by using Simulation Methods for Fusion Reactor Environment”, Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University 吉川暹「ナノ構造体を用いた色素増感太陽電池の研 究」 S. Yoshikawa, “Dye-sensitized Solar Cell using Titania Nanotubes”, Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University 森井孝「機能性スモールプロテインの設計」 T. Morii, “Design of Functional Small Protein Modules”, Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University 中嶋隆「高強度レーザーによる希ガス原子の多光子 イオン化を応用した高偏極・高密度電子源」 T. Nakajima, “Polarized Electron Source utilizing Multiphoton Ionization of Rare Gas Atoms by an Intense Laser”, Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University 紀井俊輝「断層撮影法による相対論的高輝度電子ビ ームの位置・速度位相間分布測定」 T. Kii, “Tomographic Measurements of Phase Space Distributions in Highly Brilliant Relativistic Electron Beams”, Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University 近藤克己「ヘリオトロン J における電子温度と不純 物の挙動について」 K. Kondo, “Behavior of the Electron Temperature and Impurities in Heliotron J Plasmas” , Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University 作花哲夫「発光スペクトルによるアブレーション放 出種の空間分布の解析」 T. Sakka, “Spatial Distribution of Laser-ablation Species Analyzed by Emission Spectra”, Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University 吉田起國「複合銅酸化物超伝導体における不均質ナ ノ構造と非オーム性伝導」 K. Yoshida, “Non-ohmic Conduction due to Nanostructural Inhomogeneity in High-Tc cuprate superconductors”, Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University 大槻徴「シリコン結晶粒界のエネルギー」 A. Otsuki, “Energies of Grain Boundaries in Silicon Crystals”, Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University COLLABORATION WORKS WITH OTHER UNIVERSITIES AND ORGANIZATIONS 1. Core University Program between Seoul National University and Kyoto University on Energy Science and Engineering From 1998 to 2007 Research Task1: R & D of Highly Qualified Energy Sources, and Their Applications to Advanced Energy Systems. 1-1 Background and Purpose In the 21st century, the advancement and the realization of high definition energy sources, such as quantum radiation, plasma sources, etc., is crucial for the further advancement of science and technologies, as well as decrease of carbon-dioxide emission. The main purpose of this collaboration research is to develop and improve the publicly acceptable new energy sources for the fundamental energy systems. These are essential to the high-tech industries, as well as the academic clarification of the recent nonlinear, vastly complicated energy systems, in particular, closely related to energy generation, conversion and transportation. 1-2 Contents and Outputs Anticipated There are three sub-tasks of this research, 1) Overall Study of Highly-Qualified Energy Sources, 2) Application of the Highly-qualified Energy Sources to Energy Systems, 3) Clarification of Complicated Mechanisms associated with Plasma Production, Conversion, and Transport. It is strongly anticipated that we will be able to conceive, and clarify the energy sources in the 21st century, which would be acceptable and necessary to sustain continuous development of human beings in the world, as well as those somewhat specific to Asian countries. These will include newly developing quantum radiation sources, as well as plasma sources from viewpoint of advanced application to the industries, and energy systems. For example, electron guns to realize the highly brilliant relativistic electron beams, on which most of the advanced technologies are based, is one urgent subject to be conducted, through the theoretical and experimental collaboration between Korea and Japan, as well as various kinds of plasma sources. The related applications will eventually play an important role to the human society in the 21st century advanced technologies in, such as precise diagnostics, medical treatment, photo-chemistry, new materials production, LSI, nuclear waste disposal, isotope separation, and so on. Task2: R & D of Advanced Energy MaterialsMaterials/Energetic Particles Interaction2-1 Background and Purpose In the advanced nuclear energy systems, excellent performances of structural materials are demanded to operate the system plant more efficiently and safely. The material performance under severe environments, such as neutron irradiation field, high temperature, highly corrosive atmosphere and others will be the critical issue to limit the life of advanced power plants. Recently, in-situ measurements of material properties, such as electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and dimensional changes have been carried out with vital efforts in many international collaborative researches in order to develop high-performance materials under neutron irradiation. In this research, irradiation techniques for in-situ measurements utilizing Japanese Material Test Reactor (JMTR) in Japan and Hanaro reactor in Korea will be developed to investigate materials performances under neutron irradiation. Also, the research and development programs for life extension of the current power reactors in each country will be introduced and collaboratively operated for pursuing the highly efficient and safe energy conversion systems. 2-2 Contents and Outputs Anticipated There are three sub-tasks to, 1) Define and Solve the Material Issues for Nuclear Power Plants, 2) Develop materials for Advanced Energy Systems, 3) Fabricate Non-Equilibrium Materials by Irradiation with Energetic Particles. It is known to be very important to clearly understand dynamic effects of neutron irradiation on material properties for developing materials for advanced energy systems as well as for operating reactors safely based on precise and accurate predictions of material performances under neutron irradiation. The major subjects on this issue will be accomplished by the three sub-tasks. Furthermore, the sound basis to establish an international collaboration program on nuclear reactor materials in Asia is anticipated by this collaboration. Task3: R & D for Environmentally Clean Renewable Energy Production Systems 3-1 Background and Purpose Because of the imminent shortage of fossil fuels as well as of extreme difficulty to increase nuclear power utilization, development for the substitutive new energy production systems is now one of the global first priorities. However, no clue has been yet established so far to achieve the breakthrough. To overcome this, in this project, application of high efficiency of biological conversion is considered potent and promising. The goal of this collaboration research is, therefore, to design and prepare environmentally clean renewable energy production systems by biological harnessing using chemically and biologically manipulated enzymes, bacteria, etc., which utilize ubiquitous environmental materials and light to convert into energy-efficient substrates. In this research project, bioremediation of environmental factors harmful to living bodies will also be studied. 3-2 Contents and Outputs Anticipated There are three sub-tasks: 1) Exploration of biological systems to eliminate environmental harmful materials to convert them to energy sources, 2) Exploration and development and 3) Establishment of new biological clean energy production systems for the next generation. Elaborate collaboration research on these subjects between Japanese and Korean scientists is expected to end up with clean energy production system to substitute currently adopted conventional fossil energy consumption. Above three tightly linked sub-tasks will be successively carried out. In 1998, core scientists of the both sides have discussed to choose appropriate potent scientists from each side. 1999-2000, the first subject will be carried out by the selected scientists, 2001-2003, the second one based on the results of the subject 1, and finally 2004-2006, the third one to accomplish the aim of this project. In the last year of each subject, the discussion on the next subject will be taken. Purpose of 2002 Plan This year we’ve got three research themes concerning advanced energy system and materials, and it forms the base of cooperative researches between Korea and Japan from next year. We also try to find common and individual research subjects by exchanging information and surveying about advanced Energy Conversion, Development of Advanced Functional Materials, Use of Bioenergetics, and Superconducting Magnet Applications. Seminar Seminars are held in either in Japan or Korea. It aims at announcing the results of each cooperative research. Scientists from the third countries from Asia can also attend them. S-01-1-1 プラズマ中の原子分子素過程とデータベースに関 する日韓セミナー Korea-Japan Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Processes in Plasmas and the Database 加藤隆子, 核融合科学研究所, 教授・Dong Eon Kim, Pohang Institute of Science and Technology, Professor Cooperative Research This aims at implementing those researches which were consulted by two core universities. Only those scientists who are approved can join each research. CR-01-1-1 「相対論的電子ビームの高輝度化とその高度応用」 "Highly brilliant relativistic electron beams and their advanced applications" 山嵜鉄夫, 京都大学エネルギー理工学研究所, 教 授・Gun Sik Park, Seoul National University, Professor CR-01-1-2 「高密度プラズマでの輻射過程」 "Radiation Processes in High Density Plasma" 加藤隆子, 核融合科学研究所, 教授・Dong Eon Kim, Pohang Institute of Science and Technology, Professor CR-01-1-3 「プラズマおよび核融合科学」 "Plasma and Fusion Science" 若谷誠宏, 京都大学大学院エネルギー科学研究科, 教授・Yong Seok Hwang, Seoul National University, Professor CR-01-2-1 「原子力利用における理工学研究」 "Science and Engineering for Nuclear Energy Utilization" 木村晃彦, 京都大学エネルギー理工学研究所, 教 授・In Sup Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Professor CR-01-2-2 「先進材料表面改質および接合の研究」 "Advanced Materials Surface Modification and Joining" 三宅正司, 大阪大学接合科学研究所, 教授・Choon Sik Kang, Seoul National University, Professor CR-01-2-3 「超電導科学技術の応用研究」 "Large Scale Application of Superconductivity science and technology" 牟田一彌, 京都大学大学院工学研究科, 教授・Song Yop Hahn, Seoul National University, Professor CR-01-2-4 「原子力の計装制御系の認証、ソフトウェア検証お よび認知工学」 "Nuclear I&C Equipment Qualification, Software V&V and Cognitive Engineering" 吉川禜和, 京都大学大学院エネルギー科学研究科, 教授・Seung Rok Oh, Dankook University, Assoc. Professor CR-01-2-5 「先進エネルギー変換・貯蔵材料に関する研究」 "Research on Advanced Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage" 伊藤靖彦, 京都大学大学院エネルギー科学研究科, 教 授 ・ Hasuck Kim, Seoul National University, Professor CR-01-2-6 「先進エネルギーシステム材料研究への電子顕微 鏡の応用」 "Application of Advanced Electron Microscopy to Materials Research" 高橋平七郎, 北海道大学エネルギー先端工学研究 セ ン タ ー , 教 授 ・ Hu Chul Lee, Seoul National University, Professor CR-01-2-7 「次世代の原子力技術 -次世代の核燃料サイクル-」 "Next Generation Nuclear Technology -Next Generation Nuclear Fuel Cycle-" 代谷誠治, 京都大学原子炉実験所, 教授・Myung Hyun Kim, Kyung Hee University, Professor CR-01-2-8 「環境助長割れ」 "Environmentally Assisted Cracking (EAC)" 庄司哲雄, 東北大学大学院工学研究科, 教授・Il Soon Hwang, Seoul National CR-01-2-9 「核融合理工学」 "Fusion Science and Engineering" 松井秀樹, 東北大学金属材料研究所, 教授・Soo Woo Nam, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Professor CR-01-3-1 「クリーンエネルギー生産システムに関する開発 研究」 "Research and Development for Environmentally Clean Renewable Energy Production Systems" 牧野圭祐, 京都大学エネルギー理工学研究所, 教 授・Tai Hyun Park, Seoul National University, Assist. Professor Personal Exchange This program aims at consulting of each research plans for each year. Participants should be involved scientists and assistants if needed. PE-01-3-1 「エネルギー利用に伴う大気環境影響:酸性雨」 "Atmospheric Environmental Problems Attendant on Energy Use" 笠原三紀夫, 京都大学大学院エネルギー科学研究 科 , 教 授 ・ Young Joon Kim, Kwangju Institite of Science and Technology, Professor PE-01-4-1 運営委員会 Steering Committee Meeting 香山晃, 京都大学エネルギー理工学研究所, 教授・ Chang Hyo Kim, Seoul National University, Professor 2. Collaboration Works with Rajamangala Institute of Technology The 1st Eco-Energy and Material Science and Engineering Symposium November 22-23, 2001, Rajamangala Institute of Technology, Thailand The 1st Eco-Energy and Material Science and Engineering Symposium was held at Rajamangala Institute of Technology in Thailand (November 22-23, 2001). It forms a part of an international agreement between our institute and Rajamangala Institute of Technology. In the symposium, a variety of subjects were discussed from the point of views of environmentally-clean energy and new eco-suitable materials. Organizing Committe Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Kiyoshi Yoshikawa, Prof., Director Susumu Yoshikawa, Prof. Katsutoshi Ohkubo, Prof. Somkiat Thitipoomdeja, Assist. Prof., Head of Materials and Metallurigical Engineering Department Sommai Pivsa-Art, Associate Dean of Faculty of Engineering Amnuay Larpkasemsuk Prakob Boonyonk Ratchada Teparak Waroonsiri Jarkrabutr Anothai Polsuwan Weerasak Moocharoen Chavalit Sangswasd, Assist. Prof. Kittipong Kimapong Sirichai Torsakul Watanachai Trusabunjong Kullawadee Sungsanit Narongchai O-Charoen Maleerat Kumprasit Rajamangala Institute of Technology Numyoot Songthanapitak, Assist. Prof., President Chatchai Dhienhirun, Assist. Prof., Vice-President Pratuan Klinjumpa, Vice-President Daorat Wongwikkan, Vice-President Chalerm Muttiko, Dean of Faculty of Engineering Churairat Duangduen, Assist. Prof., Director of ChemicalReseach Instutute Issaree Hunsacharoonroj, Assoc. Prof., Director of Institute of Research and Development Kobkul Prabpracha, Assoc. Prof., Director of Resource Center Kanokpol Nakawiwat, Director of Department of Building and Site Development Somkiat Thitipoomdeja, Assist. Prof., Head of Materials and Metallurigical Engineering Department Somchai Hiranvarodom, Associate Dean of Faculty of Engineering Sommai Pivsa-Art, Associate Dean of Faculty of Engineering Program "Activities of Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University", Kiyoshi Yoshikawa (Institute of Advanced Energy Kyoto University) "Bio-energy as a Eco-available System", Susumu Yoshikawa (Institute of Advanced Energy Kyoto University) "A Framework for Planning and Monitoring of the Implementation of Energy Conservation and Development of Renewable Energy Resources", Surapong Chirarattananon (Energy Program, Asian Institute of Technology) "New Quantum-Radiation Energy", Tetsuo Yamazaki (Institute of Advanced Energy Kyoto University) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University "E-Z Photoisomerization of Olefin using Crowned Triplet Sensitizers toward Chemical Storage of Solar Energy", Ken Kokubo, Hidenobu Kakimoto and Takumi Oshima (Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University) Kiyoshi Yoshikawa, Prof., Director Rajamangala Institute of Technology "Confinement of High Temperature Plasmas", K. Nagasaki1, F. Sano1, K. Kondo2, T. Mizuuchi1, H. Program Committee Okada1, M. Wakatani2, K. Hanatani1, Y. Nakamura2, M. Nakasuga2, T. Obiki1, K. Yoshikawa1 (1Institute of Advanced Energy Kyoto University, 2Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University) "Development of Novel Elastomeric Blends Containing Natural Rubber and Ultra-Low-Density Polyethylene", Varaporn Tanrattanaku1 and W. Udomkichdecha2 (1Polymer Science Program, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, 2Department of Material Science, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University) "Rheology and Cure Characteristic of Tyre-Tread Reclaimed Rubber / NR Compound", C. Kumnuantip1 and N. Sombatsompop2 (1The Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2DSchool of Energy and Materials, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi) "Complete-knock-down mini-sport stand constructed with Steel Fibre Reinforced Mortar", Thamrong Prempridi (Graduate School, Vongchawalitkul University) "Micro-testing and Micro-sampling Techniques And the Applications to Micro-mechanical and Microstructural Analyses", Akira Kohyama (Institute of Advanced Energy Kyoto University) "Evaluation of Filler Effects of Tire Tread Rubbers in Large Shearing Deformation Using Differential Dynamic Modules as Predictor", Yoshinobu Inoue (Department of Chemistry, Nagoya University of Technology) "Analytical Property Study of 18 Karat Gold", Pichet Limsuwan1 and Kittipong Kimapong2 (1Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Rajamangala Institute of Technology) "Formation of Silica and Titania Nanotubes through a Surfactant-Assisted Templating Mechanism in Laurylamine / Metal Alkoxide System", Motonari Adachi, Yusuke Murata, and Susumu Yoshikawa (Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University) "An Optional Design of PV Systems a Thai rural village", S. Hiranvarodom1, R. Hill1, P. O'Keefe2 and N. M. Pearsall3 (1Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Rajamangala Institute of Technology, 2Northumbria Photovoltaics Application Centre, School of Engineering, University of Northumbria, 3Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Northumbria) "Solar-energy Utilizing System for Highly Efficient Production of Clean Energy: Preparation and Photocatalysis of Nano-sized TiO2 Layered Films", Takashi Sagawa, Makoto Kotani, Hideaki Nada, Hideyuki Kanehara, Xiaoli Ji, and Katsutoshi Ohkubo (Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University) "Study on Biodegradable Plastics in Japan", Atsuyoshi Nakayama (The Special Division for Human life Technology, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) "The Synthesis of Ceramic Nanotubes / Nanowires Using Quadrivalent Metal Alkoxide", Yusuke Murata, Motonari Adachi, and Susumu Yoshikawa (Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University) "Design and Synthesis of Artificial -Helical Polypeptides Conjugated with Porphyrin Chromophores as a Basic Study for Peptide Engineering", Seiji Sakamoto and Susumu Yoshikawa (Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University) "Synthesis, Characterization and Biodegradability of Biodegradable Copolyesteramides", Sommai Pivsa-Art1 and Atsuyoshi Nakayama2 (1Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Rajamangala Institute of Technology, 2The Special Division for Human life Technology, Nattional Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) "Bio-catalyst System for Energy-recycle use: Photochemical System for Regeneration of NADH with Multilayered TiO2 Nanoparticles", Takashi Sagawa1, Mikako Kawaguchi1, Ryota Sueyoshi1,2, Hirotaka Ihara1,2, and Katsutoshi Ohkubo1 (1Institute of Advanced Energy Kyoto University, 2Department of Applied Chemistry & Biochemistry, Kumamoto University) "Formation and Photo-Catalytic Activity of Composite Nanotubes of Titania and Tinoxide", Sorapong Pavasupree, Yusuke Murata, Motonari Adachi, and Susumu Yoshikawa (Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University) "Formation of Ceramic Nanotubes and Application for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells", Issei Okada, Motonari Adachi, Yusuke Murata, and Susumu Yoshikawa (Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University) "Formation of Gold Nono-wire by a Fusion of Gold Nano-particles", Koichi Mori, Motonari Adachi, Yasuo Sato, and Susumu Yoshikawa (Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University) "Design and Synthesis of Combinatorial Peptide Library with Porphyrin Binding Ability", Hiroyuki Fujimoto, Seiji Sakamoto, and Susumu Yoshikawa (Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University) "Cassava Rhizome: Potential to be an Alternative Fuel", Doungrudee Supatimusro and Churairat Duangduen (Chemical Research Institute, Rajamangala Institute of Technology) "A New Technique for Mearsuring True Temperatures of Flowing PP Melt in a Circular Duct", Somjate Patcharaphun and Narongrit Sombatsompop (Division of Materials Technology, School of Engineering and Materials, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi) "Effects of Magnetic Fields on Die Swell of Polymer Melts in Capillary Extrusion", Rapeephun Dangtungee and Narongrit Sombatsompop (Division of Material Technology, School of Engineering and Materials, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi) "Epoxidation and Degradation of Highly Purified Natural Rubber", Warunee Klinklai, Seiichi Kawahara, and Yoshinobu Inoue (Department of Chemistry, Nagoya University of Technology) "The impact Properties of Bulk PS/LDPE Blends", Chatchai Kunyawut1 and Julia S. Higgins2 (1Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Rajamangala Institute of Technology, 2Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of London) "A Study of Molecular Vibration Structure of Tetraphenyl Derivatives of Group IV-A Elements Using Inelastic Neutron Scattering", Sriwalai Om-apinyan1, U. A. Jayasooriya2, J. Tomkinson3, and J. A. Stride4 (1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Rajamangala Institute of Technology, 2School of Chemical Science, University of East Anglia, 3Rather Appleton Laboratory, 4Neutron Scattering Berlin Center) "Methane Production from the Biological Sulfate Process Using Molasses as an Electron Donar and Carbon Source", Saovapak Suktrakoolvait1 and Ajit P. Annachhatre2 (1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Rajamangala Institute of Technology, 2Environmental Engineering Program, Asian Institute of Technology) Compatibilized 3. Other Collaboration Works Advanced Division Energy Generation Advanced Atomic Energy Research Section イ リ ノ イ 大 学 核 融 合 研 究 所 ( Fusion Studies Laboratory, University of Illinois)「慣性静電閉じ込 め核融合中性子源に関する研究」(Study of Neutron Source Using Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion)山本 靖(Y. Yamamoto). 拠点大学方式による学術交流事業(Core University Program )「 核 融 合 理 工 学 」 (Fusion Science and Engineering), 山本 靖(N. Inoue, Y. Yamamoto) 子線生成に関する研究」,竹内 浩、吉川 日本原子力研究所,「負イオンビームとプラズマ中 のイオンとの相互作用に関する研究」, 奥村 義和、 渡部 和弘、吉川 潔 核融合科学研究所, 「放電型核融合中性子源内にお ける電界分布の分光的時間・空間高精緻計測」, 須 藤 滋、吉川 潔 イオン工学研究所, 「加工・構造部材のナノ表面改 質技術の高度化と応用に関する調査研究」, 吉川 潔 財団法人カシオ科学振興財団, 「増田 研究助成」, 増田 開 Advanced Particle Beam Energy Research Section 日本原子力研究所,「レーザ誘起蛍光法による空 間・時間高分解能電界計測用高効率励起ヘリウム原 潔 開に対する 核融合科学研究所・LHD 計画共同研究, 「ECH を 用いた非誘導方式プラズマ生成と完全電流駆動プ ラズマの長時間維持に関する研究」, 長崎百伸 核融合科学研究所・LHD 計画共同研究, 「高密度プ ラズマECH法の開発」, 長崎百伸 Division 核融合科学研究所・LHD 計画共同研究, 「複合照射 条件下におけるプラズマ対向材および燃料粒子挙 動の解明」, 長崎百伸 九州大学応用力学研究所, 「電子サイクロトロン共 鳴加熱のための高パワーミリ波伝送系に関する研 究」, 長崎百伸 Advanced Plasma Energy Research Section 核融合科学研究所, 「ヘリカル型装置の閉じ込め改 善に関する研究」, 大引得弘、佐野史道、花谷清、 水内亨、長崎百伸、岡田浩之、森本茂行、北島純男、 核融合科学研究所 LHD、CHS 研究グループ、他 核融合科学研究所, 「ヘリカル系におけるダイバー タの研究」, 大引得弘、中須賀正彦、水内亨、長 崎百伸 核融合科学研究所, 「ダイバータにおける複合現象 共同研究者」, 水内亨、野田信明、田辺哲朗、高 村秀一、吉田直亮、森田健治、他 核融合科学研究所, 「水素原子及び不純物のスペク トル線の超微細構造の測定による LHD 定常プラズ マの解析」, 近藤克己、佐野史道、大引得弘、水 内亨、長崎百伸、須藤滋、他 核融合科学研究所, 「準軸対称ヘリカル装置の概念 設計」, 松岡啓介、岡村昇一、大引得弘、佐野史 道、近藤克己、若谷誠宏、花谷清、水内亨、中村祐 司、長崎百伸、岡田浩之、別生榮、中須賀正彦、他 応用力学研究所, 「プラズマ・核融合分野の研究推 進システムの検討」, 後藤誠一,犬竹正明,大引 得弘,水内亨,前川孝,田中仁,岡田成文,山中龍 彦,西原功修,他 CIEMAT(スペイン), 「ヘリオトロン J における ECH,ECE のためのレイトレーシングコード開発」, V. Tribaldos、長崎百伸、水内亨、大引得弘、他 ハリコフ研究所(ウクライナ), 「核融合科学研究 所 研究課題:, ヘリカル型装置におけるダイバータプ ラズマに関する研究」, V.V.Chechkin、水内亨、大 引得弘、増崎貴、他 Adavanced Energy Conversion Advanced Section Energy Materials Research 核融合科学研究所, 「高性能ブランケット用低放射 化フェライト鋼の開発」,香山 晃, 加藤雄大, 神保 光一, 木村晃彦, 森下和功, 柴山環樹, 幸野 豊, 廣瀬貴規, 朴 峻秀, 西 義武, 小栗和也,室賀健夫, 西村 新, 井上徳之, 長坂琢也, 相良明男, 本島 修 核融合科学研究所, 「核融合炉材料の微小試験片に よる損傷評価」, 加藤雄大, 栗下裕明, 香山 晃, 岡 田亜紀良, 佐藤 学, 木村晃彦, 森下和功, 山本琢 也, 福元謙一, 柴山環樹, 岩井岳夫, 芹澤 久, 谷 川博康, 安堂正巳, 檜木達也, 小谷政規, 岸本弘立, 楊 文, 安田和弘, 佐東信司, 室賀健夫, 西村 新, 井上徳之, 坂本隆一, 長坂琢也, 野田信明, 本 島 修 東北大学金属材料研究所, 「核融合炉用先進複合材 料の中性子照射効果」, 香山 晃, 加藤雄大, 檜木 達也, 董 紹明, 岸本弘立, 小谷政規, 楊 文, 朴 峻秀, 野澤貴史, 広中敬祐, 荻原寛之, 近藤創介, 植西 徹 東北大学金属材料研究所, 「フェライト系共通試料 の中性子照射効果」,香山 晃, 加藤雄大, 幸野 豊, 鳴井 實, 廣瀬貴規, 酒瀬川英雄, 鈴木貴史, 荻原 寛之, 戸花敏勝, 林 小夏 Advanced Energy Transportatin Research Section (財)福井県産業振興財団,「短パルス高強度レー ザーによる機能性硬質薄膜制御技術の研究」, 宮崎 健創(エネルギー理工学研究所), 安丸尚樹(福井 県産業振興財団コア研究室・兼業研究員),木内淳 介(福井県産業振興財団コア研究室・兼業研究員) 核融合科学研究所共同研究,「細管内の水の上向流 における沸騰限界熱流束」, 畑 幸一(エネルギ− 理工学研究所), 佐藤肇幸(エネルギー科学研究科) 塩津正博(エネルギー科学研究科) 野田信明(核融合科学研究所) 核融合科学研究所 LHD 計画共同研究, 「高熱負荷 ダイバータ冷却設計データベースに関わる銅円管 内強制対流沸騰熱伝達と限界熱流束の研究」,畑 幸一(エネルギ− 理工学研究所), 佐藤肇幸(エネ ルギー科学研究科), 塩津正博(エネルギー科学研 究科), 野田信明(核融合科学研究所) 核融合科学研究所 LHD 計画共同研究, 「超流動ヘ リウム中での超伝導コイルの過渡的な冷却安定性 の評価試験」, 塩津正博(エネルギー科学研究科) 白井康之(エネルギー科学研究科), 畑 幸一(エ ネルギ− 理工学研究所), 濱 勝彦(エネルギー理 工学研究所), 達本衡輝(エネルギー科学研究科) 塚本修巳(横浜国立大学), 山岸一人(横浜国立大 学), 付 猷昆(横浜国立大学), 竹尾正勝(九州 大学), 福田研二(九州大学), 小林久恭(日本大 学), 岡本哲至(東京工業大学), 本島 修(核融 合科学研究所), 今川信作(核融合科学研究所), 柳 長門(核融合科学研究所), 岩本晃史(核融合科学 研究所), 前川龍司(核融合科学研究所), 濱口真 司(核融合科学研究所) 核燃料サイクル開発機構,「ナトリウムの沸騰伝熱 特性に関する研究」,塩津正博(エネルギー科学研 究科), 白井康之(エネルギー科学研究科), 畑 幸 一(エネルギ− 理工学研究所), 竹内右人(エネル ギー理工学研究所), 濱 勝彦(エネルギー理工学 研究所) Advanced Energy Storage Research Section 核融合科学研究所,「核融合炉工学要素技術開発」, 木村晃彦 他 University of Illinois at Urbana Campaign, "Application of Small Specimen Technology to Evaluation of Material Performance under Neutron Irradiation", J.F. Stubbins, A. Kimura Seoul National University, "Improvement of material performance of PVS by addition of nickel", Hu-Chull Lee, A. Kimura (CUP) Seoul National University, "Evaluation of IGSCC of welded SUS304", Il Soon Hwang, A. Kimura (CUP) Seoul National University, "Irradiation Effects on SUS304 clad PVS", In Sup Kim, A. Kimura Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA, "A Multiscale Modeling of Radiation Damage Process", K. Morishita, B.D. Wirth, T. Diaz de la Rubia 九州大学応用力学研究所,「核融合炉材料のガス不 純物挙動に関する研究」,森下和功,菅野隆一朗, 北尾 健,笠田竜太、木村晃彦、岩切宏友,高尾康 之,吉田直亮 日本 AEM 学会,「材料劣化機構の電磁解明」分科 会,森下和功,中曽根,塚田 隆,青砥,荒 克之, 海老根典也,葛西直子,宮 健三,山田興治 他 文部科学省核融合科学研究所,平成 13 年度共同研 究員,森下和功 原子力安全システム研究所,「原子力材料の照射脆 化基礎研究」,木村晃彦 他 Complex Plasma Systems Research Section 核燃料サイクル開発機構,「マルテンサイト系酸化 物分散強化鋼の照射効果」,木村晃彦 他 核融合科学研究所「ヘリカル型装置の閉じ込め改善 に関する研究」(研究分担者:佐野史道、花谷清、 岡田浩之) 名古屋産業科学研究所,「炉内構造物における照射 損傷組織の回復挙動に関する研究」,木村晃彦 他 東北大学金属材料研究所,「軽水炉圧力容器鋼の健 全性評価に関する研究」,木村晃彦 他 核融合科学研究所共同研究「準軸対称ヘリカル装置 の概念設計」(研究分担者:佐野史道、花谷清) 核融合科学研究所共同研究「LHD における輸送閉 じ込め研究」 (研究分担者:佐野史道) Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA, "R&D of Reduced Activation Martensitic Steels for Fusion Blanket Material", R.L. Klueh, A. Kimura 核融合科学研究所共同研究「先進ヘリカル磁場配位 の研究」(研究分担者:花谷清) Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA, "Assessment of Helium Effects on Ferritic Steels", D.S. Gelles, A. Kimura 核融合科学研究所共同研究「CHS における閉じ込 め・加熱実験(所内主導型)」(研究分担者:花谷 清) Moscow State Engineering-Physics Institute (Technical University) (MEPhl-MIFI), "Irradiation Influence on Ti-Ni Shape Memory Alloys", V.P. Filippov, A. Kimura 核融合科学研究所・汎用計算機利用共同研究「ヘリ オトロン J における NBI 加熱のモンテカルロ・シミ ュレーション」(研究代表者:花谷清) Section 核融合科学研究所共同研究「プラズマ理論の諸問題 と展開」(研究分担者:花谷清) 岡崎国立共同研究機構分子科学研究所理論研究系, 「第一原理からのタンパク質の立体構造予測シミ ュレーション法の開発」, 木下正弘、岡本祐幸、平 田文男 核融合科学研究所共同研究「LHD における ICRF 加 熱実験の解析と計画検討」(研究分担者:岡田浩之) Advanced Energy Utilization Division Chemical Reaction Research Section Complex Processes Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen, "Laser assisted nickel deposition onto silicon", Yukio H. Ogata, Junji Sasano, Tetsuo Sakka, Patrik Schmuki Molecular Assembly Design Department of Chemistry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, "Development of Microscopic Theory for Metal-Aqueous Electrolyte Solution Interface", M. Kinoshita and G. N. Patey Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, "Development of Methodology for Predicting Approximate Shapes and Size Distribution of Micelles", M. Kinoshita and M. Holovko Research 4. Agreement for Scientific Cooperation 京都大学エネルギー理工学研究所(京都府宇治市・ 日本)— スペイン国立CIMAT研究所(マドリッ ド・スペイン)との間の相互科学協力協定,2001 年 5 月 16 日 AGREEMENT for Scientific Cooperation Between Institute of Advanced Energy Kyoto University and Centro de Investigaciones Enerģeticas, Medioambientales y Tecológicas, Madrid, Spain. Final sign on 16 May 2001. 京都大学エネルギー理工学研究所(京都府・日本) — エアランゲン・ニュルンベルク大学材料科学(エ アランゲン・ドイツ)との間の相互科学交流協定, 2001 年 7 月 24 日 AGREEMENT for Scientific Cooperation Between Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, Japan and Department of Materials Science and Engineering of the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany. Final sign on 24 July 2001. 3. Other Collaboration Works Advanced Division Energy Generation Advanced Atomic Energy Research Section イ リ ノ イ 大 学 核 融 合 研 究 所 ( Fusion Studies Laboratory, University of Illinois)「慣性静電閉じ込 め核融合中性子源に関する研究」(Study of Neutron Source Using Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion)山本 靖(Y. Yamamoto). 拠点大学方式による学術交流事業(Core University Program )「 核 融 合 理 工 学 」 (Fusion Science and Engineering), 山本 靖(N. Inoue, Y. Yamamoto) Advanced Particle Beam Energy Research Section 日本原子力研究所,「レーザ誘起蛍光法による空 間・時間高分解能電界計測用高効率励起ヘリウム原 子線生成に関する研究」,竹内 浩、吉川 潔 日本原子力研究所,「負イオンビームとプラズマ中 のイオンとの相互作用に関する研究」, 奥村 義和、 渡部 和弘、吉川 潔 核融合科学研究所, 「放電型核融合中性子源内にお ける電界分布の分光的時間・空間高精緻計測」, 須 藤 滋、吉川 潔 イオン工学研究所, 「加工・構造部材のナノ表面改 質技術の高度化と応用に関する調査研究」, 吉川 潔 財団法人カシオ科学振興財団, 「増田 開に対する 研究助成」, 増田 開 核融合科学研究所・LHD 計画共同研究, 「ECH を用 いた非誘導方式プラズマ生成と完全電流駆動プラ ズマの長時間維持に関する研究」, 長崎百伸 核融合科学研究所・LHD 計画共同研究, 「高密度プ ラズマECH法の開発」, 長崎百伸 核融合科学研究所・LHD 計画共同研究, 「複合照射 条件下におけるプラズマ対向材および燃料粒子挙 動の解明」, 長崎百伸 九州大学応用力学研究所, 「電子サイクロトロン共 鳴加熱のための高パワーミリ波伝送系に関する研 究」, 長崎百伸 Advanced Plasma Energy Research Section 核融合科学研究所, 「ヘリカル型装置の閉じ込め改 善に関する研究」, 大引得弘、佐野史道、花谷清、 水内亨、長崎百伸、岡田浩之、森本茂行、北島純男、 核融合科学研究所 LHD、CHS 研究グループ、他 核融合科学研究所, 「ヘリカル系におけるダイバー タの研究」, 大引得弘、中須賀正彦、水内亨、長 崎百伸 核融合科学研究所, 「ダイバータにおける複合現象 共同研究者」, 水内亨、野田信明、田辺哲朗、高 村秀一、吉田直亮、森田健治、他 核融合科学研究所, 「水素原子及び不純物のスペク トル線の超微細構造の測定による LHD 定常プラズ マの解析」, 近藤克己、佐野史道、大引得弘、水 内亨、長崎百伸、須藤滋、他 核融合科学研究所, 「準軸対称ヘリカル装置の概念 設計」, 松岡啓介、岡村昇一、大引得弘、佐野史 道、近藤克己、若谷誠宏、花谷清、水内亨、中村祐 司、長崎百伸、岡田浩之、別生榮、中須賀正彦、他 応用力学研究所, 「プラズマ・核融合分野の研究推 進システムの検討」, 後藤誠一,犬竹正明,大引 得弘,水内亨,前川孝,田中仁,岡田成文,山中龍 彦,西原功修,他 CIEMAT(スペイン), 「ヘリオトロン J における ECH,ECE のためのレイトレーシングコード開発」, V. Tribaldos、長崎百伸、水内亨、大引得弘、他 ハリコフ研究所(ウクライナ), 「核融合科学研究 所 研究課題:, ヘリカル型装置におけるダイバータプ ラズマに関する研究」, V.V.Chechkin、水内亨、 大引得弘、増崎貴、他 Adavanced Energy Conversion Division Advanced Section Energy Materials Research 核融合科学研究所, 「高性能ブランケット用低放射 化フェライト鋼の開発」,香山 晃, 加藤雄大, 神 保光一, 木村晃彦, 森下和功, 柴山環樹, 幸野 豊, 廣瀬貴規, 朴 峻秀, 西 義武, 小栗和也,室賀健 夫, 西村 新, 井上徳之, 長坂琢也, 相良明男, 本 島 修 核融合科学研究所, 「核融合炉材料の微小試験片に よる損傷評価」, 加藤雄大, 栗下裕明, 香山 晃, 岡 田亜紀良, 佐藤 学, 木村晃彦, 森下和功, 山本琢 也, 福元謙一, 柴山環樹, 岩井岳夫, 芹澤 久, 谷 川博康, 安堂正巳, 檜木達也, 小谷政規, 岸本弘立, 楊 文, 安田和弘, 佐東信司, 室賀健夫, 西村 新, 井上徳之, 坂本隆一, 長坂琢也, 野田信明, 本 島 修 東北大学金属材料研究所, 「核融合炉用先進複合材 料の中性子照射効果」, 香山 晃, 加藤雄大, 檜木 達也, 董 紹明, 岸本弘立, 小谷政規, 楊 文, 朴 峻秀, 野澤貴史, 広中敬祐, 荻原寛之, 近藤創介, 植西 徹 東北大学金属材料研究所, 「フェライト系共通試料 の中性子照射効果」,香山 晃, 加藤雄大, 幸野 豊, 鳴井 實, 廣瀬貴規, 酒瀬川英雄, 鈴木貴史, 荻原 寛之, 戸花敏勝, 林 小夏 Advanced Energy Transportatin Research Section (財)福井県産業振興財団,「短パルス高強度レー ザーによる機能性硬質薄膜制御技術の研究」, 宮崎 健創(エネルギー理工学研究所), 安丸尚樹(福井 県産業振興財団コア研究室・兼業研究員),木内淳 介(福井県産業振興財団コア研究室・兼業研究員) 核融合科学研究所共同研究,「細管内の水の上向流 における沸騰限界熱流束」, 畑 幸一(エネルギ− 理工学研究所), 佐藤肇幸(エネルギー科学研究科) 塩津正博(エネルギー科学研究科) 野田信明(核融合科学研究所) 核融合科学研究所 LHD 計画共同研究, 「高熱負荷 ダイバータ冷却設計データベースに関わる銅円管 内強制対流沸騰熱伝達と限界熱流束の研究」,畑 幸一(エネルギ− 理工学研究所), 佐藤肇幸(エネ ルギー科学研究科), 塩津正博(エネルギー科学研 究科), 野田信明(核融合科学研究所) 核融合科学研究所 LHD 計画共同研究, 「超流動ヘ リウム中での超伝導コイルの過渡的な冷却安定性 の評価試験」, 塩津正博(エネルギー科学研究科) 白井康之(エネルギー科学研究科), 畑 幸一(エ ネルギ− 理工学研究所), 濱 勝彦(エネルギー理 工学研究所), 達本衡輝(エネルギー科学研究科) 塚本修巳(横浜国立大学), 山岸一人(横浜国立大 学), 付 猷昆(横浜国立大学), 竹尾正勝(九州 大学), 福田研二(九州大学), 小林久恭(日本大 学), 岡本哲至(東京工業大学), 本島 修(核融 合科学研究所), 今川信作(核融合科学研究所), 柳 長門(核融合科学研究所), 岩本晃史(核融合科学 研究所), 前川龍司(核融合科学研究所), 濱口真 司(核融合科学研究所) 核燃料サイクル開発機構,「ナトリウムの沸騰伝熱 特性に関する研究」,塩津正博(エネルギー科学研 究科), 白井康之(エネルギー科学研究科), 畑 幸 一(エネルギ− 理工学研究所), 竹内右人(エネル ギー理工学研究所), 濱 勝彦(エネルギー理工学 研究所) Advanced Energy Storage Research Section 核融合科学研究所,「核融合炉工学要素技術開発」, 木村晃彦 他 原子力安全システム研究所,「原子力材料の照射脆 化基礎研究」,木村晃彦 他 核燃料サイクル開発機構,「マルテンサイト系酸化 物分散強化鋼の照射効果」,木村晃彦 他 名古屋産業科学研究所,「炉内構造物における照射 損傷組織の回復挙動に関する研究」,木村晃彦 他 東北大学金属材料研究所,「軽水炉圧力容器鋼の健 全性評価に関する研究」,木村晃彦 他 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA, "R&D of Reduced Activation Martensitic Steels for Fusion Blanket Material", R.L. Klueh, A. Kimura Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA, "Assessment of Helium Effects on Ferritic Steels", D.S. Gelles, A. Kimura Moscow State Engineering-Physics Institute (Technical University) (MEPhl-MIFI), "Irradiation Influence on Ti-Ni Shape Memory Alloys", V.P. Filippov, A. Kimura University of Illinois at Urbana Campaign, "Application of Small Specimen Technology to Evaluation of Material Performance under Neutron Irradiation", J.F. Stubbins, A. Kimura Seoul National University, "Improvement of material performance of PVS by addition of nickel", Hu-Chull Lee, A. Kimura (CUP) Seoul National University, "Evaluation of IGSCC of welded SUS304", Il Soon Hwang, A. Kimura (CUP) Seoul National University, "Irradiation Effects on SUS304 clad PVS", In Sup Kim, A. Kimura Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA, "A Multiscale Modeling of Radiation Damage Process", K. Morishita, B.D. Wirth, T. Diaz de la Rubia 核融合科学研究所共同研究「CHS における閉じ込 め・加熱実験(所内主導型)」(研究分担者:花谷 清) 核融合科学研究所・汎用計算機利用共同研究「ヘリ オトロン J における NBI 加熱のモンテカルロ・シミ ュレーション」(研究代表者:花谷清) 核融合科学研究所共同研究「プラズマ理論の諸問題 と展開」(研究分担者:花谷清) 核融合科学研究所共同研究「LHD における ICRF 加 熱実験の解析と計画検討」(研究分担者:岡田浩之) Advanced Energy Utilization Division Chemical Reaction Research Section Complex Processes 九州大学応用力学研究所,「核融合炉材料のガス不 純物挙動に関する研究」,森下和功,菅野隆一朗, 北尾 健,笠田竜太、木村晃彦、岩切宏友,高尾康 之,吉田直亮 Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen, "Laser assisted nickel deposition onto silicon", Yukio H. Ogata, Junji Sasano, Tetsuo Sakka, Patrik Schmuki 日本 AEM 学会,「材料劣化機構の電磁解明」分科会, 森下和功,中曽根,塚田 隆,青砥,荒 克之,海 老根典也,葛西直子,宮 健三,山田興治 他 Molecular Section 文部科学省核融合科学研究所,平成 13 年度共同研 究員,森下和功 岡崎国立共同研究機構分子科学研究所理論研究系, 「第一原理からのタンパク質の立体構造予測シミ ュレーション法の開発」, 木下正弘、岡本祐幸、平 田文男 Complex Plasma Systems Research Section 核融合科学研究所「ヘリカル型装置の閉じ込め改善 に関する研究」(研究分担者:佐野史道、花谷清、 岡田浩之) 核融合科学研究所共同研究「準軸対称ヘリカル装置 の概念設計」(研究分担者:佐野史道、花谷清) 核融合科学研究所共同研究「LHD における輸送閉じ 込め研究」 (研究分担者:佐野史道) Assembly Design Research Department of Chemistry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, "Development of Microscopic Theory for Metal-Aqueous Electrolyte Solution Interface", M. Kinoshita and G. N. Patey Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, "Development of Methodology for Predicting Approximate Shapes and Size Distribution of Micelles", M. Kinoshita and M. Holovko 核融合科学研究所共同研究「先進ヘリカル磁場配位 の研究」(研究分担者:花谷清) 4. Agreement for Scientific Cooperation 京都大学エネルギー理工学研究所(京都府宇治 市・日本)— スペイン国立CIMAT研究所(?・ スペイン)との間の相互科学協力協定,2001 年 5 月 16 日 AGREEMENT for Scientific Cooperation Between Institute of Advanced Energy Kyoto University and Faculty of Engineering Dong-Eui University. Final sign on 16 May 2001. 京都大学エネルギー理工学研究所(京都府・日 本)— エアランゲン・ニュルンベルク大学材料科学 (?・ ドイツ )との間の相互科学交流協定,2001 年 7 月 24 日 AGREEMENT for Scientific Cooperation Between Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, Japan and Korea Basic Science Institute, Republic of Korea. Final sign on 24 July 2001. FINANCIAL SUPPORT 1. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (文部科学省および日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金) Adavanced Energy Generation Division 山本 靖(分担),基盤研究(C),一般,「回転磁 界による定常超高ベータプラズマの生成に関する 理論研究」(代表:関西大学工学部 大西正視) 吉川 潔、基盤研究(B)(2)、「放電型核融合中性資 源内における電界分布の分光的時間・空間計測」 増田 開、奨励研究(A)、「ホロー陰極利用による高 周波電子銃生成電子ビームの高輝度・長パルス化」 伊原博隆(代表),基盤研究(B)(2)展開,「自己集 積型キラル配向場を固定化した HPLC 用光学分割剤 の開発」 山田弘司、基盤研究(B)「高温プラズマ中の高β プラズモイド散逸への非一様磁場の影響」 山田弘司、基盤研究(A)「核融合プラズマ燃料供 給のための固体水素ペレット生成射出装置の高耐 久化」 Adavanced Energy Utilization Division Adavanced Energy Conversion Division 中嶋隆(代表), 基盤研究(B) (1) 「高融点金属 原子の自動電離準位を用いた真空紫外域における 非線形光学」 尾形幸生,萌芽的研究,「光そのものの特性を利用 する半導体上への湿式光アシスト金属析出とパタ ーニング」 作花哲夫,基盤研究(C),「界面張力波の光散乱 スペクトルによる液液界面物性の解析」 春山富義,新富孝和,木村誠宏,塩津正博,畑幸一, 白井康之,水戸利行,前川龍司,岩本晃史,佐藤明 男,三木孝史,基盤研究(A)「He II 冷却による 超伝導磁石システム設計のためのデータベース構 築」 Didier Hamm,奨励研究(A),「湿式プロセスに よる半導体特性を利用する金属-シリコン複合材料 の形成」 塩津正博,畑幸一,白井康之,基盤研究(B)「超 流動ヘリウムの3次元的熱流動特性とその機構」 木下正弘、基盤研究(C)(2)、「ミセル形態及びサイ ズ分布の第一原理的予測法の構築」 木村晃彦(代表),基盤研究(B)(2)「低放射 化マルテンサイト鋼における高濃度ヘリウム注入 による自己修復機能の発現」 佐川 尚,奨励研究(A),「亜鉛含有鋳型高分子錯体 触媒による二酸化炭素固定化用光合成型変換シス テムの構築」 木村晃彦(分担),基盤研究(A)一般「核融合炉 材料の照射下応答の体系化」(代表:東北大学工学 研究科・阿部勝憲) 牧野圭祐, 基盤研究 B(2), 「腫瘍学的一酸化窒素生 体内動態の化学的解明」 佐野史道(代表)、特定領域研究(B)「ヘリカル 磁場配位の最適化」 岡田浩之(分担)、基盤研究(C)「トーラス磁場を 用いた高密度ヘリコン波プラズマの生成に関する 研究」 足立基齊, 基盤研究 B(2),「逆ミセルによる均一粒径 金属超微粒子の調整と二次元自己組織体の創製」 足立基齊, 基盤研究C(2) ,「分子集合体を鋳型とす るナノ・メゾスケールの高次構造材料形成機構」 森井孝, 基盤研究 C(2), 「生体内シグナル応答性高 選択的 DNA 結合スモールプロテインの創製」 2. Others (その他の補助金) Adavanced Energy Generation Division 山嵜鉄夫, 受託研究(日本原子力研究所), 「L バ ンド光電子銃技術に関する調査」 大垣英明, 受託研究((株)野村総合研究所), 「加 速器の制御システムに関する研究」 山本 靖(分担),受託研究(イオン工学研究所), 「高密度プラズマによるシース形成,シース動特性 の理論解析とシミュレーション」 山本 靖,奨学寄付金(日立製作所),「エネルギ ー理工学研究所 山本靖助教授に対する研究助成」 吉川 潔,受託研究(日本原子力研究所), 「レーザ 誘起蛍光法による空間・時間高分解能電界計測用高 効率励起ヘリウム原子線生成に関する研究」 吉川 潔,受託研究(日本原子力研究所), 「負イオ ンビームとプラズマ中のイオンとの相互作用に関 する研究」 吉川 潔,実験技術・開発共同研究(核融合科学研 究所), 「放電型核融合中性子源内における電界分布 の分光的時間・空間高精緻計測」 木村晃彦(代表),受託研究(原子力安全システム 研究所),「原子炉圧力容器鋼の照射脆化に関する 基礎研究」 木村晃彦(代表),奨学寄付金(名古屋産業科学研 究所),「原子力エネルギー材料研究助成」 木村晃彦(代表),受託研究(核燃料サイクル機構), 「9Cr 系 ODS 鋼の重照射効果に関する研究」 木村晃彦(代表),共同研究(核融合科学研究所), 「核融合ブランケット要素技術開発研究」 森下和功(代表),奨学寄付金(東電記念科学技術 研究所),研究助成「照射脆化機構に基づいた原子 炉圧力容器鋼健全性評価手法高度化のための基礎 研究」 笠田竜太,奨学寄付金(日本原子力産業会議 原子力懇談会),「研究助成のため」 関西 伊原博隆(代表),助成研究(佐川先端科学技術振 興財団) 伊原博隆(代表幹事),産学官連携促進事業費(経 済産業省) 吉川 潔,受託研究(イオン工学研究所), 「加工・ 構造部材のナノ表面改質技術の高度化と応用に関 する調査研究」 伊原博隆(代表),奨学寄付金(チッソ㈱) 増田 開,奨学寄付金(財団法人カシオ科学振興財 団),「増田 開に対する研究助成」 伊原博隆(分担),共同研究(日本原子力研究所) 伊原博隆(代表),奨学寄付金(坂本石灰㈲) Adavanced Energy Utilization Division Adavanced Energy Conversion Division 香山 晃,受託研究(科学技術振興事業団),「低 環境負荷エネルギー用複合機能構造材料の開発研 究」 宮崎健創(主査),科学技術振興調整費総合研究(文 部科学省),「短波長高密度パルス光の高機能化技 術の研究」 木村晃彦(代表),受託研究(名古屋産業科学研究 所),「炉内構造物の照射損傷とその回復挙動に関 する研究」 吉川 暹, 科学技術振興調整費総合研究費, 「固相 精密合成によるケミカルライブラリーの構築を基 盤とする超機能性材料の創製と評価に関する研究」 足立基齊,即効型産業技術研究助成事業費助成金 (新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構)「分子集 合体を鋳型とするセラミックナノチューブ等ナノ サイズ材料の創製」 大久保捷敏,受託研究(株式会社 関西新技術研究 所),「メタン・メタノール変換に係わるメタン資 化菌酵素の発現と活性に関する研究」 牧野圭祐,未来開拓学術研究推進事業研究プロジェ クト「新機能人工核酸の化学的創出」; 分担「機能 構造をもった人工核酸の化学による創出」 牧野圭祐(分担),未来開拓学術研究推進事業研究 プロジェクト,「機能構造をもった人工核酸の化学 による創出」 森井 孝, さきがけ研究,「複数のサブユニットから 成るテーラーメイド人工酵素の創製」 PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Adavanced Energy Generation Division Quantum Radiation Energy Research Section Publications Z. Dong, K. Masuda, K. Kii, T. Yamazaki and K. Yoshikawa, "Numerical analysis of radiation buid-up in an FEL oscilator", Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, A475 (2001) pp.187-189. T. Kii, T. Yamaguchi, R. Ikeda, Z. Dong, K. Masuda, H. Toku, K. Yoshikawa and T. Yamazaki, "Experiment and analysis on back-bombardment effect in thermionic RF gun", Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, A475 (2001) pp.588-592. K. Masuda, J. Kitagaki, Z. Dong, T. Kii, T. Yamazaki and K. Yoshikawa, "A design study of a staggered array undulator for high longitudinal uniforminity of undulator peak fields by use of a 2-D code", Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, A475 (2001) pp.608-612 J. Kitagaki, K. Masuda, Z. Dong, T. Kii, T. Yamazaki and K. Yoshikawa, "A design study on electron beam confinement in a staggered array undulator based on a 3D code", Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, A475 (2001) pp.613-616 K. Yoshikawa, K. Takiyama, T. Koyama, K. Taruya, K. Masuda, Y. Yamamoto, H. Toku, T. Kii, H. Hashimoto, N. Inoue, M. Ohnishi and H. Horiike, "Measurements of strongly localized potential well profiles in an inertial electrostatic fusion neutron source", Nuclear Fusion, 41 (2001) pp.717-720 T. Shima, Y. Nagai, T. Baba, T. Takahashi, T. Kii, H. Ohgaki and H. Toyokawa, "GDR problem in photodisintergarion of He-4", NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 687 (2001) pp.127C-131C K. Yamada, N. Sei, H. Ohgaki, T. Mikado and T. Yamazaki, "Characteristics of the NIJI-IV UV-VUVFEL system - toward lasing down to 150 nm using a compact storage ring", Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, A475 (2001) pp.205-210 H. Harada, K. Furutaka, H. Ohgaki and H. Toyokawa, "Fine structure of giant resonance in the Si-28(gamma, abs) reaction", Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 38 (2001) pp.465-469 H. Utsunomiya, Y. Yonezawa, H. Akimune, T. Yamagata, M. Ohta, H. Toyokawa, H. Ohgaki and K. Sumiyoshi, "Photodisintegration of Be-9 and reaction rate for alpha(alpha n, gamma) Be-9", NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 688 (2001) pp.340c-343c H. Utsunomiya, Y. Yonezawa, H. Akimune, T. Yamagata, M. Ohta, H. Toyokawa and H. Ohgaki, "Photodisintegration of Be-9 with laser-induced Compton backscattered gamma rays", PHYSICA, 6301 (2001) pp.18801 三角 智久, 大垣 英明, 大平 俊行, 鈴木 良一, 清 紀弘, 豊川 弘之, 山田 家和勝, 野口 勉, 千脇 光 國, 岡部 茂雄, 小川 博嗣, 安本 正人, "産総研リニ ア ッ ク 施 設 の 現 状 と 利 用 研 究 (2001 年 )", Proceedings of the 26th Linear Accelerator Meeting in Japan KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, (2001) pp.10-12 紀井 俊輝, 甘崎 哲, 堀井 智弘, 増田 開, 吉川 潔, 大垣 英明, 山嵜 鉄夫, "熱陰極高周波電子銃におけ る back-streaming 電子の定量的評価", Proceedings of the 26th Linear Accelerator Meeting in Japan KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, (2001) pp.153-155 T. Horii, K. Masuda, S. Amazaki, T. Kii, H. Toku, H. Ohgaki, T. Yamazaki, and K. Yoshikawa, "TRANSIENT BEAM LOADING EFFECTS CAUSED BY BACK-STREAMING ELECTRONS ONTO A THERMIONIC CATHDE IN AN RF GUN", Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on Accelerator Science and Technology (2001) pp.34-36 T. Tomimasu, H. Ohgaki, H. Toyokawa, M. Yasumoto, Y. Iwasaki, Y. Yamatsu, N. Koga, Y. Hashiguchi, and Y. Ochiai, "The Saga Synchrotron Light Source I", Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on Accelerator Science and Technology, (2001) pp.190-191 T. Mikado, K. Yamada, H. Ohgaki, T. Ohdaira, R. Suzuki, N. Sei, H. Toyokawa, T. Noguchi, M. Chiwaki, S. Sugiyama, H. Ogawa, and M Yasumoto, "ELECTRON ACCELERATOR FOR FACILITY AT THE AIST", Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on Accelerator Science and Technology, (2001) pp.202-204 S. Amazaki, T. Horii, T. Kii, K, Masuda, H. Toku, H. Ohgaki, K. Yoshikawa, and T. Yamazaki, "THE EFFECT OF BACK_STREAMING ELECTRONS TO CATHODE SURFACE TEMPERATURE IN RF GUN, Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on Accelerator Science and Technology, (2001) pp.211-213 Completely Polarized Photon Beam 、 International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science anf Technology、 つくば市、2001 年 10 月 11 日 K. Masuda, T. Kii, T. Yamaguchi, H. Toku, K. Yoshikawa, and T. Yamazaki, "Studies on BackStreaming Electrons onto a Thermionic Cathode in an RF gun", Proc. of the 10th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, (2001) pp.323-324 H. Harada, K. Furutaka, H. Toyokawa, H. Ohgaki: Super-High-Resolution Measurement of Photo-Nuclear Cross Sections、International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science anf Technology、つくば市、2001 年 10 月 11 日 Presentations Norihiro Sei, Kawakatsu Yamada, Hideaki Ohgaki, Hiroshi Ogawa, Masato Yasumoto, Tomohisa Mikado: A study of broad-band free electron laser with a compact storage ring NIJI-IV、2nd Asian Particle Accelerator Conference、Beijing/China、2001/9/19 K. Masuda, T. Kii, T. Yamaguchi, H. Toku, K. Yoshikawa, and T. Yamazaki, "Studies on BackStreaming Electrons onto a Thermionic Cathode in an RF gun", Proceedings on the 10th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Tokyo, Japan, May 13-16 2001 T. Yamazaki, H. Ohgaki, K. Masuda, T. Kii, S. Amazaki, H. Toku, and K. Yoshikawa, "A Design of KUFEL, Proceedings on The 23th International Free Electron Laser Conference and 8th FEL Users Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany, Aug. 13-19, 2001 Toshiteru Kii , Kai Masuda, Satoshi Amazaki, Tomohiro Horii, Hisayuki Toku, Kiyoshi Yoshikawa, Hideaki Ohgaki and Tetsuo Yamazaki, "Evaluation of thermal effects due to back-streaming electrons in IAE RF gun", Proceedings on The 23th International Free Electron Laser Conference and 8th FEL Users Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany, Aug. 13-19, 2001 K. Masuda, T. Horii, S. Amazaki, T. Kii, H. Ohgaki, T. Yamazaki, and K. Yoshikawa, "Transient beam loading effects due to back-streaming electrons onto a thermionic cathode in an rf gun" Proceedings on The 23th International Free Electron Laser Conference, Darmstadt, Germany, Aug. 13-19, 2001 Z.-W. Dong, K. Masuda, T. Kii, T. Yamazaki, and K. Yoshikawa, "Multi-mode competition in an FEL oscillator at perfect synchronism of an optical cavity", Proceedings on The 23th International Free Electron Laser Conference, Darmstadt, Germany, Aug. 13-19, 2001 大 垣 英 明 : Laser-Compton Gamma-ray Beam at AIST(ETL):development and applicaiton, 第 1 回 FEL 応用・核異性体ワークショップ、原研東海、2001 年 9 月 28 日 大垣 英明、豊川 弘之:Parity Measurements with Norihiro Sei, Kawakatsu Yamada, Hideaki Ohgaki, Tomohisa Mikado, Masato Yasumoto, Hiroshi Ogawa : Study of expected performance of the hard X-ray beam for the FEL-X project、23rd International Free Electron Laser Conference、Darmstadt/Germany、2001/8 /22 Tomimasu Takio, Ohgaki Hideaki, Toyokawa Hiroyuki, Yasumoto Masato, Iwasaki Y., Yamatsu Y., Koga Nobuyuki, Hashiguchi Yasushi, Ochiai Yuuji : THE SAGA SYNCHROTRON LIGHT SOURCE, The second asian particle accelerator conference, Beijing/ China, 2001/9/19 Kawakatsu Yamada, Norihiro Sei, Masato Yasumoto, Hiroshi Ogawa, Tomohisa Mikado, Hideaki Ohgaki: Improvement of the storage ring and lasing characteristics in the NIJI-IV FEL, 23rd International Free Electron Laser Conference, Darmstadt/Germany, 2001/8/20 山田 家和勝, 清 紀弘, 安本 正人, 小川 博嗣, 三角 智久, 大垣 英明 : 真空紫外域発振を目指 した NIJI-IV 自由電子レーザー研究の現状, 日本物 理学会 2001 年秋季大会, 2001 年 9 月 20 日 豊川弘之, 大垣英明, 三角智久, 山田家和勝, 清紀 弘, 大平俊之, 鈴木良一, 安本正人, 小川博嗣, 野 口勉 : 産総研電子加速器施設の将来計画, 放射光 学会特別シンポジウム, 東京, 2001 年 10 月 11 日 Adavanced Energy Generation Division Advanced Atomic Energy Research Section Publications N. Inoue, "Japanese Fusion Program and ITER", Fusion Technology, vol.39, pp.293-297(2001). K. Yoshikawa, K. Takiyama, Y. Yamamoto, K. Masuda, H. Toku, T. Koyama, K. Taruya, H. Hashimoto, M. Ohnishi, H. Horiike, and N. Inoue, "Measurement of Plasma Core Properties in an Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion Device", Fusion Technology, vol.39, pp.486-491 (2001). Y. Iwamoto, T. Shirouzu, Y. Yamamoto, and N. Inoue, "Preliminary Results of Cylindrical Electrostatic Confinement Experiment", Fusion Technology, vol.39, pp.552-556 (2001). Y. Yamamoto, R. Kusaba, T. Shirouzu, and N. Inoue, "Effects of Electrode Shape on Fusion Reaction Rate in a Cylindrical Electrostatic Confinement Device", Fusion Technology, vol.39, pp.557-561 (2001). K. Masuda, K. Taruya, T. Koyama, H. Hashimoto, K. Yoshikawa, H. Toku, Y. Yamamoto, M. Ohnishi, H. Horiike, and N. Inoue, "Identification of D-D Fusion Reaction by Simultaneous Neutron and Proton Measurements in an Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion Device", Fusion Technology, vol.39, pp.562-566 (2001). K. Kodera, Y. Takeuchi, Y. Yamamoto, and N. Inoue, "Extraction of Runaway Electrons from Helical Magnetic Confinement System", Fusion Technology, vol.39, pp.1096-1100 (2001). Y. Yamamoto, R. Kusaba, T. Shirouzu, and N. Inoue, "Effects of Electrode Shape on Performance of a Cylindrical Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion Device", Fusion Technology, vol.39, pp.1188-1192 (2001). K. Yoshikawa, K. Takiyama, K. Masuda, H. Toku, T. Koyama, K. Taruya, H. Hashimoto, Y. Yamamoto, M. Ohnishi, H. Horiike, and N. Inoue, "Strongly Localized Porential Profile Measurements through Stark Effects in the Central Core Region of an Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion Device", Fusion Technology, vol.39, pp.1193-1201 (2001). K. Masuda, K. Taruya, T. Koyama, H. Hashimoto, K. Yoshikawa, H. Toku, Y. Yamamoto, M. Ohnishi, H. Horiike, and N. Inoue, "performance Characteristics of an Inertial Electrostatic Fusion Device with a Triple-grid System", pp.1202-1210 (2001). Fusion Technology, vol.39, M. Ohnis Fusion Technology, vol.39, p.1202-1210 (2001). hi, H. Osawa, K. Yoshikawa, K. Masuda, and Y. Yamamoto, "Particle-In-Cell Simulation of Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion Plasma", Fusion Technology, vol.39, pp.1211-1216 (2001). Presentations K. Yoshikawa, K. Takiyama, K. Masuda, Y. Yamamoto, H. Toku, T. Koyama, H. Hashimoto, A. Nagabuchi, T. Mizutani, M. Ohnishi, H. Horiike, N. Inoue, "Potential Profile Measurement by Laser-Induced Fluorescence Method in a Discharge Plasma", US-Japan Workshop on Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Neutron Source, March 22-23, 2001, Huntsville, AL, USA. Y. Yamamoto, K. Noborio, N. Inoue, "Analysis of He Discharge in the Spherical IECF Device using Modified PDS-1 Code", US-Japan Workshop on Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Neutron Source, March 22-23, 2001, Huntsville, AL, USA. M. Ohnishi, H. Osawa, K. Yoshikawa, Y. Yamamoto, "Particle Simulation of Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion Plasma", US-Japan Workshop on Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Neutron Source, March 22-23, 2001, Huntsville, AL, USA. 小山隆弘,橋本宏文,永渕昭弘,水谷俊之,多幾山 憲,増田 開,督 壽之,山本 靖,大西正視,井 上信幸,吉川 潔,「慣性静電閉じ込め核融合装置 のおけるプラズマコアの計測」,日本原子力学会 2001 年春の年会,2001 年 3 月 27-29 日,D39. M. Ohnishi, H. Osawa, K. Yoshikawa, and Y. Yamamoto, "Particle Simulation of Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion Plasma", Japan-Korea CUP Workshop on Fusion and Plasma Science, July 30-31, 2001 at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. Y. Yamamoto, M. Ohnishi, "Small Neutron and Proton Source using Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion", Japan-Korea CUP Workshop on Fusion and Plasma Science, July 30-31, 2001 at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. 大澤穂高,大西正視,吉奥 忍,脇坂直樹,宮城敦 浩,吉川 潔,増田 開,山本 靖,「放電型プラ ズマ中性子源(IEC)の粒子シミュレーション」,日 本原子力学会 2001 年秋の大会,武蔵工業大学,2001 年 9 月 19-21 日,C29. 山本 靖,登尾一幸,井上信幸,「1次元粒子シミ ュレーションコードによる球形慣性静電閉じ込め (S-IEC)装置の放電特性解析」,日本原子力学会 2001 年秋の大会,北海道大学,2001 年 9 月 19-21 日,C30. 台野 貢,東 孝紀,岩元 祐,山本 靖,竹内右 人,「円筒形慣性静電閉じ込め方式核融合に関する 研究」,プラズマ・核融合学会第 18 回年会,クロー バープラザ,2001 年 11 月 27-30 日,29aA01. 小寺 慶,山本 靖,竹内右人,「ヘリカル装置か らの荷電粒子の引き出し」,プラズマ・核融合学会 第 18 回年会, クローバープラザ, 2001 年 11 月 27-30 日,27pB35P. K. Kodera, Y. Takauchi, Y. Yamamoto, H. Yamada, "Extraction of Charged particles from Helical Device", Joint Conference of The 12th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion and The 3rd General Scientific Assembly of Asia Plasma Fusion Association, December 11-14, 2001, Toki, Japan. T. Sakai, K. Noborio, Y. Yamamoto, "Analysis of an Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion Device using a Particle Code with Monte Carlo Collision Scheme", 19th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering, January 21-25, 2002, Trump Plaza, Atlantic City, NJ, USA, PC-2-19. M. Daino, Y. Iwamoto, Y. Yamamoto, "Study of Compact Neutron Source using Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion (IECF)", 19th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering, January 21-25, 2002, Trump Plaza, Atlantic City, NJ, USA, PC-2-17. T. Mizutani, K. Yoshikawa, K. Takiyama, K. Masuda, Y. Yamamoto, H. Toku, K. Nagasaki, H. Hashimoto, A. Nagabuchi, M. Ohnishi, H. Horiike, N. Inoue, "Measurements of the Energy Distribution of Fast Excited Atoms by Doppler Shift Spectroscopy in a Spherical Symmetric Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion Device", 19th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering, January 21-25, 2002, Trump Plaza, Atlantic City, NJ, USA, OC-7-3. K. Yoshikawa, K. Takiyama, K. Masuda, Y. Yamamoto, H. Toku, K. Nagasaki, H. Hashimoto, A. Nagabuchi, T. Mizutani, M. Ohnishi, H. Horiike, N. Inoue, "Potential Profile Measurements by Laser-induced Fluorescence Method in a Helium Discharge Plasma", 19th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering, January 21-25, 2002, Trump Plaza, Atlantic City, NJ, USA, OC-7-4. T. Mizutani, K. Masuda, K. Yoshikawa, K. Takiyama, Y. Yamamoto, H. Toku, K. Nagasaki, H. Hashimoto, A. Nagabuchi, and M. Ohnishi, "Measurements of the Energy Distribution of Fast Excited Atoms by Doppler Shift Spectroscopy", US-Japan Workshop on Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Neutron Source, March 25-26, 2002, Uji, Kyoto, Japan, Mo06. K. Yoshikawa, K. Takiyama, K. Masuda, Y. Yamamoto, H. Toku, K. Nagasaki, H. Hashimoto, A. Nagabuchi, T. Mizutani, and M. Ohnishi, "Potential Profile Measurements by Laser-induced Fluorescence Method in a Helium Discharge Plasma", US-Japan Workshop on Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Neutron Source, March 25-26, 2002, Uji, Kyoto, Japan, Mo07. M. Imoto, K. Masuda, K. Yoshikawa, Y. Yamamoto, K. Nagasaki, H. Toku, and M. Ohnishi, "Two-dimensional Simulation on asymmetry to high voltage feedthrough in a spherical IEC device", US-Japan Workshop on Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Neutron Source, March 25-26, 2002, Uji, Kyoto, Japan, Mo11. Y. Yamamoto, T. Sakai, and K. Noborio, "Analysis of an Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion Device using a Particle Code with Monte Carlo Collision Scheme", US-Japan Workshop on Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Neutron Source, March 25-26, 2002, Uji, Kyoto, Japan, Tu02. H. Osawa, M. Ohnishi, A, Miyagi, K. Yoshikawa, Y. Yamamoto, and K. Masuda, "Three-dimensional particle trajectories in IEC Fusion Device", US-Japan Workshop on Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Neutron Source, March 25-26, 2002, Uji, Kyoto, Japan, Tu03. Adavanced Energy Generation Division Advanced Particle Beam Energy Research Section Publications K. Yoshikawa, K. Takiyama, K. Masuda, H. Toku, T. Koyama, K. Taruya, H. Hashimoto, A. Nagabuchi, T. Mizutani, Y. Yamamoto, M. Ohnishi, H. Horiike, and N. Inoue, "Measurements of Plasma Core Properties in an Inertial-Electrostatic Confinement Fusion Device", Fusion Technology 39-2 (2001) 486-491. K. Masuda, K. Taruya, T. Koyama, H. Hashimoto, K. Yoshikawa, H. Toku, Y. Yamamoto, M. Ohnishi, H. Horiike, and N. Inoue, "Identification of D-D Fusion Reaction by Simultaneous Neutron and Proton Measurements in an Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion Device", Fusion Technology 39-2 (2001) 562-566. K. Nagasaki, Y. Itoh, K. Sakamoto, T. Obiki, T. Maekawa, H. Morioka, T. Terumichi, M. Asakawa, M. G. Shats, and H. Punzmann, "Polarizers with Nonrectangular Grooves for High Power Millimeter Waves", Fusion Engineering and Design 53 (2001) 491-497. K. Nagasaki, M. G. Shats, H. Smith and H. Punzmann, "Power Absorption Calculation for Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating in H-1 Heliac", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 70 (2001) 617-620. W. M. Solomon, M. G. Shats, D. Korneev, and K. Nagasaki, "Collective microwave scattering diagnostic on the H-1 heliac", Rev. Sci. Instruments 72 (2001) 352-354. T. Mizuuchi, M. Nakasuga, F. Sano, Y. Nakamura, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, K. Kondo, and T. Obiki, "Island divertor in a helical-axis heliotron device (Heliotron J)", Journal of Nuclear Materials 290-293 (2001) 678-682. T. Obiki, T. Mizuuchi, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, F. Sano, K. Hanatani, Y. Liu, T. Hamada, Y. Manabe, H. Shidara, W.L. Ang, Y. Ikeda, T. Kobayashi, T. Takamiya, M. Takeda, Y. Ijiri, T. Senju, K. Yaguchi, K. Sakamoto, K. Toshi, M. Shibano, K. Kondo, S. Besshou, Y. Nakamura, M. Nakasuga, M. Wakatani, O. Yamagishi, K. Aizawa, Y. Kawazome, S. Maeno, and K. Tomiyama, "First plasmas in Heliotron J", Nuclear Fusion 41 (2001) 833-844. M. Ohnishi, H. Osawa, K. Yoshikawa, and K. Masuda, "Particle-In-Cell Simulation of Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion Plasma", Fusion Technology 39-3 (2001) 1211-1216. K. Masuda, K. Taruya, T. Koyama, H. Hashimoto, K. Yoshikawa, H. Toku, Y. Yamamoto, M. Ohnishi, H. Horiike, and N. Inoue, "Performance Characteristics of an Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion Device with a Triple-Grid System", Fusion Technology 39-3 (2001) 1202-1210. K. Yoshikawa, K. Takiyama, K. Masuda, H. Toku, T. Koyama, K. Taruya, H. Hashimoto, Y. Yamamoto, M. Ohnishi, H. Horiike, and N. Inoue, "Strongly Localized Potential Profile Measurements through Stark Effects in the Central Core Region of an Inertial-Electrostatic Fusion Device", Fusion Technology 39-3 (2001) 1193-1201. K. Masuda, J. Kitagaki, Z.-W. Dong, T. Kii, T. Yamazaki, and K. Yoshikawa, "A Design Study of a Staggered Array Undulator for High Longitudinal Uniformity of Undulator Peak Fields by use of a 2-D Code", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 475 (2001) 608-612 J. Kitagaki, K. Masuda, T. Kii, T. Yamazaki, and K. Yoshikawa, "A Design Study on Electron Beam Confinement in a Staggered Array Undulator Based on a 3-D Code", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 475 (2001) 613-616. Z.-W. Dong, K. Masuda, T. Kii, T. Yamazaki, and K. Yoshikawa, "Numerical Analysis of Radiation Build-up in an FEL Oscillator", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 475 (2001) 187-189. T. Kii, T. Yamaguchi, R. Ikeda, Z.-W. Dong, K. Masuda, H. Toku, K. Yoshikawa, and T. Yamazaki, "Experiment and analysis on back-bombardment effect in thermionic RF gun", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 475 (2001) 588-592.2.2 Presentations K. Yoshikawa, K. Takiyama, T. Koyama, K. Taruya, K. Masuda, Y. Yamamoto, H. Toku, T. Kii, H. Hashimoto, N. Inoue, M. Ohnishi, and H. Horiike, "Measurements of Strongly Localized Potential Well Profiles in an Inertial Electrostatic Fusion Neutron Source", Nuclear Fusion 41-6 (2001) 717-720. 吉川 潔, 「核融合中性子応用」、第 17 回「核融合 炉」夏期セミナー, ソウル国立大学, ソウル, 韓国, 2001 年 7 月 30-31 日. K. Nagasaki, "Heliotron J Project", Japan Korea CUP Workshop on Fusion and Plasma Science, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, July 30-31, 2001. K. Nagasaki, F. Sano, K. Kondo, T. Mizuuchi, H. Okada, M. Wakatani, K. Hanatani, Y. Nakamura, M. Nakasuga, T. Obiki, and K. Yoshikawa, "Confinement of High Temperature Plasmas", 1st Eco-Energy, and Materials Science and Engineering Symposium, Rajamangala Institute of Technology, Pathumthani, Thailand, Nov. 22-23, 2001. K. Yoshikawa, K. Takiyama, K. Masuda, Y. Yamamoto, H. Toku, K. Nagasaki, H. Hashimoto, A. Nagafuchi, T. Mizutani, M. Ohnishi, and H. Horiike, "Potential Profile Measurements by Laser-Induced Fluorescence Method in a Helium Discharge Plasma", 19th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering, Atlantic City, NJ, USA, January 22-25, 2002. K. Masuda, T. Mizutani, K. Yoshikawa, K. Nagasaki, K. Takiyama, H. Toku, H. Hashimoto, and A. Nagafuchi, "Measurement of the Energy Distribution of Fast Excited Atoms by Doppler Shift Spectroscopy in an Inertial- Electrostatic Confinement Fusion Device", 19th IEEE/ NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering, Atlantic City, NJ, USA, January 22-25, 2002. K. Nagasaki, T. Mizuuchi, H. Okada, F. Sano, K. Kondo, S. Besshou, M. Nakasuga, Y. Manabe, H. Shidara, K. Aizawa, W. L. Ang,, Y. Ikeda, H. Kawazome, T. Kobayashi, S. Maeno, T. Takamiya, M. Takeda, T. Tomiyama, M. Iriguchi, Y. Ohno, H. Kubo, Y. Nishioka, V. Tribaldos, V. Orlov, A. Pavelyev, A. Tolkachev, and T. Obiki, "Plasma Production and Non-Electromagnetic Resonant ECH in Heliotron J", 13th International Stellarator Workshop, Canberra, Australia, February 25March 1, 2002. T. Obiki, H. Okada, T. Mizuuchi, K. Nagasaki, F. Sano, K. Kondo, M. Wakatani, K. Hanatani, Y. Nakamura, S. Besshou, M .Nakasuga, Y. Manabe, H. Shidara, W. L. Ang, H. Kawazome, S. Maeno, T. Takamiya, M. Takeda, K. Tomiyama, H. Tsuru, M. Iriguchi, H. Kubo, Y. Nishioka, Y. Ohno, H. Yukimoto, Y. Ijiri, T. Senju, K. Yaguchi, K. Sakamoto, K. Tohshi, M. Shibano, V. Tribaldos, and F. Tabares, "Overview of Recent Experiments in Heliotron J", 13th International Stellarator Workshop, Canberra, Australia, February 25March 1, 2002. T. Mizuuchi, W. L. Ang,, T. Kobayashi, Y. Nishioka, M. Nakasuga, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, S. Besshou, F. Sano, K. Kondo, Y. Nakamura, T. Hamada, Y. Manabe, H. Shidara, K. Aizawa, Y. Ikeda, Y, H. Kawazome, S. Maeno, T. Takamiya, M. Takeda, K. Tomiyama, H. Tsuru, M. Iriguchi, H. Kubo, Y. Ohno, H. Yukimoto, Y. Ijiri, T. Senju, K. Yaguchi, K. Sakamoto, K. Tohshi, M. Shibano, M. Wakatani, and T. Obiki, "Edge Plasma Characteristics of 53 GHz ECH Discharges in Heliotron J", 13th International Stellarator Workshop, Canberra, Australia, February 25- March 1, 2002. H. Punzmann, M. Shats, K. Nagasaki and H. Smith, "28 GHz ECH System for H-1", 13th International Stellarator Workshop, Canberra, Australia, February 25March 1, 2002. K. Masuda, T. Kii, T. Yamaguchi, H. Toku, K. Yoshikawa, and T. Yamazaki, "Studies on BackStreaming Electrons onto a Thermionic Cathode in an RF gun", the 10th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Tokyo, Japan, May 13-16, 2001 紀井俊輝, 甘崎 哲, 堀井智弘, 増田 開, 吉川 潔, 大垣英明, 山嵜鉄夫,「熱陰極高周波電子銃にお ける back-streaming 電子の定量的評価」, the 26th Linear Accelerator Meeting in Japan, Tsukuba, Japan, Aug. 1-3, 2001. 吉川 潔, 井上信幸, 山嵜鉄夫, 多幾山憲, 増田 開, 督 寿之, 山本 靖, 大西正視, 堀池 寛,「原 子力基礎研究のための球状収束イオンビーム核融 合中性子源に関する研究」, 日本原子力学会 2001 年秋の大会, 北海道大学, 2001 年 9 月 19-21 日. 橋本宏文, 多幾山憲, 永渕昭弘, 水谷俊之, 増田 開, 督 寿之, 長崎百伸, 大西正視, 吉川 潔,「慣 性静電閉じ込め核融合装置における微弱電場強度 分布計測」, 日本原子力学会 2001 年秋の大会, 北海 道大学, 2001 年 9 月 19-21 日. 松村慎也, 増田 開, 紀井俊輝, 山嵜鉄夫, 長崎百 伸, 吉川 潔,「自由電子レーザにおける使用済み電 子ビームのエネルギー回収に関する粒子シミュレ ーション」, 日本原子力学会 2001 年秋の大会, 北海 道大学, 2001 年 9 月 19-21 日. 堀井知弘, 甘崎 哲, 池田竜太, 紀井俊輝, 増田 開, 督 寿之, 山嵜鉄夫, 吉川 潔, 「熱陰極高周波 電子銃における入射電力波形制御によるビームエ ネルギーの安定化」, 日本原子力学会 2001 年秋の 大会, 北海道大学, 2001 年 9 月 19-21 日. T. Horii, K. Masuda, S. Amazaki, T. Kii, H. Toku, H. Ohgaki, T. Yamazaki, and K. Yoshikawa, "TRANSIENT BEAM LOADING EFFECTS CAUSED BY BACK-STREAMING ELECTRONS ONTO A THERMIONIC CATHDE IN AN RF GUN", the 13th Symposium on Accelerator Science and Technology, Osaka, Japan, Oct.29-31,2001. S. Amazaki, T. Horii, T. Kii, K, Masuda, H. Toku, H. Ohgaki, K. Yoshikawa, and T. Yamazaki, "THE EFFECT OF BACK_STREAMING ELECTRONS TO CATHODE SURFACE TEMPERATURE IN RF GUN", the 13th Symposium on Accelerator Science and Technology, Osaka, Japan, Oct.29-31, 2001. 長崎百伸, 「ヘリカルにおける高周波によるプラズ マ制御の成果と今後の課題」, プラズマ・核融合学 会第 18 回年会, シンポジウム IX-3, クローバープ ラザ, 福岡県春日市, 2001 年 11 月 27 日-30 日. 洪遠齢, 水内亨, 中須賀正彦, 近藤克己, 佐野史道, 長崎百伸, 岡田浩之, 別生栄, 千住徹, 矢口啓二, 真鍋義人, 設楽弘之, 川染勇人, 武田全史, 高宮太 承,津留寛樹, 前野正吾, 冨山圭史, 大野宜則, 西岡 佑亮, 大引得弘, 「ヘリオトロン J におけるダイバ ータプラズマの特性」, プラズマ・核融合学会第 18 回年会, クローバープラザ, 福岡県春日市, 2001 年 11 月 27 日-30 日. 西岡佑亮, 水内亨, 近藤克己, 佐野史道, 長崎百伸, 岡田浩之, 中須賀正彦, 別生栄, 千住徹, 矢口啓二, 真鍋義人, 設楽弘之, 洪遠齢, 川染勇人, 武田全史, 高宮太承, 津留寛樹, 前野正吾, 冨山圭史, 大野宜 則, 大引得弘, 「ヘリオトロン J における ECH 放電 時の SOL プラズマ特性」, プラズマ・核融合学会第 18 回 年 会 , ク ロ ー バ ー プ ラ ザ , 福 岡 県 春 日 市 , 2001 年 11 月 27 日-30 日. 設楽弘之, 長崎百伸, 坂本欣三, 中須賀正彦, 大引 得弘, 「ヘリオトロン J における 70GHzECH システ ムの構築」, プラズマ・核融合学会第 18 回年会, ク ローバープラザ, 福岡県春日市, 2001 年 11 月 27 日-30 日. 近藤克己, 水内亨, 長崎百伸, 岡田浩之, 佐野史道, 別生栄, 設楽弘之, 真鍋義人, 洪遠齢, 高宮太承, 武田全史, 津留寛樹, 川染勇人, 前野正吾, 冨山圭 史, 久保浩康, 井尻芳行, 千住徹, 矢口啓二, 坂本 欣三, 東使潔, 芝野匡志, 山岸統, 中須賀正彦, 花 谷清, 中村祐司, 若谷誠宏, 大引得弘, 「ヘリオトロ ン J における ECH 実験」, プラズマ・核融合学会第 18 回 年 会 , ク ロ ー バ ー プ ラ ザ , 福 岡 県 春 日 市 , 2001 年 11 月 27 日-30 日. T. Obiki, F. Sano, K. Kondo, M. Wakatani, T. Mizuuchi, K. Hanatani, Y. Nakamura, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, S. Besshou, M. Nakasuga, Y. Manabe, H. Shidara, W. L. Ang, T. Takamiya, M. Iriguchi, M. Takeda, H. Kawazome, S. Maeno, K. Tomiyama, Y. Ohno, H. Kubo, Y. Nishioka, H. Yukimoto,Y. Ijiri, T. Senju, K. Yaguchi, K. Sakamoto, K. Tohshi, and M. Shibano, "Recent Experiments in Heliotron J", Joint Conference of 12th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion and 3rd General Scientific Assembly of Asia Plasma Fusion Association, Frontiers in Plasma Confinement and Related Engineering/Plasma Science, Toki, Japan, Dec. 11-14, 2001. H. Shidara, K. Nagasaki, K. Sakamoto, H. Yukimoto, M. Nakasuga, F. Sano, K. Kondo, T. Mizuuchi, H. Okada, S. Besshou, Y. Manabe, A. W. Leng, H. Kawazome, S. Maeno, M. Takeda, T. Takamiya, K. Tomiyama, Y. Ohno, H. Kubo, Y. Nishioka, M. Iriguchi, H. Turu, V. Orlov, A. Tolkachev, A. Pavelyev, and T. Obiki, "70 GHz Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating System for Heliotron J", Joint Conference of 12th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion and 3rd General Scientific Assembly of Asia Plasma Fusion Association, Frontiers in Plasma Confinement and Related Engineering/Plasma Science, Toki, Japan, Dec. 11-14, 2001. H. Kawazome, S. Maeno, K. Kondo, M. Iriguchi, M. Takeda, T. Mizuuchi, H. Okada, K. Nagasaki, F. Sano, S. Besshou, Y. Manabe, H. Shidara, W. L. Ang, T. Takamiya, K. Tomiyama, Y. Ohno, H. Kubo, Y. Nishioka, H. Yukimoto, and T. Obiki, "Behavior of intrinsic and injected impurities in Heliotron J ECH plasmas", Joint Conference of 12th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion and 3rd General Scientific Assembly of Asia Plasma Fusion Association, Frontiers in Plasma Confinement and Related Engineering/Plasma Science, Toki, Japan, Dec. 11-14, 2001. W. L. Ang, T. Mizuuchi, M. Nakasuga, F. Sano, K. Kondo, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, S. Besshou, Y. Manabe, H. Shidara, H. Kawazome, S. Maeno, M. Takeda, T. Takamiya, K. Tomiyama, H. Turu, Y. Ohno, H. Kubo, Y. Nishioka, H. Yukimoto, M. Iriguchi, and T. Obiki, "Profiles of Divertor Plasma in Heliotron J", Joint Conference of 12th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion and 3rd General Scientific Assembly of Asia Plasma Fusion Association, Frontiers in Plasma Confinement and Related Engineering/Plasma Science, Toki, Japan, Dec. 11-14, 2001. K. Nagasaki, N. Yanagi, H. Teraoka, T. Mizuuchi, H. Okada, F. Sano, K. Kondo, S. Besshou, M. Nakasuga, Y. Manabe, H. Shidara, W. L. Ang, Y. Kawazome, S. Maeno, T. Takamiya, M. Takeda, K. Tomiyama, H. Tsuru, and T. Obiki, "Electron Bernstein Wave Heating in Spherical Torus and Helical System", US-Japan Workshop on "RF Physics" and "Profile Control and Steady State Operation using RF", Kyushu University, Japan, Feb. 2-5, 2002. H. Shidara, K. Nagasaki, K. Sakamoto, H. Yukimoto, M. Nakasuga, F. Sano, K. Kondo, T. Mizuuchi, H. Okada, S. Besshou,Y. Manabe, A. W. Leng, H. Kawazome, S. Maeno, M. Takeda, T. Takamiya, K. Tomiyama, Y. Ohno, H. Kubo, Y. Nishioka, M. Iriguchi, H. Tsuru, V. Orlov, A. Tolkachev, A. Pavelyev, V. Tribaldos, and T. Obiki "70 GHz Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating System for Heliotron J" Joint Meeting of US-Japan RF Heating Technology Workshop and EU-Japan RF Antenna and the Related Technology Workshop, Inuyama, Japan, Feb. 28 - March 2, 2002. 長崎百伸, 柳長門, 水内亨, 岡田浩之, 佐野史道, 近藤克己, 別生栄, 中須賀正彦, 真鍋義人, 設楽弘 之, 洪遠齢, 川染勇人, 前野正吾, 高宮太承, 武田 全史, 冨山圭史, 津留寛樹, 大引得弘, 「ヘリオトロ ン配位における電子バーンスタイン波加熱」 核融合科学研究所共同研究「ヘリカル型装置の閉じ 込め改善に関する研究」「先進ヘリカル磁場配位の 研究」合同研究会、核融合科学研究所, 2002 年 3 月 5-6 日. 岡田浩之, 水内亨, 長崎百伸, 他,「ヘリオトロン J 実験概要」, 核融合科学研究所共同研究「ヘリカル 型装置の閉じ込め改善に関する研究」「先進ヘリカ ル磁場配位の研究」合同研究会, 核融合科学研究所, 2002 年 3 月 5-6 日. 設楽弘之, 長崎百伸, 他, 「ヘリオトロン J における 70GHzECH システム」, 核融合科学研究所共同研究 「ヘリカル型装置の閉じ込め改善に関する研究」 「先進ヘリカル磁場配位の研究」合同研究会, 核融 合科学研究所, 2002 年 3 月 5-6 日. 長崎百伸, 他,「ヘリカル系における電子サイクロト ロン波によるプラズマ生成」, 第 15 回 TRIAM 研究 会、九州大学応用力学研究所, 2002 年 3 月 14 日. 増田開, 山嵜鉄夫, 大垣英明, 紀井俊輝, 吉川潔, 「京大エネ研熱 RF ガンの現状」, 弥生研究会, "極 短量子ビームポンプ&プローブ分析(III)" , 東京大 学, 平成 14 年 3 月 19-20 日. 長崎百伸, 柳長門, 「ヘリオトロン配位における電 子バーンスタイン波加熱」, 日本物理学会第 57 回 年次大会, 2002 年 3 月 24 日-27 日, 25aXE8. 水内亨, 岡田浩之, 長崎百伸, 佐野史道, 近藤克己, 別生栄, 真鍋義人, 設楽弘之, 洪遠齢, 川染勇人, 前野正吾, 武田全史, 高宮太承, 冨山圭史, 津留寛 樹,入口雅夫, 金子昌司, 久保浩康, 西岡祐亮, 大野 義則, 行本英俊, 西野信博, 大引得弘, 「ヘリオトロ ン J における ECH プラズマ特性」, 日本物理学会第 57 回年次大会, 2001 年 3 月 24 日-27 日, 27aWJ1. M. Imoto, K. Masuda, K. Yoshikawa, Y. Yamamoto, K. Nagasaki, H. Toku, and M. Ohnishi, "Two-dimensional simulations on asymmetry due to high voltage feedthrough in a spherical IEC device", the 4th US-Japan Workshop on Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Neutron Sources, Kyoto, Japan, March 25-26, 2002. T. Mizutani, K. Masuda, K. Yoshikawa, K. Takiyama, Y. Yamamoto, H. Toku, K. Nagasaki, H. Hashimoto, A. Nagabuchi, and M. Ohnishi, "Measurements of the energy distribution of fast excited atoms by Doppler shift spectroscopy", the 4th US-Japan Workshop on Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Neutron Sources, Kyoto, Japan, March 25-26, 2002. K. Yoshikawa, K. Takiyama, K. Masuda, Y. Yamamoto, H. Toku, K. Nagasaki, H. Hashimoto, A. Nagabuchi, T. Mizutani, M. Ohnishi, and H. Horiike, "Potential profile measurements by laser-induced fluorescence method in a helium discharge plasma", the 4th US-Japan Workshop on Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Neutron Sources, Kyoto, Japan, March 25-26, 2002. H. Osawa, M. Ohnishi, A. Miyagi, K. Yoshikawa, Y. Yamamoto, and K. Masuda, "Three- dimensional particle trajectories in IEC fusion device", the 4th US-Japan Workshop on Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Neutron Sources, Kyoto, Japan, March 25-26, 2002. Adavanced Energy Generation Division Advanced Plasma Energy Research Section Publications Presentations T. Mizuuchi, M. Nakasuga, F. Sano, Y. Nakamura, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, K. Kondo, and T. Obiki, "Island divertor in helical-axis heliotron device (Heliotron J)", J. Nuclear Materials, 290-293 (2001) pp.678-682. T. Obiki, T. Mizuuchi, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, K. Hanatani, Y. Liu, T. Hamada, Y. Manabe, H. Shidara, WL. Ang, Y. I. keda, T. Kobayashi, T. Tomiyama, M. Takeda, Y. Ijiri, T. Senju, K. Yaguchi, K. Sakamoto, K .Toshi, K. Kondo, S. Besshou, Y. Nakamura, M. Nakasuga, M. Wakatani, O. Yamagishi, K. Aizawa, Y. Kawazone, S. Maeno, K. Tomiyama, "First plasmas in Heliotron J", Nucl. Fusion, 41 (2001) pp.833-843. S. Bessou, K. Aizawa, K. Tomiyama, K. Kondo, T. Mizuuchi, K. Nagasaki, T. Obiki, H. Okada, F. Sano, "Diamagnetic double-loop method for a highly sensitive measurement of energy stored in a Stellarator plasma", Rev. Sci. Instrument, 72 (2001) pp.3859-3863. K. Nagasaki, Y. Itoh, K. Sakamoto, T. Obiki, T. Maekawa, H. Morioka, T. Terumichi, M. Asakawa, M. G. Shats, H. Punzmann, "Polarizers with non-rectangular grooves for high power millmeter waves", Fusin Eng. Design, 53 (2001) pp491-497. 水内亨,岡田浩之,長崎百伸,別生榮,佐野史道, 近藤克己,浜田貴照,真鍋義人,設楽弘之,相澤健 太郎,洪遠齢,池田洋一,川染勇人,小林亨,武田 全史,高宮太承,冨山圭史,前野正吾,井尻芳行, 千住徹,矢口啓二,坂本欣三,東使潔,芝野匡志, 中須賀正彦,花谷清,中村祐司,若谷誠宏,大引得 弘, 「ヘリオトロンJ第1期実験」,プラズマ・核融 合学会誌,VOl.77,No.5, (2001) pp.484-494. MIZUUCHI Tohru, OKADA Hiroyuki, NAGASAKI Kazunobu, BESSHOU Sakae, SANO Fumimichi, KONDO Katsumi, HAMADA Takateru, MANABE Yoshito, SHIDARA Hiroyuki, AIZAWA Kentaro, ANG Wanling, IKEDA Yoichi, KAWAZOME Hayato, KOBAYASHI Tohru, TAKEDA Masafumi, TAKAMIYA Tasho, TOMIYAMA Keishi, MAENO Keigo, IJIRI Yoshiyuki, SENJU Tohru, YAGUCHI Keiji, SAKAMOTO Kinzo, TOSHI Kiyoshi, SHIBANO Masashi, NAKASUGA Masahiko, HANATANI Kiyoshi, NAKAMURA Yuji, WAKATANI Masahiro, OBIKI Tokuhiro, "Results of the First Experiment in Heliotron J", J. Plasma Fusion Research, VOl.77, No.5, (2001) pp.484-494. T. Obiki, F. Sano, K. Kondo, M. Wakatani, T. Mizuuchi, K. Hanatani, Y. Nakamura, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, S. Besshou, M. Nakasuga, Y. Liu, T. Hamada, Y. Manabe, H. Shidara, W.L. Ang, Y. Ikeda, T. Kobayashi, T. Takamiya, M. Takeda, O. Yamagishi, K. Aizawa, H. Kawazome, S. Maeno, K. Tomiyama, Y. Ijiri, T. Senju, K. Yaguchi, K. Sakamoto, K. Toshi, M. Shibano, "Plasma Research in Heliotron J - Concept Exploration Experiments on the Helical-Axis Heliotron -", 6th Int. Workshop on Interrelationship between Plasma Experiments in the Laboratory and Space, (July, 2001) Invited Talk. 近藤克己,水内亨,長崎百伸,岡田浩之,佐野史道, 別生榮,設楽弘之,真鍋義人,洪遠齢,高宮太承, 武田全史,津留寛樹,川染勇人,前野正吾,冨山圭 史,久保浩康,井尻芳行,千住徹,矢口啓二,坂本 欣三,東使潔,芝野匡志,山岸統,中須賀正彦,花 谷清,中村祐司,若谷誠宏,大引得弘,「ヘリオト ロンJにおけるECH実験」,プラズマ・核融合学 会第 18 回年会(2001 年 11 月)29pB08(招待講演). 設楽弘之,設楽弘之,坂本欣三,行本瑛俊,中須賀 正彦,佐野史道,近藤克己,水内亨,岡田浩之,別 生榮,真鍋義人,洪遠齢,川染勇人,前野正吾,武 田全史,高宮太承,津留寛樹,大野宜則,久保浩康, 西 岡 佑 亮 , 入 口 雅 夫 , 津 留 寛 樹 , Victor Orlov, Alexander Tolkachev, Alexander Pavelyev, 大引得弘, 「ヘリオトロンJにおける 70GHz ECH システムの 構築」,プラズマ・核融合学会第 18 回年会(2001 年 11 月)28aB01P. 松田和晃,森本茂行,水内亨,岡田浩之,佐野史道, 大引得弘,「ヘリオトロン磁場におけるヘリコン波 プラズマ生成」,プラズマ・核融合学会第 18 回年会 (2001 年 11 月)27pA32P. 洪遠齡,水内亨,中須賀正彦,佐野史道,近藤克巳, 長崎百伸,岡田浩之,真鍋義人,設楽弘之,川染勇 人,武田全史,高宮太承,津留寛樹,冨山圭史,前 野正吾,大野宜則,西岡佑亮,行本瑛俊,久保浩康, 入口雅夫,大引得弘,「ヘリオトロンJにおけるダ イバータプラズマの特性」,プラズマ・核融合学会 第 18 回年会(2001 年 11 月)27pB31P. 西岡佑亮,洪遠齡,水内亨,佐野史道,近藤克巳, 長崎百伸,岡田浩之,中須賀正彦,千住徹,矢口啓 二,東使潔,坂本欣三,芝野匡志,井尻芳行,真鍋 義人,設楽弘之,川染勇人,高宮太承,武田全史, 津留寛樹,冨山圭史,前野正吾,大野宜則,行本瑛 俊,入口雅夫,金子昌司,久保浩康,大引得弘,「ヘ リオトロンJにおける ECH 放電時の SOL プラズマ 特性」,プラズマ・核融合学会第 18 回年会(2001 年 11 月)27pB31P. Hiroyuki Okada, Hiroki Tsuru, Yoichi Ikeda, Katsumi Kondo, Fumimichi Sano, Tohru Mizuuchi, Tokuhiro Obiki, "Thomson Scattering Measurement in Heliotron J", Joint Conf. 12th Int. Toki Conf. on Plasma Phys. Controlled Nucl. Fusion & 3rd General Sci. Assembly Asia Plasma Fusion Association, (Nov. 2001, Toki), PI-14. Tokuhiro Obiki, Fumimichi Sano, Katsumi Kondo, Masahiro Wakatani, Tohru Mizuuchi, Kiyoshi Hanatani, Yuji Nakamura, Kazunobu Nagasaki, Hiroyuki Okada, Sakae Besshou, Masahiko Nakasuga, Yoshito Manabe, Hiroyuki Shidara, Wan Ling Ang, Tasho Takamiya, Masao Iriguchi, Masafumi Takeda, Hayato Kawazome, Shogo Maeno, Keishi Tomiyama, Yoshinori Ohno, Hiroyasu Kubo, Yusuke Nishioka, Hidetoshi Yukimoto, Yoshiyuki Ijiri, Tohru Senju, Keiji Yaguchi, Kinzou Sakamoto, Kiyoshi Tohshi, Masashi Shibano, "Recent Experiments in Heliotron J", Joint Conf. 12th Int. Toki Conf. on Plasma Phys. Controlled Nucl. Fusion & 3rd General Sci. Assembly Asia Plasma Fusion Association, (Nov. 2001, Toki), PI-41. Wan Leng Ang, Tohru Mizuuchi, Masahiko Nakasuga, Fumimichi Sano, Katsumi Kondo, Kazunobu Nagasaki, Hiroyuki Okada, Sakae Besshou, Yoshito Manabe, Hiroyuki Shidara, Hayato Kawazome, Shogo Maeno, Masafumi Takeda, Tasho Takamiya, Keishi Tomiyama, Yoshinori Ohno, Hiroyasu Kubo, Yusuke Nishioka, Hidetoshi Yukimoto, Masao Iriguchi, Tokuhiro Obiki, "Profiles of Divertor Plasma in Heliotron J", Joint Conf. 12th Int. Toki Conf. on Plasma Phys. Controlled Nucl. Fusion & 3rd General Sci. Assembly Asia Plasma Fusion Association, (Nov. 2001, Toki), PI-42. Hiroyuki Shidara, Kazunobu Nagasaki, Kinzo Sakamoto, Hidetoshi Yukimoto, Masahiko Nakasuga, Fumimichi Sano, Katsumi Kondo, Tohru Mizuuchi, Hiroyuki Okada, Sakae Besshou, Yoshito Manabe, Ang Wang Leng, Hayato Kawazome, Shogo Maeno, Masafumi Takeda, Tasho Takamiya, Keishi Tomiyama, Yoshinori Ohno, Hiroyasu Kubo, Yusuke Nishioka, Masao Iriguchi, Tokuhiro Obiki, "70GHz Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating System for Heliotron J", Joint Conf. 12th Int. Toki Conf. on Plasma Phys. Controlled Nucl. Fusion & 3rd General Sci. Assembly Asia Plasma Fusion Association, (Nov. 2001, Toki), PI-51. Hayato Kawazome, Shogo Maeno, Katsumi Kondo, Masao Iriguchi, Masafumi Takeda, Tohru Mizuuchi, Hiroyuki Okada, Kazunobu Nagasaki, Fumimichi Sano, Sakae Besshou, Yoshito Manabe, Hiroyuki Shidara, Wan Leng Ang, Tasho Takamiya, Hiroki Turu, Keishi Tomiyama, Yoshinori Ohno, Hiroyasu Kubo, Yusuke Nishioka, Hidetoshi Yukimoto, Tokuhiro Obiki, "Behavior of Intrinsic and Injected Impurities in Heliotron J ECH plasmas", Joint Conf. 12th Int. Toki Conf. on Plasma Phys. Controlled Nucl. Fusion & 3rd General Sci. Assembly Asia Plasma Fusion Association, (Nov. 2001, Toki), PI-53. S. Morimoto, T. Kitano, N. Yanagi, T. Obiki, "Particle Confinement Study by the Stellarator Diode Method", 13th Int. Stellarator Workshop (Feb. 2002, Canberra), PI:9. Obiki, T, Okada, H, Mizuuchi, T, Nagasaki, K, Sano, F, Kondo, K, Wakatani, M, Hanatani, K, Nakamura,Y, Besshou, S, Nakasuga, M, Manabe, Y, Shidara, H, Ang, W.L, Kawazome, H, Maeno, S, Takamiya, T, Takeda, M, Tomiyama, K, Tsuru, H, Iriguchi, M, Kubo, H, Nishioka, Y, Ohno, Y, Yukimoto, H, Ijiri, Y, Senju, T, Yaguchi, K, Sakamoto, K, Tohshi, K, Shibano, M, V. Tribaldos, V, Tabares, F, "OVERVIEW OF RECENT EXPERIMENTS IN HELIOTRON J", 13th Int. Stellarator Workshop (Feb. 2002, Canberra), OI:8. Mizuuchi, T, Ang, W.L, Kobayashi, T, Nishioka, Y, Nakasuga, M, Nagasaki, K, Okada, H, Besshou, S, Sano, F, Kondo, K, Nakamura, Y, Hamada, T, Manabe, Y, Shidara, H, Aizawa, K, Ikeda, Y, Kawazome, H, Maeno, S, Takamiya, T, Takeda, M, Tomiyama, K, Tsuru, H, Iriguchi, M, Kubo, H, Ohno, Y, Yukimoto, H, Ijiri, Y, Senju, T, Yaguchi, K, Sakamoto, K, Tohshi, K, Shibano, M, Wakatani, M, Obiki, T, "EDGE PLASMA CHARACTERISTICS OF 53 GHz ECH DISCHARGES IN HELIOTRON J", 13th Int. Stellarator Workshop (Feb. 2002, Canberra), OIII:6. K. Nagasaki, T. Mizuuchi, H. Okada, F. Sano, K. Kondo, S. Besshou, M. Nakasuga, Y. Manabe, H. Shidara, K. Aizawa, W. L. Ang, Y. Ikeda, H. Kawazome, T. Kobayashi, S. Maeno, T. Takamiya, M. Takeda, K. Tomiyama, T. Obiki, "Plasma Production and Non-Electromagnetic Resonant ECH in Heliotron J", 13th Int. Stellarator Workshop (Feb. 2002, Canberra), PI:21. H. Shidara, K. Nagasaki, K. Sakamoto, H. Yukimoto, M. Nakasuga, F. Sano, K. Kondo, T. Mizuuchi, H. Okada, S. Besshou, Y. Manabe, A. W. Leng, H. Kawazome, S. Maeno, M. Takeda, T. Takamiya, K. Tomiyama, Y. Ohno, H. Kubo, Y. Nishioka, M. Iriguchi, H. Tsuru, V. Orlov, A. Tolkachev, A. Pavelyev, V. Tribaldos, T. Obiki, "70 GHz Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating System for Heliotron J", Joint meeting of US-Japan RF Heating Technology Workshop and EU-Japan RF Antenna and the Related Technology Workshop, February 28, 2002 (Inuyama, Japan) S., Kubo H., Nishioka Y., Yukimoto H., Takahashi K, Nishio S., Yamada M, Nishino N., Obiki T., "ECH Experiments in Heliotron J", 57th Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, (March, 2002) 27aWJ1. 水内亨,岡田浩之,長崎百伸,近藤克己,佐野史道, 別生榮,真鍋義人,設楽弘之,洪遠齢,川染勇人, 高宮太承,武田全史,津留寛樹,冨山圭史,前野正 吾,入口雅夫,大野宜則,金子昌司,久保浩康,西 岡祐亮,行本英俊,高橋功一,西尾茂,山田雅毅, 西野信博,大引得弘,「ヘリオトロンJにおける ECH プラズマ特性」,日本物理学会第 57 回年会 (2002 年 3 月)27aWJ1. 松本真幸,岩前敦,藤本孝,水内亨,ヘリオトロン Jグループ,「Heliotron J における偏光分光実験」, 日本物理学会第 57 回年会(2002 年 3 月)24aXQ2. Mizuuchi T., Okada H., Nagasaki K., Sano F., Kondo K., Besshou S., Manabe Y., Shidara H., Ang W.L., Kawazome H., Takeda M., Takamiya T., Tsuru H., Tomiyama K., Maeno S., Iriguchi M., Ohno Y., Kaneko M. Matsumoto, A. Iwamae, T. Fujimoto, Mizuuchi T., Heliotron J Group, "Plasma polarization spectroscopy on the Heliotron J Device", 57th Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, (March, 2002) 24aXQ2. Adavanced Energy Generation Division Advanced Energy Research Section Presentations Adavanced Energy Conversion Division Advanced Energy Materials Research Section Publications Materials: 20th International Symposium, ASTM STP1405 (2001), pp. 775-785 Charles A. Lewinsohn, Charles H. Henager, jr., Charles F. Windisch , Edward P. Simonen , Russell H. Jones , Richard G. Hoagland and Akira Kohyama, “Subcritical crack growth mechanisms in ceramic matrix composites: Experimental observations and modeling” International Jonrnal of Materials & Product Technology (Volume 16, Nos. 1/2/3, 2001), pp. 132-138 Yutai katoh, Hirotatsu Kishimoto, Masami Ando, Akira Kohyama, Tamaki Shibayama and Heishichiro Takahashi, “Microstructural Stability of SiC/SiC Composites Under Dual-Beam Ion Irradiation”, Effect of Radiation on Materials: 20th International Symposium, ASTM STP1405 (2001), pp. 786-798 S. P. Lee, Y. Katoh, and A. Kohyama, “MICROSTRUCTURE ANALYSIS AND STRENGTH EVALUATION OF REACTION SINTERED SiC/SiC COMPOSITES”, Scripta mater. 44 (2001), pp. 153-157 Takanori Hrose, Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Masami Ando, Akira Kohyama, Yutai Katoh and Shiro Jitsukawa, “Small Specimen Test Technorogy for Evolution of Fatigue Properties of Fusion Structural Materials”, Materials Transactions, Vol. 42, No. 3 (2001), pp. 389-392 G. E. Youngblood, Charles Lewinsohn, R. H. Jones, Akira Kohyama, “Tensile strength and fracture surface characterzation of Hi-Nicalon SiC fibers”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 289 (2001), pp.1-9 S. P. Lee, Y. Katoh, J. S. Park, S. Dong, A. Kohyama, S. Suyama, H. K. Yoon, “Microstructural and mechanical characteristics of SiC/SiC composites with modified-RS process”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 289 (2001), pp. 30-36 T. Noda, A. Kohyama and Y. Katoh, “Recent Progress of SiC-Fibers and SiC/SiC-Composites for Fusion Applicatipns”, Physica Scripta. T91 (2001), pp. 124-129 A. R. Raffray, R. Jones, G. Aiello, M. Billone, L. Giancarli, H.Golfier, A. Hasegawa, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, S.Nishio, B. Riccardi, M. S. Tillack, “Design and material issues for high performance SiC/SiC-based fusion power cores”, Fusion Engineering and Design 55 (2001), pp. 55-95 Takanori Hirose, Hideo Sakasegawa, Akira Kohyama, Yutai Katoh and Hiroyasu Tanigawa, “Effect of Specimen Size on Fatigue Properties of Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steels”, Effect of Radiation on Materials: 20th International Symposium, ASTM STP1405 (2001), pp. 535-545 Hideo Sakasegawa, Takanori Hirose, Akira Kohyama, Yutai Katoh, Toshio Harada and Toshiei Hasegawa, “Correlation Between Creep Properties and Microstructure of Reduced Activation Ferritic/ Martensitic Steels”, Effect of Radiation on Materials: 20th International Symposium, ASTM STP1405 (2001), pp. 546-556 Hirotatsu Kishimoto, Yutai Katoh, Akira Kohyama and Masani Ando, ” The Influence of Temperature, Fluence, Dose Rate, and Helium Production on Defect Accumulation and Swelling in Silicon Carbide”, Effect of Radiation on 香山晃, 「エネルギー材料としての SiC/ SiC 複合材料の 開発」, まてりあ 第40巻 第2号(2001)pp. 140-145 加藤雄大, 「核融合炉材料照射挙動のモデリング:第一壁 材料挙動に及ぼす非定常照射効果」, プラズマ・核融合学 会誌 VOL. 77 NO.2, pp. 162-170 香山晃、加藤雄大、野田哲二、荒木弘,「気相浸透反応法 による高強度 SiC/SiC 複合材料の開発」, まてりあ 第 40 巻 第 3 号(2001),pp. 298-300 Akira Kohyama, Tetsuji Noda, Yutai Katoh, “Development of SiC/SiC Composite for Fusion Applications”, "APPLIED ELECTRO -MAGNETICS AND MECHANICS" Proceedings of The 10th international Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 13-16 May, 2001, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 153-154 Yutai Katoh, Akira Kohyama, Akira Hasegawa, Lance L. Snead, “Irradiation Effects in Silicon Carbide and Advanced SiC/SiC Composites”, "APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETICS AND MECHANICS" Proceedings of The 10th international Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 13-16 May, 2001, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 155-156 T. Hino, T. Jinushi, Y. Yamauchi, M. Hashida, Y. Hirohata, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, “SiC/SiC Composite as Plasma Facing Material”, "APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETICS AND MECHANICS" Proceedings of The 10th international Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 13-16 May, 2001, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 157-158 Masami Ando, Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Yutai Katoh, Takanori Hirose, Akira Kohyama, Shiro Jitsukawa, “The Contribution of Various Defects to Irradiaton-Induced Hardening in Ion-Irradiated Fe-15Cr-20Ni Model Alloy”, "APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETICS AND MECHANICS" Proceedings of The 10th international Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 13-16 May, 2001, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 161-162 Han-Ki Yoon, Chang-Sung Seok, Sang-Pill Lee, Akira Kohyama, “Evaluation on Fracture Toughness of Low Activation Ferritic Steel (JLF-1)”, "APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETICS AND MECHANICS" Proceedings of The 10th international Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 13-16 May, 2001, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 163-164 Takanori Hirose, Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Masami Ando, Akira Kohyama, Yutai Katoh, Shiro Jitsukawa, “Microstractural Analysis on Fatigue Properties of Fusion Structural Materials”, "APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETICS AND MECHANICS" Proceedings of The 10th international Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 13-16 May, 2001, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 165-166 加 藤 雄 大 , 「 Low Temperature Swelling in Beta-SiC Associated with Point Defect Accumulation (荷電粒子照射 による立方晶炭化珪素中の格子欠陥蓄積挙動の評価)」, Materials Transactions, Japan Institute of Metals, Vol.43, No.4 (2002), in printing 檜木達也,「Effect of Fiber Properties on Neutron Irradiated SiC/SiC Composites (中性子照射した SiC/SiC 複合材料に 及ぼす繊維特性の影響)」,Materials Transactions, Japan Institute of Metals, Vol.43, No.4 (2002), in printing H. K. Yoon, C. S. Seok, S. P. Lee and A. Kohyama, “Evaluation on Fracture Toughness of Low Activation Ferritic Steel (JLF-1)”, International Journal Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (2002), in printing 加藤雄大,「炭化ケイ素セラミックス複合材料 ―核融合 炉用先進材料の開発(3)―」,先端原子力 ア・ラ・カ ルト ―21 世紀の挑戦― (2002),pp. 149-150 香山晃,「核融合材料試験装置 ―核融合中性子による材 料工学研究―」,先端原子力 ア・ラ・カルト ―21 世紀 の挑戦― (2002),pp. 153-154 香山晃,「核融合炉実験炉(ITER) ―国際協力による実 験炉の開発―」,先端原子力 ア・ラ・カルト ―21 世紀 の挑戦― (2002),pp. 155-156 香山晃,「プラズマ・エネルギー発電 ―核融合反応によ る発電―」,先端原子力 ア・ラ・カルト ―21 世紀の挑 戦― (2002),pp. 157-158 Presentations Akira Kohyama, Tetsuji Noda, Yutai Katoh, “Development of SiC/SiC composite for fusion applications”, The 10th international Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, 13-16 May, 2001 Yutai Katoh, Akira Kohyama, Akira Hasegawa, Lance L. Snead, “Irradiation effects in siliconcarbide and advanced SiC/SiC composites”, The 10th international Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, 13-16 May, 2001 Tomoaki Hino, T. Jinushi, Y. Yamauchi, M. Hashida, Y. Hirohata, Yutai Katoh, Akira Kohyama, “SiC/SiC composite as plasma facing material”, The 10th international Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, 13-16 May, 2001 Masami Ando, Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Yutai Katoh, Takanori Hirose, Akira Kohyama, Shiro Jitsukawa, “The contribution of various defects to irradiaton-induced hardening in ion-irradiated Fe-15Cr-20Ni model alloy”, The 10th international Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, 13-16 May, 2001 Han-Ki Yoon, Chang-Sung Seok, Sang-Pill Lee, Akira Kohyama, “Evaluation on fracture toughness of low activation ferritic steel (JLF-1) ”, The 10th international Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, 13-16 May, 2001 Takanori Hirose, Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Masami Ando, Akira Kohyama, Yutai Katoh, Shiro Jitsukawa, “Microstractural analysis on fatigue properties of fusion structural materials”, The 10th international Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, 13-16 May, 2001 朴峻秀、加藤雄大、香山晃,「除荷-負荷による繊 維強化セラミックス基複合材料の破壊靭性の評価 と破壊特性に及ぼす除荷量の影響」,日本金属学会 2001年秋季(第 129 回)大会、福岡、2001 年 9 月 22 日-24 日 朴璟喚、加藤雄大、岸本弘立、香山晃,「マルチビ ームイオン照射 CVD-SiC 材の微小押込み試験技術 を用いた特性評価」,日本金属学会 2001年秋季(第 129 回)大会、福岡、2001 年 9 月 22 日-24 日 加藤雄大、岸本弘立、香山晃、Lance Snead,「高温 照射下における SiC のスウェリング挙動と微細組 織変化」,日本金属学会 2001年秋季(第 129 回) 大会、福岡、2001 年 9 月 22 日-24 日 近藤創介、岸本弘立、加藤雄大、香山晃,「高温に おけるデュアルビーム重照射下での SiC/SiC 複合材 料の組織安定性」,日本金属学会 2001年秋季(第 129 回)大会、福岡、2001 年 9 月 22 日-24 日 酒瀬川英雄、加藤雄大、香山晃、田村学、熊谷達也, 「MX 系析出物を微細分散させたフェライト系耐 熱鋼のイオン照射下組織変化」,日本金属学会 200 1年秋季(第 129 回)大会、福岡、2001 年 9 月 22 日-24 日 荒木弘、野田哲二、楊文、鈴木裕、佐東信司、香山 晃,「CVI 法で作製した SiCf/SiC 複合材料の機械 的特性評価」,日本金属学会 2001年秋季(第 129 回)大会、福岡、2001 年 9 月 22 日-24 日 Dong Shaoming、小谷政規、加藤雄大、香山晃,「ホ ットプレス法で作成した2D-Tyranno SA 繊維強化 SiC 複合材料の繊維被覆による力学特性への影響」 , 日本金属学会 2001年秋季(第 129 回)大会、福岡、 2001 年 9 月 22 日-24 日 小谷政規、董紹明、加藤雄大、香山晃、楊文, 「SiC/SiC 複合材料のマトリックス原料系による組 織と力学特性への影響」,日本金属学会 2001年秋 季(第 129 回)大会、福岡、2001 年 9 月 22 日-24 日 加藤雄大、Dong Shaoming、岸本弘立、近藤創介、 広中敬祐、香山晃,「液相焼結法により作製した SiC/SiC 複合材料の組織と特性」,日本金属学会 200 1年秋季(第 129 回)大会、福岡、2001 年 9 月 22 日-24 日 広中敬祐、野澤貴史、檜木達也、井川直樹、加藤雄 大、香山晃,「高結晶性 SiC/SiC 複合材料の高温引 張り強度」,日本金属学会 2001年秋季(第 129 回) 大会、福岡、2001 年 9 月 22 日-24 日 香山晃,「シンポジウムⅠ JUPITER の現状と将来 計画計画による核融合材料 R&D 研究の成果と今後 の展望 2.研究の進め方と概要」,プラズマ・核 融合学会第 18 回年会、春日、2001 年 11 月 27 日-30 日 S. P. Lee, J. S. Park, S. M. Kohyama and H. K. Yoon, Strength Characteristics of Tyranno/SiC Composites”, Conference on Fusion Barden-Barden, Oct 14-19, 2001 Dong, Y. Katoh, A. “Microstructures and Reaction Sintered 10th International Reactor Materials, H. K. Yoon, S. P. Lee, B. H. Min, W. J. Park, and A. Kohyama, “High Temperature Strength and Fracture Toughness Behavior of Low Activation Ferritic Steel (JLF-1)”, 10th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Barden-Barden, Oct 14-19, 2001 鈴木貴史、廣瀬貴規、香山晃、加藤雄大、鳴井實, 「低放射化鉄鋼材料の疲労特性に及ぼすひずみ保 持の効果」,日本原子力学会 2002 年春の年会、神 戸商船大学(神戸)、2002 年 3 月 27 日-3 月 29 日 荻原寛之、酒瀬川英雄、加藤雄大、香山晃、谷川博 康、安堂正巳,「低放射化フェライト鋼のイオンビ ーム重放射下での組織安定性」,日本原子力学会 2002 年春の年会、神戸商船大学(神戸)、2002 年 3 月 27 日-3 月 29 日 朴璟喚、加藤雄大、岸本弘立、近藤創介、香山晃, 「デュアルイオン照射したβ-SiC の強度・力学特性 評価」,日本原子力学会 2002 年春の年会、神戸商 船大学(神戸)、2002 年 3 月 27 日-3 月 29 日 野澤貴史、広中敬祐、加藤雄大、香山晃、田口富嗣、 實川資朗、Lance L. Snead,「高結晶性 SiC/SiC 複合 材料の高温引張強度特性」,日本原子力学会 2002 年春の年会、神戸商船大学(神戸)、2002 年 3 月 27 日-3 月 29 日 S. M. Dong, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, “Liquid Phase Sintering SiC/SiC Composites using Nano-SiC and Micro-SiC for Fiber Bundle Infil Tration”, 日本原子力 学会 2002 年春の年会、神戸商船大学(神戸)、2002 年 3 月 27 日-3 月 29 日 岸本弘立、加藤雄大、香山晃, 「SiC の照射誘起ス ウェリングとヘリウム効果」,日本原子力学会 2002 年春の年会、神戸商船大学(神戸)、2002 年 3 月 27 日-3 月 29 日 酒瀬川英雄、廣瀬貴規、香山晃、加藤雄大、朝倉健 太郎,「低放射化フェライト鋼の熱時効による微細 組織変化と強度特性変化の相関」,日本金属学会 2002 年春期大会(第 130 回)、東京理科大学(東 京)、2002 年 3 月 28 日-3 月 30 日 廣瀬貴規、谷川博康、安堂正己、實川資郎、加藤雄 大、香山晃、鳴井實,「照射後疲労試験した低放射 化フェライト鋼の破壊起点部の組織」,日本金属学 会 2002 年春期大会(第 130 回)、東京理科大学(東 京)、2002 年 3 月 28 日-3 月 30 日 安堂正己、谷川博康、加藤雄大、香山晃、實川資朗、 中村和幸、竹内浩,「低放射化フェライト鋼におけ る照射損傷組織と変形抵抗挙動」,日本金属学会 2002 年春期大会(第 130 回)、東京理科大学(東 京)、2002 年 3 月 28 日-3 月 30 日 荒木弘、楊文、野田哲二、鈴木裕、福島高専、佐東 信司、香山晃,「CVI SiCf/ SiC 複合材料の機械的 特性評価 II」,日本金属学会 2002 年春期大会(第 130 回)、東京理科大学(東京)、2002 年 3 月 28 日-3 月 30 日 朴峻秀、加藤雄大、香山晃,「繊維強化セラミック ス基複合材料の破壊靱性の評価と破壊特性に及ぼ す試験片寸法の影響」,日本金属学会 2002 年春期 大会(第 130 回)、東京理科大学(東京)、2002 年 3 月 28 日-3 月 30 日 野澤貴史、E. Lara-Curzio、加藤雄大、香山晃,「SiC/ SiC 複合材料の面内剪断強度に見られる試験片寸 法・形状効果」,日本金属学会 2002 年春期大会(第 130 回)、東京理科大学(東京)、2002 年 3 月 28 日-3 月 30 日 Adavanced Energy Conversion Division Advanced Energy Transportation Research Section Publications 宮崎健創,「5.1 レーザー(半導体レーザー以外)」, 光学 30, No.4, p.229 - 230 (2001). 魚住純,金子双男,興呂元伸,宮崎健創,「分光計 測技術の進展」,応用物理 70, 638 (2001). T.Shimizu, K.Miyazaki, and D.Normand, "Multielectron dissociative ionization dynamics of nitrogen molecules in intense femtosecond laser pulses", CLEO/Pacirfic Rim 2001, Technical Digest Vol.I (2001) pp.I-336-337. 宮崎健創,「超短パルス高強度レ− ザ− の基礎」, レ− ザ加工学会誌,Vol.8,221 - 226 (2001). 宮崎健創,「短波長高密度パルス光の高機能化技 術」,高密度パルス光シンポジウム− 高密度パルス 光の発生と先端的物質制御− 資料集 (2001) p.1 - 4. 安丸尚樹,木内淳介,宮崎健創,「高機能硬質膜の レ− ザ表面加工・改質技術開発」,福井県地域結集 型共同研究事業第1回成果発表会資料集 p.25-28 (2001). T.Nakajima, "Linear and nonlinear optical properties of an autoionizing medium", Phys. Rev. A 63, 43804(1)-43804(5) (2001). T.Nakajima, "Propagation of phase-controlled lasers in a two-level medium", Phys. Rev. A 64, 43406(1)-43406(6) (2001). T.Nakajima, "Manifestation of coherence on laser pulse propagation", in Laser control and manipulation of molecules, Ed. by A. Bandrauk, R. J. Gordon, and Y. Fujimura, (2001) (American Chemical Society). T.Nakajima and P. Lambropoulos, "Electron spin-polarization in single-, two- and three-photon ionization of Xenon", EuroPhys. Lett. 57, 25-31 (2002). T.Nakajima, "Efficient sum-frequency mixing via transparency induced by autoionization", Opt. Lett. 27, 116-118 (2002). T.Nakajima, "Influence of ac Stark shifts on the propagation of phase-controlled lasers in a two-level medium", J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 19, 261-267 (2002). K. Hata, T. Sato and M. Shiotsu, メ Influence of Tube Length on Critical Heat Fluxes in Water Flowing Upward, "Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering", Paper No. ICONE-9569 (2001) pp.1-12. M. Ohya, K. Hata and M. Shiotsu, "Transient Heat Transfer from a Flat Plate in a Pool of FC-72", Proceedings of IPACK ユ 01 (The Pacific Rim/ASME International Electronic Packaging Technical Conference and Exhibition), Paper No. IPACK2001-15575 (2001) pp.1-9. H. Tatsumoto, K. Hata, K. Hama, Y. Shirai, T. Okamura and M. Shiotsu, "Heat Transfer from a Flat Plate at One End of a Rectangular Duct Containing Pressurized He II (1); Steady-state Critical Heat Flux", Thermal Science and Engineering, Vol. 9 No. 4 (2001) pp. 71-72. H. Tatsumoto, K. Hata, Y. Shirai, K. Hama and M. Shiotsu, "Heat Transfer from a Flat Plate at One End of a Rectangular Duct Containing Pressurized He II (2); Transient Heat Transfer Caused by Step Heat Input", Thermal Science and Engineering, Vol. 9 No. 4 (2001) pp. 73-74. H. Tatsumoto, K. Hata, K. Hama, Y. Shirai and M. Shiotsu, "Critical Heat Flux on a Flat Plate in Pressurized He II", Cryogenics, 41 (2001) pp. 35-38. H. Tatsumoto, K. Hata, K. Hama, Y. Shirai and M. Shiotsu, "Heat Transfer on a Flat Plate at One End of a Series-connected Rectangular Duct in Pressurized He II", Proceedings of IEEE in Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (2001) pp.1-4. Presentations T. Shimizu, K. Miyazaki, and D. Normand, "Multielectron dissociative ionization dynamics of nitrogen molecules in intense femtosecond laser pulses", CLEO/Pacirfic Rim 2001 (Chiba, July 2001). 清水貴之,宮崎健創,Didier Normand,「高強度レ − ザ− による2原子分子の多価イオン生成・解離」, 第 62 回応用物理学会学術講演会〔2001 年 9 月 12 日),愛知工業大学,平成 13 年 9 月 12 日 宮崎健創,「超短パルス高強度レ− ザ− の進展と原 子分子相互作用」,第7回光工学研究会(2001 年 10 月 31 日),福井大学 安丸尚樹,木内淳介,宮崎健創,「高機能硬質膜の レ− ザ表面加工・改質技術開発」,福井県地域結集 型共同研究事業第1回成果発表会(2001 年 11 月 16 日),福井県産業支援センタ− . 宮崎健創,鳥塚健二,安斎裕,「プロセッシングの ための超短パルス高強度レ− ザ− 」,高密度パルス 光シンポジウム(2001 年 11 月 29 日)虎ノ門パス トラル. 清水貴之,宮崎健創,Didier Normand ,「高強度フ ェムト秒レ− ザ− パルスによる分子の配向と多電 子イオン化・解離」,レ− ザ− 学会学術講演会第 22 回年次大会(2002 年 1 月 24 日),大阪国際交流 センタ− . 安丸尚樹,宮崎健創,木内淳介,「フェムト秒レ− ザ− による TiN 膜表面のナノ構造形成」,レ− ザ− 学会学術講演会第 22 回年次大会(2002 年 1 月 25 日),大阪国際交流センタ− . 宮崎健創,「超短パルス高強度レ− ザ− の進展」, レ− ザ− 学会学術講演会第 22 回年次大会,(2002 年 1 月 25 日),大阪国際交流センタ− . 中嶋隆, P. Lambropoulos,「量子干渉原理を応用した 多光子イオン化による高偏極電子生成」,12pZN13, 秋季 62 回応用物理学関係連合講演会(2001),愛知工 業大学. 中嶋隆, 「相対位相が制御された光パルス対の媒質 中の伝播ダイナミクス」,17pTC3, 日本物理学会 (2001), 徳島文理大学. 中嶋隆, P. Lambropoulos,「極紫外2光子イオン化で 生成する2電子の幾何学的スピン相関」, 19pTC4, 日本物理学会(2001), 徳島文理大学. 作花哲夫,高谷和宏,齋藤功太郎,岩永修二,中嶋 隆,尾形幸生,「固液界面へのパルスレーザー照射 による発光の時間分解スペクトル」,30p-ZF-2, 第 48 回応用物理学関係連合講演会(2001),明治大学. 中嶋隆, 「希ガスの 1-,2-,3-光子イオン化による高ス ピン偏極電子の生成」, 分子科学研究所研究会 ”原子分子の価電子素過程ダイナミクス”(Feb. 18-19, 2002, 分子科学研究所) 中嶋隆,「量子干渉を応用した真空紫外〜極紫外域 での高効率四波混合光発生」, 25aWM6, 日本物理学会第 57 回年次大会(2002), 立命館大学. 中嶋隆,「位相制御された2色レーザー光のパルス 伝播」,27pZE10,春季第 49 回応用物理学関係連合講 演会(2002), 東海大学. 中嶋隆,「短波長域における四波混合光の高効率発 生」,28pZE3,春季第 49 回応用物理学関係連合講演 会(2002), 東海大学. 中嶋隆, L.A.A. Nikolopoulos, P. Lambropoulos,「極紫 外光による He 原子の2光子2重イオン化」 ,28pZE8, 春季第 49 回応用物理学関係連合講演会(2002), 東海 大学. 作花哲夫,中嶋隆,尾形幸生, 「反転吸収を示す発 光線スペクトルのモデリングによるレーザーアブ レー ション放出種の空間分布の解析」, 29a-ZF-3, 第 49 回応用物理学関係連合講演会(2002),東海大学. 佐藤肇幸、畑 幸一、塩津正博、“水の上昇流にお ける垂直円管内の沸騰限界熱流束(その1.限界熱 流束における発熱体長さの影響)”、日本原子力学 会 2001 年(第 39 回)春の年会要旨集、武蔵工業大学 工学部、2001 年 3 月 27-29 日、I19、430. 畑 幸一、佐藤肇幸、塩津正博、“水の上昇流にお ける垂直円管内の沸騰限界熱流束(その2.LHD ダイバータの熱解析への適用)”、日本原子力学会 2001 年(第 39 回)春の年会要旨集、武蔵工業大学工 学部、2001 年 3 月 27-29 日、I20、431. 堺 公明、塩津正博、畑 幸一、白井康之、濱 勝 彦、 “液体ナトリウムの強制循環条件における沸 騰開始加熱度”、第 38 回日本伝熱シンポジウム講 演論文集、 さいたま市、 2001 年 5 月 23-25 日、 G132、 295-296. 佐藤肇幸、畑 幸一、塩津正博、“水に上向流にお ける垂直円管内の沸騰限界熱流束(その3.管長の 影響)”、第 38 回日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文 集、 さいたま市、 2001 年 5 月 23-25 日、 G222、 589-590. 畑 幸一、佐藤肇幸、塩津正博、“水に上向流にお ける垂直円管内の沸騰限界熱流束(その4.LHD ダイバータの熱解析への適用)”、第 38 回日本伝 熱シンポジウム講演論文集、さいたま市、2001 年 5 月 23-25 日、G223、591-592. 達本衡輝、塩津正博、畑 幸一、濱 勝彦、白井康 之、岡村崇弘、 “加圧 HeII 中の他端開放ダクトの 一端の平板発熱体における熱伝達特性(1)定常臨 界熱流束”、第 38 回日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論 文集、さいたま市、2001 年 5 月 23-25 日、G321、 837-838. 温工学・超電導学会講演概要集、福井工業大学、2001 年 11 月 23-26 日、C2-4、155. 達本衡輝、塩津正博、畑 幸一、白井康之、濱 勝 彦、“加圧 HeII 中の他端開放ダクト一端の平板発 熱体における熱伝達特性(2)ステップ熱入力に対 する過渡熱流束”、第 38 回日本伝熱シンポジウム 講演論文集、さいたま市、2001 年 5 月 23-25 日、 G322、839-840. 達本衡輝、塩津正博、畑 幸一、白井康之、濱 勝 彦、“加圧 HeII 中の流路中央部の平板発熱体にお ける二次元熱流動解析”、低温工学会第 65 回 2001 年度秋季低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集、福井工 業大学、2001 年 11 月 23-26 日、C2-5、156. K. Hata, H. Tatsumoto, Y. Shirai and M. Shiotsu, "Critical Heat Flux on a Flat Plate in Subcooled Liquid Helium", Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference (CEC/ICMC 2001), Madison, Wisconsin, USA, July 16-20, 2001, C-06C-07, 1-8. M. Shiotsu, K. Hata, K. Hama, H. Tatsumoto and Y. Shirai, "Transient Heat Transfer on a Flat Plate at One End of a Duct with an Orifice in Pressurized Helium II", Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference (CEC/ICMC 2001), Madison, Wisconsin, USA, July 16-20, 2001, C-06D-02, 1-8. H. Tatsumoto, K. Hata, K. Hama, Y. Shirai and M. Shiotsu,"Critical Heat Fluxes on a Flat Plate Pasted on One End of a Rectangular Duct with an Orifice in Pressurized Helium II", Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference (CEC/ICMC 2001), Madison, Wisconsin, USA, July 16-20, 2001, C-06D-03, 1-8. 塩津正博、達本衡輝、畑 幸一、白井康之、濱 勝 彦、“加圧 HeII 中の流路中央部の平板発熱体にお ける熱伝達”、低温工学会第 65 回 2001 年度秋季低 畑 幸一、岡村崇弘、濱 勝彦、達本衡輝、白井康 之、塩津正博、“加圧 HeII の強制対流熱伝達(1); 実験装置と過渡熱伝達”、低温工学会第 65 回 2001 年度秋季低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集、福井工 業大学、2001 年 11 月 23-26 日、E2-32、206. 岡村崇弘、畑 幸一、濱 勝彦、達本衡輝、白井康 之、塩津正博、“加圧 HeII の強制対流熱伝達(2); 定常熱伝達と臨界熱流束” 、 低温工学会第 65 回 2001 年度秋季低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集、福井工 業大学、2001 年 11 月 23-26 日、E2-33、207. 谷本雄哉、畑 幸一、佐藤肇幸、塩津正博、“短い 垂直円管内水の強制対流サブクール沸騰限界熱流 束(その1.発熱体出口に対する CHF 表示式)”、 日本原子力学会 2002 年(第 40 回)春の年会要旨集、 神戸商船大学、2002 年 3 月 27-29 日、H1. 畑 幸一、佐藤肇幸、谷本雄哉、塩津正博、“短い 垂直円管内水の強制対流サブクール沸騰限界熱流 束(その2.発熱体入口に対する CHF 表示式)”、 日本原子力学会 2002 年(第 40 回)春の年会要旨集、 神戸商船大学、2002 年 3 月 27-29 日、H2. Adavanced Energy Conversion Division Advanced Energy Storage Research Section Publications Conshohocken, PA, (2001) 315. A. Kimura, T. Hirose, and H. Matsui, "IrradiationInduced Amorphization and Its Recovery Behavior in Cold-Rolled and Aged Ti-Ni Shape Memory Alloys", Effects of Radiation on Materials, 20th International Symposium, ASTM STP 1405, S. T. Rosinski M. L. Grossbeck, T. R. Allen, and A. S. Kumar, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, (2001) 825. R. Kasada, T. Kitao, K. Morishita, and A. Kimura, "Effects of Copper Concentration and Neutron Flux on Irradiation Hardening and Microstructure Evolution in Fe-Cu Model Alloys", Effects of Radiation on Materials, 20th International Symposium, ASTM STP 1405, S. T. Rosinski M. L. Grossbeck, T. R. Allen, and A. S. Kumar, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, (2001) 237. A. Kimura, R. Kasada, K. Morishita, R. Sugano, A. Kohyama, T. Yamamoto, H. Matsui, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe, N. Yamamoto, "Review of Helium Effects on Irradiation Embrittlement in Reduced Activation Ferritic Steels", Proceedings of Pacific Rim International Conference, Vol. 1 (2001) 1431. R. Kasada, A. Kimura, "Effects of Ni Addition on Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Reduced Activation Martensitic Steel Irradiated in ATR", J. Nucl. Mater., in press. A. Kimura, R. Kasada, K. Morishita, K. Abe, A. Hasegawa, H. Matsui, Y. Yamamoto, Wirth, T.D. Rubi T, "High Resistance to Helium Embrittlement in Reduced Activation Martensitic Steel", J. Nucl. Mater., in press. A. Kimura, H. Nagaoka, K. Itoh, H. Yuya, Y. Naruse, "Dependence of Susceptibility to IGSCC on the Location in HAZ of Welded SUS304 Core Shroud for BWR", (2001) in press. K. Morishita, R. Sugano, H. Iwakiri, N. Yoshida and A. Kimura, "Thermal helium desorption from arufa iron", Proceedings of Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM4), Vol. 1 (2001) 1395. K. Morishita, B.D. Wirth, T.D. Rubia and A. Kimura, "Effects of helium on radiation damage processes in iron", Proceedings of Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM4), Vol. 1 (2001) 1383. K. Morishita, T. Diaz de la Rubia, A. Kimura, 'Mobility of self-interstitial atom clusters in vanadium, tantalum and copper', Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physical Research B, 180 (2001) pp. 66-71. R. Kasada, T. Suzuki, K. Itoh, Y. Naruse, and A. Kimura, "Relation Between Resistivity and Mechanical Properties in HAZ of Welded Pressure Vessel Steel", Effects of Radiation on Materials, 20th International Symposium, ASTM STP 1405, S. T. Rosinski M. L. Grossbeck, T. R. Allen, and A. S. Kumar, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, West R. Kasada, T. Morimura, A. Hasegawa and A. Kimura, "Effect of helium implantation on mechanical properties and microstructure evolution of reduced-activation 9Cr-2W martensitic steel", J. Nucl. Mater., 299 (2001) 83. A. Kohyama, K. Abe, A. Kimura, T. Muroga, Y. Katoh, T. Shikama, S. Tanaka, H. Matsui, and K. Morishita, "Materials Research in Japanese Universities", Proc. Snowmass Conference (2002). H. Iwakiri, K. Morishita, N. Yoshida, proc. of 10th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM10), October 14-19, 2001, Baden-Baden, Germany, to be published in Journal of Nuclear Materials. H. Shibamoto, T. Kitao, H. Matsui, M. Hasegawa, S. Yamaguchi, and A. Kimura, "Effect of Nickel on Irradiation Hardening and Microstructure Evolution of Proton Irradiated Fe-Cu Alloys", Effects of Radiation on Materials, 20th International Symposium, ASTM STP 1405, S. T. Rosinski M. L. Grossbeck, T. R. Allen, and A. S. Kumar, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, (2001) 722. T. Kitao, R. Kasada, K. Morishita, H. Matsui and A. Kimura, "Correlation between Neutron IrradiationInduced Hardening and Microstructural Change in Iron-Copper Model alloys Irradiated at Different Neutron Dose Rates", Proc. of the 4th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM4), Vol. 1 (2001) 1465. R. Sugano, K. Morishita, H. Iwakiri, N. Yoshida, A. Kimura, "Effects of dislocation on thermal helium desorption from iron and ferritic steel", J. Nucl. Mater., (2001) in press. "Introduction to Fusion Reactor Engineering" edited by Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, K. Morishita and A. Kimura, published by Fusion Engineering Division, Atomic Energy Society of Japan, July, 2001. 森下和功(分担),「原子力材料の照射損傷検出の ための磁気非破壊評価」,宮健三・高木敏行・中曽 根祐司編「材料劣化の電磁解明と電磁非破壊検査」 日本 AEM 学会・普遍学国際研究所(平成13年1 0月) 森下和功,「先端原子力ア・ラ・カ・ル・ト―21 世紀の挑戦―」(分担)マルチスケールシミュレー ション―バーチャルな世界で現実の核融合炉材料 を開発する―,日本原子力学会「先端原子力の社会 的啓発に関する調査」特別専門委員会 編著,2002 年3月 森下和功,「原子力材料の照射損傷に対する磁気非 破壊検査の可能性」日本 AEM 学会誌,2001 Presentations A. Kimura, "Resent progress in nuclear structural materials", AESJ Korea-Japan Symposium, March 27, 2001. K. Morishita, B.D. Wirth, T. Diaz de la Rubia, "An MD study of He behavior in Fe",2001 年 4 月 16 日,「鉄お よびフェライト鋼中のヘリウム挙動に関する共同 研究計画検討会」九州大学応用力学研究所,福岡県 春日市 菅野隆一朗,森下和功,岩切宏友,吉田直亮,木村 晃彦,「鉄からのヘリウム放出挙動」2001 年 4 月 16 日, 「鉄およびフェライト鋼中のヘリウム挙動に 関する共同研究計画検討会」 九州大学応用力学研 究所,福岡県春日市 木村晃彦,「低放射化フェライト鋼研究における大 学連合・原研の協力体制」,低放射化フェライト鋼 WG,日本原子力研究所,2001 年 4 月 18 日. A. Kimura, A. Kohyama, S. Jitsukawa, R.L. Klueh, D.S. Gelles, G.R. Odette,"Overview of Reduced Activation Ferritic Steels", IEA/JUPITER-II Joint International Workshop on Liquid Blanket and Low Activation Materials System, Sendai, Sendai, May 21, 2001. R. Kasada, R. Sugano, K. Morishita, A. Kimura, A. Kohyama, H. Matsui, A. Hasegawa, K. Abe, "Effects of helium on design window of RAFS", IEA/JUPITER-II Joint International Workshop on Liquid Blanket and Low Activation Materials System, Sendai, Sendai, May 21, 2001. 森下和功,「鉄および原子炉圧力容器鋼の疲労・引 張試験材およびイオン照射材の磁気測定とその非 破壊検査への応用」2001 年 5 月 21 日,日本 AEM 学会「材料劣化機構の電磁解明」研究分科会,日本 AEM 学会事務局,東京都文京区 木村晃彦,「軽水炉圧力容器鋼溶接部における健全 性評価」,関西原子力懇談会,2001 年 5 月 28 日. 木村晃彦,核融合炉工学要素技術開発研究報告(核 融合科学研究所),2001 年 5 月 31 日. 木村晃彦,「低放射化フェライト鋼の照射効果」, 原子力学会照射相関,2001 年 6 月 11 日. A. Kimura, "PIE Plan of JUPITER-II", ORNL, U.S.A., June 26, 2001. 笠田竜太,「核融合炉構造材料低放射化マルテンサ イト鋼における複合・変動照射効果に関する研究」, 原子力関係科学技術の基礎的研究に関する動向調 査委員会,関西原子力懇談会,2001 年 7 月 10 日. A. Kimura, Fusion Structural Materials, Seoul National University, Korea, July 30, 2001. 木村晃彦,「JMTR を用いた照射研究計画」,東北 大学金研大洗施設,2001 年 9 月 6 日. 森下和功,菅野隆一朗,B. D. Wirth,岩切宏友,T. D. de la Rubia,木村晃彦,吉田直亮,「鉄中のヘリウ ム挙動に関する分子動力学計算とヘリウム昇温脱 離実験」,日本原子力学会 2001 年秋の大会,2001 年 9 月 19-21 日. 木村晃彦,笠田竜太,菅野隆一朗,森下和功,松井 秀樹,長谷川晃, 「低放射化フェライト鋼の耐ヘリ ウム脆化特性」,日本金属学会 2001 年秋期(第 129 回)大会,九州産業大学,2001 年 9 月 22-24 日. 森下和功,菅野隆一朗,B. D. Wirth,岩切宏友,T. D. de la Rubia,吉田直亮,木村晃彦, 「フェライト鋼 の照射損傷に及ぼすヘリウムの影響(1)鉄中の原 子空孔とヘリウム」,日本金属学会 2001 年秋期(第 129 回)大会,九州産業大学,2001 年 9 月 22-24 日. 菅野隆一朗,森下和功,岩切宏友,吉田直亮,木村 晃彦, 「フェライト鋼の照射損傷に及ぼすヘリウム の影響(2)鉄中の転位とヘリウム」,日本金属学 会 2001 年秋期(第 129 回)大会,九州産業大学, 2001 年 9 月 22-24 日. 木村晃彦,低放射化フェライト研究会,原研核融合 炉材料部会,2001 年 10 月 1 日. 木村晃彦,「酸化物分散強化鋼のヘリウム脆化に関 する研究」,核燃料サイクル公募型研究 研究成果 の中間評価,核燃料サイクル機構大洗工学センター, 2001 年 10 月 3 日. Advanced Nuclear Materials (CR-01-2-1), Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, November 15-18, 2001. T. Kitao, R. Kasada, K. Morishita, and A. Kimura, "Dose rate effects on neutron irradiation hardening in Fe-Cu model alloys", CUP Collaboration Research on R&D of Advanced Nuclear Materials (CR-01-2-1), Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, November 15-18, 2001. A. Kimura, K. Morishita, R. Kasada, R. Sugano, H. Matsui, K. Abe, A. Hasegawa, B.D. Wirth and T. Diaz de la Rubia, 10th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM10), October 14-19, 2001, Baden-Baden, Germany. R. Sugano, K. Morishita, H. Iwakiri, N. Yoshida, A. Kimura, "Thermal helium desorption from pure iron and ferritic steel", CUP Collaboration Research on "R & D of Advanced Nuclear Materials (CR-01-2-1)", Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, November 15-18, 2001. R. Kasada, A. Kimura, 10th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM10), October 14-19, 2001, Baden-Baden, Germany. 木村晃彦,「動的・変動・複合照射効果」,JUPITER 研究報告,2001 年 11 月 28 日. R. Sugano, K. Morishita, H. Iwakiri, N. Yoshida, 10th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM10), October 14-19, 2001, Baden-Baden, Germany. 木村晃彦,笠田竜太,菅野隆一朗,森下和功,香山 晃,長谷川晃,阿部勝憲,山本琢也,松井秀樹,山 本徳和,吉田直亮,「低放射下フェライト鋼の核融 合模擬環境下における材料挙動評価」,プラズマ核 融合学会 2001 年年会,福岡県春日市,2001 年. H. Iwakiri, K. Morishita, N. Yoshida, 10th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM10), October 14-19, 2001, Baden-Baden, Germany. R. Kasada, "Effect of Irradiation Temperature and Helium Implantation on the Formation of Microvoid in Reduced Activation Martensitic Steels", The Japan-Netherlands workshop on helium behavior in metals, Delft University, Netherlands, October 22, 2001 R.Sugano, K.Morishita, H.Iwakiri, N.Yoshida, "Effects of deformation on thermal helium desorption behavior in pure iron", The Japan-Netherlands workshop on helium behavior in metals, Delft University, Netherlands, October 22, 2001. 木村晃彦,「軽水炉圧力容器鋼の寿命延長に伴う材 料課題」,日本金属学会シンポジウム,2001 年 11 月 9 日. K. Morishita, 'MD calculation study on the behavior of helium-vacancy clusters', CUP collaboration research on R&D of advanced nuclear materials (CR-01-2-1), Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, November 16, 2001, R. Kasada, A. Kimura, "Electric Resistivity Measurement for Neutron Irradiated Welded A533B PVS", CUP Collaboration Research on R&D of 木村晃彦,「低放射化フェライト鋼の開発研究」, 日本原子力研究所那珂研究所, 2001 年 12 月 25 日. 木村晃彦,「低放射化フェライト鋼-大学連合・原 研協力体制」,原研核融合専門委員会,2002 年 2 月 18 日. A. Kimura, "Feasible performance of reduced activation ferritic steels for fusion applications", Cheju, Korea, Feb. 27,2002. A. Kimura, "High performance of RAFS under fusion relevant environment", Hokkaido Univ., March 5, 2002. 木村晃彦,「低放射化フェライト鋼における温度変 動照射効果」,NIFS 日米科学技術協力事業報告会, 2002 年 3 月 7 日. A. Kimura, "Application of small specimen technology to evaluation of susceptibility to IGSCC", KEPRI, Korea, March 14, 2002. 木村晃彦,「炉内構造物の照射後回復挙動に関する 研究」,中部電力中央研究所,2002 年 3 月 18 日. 木村晃彦,「軽水炉圧力容器鋼の照射脆化評価の現 状と非破壊検査」, 鉄鋼協会特別シンポジウム, 2002 年 3 月 29 日. 木村晃彦,磯村耕作,熊野秀樹,成瀬吉信,橋冨興 宣 「原子炉圧力容器用低 Cu 含有 A533B 鋼におけ る電子線照射効果」,日本金属学会 2002 年春期(第 130 回)大会,東京理科大学神楽坂校舎,東京都新 宿区,2002 年 3 月 28-30 日. 笠田竜太,北尾健,木村晃彦,中田早人,福谷耕司 「原子炉圧力容器用低 Cu 含有 A533B 鋼における電 子線照射効果」,日本金属学会 2002 年春期(第 130 回)大会,東京理科大学神楽坂校舎,東京都新宿区, 2002 年 3 月 28-30 日. 久保博嗣,阪梨泰弘,木村晃彦 「有限要素解析に よる衝撃特性の試験片サイズ効果の検討」, 日本 金属学会 2002 年春期(第 130 回)大会,東京理科 大学神楽坂校舎,東京都新宿区,2002 年 3 月 28-30 日. 北尾健,笠田竜太,木村晃彦,中田早人,福谷耕司, 松井秀樹,鳴井實, 「Fe 基モデル合金における電子 線照射効果」,日本金属学会 2002 年春期(第 130 回)大会,東京理科大学神楽坂校舎,東京都新宿区, 2002 年 3 月 28-30 日. 柴田正明,笠田竜太,木村晃彦,中田早人,藤井克 彦,福谷耕司, 「原子炉圧力容器鋼におけるリン粒 界偏析と延性脆性遷移挙動」,日本金属学会2002 年春期(第130回)大会,東京理科大学神楽坂校舎, 東京都新宿区,2002年3月28-30日. Adavanced Energy Conversion Division Complex Plasma Systems Research Section Publications Presentations T. Obiki, F. Sano, M. Wakatani, K. Kondo, T. Mizuuchi, K. Hanatani, Y. Nakamura, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, M. Nakasuga, S. Besshou and M. Yokoyama, "Goals and status of Heliotron J", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 42 (2000)1151-1164. T. Obiki, F. Sano, K. Kondo, M. Wakatani, T. Mizuuchi, K. Hanatani, Y. Nakamura, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, S. Besshou, M. Nakasuga, H. Tsuru, Y. Manabe, H.Shidara, W.L. Ang, T. Takamiya, M. Iriguchi, M. Takeda, H. Kawazome, S. Maeno, K. Tomiyama, Y. Ohno, H. Kubo, Y. Nishioka, H. Yukimoto, Y. Ijiri, T. Senju, K. Yaguchi, K. Sakamoto, K. Toshi, M. Sibano, "Recent Experiment in Heliotron J", Joint Conference of the 12th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion and the 3rd General Scientific Assembly of Asia Plasma Fusion Association, 11-14 December (2001) Toki. T. Watari, T. Mutoh, R. Kumazawa, T. Seki, K. Saito, Y. Torii, Yan Ping Zao, D. A. Hartmann, H. Idei, S. Kubo, K. Ohkubo, M. Sato, T. Shimozuma, Y. Yoshimura, K. Ikeda, O. Kaneko, Y. Oka, M. Osakabe, Y. Takeiri, K. Tsumori, N. Ashikawa, M. Sasao, P. C. De Vries, M. Emoto, A. Fukuyama, H. Funaba, M. Goto, K. Ida, S. Inagaki, N. Inoue, M. Isobe, K. Ito, S. Kado, K. Kawahata, K. Khlopenkov, K. Kobuchi, A. Komori, A. V. Krasilnikov, Y. Liang, S. Masuzaki, K. Matsuoka, T. Minami, J. Miyazawa, T. Morisaki, S. Morita, S. Murakami, S. Muto, Y. Nagayama, Y. Nakamura, H. Nakanishi, K. Narihara, K. Nishimura, N. Noda, A. T. Notake, S. Ohdachi, N. Ohyabu, H. Okada, M. Okamoto, T. Ozaki, R. O. Pavlichenko, B. J. Peterson, A. Sagara, S. Sakakibara, R. Sakamoto, H. Sasao, M. Sasao, S. Satoh, T. Satow, M. Shoji, S. Sudo, H. Suzuki, M. Takechi, N. Tamura, S. Tanahashi, K. Tanaka, K. Toi, T. Tokuzawa, K. Y. Watanabe, T. Watanabe, H. Yamada, I. Yamada, FS. Yamaguchi, S. Yamamoto, K. Yamazaki, M. Yokoyama, Y. Hamada, O. Motojima, M. Fujiwara, "The performance of ICRF heated plasmas in LHD", Nucl. Fusion, 41 (2001), pp.325-332. T. Mizuuchi, M. Nakasuga, F. Sano, Y. Nakamura, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, K. Kondo, and T. Obiki, "Island divertor in helical-axis heliotron device (Heliotron J"), J. Nuclear Materials, 290 (2001) p678-682. T. Obiki, T. Mizuuchi, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, K. Hanatani, Y. Liu, T. Hamada, Y. Manabe, H. Shidara, WL. Ang, Y. Ikeda, T. Kobayashi, T. Tomiyama, M. Takeda, Y. Ijiri, T. Senju, K. Yaguchi, K. Sakamoto, K. Toshi, K. Kondo, S. Besshou, Y. Nakamura, M. Nakasuga, M. Wakatani, O. Yamagishi, K. Aizawa, Y. Kawazone, S. Maeno, K. Tomiyama, "First plasmas in Heliotron J, Nuclear Fusion", 41 (2001) p833-834. S. Bessou, K. Aizawa, K. Tomiyama, K. Kondo, T. Mizuuchi, K. Nagasaki, T. Obiki, H. Okada, F. Sano, "Diamagnetic double-loop method for a highly sensitive measurement of energy stored in a Stellarator plasma", Review of Scientific Instrument, 72 (2001) p3859-3863. H. Okada, H. Tsuru, Y. Ikeda, K. Kondo, F. Sano, T. Mizuuchi, T. Obiki, "Thomson Scattering Measurement in Heliotron J ", Joint Conference of the 12th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion and the 3rd General Scientific Assembly of Asia Plasma Fusion Association, 11-14 December (2001) Toki. W.L. Ang, T. Mizuuchi, M. Nakasuga, F. Sano, K. Kondo, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, S. Beshhou, Y. Manabe, H. Shidara, H. Kawazome, S. Maeno, M. Takeda, T. Takamiya, K. Tomiyama, H. Tsuru, Y. Ohno, H. Kubo, Y. Nishioka, H. Yukimoto, M. Iriguchi, T. Obiki, "Profiles of Divertor Plasma in Heliotron J", Joint Conference of the 12th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion and the 3rd General Scientific Assembly of Asia Plasma Fusion Association, 11-14 December (2001) Toki. H. Shidara, K. Nagasaki, K. Sakamoto, H. Yukimoto, M. Nakasuga, F. Sano, K. Kondo, T. Mizuuchi, H. Okada, S. Beshhou, Y. Manabe, W.L. Ang, H. Kawazome, S. Maeno, M. Takeda, T. Takamiya, K. Tomiyama, Y. Ohno, H. Kubo, Y. Nishioka, M. Iriguchi, H. Tsuru, O. Victor, T. Alexander, P. Alexader, T. Obiki, "70 GHz Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating System for Heliotron J ", Joint Conference of the 12th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion and the 3rd General Scientific Assembly of Asia Plasma Fusion Association, 11-14 December (2001) Toki. H. Kawazome, S. Maeno, K. Kondo, M. Iriguchi, M. Takeda, T. Mizuuchi, H. Okada, K. Nagasaki, F. Sano, S. Besshou, Y. Manabe, H. Shidara, W.L. Ang,, T. Takamiya, H. Tsuru, K. Tomiyama,, Y. Ohno, H. Kubo, Y. Nishioka, H. Yukimoto, T. Obiki, "Behavior of Intrisic and Injected Impurities in Heliotron j ECH Plasmas", Joint Conference of the 12th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion and the 3rd General Scientific Assembly of Asia Plasma Fusion Association, 11-14 December (2001) Toki. T. Obiki, H. Okada, T. Mizuuchi, K. Nagasaki, F. Sano, K. Kondo, M. Wakatani, K. Hanatani, Y. Nakamura, S. Besshou, M. Nakasuga, Y. Manabe, H. Shidara, W.L. Ang, H. Kawazome, S. Maeno, T. Takamiya, M. Takeda, K. Tomiyama, H. Tsuru, M. Iriguchi, H. Kubo, Y. Nishioka, Y. Ohno, H. Yukimoto, Y. Ijiri, T. Senju, K. Yaguchi, K. Sakamoto, K. Tohshi, M. Shibano, V. Tribaldos, F. Tabar 市, "OVERVIEW OF RECENT EXPERIMENTS IN HELIOTRON J ", 13th International Stellarator Workshop, 25 February ミ 1 March, (2002) Canberra. T. Mizuuchi, W.L. Ang, T. Kobayashi, K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, T. Hamada, Y. Manabe, H. Shidara, K. Aizawa, Y. Ikeda, H. Kawazome, S. Maeno, T. Takamiya, M. Takeda, K. Tomiyama, Y. Ijiri, T. Senju, K. Yaguchi, K. Sakamoto, K. Toshi, M. Shibano, M. Wakatani, T. Obiki, "Edge Plasma Characteristics in ECH Experiment of Heliotron J ", 13th International Stellarator Workshop, 25 February - 1 March, (2002) Canberra. K. Nagasaki, T. Mizuuchi, H. Okada, F. Sano, K. Kondo, S. Besshou, M. Nakasuga, Y. Manabe, H. Shidara, K. Aizawa, W.L. Ang, Y. Ikeda, H. Kawazome, T. Kobayashi, S. Maeno, T. Takamiya, M. Takeda, K. Tomiyama, T. Obiki, "Plasma Production and Non-Electromagnetic Resonant ECH in Heliotron J ", 13th International Stellarator Workshop, 25 February 1 March, (2002) Canberra. 佐野史道,大引得弘,花谷清,水内亨,岡田浩之, 長崎百伸,井尻芳行,矢口啓二,千住徹,坂本欣三, 東使潔,芝野匡志,近藤克己,若谷誠宏,中村祐司, 中須賀正彦,別生栄,真鍋義人,設楽弘之,相沢健 太郎,洪遠齢,池田洋一,川染勇人,小林亨,高宮 太承,武田全史,冨山圭史,前野正吾,津留寛樹, 浜田貴照,劉儀,「ヘリオトロンJ装置計画とその 初期実験結果(招待講演)」,日本物理学会第 56 回年次大会, 平成 13 年 3 月 27 日~3 月 30 日, 27pXH7, 東京,講演概要集,p.168. 洪遠齢,小林亨,水内亨,佐野史道,近藤克己,別 生栄,岡田浩之,中須賀正 彦,長崎百伸,千住徹, 大引得弘,「ヘリオトロンJにおける周辺磁場解析 及びダイ バータの基礎研究」,日本物理学会第 56 回年次大会,平成 13 年 3 月 27 日 - 3 月 30 日, 27pX8H,東京,講演概要集,p.168 . 小林亨,水内亨,洪遠齢,佐野史道,近藤克己,別 生栄,岡田浩之,中須賀正 彦,長崎百伸,千住徹, 大引得弘,「ヘリオトロンJにおけるSOLプラズ マの測 定」,日本物理学会第 56 回年次大会,平成 13 年 3 月 27 日- 3 月 30 日,27pXH9,東京,講 演 概要集,p.168. 岡田浩之,池田洋一,近藤克己,佐野史道,大引得 弘,「ヘリオトロンJにお けるトムソン散乱計測」, 日本物理学会第 56 回年次大会,平成 13 年 3 月 27 日- 3 月 30 日,27pXH10,東京,講演概要集,p.168. 近藤克己、水内亨、長崎百伸、岡田浩之、佐野史道、 別生榮、設楽弘之、真鍋義人、洪遠齢、川染勇人、 高宮太承、武田全史、津留寛樹、冨山圭史、前野正 吾、大野義則、西岡佑亮、行本英俊、入口雅夫、久 保浩康、井尻芳行、千住徹、矢口啓二、坂本欣三、 東使潔、芝野匡志,山岸統、中須賀正彦、花谷清、 中村祐司、若谷誠宏、大引得弘、「ヘリオトロン J における ECH 実験(招待講演)」、プラズマ核融合 学会第 18 回年会、29pB08、2001 年 11 月 27 日 - 30 日。クローバプラザ(福岡県春日市)予稿集、p164 水内亨、岡田浩之、長崎百伸、佐野史道、近藤克己、 別生榮、真鍋義人、設楽弘之、洪遠齢、川染勇人、 前野正吾、武田全史、高宮太承、冨山圭史、津留寛 樹、入口雅夫、金子昌司、久保浩康、西岡佑亮、大 野義則、行本英俊、西野信博、大引特弘、「ヘリオ トロンJにお ける ECH プラズマ特性」日本物理学 会第 57 回年次大会、平成 14 年3月24日-3月2 7日、立命館大学びわこ・くさつキャンパス、 27aWJ1. Adavanced Energy Conversion Division Clean Energy Conversion Research Section Publications H. Ihara, T. Sakurai, T. Y., T. Hashimoto, M. Takafuji, T. Sagawa, H. Hachisako, “Chirality Control of Self-Assembling Organogels from Lipophilic L-Glutamide Derivative with Metal Chlorides,” Langmuir, to be accepted. Y. Goto, K. Nakashima, K. Mitsuishi, M. Takafuji, S. Sakaki, H. Ihara, “Selectivity Enhancement for Diastereomer Separation in RPLC Using CrystallineOrganic Phase-Bonded Silica Instead of SimplyHydrophobized Silica,” Chromatographia, to be accepted. M. Takafuji, T. Sakurai, T. Yamada, T. Hashimoto, N. Kido, T. Sagawa, H. Hachisako, H. Ihara, “Metal Ion-induced Chirality and Morphology Control of Self-assembling Organogels from L-Glutamic Acid-derived Lipids,” Chemistry Letters, to be accepted. H. Ihara, Y. Goto, T. Sakurai, M. Takafuji, T. Sagawa, S. Nagaoka, “Enhanced Molecular-shape Selectivity for Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons through Isotropic-to-crystalline Phase Transition of Poly(Octadecyl Acrylate)” Chemistry Letters, (2001) 1252-1253. S. Nagaoka, Y. Hamasaki, S. Ishihara, M. Nagata, K. Iio, C. Nagasawa, H. Ihara, “Preparation of Carbon/TiO2 Microsphere Composites from Cellulose/TiO2 microsphere Composites and Their Evaluation” Journal of Molecular Catalysis, 177/2 (2001) 255-263. H. Yamada, K. Y. Watanabe, K. Yamazaki, S. Murakami, S. Sakakibara, K. Narihara, K. Tanaka, M. Osakabe, K. Ida, N. Ashikawa, P. deVaries, M. Emoto, H. Funaba, M. Goto, H. Idei, K. Ikeda , S. Inagaki, N. Inoue, M. Isobe, S. Kado, O. Kaneko, K. Kawahata, K. Khlopenkov, A. Komori, S. Kubo, R. Kumazawa, S. Masuzaki, T. Minami, J. Miyazawa, T. Morisaki, S. Morita, S. Muto, T. Mutoh, Y. Nagayama, N. Nakajima, Y. Nakamura, H. Nakanishi, K. Nishimura, N. Noda, T. Notake, T. Kobuchi, Y. Liang, S. Ohdachi, N. Ohyabu, Y. Oka, T. Ozaki, R. O. Pavlichenko, B. J. Peterson, G. Rewoldt, A. Sagara, K. Saito, R. Sakamoto, H. Sasao, M. Sasao, K. Sato, M. Sato, T. Seki, T. Shimozuma, M. Shoji, H. Sugama, H. Suzuki, M. Takechi, Y. Takeiri, N. Tamura, K. Toi, T. Tokuzawa, Y. Torii, K. Tsumori, I. Yamada, S. Yamaguchi, S. Yamamoto, M. Yokoyama, Y. Yoshimura, T. Watari, K. Itoh, K. Matsuoka, K. Ohkubo, I. Ohtake, S. Satoh, T. Satow, S. Sudo, S. Tanahashi, T. Uda, Y. Hamada, O. Motojima, M. Fujiwara, "Energy confinement and thermal transport chararcteristics of net current free plasmas in the Large Helical Device", Nucl. Fusion 41 (2001) pp.901-908. H. Yamada, A. Komori, N. Ohyabu, O. Kaneko, K. Kawahata, K. Y. Watanabe, S. Sakakibara, S. Murakami, K. Ida, R. Sakamoto, Y. Liang, J. Miyazawa, K. Tanaka, Y. Narushima, S. Morita, S. Masuzaki, T. Morisaki, N. Ashikawa, L. R. Baylor, W. A. Cooper, M. Emoto, P. W. Fisher, H. Funaba, M. Goto, H. Idei, K. Ikeda, S. Inagaki, N. Inoue, M. Isobe, K. Khlopenkov, T. Kobuchi, A. Kostrioukov, S. Kubo, T. Kuroda, R. Kumazawa, T. Minami, S. Muto, T. Mutoh, Y. Nagayama, N. Nakajima, Y. Nakamura, H. Nakanishi, K. Narihara, K. Nishimura, N. Noda, T. Notake, S. Ohdachi, Y. Oka, M. Osakabe, T. Ozaki, B. J. Peterson, G. Rewoldt, A. Sagara, K. Saito, H. Sasao, M. Sasao, K. Sato, M. Sato, T. Seki, H. Sugama, T. Shimozuma, M. Shoji, H. Suzuki, Y. Takeiri, N. Tamura, K. Toi, T. Tokuzawa, Y. Torii, K. Tsumori, T. Watanabe, I. Yamada, S. Yamamoto, M. Yokoyama, Y. Yoshimura, T. Watari, Y. Xu, K. Itoh, K. Matsuoka, K. Ohkubo, T. Satow, S. Sudo, T. Uda, K. Yamazaki, O. Motojima, M. Fujiwara, "Configuration Flexibility and Extended Regimes in Large Helical Device", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 43 (2001) pp.55-71. H Yamada, N Ohyabu, K Y Watanabe, S Murakami, S Sakakibara, K Tanaka, R Sakamoto, K Ida, M Osakabe, J Miyazawa, B J Peterson, S Morita, K Narihara and the LHD experimental group, "Characterization of edge pressure in the Large Helical Device", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 44 (2002) pp.1-7. 山田弘司、竹永秀信、坂本隆一、松岡守、王恩耀、 福本直之、宮沢順一 , 「磁場閉じ込め装置での粒 子補給システムの現状と課題」, プラズマ・核融合 学会誌, 77 (2001) pp.222-252. Patents 伊原博隆,大久保捷敏,「光学活性認識剤,それを 用いた光学分割カラム充填剤および光学分割法」, 特願 P2001-043194 (2001). Presentations H. Ihara, T. Sakurai, M. Takafuji, T. Sagawa, H. Hachisako, "Metal ion-induced chirality control of organic gel systems from amino acid-derived lipids", International Symposium on Self-Assembled Fibrillar Networks, Autrans, France, 2001. T. Sagawa, T. Yamada, T. Sakurai, H. Hachisako, M. Takafuji, K. Ohkubo, H. Ihara, "Fluorescence characterization of fibrous networks in organic gel systems by pyrene-labeled L-glytamic acid-derived lipids", International Symposium on Self-Assembled Fibrillar Networks, Autrans, France, 2001. T. Sagawa, M. Kawaguchi, R. Sueyoshi, H. Ihara, K. Ohkubo, "Bio-catalyst system for energy-recycle use: Photochemical system for regeneration of NADH with multilayered TiO2 nanoparticles", 1st Eco-Energy and Materials Science and Engineering Symposium, Rajamangala Institute of Technology, Pathumthani, Thailand, 2001. M. Takafuji, A. Ishiodori, T. Sakurai, H. Hachisako, H. Ihara, "Polymerization of Organogel from L-Glutamic Acid Derived Lipids", Kyushu-Seibu/Pusan Kyonam Joint Symposium of Polymers and Textile, Nagasaki, 2001. W. Dong, Y. Goto, T. Sakurai, M. Takafuji, S. Nagaoka, H. Ihara, "Detection of Enhanced Molecular-Shape Selectivity toward Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons through Poly (acrylonitrile)", Kyushu-Seibu/Pusan Kyonam Joint Symposium of Polymers and Textile, Nagasaki, 2001. T. Yamada, M. Takafuji, T. Sakurai, T. Sagawa, H. Hachisako, H. Ihara, "Evaluation of Chiral Organogels from Fluorophore-Labeled L-Glutamic Acid Derived Lipids", Kyushu-Seibu/Pusan Kyonam Joint Symposium of Polymers and Textile, Nagasaki, 2001. M. Nishihara, T. Sakurai, M. Takafuji, H. Ihara, T. Mashimo, "Separation of trihalogenated aromatic compounds by means of mega gravity field", 52nd International Astronautical Congress, Toulouse, France, 2001. Y. Goto, Y. Masuda, T. Sakurai, S. Nagaoka, H. Ihara, "Chromatographic Separation of Carcinogenic Dinitropyrenes with Chiral Comb-shaped Polymer as Stationary Phase", HPLC Kyoto International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separation and Related Techniques, Kyoto, 2001. H. Hachisako, S. Fukuhara, H. Ihara, "Organic gels from L-glutamic acid-derived denrimers", ISMC2001, Fukuoka, 2001. H. Kido, T. Sakurai, M. Takafuji, H. Hachisako, H. Ihara, "Metal ion-induced chiral control of organogels from L-glutamic acid-derived lipids", ISMC2001, Fukuoka (Japan) 伊原博隆,「有機ナノチューブから Self-Assembling オルガノゲルまで」,第2回先進環境エネルギーフ ォーラムシンポジウム— ナノテクノロジーと色素 増感太陽電池— ,宇治, 2001. 伊原博隆,「新しい有機媒体としてのオルガノゲ ル」,高分子材料研究会,愛媛, 2001. 後藤嘉宏,伊原博隆,永岡昭二,「結晶性ポリマー グラフト化シリカを用いた分子認識能の増幅(1) - 分子配向場による分子長識別型HPLC -」,日 本分析化学会第 50 年会,熊本, 2001. 塚本浩仁,後藤嘉宏,櫻井敏彦,高藤誠,伊原博隆, 永岡昭二「結晶性ポリマーグラフト化シリカを用い た分子認識能の増幅(2)- ジアステレオマー化剤 としてのダンシルアミノ酸の評価 -」,日本分析化 学会第 50 年会,熊本,2001. 財津祐紀,後藤嘉宏,櫻井敏彦,伊原博隆,永岡昭 二,「結晶性ポリマーグラフト化シリカを用いた分 子認識能の増幅(3)- 分子配向場によるジアステ レオマーのHPLC分離 -」,日本分析化学会第 50 年会,熊本,2001. 後藤嘉宏,岩本政樹,益田裕樹,櫻井敏彦,伊原博 隆,永岡昭二,「結晶性ポリマーグラフト化シリカ を用いた分子認識能の増幅(4)- 結晶性ポリマー の分子配向性を利用した多環芳香族性環境汚染物 質のHPLC -」,日本分析化学会第 50 年会,熊 本,2001. 董 偉,後藤嘉宏,櫻井敏彦,高藤誠,伊原博隆, 永岡昭二,「ポリアクリロニトリルの高分子効果を 利用した分子形状認識型HPLC」,日本分析化学 会第 50 年会,熊本,2001. 伊原博隆,「機能性オルガノゲル - キラリティの 増幅,制御,利用,日本化学会中国四国支部・同九 州支部合同大会,島根,2001. 橋本智尊,櫻井敏彦,高藤 誠,伊原博隆,鉢迫 博, 「キラル脂質によるオルガノゲルを用いたアミノ 酸誘導体の不斉分割」。日本化学会中国四国支部・ 同九州支部合同大会,島根,2001. 城崎智洋,櫻井敏彦,高藤 誠,伊原博隆,「アゾ ベンゼンを含む6鎖型シクロホスファゼン脂質に よる オルガノゲルの機能制御」,日本化学会中国 四国支部・同九州支部合同大会,島根,2001. 濱崎ゆう, 永岡昭二, 永田正典, 石原晋一郎, 伊原 博隆, 飯尾 心,「セルロース/酸化チタン複合粒子 (VI) 表面分散系酸化チタン/カーボン複合球状粒子 の構築」,第 50 回高分子討論会, 東京,2001. 董 偉,後藤嘉宏,櫻井敏彦,高藤誠,伊原博隆, 永岡昭二,「高分子効果による増幅 CN-π相互作用 を利用した分子形状認識」, 第 38 回化学関連支部 合同九州大会,福岡,2001. 寺本広司,西原正通,櫻井敏彦,伊原博隆,真下 茂, 「メガ重力場での重合反応 − 立体規則性および分 子傾斜化についての検討− 」, 第 38 回化学関連支 部合同九州大会,福岡,2001. の適用」,第 50 回高分子学会年次大会,大阪,2001. 沖田義寛,後藤嘉宏,櫻井敏彦,佐川尚,伊原博隆, 永岡昭二「脂質膜アナログを利用する不斉識別 (3)キラル結晶場によるアミノ酸誘導体の 光学 分割」,第 50 回高分子学会年次大会,大阪,2001. 鉢迫 博,福田修,伊原博隆,スピロピラン脂質オ ルガノゲル系におけるメロシアニン→スピロピラ ン熱異性化 速度の制御− アントラセン脂質のスペ ーサーメチレン数の偶奇効果− 」,第 50 回高分子 学会年次大会,大阪,2001. 板井豊充,西原正通,櫻井敏彦,伊原博隆,真下 茂, 「高重力場を利用した Si-Ti 系傾斜ガラスの創製」, 第 38 回化学関連支部合同九州大会,福岡,2001. 鉢迫 博,福原さち子,伊原博隆,.L-グルタミン酸 を用いる収束型デンドリマーの合成とそのオルガ ノゲルの性質」,第 50 回高分子学会年次大会,大 阪,2001. 牛島法子,櫻井敏彦,高藤誠,伊原博隆,鉢迫 博, 「オルガノゲルを形成するアクリレートテロマー 型脂質の調製と会合特性の評価」, 第 38 回化学関 連支部合同九州大会,福岡,2001.第 38 回化学関連 支部合同九州大会,福岡 永岡昭二,濱崎ゆう,永田正典,石原晋一郎,伊原 博隆,飯尾 心,「セルロース/酸化チタン複合粒 子(IV)酸化チタン坦持カーボン系球状粒子とその 光触媒能」,第 50 回高分子学会年次大会,大阪, 2001. 塚本浩仁,後藤嘉宏,櫻井敏彦,伊原博隆,永岡昭 二,「結晶性ポリマー有機相を利用する不斉識別 ダンシルアミノ酸を用いた新規ジア ステレオマー 化剤の探索 -」, 第 38 回化学関連支部合同九州大 会, 福岡, 2001.第 38 回化学関連支部合同九州大会, 福岡 H. Yamada, K. Y. Watanabe, K. Yamazaki, S. Murakami, S. Sakakibara, K. Narihara, K. Tanaka, M. Osakabe, K. Ida, N. Ashikawa, P. deVaries, M. Emoto, H. Funaba, M. Goto, H. Idei, K. Ikeda , S. Inagaki, N. Inoue, M. Isobe, S. Kado, O. Kaneko, K. Kawahata, K. Khlopenkov, A. Komori, S. Kubo, R. Kumazawa, S. Masuzaki, T. Minami, J. Miyazawa , T. Morisaki, S. Morita, S. Muto, T. Mutoh, Y. Nagayama, N. Nakajima, Y. Nakamura, H. Nakanishi, K. Nishimura, N. Noda, T. Notake, T. Kobuchi, Y. Liang, S. Ohdachi, N. Ohyabu, Y. Oka, T. Ozaki, R. O. Pavlichenko, B. J. Peterson, G. Rewoldt, A. Sagara, K. Saito, R. Sakamoto, H. Sasao, M. Sasao, K. Sato, M. Sato, T. Seki, T. Shimozuma, M. Shoji, H. Sugama, H. Suzuki, M. Takechi, Y. Takeiri, N. Tamura, K. Toi, T. Tokuzawa, Y. Torii, K. Tsumori, I. Yamada, S. Yamaguchi, S. Yamamoto, M. Yokoyama, Y. Yoshimura, T. Watari, K. Itoh, K. Matsuoka, K. Ohkubo, I. Ohtake, S. Satoh, T. Satow, S. Sudo, S. Tanahashi, T. Uda, Y. Hamada, O. Motojima, M. Fujiwara, "Configuration Flexibility and Extended Regimes in Large Helical Device", 28th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Portugal, Jun. 18-22, 2001. 春藤淳臣,櫻井敏彦,伊原博隆,永岡昭二,岸良一, 上野 勝彦,「生体適合化材料を指向したアミノ酸 からの両性電解質ポリマーの調製」, 第 38 回化学 関連支部合同九州大会,福岡,2001. 城戸直之,櫻井敏彦,佐川尚,鉢迫 博,伊原博隆, 「錯体形成能を有するキラル脂質類似物によるオ ルガノゲル形成」,第 50 回高分子学会年次大会, 大阪,2001. 城崎智洋,櫻井敏彦,Galina Popova,伊原博隆,「光 官能基を有する脂質型ホスファゼンの合成と有機 溶媒中での分散挙動」,第 50 回高分子学会年次大 会,大阪,2001. 財津祐紀,後藤嘉宏,櫻井敏彦,佐川尚,伊原博隆, 永岡昭二,「脂質膜アナログを利用する不斉識別 (1) - 結晶場によるジアステレオマー分離 の増 幅」,第 50 回高分子学会年次大会,大阪,2001. 塚本浩仁,後藤嘉宏,櫻井敏彦,伊原博隆,永岡昭 二,「脂質膜アナログを利用する不斉識別(2)ダンシルアミノ酸のジアステレオマー化剤として H Yamada, N Ohyabu, K Y Watanabe, S Murakami, S Sakakibara, K Tanaka, R Sakamoto, K Ida, M Osakabe, J Miyazawa, B J Peterson, S Morita, K Narihara and the LHD experimental group, "Characterization of edge pressure in the Large Helical Device", 8th IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on H-Mode Physics and Transport Barrier Physics, Japan, Sep. 5-7, 2001. 山田弘司、坂本隆一、宮沢順一、榊原悟、渡辺清政、 村上定義、田中謙治、森田繁、LHD 実験グループ、 「LHD における高密度領域でのエネルギー閉じ込 め特性について」プラズマ・核融合学会 第18回 年会、クローバープラザ、2001 年 11 月 27-30 日、 27-pB07. H. Yamada, S. Morita, S. Murakami, J. Miyazawa, R. Sakamoto, S. Sakakibara, K. Y. Watanabe, K. Tanaka, K. Narihara, M. Osakabe, B. J. Peterson, Y. Nakamura, M. Goto, H. Suzuki, LHD Experimental Group, "Remarks on Saturation of Energy Confinement in High Density Regime on LHD", Joint Conf. of 12th International Toki Conference and 3rd General Assembly of Asia Plasma Fusion Association, Japan, Dec.11-14, 2001. Adavanced Energy Utilization Division Chemical Reaction Complex Processes Research Section Publications S. Tanaka, N. Hirose, T. Tanaki, and Y. H. Ogata, "The Effect of Tin Ingredients on Electrocatalytic Activity of Raney-Ni Prepared by Mechanical Alloying", Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 26 (2001) 47-53. T. Tsuboi, T. Sakka, and Y. H. Ogata, "Polarization Behavior during Porous Silicon Formation: Effect of Surfactant", Electrochim. Acta, 46 (2001) 1013-1018. 鈴木祥一郎、福井洋一、土屋和代、尾形幸生,「電 着樹脂液中に含まれる酸および塩基の定量分析に 及ぼす水-THF 溶媒の影響」,表面技術, 52 (2001) 228-232. F. A. Harraz, T. Sakka, and Y. H. Ogata, "Immersion Plating of Copper using (CF3SO3)2Cu onto Porous Silicon from Organic Solutions", Electrochim. Acta, 46 (2001) 2805-2810. Y-I. Suzuki, H. Fukui, K. Tsuchiya, S. Arita, and Y.H. Ogata, "Influence of Glass Transition Temperature of Cationic Electropaint System on Film Formation", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Scanning Probe Techniques for Materials Characterization at Nanometer Scale, PV.2000-35 , D.C. Hansen, H.S. Isaacs, and K. Sieradzki, Editors, pp. 168-177, The Electrochem. Soc. Inc., Pennington, NJ, 2001. Y. H. Ogata, N. Yoshimi, T. Tsuboi, and T. Sakka, "Structural Reorganization in p-Type Porous Silicon by Mild Heat-Treatment", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Pits and Pores II, PV.2000-25, P Schmuki, D.J. Lockwood, Y.H. Ogata and H.S. Isaacs, Editors, pp. 515-523, The Electrochem. Soc. Inc., Pennington, NJ, 2001. Y-I. Suzuki, Y. Fukui, K. Tsuchiya, S. Arita, and Y. H. Ogata, "Film Formation from Cationic Electropaint Systems Containing Resins with Different Glass Transition Temperature", Prog. Org. Coat., 42 (2001) 209-217. Y.H. Ogata, N. Yoshimi, R. Yasuda, T. Tsuboi, T. Sakka, and A. Otsuki, "Structural Change in p-Type Porous Silicon by Thermal Annealing", J. Appl. Phys., 90 (2001) 6487-6492. 鈴木祥一郎、福井洋一、土家和代、有田了、尾形幸 生,「アニオン型電着樹脂から形成される分散粒子 構造の酸-塩基滴定による解析」,色材, 74 (2001) 598-606. Presentations Farid A. Harraz, Takashi Tsuboi, Tetsuo Sakka and Yukio H. Ogata, "Metal deposition onto a porous silicon layer by immersion plating from aqueous and nonaqueous solutions", The 2001 ECS/ISE Joint Meeting, No. 1085, San Francisco, USA, September 2-7, 2001. Yo-ichiro Suzuki, Hirokazu Fukui, Kazuyo Tsuchiya, Satoru Atita, and Yukio H. Ogata, "Variation of film resistance during electropaint deposition", The 2001 ECS/ISE Joint Meeting, No. 769, San Francisco, USA, September 2-7, 2001. Yukio H. Ogata, "Porous silicon: its properties and metal deposition onto it", Special Seminar, Department of Chemical Engineering, Rochester University, Rochester, USA, September 10, 2001. Farid A. Harraz, Tetsuo Sakka and Yukio H. Ogata, "Effect of chloride ions on immersion plating of copper onto porous silicon from a methanol solution", 1st International Symposium on Materials Processing for Nanostructured Device, P-4, Abstract p.139, Kyoto, Japan, September 16-19, 2001. Didier Hamm, Junji Sasano, Tetsuo Sakka and Yukio H. Ogata, "Effect of the HF content during the anodisation of p-silicon", 1st International Symposium on Materials Processing for Nanostructured Device, O-5, Abstract p.35, Kyoto, Japan, September 16-19, 2001. Yukio H. Ogata, "Porous silicon: its properties and metal deposition onto it", Special Seminar, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA, September 20, 2001. Kotaro Saito, Kazuhiro Takatani, Tetsuo Sakka, Yukio H. Ogata, "Observation of Light Emitting Region Produced by Pulsed laser irradiation to solid-liquid interface", The 6th International Conference on Laser Ablation, PM5, Abstract p.65, Tsukuba, Japan, October 1-5,. 2001. Tetsuo Sakka, Kotaro Saito, and Yukio H. Ogata, "Emission spectra of the species ablated from a solid target submerged in liquid", The 6th International Conference on Laser Ablation, PT13, Abstract p.165, Tsukuba, Japan, October 1-5, 2001. Farid Harraz, Tetsuo Sakka and Yukio H. Ogata, "Immersion plating of copper using (CF3SO3)2Cu onto porous silicon from organic solutions" The 103rd Meeting of The Surface Finishing Society of Japan, 14A-28, Abstract p.47-48, Miyashiro, Saitama, March 14-16, 2001. 表面技術協会第 103 回講演大会,日本工業大学, 2001 年 3 月 14-16 日,14A-28. 齋藤功太郎,高谷和宏,作花哲夫,尾形幸生,「固 液界面でのパルスレーザーアブレーションにより 生成するプラズマの観察」,第 48 回応用物理学関係 連合講演会,明治大学駿河台キャンパス,2001 年 3 月 28-31 日,30p-ZF-1. Kotaro Saito, Kazuhiro Takatani, Tetsuo Sakka and Yukio H. Ogata, "The observation of plasma obtained by pulsed laser ablation at solid liquid interface", The 48th Spring Meeting of The Japan Society of Applied Physics and Related Societies, 30p-ZF-1, Abstract p.1125, Tokyo, March 28-31, 2001. 作花哲夫,高谷和宏,齋藤功太郎,岩永修二,中嶋 隆,尾形幸生,「固液界面へのパルスレーザー照射 による発光の時間分解スペクトル」,第 48 回応用物 理学関係連合講演会,明治大学駿河台キャンパス, 2001 年 3 月 28-31 日,30p-ZF-2. Tetsuo Sakka, Kazuhiro Takatani, Kotaro Saito, Shuji Iwanaga, "Time resolved spectra of the emission induced by pulsed laser irradiation to solid-liquid interface", The 48th Spring Meeting of The Japan Society of Applied Physics and Related Societies, 30p-ZF-2, Abstract p.1126, Tokyo, March 28-31, 2001. 笹野順司,Didier Hamm,作花哲夫,尾形幸生,「シ リコンの多孔質化に伴う金属析出の変化」,電気化 学会第 68 回大会,神戸大学工学部,2001 年 4 月 1-3 日,3D04. Junji Sasano, Didier Hamm, Tetsuo Sakka and Yukio H. Ogata, "Metal deposition behaviors on porous silicon and silicon surface", The 68th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society of Japan, 3D04, Abstract p.69, Kobe, April 1-3, 2001. 室田龍一郎,笹野順司,作花哲夫,尾形幸生,「多 孔質シリコンの銅の置換めっきに及ぼす溶存酸素 の効果」,電気化学会第 68 回大会,神戸大学工学部, 2001 年 4 月 1-3 日,3D05. Ryu-ichi Murota, Junji Sasano, Tetsuo Sakka and Yukio H. Ogata, "Effect of dissolved oxygen on immersion plating of copper onto porous silicon", The 68th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society of Japan, 3D05, Abstract p.69, Kobe, April 1-3, 2001. Didier Hamm, Tetsuo Sakka and Yukio H. Ogata, "Influence of the HF content during the formation of porous silicon", The 68th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society of Japan, 3D06, Abstract p.70, Kobe, April 1-3, 2001. 電気化学会第 68 回大会,神戸大学工学部,2001 年 4 月 1-3 日,3D06. 笹野順司,Patrik Schmuki,作花哲夫,尾形幸生,「シ リコンの半導体特性を利用したニッケルの選択的 析出」,2001 年電気化学秋季大会,東京理科大学神 楽坂キャンパス,2001 年 9 月 20-21 日,2J01. Junji Sasano, Patrik Schmuki, Tetsuo Sakka and Yukio H. Ogata, "Selective deposition of nickel on Si utilising its photoelectrochemical properties", The year 2001 Autumn Meeting of the Electrochemical Society of Japan, 2J01, Abstract p.207, Tokyo, September 20-21, 2001. Farid A. Harraz, Tetsuo Sakka and Yukio H. Ogata, "Immersion plating of nickel onto a porous silicon layer from fluoride solution", The 104th Meeting of The Surface Finishing Society of Japan, 27C-22, Abstract p.163-164, Fukuoka, September 26-27, 2001. 表面技術協会第 104 会講演大会,福岡工業大学, 2001 年 9 月 26-27 日,27C-22. 尾形幸生,「多孔質シリコンに現れる諸形態」,第 31 回電気化学講習会, 京大会館, 2001 年 11 月 8 日, 「ミレニアムテクノロジーと電気化学」テキスト pp.27-35. 笹野順司, Patrik Schmuki, 作花哲夫, 尾形幸生,「シ リコン基板上への光アシストによるニッケル析出」, 第3回関西表面技術フォーラム,甲南大学,2001 年 12 月 4-5 日,No. 25. Junji Sasano, Patrik Schmuki, Tetsuo Sakka and Yukio H. Ogata, "Nickel deposition on silicon substrate with the laser assist", The 3rd Forum of Kansai Surface Finishing Society, No. 25, Abstract p.52, Kobe, December 4-5, 2001. Adavanced Energy Utilization Division Molecular Assembly Design Research Section Publications M. Kinoshita, Y. Okamoto, and F. Hirata, "Solvent Effects on Conformational Stability of Peptides: RISM Analyses", J. Mol. Liq., 90 (2001) pp.195-204. 木下正弘,「生体系のコンピューターシミュレーシ ョン」,化学フロンティア⑦,化学同人,2002 年 6 月刊行予定,11 章『タンパク質の水和と構造安定 性』,印刷中. Y. Harano, T. Imai, A. Kovalenko, M. Kinoshita, and F. Hirata, "Theoretical Study for Partial Molar Volume of Amino Acids and Polypeptides by the Three-Dimensional Reference Interaction Site Model", J. Chem. Phys., 114 (2001) pp.9506-9511. M. Kinoshita, "Molecular Theory of Solvation", Kluwer Academic Publisher (The Netherlands), to be published in 2002, "Conformational Stability of Biomolecules in Solution" (Chapter 4) and "Algorithms for Solving RISM Equations" (Chapter 7), in press. M. Kinoshita, T. Imai, A. Kovalenko, and F. Hirata, "Improvement of the Reference Interaction Site Model Theory for Calculating the Partial Molar Volume of Amino Acids and Polypeptides", Chem. Phys. Lett., 348 (2001) pp.337-342. S.Otsuki. K.Murai, and S.Yoshikawa, "Development of a Two-Dimensional Evaluation for Thin Films using Surface Plasmon Resonance", Chem. Letter ( 2001) pp1312-1313. 神尾和教,木下正弘,「エントロピー駆動の秩序構 造形成に関する統計力学的解析」,化学工学論文集, 特集「液相系における構造形成と機能化」,27 (2001) pp.683-689. 木下正弘,岡本祐幸,平田文男,「水中およびアル コール中におけるペプチドの立体構造解析」,蛋白 質 核酸 酵素,46 (2001) pp.713-718. M. Kinoshita and T. Oguni, "Depletion Effects on the Lock and Key Steric Interactions between Macromolecules", Chem. Phys. Lett., 351 (2002) pp.79-84. M. Kinoshita, "Spatial Distribution of a Depletion Potential between a Big Solute of Arbitrary Geometry and a Big Sphere Immersed in Small Spheres", J. Chem. Phys., 116 (2002) pp.3493-3501. M. Kinoshita, "Interaction between Large Spheres Immersed in Small Spheres: Remarkable Effects due to a Trace Amount of Medium-Sized Spheres", Chem. Phys. Lett., 353 (2002) pp.259-269. T. Imai, H. Nomura, M. Kinoshita, and F. Hirata, "Partial Molar Volume and Compressibility of Alkali Halide Ions in Aqueous Solution: Hydration Shell Analysis with an Integral Equation Theory of Molecular Liquids", J. Phys. Chem. B, in press. M. Kinoshita and Y. Sugai, "Methodology of Predicting Approximate Shapes and Size Distribution of Micelles: Illustration for Simple Models", J. Comput. Chem., in press. M. Harada, S. Itakura, A. Shioi, and M. Adachi, "Processes Silica Network Structure Formation in Reverse Micellar System", Langmuir, 17(14) (2001) pp4189-4195. M. Adachi, I. Okada, S. Ngamsinlapasathian, Y. Murata,and S. Yoshikawa, "Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells using Semiconductor Thin Film Composed of Titnia Nanotubes", Electrochemistry, 2002 in print. 佐伯登,グエンキエンクオン,吉川暹, 「大気圧プラ ズマプロセスによるポリエステルの表面改質」,真 空,(2002), 印刷中. M. Adachi, Y. Murata, Issei Okada, and S. Yoshikawa, "Formation, Characterization, and Functions of Ceramic Nanotubes", Transactions of Materials Research Society of Japan, in print. Motonari Adachi, "Formation Processes of Silica Nanotubes and Integrated Ordered Microstructures", Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, in press. M. Adachi, Y. Murata, and M. Harada, "Formation of Metal Oxide Nanotubes through Surfactant-Mediated Method In Laurylamine / Metal Alkoxide System" Proceedings of International Symposium" Pits and Pores II: Formation, Properties, and Significance for Advanced Materials", P.Schumuki, D.J.Lockwood, Y.H.Ogata, and H.S.Issacs Eds, Proceedings Volume 2000-25, The Electrochemical Society, Inc. Pennington, (2001) pp227-237. M. Adachi, H. Taniguchi, and M. Harada, "Formation conditions of integrated ordered microstructure of nano-size silica materials in laurylamine/tetraethoxysilane system", Proceedings of the international conference on colloid and surface science, Tokyo, Japan, November 5-8, 2000, Y. Iwasawa, N. Oyama, H. Kunieda Eds, Studies in surface science and catalysis 132, elsevier (2001) pp259-262. Noboru Saeki, Nguyen Kien Cuong, Susumu Yoshikawa, Surface Modification of Carbonfibers Using Plasma-Induced Graft at One-Atmosphere, Proceedings of Plasma Science Symposium (2001) pp647-649. 月 2 日、ポスターセッション15. 木下正弘,「表面の幾何学的形状を反映して小粒子 集団中の大粒子に対して形成されるポテンシャル 場の理論解析」,第 54 回コロイドおよび界面化学討 論会,明星大学,2001 年 9 月 16-18 日,3F03. 木下正弘,「鍵-鍵穴間相互作用に及ぼす排除容積 効果の理論解析」,第 54 回コロイドおよび界面化学 討論会,明星大学,2001 年 9 月 16-18 日,3F04. 足立基齊、「セラミクスナノチューブの創製と利 用」 第31回電気化学講習会 ミレニアムテクノ ロジーと電気化学 (2001) pp36-45. 木下正弘,「積分方程式論を用いた物質複合系の非 線形挙動解析」,第 24 回 溶液化学シンポジウム, 岡山大学自然科学研究科, 2001 年 9 月 20-22 日, S3, 特別講演. M. Adachi, "Affinity-Based Reverse Micellar Separations", in Method for Affinity-Based Separation of Enzymes and Proteins, M. N. Guputa Ed., Birkhauser Verlag AG (2002) in print. 木下正弘,水貝欣樹,「ミセル形態・サイズ分布予 測のための方法論:単純化モデルに対する例証」, 第 24 回溶液化学シンポジウム,岡山大学自然科学 研究科,2001 年 9 月 20-22 日,1P01. 吉川暹、松原一郎、コンビナトリアル・マテリアル・ ディスカバリー、「コンビナトリアルサイエンスの 新展開」高橋孝志監、シーエムシー出版 (2002) pp146-166. 木下正弘,「物質複合系の非線形挙動に関する理論 解析研究」,第 91 回 物理化学セミナー,立命館大 学草津キャンパス,2001 年 9 月 29 日,招待講演. Patents 足立基齊, 吉川 暹, 原田 誠, 村田雄輔 「ナノチ ューブあるいはナノワイヤー形状を有する金属酸 化物とその製造方法」特願 2001-150030 (2001) 吉川 暹, 足立基齊, 「光機能物品」 特願 2002-054979 (2002) 吉川 暹、足立基齊、「セラミックス複合体とその 組成物並びにその製造方法」 特願 2002-039263 (2002) 吉川 暹, 足立基齊, 「セラミックスナノ構造体とそ の組成物並びにその製造方法」 特願 2002-039264 (2002) 足立基齊, 吉川 暹, 佐藤保雄,「貴金属ナノワイヤ ー構造物とその製造方法」 特願 2002-039262 (2002) 木下正弘,「溶媒中における蛋白質の立体構造予 測:分子科学的方法論の構築に向けて」,日本学術 振興会未来開拓学術研究推進事業研究会「第一原理 からのタンパク質の立体構造予測シミュレーショ ン法の開発」,田沢湖高原休暇村,2002 年 2 月 17-20 日. 木下正弘,「水溶液中における蛋白質の立体構造予 測:拡張アンサンブル法と RISM 理論の統合」,岡 崎国立共同研究機構計算科学研究センター・スーパ ーコンピューターワークショップ「分子科学とバイ オサイエンスの接点」,岡崎国立共同研究機構計算 科学研究センター,2002 年 3 月 5-6 日,招待講演. 木下正弘,「表面の幾何学的形状を反映して小粒子 集団中の大粒子に対して形成されるポテンシャル 場」,化学工学会第 67 年会,福岡工業大学,2002 年 3 月 27-29 日,J104. 木下正弘,「鍵-鍵穴間相互作用に及ぼす排除容積 効果」,化学工学会第 67 年会,福岡工業大学,2002 年 3 月 27-29 日,J105. Presentations 今井隆志,野村浩康,木下正弘,平田文男,「イオ ンの部分モル体積/圧縮率と水和モデル」,分子研研 究会「分子科学から見た21世紀の溶液化学」、岡 崎コンファレンスセンター,2001 年 5 月 31 日-6 岡田一誠、足立基齊、村田雄輔、松田敏彦、吉川 暹, 「新規なナノ構造体を用いた色素増感太陽電池」, 化学工学会第 66 年会, 広島大学,2001 年 4 月 2-4 日,H203. 村田雄輔、足立基齊、吉川 暹, 「分子集合体を用 いたチタニアナノ構造体の形成条件による構造変 化」,化学工学会第 66 年会, 広島大学,2001 年 4 月 2-4 日,H204. 足立基齊,岡田一誠,村田雄輔,松田敏彦,小池伸 二,吉川 暹, 「チタニアナノチューブの創製と色 素増感太陽電池への応用」, 電気化学会第68大会, 神戸大学, 2001 年 4 月 1-3 日,2G17. 村田雄輔,足立基齊,吉川 暹, 「界面活性剤を用 いた金属ナノ材料の創製」, 化学工学会福井大会, 福井市, 2001年7月 26- 27日,E116. M. Adachi, and M. Harada, "Formation processes of silica nanotubes and integrated ordered microstructures", Second International Conference on Silica, Mulhouse, France, September 3-6 (2001). M. Adachi, I. Okada, Y. Murata, T. Matsuda, S. Koike, H. Matsumoto, and S. Yoshikawa, "Formation of Ceramic Nanotubes/Nanowires and Application for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells", 10th International Conference on Unconventional Photoactive Systems”, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, September 4-8 (2001). M. Adachi, Y. Murata, and S. Yoshikawa, "Formation of ceramic nanotubes by surfactant assisted templating mechanism", European Research Conference, Interface and Colloid System, Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy, September 8-13 (2001). Y. Murata, M. Adachi, and S. Yoshikawa, "Formation of silica and titania nanotubes by surfactant assisted templating mechanism", European Research Conference, Interface and Colloid System, Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy, September 8-13 (2001). 足立基齊,村田雄輔,吉川 暹, 「セラミックスナ ノチューブの一般的合成法」, 第54回コロイド および界面討論会, 明星大学, 2001 年 9 月 16-18 日,3F01. 村田雄輔,足立基齊,吉川 暹, 「多種金属酸化物 の複合した新規ナノ構造体の室温合成」, 第54 回コロイドおよび界面討論会, 明星大学, 2001 年 9 月 16-18 日,P001. 足立基齊,佐藤保雄,「超微粒子の形状制御による ワイヤーの形成」, 第54回コロイドおよび界面 討論会, 明星大学, 2001 年 9 月 16-18 日,P022. 足立基齊,岡田一誠,村田雄輔,松田敏彦,小池伸 二,松本 一,吉川 暹, 「セラミックナノ材料の 創製と色素増感太陽電池への応用」, 電気化学秋 季大会, 東京理科大学神楽坂キャンパス, 9 月 20-21 日, 2J17. 2001 年 佐藤保雄,足立基齊,「金超微粒子の融合によるナ ノワイヤーの創製」, 化学工学会第34回秋季大 会, 北海道大学, 2001 年 9 月 28-30 日, M102. 村田雄輔,足立基齊,吉川 暹, 「4 価の金属に一 般的に適用できるセラミックナノチューブ・ナノワ イヤーの合成法」, 化学工学会第34回秋季大会, 北海道大学, 2001 年 9 月 28-30 日, M103. 村田雄輔,足立基齊,吉川 暹, 「2 種以上の金属 酸化物が複合したナノチューブ・ナノワイヤーの創 製」, 化学工学会第34回秋季大会, 北海道大学, 2001 年 9 月 28-30 日, M104. 岡田一誠,足立基齊,村田雄輔,松田敏彦,小池伸 二,吉川 暹, 「新規なセラミックナノ材料を用い た色素増感太陽電池への応用」, 化学工学会第3 4回秋季大会, 北海道大学, 2001 年 9 月 28-30 日, M106. 足立基齊,「セラミックスナノチューブの創製と利 用」, 第 31 回電気化学講習会,ミレニアムテクノ ロジーと電気化学, 京大会館, 2001 年 11 月 8-9 日. M. Adachi, Y. Murata, and S. Yoshikawa, "Formation of silica and titania nanotubes through a surfactant-ssisted templating mechanism in laurylamine/metal alkoxide system", 1st Eco-Energy and Materials Science and Engineering Simposium, Rajamangala Institute of Technology, Thailand, November 22-23 (2001) Y. Murata, M. Adachi, and S. Yoshikawa, "The synthesis of ceramic nanotubes/nanowires using quadrivalent metal alkoxide", 1st Eco-Energy and Materials Science and Engineering Simposium, Rajamangala Institute of Technology, Thailand, November 22-23 (2001) I. Okada, M. Adachi, Y. Murata, and S. Yoshikawa, "Formation of Ceramic Nanotubese and Application for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells", 1st Eco-Energy and Materials Science and Engineering Simposium, Rajamangala Institute of Technology, Thailand, November 22-23 (2001). K. Mori, M. Adachi, Y. Sato, and S. Yoshikawa, "Formation of Gold Nano-wire by a Fusion of Gold Nanoparticles", 1st Eco-Energy and Materials Science and Engineering Simposium, Rajamangala Institute of Technology, Thailand, November 22-23 (2001). S. Pavasupree, Y. Murata, M. Adachi, and S. Yoshikawa, "Formation and Photocatalytic activity of Composite Nanotubes of Titania and Tin Oxide", 1st Eco-Energy and Materials Science and Engineering Simposium, Rajamangala Institute of Technology, Thailand, November 22-23 (2001). H. Fujimoto, S. Sakamoto, and S. Yoshikawa, "Design and synthesis of combinatorial peptide library with porphyrin binding ability", 1st Eco-Energy and Materials Science and Engineering Simposium, Rajamangala Institute of Technology, Thailand, November 22-23 (2001). S. Sakamoto, and S. Yoshikawa, "Design and Synthesis of Artificial α-Helical Polypeptides Conjugated with Porphyrin Chromophores as a Basic Study for Peptide Engineering", 1st Eco-Energy and Materials Science and Engineering Simposium, Rajamangala Institute of Technology, Thailand, November 22-23 (2001). 足立基齊,村田雄輔,吉川 暹, 「セラミックスナ ノチューブの創製・特性・機能」, 第13回日本 MRS シンポジウム, 川崎市, 2001 年 12 月 20-21 日,B1-O16. 村田雄輔,足立基齊,吉川 暹, 「セラミックスナ ノチューブ/ナノワイヤーの合成とその機能」, 第1 3回日本 MRS シンポジウム, 川崎市, 2001 年 12 月 20-21 日,B1-O16. 坂本清志,吉川 暹, 「ランダムから 3α-ヘリック スバンドルへのポリペプチド立体構造変化を利用 したクロムフォア間のエネルギー移動制御」, 第 4 回生命化学研究会・横浜, 慶応義塾大学, 2001 年 12 月 13 日,P-1. 坂本清志,吉川 暹, 「ポリペプチドの3αヘリッ クスバンドル構造形成に基づくクロムフォア間の エネルギー移動制御」, 日本化学会第 81 春季年会, 早稲田大学, 2002 年 3 月 26-29 日,3PA-134. 藤本裕之,坂本清志,吉川 暹, 「ポルフィリン 結合能向上のための二次元ペプチドライブラリー の構築」 , 日本化学会第 81 春季年会, 早稲田大学, 2002 年 3 月 26-29 日,2F3-16. Adavanced Energy Utilization Division Advanced Functional Materials Research Section Publications Katsutoshi Ohkubo, Kohei Sawakuma, Takashi Sagawa, “ Influence of Cross-linking Monomer and Hydrophobic Styrene Comonomer on Stereoselective Esterase Activities of Polymer Catalyst Imprinted with a Transition-state Analogue for Hydrolysis of Amino Acid Esters”, Polymer Communications, vol. 42, pp. 2263-2266 (2001). Katsutoshi Ohkubo, Kohei Sawakuma, Takashi Sagawa, “Shape- and Stereo-selective Esterase Activities of Cross-linked Polymers Imprinted with a Transition-state Analogue for the Hydrolysis of Amino Acid Esters”, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, vol. 165, pp. 1-7 (2001). Hirotaka Ihara, Yoshihiro Goto, Toshihiko Sakurai, Makoto Takafuji, Takashi Sagawa, Shoji Nagaoka, “Enhanced Molecular-shape Selectivity for Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons through Isotropic-to-crystalline Phase Transition of Poly(octadecyl acrylate) ”, Chemistry Letters, No.12, pp.1252-1253, 2001. 大久保捷敏,佐川 尚,「次世代のエネルギーをつ くる— バイオ技術から生まれるクリーン燃料」,化 学,56 巻,No. 2,pp. 19-23 (2001). 山下 哲,保坂公平,仁川純一,小瀧 努, 「酵 母リン脂質生合成の調節」,生化学, 73 巻,pp. 247-260 (2001). Presentations Taisuke Yamada, Makoto Takafuji, Toshihiko Sakurai, Takashi Sagawa, Hiroshi Hachisako, Hirotaka Ihara, "Evaluation of Chiral Organogels from Fluorophore-Labeled L-Glutamic Acid Derived Lipids", Kyushu-Seibu/Pusan Kyonam Joint Symposium of Polymers and Textile, Nagasaki, November 2001. Takashi Sagawa, Makoto Kotani, Hideaki Nada, Hideyuki Kanehara, Xiaoli Ji, Katsutoshi Ohkubo, "Solar-energy Utilizing System for Highly Efficient Production of Clean Energy: Preparation and Photocatalysis of Nano-sized TiO2 Layered Films", 1st Eco-Energy and Materials Science and Engineering Symposium, Rajamangala Institute of Technology, Pathumthani, Thailand, p. 25, November 2001. Takashi Sagawa, Mikako Kawaguchi, Ryota Sueyoshi, Hirotaka Ihara, Katsutoshi Ohkubo, "Bio-catalyst System for Energy-recycle Use: Photochemical System for Regeneration of NADH with Multilayered TiO2 Nanoparticles", 1st Eco-Energy and Materials Science and Engineering Symposium, Rajamangala Institute of Technology, Pathumthani, Thailand, p. 26, November 2001. Hirotaka Ihara, Toshihiko Sakurai, Makoto Takafuji, Takashi Sagawa, Hiroshi Hachisako, "Metal Ion-induced Chirality Control in Organic Gel Systems from L-Glutamic Acid-derived Lipids", High-level Scientific Conferences, Euroconference, SAFIN 2001 Self-Assembled Fibrillar Networks (in Chemistry, Physics and Biology), Autrans, France, p. 43, November 2001. Takashi Sagawa, Taisuke Yamada, Toshihiko Sakurai, Hiroshi Hachisako, Makoto Takafuji, Katsutoshi Ohkubo, Hirotaka Ihara, "Fluorescence Characterisation of Fibrous Networks in Organic Gel Systems by Pyrene-labelled L-Glutamic Acid-derived Lipids", High-level Scientific Conferences, Euroconference, SAFIN 2001 Self-Assembled Fibrillar Networks (in Chemistry, Physics and Biology), Autrans, France, p. 91, November 2001. 西原正通,板井豊充,櫻井敏彦,西村理香,松崎 晋, 佐川 尚,真下茂,伊原博隆,「ゾル− ゲル法と高 重力場を組み合わせた Si-Ti 系分子傾斜ガラスの作 製」,第 15 回熊本県産学官技術交流会,熊本,2001 年1月. 福田将虎,宇津木めぐみ,藤井康代,秦 恵,小瀧 努,大久保 捷敏,「Methylocystis sp. M 由来メタ ンモノオキシゲナーゼの大腸菌における大量発現」, 2001 年度日本農芸化学会,京都,2001 年 3 月. 城戸直之,櫻井敏彦,佐川 尚,鉢迫 博,伊原博 隆,「錯体形成能を有するキラル脂質類似物による オルガノゲル形成」,第 50 回高分子学会年次大会, 大阪,2001 年5月. 財津祐紀,後藤嘉宏,櫻井敏彦,佐川 尚,伊原博 隆,永岡昭二,「脂質膜アナログを利用する不斉識 別(1) 結晶場によるジアステレオマー分離の増幅」, 第 50 回高分子学会年次大会,大阪,2001 年5月. 沖田義寛,後藤嘉宏,櫻井敏彦,佐川 尚,伊原博 隆,永岡昭二,「脂質膜アナログを利用する不斉識 別(3) キラル結晶場によるアミノ酸誘導体の光学分 割」,第 50 回高分子学会年次大会,大阪,2001 年 5月. Adavanced Energy Utilization Division Bioenergy Research Section Publications K. Kanaori, N. Shibayama, K. Gohda, K. Tajima, and K. Makino “Multiple four-stranded conformation of human telomere sequence d(CCCTAA) in solution”, Nucleic Acids Res., 29 (2001), pp831-840. T. Suzuki, H. Ide, M. Yamada, T. Morii, and K. Makino “Formation of 2-chloroinosine from guanosine by treatment of HNO2 in the presence of NaCl”, Bioorg. & Med. Chem., 9 (2001), pp2937-2941. T. Arai, N. Endo, K. Yamashita, M. Sasada, H. Mori, H. Ishii, K. Makino, and K. Fukuda “6-Formylpterin, a xanthine oxidase inhibitor, intracellularly generates reactive oxygen species involved in apoptosis and cell proliferation”, Free Rad. Biol. Med., 30 (2001), pp248-259. N. Endo, K. Higashi, K. Tajima, and K. Makino “Electrochemical formation of hydrogen atom adduct of 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide and its mechanism”,Chem Lett., 2001(2001) pp548-549. M. Hagihara, T. Morii, and K. Makino “Recognition of small molecules by a ribonucleopeptide”, Nucleic Acids Res. Supplement, 1 (2001), pp7-8. T. Morii, K. Sugimoto, M. Otsuka, Y. Mori, K. Imoto, and K. Makino “A new fluorescent biosensor for inositol triphosphate”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 124 (2002), 1138-1139. N. Endo, K. Higashi, K. Kanaori, K. Tajima, and K. Makno “Electrochemical-ESR detection of hydrogen atom adducts of 5-membered ring nitrone spin traps”, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 75 (2002), 149-150. T. Suzuki, M. Yamada, T. Nakamura, H. Ide, K. Kanaori, K. Tajima, T. Morii, and K. Makino “Formation of a fairy stable diazoate intermediate of 5-methyl-2'-deoxycytidine by HNO2 and NO, and its implication to a novel mutation mechanism in CpG site”, Bioorg. & Med. Chem., 10 (2002), 1063-1067. 牧野圭祐、バイオマスからの環境ホルモン、坂志朗 編「バイオマス・エネルギー・環境」、アイピーシ ー、173-188 (2001). 牧野圭祐編、超臨界クロマトグラフィー (Supercritical Fluid Chromatography, Ed. R. M. Smith, Royal Society of Chemistry, London)、廣川書店、 (2001). T. Nakano, H. Terato, K. Asagoshi, Y. Ohyama, T. Suzuki, M. Yamada, K. Makino, and H.Ide “Adduct formation between oxanine and amine derivatives”, Nucleic Acids Res. Supplement, 1 (2001), pp47-48. 牧野圭祐及び山田真希、一酸化窒素による DNA 傷 害、吉川敏一編「酸化ストレス− フリーラジカル医 学生物学の最前線」、医歯薬出版、158-161(全 326 p)、(2001). M. Yamada, H. Honjo, T. Hasegawa, E. Morimoto, T. Suzuki, T. Morii, and K. Makino “A novel detection method for 2’-deoxyoxanosine”, Nucleic Acids Res. Supplement, 1 (2001), pp159-160. M. Harada, S. Itakura, A. Shioi, and M. Adachi; "Processes of Silica Network Structure Formation in Reverse Micellar System", Langmuir, vol. 17, No. 14, pp. 4189-4195 (2001) 193. Effect of complementary C-strand on telomere G-quartet structure. K. Kanaori, A. Moriyama, T. Shoji, K. Tajima, and K. Makino Nucleic Acids Res. Supplement, 1, 265-266, 2001. M. Adachi, I. Okada, S. Ngamsinlapasathian, Y. Murata, and S. Yoshikawa, “Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells using Semiconductor Thin Film Composed of Titnia Nanotubes”, Electrochemistry, 2002 in print T. Morii, T. Tanaka, S. Sato, M. Hagiwara, Y. Aizawa and K. Makino “A general strategy to determine a target DNA sequence of a short peptide: Application to a D-peptide”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 124 (2002), 180-181. T. Morii, S. Sato, M. Hagiwara, Y. Mori, K. Imoto, and K. Makino “Structure-based design of a leucine zipper protein with new DNA contacting region”, Biochemistry, 41 (2002), 2177-2183. M. Adachi, “Formation Processes of Silica Nanotubes and Integrated Ordered Microstructures” Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 2002, in press M. Adachi; “Affinity-Based Reverse Micellar Separations”, in Method for Affinity-Based Separation of Enzymes and Proteins, M. N. Guputa Ed., Birkhauser Verlag AG, (2002) in print M. Adachi, Y. Murata, I. Okada, and S. Yoshikawa, “Formation, Characterization, and Functions of Ceramic Nanotubes”, Transactions of Materials Research Society of Japan,2002 in print 割、第16回生体機能関連化学シンポジウム、千葉、 2001年9月20− 21日 M. Adachi, H. Taniguchi, and M. Harada; “Formation conditions of integrated ordered microstructure of nano-size silica materials in laurylamine/tetraethoxysilane system” Proceedings of the international conference on colloid and surface science, Tokyo, Japan, November 5-8, 2000, Y. Iwasawa, N. Oyama, H. Kunieda Eds, Studies in surface science and catalysis 132, elsevier, pp. 259-262 (2001) 森井孝、佐藤慎一、牧野圭祐、bZIP 構造による DNA 塩基配列特異的認識における構造転移の役割、第7 4回日本生化学会大会、京都、2001年10月2 5− 28日 M. Adachi and M. Harada, “Formation processes of silica nanotubes and integrated ordered microstructure”, Proceedings of Second International Conference on Silica “Silica 2001”, Mulhouse, France, September 3-6 (2001) M. Adachi, Y. Murata, and M. Harada; "Formation of Metal Oxide Nanotubes through Surfactant-Mediated Method In Laurylamine/Metal Alkoxide System" Proceedings of International Symposium "Pits and Pores II: Formation, Properties, and Significance for Advanced Materials", P.Schumuki, D.J.Lockwood, Y.H.Ogata, and H.S.Issacs Eds, Proceedings Volume 2000-25, The Electrochemical Society, Inc. Pennington, 227-237(2001). 足立基齊, “セラミクスナノチューブの創製と利 用”第31 回電気化学講習会 ミレニアムテクノロ ジーと電気化学, 36-45(2001) Presentations 山田真希、鈴木利典、金折賢二、田嶋邦彦、森井孝、 牧野圭祐、一酸化窒素および亜硝酸により 5-methyl-2’-deoxycytidine から生じるジアゾエート 中間体、第46回日本生化学会近畿支部例会、奈良、 2001年5月23日 杉本健二、森井孝、森泰生、井本敬二、大塚雅巳、 牧野圭祐、細胞内セカンドメッセンジャーに対する 分子センサーの構築、第16回生体機能関連化学シ ンポジウム、千葉、2001年9月20− 21日 金折賢二、森山昭則、田嶋邦彦、牧野圭祐、テロメ ア DNA 相補鎖領域に生ずる構造転位第16回生体 機能関連化学シンポジウム、千葉、2001年9月 20− 21日 佐藤慎一、何冬蘭、森井孝、牧野圭祐、ロイシンジ ッパータンパク質による DNA 認識と構造転位の役 萩原正規、森井孝、牧野圭祐、RNA・ペプチド複合 体による人工リセプター(リボヌクレオペプチドリ セプター)の創製、第74回日本生化学会大会、京 都、2001年10月25− 28日 杉本健二、森井孝、森泰生、井本敬二、大塚雅巳、 牧野圭祐、生体内セカンドメッセンジャーに対する 分子センサーの構築、第74回日本生化学会大会、 京都、2001年10月25− 28日 萩原正規・森井孝・牧野圭祐、Recognition of small molecules by a ribonucleopeptide、第 28 回核酸化学シ ンポジウム、横浜、2001年11月7− 9日 山田真希、本庄弘一、長谷川哲也、森本恵弥、鈴木 利典、森井孝、牧野圭祐、A novel detection method for 2’-deoxyoxanosine、第 28 回核酸化学シンポジウム、 横浜、2001年11月7− 9日 金 折 賢 二 、 田 嶋 邦 彦 、 牧 野 圭 祐 、 Effect of complementary C-strand on telomere G-quartet structure、第 28 回核酸化学シンポジウム、横浜、2 001年11月7− 9日 佐藤慎一、田中智久、萩原正規、相沢康則、森井孝、 牧野圭祐、「短鎖ペプチドによる認識 DNA 塩基配 列決定法の確立」、日本化学会第 81 春季年会、東 京、2002年3月26− 30日 萩原正規、森井孝、牧野圭祐、「RNA・ペプチド複 合体(リボヌクレオペプチド)による分子認識」、、 日本化学会第 81 春季年会、東京、2002年3月 26− 30日 杉本健二、森井孝、森泰生、井本敬二、大塚雅巳、 牧野圭祐、「生体内セカンドメッセンジャーに対す る分子センサーの構築」、日本化学会第 81 春季年 会、東京、2002年3月26− 30日 山田真希、本庄弘一、鈴木利典、森井孝、牧野圭祐 「蛍光ラベルを利用したデオキシオキザノシンの 検出法」、日本化学会第 81 春季年会、東京、20 02年3月26− 30日 岡田一誠、足立基齊、村田雄輔、松田敏彦、吉川 暹, “新規なナノ構造体を用いた色素増感太陽電池” 化学工学会第66年会, H203(2001) 会, M102, (2001) 村田雄輔、足立基齊、吉川 暹, “分子集合体を用い たチタニアナノ構造体の形成条件による構造変化” 化学工学会第66年会, H204 (2001). 足立基齊、岡田一誠、村田雄輔、松田敏彦、小池伸 二、吉川 暹, “チタニアナノチューブの創製と色素 増感太陽電池への応用” 電気化学会第68大会, 2G17 (2001) 村田雄輔、足立基齊、吉川 暹, “界面活性剤を用い た金属ナノ材料の創製” 化学工学会福井大会, E1 16(2001) M. Adachi, and M. Harada, “Formation processes of silica nanotubes and integrated ordered microstructures”, Second International Conference on Silica, Mulhouse, France, September 3-6(2001) M. Adachi, I. Okada, Y. Murata, T. Matsuda, S. Koike, H. Matsumoto, and S. Yoshikawa, “Formation of Ceramic Nanotubes/Nanowires and Application for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells”, 10th International Conference on Unconventional Photoactive Systems”, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, September 4-8 (2001). M. Adachi, Y. Murata, and S. Yoshikawa, “Formation of ceramic nanotubes by surfactant assisted templating mechanism”, European Research Conference, Interface and Colloid System, Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy, September 8-13 (2001) Y. Murata, M. Adachi, and S. Yoshikawa, “Formation of silica and titania nanotubes by surfactant assisted templating mechanism”, European Research Conference, Interface and Colloid System, Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy, September 8-13 (2001) 足立基齊、村田雄輔、吉川 暹, “セラミックスナ ノチューブの一般的合成法”第54回コロイドおよ び界面討論会, 3F01, (2001) 村田雄輔、足立基齊、吉川 暹, “多種金属酸化物 の複合した新規ナノ構造体の室温合成”第54回コ ロイドおよび界面討論会, P001, (2001) 足立基齊、佐藤保雄、“超微粒子の形状制御による ワイヤーの形成” 第54回コロイドおよび界面討 論会, P022, (2001) 足立基齊、岡田一誠、村田雄輔、松田敏彦、小池伸 二、松本 一、吉川 暹, “セラミックナノ材料の創 製と色素増感太陽電池への応用” 電気化学秋季大 会, 2J17 (2001) 佐藤保雄、足立基齊、 “金超微粒子の融合による ナノワイヤーの創製” 化学工学会第34回秋季大 村田雄輔、足立基齊、吉川 暹, “4 価の金属に一 般的に適用できるセラミックナノチューブ・ナノワ イヤーの合成法” 化学工学会第34回秋季大会, M103, (2001) 村田雄輔、足立基齊、吉川 暹, “2 種以上の金属 酸化物が複合したナノチューブ・ナノワイヤーの創 製” 化学工学会第34回秋季大会, M104, (2001) 岡田一誠、足立基齊、村田雄輔、松田敏彦、小池伸 二、吉川 暹, “新規なセラミックナノ材料を用いた 色素増感太陽電池への応用” 化学工学会第34回 秋季大会, M106, (2001) 足立基齊、“セラミックスナノチューブの創製と利 用”, 第 31 回電気化学講習会、ミレニアムテクノ ロジーと電気化学, 京大会館 (2001) M. Adachi, Y. Murata, and S. Yoshikawa, “Formation of silica and titania nanotubes through a surfactant-ssisted templating mechanism in laurylamine/metal alkoxide system”, 1st Eco-Energy and Materials Science and Engineering Simposium, Rajamangala Institute of Technology, Thailand, November 22-23 (2001) Y. Murata, M. Adachi, and S. Yoshikawa, “The synthesis of ceramic nanotubes/nanowires using quadrivalent metal alkoxide”, 1st Eco-Energy and Materials Science and Engineering Simposium, Rajamangala Institute of Technology, Thailand, November 22-23 (2001) I. Okada, M. Adachi, Y. Murata, and S. Yoshikawa, “Formation of Ceramic Nanotubese and Application for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells”, 1st Eco-Energy and Materials Science and Engineering Simposium, Rajamangala Institute of Technology, Thailand, November 22-23 (2001) K. Mori, M. Adachi, Y. Sato, and S. Yoshikawa, “Formation of Gold Nano-wire by a Fusion of Gold Nanoparticles”, 1st Eco-Energy and Materials Science and Engineering Simposium, Rajamangala Institute of Technology, Thailand, November 22-23 (2001) S. Pavasupree, Y. Murata, M. Adachi, and S. Yoshikawa, “Formation and Photocatalytic activity of Composite Nanotubes of Titania and Tin Oxide”, 1st Eco-Energy and Materials Science and Engineering Simposium, Rajamangala Institute of Technology, Thailand, November 22-23 (2001) 足立基齊、村田雄輔、吉川 暹, “セラミックスナ ノチューブの創製・特性・機能”第13回日本 MRS シンポジウム, B1-O16, (2001) 村田雄輔、足立基齊、吉川 暹,“セラミックスナ ノチューブ/ナノワイヤーの合成とその機能”, 第1 3回日本 MRS シンポジウム, B1-O16, (2001) 足立基齊、佐藤保雄、森 晃一、吉川 暹「金属ナ ノワイヤーを用いた透明導電膜の創製」,化学工学 会第 67 年会,福岡工業大学,2002 年 3 月 27-29 日, O116. 足立基齊、村田雄輔、谷口博文、原田 誠、「シリ カナノチューブの秩序構造形成過程」化学工学会第 67 年会, 福岡工業大学, 2002 年 3 月 27-29 日, J122. Sorapong Pvasupree, 村田雄輔、足立基齊、吉川 暹、 「複合金属酸化物ナノチューブの特性と光触媒活 性」化学工学会第 67 年会,福岡工業大学,2002 年 3 月 27-29 日,J123. 村田雄輔、足立基齊、吉川 暹、「4価金属アルコ キシドを用いたセラミックスナノチューブ・ナノワ イヤーの合成」日本化学会第81春季年会、早稲田 大学、2002 年 3 月 26-29 日、2D1-26 Laboratory for Complex Energy Processes Publications P. H. Shingu, K. N. Ishihara, A. Otsuki, I. Daigo, "Nanoscaled multilayer bulk materials manufactured by repeated press-rolling in the Cu-Fe system", Material Science and Engineering, A304-306, (2001), 399-402. A. Otsuki, "Energies of (001) twist grain boundaries in silicon", Acta mater., 49, (2001), 1737-1745. A. Otsuki, "Misorientation dependence of energies of Si (001) twist grain boundaries" Interface Sci., 9, (2001), 293-296. Mituru TODA, Takao GOTO, Meiro CHIBA, Shizumasa UEDA, Kenji NAKAJIMA, Kazuhisa KAKURAI, Ralf FEYERHERM, Andreas HOSER, Hans Anton GRAF, "Neutron Diffraction Study of Field-Induced-Order in Singlet-Ground-State Magnet CsFeCl3", Proc. Int. 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