Gas-to-Dust Ratio of Massive Star-Forming Galaxies at z~1.5 (II) 世古 明史 京都大学 D1 共同研究者 太田 耕司 (京都大学) 廿日出 文洋, 矢部 清人, 伊王野 大介 (国立天文台) 銀河進化と星間物質 銀河進化=ガスから星への転換史 ON NORMALIZATION OF COSMIC SFH 星形成率密度 et al. (2006). A parallel set of assumptions to step (2) regarding - z 2前後で宇宙における 星形成は最も活発 ・分子ガス - 星形成の母体 星形成率密度 the generation of SNe Ia lead to predictions for the SN Ia rate density, and this is explored in some detail with tantalizing implications regarding the extent of the SN Ia delay time. In x 2 we update the SFH data compilation of Hopkins (2004) and address some of the assumptions that affect the normalization. We identify the best parametric fit to the most robust subset of this data in x 3, consistent with the e limits from SK. In x 4 we present the results of this fitting in terms of the stellar and metal mass density evolution and the SN II and SN Ia rate evolution. The implications for the assumed IMF and SN Ia properties are discussed further in x 5. The 737 cosmology4 is assumed throughout, with H0 ¼ 70 km sÀ1 MpcÀ1, M ¼ 0:3, and à ¼ 0:7 (e.g., Spergel et al. 2003). 2. THE DATA 0 赤方偏移 : z 1 2 3 143 4 5 6 7 0.1 0.01 Hopkins & Beacom 2006 Fig. 1.— Evolution of SFR density with redshift. Data shown here have been scaled, assuming the SalA IMF. The gray points are from the compilation of Hopkins (2004). The hatched region is the FIR (24 m) SFH from Le Floc’h et al. (2005). The green triangles are FIR (24 m) data from Pe´rez-Gonza´lez et al. (2005). The open red star at z ¼ 0:05 is based on radio (1.4 GHz) data from Mauch (2005). The filled red circle at z ¼ 0:01 is the H estimate from Hanish et al. (2006). The blue squares are UV data from Baldry et al. (2005), Wolf et al. (2003), Arnouts et al. (2005), Bouwens et al. (2003a, 2003b, 2005a), Bunker et al. (2004), and Ouchi et al. (2004). The blue crosses are the UDF estimates from Thompson et al. (2006). Note that these have been scaled to the SalA IMF, assuming they were originally estimated using a uniform Salpeter (1955) IMF. The solid lines are the best-fitting parametric forms (see text for details of which data are used in the fitting). Although the FIR SFH of Le Floc’h et al. (2005) is not used directly in the fitting, it has been used to effectively obscuration-correct the UV data to the values shown, which are used in the fitting. Note that the top logarithmic scale is labeled with redshift values, not (1 þ z). ・ダスト - 星形成に適する環境をつくる (H2形成, cooling) The compilation of Hopkins (2004) was taken as the starting point for this analysis, shown in Figure 1 as gray points. These data are reproduced from Figure 1 of Hopkins (2004) and use their ‘‘common’’ obscuration correction where necessary. Additional measurements are indicated in color in Figure 1. For z P 3, these consist of FIR (24 m) photometry from the Spitzer Space Telescope ( Pe´rez-Gonza´lez et al. 2005; Le Floc’h et al. 2005) and UV measurements from the SDSS (Baldry et al. 2005), GALEX (Arnouts et al. 2005; Schiminovich 2005), and the COMBO17 project (Wolf et al. 2003). At z ¼ 0:05, a new radio (1.4 GHz) measurement is shown (Mauch 2005), which is highly consistent with the FIR results, as expected from the radio-FIR correlation (Bell 2003a). Also at low redshift (z ¼ 0:01) is a new 遠方にある一般的な星形成銀河の ガス・ダスト比はよく分かっていない ガス・ダスト比の赤方偏移進化|理論 100 理論モデル計算 t=0-12Gyr で Mgas, Mdust が どう変化するか ガスの収支 dMgas = dt (1 ⌘Mgas R) + F ⌧SF inflowで供給 (1 dMman = dt 赤方偏移進化 10 1 1 0.5 0.1 0 0.1 ⌘MZ ⌘Mgas R) + yZ + Zin F ⌧SF ⌧SF inflow ダストの収支 dMcor = dt 2 星形成で消失 金属量の収支 dMZ = dt ガス・ダスト比 z=3 星形成で消失 ⌘Mcor ⌧SF 金属量 1 ※縦軸・横軸ともMWの値で規格化 星で生成 Inoue 2003 を改変 Mcor ⌘MZ ⌘Mgas Mcor (1 + fc (R + yZ ) + ⇠ ⌧SN ⌧SF ⌧SF ⌧acc SNで破壊 Mman + (1 ⌧SF Mcor (1 ⇠) ⌧acc cl ) 星で生成 降着成長 cl ) 降着成長 観測天体 SXDS領域 & COSMOS領域 - spec-z(Hα with Subaru/FMOS) - solar metallicity → αCO = 4.36 Msun/(K km/s pc2) - Herschel/SPIRE 250, 350μmで検出 → Mdust (Spitzer/MIPS 24μmでも検出) L⇥(rest) Mdust = 4⇤ ⇥ B⇥(rest) h (rest) kB Tdust c L⇥(rest) (e = 3 8⇤ 0 h⇥(rest) 2 1) ⇥(rest) ( ) ⇥125µm = 1.5 Tdust = 35 K 12- 13シーズン spec-z M★ SXDS1_12778 1.396 5.6 1011 5.4 108 8.66 SXDS3_80799 1.429 1.1 1011 6.7 108 8.66 COSMOS_9 1.461 2.5 1011 3.4 108 <8.68 COSMOS_9 1.461 2.5 1011 3.4 108 <8.68 COSMOS_50 1.21 7.0 1010 4.5 108 8.84 [Msun] Mdust [Msun] metallicity 13- 14シーズン 12- 13シーズン結果|Seko et al. (2014) in press Tmb [mK] 4 2 0 -2 0 400 速度 [km/s] -400 -400 0 400 -400 0 400 赤方偏移進化は あまり見られない 100 ガス・ダスト比 −1 −1 −1km 1. CO(2-1) spectra taken with the Nobeyama 45m telescope binned svelocity velocity width. 1. CO(2-1) spectra taken with the Nobeyama telescope binned 50 km svelocity width. Fig.Fig. 1.Fig. CO(2-1) spectra taken with the Nobeyama 45m45m telescope binned withwith 50with km s50 width. z=3 stacked spectrum Arrows show the velocity zero points for CO lines expected from spectroscopic redshifts by Hα observations. Arrows show the velocity points for CO lines expected spectroscopic redshifts by Hα observations. Arrows show the velocity zerozero points for CO lines expected fromfrom spectroscopic redshifts by Hα observations. Horizontal bars show the uncertainty of the velocity zero points. Horizontal show the uncertainty of the velocity points. Horizontal barsbars show the uncertainty of the velocity zerozero points. 2 Tmb [mK] 4 2 0 -2 10 1 1 0.5 0.1 0 -400 0 速度 [km/s] 0.1 400 −1 金属量 1 ※縦軸・横軸ともMWの値で規格化 13- 14シーズン観測 COSMOS_9 1.461 2.5 1011 3.4 108 <8.68 COSMOS_50 1.21 7.0 1010 4.5 108 8.84 ・野辺山45m宇宙電波望遠鏡 ・2014年 3月22-25日 ・観測輝線 :CO(J=2-1) ・観測周波数 :93.7, 104.3 GHz ・受信機 :TZ 1V/H, 2V/H ・Tsys :130-170 K ・積分時間 :3h28m, 2h22m ・rms noise :0.3, 0.6 mK 13- 14シーズン結果 COSMOS_50 6 6 4 4 2 Tmb [mK] Tmb [mK] COSMOS_9 0 2 0 -2 -2 -4 -4 -400 0 速度 [km/s] M(H2) < 5.0 1010 400 Msun -400 0 速度 [km/s] 400 M(H2) = 9.6 1010 Msun fgas < 0.27 fgas = 0.58 ガス・ダスト比 < 150 ガス・ダスト比 = 210 < 0.9 (MWの値で規格化) = 1.3 (MWの値で規格化) 13- 14シーズン結果 100 赤方偏移進化は あまり見られない z=3 ガス・ダスト比 2 10 1 1 0.5 0.1 0 0.1 1 金属量 ダストの早い降着成長 8 7 ⌧acc = 10 yr ⌧acc = 10 yr 100 100 ガス・ダスト比 z=3 z=3 2 10 10 2 1 1 1 0.5 1 0.5 0.1 0.1, 0 0 0.1 金属量 1 0.1 金属量 1 ※縦軸・横軸ともMWの値で規格化 Inoue 2003 を改変 ダストの早い降着成長 8 7 ⌧acc = 10 yr ⌧acc = 10 yr 100 100 ガス・ダスト比 z=3 z=3 2 10 10 2 1 1 1 0.5 1 0.5 0.1 0.1, 0 0 0.1 金属量 1 0.1 金属量 1 ※縦軸・横軸ともMWの値で規格化 Inoue 2003 を改変 τacc∼107 yrの降着成長を考えると説明可能 まとめと今後 ・z 1.5にある星形成銀河のCO(J=2-1)観測 → Mgas Herschelで検出 → Mdust solar metallcity → αCOの不定性 小 目的 ガス・ダスト比の赤方偏移進化の観測的検証 結果 赤方偏移進化はほとんど見られない → ダストの降着成長の早さ ∼ 107 yr ・ 12- 13シーズン未検出天体の検出 ・ガス・ダスト比のscatter
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