2013 年度 秋田大学外国人留学生生活手帳 Akita University Pocketbook 2013 For International Students 氏 名 所 属 学籍番号 ᚻᒻ ឝ␜᧼⸳⟎႐ᚲ 㩷 㩷 ᧄ ឝ␜᧼⸳⟎႐ᚲ 㩷 ᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢䈱䉂䈭䈘䉖䈻㩷 䉂䈭䈘䉖䈱ቇ↢↢ᵴ䈲㗅⺞䈪䈚䉊䈉䈎䇯䈎㗴䉇ᖠ䉂䉕ᜬ䈦䈩䈇䉁 䈞䉖䈎䇯㩷 䈖䈱䇸ᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢ᚻᏭ䇹䈲⇐ቇ↢䈱䉂䈭䈘䉖䈱ቇ↢↢ᵴ䉕ᡰេ䈜䉎 䈢䉄䈮䉌䉏䈢䉅䈱䈪䈜䇯䈘䉁䈙䉁䈭ᚻ⛯䈐䉇⋧⺣⓹ญ䈮䈧䈇䈩䈭䈬䇮 ଢ䈭ᖱႎ䉕ឝタ䈚䉁䈚䈢䇯㩷 ⇐ቇ↢ᵴ䈪䈲䇮䈗䈒ᣣᏱ⊛䈭䈖䈫䇮ീᒝ䈱䈖䈫䇮ੱ㑐ଥ䈱䈖䈫䈭䈬䇮ᄙ 䈒䈱䈖䈫䈮ᖠ䉂㗴䉕ᗵ䈛䉎䈫ᕁ䈇䉁䈜䇯䈠䉖䈭䈫䈐䉁䈝䈲䈖䈱ᚻᏭ䉕ᚻ 䈮䈫䈦䈩䉂䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯䈎⸃ᣇᴺ䈏䈧䈎䉎䈲䈝䈪䈜䇯䈧䈎䉌䈭 䈇ᤨ䈲䈜䈓䈮࿖㓙ᵹ䉶䊮䉺䊷䈮䈍䈰䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯䉴䉺䉾䊐䉇ᢎຬ䈏䉂 䈭䈘䉖䈫䈇䈦䈚䉊䈮⸃ᣇᴺ䉕ត䈚䉁䈜䇯㩷 㩷 䉂䈭䈘䉖䈱ቇ↢↢ᵴ䈏ᭉ䈚䈒లታ䈚䈢䉅䈱䈫䈭䉍䉁䈜䉋䈉䈮䇯㩷 ࿖㓙ᵹ䉶䊮䉺䊷㐳㩷 㩷 Dear International Students Is your school life going well? Do you have any problems? This pocketbook is compiled to help ensure your school life is comfortable and easy. We have included a variety of useful information on how to carry out various procedures and where to consult on various matters. International students may have troubles with daily life, study, or social relationships in school life. Whenever you feel so, please refer to this pocketbook for the answers. If you can’t find the answers you are looking for, please feel free to come and talk to us at the International Exchange Center. Our staff and teachers will try to find the best way for you. We hope you will have a full and enjoyable school life at Akita University. Director, International Exchange Center 㩷 㩷 㩷 ⋡㩷 㩷 ᰴ㩷 㩷 䊕䊷䉳㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 䋱㩷 ࿖㓙ᵹ䉶䊮䉺䊷㩷 䋰䋱㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪈㪄㪈㩷 㩷 ࿖㓙ᵹ䉶䊮䉺䊷ᢎຬ㩷 䉥䊐䉞䉴䉝䊪䊷㩷 䋰䋱㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪈㪄㪉㩷 㩷 ⇐ቇ↢⋧⺣㩷 䋰䋱㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪈㪄㪊㩷 㩷 ࿖㓙ᵹ䉶䊮䉺䊷䈎䉌⇐ቇ↢䈻䈱ㅪ⛊ᣇᴺ㩷 㩷 䋰䋳㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪈㪄㪋㩷 㩷 ోቇ⇐ቇ↢ะ䈔ⴕ㩷 䋰䋳㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪈㪄㪌㩷 㩷 ᄙᢥൻᵹ䊤䉡䊮䉳㩷 㩷㩷㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 䋲㩷 ᄢቇ↢ᵴ㩷 䋰䋵㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪉㪄㪈㩷 㩷 ᄢቇౝ䈱ㅪ⛊వ䈱ᛠី㩷 䋰䋵㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪉㪄㪉㩷 㩷 䈇䉐䈇䉐䈭ᚻ⛯䈐㩷 䋰䋷㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪉㪄㪊㩷 㩷 㪘䊶㪥㪜㪫㩷 䋰䋷㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪉㪄㪋㩷 㩷 ቇ↢⸽㩷 䋰䋷㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪉㪄㪌㩷 㩷 ⸽ᦠ䈱⊒ⴕ㩷 䋰䋷㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪉㪄㪍㩷 㩷 ᬺᢱ㒰㩷 䋰䋷㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪉㪄㪎㩷 㩷 ⇐ቇ↢৻ᤨ㔌ᣣዯ㩷 䋰䋹㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪉㪄㪏㩷 㩷 ᳃㑆ᅑቇ㊄䋨ᱜⷙ↢ኻ⽎䋩㩷 䋰䋹㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪉㪄㪐㩷 㩷 䉼䊠䊷䉺䊷㩷 䋰䋹㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪉㪄㪈㪇㩷 ⺖ᄖ䋨䉰䊷䉪䊦䋩ᵴേ㩷 㩷㩷㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 䋳㩷 ⇐䈱ᚻ⛯䈐䈮䈧䈇䈩㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 䌁㩷 㩷 ࿖▤ℂዪ䈪䈱ᚻ⛯䈐㩷 䋱䋱㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪊㪄㪈㩷 㩷 ࿖▤ℂዪ䈮䈧䈇䈩㩷 㩷 䋱䋱㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪊㪄㪉㩷 㩷 ⇐ᦼ㑆ᦝᣂ㩷 䋱䋱㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪊㪄㪊㩷 㩷 ⇐⾗ᩰ䈱ᄌᦝ㩷 䋱䋳㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪊㪄㪋㩷 㩷 ᄢቇතᬺᓟ䈱ዞ⡯ᵴേ䈱䈢䉄䈱䊎䉱䈮䈧䈇䈩㩷 䋱䋳㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪊㪄㪌㩷 㩷 ౣ࿖⸵น↳⺧㩷 䋱䋵㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪊㪄㪍㩷 㩷 ⾗ᩰᄖᵴേ⸵น䋨䉝䊦䊋䉟䊃䋩㩷 䌂㩷 Ꮢᓎᚲ䈪䈱ᚻ⛯䈐㩷 䋱䋷㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪊㪄㪎㩷 㩷 ᄖ࿖ੱ⊓㍳㩷 㪆㩷 ⇐䉦䊷䊄㩷 䋱䋹㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪊㪄㪏㩷 㩷 ࿖᳃ஜᐽ㒾㩷 䋱䋹㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪊㪄㪐㩷 㩷 ࿖᳃ᐕ㊄㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 Contents Page 02 02 04 04 1 International Exchange Center 1-1 The Office hour of the member of International Exchange Center 1-2 Counseling at International Exchange Center 1-3 Notification to Students 1-4 Events for International Students 1-5 Multi Cultural Lounge 06 06 08 08 08 08 08 10 10 10 2 Campus Life 2-1 Customization of Important Numbers 2-2 Procedures 2-3 A䊶NET 2-4 Student ID Card 2-5 Issuing Certificates 2-6 Exemption of Tuition Fee 2-7 Report of leaving Japan temporarily 2-8 Private Scholarship 2-9 Tutor 2-10 Circle Activities 02 12 12 12 14 14 16 㩷 18 20 20 3 Residence Procedures 㩷 A Procedure at Immigration bureau 3-1 Immigration Bureau 3-2 Procedures for Renewing the Period of Residence 3-3 Change in Resident Status 3-4 Job Searching could be continued after graduating from university 3-5 Procedures for applying for a Re-entry Permit 3-6 Permission to engage in an activity other than that permitted by the status of residence previously granted (part-time job) B Procedure at City Hall 3-7 Procedures on Alien Registration / Resident Card 3-8 National Health Insurance and its premiums 3-9 National Pension System 㩷 䊕䊷䉳㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 䋴㩷 䉁䈇㩷 䋲䋱㩷 㩷 㩷 㪋䋭㪈㩷 㩷 ᳃㑆䉝䊌䊷䊃㩷 䋲䋱㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪈㩷 ᳃㑆䉝䊌䊷䊃䈱⚫㩷 䋲䋱㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪉㩷 㩷 ⾓⾉ᄾ⚂㩷 䋲䋱㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪊㩷 㩷 ㅪᏪ⸽ੱ㩷 䋲䋱㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪋㩷 㩷 䉝䊌䊷䊃ᄾ⚂ᤨ䈮䈎䈎䉎⾌↪䈱৻ㇱഥ㩷 䋲䋳㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪌㩷 㩷 䉝䊌䊷䊃䈪䈱䊃䊤䊑䊦㩷 䋲䋳㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪍㩷 㩷 ㅌᤨ䈱ᵈᗧ㗄㩷 䋲䋳㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪎㩷 㩷 ォዬ䊶ᒁ䈦䈚ᤨ䈱ᵈᗧ㩷 䋲䋵㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪏㩷 㩷 ⇐ቇ↢ቛ✚วఘᐲ㩷 䋲䋷㩷 㩷 㩷 㪋䋭㪉㩷 㩷 ⇐ቇ↢↪ኋ⥢㩷 㩷㩷 䋵㩷 ක≮䊶ஜᐽ㩷 䋲䋹㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪌㪄㪈㩷 㩷 ஜ▤ℂ䉶䊮䉺䊷㩷 䋲䋹㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪌㪄㪉㩷 㩷 ቯᦼஜᐽ⸻ᢿ㩷 䋲䋹㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪌㪄㪊㩷 㩷 ⑺↰Ꮢౝ䈱ක≮ᯏ㑐䋨∛㒮䋩㩷 㩷 䋳䋱㩷 㩷 㩷 䋶㩷 ᣣᏱ↢ᵴ䈪䈱ᵈᗧ㗄㩷 㩷 䋳䋳㩷 㩷 㩷 䋷㩷 ᣣᧄ䈱ᴺㆩ㩷 㩷 㩷㩷 Ꮞᧃ㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 ᷰᣣᤨ䉼䉢䉾䉪䉲䊷䊃㩷 Ꮻ࿖ᤨ䉼䉢䉾䉪䉲䊷䊃㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 䊶⇐ቇ↢↪ኋ⥢ዬ⠪㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 䊶᳃㑆䉝䊌䊷䊃ዬ⠪㩷 ✕ᕆㅪ⛊వ╬৻ⷩ㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 Page 22 22㩷 22 22 22 24 24 24 26 28 30 30 30 4 Housing 4-1 Apartments 㩷 㩷 4-1-1 Apartment are usually found thorough on estate agent 4-1-2 Rent an apartment 4-1-3 Guarantee 4-1-4 Partial subsidy for Expense of Housing Contract 4-1-5 Trouble in Apartment 4-1-6 Notes on Rental contract and Moving in/out 4-1-7 Important Notices For Chang of Residential Place 4-1-8 Comprehensive Renter’s Insurance for International Students Studying 4-2 Dormitory for International Students 5 Medical and Health Care 5-1 University Health Center 5-2 Annual Health Check-up 5-3 Hospitals and Clinics in Akita 32 6 Daily lives 㩷 34 7 Observance of the Japanese Laws Upon arrival Before leaving Japan 䊶Residence of the dormitory 䊶Residence of private apartments The office to be notified in case of accident or emergency 䋱㩷 ࿖㓙ᵹ䉶䊮䉺䊷䋨৻⥸ᢎ⢒䋱ภ㙚䋲㓏䋩㩷 ࿖㓙ᵹ䉶䊮䉺䊷䈮䈲䇮⇐ቇ↢ᢎ⢒䉇⇐ቇ↢⋧⺣䉕ⴕ䈦䈩䈇䉎ᢎຬ䈱⎇ⓥቶ䉇ᄙᢥൻᵹ䊤 䉡䊮䉳䇮⇐ቇ↢䈻䈱ᖱႎឝ␜᧼䈭䈬䈏䈅䉍䉁䈜䇯㩷 ࿖㓙ᵹ䉶䊮䉺䊷䈱ോ䈲䇮࿖㓙⺖䈏ᜂ䈦䈩䈍䉍䇮⇐ቇ↢䈮㑐ଥ䈜䉎䈖䈫䈪䈲䇮ਥ䈮⇐ቇ↢䈱 ᅑቇ㊄䇮⇐ቇ↢↪ኋ⥢䇮⍴ᦼ឵⇐ቇ䇮⇐ቇ↢㑐ଥⴕ䈭䈬䈱ᬺോ䉕ⴕ䈦䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯㩷 ⓹ญᬺോ 䈲䇮䋸ᤨ䋳䋰ಽ䈎䉌䋱䋷ᤨ䉁䈪䈪䈜䇯↪䈏䈅䉎႐ว䈮䈲䇮䈖䈱ᤨ㑆Ꮺ䈮᧪䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 㪈㪄㪈㩷 ࿖㓙ᵹ䉶䊮䉺䊷ᢎຬ㩷 䉥䊐䉞䉴䉝䊪䊷㩷 ࿖㓙ᵹ䉶䊮䉺䊷䈮䈲䇮ᣣᧄ⺆╬䉕ᢎ䈋䉎㪊ੱ䈱ᢎຬ䈏䈍䉍䇮䈠䉏䈡䉏䉥䊐䉞䉴䉝䊪䊷䈱ᤨ㑆䉕 ⸳䈔䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯䉥䊐䉞䉴䉝䊪䊷䈲䇮ᬺ䉇ቇ⠌䉕ㅴ䉄䉎䈉䈋䈪ಽ䈎䉌䈭䈇䈖䈫䈏䈅䉎ᤨ䈮䇮⾰䈮 ⴕ䈒䈖䈫䈏䈪䈐䉎ᤨ㑆䈱䈖䈫䈪䈜䇯㩷 㩷 ᳁ฬ㩷 †Ꮉ㩷 ᵄㇺቄ㩷 ಎᢎ㩷 䋨䈞䈏䉒㩷 䈲䈨䈐䋩㩷 ᢎຬቶ㩷 䉥䊐䉞䉴䉝䊪䊷㩷 ৻⥸ᢎ⢒㪈ภ㙚㩷 㪉㪇㪊㪄㪉㩷 ᳓㩷 㪈㪍㪑㪊㪇㩷㪄㩷㪈㪏㪑㪇㪇㩷 Ꮢ᎑㩷 ౖሶ㩷 ഥᢎ㩷 䋨䈇䈤䈚䉁㩷 䈱䉍䈖䋩㩷 ৻⥸ᢎ⢒㪈ภ㙚㩷 㪉㪇㪌㩷 Ἣ㩷 㪈㪍㪑㪊㪇㩷㪄㩷㪈㪏㪑㪇㪇㩷 ᬢ㩷 㩷 Ꮤ㩷 ഥᢎ㩷 䋨䉋䈉㩷 䈲䉖䋩㩷 ৻⥸ᢎ⢒㪈ภ㙚㩷 㪉㪇㪌㩷 ᧂቯ㩷 㩷 㩷 㪈㪄㪉㩷 ⇐ቇ↢⋧⺣㩷 ࿖㓙ᵹ䉶䊮䉺䊷䈪䈲䇮⇐ቇ↢䉕ኻ⽎䈮䈚䈢⋧⺣ቶ䉕㐿䈇䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯ᄢቇ↢ᵴ䈮䈧䈇䈩䈲䉅䈤 䉐䉖䇮ീᒝ䉇ஜᐽ䈮㑐䈜䉎ᖠ䉂䈭䈬䈱⋧⺣䈮䈱䉍䉁䈜䇯㩷 ᤨ㑆䋺㩷 ᳓ᦐᣣ㩷 㪈㪍㪑㪊㪇㩷㪄㩷㪈㪏㪑㪇㪇㩷 ႐ᚲ䋺㩷 †Ꮉ⎇ⓥቶ䋨৻⥸ᢎ⢒ 㪈 ภ㙚㩷 㪉㪇㪊㪄㪉䋩㩷 㩷 㩷 㪈㪄㪊㩷 ࿖㓙ᵹ䉶䊮䉺䊷䈎䉌⇐ቇ↢䈻䈱ㅪ⛊ᣇᴺ㩷 ࿖㓙ᵹ䉶䊮䉺䊷䈎䉌⇐ቇ↢䈻䈱ㅪ⛊䊶ㅢ⍮䈲䇮ේೣ䈫䈚䈩䇮ឝ␜᧼䈫㪘䊶㪥㪜㪫䈮ឝ␜䈚䈩ⴕ䈇䇮 䈇䈦䈢䉖ឝ␜᧼䈮ឝ␜䈚䈢㗄䈲䇮⇐ቇ↢䈱䉂䈭䈘䉖䈮⍮䈘䉏䈢䉅䈱䈫䈚䈩ข䉍ᛒ䈇䉁䈜䇯ឝ␜ 䉕⪭䈫䈚䈢䈢䉄䈮↢䈛䉎ਇㇺว䊶ਇ⋉䈲ᧄੱ䈱⽿છ䈫䈭䉍䉁䈜䈱䈪䇮ᔅ䈝Ფᣣឝ␜᧼䉕䈩䈒 䈣䈘䈇䇯ߚߛߒ✕ޔᕆߩ႐วߪޔ៤Ꮺ㔚ߦ㔚߿ࡔ࡞ߢㅪ⛊ࠍߔࠆߎߣ߇ࠅ߹ߔޕ㩷 ឝ␜᧼⸳⟎႐ᚲ㩷 ᚻᒻ䉨䊞䊮䊌䉴㩷 ৻⥸ᢎ⢒䋱ภ㙚䋲㓏㩷 ࿖㓙⺖ᮮ㩷 䊶ᄢቇળ㙚 㪘㪫㪤 ㄭ䈒㩷 ᧄ䉨䊞䊮䊌䉴㩷 කቇ♽⎇ⓥ⑼䊶කቇㇱၮ␆⎇ⓥ㩷 䋱㓏㩷 ―― 1 International Exchange Center (General Education Building 2F) International Exchange Center has the multi cultural lounge and the bulletin board etc. The international exchange center is mainly responsible for the scholarship, the dormitory, students exchange and the events for international students. Opening hours: 8:30 ~ 17:00 1-1 The Office Hour of the member of International Exchange Center International Exchange Center has three full-time Japanese language instructors and each of them has his/her office hour. You can ask any questions regarding study and lessons during the office hour. Name Associate Professor Hazuki Segawa Assistant Professor Noriko Ichishima Assistant Professor Hann Yo Room General Education Building 1 203-2 General Education Building1 205 General Education Building1 205 Office Hour Wednesday 16:30-18:00 Tuesday 16:30- 18:00 1-2 Counseling at International Exchange Center When you encounter problems in your studies, your life, or any other matter, you can ask for the advice of advisor at International Exchange Center 䊶Date: Wednesday 16:30-18:00 䊶Place: Prof. Segawa’s office (2F, General Education Building 1) 1-3 Notification to Students㩷 Administration offices post notices for students on their bulletin boards. Upon posting notices are considered delivered. Students are individually responsible for checking the bulletin board regularly to get accurate, up to-date information. Bulletin Boards㩷 Tegata Campus 2F, International Exchange Center/Near Cafeteria ATM㩷 Hondo Campus Graduate School of Medicine㩷 㩷 ―― 㪈㪄㪋㩷 ోቇ⇐ቇ↢ะ䈔ⴕ㩷 䋨㐿ᤨᦼ䊶㐿ౝኈ╬䈲ᄌ䉒䉎䈖䈫䈏䈅䉍䉁䈜䋩㩷 ࿖㓙ᵹ䉶䊮䉺䊷䈏ਥ䈜䉎䇮ਥ䈭ోቇ䈱⇐ቇ↢ะ䈔ⴕ䈪䈜䇯ⴕ䈻䈱↳ㄟᣇᴺ䉇ౝኈ╬ 䈮䈧䈇䈩䈲䇮ឝ␜᧼䈪䈍⍮䉌䈞䈚䉁䈜䇯㩷 ਅ⸥䈱ⴕ䈱ઁ䈮䉅䇮⌕‛㛎䊶↢䈔⧎㐓⾨䊶⨥㛎䈭䈬䈏㐿䈘䉏䉎䈖䈫䈏䈅䉍䉁䈜䇯㐿 䈜䉎႐ว䈮䈲䇮೨䈮ឝ␜᧼䈭䈬䈪䈍⍮䉌䈞䈚䉁䈜䇯 㩷 䋨㪉㪇㪈㪉 ᐕᐲታ❣䋩㩷 㩷 䋴㩷 ᤐቄ⇐ቇ↢䉥䊥䉣䊮䊁䊷䉲䊢䊮㩷 䋵㩷 ࿖㓙ᵹ䉶䊮䉺䊷㐳䈫ᣂ⇐ቇ↢䈱ᙣ⺣ળ㩷 䋶㩷 ⑺↰ᄢቇ⇐ቇ↢╬ᵹታቇᣏⴕ㩷 䋸㩷 ᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢ୃੌ⸥ᔨ⾐ળ㩷 㪐 㩷 ળ㙚䉥䊥䉣䊮䊁䊷䉲䊢䊮㩷 䋱䋰㩷 ⑺ቄᣂ⇐ቇ↢䉥䊥䉣䊮䊁䊷䉲䊢䊮䊶᱑ㄫᑼ㩷 䋱䋱㩷 ࿖㓙ᵹ䉶䊮䉺䊷㐳ਗ䈶䈮ળ㙚ਥ䈫䈱ᙣ⺣ળ㩷 䋱䋲㩷 䉅䈤䈧䈐ᄢળ㩷 ⇐ቇ↢䉴䉨䊷⎇ୃ㩷 䋱㩷 ⇐ቇ↢තᬺ⸥ᔨ䊌䊷䊁䉞䊷㩷 㪉 㩷 ᧁౝ䈱⚕㘑⦁䈕䋧ㄘኅ᳃ᴱ㩷 䋳㩷 ⑺↰ᄢቇතᬺᑼ㩷 㪈䋭㪌㩷 ᄙᢥൻᵹ䊤䉡䊮䉳䋨৻⥸ᢎ⢒䋱ภ㙚䋲㓏䋩㩷 ᄙᢥൻᵹ䊤䉡䊮䉳䈲䇮ᄙ⸒⺆䈱ᧄ䉇 㪛㪭㪛䇮䊌䉸䉮䊮䉇䊁䊧䊎䈭䈬䈱ⷞ⡬ⷡᯏེ䉕䈠䈭䈋䉎䈫 䈫䉅䈮䇮⇐ቇ↢䈫ᣣᧄੱቇ↢䈏ᵹ䈚䈢䉍䈜䉎႐䈫䈚䈩䇮࿖㓙ᵹ䉶䊮䉺䊷䈱ะ䈎䈇䈮⸳⟎䈘䉏䈩 䈇䉁䈜䇯㐿ቶᤨ㑆䈲䇮ᦐᣣ䈎䉌㊄ᦐᣣ䈱ඦ೨䋸ᤨඨ䈎䉌ඦᓟ䋵ᤨ䉁䈪䈪䈜䇯㩷 㩷 䇼ᄙᢥൻᵹ䊤䉡䊮䉳㩷 ↪ᣇᴺ䇽㩷 㽲㩷 䊌䉸䉮䊮↪㩷 䋺㩷 㪣㫆㪾㪄㫀㫅㩷㪠㪛 䈏䈅䉏䈳䇮䈣䉏䈪䉅↪น⢻䈪䈜䇯㩷 㽳㩷 ᧄ䈱⾉䈚䈚㩷 䋺㩷 ৻ੱ 㪌 ౠ䉁䈪䇮㪈 ㅳ㑆⾉น⢻䈪䈜䇯㩷 ୫䉍䈢䈇ᧄ䉕䇮࿖㓙⺖䈮ᜬ䈦䈩䈐䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇㩷 㽴㩷 䊤䉡䊮䉳䈱⾉ಾ䉍㩷 䋺㪏 ᤨඨ䈎䉌 㪈㪎 ᤨ䉁䈪䈱㑆䇮䊤䉡䊮䉳䉕⾉䈚ಾ䉍䈮䈜䉎䈖䈫䈏䈪䈐䉁䈜䇯㩷 㩷 ࿖㓙⺖䈮䇸ᣉ⸳↪㗿䇹䉕ឭ䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇㩷 㩷 㩷 ―― 1-4 Events for International Students (The schedule is subject to change) This is an example of an event calendar for international students. Events information will be posted on the International Exchange Center bulletin board. In addition to the below-mentioned events, there are various events. The information is also posted on the bulletin board. Schedule in 2012 (for reference) April May Orientation for students entering in April Social gathering with the Director of International Exchange Center June Cultural Experience Trip August Graduation Ceremony September Orientation about students houses October Orientation for students entering in October Social gathering with the heads of International House and International Student House November December Mochi-making Party February Ski training Graduation Party Study Tour in Winter March Graduation Ceremony January 1-5 Multi-Cultural Lounge The Lounge is primarily the study room for exchange students and Japanese students, and it features leaning materials and audio-visual materials. Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ޣHow to use the Loungeޤ 1. Use of PC: All of you can use a PC with log-in ID. 2. Led out of books: Maximum 5 books for one week. Bring the books you want to loan. 3. Reservation of the Lounge: You can book the lounge between 8:30 and 17:00. Submit the reservation form to the International Exchange Division. 㩷 㩷 ―― 䋲㩷 ᄢቇ↢ᵴ㩷 㩷 㪉㪄㪈㩷 ᄢቇౝ䈱ㅪ⛊వ䈱ᛠី㩷 ࿖㓙⺖䈍䉋䈶ᚲዻቇㇱ䊶⎇ⓥ⑼䈱ቇോᜂᒰ䋨ᄢቇ㒮ᜂᒰ䋩䈱ㅪ⛊వ䉕⏕䈚䇮㔚⇟ภ䉇䊜䊷 䊦䉝䊄䊧䉴䉕៤Ꮺ㔚䈮⊓㍳䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯✕ᕆ䈱ㅪ⛊䈏䈅䉎႐ว䈮䈲䇮䉂䈭䈘䉖䈱៤Ꮺ䈮ㅪ⛊ 䈜䉎䈖䈫䈏䈅䉍䉁䈜䈱䈪䇮⇐ቇ↢ᜂᒰㇱ⟑䈎䉌ㅪ⛊䈏䈅䈦䈢႐ว䈲䇮䉼䉢䉾䉪䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 㩷 㪉㪄㪉㩷 䈇䉐䈇䉐䈭ᚻ⛯䈐㩷 㩷 ᄢቇౝ䈱⓹ญ䈱ฃઃᤨ㑆䈲䇮䋸ᤨ䋳䋰ಽ䈎䉌䋱䋷ᤨ䉁䈪䈪䈜䇯䈢䈣䈚䇮ቇ↢ᡰេ⺖䈫ᢎ⢒ផㅴ⺖ 䈲䇮䋱䋸ᤨ䉁䈪ฃ䈔ઃ䈔䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯㩷 ᳃㑆ᅑቇ㊄↳⺧ ഥ㧔ዬ⾌ᡰេ╬㧕↳⺧ ⇐ ቇ ↢ ↢ ᵴ ో ⥸ ࿖㓙⺖㩷 㪫㪜㪣㪑㪇㪈㪏㪄㪏㪏㪐㪄㪉㪉㪌㪏㩷 ⇐ቇ↢↪ኋ⥢㑐ଥ ⇐ቇ↢ⴕ߳ߩෳട↳ㄟߺ ⇐ቇ↢ቛ✚วఘᐲ↳⺧㧔ࠕࡄ࠻ߩ⸽ੱ㧕 ․ޟቯᵴേᦠ⺧↳ࠩࡆޠ㘃↪ផ⮈⁁↳⺧ ᢎ⢒ᢥൻቇㇱ㩷 㪫㪜㪣㪑㪇㪈㪏㪄㪏㪏㪐㪄㪉㪌㪇㪏㩷 㩷 කቇ♽⎇ⓥ⑼䊶කቇㇱ㩷 㪫㪜㪣㪑㪇㪈㪏㪄㪏㪏㪋㪄㪍㪇㪊㪉㩷 㩷 Ꮏቇ⾗Ḯቇ⎇ⓥ⑼㩷 㪫㪜㪣㪑㪇㪈㪏㪄㪏㪏㪐㪄㪉㪊㪈㪉 ࿖⾌⇐ቇ↢㑐ଥ䊶࿖⾌⇐ቇ↢☋⏕㩷 ᣣᧄቇ↢ᡰេᯏ᭴㑐ଥ䊶ቇ⠌ᅑബ⾌☋⏕㩷 ⇐ᦼ㑆䈱ᦝᣂᦠ㘃ᚑ㩷 ቇ↢⸽㩷 ฦ⒳ዯ䋨৻ᤨᏫ࿖ዯ䇮ᚲᄌᦝዯ䇮ભቇዯ䇮ㅌቇዯ䋩䈭䈬㩷 ⧷ᢥ⸽ᦠ㩷 ᬺᢱ㒰↳⺧ ᄢ ቇ ↢ ᵴ ቇ↢ᡰេ⺖㩷 㪫㪜㪣㪑㪇㪈㪏㪄㪏㪏㪐㪄㪉㪉㪍㪋㩷 ᬺ ᢎ⢒ផㅴ⺖㩷 㪫㪜㪣㪑㪇㪈㪏㪄㪏㪏㪐㪄㪊㪈㪐㪊㩷 ⺖ᄖ㧔ࠨࠢ࡞㧕ᵴേ ⼱ኰ㑐ଥ ㆮᄬ‛ ⑺↰ᄢቇ↢ද㩷 ᬺ⊓㍳㧔㩷 㪘䊶㪥㪜㪫 䉲䉴䊁䊛䋩 ભ⻠㧛⻠㧛ᤨ㑆ഀᢎቶᄌᦝߩᖱႎ⏕ ࠕ࡞ࡃࠗ࠻ࡦ࠲ 㪫㪜㪣㪑㪇㪈㪏㪄㪏㪊㪉㪄㪎㪏㪋㪍 ਇേ↥ㇱ 㪫㪜㪣㪑㪇㪈㪏㪄㪏㪊㪉㪄㪎㪈㪋㪈㩷 ―― ࠕ࡞ࡃࠗ࠻ߩ⚫ ᳃㑆ࠕࡄ࠻ߩ⚫ 2 Campus㩷 Life 2-1 Customization of Important Numbers You are strongly advised to register in your Keitai important numbers of officers in charge both at International Exchange Division and the faculty you belong to. 2-2 Procedures 㩷 㩷 Opening hours: 8:30 ~ 17:00 䂹Students Supporting Division & Education Promotion Division: 8:30~18:00 To apply for Private scholarship International Exchange Center TEL:018-889-2258 Daily Life Faculty of Education and Human Studies TEL:018-889-2508 Graduate School of㩷 Medicine TEL:018-884-6032 To apply for int’l student subsidies To apply for int’l student dormitory To participate in events for int’l students Guarantor for apartment To apply for the recommendation letter of ‘short term stay’ visa Application for MEXT & JASSO Scholarship Issuing Letter of Reference for MEXT scholarship and JASSO Scholarship Making documents for Extension of Period of stay To return to your home country Temporarily To confirm registration on MEXT Scholarship Faculty of Engineering To reissue student ID and Resource Science To change address/phone number TEL:018-889-2312 Campus Life Courses Student Support Center Tuition exemption Nishiyachi Dormitory TEL:018-889-2264 Circle activities Lost and Found Education Promotion Division To register classes & inquire about scores䋨A䊶NET䋩 TEL:018-889-3193 Akita University Co-op To check cancellation of lessons, make-up lessons, change of classroom Center for Part-time job TEL:018-832-7846 Real estate section TEL:018-832-7141 ―― Introduce part-time jobs Introduce private apartment 㪉㪄㪊㩷㪘䊶㪥㪜㪫㩷 㪮㪼㪹 䈪ጁୃ⊓㍳䇮ᚑ❣ᾖળ䇮㪤㫐 ᤨ㑆ഀ䈭䈬䈏䈪䈐䉎䈾䈎䇮ભ⻠䉇䊧䊘䊷䊃䈭䈬䈱⻠⟵䈮㑐䈜 䉎䈍⍮䉌䈞╬䈱ᖱႎ䈏ዯ䈔䉌䉏䉁䈜䇯䋱ᣣ䈮৻࿁䈲䇮㪘䊶㪥㪜㪫 䉕䉎䉋䈉䈮䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 㪉㪄㪋㩷 ቇ↢⸽㩷 ቇ↢⸽䈲䇮⑺↰ᄢቇ䈱ቇ↢䈪䈅䉎䈖䈫䉕⸽䈪䇮䉨䊞䊮䊌䉴ౝᄖ䈪↪䈜䉎䈖䈫䈏ᄙ䈒䈅䉍䉁䈜 䈱䈪Ᏹ䈮៤ⴕ䈚䈩ਅ䈘䈇䇯䉁䈢䇮ᄢቇ䈱࿑ᦠ㙚䉇ᖱႎಣℂ䉶䊮䉺䊷䉕↪䈜䉎㓙䈮䉅ᔅⷐ䈫䈭䉍䉁 䈜䇯ᄬ䈒䈚䈢႐ว䈮䈲䇮䈜䈓䈮䇮ᚲዻ䈜䉎ቇㇱ䊶⎇ⓥ⑼ቇോᜂᒰ䈮↳䈚䈩䇮ౣ⊒ⴕ䈱ᚻ⛯䈐䉕ⴕ 䈦䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 㪉㪄㪌㩷 ⸽ᦠ䈱⊒ⴕ䈮䈧䈇䈩㩷 㩷 ਥ䈭⸽ᦠ䈲䇮ቇ↢⸽䉕䈦䈩䇮⸽ᦠ⊒ⴕᯏ䈪⊒ⴕ䈪䈐䉁䈜䇯㩷 ᚻᒻ䉨䊞䊮䊌䉴㩷 ⸽ᦠ⊒ⴕᯏ⸳⟎႐ᚲ㩷 ⊒ⴕ䈪䈐䉎⸽ᦠ㩷 ቇ↢ᡰេ✚ว䉶䊮䉺䊷䋨ቇ↢ᡰេ䋩㩷 කቇ♽⎇ⓥ⑼䊶කቇㇱቇോ⺖㩷 㩷 䋨කቇ♽⎇ⓥ⑼䊶කቇㇱ▤ℂ䋩㩷 ቇ⸽ᦠ㩷 㪆㩷 තᬺㄟ⸽ᦠ㩷 㪆㩷 ஜᐽ⸻ᢿᦠ㩷 ᚑ❣⸽ᦠ䋨ቇㇱ↢䋩㩷 㪆㩷 ㅢቇ⸽ᦠ㩷 㪆㩷 ቇഀ⸽㩷 ᧄ䉨䊞䊮䊌䉴㩷 㩷 䇼ᵈᗧ䇽㩷 䂹⧷ᢥ䈱⸽ᦠ䈲䇮ᚲዻቇㇱ䊶ᄢቇ㒮䈱ቇോᜂᒰ䈮⊒ⴕ䉕ଐ㗬䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 䂹㕖ᱜⷙ↢䈲ቇഀ⸽䈏↪䈪䈐䉁䈞䉖䇯䉁䈢䇮㕖ᱜⷙ↢䈲⊒ⴕᯏ䉕↪䈪䈐䉁䈞䉖䇯㩷 ᚲዻቇㇱ䊶ᄢቇ㒮䈱ቇോᜂᒰ䈮䇮⸽ᦠ䈱ᚑ䉕ଐ㗬䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 䂹ቯᦼ䈱ਇᱜ䈭⾼䉇ᧄੱએᄖ䈱↪䈲ಣ⟏䈱ኻ⽎䈮䈭䉍䉁䈜䇯⛘ኻ䈮䉇䉄䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 㪉㪄㪍㩷 ᬺᢱ㒰䈮䈧䈇䈩㩷 䋨㶎ᬺᢱ䈲ᡷቯ䈘䉏䉎䈖䈫䈏䈅䉍䉁䈜䋩㩷 ⑺↰ᄢቇ䈱ᐕ㑆ᬺᢱ䈲ᐕ㗵 㪌㪊㪌㪃㪏㪇㪇 䈪䇮೨ᦼ䊶ᓟᦼ䈮ಽ䈔䈩ᡰᛄ䈇䉁䈜䇯㩷 䈭䈍䇮⚻ᷣ⊛ℂ↱䈮䉋䉍ᬺᢱ䈱⚊ઃ䈏࿎㔍䈪䇮䈎䈧ቇᬺఝ⑲䈫䉄䉌䉏䉎႐ว䈮䇮ቇ↢ᧄੱ 䈎䉌䈱ឭᦠ㘃䉇ቇᬺᚑ❣䈭䈬䉕෩ᱜ䈮ክᩏ䊶ㆬ⠨䈚䇮ᬺᢱ䈱ో㗵䇮ඨ㗵䉁䈢䈲䋳ಽ䈱䋱䉕 㒰䈜䉎ᬺᢱ㒰䈱ᐲ䈏䈅䉍䉁䈜䇯೨ᦼ䊶ᓟᦼ䈠䉏䈡䉏䇮ቇ↢ᡰេ⺖䈪䈱ᚻ⛯䈐䈏ᔅⷐ䈮䈭䉍 䉁䈜䇯↳⺧ᦠ㘃䈱㈩Ꮣᦼ㑆䈭䈬䈱⚦䈮䈧䈇䈩䈲䇮ቇ↢ᡰេ⺖䈮䉋䉎ឝ␜䈮ᵈᗧ䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯 ਅ⸥䈱䊖䊷䊛䊕䊷䉳䉕ෳᾖ䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇 㪿㫋㫋㫇㪑㪆㪆㫎㫎㫎㪅㪸㫂㫀㫋㪸㪄㫌㪅㪸㪺㪅㫁㫇㪆㪿㫆㫅㪹㫌㪆㪺㫌㫉㫉㪼㫅㫋㪆㪺㫌㪶㫋㫌㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪅㪿㫋㫄㫃㩷 㩷 㩷 㪉㪄㪎㩷 ⇐ቇ↢৻ᤨ㔌ᣣዯ㩷 ᄐભ䉂䈭䈬䉕↪䈚䈩䇮৻ᤨᏫ࿖䈚䈢䉍䇮৻ᤨ⊛䈮ᣣᧄ䉕㔌䉏䈢䉍䈜䉎႐ว䈮䈲䇮ᜰዉᢎຬ䈮 ⋧⺣䈚䈩⸵น䉕ᓧ䈩䇮㔌ᣣ೨䈮䇸ᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢৻ᤨ㔌ᣣዯ䇹䉕ᚲዻቇㇱ䊶⎇ⓥ⑼䈱ቇോᜂᒰ䈮ឭ 䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯ឭ䈚䈭䈇䈪Ꮻ࿖䈜䉎䈫䇮ᅑቇ㊄䉕ฃ⛎䈪䈐䈭䈇႐ว䉇䇮㔡ἴ䈭䈬䈱㓙䈮ุ⏕ 䈏䈪䈐䈭䈒䈭䉍䉁䈜䈱䈪䇮ᔅ䈝ឭ䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 ―― 2-3 A䊶NET Important information regarding course registration, grades, cancellation of courses and term paper will be sent to your own ID. Check A䊶net at least once a day. 2-4 Student ID Card The card verifies that you are a student of Akita University and may be required to present at a reception of library or other university facilities. You are recommended to carry the card with you all the time even you are outside of the campus. If you lose your Student ID Card, you are required to inform your faculty and apply for the reissuance of the ID Card. 2-5 Issuing Certificates You can get the certificates from the machine using student ID. Tegata Campus Student Support Center Place Hondo Campus Medical School Student Affairs Office Certificates Registration of Enrollment / Score/ Student pass available by the machine Expectation to Graduate /School Attendance / Checkup 䂹Consult the educational affairs section of your affiliation to issue English documents. 䂹Non-regular students are not eligible for a student discount Non-regular students are not accessible to the machine, please consult your faculty 䂹It is punishable by law to purchase commuter passes illegally or to lend your pass to another person. 2-6 Exemption of Tuition Fee Tuition fee is subject to change. Regular students who have excellent academic records and are facing financial difficulty may be eligible for full, half or one-third tuition exemption. Please note that for this exemption you should follow the procedures each semester, so pay attention to the bulletin board of Student Supporting Division. Refer to: http://www.akita-u.ac.jp/english/fees.html 2-7 Report of leaving Japan temporarily If you wish to temporarily go back to your home country or leave Japan on vacation, you have to hand in Report of Leaving Japan Temporarily. For those who are receiving scholarship, please pay special attention so as not to stop providing scholarship. ―― 㪉㪄㪏㩷 ᳃㑆ᅑቇ㊄䋨ᱜⷙ↢ኻ⽎䋩㩷 㩷 ᳃㑆䈱ᅑቇ㊄䈮䈲䇮ᄢቇ䉕ㅢ䈛䈩ᔕ䈜䉎䉅䈱䈫䇮⇐ቇ↢ੱ䈏ᅑቇ࿅䈻⋥ធᔕ䈜 䉎䉅䈱䈏䈅䉍䉁䈜䇯ᅑቇ㊄↳⺧䈱ᖱႎ䈲䇮࿖㓙⺖䈱ឝ␜᧼䈪ㅢ⍮䈚䉁䈜䈱䈪䇮ᔕ䉕Ꮧᦸ 䈜䉎ቇ↢䈲䇮ឝ␜᧼䉕㗫❥䈮䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯䉁䈢䇮ᅑቇ㊄䉕↳⺧䈚䈢ᓟ䈱⻉ㅪ⛊䈲䇮ේೣ䈫 䈚䈩䇮㪘䊶㪥㪜㪫 䉕ㅢ䈛䈩ㅪ⛊䈚䉁䈜䇯㩷 䈬䈱ᅑቇ㊄䉅䇮ណ↪ᢙ䈮ኻ䈚䈩ᔕ⠪ᢙ䈏ᄙ䈇䈢䉄䇮┹₸䈏䈫䈩䉅㜞䈇䈪䈜䇯䈠䈱䈢䉄䇮 ↳⺧䈚䈩䉅ᄢቇ䈎䉌ᅑቇ࿅䈻ផ⮈䈘䉏䉎䈫䈲㒢䉍䉁䈞䉖䈚䇮ᄢቇ䈎䉌ផ⮈䈘䉏䈩䉅ᔅ䈝ណ ↪䈘䉏䉎䉒䈔䈪䈲䈅䉍䉁䈞䉖䈏䇮↳⺧䉕Ꮧᦸ䈜䉎ቇ↢䈲ឝ␜䉕⪭䈫䈘䈝䇮✦ಾ䉁䈪䈮ᔅⷐ ᦠ㘃䉕䈐䈤䉖䈫ឥ䈋䈩䇮࿖㓙⺖䈮ឭ䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 㩷㩷㩷 ᄢቇ䉕ㅢ䈛䈩ᔕ䈜䉎ᅑቇ㊄䈱↳⺧ᣇᴺ㩷 㩷 㩷 䋱㩷 ࿖㓙⺖䈪䇮㈩Ꮣᦼ㑆ౝ䈮㓸ⷐ㗄䊶↳⺧ᦠ╬䉕ฃ㗔 㩷 㩷 䋲㩷 㓸ⷐ㗄䉕䉋䈒⺒䉂䇮⥄ಽ䈏᧦ઙ䈮ว䈦䈩䈇䉎䈎䉕⏕㩷 㩷 㩷 䋳㩷 ↳⺧ᦠ䈮⸥䋨ផ⮈ᦠ䈱⸥䈲䉕ᜰዉᢎຬ╬䈮ଐ㗬䋩 㩷 㩷 䋴㩷 ࿖㓙⺖䈮↳⺧ᦠ╬䉕ឭ䋨ឭᦼ㒢䉕䉎䈖䈫䋩 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪉㪄㪐㩷 䉼䊠䊷䉺䊷㩷 䉼䊠䊷䉺䊷䈫䈲䇮⑺↰ᄢቇ䈮ቇ䈚䈢䈳䈎䉍䈱⇐ቇ↢䈱䉂䈭䈘䉖䈏䇮ᄢቇ䈪䈱ቇ⠌䉇ᣣᏱ↢ᵴ 䉕ਇ⥄↱䈭䈒ㅍ䉏䉎䉋䈉ᡰេ䈜䉎ቇ↢䉕⸒䈇䉁䈜䇯ේೣ䈫䈚䈩䇮ᣣᧄੱቇ↢䈏䉼䊠䊷䉺䊷䈫䈭䉍䉁䈜䇯 ᡰេᦼ㑆䈲䇮ᄢቇ㒮ቇ↢䈏ᷰᣣᓟᦨೋ䈱䋱ᐕ㑆䇮ቇㇱቇ↢䈏ቇᓟᦨೋ䈱䋲ᐕ㑆䈪䈜䇯․⡬ ⻠ቇ↢䋨឵⇐ቇ↢䋩䉅ኻ⽎䈪䈜䇯㩷 ၮᧄ⊛䈮䈲㪈ᐕ㑆ห䈛䉼䊠䊷䉺䊷䈏䈧䈐䉁䈜䈏䇮䈬䈉䈚䈩䉅⥄ಽ䈱䉼䊠䊷䉺䊷䈫䈉䉁䈒䈇䈎䈭 䈇႐ว䉇䉼䊠䊷䉺䊷䈫䈱㑆䈪䈎㗴䈏䈐䈢ᤨ䈭䈬䈲䇮࿖㓙ᵹ䉶䊮䉺䊷䈱ᢎຬ䉇࿖㓙 ⺖䈮䈜䈓䈮⋧⺣䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 㩷 䇼ᡰេ䈱ౝኈ䇽㩷 䊶⇐ቇ↢䈏⑺↰䈮䈧䈇䈢䈫䈐䈱ㄫ䈋㩷 䊶ᣣᧄ⺆䈱ᜰዉ䇮ቇ⠌䋨ᬺ䈱੍⠌䊶ᓳ⠌䈱ഥ䋩䊶⎇ⓥ䈱ᜰዉഥ⸒㩷 䊶ᣣᏱ↢ᵴ䈱ᚻવ䈇㩷 䋨⻉ᚻ⛯䈐䈱䈢䉄䈱Ꮢᓎᚲ╬䈻䈱หⴕ䇮↢ᵴᔅ㔛ຠ䈱⾈䈇‛䇮ቇౝᄖ䈱㩷 ᩺ౝ䇮ኋ⥢ត䈚䈱ഥ䈭䈬䋩㩷 㩷 㩷 㪉㪄㪈㪇㩷 ⺖ᄖ䋨䉰䊷䉪䊦䋩ᵴേ ⑺↰ᄢቇ䈮䈲䇮ᄢቇ䈱⢒ળ♽䉇ᢥൻ♽䉰䊷䉪䊦䈏ᄙᢙ䈅䉍䇮ᄙ䈒䈱ቇ↢䈏ෳട䈚䈩䈇䉁 䈜䇯⥝䈱䈅䉎䉰䊷䉪䊦䈏䈅䈦䈢䉍䇮䉰䊷䉪䊦䈮ෳട䉕Ꮧᦸ䈚䈢䉍䈜䉎႐ว䈲䇮䇸䉨䊞䊮䊌䉴䊤䉟䊐䇹 䉕ෳᾖ䈚䈩䇮⋥ធ䉰䊷䉪䊦䈱ᵴേ႐ᚲ䈮ⴕ䈦䈩䉕⡞䈇䈢䉍䇮ቇ↢ᡰេ⺖䈱⺖ᄖᵴേᜂᒰ䈮⋧⺣ 䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯 ―― 2-8 Private Scholarship 䋨For Self-Financed Students䋩 There are two types of scholarships available: those which are applied for through the university, and those which are applied for directly to the institutions providing scholarships. We generally give notices to students on their bulletin boards. Students who wish to apply for these scholarships are advised to pay close attention to the notices posted. Application requirements vary among scholarships, so students are advised to read the application guidebooks carefully. Notice that the selection processes for scholarships are very competitive. Therefore, there are no guarantee for being selected. However, students who want to apply should not miss the notices and submit relevant documents to International Exchange Division on time. Procedure 1 Get the application materials from International Exchange Division 2 Read application materials carefully, and confirm if you are qualified to apply 3 Fill in the form and ask your professor to write recommendation 4 Submit materials to International Student Division (strict punctuality) 2-9㩷 Tutor Newly arrived international students may be assisted in their academic and daily life by Japanese students who are assigned as personal tutors for international students. In general, the system is applicable to undergraduate students during their first two years in Japan, and graduate students and certain research students during their first year. To aid international students with academic- and research-related concerns (preparation and revision) , in Japanese instruction and everyday life “guidance” (campus guide, help with applications, shopping, and apartment searching). 2-10 Circle Activities Akita University officially recognizes a number of cultural circles and athletic clubs. Interested students should refer to the ‘campus life’ and visit the circle directly or consult the student support center. ― 10 ― 䋳㩷 ⇐䈱ᚻ⛯䈐䈮䈧䈇䈩㩷 㩷 ⇐㑐ଥ䈱⻉ᚻ⛯䈐䈲䇮ో䈩⇐ቇ↢䈱䉂䈭䈘䉖䈏⥄ಽ䈪࿖▤ℂዪ䈮ⴕ䈦䈩ᚻ⛯䈐䉕䈜䉎䈖䈫 䈮䈭䉍䉁䈜䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 䌁䋮࿖▤ℂዪ䈪䈱ᚻ⛯䈐㩷 㩷 㪊㪄㪈㩷 ࿖▤ℂዪ䈮䈧䈇䈩㩷 ⑺↰⋵䈪䈲䇸บ࿖▤ℂዪ⑺↰ᒛᚲ䇹䈪ᚻ⛯䈐䉕ⴕ䈇䉁䈜䇯㩷 บ࿖▤ℂዪ㩷 ⑺↰ᒛᚲ㩷 ᚲ㩷 ⑺↰Ꮢጊ₺ 㪎㪄㪈㪄㪊㩷 ⑺↰╙৻ᣇวหᐡ⥢䋵㓏㩷 㔚⇟ภ㩷 䋰䋱䋸䋭䋸䋹䋵䋭䋵䋲䋲䋱㩷 ⓹ญฃઃᤨ㑆㩷 ඦ೨䋹ᤨ䌾䋱䋲ᤨ䇮ඦᓟ䋱ᤨ䌾䋴ᤨ䋨䇮ᣣ䇮ભᣣ䉕㒰䈒䋩㩷 ࿖▤ℂዪ㩷 䊖䊷䊛䊕䊷䉳㩷 ↳⺧ᦠ㘃╬䉕䉻䉡䊮䊨䊷䊄䈪䈐䉁䈜䇯 http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/index.html 㩷 㩷 㪊㪄㪉㩷 ⇐ᦼ㑆ᦝᣂ㩷 㩷 㩷 ⇐ᦼ㑆䉕䈋䈩ᣣᧄ䈮ṛ䈜䉎䈖䈫䈲䈪䈐䉁䈞䉖䇯⇐ᦼ㑆䉕৻ᣣ䈪䉅ㆊ䈑䈩䈚䉁䈉䈫䇮ਇᴺ ṛ䈫䈚䈩ᛒ䉒䉏䇮ᒝㅌ䈱ኻ⽎䈮䈭䉍䉁䈜䇯⇐ᦼ㑆䈏ಾ䉏䉎೨䈮䇮࿖▤ℂዪ䈮䇸⇐ᦼ 㑆ᦝᣂ䇹䈱↳⺧䉕ⴕ䉒䈭䈔䉏䈳䈭䉍䉁䈞䉖䇯⇐ᦼ㑆䈏ಾ䉏䉎䋳䈎೨䈎䉌↳⺧䈪䈐䉁䈜䈱䈪䇮 ᣧ䉄䈮↳⺧䈜䉎䉋䈉䈮䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 ↳⺧䈮䈲䇮⑺↰ᄢቇᚑ䈱ᦠ㘃䈏ᔅⷐ䈪䈜䇯ᚲዻቇㇱ䈮ᦠ㘃ᚑ䉕ଐ㗬䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 㪊㪄㪊㩷 ⇐⾗ᩰ䈱ᄌᦝ㩷 㩷 ⑺↰ᄢቇ䈪䈲䇮⇐⾗ᩰ䇸⇐ቇ䇹䈱ቇ↢䉕䇮⇐ቇ↢䈫䈚䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯⇐⾗ᩰ䈏䇸⇐ቇ䇹એᄖ䈱ੱ 䈲䇮ᄌᦝᚻ⛯䈐䉕ⴕ䈦䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯䈭䈍䇮⇐⾗ᩰ䇸⍴ᦼṛ䇹䈪࿖䈚䇮⇐⾗ᩰ䇸⇐ቇ䇹䈮ᄌᦝ䈜 䉎႐ว䇮䇸⇐⾗ᩰቯ⸽ᦠ䇹䈱ขᓧ䈏ᔅⷐ䈮䈭䉍䉁䈜䇯࿖㓙⺖䉁䈪䈇ว䉒䈞䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 䉁䈢䇮තᬺ䈚䈩ዞ⡯䈜䉎ᤨ䈮䈲䇮೨䈮⇐⾗ᩰ䈱ᄌᦝ⸵น䉕ฃ䈔䈭䈔䉏䈳䈭䉍䉁䈞䉖䇯⇐ ⾗ᩰ䇸⇐ቇ䇹䈱⇐ᦼ㒢䈏ᱷ䈦䈩䈇䉎႐ว䈪䉅䇮ᄢቇ䈱☋りಽ䈏䈭䈒䈭䈦䈢႐ว䈮䈲࿖䈜䉎 䈎䇮⇐⾗ᩰ䈱ᄌᦝ䈏ᔅⷐ䈮䈭䉍䉁䈜䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 ― 11 ― 3. Residence Procedures On all matters related to residence procedures, international students must go to the Immigration Bureau directly. A. Procedure at Immigration bureau 3-1 Immigration Bureau Akita branch, Sendai Immigration Bureau is in charge of you. Immigration Bureau – Akita Office Address 7-1-3 Sannou, Akita, Daiichi Chihougoudou Chousha 5F Telephone 018-895-5221 Hours Homepage 9:00~12:00,13:00~16:00 (No Sat, Sun, or national holidays) You can download the application forms. http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/index.html 3-2 Procedure for Renewing the period of Residence International Students cannot stay in Japan beyond their status period. If you want to extend your stay, you have to apply at the Immigration Bureau to renew the period of stay before your original status period expires. You can apply three month before it expires. There is a page AU has to complete on the application form. Before applying for renewal, you have to ask your faculty to make the document. 3-3 Change in Resident Status The resident status of international students who are registered at Akita University must be ‘Student’. If your status is not ‘Student’, please go and complete the procedures necessary to change it at the Immigration Bureau. For example, those who become employed at a company after graduation need to have their college student status of residence to a different one. Even if your college student residence status is valid after completion of your program at Akita University, ― 12 ― 㩷 㪊㪄㪋㩷 ᄢቇතᬺᓟ䈱ዞ⡯ᵴേ䈱䈢䉄䈱䊎䉱䈮䈧䈇䈩㩷 㩷 ⇐ቇ↢䈏ᄢቇ╬䉕තᬺᓟ䈮⛮⛯䈚䈩ዞ⡯ᵴേ䉕ⴕ䈇䈢䈇႐ว䈮䈲䇮⇐⾗ᩰ䇸․ቯᵴേ䇹䈻ᄌ ᦝ䈜䉎䈖䈫䈮䉋䉍䇮ඨᐕ㑆䇮ዞ⡯ᵴേ䉕⛮⛯䈪䈐䉁䈜䇯䉁䈢䇮ᦝᣂᚻ⛯䈐䉕䈜䉎䈖䈫䈮䉋䉍ᦨ㐳䋱ᐕ 䉁䈪ᑧ㐳น⢻䈪䈜䇯㩷 䈢䈣䈚䇮⇐⾗ᩰ䇸․ቯᵴേ䇹ขᓧ䈮䈲䇮⇐⁁ᴫ䈮㗴䈏䈭䈒䇮ዞ⡯ᵴേ䉕⛮⛯䈜䉎䈖䈫䈮䈧 䈇䈩තᬺ䈚䈢ᢎ⢒ᯏ㑐䈱ផ⮈䈏䈅䉎䈭䈬䈱᧦ઙ䈏䈅䉍䉁䈜䇯㩷 ↳⺧䉕Ꮧᦸ䈜䉎⇐ቇ↢䈲䇮એਅ䈱ᔅⷐᦠ㘃䉕䈠䉐䈋䈩䇮࿖㓙⺖䈮ឭ䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯࿖㓙⺖䈪ឭ 䈘䉏䈢ᦠ㘃䉕⏕䈚䈢䈉䈋䈪䇮ᄢቇ䈎䉌䈱ផ⮈⁁䉕ᚑ䈜䉎䈎䉕್ᢿ䈚䉁䈜䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 ᔅⷐᦠ㘃㩷 䊶⇐ਛ䋨ᣣᧄṛਛ䋩䈱৻ಾ䈱⚻⾌䈱ᡰᑯ⢻ജ䉕⸽䈜䉎ᢥᦠ㩷 䋨㗍㊄ㅢᏭ䈱౮䈚╬䋩㩷 䊶⑺↰ᄢቇ䈱තᬺ⸽ᦠ䉁䈢䈲තᬺ⸽ᦠ䇮තᬺㄟ⸽ᦠ㩷 䊶ᜰዉᢎຬ䈮䉋䉎ዞ⡯ᵴേ⛮⛯䈮䈧䈇䈩䈱ផ⮈⁁㩷 䊶⛮⛯䈚䈩ዞ⡯ᵴേ䉕ⴕ䈦䈩䈇䉎䈖䈫䉕䉌䈎䈮䈜䉎⾗ᢱ㩷 㩷 䋨䉣䊮䊃䊥䊷䉲䊷䊃䉇㕙ធ╬䈱ᣣᤨ╬䉕⸥䈚䈢ᦠ㘃䈱䉮䊏䊷䈭䈬䋩㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㪊㪄㪌㩷 㩷 ౣ࿖⸵น↳⺧㩷 㩷 ᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢䈏৻ᤨᏫ࿖䈜䉎႐ว䈮䈲䇮࿖▤ℂዪ䈪ౣ࿖⸵น↳⺧䉕ⴕ䈦䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯ᚻ⛯ 䈐䉕ⴕ䉒䈝䈮Ꮻ࿖䈜䉎䈫䇮䇸⇐ቇ䇹䈱䊎䉱䉕ᄬ䈦䈢䉍䇮ᣣᧄ䈮ౣ࿖䈪䈐䈭䈒䈭䈦䈢䉍䈜䉎႐ว䈏䈅 䉍䉁䈜䇯㩷 㩷 䈢䈣䈚䇮࿖ᦼ㑆䈏䋱ᐕએౝ䈪䇮ᣣᧄ䈪䈱ᵴേ䉕⛮⛯䈜䉎႐ว䈲䇮䇸䉂䈭䈚ౣ࿖ᐲ䇹䈮䉋䉍ౣ ࿖⸵น䉕ฃ䈔䉎䈖䈫䈭䈒࿖䈏䈪䈐䉁䈜䇯࿖ᤨ䈮䈲䇮ᔅ䈝⇐䉦䊷䊄䉕ᜬෳ䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 䇼㊀ⷐ䋣䇽㩷 㩷 䉂䈭䈚ౣ࿖ᐲ㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 䉂䈭䈚ౣ࿖䈫䈲䇮ല䈭ᣏ䋨䊌䉴䊘䊷䊃䋩䈶⇐䉦䊷䊄䉕ᚲᜬ䈚䇮࿖ᓟ䋱ᐕએౝ 㩷 䈮ᣣᧄ䈪䈱ᵴേ䉕⛮⛯䈜䉎䈢䉄䈮ౣ࿖䈜䉎႐ว䈲䇮ේೣ䈫䈚䈩ౣ࿖⸵น䉕ฃ䈔䉎ᔅ 㩷 ⷐ䈏䈭䈒䈭䉎ᐲ䈱䈖䈫䈪䈜䇯࿖䈜䉎ᤨ䈮䇮ᔅ䈝⇐䉦䊷䊄䉕ឭ␜䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䋨㶎䋩䇯㩷 㩷 䈢䈣䈚䇮䉂䈭䈚ౣ࿖ᐲ䈮䉋䉍࿖䈚䈢႐ว䇮䈠䈱ലᦼ㑆䉕ᶏᄖ䈪ᑧ㐳䈜䉎䈖䈫䈲 㩷 䈪䈐䉁䈞䉖䇯࿖ᓟ 㪈 ᐕએౝ䈮ౣ࿖䈚䈭䈇䈫⇐⾗ᩰ䈏ᄬ䉒䉏䉎䈖䈫䈮䈭䉍䉁䈜䈱䈪䇮 㩷 ᵈᗧ䈏ᔅⷐ䈪䈜䇯㩷 㶎䇸⇐䉦䊷䊄䉕ᓟᣣઃ䈜䉎䇹ᣦ䈱⸥タ䈏䈭䈘䉏䈢ᣏ䋨䊌䉴䊘䊷䊃䋩䉇⇐䉦䊷䊄䈫䉂䈭 䈘䉏䉎ᄖ࿖ੱ⊓㍳⸽ᦠ䉕ᚲᜬ䈜䉎႐ว䈮䉅ኻ⽎䈫䈭䉍䉁䈜䇯㩷 ― 13 ― 3-4 Job Searching could be continued after graduating from university International students who graduated from university want to continue job searching could change their status to ‘Short Term Stay’. During the first 180 days of short term stay, if you cannot find job, you still have chance to ask for another short term stay by asking the university you graduated from to issue ‘recommendation’ for you. If you would like to apply, please submit all required documents to International Exchange Center Required Documents 䊶Documents certificating your financial ability to support yourself during the period of residence (Copy of bank book etc)㩷 A Certificate of Graduation or Diploma㩷 䊶Recommendation Letter regarding your continuing employment search issued by the last university you attended㩷 䊶Documents clearly reflecting you are continuing your job search (e.g. entry sheet, photocopy of documents on which date of interview is written)㩷 3-5 Procedures for applying for a Re-entry permit International students must get a re-entry permit at the Immigration Bureau before leaving Japan. You may not be able to re-enter Japan without it. A special re-entry permit system is introduced so that you can no longer need to get re-entry permit in order to continue your activities in Japan as long as you have valid passport and resident card. 㩷 A special re-entry permit system will be introduced Foreign nationals in possession of a valid passport and resident card who will be re-entering Japan within 1 year of their departure to continue their activities in Japan will, in principle, not be required to apply for a re-entry permit. Be sure to present your resident card at departure.㩷 Foreign nationals whip have departed from Japan on a special 㩷 re-entry permit will not be able to extend that permit while abroad. 㩷 Please note that such foreign national will lose their status if they fail 㩷 to re-entry Japan within 1 year of their departure. 㩷 ― 14 ― 㪊㪄㪍㩷 ⾗ᩰᄖᵴേ⸵น㩷 䋨䉝䊦䊋䉟䊃䋩㩷 㩷 䋨䋱䋩⾗ᩰᄖᵴേ⸵น䈱↳⺧㩷 ⇐ቇ↢䈱⇐⾗ᩰ䈲䇸⇐ቇ䇹䈪䇮ᣣᧄ䈪䈱ᵴേ⋡⊛䈲䇮ቇ⠌䉇⎇ⓥ䈪䈜䇯䈖䈱⇐⾗ᩰ䈪䈲䇮 ේೣ䈫䈚䈩䉝䊦䊋䉟䊃䈲䈪䈐䉁䈞䉖䇯㩷 ⇐ቇ↢䈏䉝䊦䊋䉟䊃䉕䈜䉎䈢䉄䈮䈲䇮࿖▤ℂዪ䈮↳⺧䉕䈚䈩䇮䇸⾗ᩰᄖᵴേ⸵น䇹䉕ᓧ䈭䈔䉏 䈳䈭䉍䉁䈞䉖䇯⾗ᩰᄖᵴേ⸵น䉕ᓧ䉎䈫䇮䋱ㅳ㑆䈮䋲䋸ᤨ㑆䉁䈪䉝䊦䊋䉟䊃䉕䈜䉎䈖䈫䈏䈪䈐䉁䈜䇯 㐳ᦼભᥜᦼ㑆ਛ䈲䋱ᣣ䋸ᤨ㑆䉁䈪น⢻䈪䈜䇯䈢䈣䈚䇮⾗ᩰᄖᵴേ⸵น䉕ขᓧ䈚䈩䉅䇮࿖▤ℂ 䈶㔍᳃ቯᴺ䋨▤ᴺ䋩䈪䇮⇐ቇ↢䈱䉝䊦䊋䉟䊃䈫䈚䈩䉄䉌䉏䈭䈇䉅䈱䋨㘑ଶ༡ᬺ䉇㘑ଶ㑐ㅪ༡ ᬺ䈭䈬䋩䈏䈅䉍䉁䈜䇯㩷 ⾗ᩰᄖᵴേ⸵น䉕ขᓧ䈚䈭䈇䈪䉝䊦䊋䉟䊃䉕䈚䈢䉍䇮䉄䉌䉏䈢ᵴേ䈱▸࿐䉇ᤨ㑆䉕䈋䈩䉝 䊦䊋䉟䊃䉕䈚䈢䉍䈜䉎䈫ಣ⟏䈱ኻ⽎䈫䈭䉍䇮႐ว䈮䉋䈦䈩䈲ᣣᧄ䈎䉌䈱ᒝㅌ䈱ኻ⽎䈮䉅䈭䉍䉁 䈜䈱䈪䇮චಽ䈮ᵈᗧ䉕䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 ೋᦼቇ⠌䈱ቯ⌕䉇ᣣᧄ䈪䈱↢ᵴ䈮ᘠ䉏䉎䈢䉄䇮࿖㓙ᵹ䉶䊮䉺䊷䈪䈲ᷰᣣᓟ䋱䊱㑆䈲䉝䊦 䊋䉟䊃䉕䈚䈭䈇䈖䈫䉕൘䉄䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯䉝䊦䊋䉟䊃䉕ᆎ䉄䉎႐ว䈲䇮ᜰዉᢎຬ䈮䉋䈒⋧⺣䈚䇮䉝䊦䊋䉟 䊃వ䉇ᬺോ䈱ౝኈ䉕વ䈋䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 㩷 䋨䋲䋩䉝䊦䊋䉟䊃䈱⚫㩷 ⑺↰ᄢቇ↢ද䈪䈲䇮ቇ↢䈮䉝䊦䊋䉟䊃䈱⚫䉕ⴕ䈦䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯䉝䊦䊋䉟䊃䈱᳞ੱᖱႎ䈲䇮ᄢቇ ળ㙚䋱㓏䈱↢ද䉝䊦䊋䉟䊃䉶䊮䉺䊷䉇↢ද䈱䊖䊷䊛䊕䊷䉳䈪䉎䈖䈫䈏䈪䈐䉁䈜䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 ႐㩷 㩷 ᚲ㩷 ᄢቇળ㙚䋱㓏㩷 䉝䊦䊋䉟䊃䉶䊮䉺䊷㩷 䊖䊷䊛䊕䊷䉳㩷 㪿㫋㫋㫇㪑㪆㪆㪹㫃㫆㪾㪅㪸㫂㫀㫋㪸㪅㫌㪄㪺㫆㫆㫇㪅㫆㫉㪅㫁㫇㪆㪸㫉㪹㪼㫀㫋㪆㩷 㩷 ― 15 ― 3-6 Permission to engage in an activity other than that permitted by the status of residence previously granted (Part-time job) (1) Apply for Permission to Engage in an Activity Other Than That Permitted by the Status of Residence Previously Granted Your residential status is ‘Study’ and main purpose in Japan is study and research. You are not allowed to work with this status. You must apply for a permit from the immigration bureau if you wish to work part-time. If granted, international students can work up to 28 hours a week. During long vacations only, students can work up to 8 hours a day. Please note that some kinds of jobs are prohibited for students by immigration regulations. If you work without a permit or fail to follow the regulations pertaining to the permit, that work is considered illegal employment and you will be punished, in some cases, deported. Akita University recommends students not to participate in part-time job working for 1 month after arriving in Japan. Please prepare budget for cost of living of that time. (2)Introduce of Part-time jobs Akita University COOP introduces part-time jobs. You can see information on part-time jobs at Center for part-time jobs located at 1 floor of University Hall and on its website. 㩷 Place First Floor , Center for part time job Homepage http://blog.akita.u-coop.or.jp/arbeit/ 㩷 ― 16 ― 䌂㩷 Ꮢᓎᚲ䈪䈱ᚻ⛯䈐㩷 㩷 㩷 㪊㪄㪎㩷 ⇐䉦䊷䊄㩷 㪆㩷 ዬ䈱ዯ㩷 ࿖᷼䈮䈍䈇䈩⇐䉦䊷䊄䈏ઃ䈘䉏䈢ᣇ䋨ᵈ䋩䈲䋬ዬ䉕ቯ䉄䈩䈎䉌䋱䋴ᣣએౝ䈮䋬⇐䉦 䊷䊄䉕ᜬෳ䈱䋬ዬ䈱Ꮢ↸䈱⓹ญ䈪䈠䈱ዬ䉕ᴺോᄢ⤿䈮ዯ䈔䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 䋨ᵈ䋩㩷 ᣏ䈮䇸⇐䉦䊷䊄䉕ᓟᣣઃ䈜䉎䇹ᣦ䈱⸥タ䈏䈭䈘䉏䈢ᣇ䉕䉂䉁䈜䇯䈠䈱႐ว䈮䈲䋬ᒰ ᣏ䉕ᜬෳ䈱䋬ᚻ⛯䉕䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 䋪㩷 ⇐⾗ᩰᄌᦝ⸵น╬䉕ฃ䈔䈩ᣂ䈢䈮ਛ㐳ᦼ⇐⠪䈫䈭䈦䈢ᣇ䈮䈧䈇䈩䉅䋬ห᭽䈮䋬ዬ䈱 ዯ䈏ᔅⷐ䈮䈭䉍䉁䈜㩷 㩷 ᚻ⛯䈐႐ᚲ㩷 ⑺↰Ꮢᓎᚲ㩷 Ꮢ᳃⺖㩷 㩷 ៤ⴕຠ㩷 䋨㪈䋩᳃⇣േዯ䈶⚕㩷 䋨㪉䋩⇐䉦䊷䊄㩷 䋨㪊䋩䊌䉴䊘䊷䊃㩷 ⊒ⴕ䉁䈪䈱ᦼ㑆㩷 ⚂ 㪉 ㅳ㑆䈎䈎䉍䉁䈜㩷 㩷 䇼ᵈᗧ䇽⇐䉦䊷䊄䈮㑐䈚䈩䇮એਅ䈱䈖䈫䉕ᔅ䈝䈦䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 䂹ᄖ䈜䉎ᤨ䈮䈲䇮ᔅ䈝䇸⇐䉦䊷䊄䇹䉕ᜬ䈦䈩ᱠ䈎䈭䈔䉏䈳䈭䉌䈭䈇䇯㩷 䂹⼊ኤቭ䈭䈬䈱ⴕቭ䈮ឭ␜䉕᳞䉄䉌䉏䈢ᤨ䈮䈲䇮ឭ␜䈚䈭䈔䉏䈳䈭䉌䈭䈇䇯㩷 䂹⸥タ㗄䈮ᄌᦝ䈏䈅䈦䈢႐ว䈲 㪈㪋 ᣣએౝ䈮⸥タ㗄ᄌᦝዯ䉕ឭ䈚䈭䈔䉏䈳䈭䉌䈭䈇䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 ― 17 ― B Procedure at City Hall 3-7 Residence Card / Notification Of Residence If your Resident Card has been issued at port of entry (Note), within 14 days of settling in your fixed residence, please bring your resident card and report to the municipal government. For those entering via other ports, the Residence Card will be mailed to the address you report to your municipal government post-arrival. (Note) Including those described in the "Resident Card issued at a later date" in the passport, the Residence Card will be mailed to the address you report to your municipal government after your arrival. * In cases such as changes in status of residence to medium- to long-term residence permit, or changes in your residence address, you will need to notify the government.(same as bullet 3 below) Place Requirements The Citizen Section ,Akita City Hall 1.Application form 2.Passport 3. ID Photos 3.5cm×4.5cm It will take about two weeks to issue. Followings are some requirements for foreigners to comply with; ٟYou must carry Residence Card with you instead of passport whenever you go out.㩷 ٟYou must present the Residence Card when asked to do so by law enforcement officers like policemen.㩷 ٟAny changes such as address and the stay period of residence, you must submit prescribed slip at the City Hall within 14 days of change.㩷 㩷 㩷 ― 18 ― 㪊㪄㪏㩷 ࿖᳃ஜᐽ㒾㩷 䋨࿖䋩㩷 ᣣᧄ䈮䋱ᐕએṛ䈜䉎ᄖ࿖ੱ䈲䇮࿖᳃ஜᐽ㒾㩿࿖㪀䈻䈱ട䈏⟵ോઃ䈔䉌䉏䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯࿖ 䈮ട䈜䉎䈖䈫䈮䉋䈦䈩䇮ᣣᧄ䈱䈅䉌䉉䉎ක≮ᯏ㑐䈪䈎䈎䈦䈢ක≮⾌䈱䋷ഀ䈏ഥ䈱ኻ⽎䈮䈭 䉍䉁䈜䋨䋺✚ක≮⾌䋱ਁ䈱ᤨ䇮⥄Ꮖ⽶ᜂ䈲䋳ජ䋩䇯∛㒮䋨ක≮ᯏ㑐䋩䈮ⴕ䈒䈫䈐䈮䈲䇮ᔅ䈝㒾 ⸽䉕ᜬ䈦䈩䈇䈦䈩ਅ䈘䈇䇯㩷 䈭䈍䇮⇐ᦼ㑆ᦝᣂᤨ䈮䇮࿖▤ℂዪ⓹ญ䈪䇮࿖䈮ട䈚䈩䈇䉎䈖䈫䉕⏕䈜䉎ᦠ㘃䈱ឭ 䈏⟵ോ䈨䈔䉌䉏䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯㩷 㩷㩷 䇼ᵈᗧ䇽㩷 䂹㒾ኻ⽎ᄖ䈱ක≮䋨ஜᐽ⸻ᢿ䊶⟤ኈᢛᒻ䊶ᱜᏱ䈭↥䋩䉅䈅䉍䉁䈜䇯㩷 䂹ౣ࿖⸵น䉕ᜬ䈢䈝䈮ᣣᧄ䉕࿖䈜䉎ᤨ䈲䇮Ꮢᓎᚲ䈮㒾⸽䉕⚊䈚䈭䈔䉏䈳䈭䉍䉁䈞䉖䇯㩷 㩷 ᚻ⛯䈐႐ᚲ㩷 ⑺↰Ꮢᓎᚲ㩷 ࿖ᐕ㊄⺖㩷 䋲⇟⓹ญ㩷 㒾ᢱ㩷 ೨ᐕ䈱ᚲᓧ䈮䉋䉍ੱᏅ䈏䈅䉍䉁䈜䇯㩷 ഥᚑ㊄㩷 ⑺↰⋵ౝ䈱 㪦㪛㪘 ኻ⽎࿖り䈱⑳⾌⇐ቇ↢䈮ኻ䈜䉎ഥᚑᐲ䈏㩷 䈅䉍䉁䈜䇯Ფᐕ䋱䋲㗃䈮ឝ␜᧼䈪㓸䈚䉁䈜䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 㪊㪄㪐㩷 ࿖᳃ᐕ㊄㩷 ࿖᳃ᐕ㊄䈲䇮ട⠪䈏㜞㦂䈮䈭䈦䈢䉍䇮㓚ኂ䉕⽶䈦䈢䉍䈚䈢ᤨ䈮㒾㊄䉕ฃ䈔ข䉎䈖䈫䈏䈪䈐䉎 ᐲ䈪䈜䇯ᣣᧄ࿖ౝ䈮䉖䈪䈇䉎 㪉㪇 ᱦ䈎䉌 㪍㪇 ᱦ䉁䈪䈱ੱ䈲䇮ోຬ䇮࿖᳃ᐕ㊄䈮ട䈚䈭䈔䉏䈳 䈭䉍䉁䈞䉖䇯ᄖ࿖ੱ⊓㍳䉇࿖᳃ஜᐽ㒾ടᚻ⛯䈐䈫หᤨ䈮䇮࿖᳃ᐕ㊄ട䈱ᚻ⛯䈐䉅ⴕ䈦䈩䈒 䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 ቇ↢䈪৻ቯએ䈱ᚲᓧ䈏䈭䈇႐ว䈲㒾ᢱ䈱⚊ઃ䈏₈੍䈘䉏䉎䇸ቇ↢⚊ઃ․ᐲ䇹䉇㒾 ᢱ㒰䈱ᐲ䈏䈅䉍䉁䈜䇯࿖᳃ᐕ㊄ട↳⺧ᤨ䈮หᤨ䈮↳⺧䈜䉎䉋䈉䈮䈚䉁䈚䉊䈉䇯㒾ᢱ䈮䈧 䈇䈩䈲ᓟᣣㅢ⍮䈏᧪䉁䈜䈏䇮⚊ઃ․ᐲ䉇㒰↳⺧䈏䉄䉌䉏䉏䈳䇮㒾ᢱ䉕ᛄ䈉ᔅⷐ䈏䈅 䉍䉁䈞䉖䇯㒰䈏⸵น䈘䉏䈭䈎䈦䈢䈫䈐䈲⺧᳞䈘䉏䈢㊄㗵䉕ᡰᛄ䈉䈖䈫䈮䈭䉍䉁䈜䇯㩷 ⚦䈲䇮⑺↰ Ꮢᓎᚲ࿖ᐕ㊄⺖䈮䈇ว䉒䈞䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 ― 19 ― 3-8 National Health Insurance and its premiums All international students whose residence status is one year or longer have to subscribe to the National Health Insurance in Japan. The premium will cover up to 70% of your medical expenses, which means you pay only 3,000 yen if charged 10,000 yen. You must not fail to bring NHI Card with you when you visit hospitals or other health facilities. In renewing your period of stay, you must show your NHI card. ޣNoteޤ ٟSome medical treatment such as health-check, cosmetic surgery, normal Child-birth are not covered by the insurance. ٟStudents must return their NHI cards to Akita City Hall before they return permanently to their home countries Place Window 2, the National Health Insurance Section of Akita City Hall 㩷 Fee The fee is based on your income from the previous year. 㩷 Subsidy Akita prefecture has an assistance system for those self-financed students who are from ODA countries and live in Akita. We post information about subsidy recipients in January. 㩷 㩷 3-9㩷 National Pension System The national Pension System is a social security system run by the Japanese Government, where contributing members are entitled to receive a pension when they reach the age of 60 and retire from work or become disabled through sickness or injury. Please subscribe to the National Pension system at the same time as you apply for Alien registration or NHI. 㩷 International students may be exempted from paying pension premiums. At the same time as subscribing to the National Pension System, international students should apply for ‘special exemption to student payment’ or ‘payment waiver’. You will probably receive the bill for your pension premium before receiving the result of your application for exemption from payment. However, do not pay the premium until you have received the result. If your application for exemption is rejected, please proceed to pay the premium. 㩷 ― 20 ― 䋴㩷 ዬ㩷 㩷 㪋㪄㪈 ᳃㑆䉝䊌䊷䊃㩷 㩷 㩷 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪈㩷 ᳃㑆䉝䊌䊷䊃䈱⚫㩷 ᳃㑆䉝䊌䊷䊃䈲䇮⑺↰ᄢቇ↢ද䉇ਇേ↥ળ␠䈪⚫䈚䈩䉅䉌䈉䈖䈫䈏䈪䈐䉁䈜䇯㩷 䋨⑺↰ᄢቇ↢ද㩷 㪫㪜㪣㪑㪇㪈㪏㪄㪏㪊㪉㪄㪎㪈㪋㪈㪃㩷㪿㫋㫋㫇㪑㪆㪆㫎㫎㫎㪅㪸㫂㫀㫋㪸㪅㫌㪄㪺㫆㫆㫇㪅㫆㫉㪅㫁㫇㪆㫃㫀㫍㫀㫅㪾㪆㩷 䋩㩷 㩷 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪉㩷 ⾓⾉ᄾ⚂㩷 ᄾ⚂ౝኈ䈮䈧䈇䈩䇮චಽ䈮⺑䉕⡞䈇䈩䇮⥄ಽ䈮ਇ䈭᧦ઙ䈪䈭䈇䈎䈬䈉䈎䉕⏕䈚䈩䈎䉌䇮㩷 ᄾ⚂ᦠ䈮⟑ฬ䊶ᝲශ䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯ਇ䈭ὐ䈏䈅䉏䈳䇮వヘ䉇࿖㓙⺖䈮⋧⺣䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 ኅ㩷 㩷 ⾓㩷 䋱䈎䈱ㇱደઍ㩷 ၮᧄ⊛䈮䈲䇮⠉ಽ䈱ኅ⾓䉕䇮೨䈱ᧃ䉁䈪䈮೨ᛄ䈇䈜䉎䇯㩷 ⋉⾌㩷 ↪ㇱಽ䋨㓏Ბ䉇䊃䉟䊧䈭䈬䋩㔚᳇ઍ䊶᳓ᢱ㊄䊶䉯䊚ಣℂ䈱⾌↪䊶ᷡ⾌↪ 䈮䉒䉏䉎䇯ኅ⾓䈮䉁䉏䈩䈇䉎႐ว䉅䈅䉎䇯㩷 ᢝ㩷 㩷 ㊄㩷 ㇱደ䉕୫䉍䉎䈫䈐䇮ኅ⾓䉕ṛ⚊䈚䈢ᤨ䉇䇮ㇱደ䊶ຠ䉕៊்䈚䈢ᤨ䈱䈢䉄䈱 ᜂ䈫䈚䈩䇮ኅਥ䈮㗍䈔䈩䈍䈒䈍㊄䈱䈖䈫㩷 ㊄㗵䈲৻⥸⊛䈮ㇱደઍ䈱䋱䌾䋲䊱ಽ䈒䉌䈇䈪䇮ㅌᤨ䈮䇮ᷡ䊶ୃℂઍ㊄ 䉕㒰䈇䈢ಽ䈏ᚯ䈦䈩䈒䉎㩷 ␞㩷 㩷 ㊄㩷 ኅਥ䈮ᡰᛄ䈉䇯ㅌ䈱ᤨ䈮䈲ᚯ䈦䈩䈖䈭䈇䇯㩷 ખᚻᢙᢱ㩷 ਇേ↥ળ␠䈮ᡰᛄ䈉䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪊㩷 ㅪᏪ⸽ੱ㩷 ㅢᏱ䇮ᣣᧄ䈪᳃㑆䉝䊌䊷䊃䉕ᄾ⚂䈜䉎ᤨ䈮䈲䇮ᣣᧄੱ䈱⸽ੱ䈏ᔅⷐ䈮䈭䉍䉁䈜䇯䈬䈉䈚䈩䉅⥄ ಽ䈪⸽ੱ䈏䈧䈔䉌䉏䈭䈇႐ว䈮䈲䇮䇸⇐ቇ↢ቛ✚วఘᐲ䇹䈮ട䈜䉎䈖䈫䉕᧦ઙ䈮䇮⑺ ↰ᄢቇ䈪ㅪᏪ⸽ੱ䉕ᒁ䈐ฃ䈔䉁䈜䇯䈖䈱ᐲ䉕Ꮧᦸ䈜䉎ቇ↢䈲䇮ᄾ⚂ᦠ䉕↪ᗧ䈚䇮࿖㓙⺖䈮↳ ⺧䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪋㩷 䉝䊌䊷䊃ᄾ⚂ᤨ䈮䈎䈎䉎⾌↪䈱৻ㇱഥ㩷 㩷 ⑺↰ᄢቇ䈪䈲䇮⇐ቇ↢䈱䉂䈭䈘䉖䈏䉝䊌䊷䊃䉕ᄾ⚂䈜䉎ᤨ䈮䈎䈎䉎⾌↪䉕৻ㇱഥ䈜䉎ᐲ䉕 ታᣉ䈚䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯ቇਛ䋱࿁䈮㒢䉍䇮㒢䉕䋵ਁ䈫䈚䈩䇮ᄾ⚂ኅ⾓䈱ᦨೋ䈱䋱䈎ಽ䉕ഥ䈚䉁 䈜䇯Ꮧᦸ䈜䉎ቇ↢䈲䇮䉝䊌䊷䊃䈱ᄾ⚂ᦠ䈫ᦨೋ䈱䋱䉦ಽ䈱ኅ⾓䉕ᡰᛄ䈦䈢䈖䈫䉕⸽䈜䉎ᦠ㘃 䋨㗔ᦠ䈭䈬䋩䉕䈠䉐䈋䈩䇮࿖㓙⺖䈮↳⺧䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 ― 21 ― 4 Housing 4-1 Apartments 4-1-1 Apartments are usually found through an estate agent. 㧔Akita University Co-op TEL:018-832-7141, http://www.akita.u-coop.or.jp/living/ 㧕 4-1-2 Rent an apartment You should understand the contents of the contract fully before signing the lease. If there are points which you don’t understand, please ask a senior or the staff who is taking care of that at the International Exchange Center. One-month rental fee. Rent You have to pay this by the end of the preceding month. It is a monthly charged for using electricity, water Common service, and maintenance of shared facilities like stairs, Service Fee passages, and toilets. Money (1 or 2 months of rent fee) as a guarantee to the apartment owner in case of nonpayment of rent, utilities, or other fees, or of damage to the unit. The Deposit owner cleans and fixes any damage to the unit with that money and any balance remaining will be returned to you after you vacate. Money for the owner to express your gratitude for the Key money rental. It is not refunded. Commission (usually about 1 month’s rental fee) for the Agent commission real estate agent. 4-1-3 Guarantee You will need a Japanese joint guarantor. This is a Japanese custom. For international students who have trouble finding a guarantor, Akita University can act as their guarantor. Additionally, the system requires that tenants join a "Comprehensive Renters' Insurance for International Students Studying in Japan" program 4-1-4 Partial subsidy for Expense of Housing Contract Akita University has assistance system for those students who begin to live in the apartments. Akita University pays one month of rental payment only once during the period you attend school. Please submit the contract and the receipt of rent fee to international students section. ― 22 ― 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪌㩷 䉝䊌䊷䊃䈪䈱䊃䊤䊑䊦㩷 ኋ⥢䉇䉝䊌䊷䊃䈪䈲䇮⇐ቇ↢䈱䉂䈭䈘䉖䉅ၞ᳃䈱৻ੱ䈫䉂䈭䈘䉏䉁䈜䇯ㄭ㓞᳃䈫䊃䊤䊑䊦 䈮䈭䉌䈭䈇䉋䈉䈮䇮㛍㖸䉇䈗䉂䈱䈚ᣇ䈭䈬䈮᳇䉕䈧䈔䇮ᔟㆡ䈭↢ᵴ䉕ㅍ䉎䉋䈉䈮ᔃ䈏䈔䉁䈚䉊䈉䇯㩷 㩷 䂹㛍㖸㩷 ᣣᧄ䈱䉝䊌䊷䊃䈲ო䈏⭯䈇ㇱደ䈏ᄙ䈒䇮㓞䉇ਅ䈱ㇱደ䈮‛㖸䈏䉋䈒⡞䈖䈋䈩䈚䉁䈇䉁䈜䇯ᷓᄛ㩷 䉇ᣧᦺ䈮䈲䇮ᄢ䈐䈭ჿ䈪䈚䈢䉍䇮㩷 ᄢ㖸㊂䈪㖸ᭉ䉕⡞䈇䈢䉍䈜䉎䈖䈫䈲䉇䉄䉁䈚䉊䈉䇯㩷 䂹䈗䉂㩷 ↢ᵴ䈗䉂䇮⾗Ḯ䈗䉂䈱㓸ᣣ䊶㓸ᤨ㑆䈏䇮ၞ䈗䈫䈮䉄䉌䉏䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯㩷 䈗䉂ᑄ᫈䈱䊦䊷䊦䉕⏕䈚䇮䈐䈤䉖䈫ಽ䈚䈩䇮䉄䉌䉏䈢ᣣ䈱䇮䉄䉌䉏䈢ᤨ㑆䊶႐ᚲ䈮ᝥ䈩 䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯䉁䈢䇮䉦䊤䉴䈭䈬䈱㊁㠽䈮䉋䈦䈩䉯䊚䈏ᢔੂ䈚䈩䈇䉎႐㕙䉅⦟䈒䉌䉏䉁䈜䇯䈗䉂䉕ᝥ 䈩䉎႐ว䈮䈲ᜰቯ䈘䉏䈢ᣣᤨ䉕෩ኒ䈮䉍䉁䈚䉊䈉䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪍㩷 ㅌᤨ䈱ᵈᗧ㗄㩷 㩷 䉖䈪䈇䉎ㇱደ䉕ㅌ䈚䈢䈇䈫䈐䈮䈲䇮ㅢᏱ䋱䊱೨䉁䈪䈮ኅਥ䈮વ䈋䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯⋥೨䈮વ䈋 䈢႐ว䇮ㇱደ䉕ㅌ䈚䈢ᓟ䈪䉅䇮䋱䈎ಽ䈱ㇱደઍ䉕ᡰᛄ䉒䈭䈔䉏䈳䈭䉌䈭䈇႐ว䈏䈅䉍䉁䈜䇯㩷 ዬᤨ䈮ᡰᛄ䈦䈢ᢝ㊄䈲䇮ో㗵䈏㊄䈘䉏䉎䈫䈲㒢䉍䉁䈞䉖䇯ㅌᤨ䈮䇮ᷡ䊶ୃℂઍ㊄䉕㒰䈇 䈩ᚯ䈦䈩䈐䉁䈜䇯ㇱደ䈱⁁ᘒ䈮䉋䈦䈩䈲䇮ේ⁁࿁ᓳ⾌䉕ㅊട䈪⺧᳞䈘䉏䉎႐ว䉅䈅䉍䉁䈜䇯㩷 㩷 䂹ㅌ䈱㓙䈲䇮ේ⁁࿁ᓳ䉕ᔃ䈏䈔䇮એਅ䈱䈖䈫䈮᳇䉕䈧䈔䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 䊶ኅ⾓䈱ᡰᛄ䈇䉕䈜䉁䈞䉎㩷 䊶ㇱደ䉕䈐䉏䈇䈮 䈨䈔䈩䇮䉯䊚䉕䈐䈤䉖䈫ಣಽ䈜䉎㩷 䊶㔚᳇䊶䉧䉴䊶᳓䊶䉟䊮䉺䊷䊈䉾䊃䈭䈬䇮ᄾ⚂䈚䈩䈇䈢䉰䊷䊎䉴䉕ో䈩⸃⚂䈚䈩䇮⾌↪䉕♖▚䈜䉎㩷 䊶㎛䉕ළ䈜䉎㩷 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪎㩷 ォዬ䊶ᒁ䈦䈚ᤨ䈱ᵈᗧ㩷 㩷 㩷 ォዬ䊶ᒁ䈚䉕䈚䈢႐ว䇮ᔅ䈝ᚲዻቇㇱ䊶⎇ⓥ⑼䈮ᣂ䈚䈇ᚲ╬䉕ㅪ⛊䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 㩷 䉁䈢䇮㪈㪋 ᣣએౝ䈮Ꮢᓎᚲ䈮ⴕ䈐䇮ᚲ䈱ᄌᦝᚻ⛯䈐䉕ⴕ䈦䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 䈭䈍䇮䇸ォዬዯ䇹䉕䈚䈩䈍䈒䈫䇮એ೨䈱ᚲ䈅䈩䈱ㇷଢ‛䈏䇮ᣂ䈚䈇ᚲ䈮 㪈 ᐕ㑆ήᢱ䈪ォㅍ䈘 䉏䉁䈜䈱䈪䇮ᚻ⛯䈐䉕ⴕ䈉䉋䈉䈮䈚䉁䈚䉊䈉䇯ㇷଢዪ䉇ㇷଢ䈱䊖䊷䊛䊕䊷䉳䈎䉌ᚻ⛯䈐䈪䈐䉁䈜䇯㩷 ― 23 ― 4-1-5 Trouble in Apartment International Students are also members of the community. You need to consider others and bear in mind the following to avoid the trouble with your neighbors. 䂹Noise Troubles involving noises are increasing. At night you must refrain from talking loud and listening music loud with windows open. 䂹Garbage You must confirm the day and time of garbage collection together with authorized garbage bag, prescribed way to divide garbage, and a designated garbage collection site. The time for garbage disposal is also determined so that the disposed garbage could not be scattered by craws or cats. It is essential for you to comply with rules and regulation for garbage disposal and collection so that you could live harmoniously with neighbors in your community. 4-1-6 Notes on Rental Contract and Moving in/out You need to give one month’s notice to the owner before you vacate the unit. If notice is shorter than one month, the rent for the following month must be paid. Deposit will not necessarily be refundable. When check out, the amount of clean up and amendment will be deducted. In some cases, the amount of full restitution will be charged. 䂹When check-out, try to be full restitution and pay attention to the flowing matters: 䊶Clear all the payment 䊶Clean up your room and dispose all the rubbish 䊶Contact the gas, water, electricity and Internet company and calculate charge 䊶Return your room key 4-1-7 Important Notices For Chang of Residential Place After moving, please inform your faculty of new address. Please go to the City Hall for the address changing card. Return the filled card to the counter. For one year then on, all the mails sent to your old address will be for-warded to your new address.㩷 㩷 㩷 ― 24 ― 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪏㩷⇐ቇ↢ቛ✚วఘᐲ㩷 㩷 ᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢䈏䇮ኅਥ╬䈮ኻ䈚䈩៊ኂ⾩ఘ䉕䈚䈭䈔䉏䈳䈭䉌䈭䈒䈭䈦䈢႐ว䈱ఘ䉕ⴕ䈦䈢䉍䇮 ⸽ੱ䈮ᄾ⚂ᤨ䈱⚻ᷣ⊛䈭⽶ᜂ䈏䈎䈎䉌䈭䈇䉋䈉䈮䈚䈢䉍䈜䉎䈢䉄䈱ᐲ䈪䈜䇯㩷 䉁䈢䇮䉝䊌䊷䊃ዬ䈮㓙䈚䈩䇮䈬䈉䈚䈩䉅⥄ಽ䈪⸽ੱ䈏䈧䈔䉌䉏䈭䈇႐ว䈮䈲䇮䈖䈱㒾䈮 ട䈜䉎䈖䈫䉕᧦ઙ䈮䇮⑺↰ᄢቇ䈪ㅪᏪ⸽ੱ䉕ᒁ䈐ฃ䈔䉁䈜䇯㩷 ⑺↰ᄢቇ䈱ቇ↢䈪䈖䈱ᐲ䈮ട䈜䉎⇐ቇ↢䈲䇮䋱ᐕ䈗䈫䈱ᦝᣂ䈫䈭䉍䉁䈜䈱䈪䇮⾓⾉ᄾ⚂ᦼ 㑆ਛ䈮㒾ᦼ㑆䈏ಾ䉏䉎䈖䈫䈏䈭䈇䉋䈉䈮䇮ᦝᣂᚻ⛯䈐䉕ⴕ䈦䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯䉁䈢䇮䉝䊌䊷䊃ᄾ⚂䉕⸃ ⚂䈚䈢ᤨ䈮䉅䇮ᔅ䈝࿖㓙⺖䈮ㅪ⛊䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 䂹ఘ䈱ౝኈ㩷 ⾩ఘ⽿છ㩷 ᄬἫ䈮䉋䉍䉝䊌䊷䊃䉕ᄬ䈘䈞䈢䇮䉝䊌䊷䊃䈱ㇱደ䉕᳓ᶐ䈚䈮䈚䈢䇮 ⥄ォゞㆇォਛ䈮ᱠⴕ⠪䈫ធ⸅䈚䈔䈏䉕䈘䈞䈢䈭䈬䈱䈏ኻ⽎㩷 ்ኂᓟㆮ㓚ኂ㩷 ㅢ䈱䈔䈏䉇䉴䊘䊷䉿ਛ䈱䈔䈏䈮䉋䉎ᓟㆮ㓚ኂ䈭䈬䈏ኻ⽎㩷 ⸽ੱ⸽㩷 ኅਥ䈮ኻ䈜䉎ኅ⾓ᡰᛄ䈇䈏ṛ䈦䈢႐ว䉇䉝䊌䊷䊃䈱ୃℂ䉇⁁䈮 ᚯ䈜ᔅⷐ䈏↢䈛䇮䈠䈱䈢䉄䈱⾌↪䉕ㅪᏪ⸽ੱ䈏ઍ䉒䉍䈮ᡰᛄ䉒 䈭䈒䈩䈲䈇䈔䈭䈒䈭䈦䈢ᤨ䇮ㅪᏪ⸽ੱ䈮ኻ䈚䈩ఘ㊄䈏ᡰᛄ䉒䉏 䉎ᐲ㩷 㩷 䂹㒾ᢱ╬⽶ᜂ㊄㩷 㩷 㩷 䋱ᐕ㑆㩷 䋴䋬䋰䋰䋰䈪䈜䈏䇮㒾ᢱ╬䈱䋲䋬䋵䋰䋰䉕ᄢቇ䈪⽶ᜂ䈚䉁䈜䈱䈪䇮⇐ቇ↢䈱⽶ᜂ㗵䈲 ട㊄䈱䋱䋬䋵䋰䋰䈮䈭䉍䉁䈜䇯㩷 㩷 䂹䈖䈱ᐲ䈱⚦䈲䇮એਅ䈱䊖䊷䊛䊕䊷䉳䈪⏕䈪䈐䉁䈜䇯㩷 㪿㫋㫋㫇㪑㪆㪆㫎㫎㫎㪅㫁㪼㪼㫊㪅㫆㫉㪅㫁㫇㪆㪺㫉㫀㪽㫊㪆㫀㫅㪻㪼㫏㪅㪿㫋㫄㩷 䋨ᣣᧄ⺆䇮⧷⺆䇮ਛ࿖⺆䇮㖧࿖⺆䋩㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 ― 25 ― 4-1-8 Comprehensive Renter's Insurance for International Students Studying This system protects you from liability for accidents and protects your guarantor from financial liability. For international students who have trouble finding a guarantor, Akita University can act as their guarantor. The insurance period lasts one year. You must be insured at all times when you are renting an apartment. If you cancel your housing contract, you are required to inform International Student Section ٟCover for compensation Liability Coverage㩷 Damage to the apartment in the event you cause an accidental fire, gas explosion, or flood injury to a pedestrian while you are riding a bike.㩷 Post-Injury Disability Coverage㩷 Disability resulting from the effects of an accident while playing sports, traveling, or in the house㩷 Compensation for Guarantor㩷 If, for some reason, you can’t pay the rent or the cost of repairing damage to the apartment and the guarantor pays instead of you, the security money is paid to the guarantor.㩷 䂹 Premiums Akita University pays 2,500 yen as a subsidy of the 4,000 yen premium. 䂹Please refer to the homepage below. http://www.jees.or.jp/crifs/index.htm 㩷 䋨Japanese䇮English䇮Chinese䇮Korean䋩 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 ― 26 ― 䋴䋭䋲㩷 ⇐ቇ↢↪ኋ⥢㩷 㩷 ⑺↰ᄢቇ䈮䈲䇮⇐ቇ↢↪䈫䈚䈩એਅ䈱䋳䈧䈱ኋ⥢䈏䈅䉍䉁䈜䇯ⓨ䈐䈏䈅䉎႐ว䈮㒢䉍䇮ឝ␜᧼ ╬䈪㓸䉕ⴕ䈇䉁䈜䇯㩷 㩷㩷 ฬ㩷 ⒓㩷 ⇐ቇ↢ળ㙚㩷 㩷 㩷 ᚲ㩷 䇾㪇㪈㪇㪄㪇㪇㪋㪈㩷 㩷 ⑺↰Ꮢᐢ㕙ሼ㜞↰㪋㩷 ⒳㩷 ᢙ㩷 ነኋᢱ㩿㪀㩷 නりቶ㩷 㪉㪎㩷 㪌㪃㪐㪇㪇㩷 ᄦᇚቶ㩷 㩷 㪊㩷 㪐㪃㪌㪇㪇㩷 ▤㩷 ℂ㩷 ࿖㓙⺖㩷 㩷 ࿖㓙ᵹળ㙚㩷 㩷 䇾㪇㪈㪇㪄㪇㪏㪍㪉㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 ⑺↰Ꮢᚻᒻ↰ਛ㪌㪄㪌㪇㩷 ⼱ኰ䋨㶎䋩㩷 䇾㪇㪈㪇㪄㪇㪏㪌㪈㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 ⑺↰Ꮢᐢ㕙⼱㪌㪄㪈㩷 䌁 නりቶ 㪈㪇㩷 㪌㪃㪐㪇㪇㩷 䌂 නりቶ 㪈㪏㩷 㪈㪌㪃㪇㪇㪇㩷 㪈㪌㩷 㪉㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇㩷 නりቶ㩷 ቇ↢ᡰេ⺖㩷 㩷 㶎⼱ኰ䈲↵ሶቇ↢䈱䉂ኻ⽎䇮䉁䈢ᣣᧄੱ䈫ᷙ䈮䈭䉍䉁䈜䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 䋨䋱䋩ነኋᢱ䈱ᡰᛄᣇᴺ㩷 ⑺↰ᄢቇ䈱ኋ⥢䈮ዬ䈚䈩䈇䉎ో䈩䈱ቇ↢䈲䇮ᄢቇ䈏ᜰቯ䈜䉎㌁ⴕ䈱ญᐳᝄᦧᐲ䈮䉋䈦 䈩ነኋᢱ䉕ᡰᛄ䈉䈖䈫䈮䈭䉍䉁䈜䇯ᒁ䈐⪭䈫䈚䈲Ფ䋲䋰ᣣ䈮ⴕ䈇䉁䈜䈱䈪䇮ᒁ䈐⪭䈫䈚ᣣ೨ᣣ䉁 䈪䈮ญᐳ䈻㊄䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯ᒁ䈐⪭䈫䈚ᣣ䈏䇮ᣣ䇮ᣣ䈱႐ว䈲䇮䈠䈱⠉ᣣ䈮䈭䉍䉁䈜䇯㩷 䈭䈍䇮䈱ㅜਛ䈮ㅌ䈚䈢႐ว䈪䉅䇮৻䈎ಽ䈱ነኋᢱ㊄䉕⚊ઃ䈚䈭䈔䉏䈳䈭䉍䉁䈞䉖䇯 䉁䈢䇮ኋ⥢䈮ዬਛ䈮䇮ነኋᢱ䈱ᡷቯ䈏ⴕ䉒䉏䈢႐ว䈮䈲䇮ᡷቯᤨ䈎䉌ᣂ䈚䈇ነኋᢱ䈏ㆡ↪㩷 䈘䉏䉁䈜䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 䋨䋲䋩శᾲ⾌╬䈱ᡰᛄᣇᴺ㩷 䇼⇐ቇ↢ળ㙚䊶࿖㓙ᵹળ㙚䇽㩷 Ფ䈱శᾲ⾌䈮䈧䈇䈩䇮⺧᳞ᦠ䉕䊜䊷䊦䊗䉾䉪䉴䈮ㅍઃ䈚䉁䈜䈱䈪䇮࿖㓙⺖䈱⓹ญ䈪ᡰᛄ䈦 䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯䉁䈢䇮శᾲ⾌䈱䈾䈎䈮䇮หᣉ⸳䈱ᷡ䇮ㅌᤨ䈱䉪䊥䊷䊆䊮䉫䈭䈬䈱䈢䉄䈮 䋲䋬䋵䋰䋰䈱▤ℂ⾌䈏䈎䈎䉍䉁䈜䇯䈭䈍䇮䉧䉴䈲᧲ㇱ䉧䉴䈫䈱ੱᄾ⚂䈮䈭䉍䉁䈜䈱䈪䇮᧲ㇱ 䉧䉴䈱ᜰ␜䈮ᓥ䈦䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 㩷 䇼⼱ኰ䇽㩷 ᳓䊶㔚᳇䈫䉅䈮ੱᄾ⚂䈫䈭䉍䉁䈜䈱䈪䇮ᜰቯ䈘䉏䈢ᣇᴺ䈪ᡰᛄ䈦䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 䈚䈒䈲䇮ቇ↢ᡰេ⺖䈮䈇ว䉒䈞䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 ― 27 ― 4-2 Dormitory for International Students Akita University has three dormitories for international students. Only when we have vacant rooms available, we will seek for applicants via bulletin boards. Name Payment of Rent Type International Student House 4 Hiroomote aza takada, Akita 010-0041 management Single 27 5,900 Couple 3 9,500 Intel’ Student 5,900 Section International House A Single 10 5-50 Tegata Tanaka Akita, 010-0862 B Single 18 15,000 15 Student 20,000 Support Center Nishiyachi Dormitory 䋨䂹䋩 5 Hiroomote aza nishiyachi Akita,010-0851 Single 䂹Nishiyachi Dormitory for male students only, and is for both㩷 International and Japanese students. (1)Payment of Rent Akita University requires you to pay your room charge by automatic bank transfer from your bank account in which Akita University specified. Deduction date is 20th of each month. So, please check the balance of your bank account before the date. If the date is Saturday, Sunday, or public holiday, it will be the following day. In addition, if you check out in the middle of a month, you will have to pay room charge for one month. Moreover, once the amount of charge will be changed during your stay, new amount will be applicable. (2) Lighting, Heating and Water Expenses of the Room ޣInternational Student House & International Houseޤ Pay them to the International Student Section with a notification of the expenses. ޣNishiyachi Dormitoryޤ Pay them in a proper way became you make contracts with water and electricity companies individually. 㩷 ― 28 ― 䋵䋮ක≮䊶ஜᐽ㩷 㩷 㪌㪄㪈㩷 ஜ▤ℂ䉶䊮䉺䊷㩷 ஜ▤ℂ䉶䊮䉺䊷䈲䉂䈭䈘䉖䈏ஜᐽ䈪ീቇ䉇⺖ᄖᵴേ䈮ബ䉃䈖䈫䈏䈪䈐䉎䉋䈉䇮ቇ↢↢ᵴ䉕䉰 䊘䊷䊃䈜䉎䈢䉄䈱⸻≮ᣉ⸳䈪䈜䇯කᏧ䈫⋴⼔Ꮷ䈏Ᏹ㚢䈚䈩䈍䉍䇮⺞䈏䈜䈓䉏䈭䈇䊶ᖠ䉂䈏䈅 䉎䈭䈬䇮ᔃ䈫䈮䈎ਇ䉕ᗵ䈛䈢䉌⸰䈰䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 කᏧ䈏⸻ᢿ䈚䈩ᔕᕆಣ⟎䉕䈚䈢䉍䇮∝⁁䈮 ᔕ䈛䈩∛㒮䉕⚫䈚䈢䉍䈜䉎䈭䈬䇮ㆡಾ䈭ᜰ␜䉕䈚䉁䈜䋨ήᢱ䋩䇯㩷 㩷 ↪ᤨ㑆㩷 䋸ᤨ䋳䋰ಽ䌾䋱䋷ᤨ㩷 㩷 㩷 ㅪ⛊వ㩷 䋰䋱䋸䋭䋸䋸䋹䋭䋲䋲䋸䋶㩷 㩷 㪆㩷㪿㫆㫂㪼㫅㪗㪾㫀㫇㪺㪅㪸㫂㫀㫋㪸㪄㫌㪅㪸㪺㪅㫁㫇㩷 㩷 ஜᐽ⋧⺣䈱ᤨ㑆㩷 ஜᐽ⋧⺣㩷 ᦐᣣ㩷 ᤨ㑆㩷 ౝ⑼㪆䉦䉡䊮䉶䊥䊮䉫㩷 䌾㊄㩷 ඦᓟ㩷 ⌒⑼㪆⡊㥦⑼㪆ᅚᕈ⋧⺣㩷 㪈 ࿁㩷 ඦᓟ 㪊 ᤨඨ䌾㪋 ᤨඨ㩷 㩷 㩷 㪌㪄㪉㩷 ቯᦼஜᐽ⸻ᢿ㩷 ⑺↰ᄢቇ䈪䈲䇮Ფᐕ䋴䊶䋵䈮䇮▤▤ℂ䉶䊮䉺䊷䈪ήᢱ䈱ቯᦼஜᐽ⸻ᢿ䉕ⴕ䈦䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯ฦ ቇㇱ䊶⎇ⓥ⑼䈮䉋䈦䈩ฃ⸻ᣣ䈏⇣䈭䉍䉁䈜䈱䈪䇮᩺ౝ䈮ᓥ䈦䈩䇮ᔅ䈝ฃ⸻䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 䈖䈱ᦼ㑆એᄖ䈲ஜᐽ⸻ᢿ䉕ⴕ䈦䈩䈇䉁䈞䉖䈱䈪䇮ቯᦼஜᐽ⸻ᢿ䉕ฃ⸻䈚䈭䈎䈦䈢႐ว䈮䈲䇮∛ 㒮䈪ᬌᩏ䉕ฃ䈔䈩䇮ஜᐽ⸻ᢿᦠ䉕⊒ⴕ䈚䈩䉅䉌䈦䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 㪌㪄㪊㩷 ⑺↰Ꮢౝ䈱ක≮ᯏ㑐䋨∛㒮䋩㩷 ⑺↰Ꮢౝ䈱ක≮ᯏ㑐䈮䈧䈇䈩䈲䇮ਅ⸥䈱䊖䊷䊛䊕䊷䉳䈪⺞䈼䉎䈖䈫䈏䈪䈐䉁䈜䇯㩷 㪿㫋㫋㫇㪑㪆㪆㫎㫎㫎㪅㫈㫈㪅㫇㫉㪼㪽㪅㪸㫂㫀㫋㪸㪅㫁㫇㪆㩷 㩷 䋨⧷⺆䈪䉅∛㒮䈱ᬌ⚝䈏䈪䈐䉁䈜䋩㩷 㩷 ᣣᧄ䈪䈲䇮䈾䈫䉖䈬䈱ක≮ᯏ㑐䈱⸻≮ᤨ㑆䈲䇮ᐔᣣ䋨ᦐ䈎䉌㊄ᦐ䋩䈫ᦐ䈱ඦ೨ਛ䈮㒢䉌䉏 䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯ᣣᦐ䉇ᣣ䇮ᄛ㑆䈭䈬∛㒮䈏㐽䉁䈦䈩䈇䉎ᤨ㑆Ꮺ䈮䇮ᕆ䈭∛᳇䉇䈔䈏䉕䈚䈢႐ว䈮 䈲䇮ᄛ㑆ભᣣᕆ∛⸻≮ᚲ䈪⸻ኤ䈏ฃ䈔䉌䉏䉁䈜䇯㩷 䈭䈍䇮∛㒮䈮ⴕ䈒䈫䈐䈮䈲䇮ᔅ䈝䇸࿖᳃ஜᐽ㒾⸽䇹䉕ᜬෳ䈚䈩ਅ䈘䈇䇯䇸࿖᳃ஜᐽ㒾⸽䇹䈏䈅 䉏䈳䇮ක≮⾌䈱䋷ഀ䈏࿖䈎䉌ഥ䈘䉏䇮⥄ಽ䈱⽶ᜂ䈲䋳ഀ䈪ᷣ䉂䉁䈜䇯㩷 ― 29 ― 5 Medical and Health Care 5-1 University Health Center (Tegata campus) Center's aim is professional health management for the students and the staff of Akita University. Doctors and nursing staffs are stationed so that you can consult them when you have any physical and mental problems. The staff of the Center will make emergent treatment and advise appropriate medical institutions (Free of charge). Opening Hours 8:30㨪17:00 TEL / E-mail 018-889-2286㩷 / [email protected] Health Advice Time Available Internal Medicine/ Counseling Female Clinic Mon-Fri PM Once a month 15:30䌾16:30 5-2 Annual Medical Check-up In April or May every year, a regular health check-up is conducted at University Health Center on campus. Students who have not undergone the medical examination should go to a hospital to be examined 5-3 Hospitals and Clinics in Akita The hospitals and other medical and health facilities could be found on following site; http://www.qq.pref.akita.jp/ Office hours for most medical care providers in Japan are limited to weekdays and Saturday mornings. Designated hospitals provide medical treatments at night and on Sundays and national holidays. Many Japanese medical care providers do not require appointments. You must not fail to bring NHI Card with you when you visit hospitals or other health facilities. With the presentation of the NHI Card, your medical fee would be reduced to 30% of all the expenses while another 70% being covered by the NHI. ― 30 ― 䋶䋮ᣣᏱ↢ᵴ䈪䈱ᵈᗧ㗄㩷 㩷 㽲䈱႐䈪䈱䊙䊅䊷㩷 ᣣᧄ䈪䈲䇮㔚ゞ䉇䊋䉴䈭䈬䈮ਸ਼ゞ䈚䈩䈇䉎䈫䈐䈮䇮៤Ꮺ㔚䈪ㅢ䉕䈚䈢䉍䇮ખ㑆䈫ᄢჿ䈪䈚 䈢䉍䈜䉎䈖䈫䈲䇮ㅅᖺⴕὑ䈫䉂䈭䈘䉏䉁䈜䈱䈪䇮᳇䉕䈧䈔䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 㽳䉮䊮䊏䊠䊷䉺䊷‽⟋㑐ਈ䈱ᱛ㩷 䉮䊮䊏䊠䊷䉺䊷䊶䊈䉾䊃䊪䊷䉪䉕ㅢ䈛䈩䉮䊏䊷䈚䈢⪺ᮭ䈱䈅䉎ᤋ↹䇮㖸ᭉ䇮䉸䊐䊃䉡䉢䉝╬䉕⥄ಽ ੱ䈪↪䈜䉎એᄖ䈮䇮㆐䈭䈬䈮㈩Ꮣ䈜䉎䈖䈫䈲䇮ᴺᓞ䈪䈛䉌䉏䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯㆑ᴺ䈮䉮䊏䊷䈘䉏 䈢䉸䊐䊃䉡䉢䉝䊶㖸ᭉ䊶ᤋ↹䈭䈬䈲䇮⛘ኻ䈮⾈䈦䈢䉍䇮ઁੱ䈎䉌୫䉍䈢䉍䈚䈭䈇䉋䈉䈮ᵈᗧ䈚䈩ਅ䈘 䈇䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 㽴䊈䉾䊃䊃䊤䊑䊦㩷 㩷 䉟䊮䉺䊷䊈䉾䊃䉇៤Ꮺ㔚䈮䉋䉎䊃䊤䊑䊦䈏Ⴧട䈚䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯䉟䊮䉺䊷䊈䉾䊃䉕↪䈜䉎㓙䈮䈲䇮 චಽ䈮᳇䉕䈧䈔䈩↪䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 䊈䉾䊃䊃䊤䊑䊦䈱੍㒐㩷 䂹ਇክ䈭䉰䉟䊃䈮䈲䉝䉪䉶䉴䈚䈭䈇䇯⍮䉌䈭䈇ㅍ䉍వ䈎䉌䈱䊜䊷䊦䈲㐿䈎䈭䈇䇯㩷 䂹䊈䉾䊃䈮䇮ᚲ䊶㔚⇟ภ䊶㗻౮⌀䈭䈬䇮ੱ䉕․ቯ䈪䈐䉎ᖱႎ䉕㐿䈚䈭䈇䇯㩷 䂹䊌䉴䊪䊷䊄䈲䇮⺀↢ᣣ䈭䈬◲න䈮ផ᷹䈪䈐䉎䉅䈱䈲ㆱ䈔䇮ቯᦼ⊛䈮ᄌᦝ䈜䉎䇯㩷 䂹䉸䊐䊃䉡䉢䉝䉇䉡䉟䊦䉴ኻ╷䉸䊐䊃䉕ቯᦼ⊛䈮䉝䉾䊒䊂䊷䊃䈜䉎䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 㽵䉴䊃䊷䉦䊷ⴕὑ㩷 㩷 ⺕䈎䈮䈧䈐䉁䈫䉒䉏䈩䈇䈢䉍䇮ή⸒㔚䈏⛯䈇䈢䉍䈜䉎䈭䈬䇮䉴䊃䊷䉦䊷ⴕὑ䉕ฃ䈔䈩䈇䉎䈫ᗵ 䈛䈢䉌䇮ᘒ䈏ᷓೞ䈮䈭䉎೨䈮⋧⺣䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 ৻ᣇ䈪䇮⥄ಽ䈎䉌㗫❥䈮䊜䊷䊦䉇㔚䉕䈜䉎䇮ᢎቶ䈱೨䈪ᓙ䈧䈭䈬䇮⥄ಽ䈪䈲․䈮ᗧ⼂䈚䈩䈇 䈭䈇ⴕὑ䈏䇮⋧ᚻ䈮䈲䉴䊃䊷䉨䊮䉫䈫ฃ䈔ข䉌䉏䈩䈚䉁䈉ෂ㒾ᕈ䈏䈅䉍䉁䈜䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 㽶䊊䊤䉴䊜䊮䊃㩷 䋨䉶䉪䉲䊠䉝䊦㩷 㪆㩷 䉝䉦䊂䊚䉾䉪㩷 㪆㩷 䊌䊪䊷䊶䊊䊤䉴䊜䊮䊃䋩㩷 ⑺↰ᄢቇ䈪䈲䊊䊤䉴䊜䊮䊃䈱㒐ᱛ䈫ኻ╷䈱䈢䉄䇮䊊䊤䉴䊜䊮䊃ኻ╷ቶ䉕⸳䈔䇮⋧⺣ຬ䉕㈩⟎䈚䈩 䈇䉁䈜䇯䊊䊤䉴䊜䊮䊃䉕ฃ䈔䈢䈫ᗵ䈛䈢䉌䇮䋱ੱ䈪ᖠ䉁䈝䈮ᄢቇ䈱䊊䊤䉴䊜䊮䊃⋧⺣ຬ䈮䈜䈓䈮⋧⺣ 䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 䊊䊤䉴䊜䊮䊃ኻ╷ቶ㩷 㪿㫋㫋㫇㪑㪆㪆㫎㫎㫎㪅㪸㫂㫀㫋㪸㪄㫌㪅㪸㪺㪅㫁㫇㪆㪿㫆㫅㪹㫌㪆㪿㪸㫉㪸㫊㫊㫄㪼㫅㫋㪆㫀㫅㪻㪼㫏㪅㪿㫋㫄㫃㩷 䉁䈢䇮䈅䉎⸒േ䈏䊊䊤䉴䊜䊮䊃䈮䈅䈢䉎䈎䈬䈉䈎䈲䇮䈅䈒䉁䈪⋧ᚻ䈏䇸ਇᔟ䇹䈫ᗵ䈛䉎䈎䈬䈉䈎䈪䈜䇯 䈠䈱⸒േ䉕䈚䈢⠪䈱ᗵⷡ䈪್ᢿ䈘䉏䉎䉅䈱䈪䈲䈭䈇䈖䈫䈮ᵈᗧ䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 ― 31 ― 6 Daily Lives 㽲 Manners in Public Places You are expected to refrain yourself from talking over Keitai or talking laud with your company while you are on board of train or buses, which would be regarded as nuisance to the public. 㽳Violation against copyright and other computer related crimes It may constitute violations against intellectual property rights (IPR) to trade or distribute copied movies, music, computer software to friends beyond personal use by yourself. You should not buy or lend copied soft-ware, music, or movies from others which are unlawfully produced. 㽴Troubles on Internet Troubles rerating to Internet are increasing. You need the greatest care when you use Internet. Tips against Net-trouble 䂹Not to make access to dubious sites and open mails from unfamiliar senders 䂹Not to provide on network with personal information like address, telephone numbers or pictures with which you are easily identified. 䂹To avoid setting password easily figured out by others birth date and change your password on a regular basis. 䂹To regularly update anti-virus software. 㽵Stoking When you feel that someone may have stoked you or have repeated silent calls, you must take quick action to prevent the matters from going beyond uncontrollable stage. On the other hand, behaviors such as making frequent calls or mails, waiting outside classroom may be taken as stoking by the other, even if you may not have intended to do so. 㽶㩷 Harassment Akita University has set up a Harassment Consultation to prevent and eliminate the occurrence of any kinds of harassment. If you are suffering from any sorts of harassments, consult the harassment counselors immediately. Harassment Consultation Center: http://www.akita-u.ac.jp/honbu/harassment/index.html Note that the criteria of the judgment if the action meets harassment or not is based on the victim’s sense of discomfort, not based on the actor’s ones. ― 32 ― 㧣䋮ᣣᧄ䈱ᴺㆩ㩷 㩷 ᣣᧄṛਛ䈮ᣣᧄ䈱ᴺ䈮䈜䉎‽⟋䉇ⴕὑ䉕ⴕ䈦䈢႐ว䇮ᴺ⊛䈭ಣಽ䈱ኻ⽎䈮䈭䉍䇮ᣣᧄ䈪 䈱⇐⾗ᩰ䈏ขᶖ䈘䉏䇮ᒝㅌ䈫䈭䉎႐ว䈏䈅䉍䉁䈜䇯㩷 㩷 㽲㤗⮎╬ᚲᜬᱛ䊶⮎‛↪ᱛ㩷 ᣣᧄ䈪䈲䇮⮎‛䉕ᚲᜬ䊶↪䈜䉎䈖䈫䈏ᴺᓞ䈪෩䈚䈒ⷙ䈘䉏䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯㩷 ⮎‛䈱ੂ↪䈲䇮⥄䉌䈱り䈮ኂ䉕䈿䈜䈣䈔䈪䈭䈒䇮␠ળ䈱⒎ᐨ䉕ੂ䈜╬⸘䉍⍮䉏䈭䈇ᖡᓇ㗀 䉕䈿䈚䉁䈜䇯⺃ᖺ䈮⽶䈔䈭䈇ᒝ䈇ᗧᔒ䉕ᜬ䈤䇮൘䉄䉌䉏䈩䉅⛘ኻ䈮ᢿ䉒䈦䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯⥄ಽ䈪᳇ 䈏ઃ䈎䈭䈇䈉䈤䈮㤗⮎䈱ኒャ䈮Ꮞ䈐ㄟ䉁䉏䉎ᔺ䉏䈏䈅䉍䉁䈜䈱䈪䇮ⓨ᷼䈭䈬䈪⍮䉌䈭䈇ੱ䈱⩄‛ 䉕㗍䈎䉌䈭䈇䉋䈉䈮䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 㽳㘶㈬㩷 ᣣᧄ䈪䈲䇮䋲䋰ᱦᧂḩ䈱ᧂᚑᐕ⠪䈱㘶㈬䈲䇮ᴺᓞ䈪ᱛ䈘䉏䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯㩷 䈾䉖䈱ዋ䈚䈪䉅䈍㈬䉕㘶䉖䈣ᓟ䈮䇮⥄േゞ䉇⥄േੑベゞ䈶⥄ォゞ䉕ㆇォ䈜䉎䈫䇮ᴺᓞ㆑䈫 䈭䉎䈳䈎䉍䈪䈭䈒䇮್ᢿ⢻ജ䈱ૐਅ䈭䈬䈮䉋䉍䈱น⢻ᕈ䈏㕖Ᏹ䈮㜞䉁䉍ෂ㒾䈪䈜䇯㩷 䈘䉌䈮䇮㈬᳇Ꮺ䈶ㆇォ⠪䈱ゞ╬䈮หਸ਼䈜䉎䈖䈫䇮ㆇォ䈜䉎䈱䈏⸃䈦䈩䈇䈭䈏䉌㈬䉕൘䉄䉎䈖䈫䉇 㘶㈬䉕ᵈᗧ䈚䈭䈇䈖䈫䉅䇮‽⠪䈫䈚䈩㘶㈬ㆇォ⠪ᧄੱ䈫䈫䉅䈮⟏䈞䉌䉏䉎ℂ↱䈫䈭䉍䉁䈜䈱䈪ᵈ ᗧ䈚䈩ਅ䈘䈇䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 㽴༛ᾍ㩷 ᣣᧄ䈪䈲䇮䋲䋰ᱦᧂḩ䈱ᧂᚑᐕ⠪䈱༛ᾍ䈲ᴺᓞ䈪䈛䉌䉏䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯㩷 ⑺↰ᄢቇ䈱ᢝౝ䈲䇮ో㕙ᾍ䈫䈭䈦䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯䉁䈢䇮䊂䊌䊷䊃䇮䉴䊷䊌䊷䊙䊷䉬䉾䊃䇮ᤋ↹㙚䇮 㚞䇮䈠䈱ઁ䈱ᣉ⸳䈭䈬䉅ᾍ䈫䈭䈦䈩䈇䉎႐ᚲ䈏ᄙ䈇䈱䈪᳇䉕䈧䈔䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯㩷 㩷 ― 33 ― 7㩷 Observance of the Japanese Laws If you commit crimes or are engaged in unlawful activities, your stay permit will be canceled and you will be forcibly deported from Japan. 㽲Restriction on Possession and Use of Drugs In Japan, the possession, use, and transaction of drugs are strictly prohibited.㩷 The abuse of drugs not only causes detrimental effects on your body and soul but also jeopardizes the order and value of the society, which is why laws prohibit the possession and use of drugs all over the world. You must demonstrate your firm determination and courage to keep yourself off temptation or seduction to use it. In this regard, you should not carry unidentified luggage which you are asked at airports by strangers to do so, since you may be involved with drug smuggling without realizing. 㽳Drinking Alcohol Beverages In Japan, law prohibits the youth under the age of 20 from drinking alcoholic beverages. Meanwhile, driving cars, motor bikes and bicycles under the effect of alcohol will be severely punished even if an amount detected by testing machine is minimal. Because the driving with drinking may cause serious road accidents, you keep yourself from driving when you drink alcoholic beverages. It is also noted if you ride on car driven by your friend under the effect of alcohol, you suggest your friends to drink alcoholic beverages, or you don’t warn him not to drink alcohol, in spite of knowing that they would drive afterward, you are also penalized as an accomplice to the crime. 㽴Smoking In Japan, smoking is only allowed to those who are 20 years old or above. It is totally prohibited to smoke on the entire campus of Akita University. Smokers should place themselves in designated corners off campus for their smoking. ― 34 ― ᷰᣣᤨ䉼䉢䉾䉪䉲䊷䊃㩷 Upon arrival 㩷 䂾Ꮢᓎᚲ㩷 at City Hall 㩷 㩷 㩷 ࿖᳃ஜᐽ㒾ട↳⺧㩷 National Insurance㩷 ࿖᳃ᐕ㊄ട↳⺧㩷 National Pension㩷 ዬ䈱ዯ㩷 Notification Of Residence㩷 㩷 㩷 䂾ᔅⷐ䈮ᔕ䈛䈩ⴕ䈉ᚻ⛯䈐㩷 procedures, if applicable 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 ㌁ⴕญᐳ䈱㐿⸳ Open Bank Account 㩷 ᔅⷐ⒳㘃 Required documents: 㪈㪅䊌䉴䊘䊷䊃 Passport 㪉㪅⇐䉦䊷䊄 㪊㪅ශ㐓㩷 An Inkan Stamp 㪋㪅ቇ↢⸽㩷 Student ID Card㩷 㩷 ៤Ꮺ㔚䈱ᄾ⚂㩷 Buy Cell Phones 㩷 ᔅⷐᦠ㘃 Required documents 㪈㪅⇐䉦䊷䊄㩷 , Residence Card㩷 㪉㪅ቇ↢⸽㩷 Student ID Card㩷 㪊㪅ශ㐓㩷 An Inkan Stamp 㪋㪅䉨䊞䉾䉲䊠䉦䊷䊄㪆ㅢᏭ㩷 䋨ᡰᐫฬ䇮ญᐳฬ⟵╬䈏⸥䈘䉏䈩䈇䉎䉅䈱䋩㩷 㩷 Cash Card or Bank Passbook,㩷 Ꮻ࿖ᤨ䉼䉢䉾䉪䉲䊷䊃 Before leaving Japan 㩷 䂾⇐ቇ↢↪ኋ⥢ዬ⠪㩷 Residents of the dormitory 㩷 ࿖㓙⺖䈮ㅌዯ䉕ឭ䈜䉎䇯㩷 Inform International Student Section of your check-out date㩷 ㇱደ䉕ᷡ䈚䇮䉯䊚䉕ᜰቯ䈱ᣣᤨ䊶႐ᚲ䈮ᝥ䈩䉎䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 Clean up your room and dispose all the rubbish on certain date and certain places㩷 ▤ℂੱ䈱┙ળ䈇䈱䉅䈫䇮ㇱደ䈱䉼䉢䉾䉪䉕ฃ䈔䉎㩷 Check the room in the presence of the caretaker. ㇱደ䈱䉼䉢䉾䉪⚳ੌᓟ䇯࿖㓙⺖䈱⓹ญ䈪䇮㔚᳇䊶᳓ᢱ㊄╬䈱♖▚䉕䈜䉎䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 International Student Division calculate electricity and water charges after room check.㩷 ㅌ䈱㪈ㅳ㑆೨䉁䈪䈮䉧䉴ળ␠䈮ㅪ⛊䈚䈩䇮䉧䉴䉕ᱛ䉄䉎ᣣ䉕ቯ䈜䉎䇯㩷 ᢱ㊄䈱♖▚ᣇᴺ䈮䈧䈇䈩⏕䈜䉎䇯㩷 Contact the gas company, stop gas, and calculate gas charge㩷 ⇐ቇ↢ળ㙚䊶࿖㓙ᵹળ㙚䊶⼱ኰ䈱ነኋᢱ䉕ᡰᛄ䈉䇯㩷 Pay rent for Kaikan/ Nishiyachi dormitory㩷 ࿖㓙⺖䈮䇮ㇱደ䈱䉦䉩䉕ළ䈜䉎㩷 䇯㩷 㩷 Return your room key to International Student Section㩷 ᔅⷐ䈮ᔕ䈛䈩䇮៤Ꮺ㔚䈱⸃⚂ᚻ⛯䈐䉕䈚䇮ᢱ㊄䈱♖▚ᣇᴺ䉕⏕䈜䉎䇯㩷 㩷 Cancel your cell phone and confirm how to pay the charge.㩷 ᣣᧄ䉕࿖䈜䉎႐ว䈲䇮࿖᳃ஜᐽ㒾⸽䉕Ꮢᓎᚲ䈮⚊䈚䇮㒾ᢱ䉕♖▚䈜䉎䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 Return your health insurance certificate to City Hall. Calculate the premium㩷 ᔅⷐ䈮ᔕ䈛䈩䇮㌁ⴕญᐳ䊶ㇷଢญᐳ䈱⸃⚂ᚻ⛯䈐䉕䈜䉎䇯㩷 㶎ᢱ㊄䉕ญᐳ⥄േᒁ䈐⪭䈫䈚䈮䉋䉍ᡰᛄ䈦䈩䈇䉎႐ว䈲䇮ᔅ䈝ᢱ㊄䈱♖▚䈏㩷 ᷣ䉖䈣䈖䈫䉕⏕䈚䈩䈎䉌ญᐳ䉕⸃⚂䈜䉎䇯㩷 Cancel your banking and postal account. If you pay public utility charges by automatic bank debit, make sure you cancel them before you calculate all the charges㩷 㩷 㩷 Ꮻ࿖ᤨ䉼䉢䉾䉪䉲䊷䊃㩷 Before leaving Japan 㩷 䂾᳃㑆䉝䊌䊷䊃ዬ⠪㩷 Residents of the private apartments ㅌ䈚䈢䈇ᣣ䈱1䈎એ೨䈮䇮ᄢኅ䈘䉖䈮ㅌᣣ䉕વ䈋䇮ㅌ䉁䈪䈱ᚻ⛯䈐䈮䈧䈇䈩 ⏕䈜䉎䇯 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 Write to the landlord at least one month before (and at most three months from) the end of the lease to inform the landlord of his or her intention to stay on, and do certain procedures. 䉧䉴䊶᳓䊶㔚᳇ળ␠䈮ㅪ⛊䈚䈩䇮ᓟ䈱ᚻ⛯䈐䈫䇮ᢱ㊄䈱♖▚ᣇᴺ䈮䈧䈇䈩⏕䈜䉎䇯㩷 Contact the gas, water and electricity company and calculate charge.㩷 䉟䊮䉺䊷䊈䉾䊃䉕ᄾ⚂䈚䈩䈇䉎႐ว䈲䇮ᄾ⚂ળ␠䈮ㅪ⛊䈚䇮ᓟ䈱ᚻ⛯䈐䈫ᢱ㊄䈱♖▚ ᣇᴺ䈮䈧䈇䈩⏕䈜䉎䇯 If you have contract with a internet connection company, confirm the procedure and payment. ㇱደ䉕ᷡ䈚䇮䉯䊚䉕ᜰቯ䈱ᣣᤨ䊶႐ᚲ䈮ᝥ䈩䉎䇯 Clean up your room and dispose all the rubbish ᄢኅ䈘䉖䈮䇮ㇱደ䈱䉦䉩䉕ළ䈜䉎㩷 㩷 Return your room key㩷 ᔅⷐ䈮ᔕ䈛䈩䇮៤Ꮺ㔚䈱⸃⚂ᚻ⛯䈐䈚䇮ᢱ㊄䈱♖▚ᣇᴺ䈮䈧䈇䈩⏕䈜䉎䇯㩷 Cancel your cell phone and confirm how to pay the charge.㩷 ᣣᧄ䉕࿖䈜䉎႐ว䈲䇮࿖᳃ஜᐽ㒾⸽䉕Ꮢᓎᚲ䈮⚊䈚䇮㒾ᢱ䉕♖▚䈜䉎䇯㩷 㩷 㩷 Return your health insurance certificate to City Hall. Calculate the premium㩷 ᔅⷐ䈮ᔕ䈛䈩䇮㌁ⴕญᐳ䊶ㇷଢญᐳ䈱⸃⚂ᚻ⛯䈐䉕䈜䉎䇯㩷 㶎ᢱ㊄䉕ญᐳ⥄േᒁ䈐⪭䈫䈚䈮䉋䉍ᡰᛄ䈦䈩䈇䉎႐ว䈲䇮ᔅ䈝ᢱ㊄䈱♖▚䈏ᷣ䉖䈣㩷 䈖䈫䉕⏕䈚䈩䈎䉌ญᐳ䉕⸃⚂䈜䉎䇯㩷 Cancel your banking and postal account. If you pay public utility charges by automatic bank debit, make sure you cancel them before you calculate all the charges㩷 ✕ᕆㅪ⛊వ╬৻ⷩ The office to be notified in case of accident or emergency 䋭㊄ (Mon-Fri)㩷 㩷 8:30-17:00 ࿖㓙⺖㩷 ⇐ቇ↢ᵹ䊶ᡰេᜂᒰ International Student Section International Exchange Division 018-889-2258 ᢎ⢒ᢥൻቇㇱ㩷 ቇോᜂᒰ Educational Affairs Office Faculty of Education and Human Studies 018-889-2508 කቇ♽⎇ⓥ⑼䊶කቇㇱ㩷 ቇോ⺖ Student Affairs Office Graduate School of Medicine 018-884-6032 Ꮏቇ⾗Ḯቇ⎇ⓥ⑼㩷 ቇോᜂᒰ Educational Affairs Office Faculty of Engineering and Resource Science 018-889-2312 㩷 㩷 ભᣣ䈍䉋䈶ᐔᣣ䈱⸥ᤨ㑆ᄖ 㩷 The following phone number is available for 24 hours. 㩷㩷 㩷㩷 䉟䊮䊐䉤䊜䊷䉲䊢䊮䉶䊮䉺䊷㩷 Information Center 018-889-2228 2013 ᐕᐲ㩷 ᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢↢ᵴᚻᏭ 2013 ᐕ 4 1 ᣣ⊒ⴕ ⑺↰ᄢቇ࿖㓙ᵹ䉶䊮䉺䊷 䇾010-8502㩷 ⑺↰Ꮢᚻᒻቇ↸ 1-1㩷 TEL:018-889-2258/ FAX:018-889-3012 E-mail: [email protected] Pocketbook for International Students Issued on April 1, 2013 By Akita University International Center 1-1 Tegata-Gakuenmachi ,Akita City, 010-8502, Japan TEL:018-889-2258 / FAX:018-889-3012 緊急時の連絡先 080−8204−5348 ※ 夜間等に事故・疾病などにより、緊急の対応が必要な場合は 上記の番号に連絡してください
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