平成24年度問題 - 筑波大学体育系

平成 24 年度(2 月期)
人間総合科学研究科 博士後期課程
体育科学専攻 入学試験
注意事項: 問題の留め金をはずさないこと。
The entrapment of African Americans in the world of athleticism is the
result of a long collaboration between blacks seeking respect and expanded
opportunity and whites seeking entertainment, profit, and forms of racial
reconciliation that do not challenge fundamental assumptions about racial
difference. The power of these white interests notwithstanding, the most
important factor in the development of the sports fixation is that athletic
achievement has served the clan pride of African Americans in an absolutely
unique way, to the point where it is embraced as a foundation of black
The sports fixation lives on in stereotypes about black physical
that have become nothing less than a global racial folklore.
The effects of these ideas on blacks have been little noted, but they are
profound. Black soldiers have been told by white drill instructors that they
can endure physical stress, such as grueling marches, better than whites
because they are the toughened progeny of slaves - a eugenic fantasy shared
by both whites and blacks. At the same time, countless blacks believe in their
own athletic (2)
Sport has become an arena in which the athletic version of black male
style is enacted for a mass audience whose ideas about racial identity have
been shaped by years of emphasis on black physicality and its special
qualities. Black athletes and intellectuals alike insist that the “black athletic
aesthetic” is an important element of black culture.
Sport is quite simply more important to most black men, including the
highly educated, than to their white counterparts. But the sports fixation is
not mere spectatorship; it is also the virtual compulsion to demonstrate
athletic ability that has been felt by so many black men, and basketball, of
course, is the black sport par excellence.
The sports fixation is a direct result of the exclusion of blacks from every
cognitive elite of the past century and the resulting starvation for “race
heroes”; it has always been a defensive response to the assault on black
intelligence, which continues to this day. That is why (3) the sports syndrome
has made athleticism the signature achievement of black America, the
reigning symbol of black “genius.”
The sports fixation damages black children by discouraging academic
achievement in favor of physical self-expression, which is widely considered
a racial trait. Some educators understand that the self-absorbed style
promoted by glamorous black athletes subverts intellectual development.
Educators who think about solutions to (4) this crisis see themselves in
direct competition with the sports world, and some try to harness its appeal
on behalf of learning. “While negative peer pressure tends to diminish
African American males’ propensity to succeed academically,” writes one
author, “that influence can be reduced, if not entirely eliminated, by verbally
and materially rewarding academic achievement in the same way that
society acknowledges and even extols athletic performance.”
注: racial reconciliation:人種間の協調関係
Darwin’s Athletes: How Sport has Damaged Black
America and Preserved the Myth of Race. Mariner Books, 1997 より抜粋およ
出典: Hoberman, J.
外国語 I 解答用紙
問Ⅰ-1 下線部(1)と下線部(2)の中には同じ単語が入ります。最も適切な単語を以下
) equality
) inferiority
) competitory
問Ⅰ-2 “sports fixation”を日本語に訳しなさい。
問Ⅰ-3 下線部(3)“the sports syndrome”とは何か日本語で説明しなさい。
問Ⅰ-4 下線部(4)“this crisis”とはどのようなことか日本語で説明しなさい。
問Ⅰ-5 著者は、教育者が下線部(4)を克服するためにどのようなことをすべきだと述べ
問Ⅰ-6 問題文を正しく表している文を以下から一つ選び、括弧内に○をつけなさい。
) 運動能力を見せつけたいという衝動は、白人ももっている。
Ⅱ. 次の文章を読み、解答用紙の問題に答えなさい。
Michelle Walter, former executive director of the Richmond Symphony,
tells of that orchestra’s performance of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony for an
audience of local youngsters and their parents, many of whom were making
their first foray into the concert hall. Although neither Michelle nor the
musicians could explain afterward why it happened, the orchestra that day
gave a transcendent performance of a symphony that is surely one of the
most-played pieces in the repertoire. As the reverberations of the final chords
echoed and faded, complete silence held for four or five seconds, a sure sign
that something special had just happened. Then the hall, filled with people
who knew not the first thing about classical music, (1) simply erupted.
The Richmond orchestra, that day, had a magical moment. (2) We all
have experienced such moments, times when a team somehow comes
together in a way that produces an extraordinary outcome―a great
performance, a brilliant insight, an amazing come-from-behind win. (3) It
would be wonderful if we could create magic at will, if we could somehow
engineer, it, but we cannot.
There are two certain ways to make sure that team magic does not occur,
both of which are seen far too often in work organizations. One way to go
wrong, to stay in the realm of music for another moment, is to act like a
maestro on the podium, body and limbs in constant motion in an effort to pull
greatness from an orchestra. It is as if the orchestra were the maestro’s
personal instrument, being played for all it is worth. Team leaders in
maestro tradition would prefer to do the work all by themselves, without
having to engender and coordinate the efforts of (4) others. But since that is
not possible, they do the next best thing and personally manage every aspect
of the work process, keeping a close eye on all that is transpiring and issuing
to team members an unending stream of instructions and corrections. Magic
is not commonly observed in teams whose (5)
act like maestros.
The other way to get it wrong is to do nothing much at all, on the
assumption that the magic of teamwork comes automatically and therefore
the best thing a leader can do is stay out of the way. A guest conductor who
was rehearsing a symphony orchestra for an upcoming pops concert took
exactly (6) this strategy. “You people know this music better than I do,” he
said, “so just go ahead and play it. I’ll wave my arms around a lot at the
concert to please the audience, but don’t pay much attention to what I’m
doing.” It was the purest, most beautiful example of leader abdication.
So what should a leader do to increase the likelihood that a team will
have a magical moment every now and then? Split the difference between
the maestro and (7) the abdicator, being half controlling or being controlling
half the time? Of course not.
The first priority should be to get in place the basic conditions that foster
team effectiveness. Once those conditions are established, then leaders and
members can make small adjustments and corrections as needed to smooth a
group’s progress toward its objectives. We have seen that dealing with
emergent team problems and opportunities is manyfold easier―and far more
likely to be successful―if conditions favorable to team performance are
already in place. Moreover, under favorable conditions, there always is the
possibility that some team magic may actually occur.
It is much easier to describe (8) the conditions that foster team
effectiveness than it is to create and sustain them in work organizations. It is
true that skilled leaders can find or invent ways to create well-designed work
teams in most organizational circumstances. Yet constraining work
technologies or team-unfriendly organizational values occasionally can make
it nearly impossible to form stable work teams that have a compelling
direction, an enabling structure, and a supportive organizational context.
When that is the case, even (9) highly skilled coaching cannot make much
difference in work team performance.
注: manyfold:何倍も、何倍にもなって
出 典 : Hackman, J. R.
Leading Teams: setting the stage for great
performances.Harvard Business School Press, 2002, pp.252-255 より抜粋およ
外国語 II 解答用紙
問Ⅱ-1 下線部(1)のような経緯に至った理由を日本語で答えなさい。
問Ⅱ-2 下線部(2)とは具体的に何を指すのか。答えを2つ日本語で答えなさい。
問Ⅱ-3 下線部(3)を和訳しなさい。
問Ⅱ-4 下線部(4)を別の単語(英語)で置き換えなさい。
問Ⅱ-5 下線部(5)に入る最も適切な単語を本文から抜き出して答えなさい。
問Ⅱ-6 下線部(6)が指示する内容を日本語で答えなさい。
問Ⅱ-7 下線部(7)を和訳しなさい。
問Ⅱ-8 下線部(8)を和訳しなさい。
問Ⅱ-9 下線部(9)の“highly skilled coaching”を実施する際に心がけるべきことを日本語