プログラム(*pdf ) - 日本中東学会

日本中東学会第 28 回年次大会
プログラム&総合案内 Program & General Information
28th Annual Meeting of the Japan Association for Middle East Studies
Toyo University, Hakusan Campus, May 12-13, 2012
東洋大学 白山キャンパス 2012 年 5 月 12 日(土)・13 日(日)
1 日目(公開講演会・日本中東学会総会・懇親会)……1
2 日目(研究発表)……2
Access Information……9
Campus Map……11
<1 日目・2012 年 5 月 12 日(土)>
<FIRST DAY, MAY 12, 2012>
13:30~17:00 公開イベント
13:30-17:00 Open Events to the Public
会場:白山キャンパス 6 号館地下 6B12 教室
Venue: Building 6, Room 6B12, Basement floor, Hakusan
第 I 部:シンポジウム「中東・イスラーム圏のNGO~信仰
PART I: 【Symposium】 NGOs in the Muslim World:
Faith and Voluntary Activities IN JAPANESE
NEJIMA Susumu(Toyo University)
HOSOYA Sachiko (Toho University)
Idris DANISMAZ (Doshisha University)
NEJIMA Susumu(Toyo University)
第 II 部:シンポジウム「イスラームの怪異」
PART II: 【Symposium】 Mysteries of Islam
SHIMIZU Yoshimi (Chuo University)
HOSAKA Shuji (IEE, Japan)
KIKUCHI Noritaka (Toyo University)
MISAWA Nobuo (Toyo University)
17:30~18:30 日本中東学会総会(会員のみ)
17:30-18:30 JAMES General Meeting
会場:白山キャンパス 6 号館地下 6B12 教室
(JAMES members only)
Venue: Building 6, Room6B12, Basement floor, Hakusan
18:45~20:45 懇親会
会場:白山キャンパス、2 号館 16 階スカイホール
18:45-20:45 Reception
Venue: Building 2, 16th floor, Sky Hall, Hakusan Campus
<第 2 日目・2012 年 5 月 13 日(日)>
※第 2 日目のプログラムは、すべて白山キャンパス 1 号館にて開催されます。
※所属に J が付記されている発表者は大学院生を示します。
◆9:00~11:50 個人研究発表・午前の部
第 1 部会(7 階 1710 教室)
9:00~9:40 溝渕正季(日本学術振興会)
9:40~10:20 佐藤尚平(早稲田大学)
「水と油―『ブライミー陳述書』(1955 年)とアラビア半島の主権―」
10:30~11:10 河村有介(京都大学:J)
11:10~11:50 白谷望(上智大学:J)
「「上からの改革」後のモロッコにおける権力構造の再検討―2011 年国民議会選挙の分析を中心に―」
第 2 部会(7 階 1702 教室)
9:00~9:40 金城美幸(立命館大学)
9:40~10:20 今野泰三(大阪市立大学:J)
10:30~11:10 今井宏平(中央大学:J)
11:10~11:50 鈴木啓之(東京大学:J)
第 3 部会(7 階 1709 教室)
9:00~9:40 福島康博(東京外国語大学)
9:40~10:20 黒宮貴義(一橋大学:J)
「「オランダ病」の発生の条件―エジプト、サウジアラビアの 1970 年代から 1980 年代、2000 年代の二つの時期の比較から
10:30~11:10 今井静(京都大学:J)
11:10~11:50 川村藍(京都大学:J)
「UAE におけるイスラーム銀行の展開と法制度の実態」
第 4 部会(7 階 1703 教室)
9:00~9:40 店田廣文(早稲田大学)
9:40~10:20 岡井宏文(早稲田大学)
10:30~11:10 石川基樹(早稲田大学)
11:10~11:50 重親知左子(兵庫大学)
第 5 部会(7 階 1708 教室)
9:00~9:40 遠藤春香(京都大学:J)
9:40~10:20 高橋圭(上智大学)
10:30~11:10 安田慎(京都大学)
11:10~11:50 塩崎悠輝(同志社大学)
「アフマド・ファターニーのファトワー集―19 世紀末から 20 世紀初めにかけてのマッカと東南アジアの関係―」
第 6 部会(7 階 1707 教室)
9:00~9:40 小笠原弘幸(東洋大学)
9:40~10:20 齊藤優子(日本学術振興会)
10:30~11:10 幸加木文(東京外国語大学: J)
11:10~11:50 伊藤寛了(東京外国語大学)
「1940 年代のトルコにおける宗教的言論活動と政府の統制」
第 7 部会(7 階 1706 教室)
9:40~10:20 鎌田由美子(早稲田大学)
「17-18 世紀のデカン地方における絨毯生産―デカン美術の観点から―」
10:30~11:10 小澤一郎(東京大学:J)
「19 世紀後半における西ヨーロッパ諸国からガージャール朝への武器供与」
11:10~11:50 稲山円(東京外国語大学:J)
第 8 部会(7 階 1704 教室)
9:40~10:20 Chang-mo CHOI(Konkuk University)
“Reflection on Arabia-Africa in the Mappa Mundi of Chosŏn Dynasty: A Study Based on the Honil kangni yŏktae kukto
chido or The Unified Map of Territories and Capitals of the States of 1402”
10:30~11:10 Jin Oh CHONG(Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
“Creating Cultural cooperation in Eurasia through Historical Heritage: Turkic-Altaic Cooperation in Eurasia”
11:10~11:50 Byung-Ock CHANG(Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
“Recent Nuclear Crisis in Iran and North Korea”
◆13:00~14:30 企画セッション
(1)Middle East from Korean Perspective
【Special Session of KAMES】 (7 階 1704 教室)
開辞:Byoung Joo HAH(President of KAMES)
報告 1:Jeongmin SEO(Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
“Korea’s Changing Interests in the Arab World”
報告 2:Young-kyu JEONG(Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
“Korea Culture and cultural content industry in Iran's future expansion strategies”
報告 3:Joong-Kwan KIM(Dongguk University)
“The High Tide of the Korean Wave in Middle East”
(2)Special Session in cooperation with Iraqi Intellectuals (7 階 1705 教室)
報告 1:Shamran al-Ejli (President of Bayt al-Hikma)
“Bayt al-Hikma and its role in Iraqi culture after transformation”
報告 2:Mahmoud al-Qaysi (Head of History Department, College of Arts, Baghdad University)
“Iraqi Identity: People, State, History and Ideology, A Historical Perspective”
報告 3:Mohammad J. Ibrahim (Bayt al-Hikma)
“Tyranny of Democracy? Two Ways towards the Modernization in Iraq”
(3)A Study of the January 25th Revolution (6 階 1607 教室)
報告 1:Alaa Farouq Mahmoud Ibrahim(カイロ大学)
“Media and the January 25th Revolution: Study of language, ideology and power”
報告 2:Mai Muhammad Al Moatasim
“A Glance into the January 25th Revolution”
報告 3:富田広士(慶應義塾大学)
“The Egyptian Art of Consensus Building: Looking through the Political Process of the January 25th Revolution”
◆15:00~17:00 個人研究発表・午後の部
第 1 部会(7 階 1710 教室)
15:00~15:40 ディミタル・ディミトロフ Dimitar М. DIMITROV(一橋大学:J)
“Football in the Countries of Arabian Peninsula: Ruling Elites and Sport Development”
15:40~16:20 千葉悠志(京都大学:J)
16:20~17:00 常陸民生(法政大学:J)
第 2 部会(7 階 1702 教室)
15:00~15:40 平寛多朗(東京外国語大学:J)
15:40~16:20 外山健二(常磐大学)
第 3 部会(7 階 1709 教室)
15:00~15:40 アブラル・アブドアルマナン・バル Abrar Abdualmanan BAR(早稲田大学:J)
“The Internationalization of Women’s universities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: the case of Effat University”
15:40~16:20 小島宏(早稲田大学)
第 4 部会(7 階 1703 教室)
15:00~15:40 竹村和朗(東京大学:J)
15:40~16:20 後藤絵美(東京大学)
16:20~17:00 鳥山純子(お茶の水女子大学:J)
「2000 年代を生きるカイロの「若者」の生―近代をキーワードに差異を紡ぐ―」
第 5 部会(7 階 1708 教室)
15:00~15:40 若桑遼(上智大学:J)
「ターヒル・ハッダードの思想を弾圧したもの―『シャリーアと社会における我々の女性』(1930 年)の筆禍事件の検討―」
15:40~16:20 二ツ山達朗(京都大学:J)
16:20~17:00 丸山大介(京都大学:J)
第 6 部会(7 階 1707 教室)
15:00~15:40 藤波伸嘉(東京大学)
15:40~16:20 宮下陽子(東京大学)
「1960 年代後半から 70 年代前半にかけてのトルコ労働組合連合(Türk İş)‐CHP 関係」
16:20~17:00 岩坂将充(日本学術振興会)
第 7 部会(7 階 1706 教室)
15:00~15:40 冨永正人(在シリア日本大使館)
15:40~16:20 竹田敏之(京都大学)
<SECOND DAY, MAY 13, 2012>
(1) All sessions are held at Building 1, Hakusan Campus.
(2) Papers will be presented in Japanese unless otherwise noted.
(3) A speaker with “J” indicates a graduate student.
SESSION 1 (Room 1710, 7th floor)
9:00-9:40 MIZOBUCHI Masaki (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
War of Necessity, War of Choice: Why Israel Goes to War?
9:40-10:20 SATO Shohei (Waseda University)
Between Water and Oil: The Buraimi Memorials Revisited
10:30-11:10 KAWAMURA Yusuke (Kyoto University:J)
A change in political and economic environments and the survival strategies of an authoritarian regime: A food subsidy
institution in the Mubarak era
11:10-11:50 SHIRATANI Nozomi (Sophia University:J)
Reexamination of the Power Structure in Morocco after the “Top-Down” Reform: A Study of the Parliamentary Election in
SESSION 2 (Room 1702, 7th floor)
9:00-9:40 KINJO Miyuki (Ritsumeikan University)
Construction of Zionist Historiography in Israel: On the Role of Ben Zion Dinur
9:40-10:20 IMANO Taizo (Osaka City University:J)
Diversification of Religious Zionism and the evolution of colonial frontiers: the production of ‘Jewish places’ and
transforming relations between Religious Zionists and the State of Israel
10:30-11:10 IMAI Kohei (Chuo University:J)
Responses of Turkey’s Jewish minority and Turkish-Jewish immigrants in Israel to the deterioration of Turkish-Israeli
11:10-11:50 SUZUKI Hiroyuki (University of Tokyo:J)
The Development of the “Civilian Resistance” in the Occupied Palestinian Territories: Approaching the Background of the
SESSION 3 (Room 1709, 7th floor)
9:00-9:40 FUKUSHIMA Yasuhiro (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
Shari’ah Board and Its Membership of Islamic Bank: A Case Study on Malaysia
9:40-10:20 KUROMIYA Takayoshi (Hitotsubashi University:J)
What economic conditions will cause the Dutch Disease? : Taking Egypt and Saudi Arabia in the 1970s - the early 1980s
and in the 2000s as examples
10:30-11:10 IMAI Shizuka (Kyoto University:J)
Jordan’s Liberalization Policy and the Transformation of Local Economies
11:10-11:50 KAWAMURA Ai (Kyoto University:J)
Development of Islamic Banking and the Legal System in the UAE
SESSION 4 (Room 1703, 7th floor)
9:00-9:40 TANADA Hirofumi (Waseda University)
Muslim community and non-Muslim Japanese community in Japan
9:40-10:20 OKAI Hirofumi (Waseda University)
Perceptions toward Islam and Muslims in non-Muslim Japanese community
10:30-11:10 ISHIKAWA Kiju (Waseda University)
The formative process of perceptions and attitudes toward Islam and Muslims in non-Muslim Japanese community
11:10-11:50 OMOSO Chisako (Hyogo University)
Thinking and Policy on Islam in Japan before World War II: Focus on Hayashi Senjuro, the Army General
SESSION 5 (Room 1708, 7th floor)
9:00-9:40 ENDO Haruka (Kyoto University:J)
The Theory of the Saint according to al-Sha‘rani: With Special Attention to the Concept of the ‘Perfect One’
9:40-10:20 TAKAHASHI Kei (Sophia University)
The Foundation of the Eastern League Society and the Pan: Islamic Orientation in early 20th Century Egypt
10:30-11:10 YASUDA Shin (Kyoto University)
The Activity and Role of Shi’ite Scholars in Syrian Shi’ite Religious Sites
11:10-11:50 SHIOZAKI Yuki (Doshisha University)
Ahmad al-Fatani’s al-Fatawa al-Fataniyah: Exchanges between Makkah and Southeast Asia from the late 19th century until
the early 20th century
SESSION 6 (Room 1707, 7th floor)
9:00-9:40 OGASAWARA Hiroyuki (Toyo University)
The Ottoman Genealogical Book in the Classical Age
9:40-10:20 SAITO Yuko (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
Public health reform of the Ottoman Empire from the viewpoint of the cholera outbreak and the establishment of
quarantine station:a case of along the Rumelia Railways
10:30-11:10 KOKAKI Aya (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies:J)
A Discussion on the Historical Orientation of Turkish Islam in the light of Turkishness
11:10-11:50 ITO Horoaki (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
Religious discourse and the government control in Turkey in the 1940s
SESSION 7 (Room 1706, 7th floor)
9:40-10:20 KAMADA Yumiko (Waseda University)
Deccani Carpet in the 17th to 18th Centuries: from the Perspective of the Art of the Deccan
10:30-11:10 OZAWA Ichiro (University of Tokyo:J)
Supplies of firearms from Western Europe to Qajar Persia in the latter half of the 19th century
11:10-11:50 INAYAMA Madoka (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies:J)
Women’s Religious Practices in Tehran: Analysis of the Roles and Positions of Female Religious Specialists
SESSION 8 (Room 1704, 7th floor)
9:40-10:20 Chang-mo CHOI(Konkuk University)
In ENGLISH Reflection on Arabia-Africa in the Mappa Mundi of Chosŏn Dynasty: A Study Based on the Honil kangni
yŏktae kukto
10:30-11:10 Jin Oh CHONG(Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
In ENGLISH Creating Cultural cooperation in Eurasia through Historical Heritage: Turkic-Altaic Cooperation in Eurasia
11:10-11:50 Byung-Ock CHANG(Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
In ENGLISH Recent Nuclear Crisis in Iran and North Korea
◆13:00-14:30 SPECIAL SESSION
(1)In ENGLISH Middle East from Korean Perspective
【Special Session of KAMES】(Room 1704, 7th floor)
Opening Message:Byoung Joo HAH(President of KAMES)
Speaker 1:Jeongmin SEO(Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
Korea’s Changing Interests in the Arab World
Speaker 2:Young-kyu JEONG(Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
Korea Culture and cultural content industry in Iran's future expansion strategies
Speaker 3:Joong-Kwan KIM(Dongguk University)
The High Tide of the Korean Wave in Middle East
(2)In ENGLISH Special Session in cooperation with Iraqi Intellectuals (Room 1705, 7th floor)
Moderator:SAKAI Keiko(Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
Speaker 1:Shamran al-Ejli (President of Bayt al-Hikma)
Bayt al-Hikma and its role in Iraqi culture after transformation
Speaker 2:Mahmoud al-Qaysi (Head of History Department, College of Arts, Baghdad University)
Iraqi Identity: People, State, History and Ideology, A Historical Perspective
Speaker 3:Mohammad J. Ibrahim (Bayt al-Hikma)
Tyranny of Democracy? Two Ways towards the Modernization in Iraq
(3)In ENGLISH A Study of the January 25th Revolution (Room 1607, 6th floor)
Moderator:TOMITA Horoshi(Keio University)
Speaker 1:Alaa Farouq Mahmoud Ibrahim(Cairo University)
Media and the January 25th Revolution: Study of language, ideology and power
Speaker 2:Mai Muhammad Al Moatasim
A Glance into the January 25th Revolution
Speaker 3:TOMITA Hiroshi(Keio University)
The Egyptian Art of Consensus Building: Looking through the Political Process of the January 25th Revolution
Commentator:OKUDA Atsushi(Keio University)
SESSION 1 (Room 1710, 7th floor)
15:00-15:40 Dimitar М. Dimitrov (Hitotsubashi University:J)
In ENGLISH Football in the Countries of Arabian Peninsula: Ruling Elites and Sport Development
15:40-16:20 CHIBA Yushi (Kyoto University:J)
Role of Media City in Arab Countries: Focusing on the Locations of Satellite TVs
16:20-17:00 HITACHI Tomio (Hosei University:J)
Prospects of Jericho Agro-Industrial Park in Palestine
SESSION 2 (Room 1702, 7th floor)
15:00-15:40 TAIRA Kantaro (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies:J)
Stories and Their Place in the History of Arabic Literature: An Analysis of Egyptian Secondary School Textbooks
15:40-16:20 TOYAMA Kenji (Tokiwa University)
Herman Melville and Islam
SESSION 3 (Room 1709, 7th floor)
15:00-15:40 Abrar Abdualmanan BAR(Waseda University:J)
In ENGLISH The Internationalization of Women’s universities in the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia: the case of Effat
15:40-16:20 KOJIMA Hiroshi (Waseda University)
Determinants of Halal Food Consumption Behaviors in East Asia
SESSION 4 (Room 1703, 7th floor)
15:00-15:40 TAKEMURA Kazuaki (University of Tokyo:J)
Reconsidering a Three-Mode Model of Urban Development: The Case of Badr City, al-Buhayra Governorate, in a
Desert-Reclaimed Area in the West Delta, Egypt
15:40-16:20 GOTO Emi (University of Tokyo)
Application of Article 2 of the Egyptian Constitution and Definition of “Sharia”: Analysis of Two Court Cases
16:20-17:00 TORIYAMA Junko (Ochanomizu University:J)
A strategy to create a self through weaving difference:“Life” of Egyptian youth in Cairo in 2000’s
SESSION 5 (Room 1708, 7th floor)
15:00-15:40 WAKAKUWA Ryo (Sophia University:J)
What suppressed the thoughts of al-Tahir al-Haddad?: examination of the controversy surrounding his book ‘Our Women
in the Sharia and Society’ (1930)
15:40-16:20 FUTATSUYAMA Tatsuro (Kyoto University:J)
A Study of Baraka Realized by Material: In the Case of Olive in Tunisia
16:20-17:00 MARUYAMA Daisuke (Kyoto University:J)
Representations of Ṭarīqa and Ṭaṣawwuf during Mawlid: A Case Study of Mawlid al-Nabī in Khartoum, Sudan
SESSION 6 (Room 1707, 7th floor)
15:00-15:40 FUJINAMI Nobuyoshi (University of Tokyo)
Pavlos Karoldis, Ottoman Modernity, and the Vision of a Hellenized Empire
15:40-16:20 MIYASHITA Yoko (University of Tokyo)
The relationship between Türk-İş and RPP in Modern Turkey(from 1960's to 1974)
16:20-17:00 IWASAKA Masamichi (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
The Judicial-Military Relations in Turkey: The Functions of the Constitutional Court as a Part of the Establishment
SESSION 7 (Room 1706, 7th floor)
15:00-15:40 TOMINAGA Masato (Embassy of Japan in Syria)
Improving Web Materials for Practicing Arabic Sentence Patterns
15:40-16:20 TAKEDA Toshiyuki (Kyoto University)
Developments of Arabic Dictionary in the Modern Arab World: from Lexicographic Tradition to its Innovation in Printed
交通案内(1) Access Information (1)
Hakusan St.
(Mita Line)
Hon Komagome St.
(Namboku Line)
Shinjuku St.
Tokyo St.
Otemachi St.
交通案内(2) Access Information(2)
Hon Komagome St.
Sengoku St.
(Mita Line)
(Main Entrance)
(Namboku Line)
Hakusan St.
(Mita Line)
「正面・南門」A3 出口より徒歩 5 分
◆Metropolitan Mita Line –
5 minutes from Hakusan Station <Exit A3>,
「西門」A1 出口より徒歩 5 分
◆Metropolitan Mita Line –
8 minutes from Sengoku Station <Exit A1>,
「正面・南門」A1 出口より徒歩 8 分
◆Tokyo Metro Namboku Line –
5 minutes from Hon Komagome Station
「正門・南門」 1 番出口から徒歩 5 分
※There are some restaurants around Hakusan Station.
(Restaurants in the campus will be closed on May 13)
(5/13 に学内食堂は営業しておりません。)
会場案内 Campus Map
1 日目 懇親会会場
(2 号館 16 階スカイホール)
書店ブース(1 日目)
Reception of First Day
(Building 2, 16F, Sky Hall)
Bookstore of First Day
(INOUE Enryo Memorial
(Main Entrance)
1 日目 公開イベント会場
(6 号館地下)
Open Events of First Day
(Building 6, B1F)
2 日目 研究発表会場
Second Day
(Building 1.)
2 日目研究発表会場・教室配置図 Room Map of Second Day
1 号館 Building 1.
(2 日目)
2 日目受付
参加費等 FEES
参加費(Registration Fee)…JPY1,000
懇親会費(Reception)…JPY5,000(学生会員は JPY4,000 for student members)
2 日目弁当代(Lunch Box for Second Day)…JPY1,000
日本中東学会第 28 回年次大会実行委員会
JAMES 28th Annual Meeting Organizing Committee
事務局長:子島 進
Chair: MISAWA Nobuo
Secretary-General: NEJIMA Susumu
東京都文京区白山 5-28-20
E-mail:[email protected]
東洋大学アジア文化研究所 気付