SINCE 1990 Every Day Best Day Making The With Nikkei Lifelong Learning is Better… Horizons, TOGE THER SUMMER 2013 Nikkei Horizons is open to all who are eager to learn, make friends, and have new adventures! 日系ホライゾンは、お子様からシニアの方ま で、 どなたでも参加いただけるプログラムで す。日本語、又はバイリンガルのクラスも満 載!詳細は当冊子内の「日本語OK!」マーク 付きの案内をご覧下さい。 Questions?(日本語でもどうぞ) Phone: (206) 726-6465 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Page“d” Matt Chan’s Cooking Summer Super Combo Plate! Trek with the Animals t We accep 日本語でのセミナー Page“e” Tourists from Edo by Aki Sogabe d r a C t i Cred カラダのコリ・ゆがみに気づ いて生活改善!健康セミナー がんばるお母さんとお父さんを応援! Nikkei Horizons East New Bellevue Location with free parking! ベルビュークラス開講 無料駐車場つき! Page“b” Japanese American Heritage Artist - White River Valley Museum Page“d” Page“f&i” 赤ちゃんプレイグループ in シアトル&ベルビュー Schedule Book スケジュールブック Dock Pub and Grill、 8月のレストランは候補の中から7月の参加者の多 数決によって決まります。 Wednesdays, July 10 and August 14 — 11:00 a.m. ~ 2:00 p.m. or TBD Itineraries for all adventures are subject to change. Most adventure trips include lengthy walks and occasional stair climbing. If you use a walker or a wheelchair or have any concerns, please consult with Nikkei Horizons before registering. ツアーには、 ホライゾンの日本人スタッフがエスコートとして同行します。 主にシアトル仏教会駐車場で集合し、 日系コンサーンズのバスでツアーを 楽しみます。 SU13/T-01 Guided Tour SU13/T-02 Guided Tour Journey to Beautiful Hokkaido & Bustling Tokyo – 10 days/8 nights 魅惑の北海道と東京の旅 WAITING LIST ONLY キャンセル待ち受付のみ Lunch Bunch Eat ‘n’ chat on Wednesdays! Stay connected, make new friends, and try different restaurants around the Puget Sound area. During the summer months, you will visit waterfront restaurants and the first one is Rock the Dock Pub and Grill on the Tacoma waterfront where you will enjoy a fantastic view of Puget Sound. The group will choose the second eatery from a list of options. Join just one or two outings, but please indicate on your registration form which dates you will attend. Participants pay for their own meals at the restaurants. •Location: SBC/PL – map A •Limit: 22 $20 per single outing / $35 for two outings for annual member $25 per single outing / $40 for two outings for nonannual member (includes transportation, expenses for driver and escort) SU13/T-03 Guided Tour Japanese Heritage Washington Artist Exhibit NIHON/WA, a special exhibition at the White River Valley Museum, will reveal the works of contemporary Japanese and Japanese American artists, drawing inspiration from their Japanese heritage. Kiri-e master Aki Sogabe will share her personal views on her art and works by other Pacific Northwest artists such as Nadine Kariya, Frank Okada, Roger Shimomura and George Tsutakawa. Have lunch at the Spice Bay Buffet in the Muckleshoot Casino and enjoy some free time afterwards. 毎月1回、 シアトルおよび近郊のレストランへ昼食に出かけ楽しく歓談し ます。 夏期はウォーターフロントレストラン巡り。 7月はタコマのRock the Tourists from Edo by Aki Sogabe Adventures Adventures ホワイトリバーヴァリー美術館で の日本人と日系人による美術特別 展。 著名な地元アーティスト曽我部 Nikkei Horizons is a continuing Who can join? Nikkei Horizons is open to people of all ages and backgrounds. and activities program How do I register? Simply fill out the registration form and sign the waiver on page “l” then send or bring education designed to inspire lifelong learning, to the Nikkei Horizons Office with your payment (check, credit card or cash). How do annual members benefit? A $30 annual membership (valid September 2012-August 2013) entitles you to access FREE community-sponsored classes and priority registration. Annual members pay a lower tuition. wellness and creative expression. Our intergenerational program encourages friendships and creates lasting memories through a wide range of exciting activities; they include exWhat if I choose not to be an annual member? cursions locally and abroad, exercise You pay non-member rate tuition. and recreation, health and wellness, Questions? Call (206) 726-6465 or e-mail [email protected] or read the safety, creativity, and financial manIMPORTANT INFORMATION section on page “j” Our website is agement. In addition, we offer many unique opportunities to learn about 日本語でもお気軽にお問い合わせください! Japanese culture and traditions. b Summer 2013 Nikkei Horizons — A Continuing Education Program of Nikkei Concerns (206)726-6465 – 1601 E. Yesler Way, Seattle, WA 98122 あきさんが特別にツアーに同行し、 ご自身の作品の見所や制作裏話をお 話しします。 昼食は、 マックルシュートカジノのビュッフェ。 そのあとはカジノ にて自由時間をお楽しみください。 Friday, July 19 — 10:15 a.m. ~ 3:30 p.m. •Location: SBC/PL – map A •Limit: 20 $50 for annual member / $60 for non-annual member (includes transportation, admission, lunch, and expenses for driver and escort) Japanese Fashion Exhibit at SAM Guided Tour Future Beauty: 30 years of Japanese Fashion at the Seattle Art Museum will wow you with the tremendous innovation of famous Japanese designers. Eighty gowns, unlimited creativity, unrestrained inspiration. Gei Chan, one of the first Asian fashion designer for the U.S. mass market, will provide her insight on the designers and their work. Lunch will be on your own in the Taste Restaurant, and you will have an opportunity to view other exhibits in the afternoon. 世界に影響を与えた日本のファッション史をIssei Miyake他、 8名の著名 デザイナーの作品と共に紹介するシアトル美術館初の展示会をプライベ ートツアーで鑑賞します。 Taste Restaurantでの昼食後、 ダウンタウンで 自由時間を楽しみます。 Friday, August 2 — 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. •Location: SBC/PL – map A •Limit: 12 $35 for annual member / $45 for non-annual member (includes transportation, tour fee, expenses for driver and escort) SU13/T-05 Blueberry U-Pick Adventures SU13/T-04 Farms prides itself for organic and sustainable agricultural methods with 6 varieties of blueberries. Lunch is on your own at the Mar-T Café and then shop at the North Bend Outlet Mall. Blueberry U-pick is on your own. The price will be determined seasonally. The tour might be postponed or cancelled, depending on the weather or berry condition. ノースベンド郊外にあるバイビー・ブルーベリーファームは6種類のブルー ベリーを有機栽培しています。 ランチは、 あのTVシリーズ&映画ツインピ ークスの舞台になったカフェ 「Mar-T Café」 。 昼食後は、 ノースベンド・ア ウトレットモールでお買い物を楽しみます。 Thursday, August 8 — 8:45 a.m. ~ 3:30 p.m. Guided Tour •Location: SBC/PL – map A •Limit: 18 $38 for annual member / $48 for non-member (includes transportation, and expenses for driver and escort) Have an exciting time in the great outdoors blueberry picking at Bybee-Nims Farms in North Bend. Bybee Adventures Calendar September 3 ~ September 12, 2013 T-01 Journey to Beautiful Hokkaido & Bustling Tokyo July 10 T-02 Lunch Bunch #1 July 19 T-03 Japanese Heritage Washington Artist Exhibit August 2 T-04 Japanese Fashion Exhibit at SAM August 8 T-05 Blueberry U-Pick August 14 T-02 Lunch Bunch #2 August 15 T-06 Trek with the Animals One or Two-Day Workshop Calendar Cooking----------------------------------------------------- page d~e August 20 W-07 Matt Chan’s Summer Super Combo Plate! August 27 W-08 Summer Very Berry Pie Making Living Independently Series-------------------------- page e~f July 16&18 W-09 AARP Driving Safety Program July 17 W-10 Reducing your Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease August 9 W-12 Hearing Check Up Workshop, Is Your Hearing OK? August 31 W-13 自分でできる!身体のゆがみ改善マッサージ (Massage therapy seminar taught in Japanese) September 10 W-14 Social Security Basics Course Weekly Class Index Computers-------------------------------------------------------- page f Exercise & Wellness----------------------------------------- page f~g Finance----------------------------------------------------------- page g Fun & Games------------------------------------------------ page g~h Japanese Culture-------------------------------------------- page h~i Nikkei Horizons East - Bellevue Classes-------- page e&i July 29 W-11 Abacus for Seniors August 17 & 24 C-28インファントマッサージ (Infant massage taught in Japanese) August 17 & 24 C-29 赤ちゃんプレイグループ (Baby Play Group in Japanese) September 14 C-30 & 31 ベルビュー・エクササイズクラス体験イベント (Bellevue Exercise Class Free Trial Event) 日本語で学べるヨガ (Yoga taught in Japanese), ハワイアン・フラダンス&ホットフラ・フィットネ ス (Hawaiian Hula & HOT HULA fitness®) Summer 2013 Nikkei Horizons — A Continuing Education Program of Nikkei Concerns (206)726-6465 – 1601 E. Yesler Way, Seattle, WA 98122 c SU13/T-06 Guided Tour Workshop Trek with the Animals Pack a picnic lunch for the whole family, and spend the day at Northwest Trek Wildlife Park. The bison, elk, moose, bighorn sheep, mountain goats and more will SU13 W-07 Matt Chan’s Summer Super Combo Plate! Workshop Adventures Ever long for the old days when most Chinese Restaurants offered a combo-plate? Well in this class we’ll bring back the “Old School” comb-plate only amped up captivate you on the 50-minute guided Tram Tour. A knowledgeable and friendly naturalist will share fun animal facts and interesting stories. After your picnic lunch, take the wheelchair- and stroller-friendly Walking Tour to see large predators such as grizzly bears, wolves, cougars, and other native forest animals in natural settings. You can also tackle the Nature Trail Quest – a nature-based scavenger hunt and follow clues scattered throughout the nature trails. 子供から大人まで誰もが楽しめるノースウェストトレック野生動物公園に ピクニックランチを持って出かけましょう。 ガイド付きでバッファロー、大 鹿、 トナカイ、 大角ヒツジ、 シロイワヤギなどの近くを通るトラム・ツアー (50 分間) や、 グリズリーベア、 オオカミ、 クーガーなどを歩いて見て回れる自由 散策を楽しみます。 Thursday, August 15 — 9:00 a.m. ~ 4:00 p.m. •Location: SBC/PL - map A •Limit: 20 $60 for annual membership / $70 for non-annual member / $ 30 (Child 12 and under) (includes transportation, admission and expenses for driver and escort) Volunteer Bus Driver Wanted! Do you like driving and taking adventure trips? Become a volunteer driver for Nikkei Horizons! You will support the program and enjoy special outings as well. For details, please contact Megumi Sherrill, Volunteer Coordinator at (206) 726-7830. d with some new selections; Sweet and savory Chinese Sausage Carrot Stir-fry, BBQ Pork Lo Mein and mouth watering Hoisin Brown Sugar Spare Ribs. You will learn how to make this meal, which involves just a few ingredients and basic techniques. A self-taught cook, instructor Matt Chan has a passion for cooking and is the top-notch, Emmy-nominated producer for the A&E television series Hoarders. Supply list will be provided after registration. This class is made possible with generous support from Uwajimaya, Inc. Matt Chan Monday, August 20 — 10:00 a.m. ~ 1:00 p.m. •Location: SBC Kitchen – map B •Limit: 12 Tuition: $40 for annual member / $50 for non-annual member (includes ingredients) SU13/W-08 Darcia’s Very Berry Summer Pie Making Bake an easy, homemade summer berry pie! Instructor Darcia Tanabe has almost 40 years of baking experience and will share her tips and tricks, you will make your own berry pie delicious and foolproof! This is the second class of Darcia’s pie making series. (日本語解説可) Supply list will be provided after registration. パイ焼きの名人ダーシャさんの夏限定のベリーパイ。 味と見た目で自慢で きるパイ作りのコツを学びます。 ポットラックでも大人気です! This class is made possible with generous support from Uwajimaya, Inc. Summer 2013 Nikkei Horizons — A Continuing Education Program of Nikkei Concerns (206)726-6465 – 1601 E. Yesler Way, Seattle, WA 98122 Darcia Tanabe Tuesday, August 27 — 11:00 a.m. ~ 1:00 p.m. •Location: SBC Kitchen – map B •Limit: 14 Tuition: $35 for annual member / $45 for non-annual member / $10 for the ages of 6 to 15 (includes ingredients) SU13/W-09 Living Independently Series There are no tests, and every student passes! This two-day classroom workshop, presented by AARP, will save $$ on your car insurance if you are a motorist aged 55 and older. You will learn the current rules of the road, vehicle safety; minimizing blind spots; accomodating age related changes in vision, hearing, and reaction time; controlling your vehicle in an emergency; choosing a new vehicle; and more. For extra credit, take the practice test: practicetests/english/q01.html Also, bring newspaper articles about collisions to class. E-mail Fred at [email protected] if you have any questions. A 30-minute lunch break is included. Please bring your own brown bag lunch. アメリカでの運転に自身のない方、 ベテラン講師が最新交通ルール、 安全 運転の技術から車選びのコツまで、 丁寧に楽しく教えてくれるクラスです。 Fred Sakura Tuesday and Thursday, July 16 and 18 (2 workshops) — 10:00 a.m. ~ 3:00 p.m. •Location: Seattle Keiro– map J •Limit: 12 Tuition: FREE with Nikkei Horizons annual membership A check payable to AARP is required for the workshop materials. Please bring a check to the classroom. $12 for AARP members – (please bring your AARP card) or $14 for non-AARP members SU13/W-10 Living Independently Series EVENING Reducing your Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease! Although there is not yet a cure or a medication that can stop Alzheimer’s disease, there are lifestyle changes that might reduce our risk. Lucy Wang, M.D. is a geriatric psychiatrist at the VA Puget Sound Health Care System and holds a title of Acting Assistant Professor at the University of Washington. She presents and discusses what researchers are discovering about risk reduction and what their conclusions mean for our day-to-day lives. Lucy Wong, M.D. Wednesday, July 17 — 6:00 p.m. ~ 7:00 p.m. •Location: Nikkei Manor– map D •Limit: 20 Tuition: FREE (No Nikkei Horizons annual membership required) BELLEVUE Abacus for Seniors Let’s experience how to use this amazing calculation tool, Abacus! Also do you want to enhance your memory and cognitive skills? Abacus is right for you. Tetsuya Sano of Math Abacus School of Seattle teaches ways to do brain exercise through a basic abacus technique. Enjoy SOROBAN. It brings back your childhood memories. Beginners are welcome. Please bring your own abacus or you can borrow from the instructor during the class. Workshop AARP Driver Safety Program SU13/W-11 記憶力と集中力を高めるそろばんを体験してみませんか?初めての方でも やさしく指導いたします。 このチャンスを使って頭の体操を始めましょう。 そろばんをお持ちでない方は、 貸し出しします。 Tetsuya Sano Monday, July 29 — 1:30 p.m. ~ 2:30 p.m. •Location: Math Abacus School of Seattle in Bellevue – map K •Limit: 10 Tuition: $15 for annual member / $20 for non-annual member SU13/W-12 Living Independently Series Hearing Check Up Workshop, Is Your Hearing OK? Don’t become isolated due to hearing loss. In this class you will learn how the ear works and how hearing loss impacts social interactions. In addition, you will explore good communication strategies and the various hearing assistive devices that are available. After class, you can receive a free quick hearing test to determine any hearing loss. The class will be taught by two presenters, Anna Mamiya, Au.D., and Steve Hillson, store manager at the Hearing, Speech & Deafness Center. 耳の問題でお悩みですか?聴力やバランス感覚の問題、 また耳鳴りにお悩 みの方のご相談を日本語と英語で承ります。 Anna Mamiya, Au.D. and Steve Hillson Friday, August 9 —10:00 a.m. ~ 12:00 p.m. •Location: Seattle Keiro – map J •Limit: 20 Tuition: FREE for annual member / $10 for non-annual member SU13/W-13 Living Independently Series カラダのコリ・ゆがみに気づいて生活改善!健康セミナー 人間の身体の枠組み、結合組織のネットワーク (骨、軟骨、靭帯、腱、筋膜 など) を生活上意識せずにいると、偏り固まってしまい、肩こり・腰痛など の慢性痛の原因になります。心と体の調和をはかる健康法を提唱するマ ッサージセラピスト久美子ローレンスさんが筋膜 (体全体を覆っているネ ット状の組織) を初めとした体の構造、 カラダ (筋膜) の歪みを整えて姿勢 Summer 2013 Nikkei Horizons — A Continuing Education Program of Nikkei Concerns (206)726-6465 – 1601 E. Yesler Way, Seattle, WA 98122 e を良くするボディワーク、健康法をわかりやすく解説します。慢性的に緊 張していた身体バランスと浅くなった呼吸を取り戻し、心身ともに、健康 で楽しい毎日を送りましょう。 (Massage Therapy Seminar taught in Japanese) ローレンス久美子 8月31日(土) — 10:00 a.m. ~ 12:00 p.m. •会場: シアトル敬老 – map J •Limit: 15 受講料:日系ホライゾン会員の方: FREE / 年会員以外の方: $10 Workshop SU13/W-14 Living Independently Series Social Security Basics Course with Free Lunch! Exercise & Wellness SU13/C-15 赤ちゃんプレイグループ 赤ちゃんとお母さんのためのプレイグループです。 日本の歌、本、遊び、 そ の他いろいろを一緒に楽しみながら、音、色、動きなどで赤ちゃんの好奇 心を心地よく刺激します。 お母さんも是非楽しんでください。参加対象年 齢:2ヶ月~12ヶ月の赤ちゃんとお母さんまたは保護者の方。 (Baby play group in Japanese) Computers This course is designed to provide attendees with a basic understanding of Social Security Programs and online services. Speakers are Kirk Larson of Social Security on Social Security issue and Shannon Fuhrman of Regence on Medicare issues. Topics covered includes 1) Social Security history and background, 2) Social Security retirement insurance benefits, 3) Social Security disability insurance benefits, 4) Social Security spouses/survivors insurance benefits, 4) Filing for benefits and online services. Please stop by this very informative class and FREE lunch provided as well. 社会保障制度の基礎知識とオンラインでのサービスについて、社会保障 事務局のスタッフから直接学べるセミナーです(英語での解説のみ) 。 無料 でランチをご提供いたします。 お申込みはお早めに! Exercise & Wellness Kirk Larson and Shannon Fuhrman Tuesday, September 10 —11:00 a.m. ~ 1:00 p.m. •Location: Seattle Keiro– map J •Limit: 30 Tuition: FREE (No Nikkei Horizons annual membership required) Computers コンピューターの新規ご購入、または買い替えでお悩みの方へ 日系ホライゾンの日本語コンピュータ ークラスでお馴染みの佐野哲哉先生 が、 日系ホライゾンの年会員の方へ、 ラ ップトップ (携帯用) コンピューターのご 購入に関する特別サービスをご提供し ます。詳しくは、 日系ホライゾン事務所 (206) 726-6465、又は(206) 7266469までお問い合わせ下さい。 また、 日本語でのコンピュータークラスにご 興味のある方も、 ぜひお知らせ下さい。 Nikkei Horizons Computer Instructor Tetsuya Sano will provide a special package service for Nikkei Horizons annual members to purchase a laptop computer. Please contact Nikkei Horizons office for more details, (206) 726-6465 or (206) 726-6469. f 中島香揚子 CEIM (IAIM認定インストラクター) 8月12日, 26日 (週2回クラス・隔月曜日) — 11:00 a.m. ~ 12:00 p.m. •会場: みどりコンドミニアム会議室– map F •Limit: 12 受講料: FREE (会員以外の方でも無料で参加できます。) SU13/C-16 EnhanceFitness EnhanceFitness is developed specifically for older adults by Senior Services in collaboration with the University of Washington Health Promotion Research Center. This one-hour, three times a week class is designed to enhance your endurance, strength, balance, posture and flexibility through exercise. Research shows that 93% of new and continuing participants have improved their physical abilities! This class is highly adaptable for all fitness levels and includes the option to use a chair for support. Weights are provided. Two certified EnhanceFitness instructors, Alexander Lewis and Rebecca Brinkley, will guide your progress. We recommend taking the class at least twice a week. This class does not require special permission from your doctor but we need your doctor’s contact information to send a notification letter. New students need to complete some forms after enrollment. Summer 2013 Nikkei Horizons — A Continuing Education Program of Nikkei Concerns (206)726-6465 – 1601 E. Yesler Way, Seattle, WA 98122 Rebecca Brinkley (Mon & Wed)/Alexander Lewis (Fri) SU13/C-17 Chair Yoga Rebecca Brinkley Mondays, July 8 – August 26 (8 weeks) — 10:30 a.m. ~ 11:30 a.m. •Location: SBC gym – map B •Limit: 20 Tuition: $45 (65+over), $55 (64+under) SU13/C-18 This is a gentle exercise class for beginners as well as those with previous yoga experience. You will practice asanas (poses), explore how to use yoga for better health and well being, and become acquainted with yoga philosophy. Please bring a large towel and a yoga mat. Wear comfortable, knit clothing that does not restrict movement or breathing. The instructor, Rebecca Brinkley, has been teaching yoga since 1996 and is also an instructor for our EnhanceFitness class. Rebecca Brinkley Wednesdays, July 10 – August 28 (7 weeks – no class on July 17) — 10:30 a.m. ~ 11:30 a.m. •Location: SBC gym – map B •Limit: 20 Tuition: $40 (65+over), $50 (64+under) SU13/C-19 Pickleball Club Keep fit chasing that PICKLEBALL around the court! This very popular club meets twice a week and is FREE with your 2012-2013 annual membership. Donations placed in the gym’s donation box are appreciated for the wear and tear on the church’s gym floor. Always consult your doctor before participating in any physical activity. Finance SU13/C-20 Nikkei Horizons Investment Club Nikkei Horizons Investment Club (NHIC) brings individual investors together to learn and actually purchase, hold, and sell stocks and other investments. The Club’s mission is to provide a program of sound investment information, education and support while having fun. Participants are all novices learning in a hands-on manner and active participation is expected. NHIC is one of thousands of clubs throughout the U.S. with membership in the National Association of Investors Corporation (NAIC). NAIC dues ($30) are collected on a yearly basis and Club investment contributions ($75) are collected each quarter (Jan, Apr, Jul & Oct). The Club meets the first Wednesday of each month. Finance expert Jackie Lum is your class instructor and advisor. Jackie Lum Fun & Games Yoga Tuesdays and Thursdays, July 9 – August 29 (8 weeks – no class on July 18) — 9:30 a.m. ~ 11:30 a.m. •Location: SBC gym – map B •Limit: N/A Tuition: FREE for annual member / $10 for non-annual member Finance Chair Yoga is a very gentle form of Yoga. If you want to enjoy the benefits of yoga but thought it would be too hard, try this class! Everyday activities will become easier as you focus on posture, breathing, and stretching. You will practice modified yoga positions while sitting on a chair or standing. Chair Yoga is a wonderful choice if you use a cane, walker, or wheelchair, and it allows you to avoid the ups and downs of more traditional yoga classes. Kenji Tachibana and Joe Matsudaira Exercise & Wellness Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, July 8 – September 6 (8 weeks / 24 classes – no class on July 17 and 19, September 2) — 12:00 p.m. ~ 1:00 p.m. •Location: SBC gym – map B •Limit: 33 Tuition: $55 (65+over), $65 (64+under) Group Health members with the Clear Care Medicare Advantage plans can take this class for FREE with Nikkei Horizons annual membership. July 3 and August 7 (2 meetings) — 10:00 a.m. ~ 12:00 p.m. •Location: SBC – map B •Limit: 20 Tuition: FREE for annual member / $10 for non-annual member Fun & Games SU13/C-21 Bridge Club Bridge is a thinker’s game with many strategic levels of play to keep you on your toes. Logic, deduction, mathematics and teamwork are all at work in bridge, but really it’s just a lot of fun. Keep your mind and bridge skills sharp and learn from each other each week. Some experience in and knowledge of the game is needed. No Instructor Thursdays, July 11 – August 29 (8 weeks) — 9:30 a.m. ~ 11:30 a.m. •Location: NM – map D •Limit: 12 Tuition: FREE for annual member / $10 for non-annual member Summer 2013 Nikkei Horizons — A Continuing Education Program of Nikkei Concerns (206)726-6465 – 1601 E. Yesler Way, Seattle, WA 98122 g SU13/C-22 and sistahs, and bring some ono ono grinds (very delicious food) to snack on and share. Prerequisites: Beginning Ukulele 101. Students must bring their own ukulele and Beginning Ukulele Class textbook. Hanafuda Card Game Hanafuda cards are beautifully designed in twelve suits, representing the months of the year. Revive old traditions in a friendly environment and have fun learning the game. No instructor Fun & Games Mondays, July 8 – August 26 (8 weeks) — 1:00 p.m. ~ 2:30 p.m. •Location: Midori Condos – map F •Limit: 15 Tuition: FREE for annual member / $10 for non-annual member SU13/C-23 月例百人一首カルタ会 CLASS IN JAPANESE Japanese Culture 毎月第二土曜日の午後、 おしゃべりを楽しみながら、 百人一首カルタ会に 参加してみませんか?日系ホライゾン百人一首クラスの元講師、 小林福子 先生が世話役です。和歌を暗記されてない方、初心者の方でも興味をお 持ちの方でしたら大歓迎です。 (Hyakunin Isshu card game played in Japanese) 世話役:小林福子 毎月第二土曜日7月13日, 8月10日 — 1:30 p.m. ~ 3:00 p.m. •会場: みどり荘1階会議室 – map F •定員: 20名 受講料: 日系ホライゾン年会員の方: FREE John & Arlene Iwai and A.C. Arai Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the Photo by Daisuke Hirano month —1:15 p.m. ~ 3:00 p.m. •Location: Midori Condos – map F •Limit: 25 Tuition: $15 (65+over), $25 (64+under) for new students / FREE for continuing students with Nikkei Horizons annual membership SU13/C-26 Japanese Culture SU13/C-24 Japanese Folk Dance Circle Improve your physical fitness as you celebrate Japanese culture through traditional song and dance. Nikkei Horizons is offering a space for those who enjoy dance to Japanese music for exercise and prepare for Bon Odori Festival! No specific instructor is assigned for this circle. Dance may include Japanese minyo and bon traditions. Please wear a happi coat and zohri or tabi if available. No instructor h Niko Niko Band Club Niko Niko Band is dedicated to performing songs in Japanese. Anyone who has completed the Nikkei Horizons Beginning Ukulele classes is encouraged to join. Emphasis will be on improving your playing skills in a warm, fun, and nurturing atmosphere, and participating in occasional performances at community venues. Niko niko literally means “smiling” in Japanese. There will be no formal instruction in this twice-a-month gathering. Prerequisite: Beginning Ukulele classes or Permission of Band Coordinator. You must have the annual membership to join this club. (日本語解説可) 癒しのメロディー、 ウクレレを演奏しながら日本の歌を楽しみませんか? Band Coordinator: A.C. Arai and Minako Brunelle Tuesdays, July 9 and 16 (2 weeks) — 1:00 p.m. ~ 2:30 p.m. •Location: SBC gym – map B •Limit: 15 Tuition: FREE for annual member / $10 for non-annual member Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month — 12:00 p.m. ~ 1:00 p.m. •Location: Midori Condos – map F •Limit: 25 Tuition: FREE with Nikkei Horizons annual membership SU13/C-25 SU13/C-27 Na Aikane Band (Ukulele Kanikapila) Beginning Bunka Embroidery Dust off your ukuleles and kanikapila (let’s play music…) with Na Aikane Band!! Aikane means a friend in Hawaiian! This informal jam session is fun for all – you will play and sing songs from Ukulele 101 and learn some new tunes. Groove and croon with your bruddahs Bunka shishu (embroidery) is the Japanese art of punch needle embroidery using rayon threads on a prestamped fabric canvas. You will learn to wind threads, punch embroidery, and add finishing touches to your art. Instructor Melisa Akai displays her incredible art- Summer 2013 Nikkei Horizons — A Continuing Education Program of Nikkei Concerns (206)726-6465 – 1601 E. Yesler Way, Seattle, WA 98122 work at local Japanese festivals. Beginners are welcome. Supplies needed: small sharp scissors. Bring your own bunka kit or purchase the necessary supplies from the instructor in class. 日本の文化刺繍を基礎から学べるクラスです。 Melisa Akai Japanese Culture Fridays, July 12 – August 30 (8 weeks) — 10:00 a.m. ~ 12:00 p.m. •Location: SBC – map B •Limit: 12 (July 19 class will be held at Midori Condos – map F) Tuition: $35 (65+over), $45 (64+under) Nikkei Horizons EAST ~BELLEVUE CL ASSES~ ベルビュークラス Nurturing Touch(心とか らだを育むふれ あい )を通して 親 子 一 緒 にの びのびすくすく。 インファントマ ッサージは、皮 膚 、筋 肉 、脳 を 刺 激し、言 葉 、 学習、成長を促 進します。また 呼吸器、消化器 も刺激し、 ガスやコリックにも効果があります。 また、 親子の信頼関係を深 め質の良い時間を楽しむと同時に、 赤ちゃんのご機嫌や寝つきも良くしま す。 参加対象年齢:1ヶ月検診終了後~12ヶ月の赤ちゃんとお母さんまた は保護者の方。週末のクラスですので、働くお母さん、 ぜひご参加くださ い!(Infant Massage taught in Japanese) 中島香揚子 CEIM (IAIM認定インストラクター) 8月17日、8月24日(2回クラス) — 10:00 a.m. ~ 11:30 a.m. •会場: ベルビュー・チルドレンズ・アカデミー – map H •Limit: 10 受講料: $45 SU13/C-29 赤ちゃんプレイグループ 赤ちゃんとお母さんのためのプレイグループです。 日本の歌、本、遊び、 そ の他いろいろを一緒に楽しみながら、音、色、動きなどで赤ちゃんの好奇 心を心地よく刺激します。 お母さんも是非楽しんでください。参加対象年 齢:2ヶ月~12ヶ月の赤ちゃんとお母さんまたは保護者の方。週末のクラ スですので、働くお母さん、 ぜひご参加ください!(Baby play group in Japanese) 中島香揚子 CEIM (IAIM認定インストラクター) 8月17日, 8月24日 (2回クラス) — 11:30 a.m. ~ 12:30 p.m. •会場: ベルビュー・チルドレンズ・アカデミー – map H •Limit: 12 受講料: FREE (会員以外の方でも無料で参加できます。) SU13/C-30 & 31 ベルビュー・エクササイズクラス体験イベント開催 Bellevue Classes SU13/C-28 赤ちゃん&ご家族のためのインファントマッサージ Bellevue Exercise Class Free Trial Event! 秋学期以降にオファーされるエクササイズクラスを無料で体験していただ きます。 ぜひお友達、 ご家族と一緒にご参加下さい! Please join Saturday Bellevue Exercise classes will be offered in the fall for free with your friends and family! C-30: 日本語で学べるヨガ (Yoga class taught in Japanese) 身体のつくりとメカニズムを大切にするアライアメント・ベース・ヨガ の専門家が、生徒さん一人ひとりにあった方法で指導。 身体の硬さ、 経験は問いません。 きりのあさみ Saturday, September 14 — 9:15 a.m. ~ 10:30 a.m. •Location: Bellevue Children’s Academy / 会場: ベルビュー・チルド レンズ・アカデミー – map H •Limit: N/A Tuition (参加費): FREE C-31 ハワイアン・フラダンス&ホットフラ・フィットネス / Hawaiian Hula & HOT HULA fitness® 心地よいハワイアンミュージックにあわせて、 心と身体を癒すハワイアン・ フラダンスと、 今注目の 「ホットフラ・フィットネス®」 を体験していただけま す。 「ホットフラ・フィットネス®」 は、 エアロビクス並みの運動量でフラ&ポリ ネシアンダンスを踊り、 腰周り、 お腹、 腕、 インナーマッスルに効きます!(ク ラスは英語で行われます。 ) You will experience graceful Hawaiian Hula and HOT HULA fitness®. Inspired by the dances of the Pacific Islands, HOT HULA fitness® incorporates easy to perform traditional and new dance movements set to the sounds of traditional Polynesian drum beats fused with funky Reggae music, resulting in a modern, hip fitness workout! Henrylyn Kau’I Auwae (ヘンリリン・カウィ・アゥワェ) Saturday, September 14 — 10:45 a.m. ~ 12:00 p.m. •Location: Bellevue Children’s Academy / 会場: ベルビュー・チルド レンズ・アカデミー – map H •Limit: N/A Tuition (参加費): FREE Summer 2013 Nikkei Horizons — A Continuing Education Program of Nikkei Concerns (206)726-6465 – 1601 E. Yesler Way, Seattle, WA 98122 i Important Information Class Locations Class Locations IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGISTRATION: Registration for summer quarter will begin on June 17, 2012. Registration will NOT be accepted prior to this date. Summer quarter starts the week of July 8, 2013 with the exception of some tours or workshops. PRIORITY REGISTRATION: Priority registration is extended to senior applicants (65+). In addition, Nikkei Horizons annual members receive priority during the first two weeks of registration. PAYMENT: Payment by check, credit card and cash is accepted. We accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover Card only. MEMBERSHIP FEES: $30 non-refundable for the school calendar year (September 2012 through August 2013). PARKING: For classes at the Seattle Buddhist Church (SBC), students may use the church parking lot on the corner of 16th Ave. S. and S. Main St. For classes at Nikkei Manor, parking space is limited. Please carpool or use public transportation whenever possible. For classes at Japan Club in Bellevue, parking is available on site. Nikkei Concerns is not responsible for any loss or damage for parked vehicles and/or contents at any location. TOURS: All tours depart from the Seattle Buddhist Church parking lot (SBC/PL) on the corner of 16th Ave. S. & S. Main St. Departure time is exact, so please arrive early. Return time is always approximate. Only those with confirmed reservations will receive a reminder telephone call from Nikkei Horizons staff prior to the tour date. CLASSES: Classes are scheduled for 8~10 weeks, unless otherwise specified. CANCELLATION: Nikkei Horizons reserves the right to cancel a class, workshop or tour if it does not meet minimum participation requirements. In general, for a class or workshop, the minimum number of participants is four to five students. For tours, minimum varies. REFUNDS & CREDITS: Nikkei Horizons reserves the right to cancel any class, workshop or tour due to insufficient registration, cancellation of venue, or withdrawal of an instructor. In the event of cancellation, refunds or credits will be provided. Full tuition credit will be granted up to the start of the second class for withdrawal from an 8~10 weeks class or a minimum of 10 days prior to the workshop for withdrawal from a workshop with fees. Credit will not be granted after the second class except in the case of a medical emergency. In such cases, a copy of a doctor’s order is required. Credits are valid for one year from the date issued. Tuition refunds for cancellations will be granted if notice is given to the Nikkei Horizons office a minimum of 10 days prior to the tour date, unless otherwise specified. Refund checks take 2~3 weeks to process. Annual membership fee or quarterly registration fee will not be refunded or credited in any case. WAIVER: All participants must sign a Nikkei Concerns Waiver on the registration form each quarter before attending any class, workshop or tour. IMPORTANT NOTES: Registrations are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration is completed when full payment is received. •Only those properly registered for a class or tour may participate. •Students will NOT be contacted prior to the start of a class or workshop unless it is cancelled or they are placed on a waiting list. •Those on a class, workshop or tour waiting list must be paid in full and will be notified as openings occur. Waiting lists will not carry over to the following quarter (with the exception of computer classes). For more information call: (206) 726-6465 or send an email message to [email protected]. NIKKEI HORIZONS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO DENY PARTICIPATION IN ANY OF ITS PROGRAMS. j Summer 2013 Nikkei Horizons — A Continuing Education Program of Nikkei Concerns (206)726-6465 – 1601 E. Yesler Way, Seattle, WA 98122 Let US Here Your Voice Our goal is to offer opportunities that inspire you to make the most out of life. Your input is very important as we plan interesting and fun activities. •Adventure Tour Destinations Where in the world do you want to travel? Please list the regions or cities you want to visit! Japan: Cities: Survey Europe: Countries / Cities Canada: Provinces / Cities Class Instructors Others: •Nikkei Horizons EAST We just started classes in Bellevue! Is a Bellevue site convenient for you? Yes / No Do you prefer ( weekly / one day) classes? Please list your suggestions for types of classes and activities. (Exercise, Arts & Crafts, etc.) •Any other comments about program? Please complete and return to the Nikkei Horizons Office. Address: 1601 E. Yesler Way, Seattle, WA 98122 / E-mail: [email protected] Thank you very much for your cooperation! Class Instructors Nikkei Horizons instructors and coordinators are all volunteers. They bring a wealth of skill and knowledge to our program and infuse it with a true spirit of care and dedication. Our quality programs could not exist without our dedicated volunteers. We are grateful for their contributions. Workshop leaders are introduced in their class description. Melisa Akai has been practicing bunka embroidery for over 25 years. She originally learned the art from her mother and has taken many classes and seminars both in the U.S. and Japan. She has been teaching since 2002. A.C. Arai became the coordinator of the Kimochi Band and the Niko Niko Band after playing with the Nikkei Horizons Ukulele Band. She generously shares her skills and leadership with other ukulele players in the community. Minako Brunelle taught Japanese language at Seattle Central Community College and Seattle University for 20 years. She joined Nikkei Horizons Ukulele class in 2009 and is now leading the Niko Niko Band. She puts the smile in Niko Niko! John Iwai is an accomplished ukulele player and began teaching Beginning Ukulele classes in 2004. He also assisted with Jack Akamine’s ukulele classes. His teaching style gives new students the confidence to continue with the ukulele and keep performing. Arlene Iwai has been assisting her husband, John, in his ukulele classes since 2004. Her yummy culinary creations add a cultural dimension to ukulele class. Fukuko (Koko) Kobayashi is from Yokohama, Japan, and was a teaching assistant at Ohio State University. She has been introducing the Hyakunin Isshu game as a volunteer at Nikkei Manor since 2008 and teaching classes at Nikkei Horizons since Winter 2009. Jackie Lum is an Investment Executive at Edward Jones and works with clients on investing for college education and retirement. He has been teaching our ever-popular Finance class since 1994 and began advising the Nikkei Horizons Investment Club in Winter 2010. Joe Matsudaira helps coordinate the Pickleball Club. He joined the club in 2010 and is one of the best players. Kayoko Nakajima is an IAIM certified post maternity instructor and provides services to the communities as a post partum doula. Kenji Tachibana is anther Pickleball Club coordinator. He joined the club in 2010 and is one of the best players. ©Designed by Studio TAO, Daisuke Hirano Instructors Wanted! Do you have a hobby or skill you would enjoy sharing with others? Why not become a Nikkei Horizons instructor? We are always looking to expand our programs with NEW classes and workshops. Share your knowledge and talent while meeting new people and having fun. We’d like to hear from you. Please call us at (206) 726-6465 or e-mail to [email protected]. We are especially looking for instructors for the following subjects. •Computers •Western or Japanese Singing (Karaoke) •Mahjong Game •Japanese Writing (Kakikata) •Haiku, Tanka, or Senryu •Japanese Crafts • Japanese-style futon sawing •Accessories Crafting or Beadwork •Shakuhachi •Line Dancing and any fun classes! Summer 2013 Nikkei Horizons — A Continuing Education Program of Nikkei Concerns (206)726-6465 – 1601 E. Yesler Way, Seattle, WA 98122 k SUMMER QUARTER 2013 REGISTRATION Please PRINT. One registration per person. Form may be duplicated. 夏学期登録用紙 Annual membership $30 (9/2012~8/2013) •••••Please sign the Nikkei Concerns Waiver each quarter (see below). ••••• Name: Birth Date: M ⁄ D ⁄ Y F M Registration Address: City: Zip: New Student: Returning Student: Please do not add me to the Nikkei Concerns email list. Day Phone: ( ) Eve. Phone: ( ) Cell. Phone: ( ) E-mail: Credit Card Payment Required Information Please provide your email address for your receipt. Name of Card Holder if different from above: Billing Address if different from above: Visa MasterCard Discover Card Card Number: Expiration Date: M ⁄20 Credit Card Type: Class/Tour # Class / Tour Title Start Date Session/ Time Fees/ Tuition Waiver Please make a check payable to: NIKKEI CONCERNS Mail a check with completed registration form to: NIKKEI HORIZONS 1601 E. Yesler Way, Seattle, WA 98122 Donations 30 Annual membership $ Donation* to Nikkei Horizons $ Total Check Enclosed $ $ * to help maintain programs are appreciated! 0.00 Please fill out and sign on this waiver and send with the registration form NIKKEI CONCERNS WAIVER REFUNDS & CREDITS I, the undersigned, am a voluntary participant in the Nikkei Horizons program of Nikkei Concerns and I accept full responsibility for such participation. To the extent necessary, because of my health history and general physical condition, I have consulted my personal physician for advice and approval before participation and agree to obtain my own health or accident insurance to cover accidental injury or illness. I recognize the risks of injury and illness involved in any physical activity including exercise, in the use of power equipment (e.g. electric or gas), sharp tools, chemicals or any other potentially hazardous material or equipment. I understand that responsibility is not assumed by the leaders, volunteers, sponsoring organization or facility. I specifically agree to hold harmless said leaders, volunteers, sponsoring organization, or facility housing this program from any damages I suffer for any injury or illness attributable to my participation. By signing my name below I acknowledge and accept the risk and responsibility for my health and safety and waive to the fullest extent allowable by law any claim I may have for illness or injury against the program, its sponsoring organization, employees or volunteers, and against the facility housing the program. In addition, I hereby consent to the use of my name, my photograph and/or image by Nikkei Concerns for the purpose of marketing or fund-raising for Nikkei Horizons. Nikkei Horizons reserves the right to cancel any class, workshop or tour due to insufficient registration, cancellation of venue, or withdrawal of an instructor. In the event of cancellation, refunds or credits will be provided. Full tuition credit will be granted up to the start of the second class for withdrawal from an 8~10 weeks class or a minimum of 10 days prior to the workshop for withdrawal from a workshop with fees. Credit will not be granted after the second class except in the case of a medical emergency. In such cases, a copy of a doctor’s order is required. Credits are valid for one year from the date issued. Tuition refunds for cancellations will be granted if notice is given to the Nikkei Horizons office a minimum of 10 days prior to the tour date, unless otherwise specified. Annual membership fee or quarterly registration fee will not be refunded or credited in any case. Signature: Date: M ⁄D ⁄Y 20 Emergency Contact Name: Relationship: Emergency Contact Phone Number: In the event of an accident or other medical emergency 911 will be called. l Summer 2013 Nikkei Horizons — A Continuing Education Program of Nikkei Concerns (206)726-6465 – 1601 E. Yesler Way, Seattle, WA 98122
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