電気通信大学 平成21年度シラバス 授業科目名 Academic Written English II 英文授業科目名 Academic Written English II 開講年度 2009年度 開講年次 1年次 開講学期 後学期 開講コース・課程 昼間コース 授業の方法 演習 単位数 1 科目区分 総合文化科目-言語文化科目-言語文化基礎科目I 開講学科・専攻 情報通信工学科 知能機械工学科 担当教官名 Eric Hauser(エリック ハウザー) 居室 東1-614 公開E-Mail 授業関連Webページ [email protected] http://Nothing 【主題および達成目標】 The main goal of this class is for students to improve their ability to use written English. More specifically, students will improve their reading fluency and will learn to how to write explanations and opinions in English. 【前もって履修しておくべき科目】 Nothing. 【前もって履修しておくことが望ましい科目】 Academic Written English I 【教科書等】 There is no textbook for this class. -1- 電気通信大学 平成21年度シラバス 【授業内容とその進め方】 The first 30 to 40 minutes of most classes will be used for extensive reading. The word "extensive" just means "a lot of," so "extensive reading" means "a lot of reading." I will bring many books to class, from which students can choose material to read. Students may also borrow books if they would like more reading practice. The rest of the class time will be used in two different ways. In some classes, we will do simple discussion and writing activities related to different topics. (I will ask students to choose topics that they are most interested in.) Students will also write about these topics in their journals. In other classes, students will learn how to explain a graph or chart, how to explain a procedure, and how to express a sound argument or opinion in written English. 【授業時間外の学習(予習・復習等)】 Journal: Students should buy a B5 size notebook to use as their journal. (Students who were in Academic Written English I with me should continue using the same notebook.) I will give students questions to answer in their journals. Students should write at least one or two pages, depending on the size of their handwriting, for each journal assignment. Every few weeks, I will collect the journals and respond to what each student has written. There will also be other writing assignments. These will involve writing two kinds of explanation and writing an argument. Students may also borrow books to read outside class. 【成績評価方法及び評価基準(最低達成基準を含む)】 The grades will be based on the following: Participation in extensive reading: 15% Participation in discussion and writing activities: 15% Journal assignments: 20% Explanation assignment one: 15% Explanation assignment two: 15% Argument assignment: 20% 【オフィスアワー:授業相談】 Tuesday, 3rd period, or by appointment. -2- 電気通信大学 平成21年度シラバス 【学生へのメッセージ】 Students who had a different teacher for Academic Written English I may take this class, but it is designed primarily for students who had me for Academic Written English I. 【その他】 Nothing. -3-
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