研究業績 [原著論文] 1. S.Uchida, Y.Nakamura On the Potential Theory of Distributed Singularities and its Edge Condition for a Lifting Flow of Three-Dimensional Body Memo. Fac. Eng., Nagoya Univ., 26, 2(1974), 183-208 2. 中村佳朗 非一様断面円管内の旋回流の解析 日本航空宇宙学会誌, 24, 273(1976), 490-496 3. 中村佳朗, 近藤継男, 内田茂男 流線解析法とその旋回流への応用 日本航空宇宙学会誌, 25, 278(1977), 139-144 4. 中村佳朗, 内田茂男 非一様断面円管内の旋回流の解析(第2報) 日本航空宇宙学会誌, 25, 281(1977), 283-288 5. S.Uchida, Y.Nakamura, Y.Taniguchi Analytical Solutions of Swirling Flow with an Arbitrary Distribution of Velocities along the Axis Solutions Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci., 20(1977), 75-86 6. 内田茂男, 中村佳朗、中村治夫, 末広文雄, 坪井 淳 レーザー流速計による旋回流の測定 日本航空宇宙学会誌, 25, 286(Nov. 1977), 510-517 7. 中村佳朗、中村治夫, 末広文雄, 坪井 淳、内田茂男 レ-ザー流速計による管内旋回流の崩壊に関する実験 日本航空宇宙学会誌, 25, 287(Dec. 1977), 588-593 8. Yoshiaki Nakamura An Analysis of the Viscous Swirling Flow in a Cylindrical Tube Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Sci., 22(1979), 90-103 9. Yoshiaki Nakamura and Shigeo Uchida - 1 - -Exact A Contribution to the Occurrence of Axisymmetric Type of Vortex Breakdown, Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci., 23(1980), 79 10. Yoshiaki Nakamura and Shigeo Uchida Calculations of Axisymmetric Swirling Flows by the use of Comput. Fluids, 9(1981), 463-467 Parabolic Type Equations 11. Yoshiaki Nakamura, Shigeo Uchida and Fumio Suehiro Numerical Calculations of Swirling Flows in a Circular Pipe Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci., 24(1981), 17 12. Y.Nakamura and S.Uchida Breakdown Conditions of an Axisymmetric Swirling Flow AIAA J., 19(1981), 1083-1085. 13. Y.Nakamura, S.Uchida, and H.Kawazoe A Calculation of Parabolic Type Equations for Axisymmetric Swirling Flows Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. for Space Sci., 24(1982) 205 14. Y.Nakamura and S.Uchida Numerical Solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equations for Axisymmetric Weak Swirling Flows in a Pipe Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci., 24(1982), 222 15. Y.Nakamura, A.Leonard, and P.R.Spalart Vortex Simulation of an Inviscid Shear Layer AIAA Paper, 82-0948,1982, pp. 1-14. 16. Y.Nakamura, T.Hama, and M.Yasuhara Axisymmetric Inviscid Swirling Flows Produced by Bellmouth and Centerbody AIAA Journal, 20, 1982, pp. 561-562. 17. S.Uchida, T.Kondo, and Y.Nakamura Swirl Flow Studies in Diffusers Using the Flux Numerical methods in Analysis method with Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol.18, Issue 9, Sep. 1982, pp.1385-1399. - 2 - 18. Y.Nakamura, A.Leonard, and P.R.Spalart Numerical Simulation of Vortex Breakdown by the Vortex-Filament Method AGARD CP 342(1983), 27. 19. S.Uchida, Y.Nakamura, and M.Ohsawa Experiments on the Axisymmtric Vortex Breakdown in a Swirling Air Flow Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci., 27(1985), 206-216. 20. Y.Nakamura, A.Leonard, and P.R.Spalart Vortex Breakdown Simulation AIAA Paper, 85-1581(1985). 21. 石黒満津夫、中村佳朗、保原 充 二次元翼まわりの非圧縮性流れ 第3回航空機計算空気力学シンポジウム論文集、航空宇宙技術研究所特別資料、SP-5, (1985), 217. 22. S.Uchida and Y.Nakamura Stability and Breakdown of Vortex Flow Recent Studies on Turbulent Phenomena, edited by T.Tatsumi et al., Association for Science Documents Info rmation, (1985), 163. 23. Y.Nakamura and Y.Takemoto Solutions of Incompressible Flows Using a Generalized QUICK Method Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics II, edited by K.Oshima, Japan Society of Computational Fluid Dynamics (1985) 285. 24. Y.Takemoto and Y.Nakamura A Three-Dimensional Incompressible Flow Solver Lecture notes in Physics Springer-Verlag, 264(1986) 594. 25. 石黒満津夫、中村佳朗、保原 充 ψ-ω法による非圧縮性流れの数値解析 流体熱工学研究、21(1986) 47. 26. 片岡卓也、中村佳朗、保原 充 ナビエ・スト-クス方程式による3次元鈍頭物体まわりの超音速流の計算 流体熱工学研究、21(1986) 55. - 3 - 27. Y.Takemoto, H.Yamabe, Y.Abe, I.Minami, and Y.Nakamura A Curvilinear Coordinate Method for the Solutions of Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations Using theThir d- Order Upwind Difference Scheme 農業土木学会論文集、121(1986) 241. 28. Y.Nakamura, A.Leonard, and P.R.Spalart Internal Structure of a Vortex Breakdown AIAA Paper, 86-1074(1986). 29. S.Uchida, Y.Nakamura, J.Z.Zhang, and N.Sagawa An Experiment on a Spiral Type of Vortex Breakdown of the Swirling Flow Produced in a Pipe Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci., 30(1987), 38-44. 30. Y.Nakamura Periodical Distribution of Vortices with Finite Core Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci., 30(1987)45-54. 31. Y.Nakamura and S.Uchida Several Approaches to the Study of Vortex breakdown Proc. of 2nd Colloquium on Vortex Breakdown, the Deutsche Forshungsgemeinschaft (1987) 115. 32. 保原 充、中村佳朗 PNS 方程式による超音速流れの計算 第5回航空機計算空気力学シンポジウム論文集、航空宇宙技術研究所特別資料、 SP-8, (1987), 43-48. 33. Y.Nakamura and M.Yasuhara Numerical Simulation of Incompressible Flow around Three-Dimensional Wing Computational Fluid Dynamics, edited by G.de Vahl Davis at al., North-Holland, (1988) 785. 34. Y.Takemoto and Y.Nakamura Solutions of Circular- Sectioned Pipe Flows Using a Three-Dimensional Generalized Quick Method Computational Fluid Dynamics edited by G.de Vahl Davis et al., North-Holland (1988), 703. 35. Y.Nakamura, M.Yasuhara, K.Kuwabara, and W.Jia Incompressible Flow through Multiple Passages AIAA/ASME/SIAM/APS 1st National Fluid Dynamics Congress, 3(1988), July 1693 36. - 4 - 保原 充、中村佳朗、王 健平 スペクトル法による極超音速流れの計算 (Computations of the hypersonic flow by the spectral method) 日本航空宇宙学会誌、36, 419(1988), pp. 542-549. 37. Y.Takemoto and Y.Nakamura Numerical Simulation of 2-D and 3-D Channel Flows Using a 3rd-Ordered Accurate Generalized QUICK Scheme Proc. of the Third International Symposium on Refined Flow Modelling and Turbulence Measurements, edited by Y.Iwasa et al., (1983) 53. 38. M.Yasuhara, Y.Nakamura, and J.P.Wang Numerical Calculation of Hypersonic Flow by the Spectral Method Lecture Notes in Physics Springer-Verlag, No. 323, (1988) 607-611. 39. 保原 充、中村佳朗、稲垣伸二 有翼飛翔体まわりの高速流の計算計算 第6回航空機計算空気力学シンポジウム論文集、航空宇宙技術研究所特別資料、SP-9, (1988), 151. 4 40. Y.Nakamura and M.Yasuhara Numerical Simulation of Incompressible Flows Proc. of Soviet Union- Japan Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics, edited by P.I.Chushkin et al.,T he USSR Academy of Sciences, 1(1989), pp.88. 41. M.Yasuhara and Y.Nakamura On Numerical Simulation of Compressible Flows Proc. of Soviet Union- Japan Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics, edited by P.I.Chushkin et al., The USSR Academy of Sciences, 1, 1989, pp. 7. 42. 賈 為、中村佳朗、保原 充、桑原宏成 スラット・フラップ翼まわりの流れの計算 日本航空宇宙学会誌、37,428、 (1989)、430-440. 43. J.Tanaka, Y.Nakamura, and M.Yasuhara A Comparison among Three DSMC Methods Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci.,32, 97(1989), pp. 116-128. 44. M.Yasuhara, Y.Nakamura, and J.Tanaka Monte Calro Simulation of Flow into Channel with Sharp Leading Edges - 5 - Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, 118 (1989), 582-596. 45. Y.Nakamura, S.Inagaki, and M.Yasuhara A Hypersonic Flow in a Channel with Sharp Leading Edges AIAA Paper-89-1841. 46. W.Jia, Y. Nakamura and M.Yasuhara Incompressible Flow through Multiple Passages Numerical Heat Transfer, 16, December 1989, 451-465. 47. J.Tanaka, Y.Nakamura, and M.Yasuhara A Problem on Time Counter in the DSMC Method Proc. of the International Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics-Nagoya, Japan Society of Computational Fluid Dynamics, (1989) 513-518. 48. W.Jia, Y.Nakamura, and M.Yasuhara Numerical Simulation of Incompressible Flows Proc. of the International Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics-Nagoya, Japan Society of Computational Fluid Dynamics (1989) 683. 49. J.P.Wang, Y.Nakamura, and M.Yasuhara Several Improvements of Spectral Method in Compressible Flow Calculation Proc. of the International Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics-Nagoya, Japan Society of Computational Fluid Dynamics (1989) 1210. 50. A.E.Sakya, Y.Nakamura, and M.Yasuhara A Preliminary Study of Transonic Flow around NACA0012 第7回航空機計算空気力学シンポジウム論文集、航空宇宙技術研究所特別資料、SP-10, (1989), 255. 51. 賈 為、中村佳朗 自然対流を伴う流れの数値計算法 流体熱工学研究 24(1989) 41 52. 中村佳朗、賈 為、保原 充 ψ-ωを用いた非圧縮性流計算法の改良 日本航空宇宙学会誌、38, 437, 1990, pp.309-320. 53. 中村佳朗、賈 為、保原 充 - 6 - u-v-p法による自然対流の数値計算法 ながれ、9, 1(1990)34-52. 54. 王 健平, 中村佳朗, 保原 充 スペクトル選点法による圧縮性ナビエ・スト-クス方程式の高精度計算 (Accurate Computations of Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations by the Spectral Collocation Method) 日本航空宇宙学会誌、38, 436 (1990), 232-240 55. W.Jia, Y.Nakamura, M.Yasuhara A Flow around Airfoil with Slat and Flap AIAA-90-1535 (1990) 56 Y.Nakamura, J.P.Wang, M.Yasuhara A Calculation of the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations in Generalized Coordinates by the Spectral hod Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer-Verlag, No. 371, 1990, 127-131 57 中村佳朗、賈 為、保原 充 ノイマン条件を持つ圧力ポアソン方程式の新しい数値計算法 日本航空宇宙学会誌、38, 441(1990) 541-550 58. M.Yasuhara, Y.Nakamura, and J.Tanaka DSMC Simulation of Supersonic Flow past 2-Dimensional Body Proc. of 17th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics(1990) 59. Y.Suzuki, Y.Nakamura, and M.Yasuhara A Hypersonic Flow over a Flat Plate at M=8 Proc. of the second Japan-Soviet Union Joint Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics, II (1990), 14-21. 60. J.P.Wang, Y.Nakamura, and M.Yasuhara A Chebyshev Collocation Method for the Compressible Navier- Stokes Equations in Generalized Coordinates Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci., 33, 101 (1990) pp.120-134 61. 武本行正、山辺春雄、中村佳朗 一般化座標K~ε乱流モデルによる2次元場の流れシミュレーション 四日市大学論集 2(1990) 129. - 7 - Met 62. M.Yasuhara, Y.Nakamura, K.Tsuboi, and K.Kuwabara Theory and Shock Tunnel Experiments on Flow past Hypersonic Vehicles Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University 42, 2, 1990, 290-359. 63. M.Yasuhara, Y.Nakamura, and W.Jia A Comparison between Computation and Experiment for Flows around Airfoil with Flap and Slat Trans of Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci., 33, 102, 1991, pp. 218- 233. 64. 城之内忠正、中村佳朗、保原 充、辻村直久 電磁流体方程式への風上差分法の適用 日本航空宇宙学会誌、39, 451, 1991, 403-409. 65. T.Nagashima, Y.Nakamura, M.Yasuhara, and K.Tsuboi Shock Interaction Induced by Two Hemisphere-Cylinders IPAC, SAE P-246, 1991, pp. 581-589. 66. Y.Nakajima, Y.Nakamura, and M.Yasuhara Flow Field around Thick Delta Wing with Rounded Leading Edge IPAC, SAE P-246, 1991, pp. 393-404. 67. W. Jia and Y. Nakamura A New Formulation for Incompressible Viscous Flows Computational Fluid Dynamics '92, Edited by Ch.Hirsch et. al., Elsevier, 1992, 383-390. 68. Y. Nakamura, Y. Nakajima, and W. Jia Aerodynamic Characteristics of Thick Delta Wing Fluid Dynamics of High Angle of Attack, The IUTAM Symposium Tokyo, Japan Sep. 13-17, Eds. R.Kawamu ra et al., Springer-Verlag, September 1992, pp.375-382. 69. A.E.Sakya and Y.Nakamura An Improvement of RNG Based Algebraic Turbulence Model Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 35, 108, 1992, 43-55. 70. 賈 為、中村佳朗 非圧縮性流に対するv-q法とψ-q法 第10回航空機計算空気力学シンポジウム論文集、航空宇宙技術研究所特別資料 - 8 - SP-19, 1992, pp.135-140. 71. W.Jia and Y.Nakamura A Numerical Procedure to Solve Viscous Flow around Arbitrary Moving Bodies 13th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics, 1992, Rome Lecture Notes in Physics No. 414, Springer-Verlag, 1992, 225-229. 72. W.Jia and Y.Nakamura A New Formulation for Incompressible Viscous Flows Computational Fluid Dynamics '92, Proc. First European Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Elsevier, 1992, 383-390. 73. 中村佳朗 イオン化の化学反応と磁場を含む流れ 機械の研究、養賢堂、45, 1,1992, 217-219.74. 74. A.E.Sakya, Y.Nakamura, and M.Yasuhara Evaluation of an RNG Based Algebraic Turbulence Model Computers & Fluids, 22, 2/3, March/May, 1993, 207-214. 75. 中村佳朗, 賈 為, 水野大介 任意に運動する物体周りの非圧縮性流れの計算法 日本航空宇宙学会誌, 41, 469, 1993, 96-103. 76. S.Atsuchi, Y.Nakamura, and H.Kawazoe A Study on Aerodynamic Sound Generated by Interaction of Jet and Plate AIAA Paper 93-3118, 1993, 1-10. 77. W.Jia and Y.Nakamura The Three-Dimensional v-q Method for Incompressible Viscous Flows 11th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, AIAA Paper 93-3341-CP, 1993, 490-500. 78. M.Zahar, 中村佳朗、中島、小野 厚いデルタ翼の総圧分布について 流体熱工学研究、東海流体熱工学研究会、28, 1, 1993, 15-25. 79. J.P. Wang, Y.Nakamura, and M.Yasuhara Global Coefficient Adjustment Method for Chebyshev Collocation Method and its Application to Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations - 9 - Journal of Computational Physics, 107, 1, July 1993, 160-175. 80. W.Jia and Y.Nakamura Incompressible Viscous Flows around Arbitrarily Moving Bodies subject to Surface Deformation Proc. of 5th International Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics-Sendai, August 1993, pp. 99-104. 81. Y.Nakamura and A.E.Sakya Capturing of Transition by the RNG Based Algebraic Turbulence Model Proc. of 5th International Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics-Sendai August 1993, pp. 109-116 82. H.Kawazoe, S.Atsuchi, Y.Nakamura, and A.Ochi An Aerodynamic Sound due to Interaction of Jet Shear with Plate Edge AIAA paper 93-4393, 1993, 1-7. 83. 保原 充、中村佳朗 風洞実験と数値実験-飛翔体初期研究の経験から 日本航空宇宙学会誌、41,475, 1993, pp.439-444. 84. M.Yasuhara, Y.Nakamura, J.Tanaka Unified Plots of Hypersonic Flow past Flat Plates in Transition Regime Rarefied Gas Dynamics: Space Science and Engineering, Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, AIAA, Vol. 160, 1993, pp.229-233. 85. M.Ishiguro, Y.Nakamura, M.Shimizu, H.Kawazoe Flow Separation inside Conical Nozzle of an Arc Heated Wind Tunnel, AIAA Ground Testing Conference, AIAA paper 94-2594, 1994, pp. 1-8. 86. A.Urita, Y.Nakamura and H.Kawazoe A Measurement of Freely Oscillating Body Subject to Aerodynamic Forces AIAA Ground Testing Conference, AIAA paper 94-2612, 1994, pp. 1-8. 87. H.Kawazoe, Y.Nakamura, T.Ono, and Y.Ushimaru Static and Total Pressure Distributions around a Thick Delta Wing with Rounded Leading Edges AIAA 25th Fluid Dynamics Conference, Colorado Springs, AIAA paper 94-2321, 1994, pp.1-12. 88. 川添博光、中村佳朗、厚地聡 空力音発生に関する実験的研究-自由噴流と平板エッジによる音と流れ場の計測- - 10 - 流体熱工学研究、東海流体熱工学研究会、第29巻、第1号、1994, pp.45-56. 89. A.Ochi, H.Kawazoe, and Y.Nakamura A Simulation of Axisymmetric Jet on Networked EWS Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics: New Algorithms and Applications, N.Satofuka, J.Periaux and A.Ecer (Editors),1995, Elsevier Science B.V., pp. 385-392. (Proc. of Parallel CFD '94 Kyoto, 1994, pp. 385-392.) 90. I.S.Men'shov and Y.Nakamura An Extension of Multidimensional Riemann Problems and its Application to Godunov's Method 第12回航空機計算空気力学シンポジウム論文集、航空宇宙技術研究所特別資料, SP-27, 1994, pp.105-110. 91. Casamara and Y.Nakamura 振り子運動する物体の空気力による減衰過程のシミュレ-ション 第12回航空機計算空気力学シンポジウム論文集、航空宇宙技術研究所特別資料, SP-27, 1994, pp.321-326. 92. W.Jia and Y.Nakamura The ψ-q formulation and boundary condition for incompressible flows in multi-connected region Proc. of 14th ICNMFD, Bangalore, India, 1994, edits. S.M.Deshpande et al., Springer-Verlag, pp.195-200 July. 93. A.E.Sakya and Y.Nakamura An Application of the RNG Based Algebraic Turbulence Model to Aerodynamic Characteristics Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 37, 116, 1994, 75-95. 94. 石黒満津夫、川添博光、中村佳朗、小原正徳 高エンタルピ-気流のノズル内部流特性について 流体熱工学研究、東海流体熱工学研究会、第29巻、第2号、 1994, pp.11-19. 95. H.Kawazoe, Y.Nakamura, M.Ohara, N.Hamamoto, N.Arai, and K.Kitagawa Spectroscopic Study of High Enthalpy Flow around a Blunt Body in Arc-heated Wind Tunnel Proc. of International Symp. on Advanced Energy Conversion System and Related Technologies, 1994, 71-78. 96. Y.Nakamura and Andi Eka Sakya Capturing of Transition by the RNG Based Algebraic Turbulence Model Computers & Fluids, 24, 8, Nov. 1995, 909-918. - 11 - 97. 川添博光、中村佳朗 空力音発生における非圧縮ジェットせん断層の役割 日本航空宇宙学会誌、43, 493, 1995(Feb), pp. 586-592 96. I.Nakamori and Y.Nakamura An Upwind Scheme Based on the Flux-Vector Splitting Method 33rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, AIAA paper 95-0471, 1995, pp. 1-7. 97. 石黒満津夫、中村佳朗 ノズル内における高エンタルピ-気流の電離特性に関する実験的考察 日本航空宇宙学会誌、43, 501, 1995, pp. 586-592 98. H.Kawazoe, Y.Nakamura, and Y.Ikeda Effects of Reynolds and Mach Numbers on Sound Generation in Jet Shear Flow with Plate Edge Inserted Proc. of First Joint CEAS/AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference, Munich, Germany, June 1995 CEAS/AIAA-95-069, I, 525-534. 99. I.Nakamori and Y. Nakamura An Upwind Scheme for Inviscid and Viscous Hypersonic Flow AIAA CFD Conference, San Diego AIAA paper 95-1732, June 1995, pp.971-980. 100. H.Kawazoe, Yoshiaki Nakamura, and Y. Ushimaru Dynamic Analysis of Thick Delta Wing with Arbitrary Motion in Wind Tunnel AIAA paper 95-2268, 1995, 1-13 101. Yoshiaki Nakamura and Eiji Kobayashi Effect of Compressibility on Free Shear Layer of Axisymmetric Jet The Recent Developments in Turbulence Research, International Academic Publishers, Proc. Of SINO-JAPAN Workshop of Turbulent Flows, edited by Zhang,Z.S. and Miyake,Y., 1995, 218-228. 102. A. Ochi, Y.Nakamura, H.Kawazoe A New Domain Decomposition Method Using Virtual Sub-domain Proc. of Parallel CFD' 95, California Institute of Tech. Pasadena, CA, June 1995, pp.26-28. - 12 - 103. 中森一郎、中村佳朗 平板に入射する衝撃波により増大する熱流束の数値解析 流体熱工学研究、30, 1, 1995, 93-102. 104. Y.Nakamura, H.Kawazoe, E.Kobayashi Vortex Dynamics in Compressible Jet and its Effect on Aerodynamic Sound The 1995 ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering and Laser Anemometry Conference and Exhibition, Hilton Head Island, SC, August 13-18, 1995. High Speed Jet Flows -1995-, FED-Vol.214, 1995, pp.71-76. 105. I.Nakamori, Y.Nakamura Heat Transfer Calculation of Rocket Booster Using the Multi- Domain Method Proc. of 6th ISCFD, Lake Tahoe, Vol. II, 1995, 873-878. 106. I. Men'shov and Y.Nakamura An Implicit Advection Upwind Splitting Scheme for Hypersonic Air Flows in Thermochemical Nonequilibrium Proc. of 6th ISCFD, Lake Tahoe, Vol II, 1995, 815-820. 107. 瓜田 明, 中村佳朗, 坪井 淳, 稲谷芳文 再突入物体まわりの遷音速流れ 日本航空宇宙学会誌, 43, 503, 1995, 696-706. 108. I.Maeda and Y.Nakamura Effect of Compressibility on Boundary Layer Fluctuations Proc. of Int. Symp. on Mathematical Modelling of Turbulent Flows, edited by H.Daiguji and Y.Miyake, Tokyo, 1995, 13-18. 109. Y.Nakamura and I.Maeda Growth of Three Dimensional Disturbance in Compressible Jet Proc. of Int. Symp. on Mathematical Modelling of Turbulent Flows, edited by H.Daiguji and Y.Miyake, Tokyo, 1995, 19-24. 110. I.Men’shov and Y.Nakamura Implementation of the LU-SGS Method for an Arbitrary Finite Volume Discretization, 第9回数値流体力学シンポジウム論文講演集、1995, pp. 123-124. 110. 崔 長壽、杉山善幸、中村佳朗、楠本吉昭 - 13 - 翼端すきまのある翼に対するポテンシャル流非線形解析 日本航空宇宙学会誌、44, 508, 1996, 314-321. 111. H.Kawazoe, Y.Nakamura, N.Hamamoto and M.Ohara Number Density Measurement of Excited Argon Gas around a Blunt Body 34th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit, AIAA paper 96-0229, 1996, 1-11. 112. 石黒満津夫、中村佳朗 電離を考慮した高エンタルピ-ノズルの設計 日本航空宇宙学会誌, 44, 507, 1996, 227-233. 113. T.Ohara, Y.Nakamura, H.Kawazoe and Y.Tanahashi Flow Field of Three Dimensional Shock-Boundary Interaction Proc. of 20th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, Gifu, Japan May 19-25, 1996, 96-n-23, pp. 1-6. 114. Y.Nakamura and T.Narahara Fluctuation Characteristics Produced by Vortex Breakdown AIAA paper 96-2078, 1996, 1-14. 115. W.Jia and Y.Nakamura Incompressible Flow Solver of of Arbitrarily Moving Bodies with Rigid Surface JSME International Journal, Series B, 39, 2, May 1996, 315-325. 116. 中森一郎、中村佳朗 球頭円錐円柱周りの遷・超音速流れの特性 日本航空宇宙学会誌、44, 510, 1996, 416-422. 117. 瓜田 明、中村佳朗 鉛直流中で振り子運動する再突入物体の圧力分布 日本航空宇宇宙学会誌、44, 515, 1996(12), 729-734. 118. M.G.Lee, Y.Nakamura, A.Ochi and P.R.Lahur An Unstructured Grid around Supersonic Transport (SST) Proc. of Third ECCOMAS Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 1996, 10. 119. I.Maeda, Y.Nakamura, H.Kawazoe, A.Ochi and T.Narahara - 14 - Natural Convection Flow Simulated on Workstation Cluster Proc. of Parallel CFD '96, Capri, Italy, 1996. 120. Y.Nakamura and I.Maeda Spatially Developing Compressible Jet Proc. of 5th Russia-Japan Joint Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Novosibirsk, Russia, 1996, 6-8. 121. H.Ebneddin Hamidi and Y.Nakamura Unsteady Measurement of Pressure Distribution around Oscillating Body 流体熱工学研究、31, 1, 1996, pp. 61-72. 122. Y.Nakamura, I.Maeda Three-Dimensional Mechanism of Disturbance Growth in Compressible Jet Proc. of 2nd Asia workshop on Computational Fluid Dynamics, edited by H.Kubota, 1996, 85-90. 123. Yoshiaki Nakamura and Ichiro Maeda Disturbance Evolution in Compressible Boundary Layer Proc. of 2nd China-Japan Workshop on Turbulent Flows, edited by Q.D.Wei, Beijing, 1996, 22-27. 124. 前田一郎, 中村佳朗 空間発展圧縮性ジェットの数値シミュレ-ション 流体熱工学研究、31, 2, 1996, pp. 31-40. 125. Naoki Hamamoto, Hiromitsu Kawazoe, Yoshiaki Nakamura, N.Arai, and K.Kitagawa Spectroscopic Study of High Enthalpy Flow around a Blunt Body in Arc-heated Wind Tunnel J. of Energy Conversions and Management, 38, 10-13, July 1997, pp. 1177-1186. 126. 前田一郎, 中村佳朗 圧縮性境界層における擾乱の発達の数値解析 ながれ、16, 1 Feb. (1997) pp. 59-67. 127. 前田一郎, 中村佳朗 高次精度計算法による空間発展圧縮性ジェットの解析 ながれ、16, 3 June(1997) pp.271-282. 128. - 15 - Y.Tanahashi, T.Ohara, and Y.Nakamura Three Dimensional Shock/Boundary Layer Interaction Between a Rocket and SRB AIAA paper 97-2572 June 1997, pp.1-11 129. N.Hamamoto, M.G.Lee, Y.Nakamura, and I.Men'shov Heat Transfer Calculation of Blunt Bodies in Nonequilinrium Air Flows AIAA paper 97-2055, pp. 1 -11, 1997 130. 上野 真, 中村佳朗 ロ-ル運動するデルタ翼の空力動特性 流体熱工学研究、32, 1, 1997, pp. 27-34. 131. N.Hamamoto, Y.Nakamura Spectroscopic Study of Arc-heated, High-speed Nitrogen Flow before a Blunt Body, Proc. of International Conference on Fluid Engineering, JSME, Centennial Grand Congress July 1997, pp. 989-994. 132. H.E.Hamidi, Y.Nakamura Control of a Falling Body with a Mathematical Model for Unsteady Aerodynamic Force Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 40, 129, Nov. 1997, pp. 207-220. 133. 坪内 修, 中村佳朗 噴流火炎の並列計算 流体熱工学研究, 32, 2, Dec.1997, 35-42 134. 前田一郎, 中村佳朗 圧縮性正方形ジェットの数値シミュレ-ション 日本航空宇宙学会誌, 46, 529, 1998(2月), 111-119 135. N.Hamamoto, Y.Nakamura, T.Suzuki Spectroscopic Study of Arc- heated Nonequilibrium Nitrogen Flow before a Blunt Body, AIAA Paper 98-2944, June 1998, 1-8 136. H.Yamaguchi and Y.Nakamura Optimization of Low Boom Configuration of SST by Genetic Algorithm AIAA Paper 98-2899, June 1998, 1-9 137. - 16 - M.Ueno, T.Matsuno, and Y.Nakamura Unsteady Aerodynamics of Rolling Thick Delta Wings with High Aspect Ratio, AIAA Paper98-2520, June 1998, pp. 226-234 138. H.Ebneddin Hamidi and Y.Nakamura Synthesis of a Falling Body Controller with Modeling Error of Aerodynamic Force Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 41, 131, May 1998, pp. 19-28. 139. H.Yamaguchi and Y.Nakamura Optimization of Forebody Shape for Reducing Sonic Boom Proc. of ECCOMAS 98, Computational Fluid Dynamics ’98 edited by K.D.Papailiou et al., John Wiley & Sons, Sep. 1998, pp. 570 - 574. 140. W.Jia and Y.Nakamura Implementation of the Semi-Lagrangian Scheme for Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations Proc. of the Sixth Japan-Russia Sympo. on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Sep. 1998, pp.165-168. 141. 坪内 修 中村佳朗 動的移動境界法を用いた噴流拡散火炎の並列計算 日本機械学会論文集(B編) 64, 626, 1998-10, pp. 324-330. 142. Y.Nakamura and H.Yamaguchi Breakdown of Compressible Jet and its Aeroacoustic Emission Proc. of the 3rd China-Japan Workshop on Turbulent Flows, 31 Oct.-4 Nov., Edited by LIAN Qixiang and KIYA Masaru, Beijing, 1998, pp.140-146. 143. Ebneddin Hamidi, Y.Nakamura and Y.Takizawa A New Flow Visualization Method Using Liquid Nitrogen and Laser Sheet Proc. of VSJ-SPIE98, International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow, CD version, AB147, Dec. 1998. 144. H.Ebneddin Hamidi and Y.Nakamura Falling Body Controller Design Using Nonlinear Inverse Dynamics AIAA Paper 99-0895, Jan. 1999, pp. 1-10. 145. - 17 - P.R.Lahur and Y.Nakamura A New Method for Thin Body Problem in Cartesian Grid Generation AIAA Paper 99-0919, Jan. 1999, pp.1-8. 146. 坪内 修、 中村佳朗 触媒フラットバーナの燃焼特性 日本機械学会論文集、B編、65、632、 Apr. 1999, pp.1467-1472. 147. M.Kaneko and Y.Nakamura Effects of Shock Wave/Boundary Layer Interaction on Reservoir Temperature in Shock Tunnel AIAA Paper 99-3529, June, 1999 148. H.Ebneddin Hamidi and Y.Nakamura A New Flow Visualization Method Using Condensation of Water Vapor in Air Flow AIAA Paper 99-3596, June, 1999 149. T. Layukallo and Y.Nakamura The Efficiency of a Second Throat in Stabilizing the Flow in a Transonic Wind Tunnel AIAA Paper 99-3413, June, 1999 150. 棚橋美治、栗田 充、中村佳朗 極超音速鈍頭物体の底面部圧力におけるジェット干渉効果 日本航空宇宙学会誌、47、546、(July)1999, pp. 291-297. 151. Hiromitsu Kawazoe, Yoshiaki Nakamura and Yoshiyuki Ikeda (2) Prediction of Sound Generation from Flow Field of Axisymmetric Jet with Circular Plate Edge Inserted in the Shear Layer Proc. of the 3rd ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, July 18-23, 1999, San Francisco, California FEDSM99-7235 pp. 1-6. 151. Yoshiaki Nakamura and Hayato Yamaguchi Compressible Jet and its Sound Emission Computational Fluid Dynamics Journal, 8, 2, (July)1999, pp. 250-256. 152. 棚橋美治、栗田 充、中村佳朗 亜・遷音速流中におけるジェット干渉による鈍等物体底面部での圧力分布特性 日本航空宇宙学会誌、47、547、(August)1999, pp. 306-313. - 18 - 153. Y. Tanahashi, T. Ohara, and Y. Nakamura Three-Dimensional Shock/Boundary-Layer Interaction Between a Rocket and a Booster, J. Spacecraft and Rocket, 36, 5, September-October, 1999, pp. 681-687. 154. 片岡拓也、中村佳朗 自動車車室内温度分布解析に基づいた乗員の温冷感予測 日本機械学会論文集(B編)、65巻、640号、1999-12、pp.232-239. 155. M.K.Ibrahim and Y.Nakamura, The Effects of Vane-Type Tabs on Flow and Acoustic Fields of Supersonic Jet AIAA Paper 2000-0087, Reno, January, 2000, pp.1-10. 156. Takashi Matsuno and Yoshiaki Nakamura Self-Induced Roll Oscillation of 45-Degree Wings AIAA Paper 2000-0655, Reno, January, 2000, pp.1-9. 157. Igor MEN’SHOV and Yoshiaki NAKAMURA Variation Matrices in the Riemann Problem with Application to Implicit Godunov’s Method AIAA Paper 2000-0920, Reno, January, 2000, pp.1-11. 158. 坪内 修、中村佳朗、Mohamed RAMEEZ 熱交換器のある場合の触媒フラットバーナの基礎特性 日本機械学会論文集(B編)、66巻、645号、2000-5、pp.253-260. 159. Taku Furukawa and Yoshiaki Nakamura Shock-boundary Layer Interaction in Annular Flow Proc. of ISCFD’99, Computational Fluid Dynamics Journal, Special Number, 2001, pp.339-344. 160. Yoshiaki Nakamura and Taku Furukawa Sound Emission from an Under-expansion Jet Proc. of ISCFD’99, Comput. Fluid Dynamics Journal, 9, 1, 2000, pp.568-573. 161. Igor Men’shov and Yoshiaki Nakamura On Implicit Godunov’s Method with Exactly Linearized Numerical Flux, Computers and Fluids, 29, 6, April 2000, pp. 595-616. 162. - 19 - Igor Men’shov and Yoshiaki Nakamura Numerical Simulations and Experimental Comparisons for High Speed Nonequilibrium Air Flows, Fluid Dynamics Research Journal, 27, 5, Nov. 2000, pp. 305-334. 163. Paulus R. Lahur and Yoshiaki Nakamura A Cartesian Grid Generation Method Considering a Complicated Cell Geometry at the Body Surface Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 43, 139, May 2000, pp. 8-15. 164. 中森一郎、中村佳朗 高速流計算における高解像度流束分離法 日本航空宇宙学会誌 48, 557, June, 2000, pp. 167-172. 165. M.K. Ibrahim and Y. Nakamura Flow Field and Noise Charactersitics due to Supersonic Jet Shear Layer-Vortex Interaction, AIAA Paper 2000-2533, June, 2000, pp. 1-11. 166. I. Men’shov and Y. Nakamura: A Godunov-type Method for Computational Acoustics, AIAA Paper 2000-2329, June 2000, pp. 1-10. 167. M.Kaneko, I. Men’shov and Y. Nakamura Reflected Shock Wave/Boundary Layer Interaction in High-Enthalpy Shock Tunnel, AIAA Paper 2000-2600, June 2000, pp. 1-9. 168. Paulus R. Lahur and Yoshiaki Nakamura Anisotropic Cartesian Grid Adaptation AIAA Paper 2000-2243, June 2000, pp. 1-11. 169. T.Matsuno, S.Yokouchi and Y. Nakamura The Effect of Leading-Edge Profile on Self-induced Oscillation of 45-Degree Delta Wings, AIAA Paper 2000-4004, August 2000, pp. 1-10. (Bound volume of applied aerodynamics) 170. Mitsuru Kurita, Tsuyoshi Inoue and Yoshiaki Nakamura Aerodynamic Interaction due to Side Jet from a Blunted Cone in Hypersonic Flow AIAA Paper 2000-4518, August 2000, pp. 833-841. (Bound volume of applied aerodynamics) 171. - 20 - Thombi Layukallo and Yoshiaki Nakamura Flow Stabilization in a Transonic Wind Tunnel with a Second Throat, Journal of Aircraft, 37, 6, November 2000, pp. 1033-1037. 172. Munetsugu Kaneko and Yoshiaki Nakamura Numerical Investigation of Unsteady Flow Field with Shock Interaction in Shock Tunnel AIAA Paper 2001-0742, January 2001 173. Mitsuru Kurita, Takumi Okada, and Yoshiaki Nakamura (4) The Effects of Attack Angle on Aerodynamic Interaction due to Side Jet from a Blunted Body in a Superso nic Flow, AIAA Paper 2001-0261, January 2001, pp. 1-10. 174. T.Yamada, M.D.Mamun, and Y. Nakamura Analysis and Control of the Flow Field around Spinning Flat Plate Wing, AIAA Paper 2001-0692, Jan. 2001, pp. 1-13. 175. Ibrahim, Mohammed Khalil and Yoshiaki Nakamura Effects of Rotating Tabs on Flow and Acoustic Fields in Supersonic Jet AIAA Journal, 39, 4, July 2001, pp. 745-748. 176. Yoshiaki Nakamura and Taku Furukawa Numerical Simulation of Sound Emission from Supersonic Jet Computational Fluid Dynamics for the 21 st Century, Springer-Verlag, 2001, pp. 350-365. 177. M.Kurita, T.Okada, and Y.Nakamura The Effects of Attack Angle on Side Jet Aerodynamic Interaction in a Blunted Body at Hypersonic Flow AIAA Paper 2001-1825, April 2001, pp. 1-18. 178. Paulus R. Lahur and Yoshiaki Nakamura (2) Anisotropic Cartesian Grid Adaptation Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 44, 143, May 2001, pp. 29-38. 179. Igor Men’shov and Yoshiaki Nakamura A New Numerical Scheme for Computational Aeroacoustics Based on the Solution to the Variational Rieman n Problem, AIAA Paper 2001-2627, June 2001, pp. 1-10. 180. Paulus R. Lahur and Yoshiaki Nakamura (6) - 21 - Simulation of Flow around Moving 3D Body on Unstructured Cartesian Grid, AIAA Paper 2001-2605, June 2001, pp.1-9. 181. Mohammed K. Ibrahim, Ryoji Kunimura, and Yoshiaki Nakamura Spreading Enhancement of Axisymmetric Supersonic Jet by the Use of Micro Jets, AIAA Paper 2001-3048, June 2001, p p. 1-15. 182. Takeshi KAIDEN and Yoshiaki NAKAMURA Numerical Analysis of Aerodynamic Control by Micro-flap around Delta Wing, AIAA Paper 2001-1441, 2001, pp. 1-12. 183. Munetsugu Kaneko, Igor Men’shov, and Yoshiaki Nakamura Numerical Simulation of Nonequilibrium Flow in High-Enthalpy Shock Tunnel with EIH Scheme, AIAA Paper 2001-2860, June 2001, pp. 1-11. 184. 濱本直樹、中村佳朗 高速非平衡窒素流における球頭物体澱み流線上の振動・回転温度 日本航空宇宙学会論文集 49, 574, November, 2001, pp. 375-381. 185. P.R.Lahur and Y.Nakamura Anisotropic Cartesian Grid Adaptation, Computational Fluid Dynamics 2000, edited by Prof.N.Satofuka, Springer, 2001, pp.73-78. 186. Igor Men’shov and Y.Nakamura An Accurate Method for Computing Propagation of Sound Waves in Non-Uniform Moving Fluid, Computational Fluid Dy namics 2000, edited by Prof. N. Satofuka, Springer, 2001, pp.549-554. 187. Igor Men’shov, Yoshiaki Nakamura and Alexandr Severin An Adaptive Method for Compressible Flows on Anisotropic Nested-type Grids, Proc. of ISCFD’99, Comput. Computation al Fluid Dynamics Journal, Special Number, 2001, pp.517-527. 188. P.R.Lahur and Y.Nakamura Flow Calculation of Moving Body on Cartesian Grid by Using New Cell-Merging Method Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 44, 145, Nov. 2001, pp. 171-178. 188. Munetsugu Kaneko, Igor Men’shov and Yoshiaki Nakamura Computation of Nozzle Starting Process with Thermal and Chemical Nonequilibrium in High-Enthalpy Shock Tunnel, AI AA Annual Meeting, AIAA Paper 2002-0142, pp. 1-10, January 2002 - 22 - 189. T. Yamada and Y.Nakamura Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 65-deg Delta Wing at Steep Spin, AIAA Paper 2002-0097 January 2002, pp.1-9. 190. D. Azuma and Y. Nakamura Lift Enhancement of a Thick Delta Wing Using Rotational Leading Edges, AIAA Paper 2002-0847, January 2002, pp. 18. 191. T.Matsuno, S.Yokouchi, and Y.Nakamura Flow Control on a 45-Degree Delta Wing Using a Small Flap, AIAA Paper 2002-0558, January 2002, pp. 1-8. 192. I. Men’shov and Y. Nakamura Towards Implicit Godunov Method: Exact Linearization of the Numerical Flux, Godunov Methods: Theory and Applicatio ns, Edited by E.F.Toro, Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers, 2001, pp. 611-622. 193. Thombi Layukallo, Daisuke Hayashi, and Yoshiaki Nakamura (5) Passive Separation Control on a Body at Transonic Speed Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci. Vol. 44, No. 146, Feb. 2002, pp. 229-237. 194. 山田貴史、一ノ瀬敬之、中村佳朗 スピンする平板翼の空力特性について 日本航空宇宙学会論文集 第50巻、第576号、Jan. 2002、pp.15-21. 195. Igor Men’shov and Yoshiaki Nakamura On Instability of Acoustic Waves Propagating in Stratified Vortical Flows JSME International Journal Series B, Vol. 45, No.1, Feb. 2002, pp. 79-84. 196. Mohammed K. Ibrahim and Yoshiaki Nakamura Correlation between Linear Stability Theory and Transition of Compressible Jet Shear Layer Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. and Space Sci., Vol. 45, No. 147, May 2002, pp. 35-44. 197. Mohammed K. Ibrahim, Ryoji Kunimura, and Yoshiaki Nakamura Mixing Enhancement of Compressible jets by Using Unsteady Micro-jets as Actuator AIAA J., Vol. 40, No. 4, 2002, pp.681-688. - 23 - 198. Munetsugu Kaneko, Igor Men’shov and Yoshiaki Nakamura Numerical Study of Unsteady Shock Waves in Hypersonic Nozzle Flows, AIAA Paper 2002-3118, 2002. 199. K.Doi, I. Men’shov and Y. Nakamura Numerical Simulation of Interaction Between Moving Shock Wave and Solid Particle Layer, AIAA 32nd Fluid Dynamics Conference, St. Louis, AIAA Paper 2002-3180, 2002. 200. Igor Men’shov and Yoshiaki Nakamura Numerical Simulation of Acoustic Waves Propagating in a Perfectly Expanded Jet Flow Computational Fluid Dynamics Journal Vo. 11, No.2, July 2002. pp. 178-184. 201. 栗田 充、岡田拓巳、中村佳朗、本郷素行、稲谷芳文 超音速領域におけるサイドジェット空力干渉の迎角効果について 日本航空宇宙学会論文集, 50, 583, Aug. 2002, pp.310-317. 202. T.Matsuno, S.Yokouchi, and Y.Nakamura Small-Leading Edge Flap for Post-Stall Flow Control on a 45-deg Delta Wing, ICAS2002, ICAS 2002-8.3.3. 203. Y.Nakamura and T.Yamada Aerodynamic Charactersitics of Spin Phenomenon for Delta Wing, ICAS2002, ICAS 2002-8.8.3. 204. 栗田 充、岡田拓巳、中村佳朗 極超音速鈍頭物体におけるサイドジェット空力干渉 日本航空宇宙学会論文集, 50, 585, Oct. 2002, pp.394-401. 205. Igor Men’shov and Yoshiaki Nakamura Implementation of the Variational Riemann Problem Solution for Calculating Propagation Of Sound Waves in Nonuniform Flow Fields Journal of Computational Physics, 182, 2002, pp. 118-148. 206. 栗田 充、岡田拓巳、中村佳朗 衝撃風洞における感圧塗料計測法について 日本航空宇宙学会論文集, 51, 588, Jan. 2003, pp. 10-16. - 24 - 207. 東 大輔、中村佳朗 回転する前縁部によるデルタ翼の揚力増加 日本航空宇宙学会論文集, 51, 589, Feb. 2003, pp. 52-60. 208. Thombi Layukallo and Yoshiaki Nakamura Passive Separation Control on a Square Cylinder at Transonic Speed Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci. Vol. 44, No. 150, Feb. 2003, pp. 236-242. 209. Tetsuya Nakamura, Munetsugu Kaneko, Igor Men’shov and Yoshiaki Nakamura Numerical Simulation on Aerodynamic Interaction between a Side Jet and Flow around a Blunt Body in Hypersonic Flo w, AIAA Paper 2003-1135, Jan. 2003, pp.1-8. 209. I.Menshov, Y.Nakamura Abnormal Amplification of Sound Waves Refracted by an Oblique Shock Wave, Abstracts of the 8th Japan-Russia Joint Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Sendai, September 24-26, 2003, Ed. Nakahashi, pp. 100-101, 2003. 210. Takashi Matsuno, Shigeru Yokouchi and Yoshiaki Nakamura Data-Based Modeling of Non-Slender Wing Rock, AIAA Paper 2003-0738, Jan. 2003, pp.1-9. 211. Yoshiaki Nakamura and Mitsuru Kurita Pressure- and Temperature-Sensitive Paint Measurements in Shock Tunnel Aerodynamics, Thermophysics, Thermal Protection, Flight System Analysis and Design of Asteroid Sample Return Capsule, ISAS Report SP No.17, March 2003, pp. 191-198. 212. 山田貴史、中村佳朗 スピンするデルタ翼の空力特性について 日本航空宇宙学会論文集 第51巻、第591号、April 2003、pp.133-140. 212. Hashimoto Atsushi, Men’shov Igor and Yoshiaki Nakamura Panel Flutter Analysis with a Fluid-Structure Coupled Scheme, - 25 - AIAA Paper 2003-3721, 33rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibits, 23-26 June 2003, Orlando, Florida, pp.1-10. 213. Igor Men’shov and Yoshiaki Nakamura A Composite Explicit-Implicit Godunov Method for Unsteady Problems on Highly Stiff Grids, Computational Fluid Dyna mics 2002, Proc. of the second International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD, Sydney, Australia, 15-19 July 2002, Edited by S. Armfiels et al., pp. 479-484. 214. 海田武司、中村佳朗 超音速流中におけるマイクロフラップによるデルタ翼ローリングモーメント制御 日本航空宇宙学会論文集 第51巻、第596号、September 2003、pp. 506-511. 215. K.Kitamura, T.Nakamura, I.Men’shov and Y.Nakamura CFD Analysis of Aerodynamic Interference between a Delta Wing and a Hemisphere-Cylinder, AIAA Paper 2204-1378, R eno, January 2004, pp.1-10. 216. I.Menshov and Y.Nakamura A Hybrid Explicit-Implicit, Unconditionally Stable Scheme for Unsteady Compressible Flows, AIAA Journal, 42, 3, March 2004, 551-559. 217. 松野 隆、横内 滋、中村佳朗 45°デルタ翼の失速域におけるウイングロックの振動機構 日本航空宇宙学会論文集 第52巻、第601号、February 2004、pp. 80-86. 218. 東 大輔、中村佳朗 デルタ翼後縁ジェットによる揚力増加 日本航空宇宙学会論文集, 52, 602, March 2004, pp. 108-113. 219. 金子宗嗣、メンショフ・イゴール、中村佳朗 衝撃波管における反射衝撃波と固体壁との干渉 日本航空宇宙学会論文集, 52, 603, April 2004, pp. 153-159. 220. Jian-ping Wang, Yoshiaki Nakamura and Ting-wen Ji Computation of Cavity Flow by Finite Element Method with Finite Spectral Shape Function, Computational Fluid Dynamics Journal, 12(4)73, January 2004, pp. 601-605. - 26 - 221. 金子宗嗣、メンショフ・イゴール、中村佳朗 境界層干渉を伴う非定常衝撃波伝播に対する高効率計算手法の開発 日本航空宇宙学会論文集, 52, 604, May 2004, pp. 196-202. 222. 海田武司、中村佳朗 遷音速流れにおける2次元楕円翼の抵抗および揚力変動の制御に関するCFD解析 日本航空宇宙学会論文集 第52巻、第604号、May 2004、pp. 227-234. 223. Takeshi Kaiden and Yoshiaki Nakamura Numerical Analysis of Aerodynamic Control of Delta Wing by Microflap Journal of Aircraft, 41, 3, May-June 2004, pp. 555-563. 224. Kimihito OBASE and Yoshiaki NAKAMURA Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic Interactions of a High-Speed jet with a Flat Plate, 2nd AIAA Flow Control Conference, 2 8 June to 1 July, Portland, Oregon, AIAA 2004-2404, 2004, pp. 1-10. 225. Atsushi Hashimoto, Igor Men’shov and Yoshiaki Nakamura Sound Emission from the Helical Mode of Supersonic Jet, AIAA Paper 2004-2656, June 2004, pp.1-12. 226. Takao Saito, Tetsuya Nakamura, Munetsugu Kaneko and Yoshiaki Nakamura Numerical Investigation of SRB Ignition Overpressure, AIAA 2004-2342, June 2004, pp.1-10. 227. Kenichi Kitamura, Atsuhiro Nishino, Takahumi Ishikawa, Igor Men’shov and Yoshiaki Nakamura A Device for Reduction of Heat Flux Produced by Hypersonic Shock Interference, AIAA 2004-2638, June 2004, pp. 1-13. 228. 西野敦洋、石川尊史、岡田拓巳、中村佳朗 極超音速におけるデルタ翼・球頭円柱間の空力干渉流れ場 日本航空宇宙学会論文集 第52巻、第606号、July 2004、pp. 289-294. 229. 松野 隆、横内 滋、中村佳朗 45°デルタ翼におけるロール角に対する流れ場の不連続変化 日本航空宇宙学会論文集 第52巻、第608号、September 2004、pp. 422-428. 230. - 27 - 松野 隆、横内 滋、中村佳朗 前縁ミニフラップによる45°デルタ翼のロール制御 日本航空宇宙学会論文集 第52巻、第608号、September 2004、pp. 429-434. 231. 金子宗嗣、中村佳朗 衝撃風洞貯気槽温度に対する衝撃波/境界層干渉の影響 日本航空宇宙学会論文集 第53巻、第612号、January 2005、pp. 36-41. 232. I.Menshov and Y.Nakamura Instability of Isolated Compressible Entropy-Stratified Vortices Physics of Fluids, 17, 2, 2005, pp.034102-1-034102-15. 233. M.Kaneko, I.Mne'shov, Y.Nakamura Numerical simulation of nonequilibrium flow in high-enthalpy shock tunnel Energy, 30, 2005, pp. 165-179. 234. 土井克則、Igor Men’shov、中村佳朗 衝撃波流れによって形成される粉塵雲の数値シミュレーション 日本機械学会論文集(B編)、71巻、703号、2005-3、pp.760-765. 235. 濱本直樹、金子宗嗣、メンショフ イゴール、中村佳朗 熱的・化学的非平衡を考慮した衝撃波・衝撃波干渉流の解析 日本航空宇宙学会論文集 第53巻、第617号、June 2005、pp. 241-247. 236. Kenichi Kitamura, Igor Men’shov and Yoshiaki Nakamura Shock/Shock and Shock/Boundary-layer Interactions in Two-Body Configurations, AIAA 2005-4893, June 2005, pp. 1-12. 237. Igor Men’shov and Yoshiaki Nakamura On Instability and Breakdown of Isolated Vortices, AIAA 2005-4674, June 2005, pp. 1-11. 238. 土井克則、Igor Men’shov、中村佳朗 衝撃波流れにより上昇する固体粒子の数値解析 日本機械学会論文集(B編)、71巻、708号、2005-8、pp. 30-34. 239. 山田貴史、堀地孝雄、中村佳朗 スピン状態の航空機模型における尾翼の効果について 日本航空宇宙学会論文集 第53巻、第618号、July 2005、pp. 241-247. - 28 - 240. 西野敦洋、石川尊史、中村佳朗 超音速におけるデルタ翼・半球円柱間の空力干渉流れ場 日本航空宇宙学会論文集 第53巻、第621号、Oct. 2005、pp. 446-451. 241. 西野敦洋、石川尊史、北村圭一、中村佳朗 極超音速TSTO空力干渉場における2物体間隔の空力加熱率への影響 日本航空宇宙学会論文集 第53巻、第622号、Nov. 2005、pp. 503-509. 242. 加藤由博、メンショフ・イゴール、中村佳朗 非圧縮流れ場と音場に分離された方程式による円柱まわりの空力音の計算 日本機械学会論文集(B編)、71巻、711号、2005-11、pp. 82-89. 243. M. Jones and Y.Nakamura Azimuthal Vorticity Dynamics and Vortex Breakdown Above a Delta Wing, AIAA-2006-1309, pp.1-13, Jan. 2006. 244. 東 大輔、中村佳朗 前縁回転/後縁ジェットハイブリッド法によるデルタ翼揚力増加 日本航空宇宙学会論文集 第54巻、第626号、March 2006、pp. 116-120. 245. 加藤由博、メンショフ・イゴール、中村佳朗 地面板上の角柱から発生する空力音の計算 日本機械学会論文集(B編)、72巻、716号、2006-4、pp.104-111. 246. A. Hashimoto, Y.Furuta, N.Yagi and Y.Nakamura Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Delta Wing Flutter in Low Subsonic Flow, AIAA-2006-3215, pp. 1-15, June 2006. 247. Y.Kim, Y.Nakamura, and I.Men’shov Effect of Nozzle Lip Shape on Screech Tone in Supersonic Jet, AIAA-2006-3706, June 2006, pp. 1-9. 248. Dong Li, Igor Men’shov, and Yoshiaki Nakamura Detached-Eddy Simulation of Three Airfoils with Three Different Stall Onset Mechanisms Journal of Aircraft, 43, 4, July- August 2006, pp. 1014-1021. - 29 - 249 Igor Men’shov and Yoshiaki Nakamura Exact Flux Linearization for Convergence Improvement in the Implicit Godunov Method, Proc. of the Third Internationa l Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD3, Toronto, 12-16 July 2004, Computational Fluid Dynamics 2004, Editors C.Groth and D.W.Zingg, Springer 2006, pp. 791-797. 250. 加藤由博、メンショフ・イゴール、中村佳朗 自動車のドアミラーから発生する空力音の計算 日本機械学会論文集(B編)、72巻、722号、2006-10、pp. 72-79. (英語版) Yoshihiro Kato, Igor Men’shov and Yoshiaki Nakamura Aeroacoustics Simulations around Automobile Rear-View Mirrors Journal of Fluid Science and Technology Vol.3, No.7, 2008, pp. 892-905 251 Y.Ueno, K.Kawamura, Y.Nakamura Numerical Simulation Based on CFD and Flight Dynamics for Morphing Body, AIAA-2007-73, January 2007. 252 M. Jones and Y.Nakamura Dynamics of the Vortex Core during Pitching of a High-Sweep Delta Wing, AIAA-2007-1284, Jan. 2007, pp. 1-12. 253. 橋本 敦、古田泰之、八木直人、中村佳朗 低速デルタ翼フラッタ現象における大変形振動流れ場の解析 日本航空宇宙学会論文集 第55巻、第637号、February 2007、pp. 104-110. 254. 橋本 敦、八木直人、中村佳朗、伊藤博文、海田武司 曲面パネルの流体構造連成計算法によるフラッタ解析 日本航空宇宙学会論文集 第55巻、第638号、March 2007、pp. 150-155. 255. Yannick Rousseau, Igor Men’shov and Yoshiaki Nakamura Morphing-Based Shape Optimization in Computational Fluid Dynamics Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci. Vol.50, No. 167, May 2007, pp. 41-47. 256. K.Hanai, H.Ozawa and Y.Nakamura Two-Stage-To-Orbit Booster Configuration for Reducing Aerodynamic Heating at Hypersonic Speed, AIAA-2007-4220, Jun e 2007, pp.1-14. - 30 - 257. Y.S. Kim and Y.Nakamura Characteristic Boundary Conditions with Finite-Volume ENO scheme for Aeroacoustic Simulations, International Journal of CFD, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 21, 1, 2007, pp. 1-10. 258. 北村圭一、森 浩一、花井勝祥、矢橋 務、小澤啓伺、中村佳朗 TSTOオービタ形状の超音速空力干渉流れ場への影響,日本航空宇宙学会論文集,第55巻、第646号、November 2007、pp. 509-515. 259. 土井克則、中村佳朗 衝撃波流れにより上昇する2固体粒子の数値解析,日本機械学会論文集(B編)、73巻、736号、2007-12、pp. 2410-2415. 260. H.Ozawa, K.Hanai, K.Kitamura, K.Mori and Y.Nakamura Experimetal Investigation of Shear-layer/Body Interactions in TSTO at Hypersonic Speed, AIAA-2008-723, January 2008, pp.1-14. 261. M.Miyoshi, T.Ishii, A.Hashimoto, K.Mori and Y.Nakamura Computational Analysis of Parachute Motions Using the Immersed Boundary Method, AIAA-2008-0311, January 2008, p p.1-10. 262. 小澤啓伺、花井勝祥、中村佳朗 傾斜前面円柱先頭形状によるTSTO超音速空力干渉の低減,日本航空宇宙学会論文集,第56巻、第648号、January 2008、pp. 8-14. 263. 橋本 敦、小林貴広、中村佳朗 遷音速鈍頭2次元物体でのタブによるベース抵抗低減,日本航空宇宙学会論文集,第56巻、第648号、January 2008、pp. 15-21. 264. Hiroshi OZAWA, Katsuhisa HANAI, Mohammed IBRAHIM, Koichi MORI and Yoshiaki NAKAMURA Experimental Analysis of TSTO Aerodynamic Heating Problems at Hypersonic Speed, AIAA 2008-2671, Dayton, April 20 08, pp.1-8. 265. Y.S. Kim and Y.Nakamura Effect of Nozzle Lip Shape on Screech Tone in a Supersonic Jet, Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci., Vol.51, No. 171, May 2008, pp. 1-7. 266. 北村圭一、中村佳朗 極超音速衝撃波干渉流れにおける空力加熱の数値解析,日本航空宇宙学会論文集,第56巻、第653号、June 2008、pp. 269-277. - 31 - 267. 北村圭一、小澤啓伺、花井勝祥、森 浩一、中村佳朗 極超音速TSTOにおける衝撃波干渉・境界層剥離を伴う流れ場の解析,日本航空宇宙学会論文集,第56巻、第653号、June 2008、pp. 278-285. 268. Keiichi KITAMURA, Yoshiaki NAKAMURA and Eiji SHIMA An Evaluation of Euler Fluxes II: Hypersonic Surface Heating Computation, AIAA-2008-4275, Seattle, June 2008, pp.1-2 2. 269. 河村耕平、上野陽亮、中村佳朗 数値流体力学と数値飛行力学の連成に基づく竹とんぼのフライトシミュレーション,日本航空宇宙学会論文集,第56巻、第654号、J uly 2008、pp. 324-330. Kohei Kawamura, Yosuke Ueno and Yoshiaki Nakamura Flight Simulation of Taketombo Based on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Computational Flight Dynamics Journal of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences Vol.56. No. 654, 2008, pp. 324-330. 270. Mohammed K. Ibrahim, Tetsuya Nakamura, Keiichi Kitamura, Koichi Mori and Yoshiaki Nakamura The Role of Vortices in Side Jet/Blunt Body Interaction at Hypersonic Speed, Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci., Space Technology Japan (online), Vol. 7, January 2009, pp. 1-10. 271. Hiroshi OZAWA, Koichi MORI and Yoshiaki NAKAMURA Experimental Analysis of TSTO Aerodynamic Interactions Based on Oil Flow Patterns at Hypersonic Speed, AIAA 20091286, Orlando, January 2009, pp.1-9. 272. Mohammed K. IBRAHIM, Soichiro MATSUMOTO, Hiroshi OZAWA, Koichi MORI and Yoshiaki NAKAMURA Visualization of Flow Field over Rotating Blades Using Pressure Sensitive Foil Technique, AIAA 2009-1076, Orlando, Ja nuary 2009, pp.1-14. 273. 小澤啓伺、北村圭一、花井勝祥、三好理也、森 浩一、中村佳朗 超音速空力干渉を利用したカプセル型宇宙輸送システムの緊急分離,日本航空宇宙学会論文集,第57巻、第664号、May 2009、pp. 1 75-182. 274. 上野陽亮、中村佳朗 空気力学と飛行力学に基づく鳥の飛行に関する数値シミュレーション 日本航空宇宙学会論文集 第57巻、第667号、August 2009、pp. 317-322. - 32 - 275. M.K.Ibrahim, T.Sawai, K.Obase, K.Mori and Y.Nakamura Experimental Investigation of Screech-Tone Characteristics of Jet Interaction with a Flat Plate AIAA Journal, 47, 9, September 2009, 2031-2038. 276. Michael Jones, Atsushi Hashimoto and Yoshiaki Nakamura Criteria for Vortex Breakdown Above High-Sweep Delta Wings, AIAA Journal, 47, 10, October 2009, 2306-2320. 277. 三好理也、森 浩一、中村佳朗 Immersed Boundary法を用いたパラシュート開傘課程の流体・連成シミュレーション 日本航空宇宙学会論文集 第57巻、第670号、November 2009、pp. 419-425. 278. Atsushi Hashimoto, Takashi Aoyama and Yoshiaki Nakamura Effects of Turbulent Boundary Layer on Panel Flutter AIAA Journal, 47, 12, December 2009, 2785-2791. 279. 小澤啓伺、花井勝祥、北村圭一、森 浩一、中村佳朗 極超音速衝撃波・境界層干渉におけるCrackの空力加熱への影響 日本航空宇宙学会論文集 第58巻、第674号、March 2010、pp. 68-75. 280. Keiichi Kitamura, Eiji Shima, Yoshiaki Nakamura, and Philip R. Roe Evaluation of Euler Fluxes for Hypersonic Heating Computations AIAA Journal, 48, 4, April 2010, 763-776. 281. Akio Ochi, M.K.Ibrahim and Yoshiaki Nakamura Computational Fluid Dynamics Validation Study of Wake-Capturing Capability for a Flat-Plate Wake Journal of Aircraft, Vol.47, No.2, March-April 2010, pp. 441-449. 282. Mohammed El-Ghandour, Mohammed K. Ibrahim, Koichi Mori and Yoshiaki Nakamura Control of Leakage Flow by Triple Squealer Configuration in Axial Flow Turbine Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci. Vol. 53, No. 179, May 2010, pp. 1-7. 283. - 33 - Hiroshi OZAWA, Keiichi KITAMURA, Katsuhisa HANAI, Koichi MORI and Yoshiaki NAKAMURA Unsteady Aerodynamic Interaction between Two Bodies at Hypersonic Speed Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci. Vol. 53, No. 180, August 2010, pp. 114-121. 284. Mahmoud EL-GENDI, Mohammed K. IBRAHIM, Koichi MORI and Yoshiaki NAKAMURA Novel Flow Control Method for Vortex Shedding of Turbine Blade Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci. Vol. 53, No. 180, August 2010, pp. 122-129. 285. 汪 運鵬、田中潤治、轟木 峻、土井克則、中村佳朗 表面移動法によるフラップ表面の剥離流制御 日本航空宇宙学会論文集 第58巻、第679号、August 2010、pp. 239-244. 286 土井克則、川鍋 健、濱本直樹、中村佳朗 気流中に置かれた三次元台状物体の表面上を移動する液滴群の数値シミュレーション 日本機械学会論文集(B編)、76巻、768号、2010-12、pp. 1134-1139. 286. Koichi Mori, Yoshiki Murahashi, Yutaka Koga, Yoshiaki Nakamura, M.K.Ibrahim and Takashi Takahashi, Simple Technique for Precise Measurement of Transmission Loss of Planar Sound Waves AIAA Journal, 48, 10, October 2010, 2377-2385. 287. Mahmoud EL-GENDI, Katsunori DOI, Mohammed K. IBRAHIM, Koichi MORI and Yoshiaki NAKAMURA Comparison between Hot and Cold Flow Conditions of Turbine Cascade Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci. Vol. 53, No. 181, November 2010, pp. 171-179. 288. Mohammed El-Ghandour, Koichi MORI and Yoshiaki NAKAMURA, Desensitization of Tip Clearance Effects in Axial Flow Turbines, J. of Fluid Science and Technology, 5, 2, 2010, pp. 317-330. 289. Mohammed El-GHANDOUR, Mohammed K. IBRAHIM, Katsunori DOI and Yoshiaki NAKAMURA, Effects of Tip Cavity Depth, Width, and Location on the Leakage Flow in an Axial Turbine Cascade, J. of Fluid Science and Technology, 5, 3, 2010, pp. 558-573. - 34 - 290. Mohammed K. IBRAHIM, Soichiro MATSUMOTO, Koichi MORI and Yoshiaki NAKAMURA Visualization of Pressure Field over Rotating Blades Using Pressure Sensitive Foil Technique Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci. Vol. 53, No. 182, February 2011, pp. 243-249. 291. 横井宏尚、小澤啓伺、松本宗一郎、土井克則、中村佳朗 極超音速圧縮コーナ流れの境界層再付着とキャビティの干渉による空力加熱 日本航空宇宙学会論文集 第59巻、第690号、July 2011、pp. 169-175. 292. 土井克則、Mohd FADHLI、川島 渉、中村佳朗 CFDを用いたブーメランの飛行シミュレーション 日本航空宇宙学会論文集 第59巻、第693号、October 2011、pp. 273-280. 293. Wang,Y. and Nakamura,Y. Supersonic Unsteady Flow around a Capsule-shaped Abort System with Angle of Attack, International Journal of Aerospace and Lightweight Structures Vol.1, No.1, 2011, pp. 133-142. 294. Xiaopeng, Xue and Yoshiaki Nakamura Computational Analysis of Supersonic Flexible Parachute Using Immersed Boundary Method, International Journal of Aerospace and Lightweight Structures Vol.1, No.2, 2011, pp. 283-299. 293. 香山寛人、汪 运鵬、小澤啓伺、土井克則、中村佳朗 フェンスによる超音速空力干渉を利用したカプセル分離 日本航空宇宙学会論文集 第60巻、第2号、April 2012、pp. 74-79. 294. Yunpeng WANG, Hiroshi OZAWA and Yoshiaki NAKAMURA Numerical Investigation of Supersonic Oscillatory Flow over a Capsule-shaped Abort System Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci. Vol. 55, No. 5, September 2012, pp. 286-294. 295. Katsunori DOI, Masaya MIYOSHI, Naoki HAMAMOTO and Yoshiaki NAKAMURA, Direct Numerical Prediction of Aerodynamic Noise Emitted from a Generic Automobile Rear-View Mirror, - 35 - Journal of Fluid Science and Technology, 7, 3, 2012, pp. 290-303. 296. 横井宏尚、石橋孝介、香山寛人、中村佳朗 極超音速ランプ上のキャビティにおける仕切り板の空力加熱率への影響 航空宇宙技術、Vol.11, 2012, pp. 89-97. 297. Yunpeng Wang, Hiroshi Ozawa, Hiroto Koyama, and Yoshiaki Nakamura Abort Separation of Launch Escape System Using Aerodynamic Interference AIAA Journal, 51, 1, January 2013, 271-276. 298. Hironao YOKOI, Hiroto KOYAMA, Yoshiaki NAKAMURA Aerodynamic Heating of a Gap in the Hypersonic Laminar Boundary Trans. JSASS Aerospace Tech. Japan Vol. 11, April 2013, pp.7-16 299. Xiaopeng Xue, Hiroto KOYAMA, Yoshiaki NAKAMURA Numerical Simulation of Supersonic Aerodynamic Interaction of a Parachute System Trans. JSASS Aerospace Tech. Japan Vol. 11, May 2013, pp.33-42. 300. 奥津 康彦, 濱本直樹、土井克則、中村佳朗 角柱近傍の平板が流れ場と音場に及ぼす影響 日本機械学会論文集(B編)、79巻、804号、August 2013、pp. 1397-1407. 301. Yasuhiko OKUTSU, Naoki HAMAMOTO, Kazuo YANAGIMOTO, Katsunori DOI, Yoshiaki NAKAMURA Verification of Automobile Aerodynamic Noise Transmitted through Side Window Glass Journal of Environment and Engineering Vol. 8, No.1, August 2013, pp.41-55. 302. 甲村 圭司、中村佳朗 平板と楔による狭い隙間流れから発生する離散周波数騒音について 日本機械学会論文集(B編)、79巻、804号、August 2013、pp. 1489-1499. 303. 甲村 圭司、中村佳朗 シロッコファンにおける翼間流れの数値解析 日本機械学会論文集(B編)、79巻、804号、August 2013、pp. 1514-1523. 304. H. Yasuda, K. Kitamura, Yoshiaki NAKAMURA Numerical Analysis of Flow Field and Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Quadrotor Trans. JSASS Aerospace Tech. Japan Vol. 11, September 2013, pp.61-70. - 36 - 305. Xiaopeng XUE and Yoshiaki NAKAMURA Numerical Simulation of a Three-Dimensional Flexible Parachute System under Supersonic Conditions Trans. JSASS Aerospace Tech. Japan Vol. 11, November 2013, pp.99-108. 306. Shoya Mano, Keiichi Kitamura, Katsunori Doi and Yoshiaki Nakamura Numerical Simulation Based on CFD for Aerodynamic Characteristics of Kite in Flight Trans. JSASS Aerospace Tech. Japan Vol. 12, pp.1-10, February 2014 307. Keiichi Ishiko, Atsushi Hashimoto, Yuichi Matsuo, Akira Yoshizawa, Yusuke Nishiyama, Koichi Mori and Yoshiaki Nakaamura, One–Equation Extended Nonlinear Turbulence Modeling in Predicting Three-Dimensional Wall Jets, Journal of Aircraft, March 2014, 51, 2, 2014, pp. 584-595. 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